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Yeyeo Botanica

Yeyeo Botanica

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@brianablue4404 2 жыл бұрын
It happened to me alot when I was a child. I figured out I had to move a part of my body to wake up. It stopped completely when I finished high school. Then it started back up again in my late 40s early 50s. I do believe it's bad energy sent by someone, or it just attached to me. It just happened a couple of nights ago. Now I can feel it coming and i wake my self up quickly. Please do a video for removal. I need it.🙏🏾
@beverlyfrancis8433 2 жыл бұрын
I did. Once. No idea of cause. I am just waking, trying to move and could not. I was scared. Then I prayed in my mind and whatever it was suddenly let me go. I dashed out of bed to turn on the light and returned to sleep with the light on.
@khaeomzhyu 2 жыл бұрын
I've suffered from sleep paralysis since I was 5 or 6. Sometimes I'd have several episodes in one night. I usually would just see my surroundings, but in the last few years, I've had entities showing up during the episodes, some feel negative and some have seem to be spirits wanting to talk. A glass of water with alum, and a Bible opened on Psalm 23 have always been my go to to protect myself from it.
@specialk8927 2 жыл бұрын
I heard about the glass of water but never heard of adding alum in it I might have to try that!
@queenvtarot9255 2 жыл бұрын
My mom would tell me to read this same scripture it helps
@parvathipal2920 Жыл бұрын
31 spiritual warfare prayers and psalms got me out of sleep paralysis and demon attacks
@ShapeStoned 2 жыл бұрын
This has happened to me several times...however while in sleep paralysis I've prayed to my Santa Muerte to wake me and I wake immediately after
@dsww7485 2 жыл бұрын
I have had sleep paralysis since I was a little child. There were times that as soon as I’d close my eyes to go to sleep I would have this feeling of falling deep and fast. Tiger’s eye and black tourmaline completely stopped it for me. I didn’t know I was a traveler at that time.
@quesmith6753 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing, I'm going to purchase some
@MadiCakez 2 жыл бұрын
I am a traveler. As a little girl, I intuitively began to sleep on my stomach with my head under my pillow and covers. If I couldn't see when I won't up, I couldn't have this experience. I still have this as an adult. I've accepted it as a spiritual gift.
@jazmincastillo6881 2 жыл бұрын
I've experienced sleep paralysis for many years luckily I haven't had it in a couple years. But at first it was very scary until i was taught how to combat it and after I started to pray in my head in Aramaic The Lord's Prayer and in Latin St. Benedict's Prayer and i would also think in my head white light surrounding me and emanating outwards like a star exploding and just feel love and peace and i then would be able to move my finger enough to tap on the wall and my mother would know to come and try to wake me up completely.
@janetterosario25 2 жыл бұрын
I have had episodes of sleep paralysis and I have felt a presence sitting on my chest breathing in my breath. I am so aware, but my brain tells me to keep my eyes closed. It last a few minutes, but extremely frightening. I will start spiritual bathing and pray it doesn't happen again. People don't understand how frightening these episodes can be. Thank you for these recommendations.
@staceylockett8569 2 жыл бұрын
I have had several experiences with sleep paralysis for many years. Most of the time when it happens I can’t move, or talk very well. I see spirits every time. They show theirselves to me. Only one tried to harm me and that was over 15 years ago, but I prayed In My mind rebuking it, and I moved and woke up. I wake myself up everytime. The other spirits meant me no harm, I know 2 were lost souls passing through my old room. My parents old house was haunted. Then last year where I reside now, I had an experience, I saw a tall entity walk into my room and come stand next to me by my bed, I tried swinging at him with my arm and I was able to do it, but could not move the rest of my body. I was also able to talk, I got this feeling that this entity or soul was ancient, and meant no harm, I could not see a face it was black and blurred out but his clothes looked ancient and had jewels all around the shirt. His clothes and hat he wore was white. I asked him are you my ancestor, and he shook his head yes. I shook his hand and greeted him, and then he turned around and walked out of my room and then I woke up. There is a lot more experiences, but too long to tell on here. Lol
@kennethkenneth5755 8 ай бұрын
Wauw interesting Stacey, I would like to hear more. I caught on a lot you were saying as I also have thee kind of experiences from White robed man removing a spirit from me to struggling awakening.
@sashasg11 2 жыл бұрын
Please do another Demo on removing unhealthy energy from a space 💗😇👍
@jonathanbarber768 5 ай бұрын
I suffered from sleep paralysis off and on for years from the age of 4. I broke the cycle after much research by understanding in our dreams when we look at our hands and feet in dreams we don't see 5 digits. when in the paralysis state, look at your hands or feet, when you see you do not have the correct number of digits you realize you are in a dream state and the paralysis is broken and you can then control your dreams. Once the fear is lifted you will have nothing but great dreams or in my case, no more memorable dreams anymore. I have shared this with others and their curse was broken as well.
@jesusmalverde612 2 жыл бұрын
It's crazy. Every time I go visit my mother I get sleep paralysis attacks. She's lived in 3 different homes and I've had these attacks at every home she's been at.
@melvawilliams4279 2 жыл бұрын
I pray while it's going on... I call on Jesus Christ and say my 23 Psalm
@RoenaMorgan 5 ай бұрын
"In the past(years ago), when I experienced sleep paralysis-whether spiritually or not;I whisper the name of Jesus Christ,then captivity lifts away,from my body." 5-8-2024'
@michele3290 2 жыл бұрын
This happened to me once, i was half sleep and half awake. It was a crazy experience
@keepupwiththejones1759 2 жыл бұрын
I only experienced it once when I was 15 and my mom was the only one who could stop it my sister was afraid to go in the room I almost died the next day and since then I just stopped sleeping on my back
@trex1790 2 жыл бұрын
I remember having one sleep paralysis were this shadow woman was digging her nails in my arm and asking me to turn around and see her face. It was scary af. One thing that I heard that helps to reduce it was to sleep on your stomach, because sleeping on your back increases the chance of having a paralysis. It helped me, ever since I sleep on my side or stomach down I haven’t had one again.
@ingridmejia8351 2 жыл бұрын
When this happens, it use to happen to me alot..when im in the state i cant move or speak i just start saying the our father or 23psalm and i wake up..that makes the spirit goes..
@pb4tv 2 жыл бұрын
Greetings. Please do a demo on chasing power. 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽
@crystalv6122 3 ай бұрын
The last and only time I had sleep paralysis was when I was 17. I wanted to speak badly and couldn’t. It felt like something sitting on my chest. All I said in my head my head was “in Jesus name release me” and I was released.
@justg3826 2 жыл бұрын
Looking so fly !!!
@intentionallyqueen.478 2 жыл бұрын
We love you!
@ceelyacruz 2 жыл бұрын
It’s so amazing that I came across this video. For the past year, I have been working on self. I have gravitated towards, and incorporated the Yoruba faith into my daily work. I have always felt like I was from “another place”, and have always been able to see “spirits”. For about 20 years I was constantly attacked, even having a spirit tell me that they were trying to k*ll me. I would have paralysis so scary, I feared closing my eyes. Day or night. After many years of work, I was finally able to have peace. And I have not been attacked for about 3 years. Until last week. I was sexually assaulted by a spirit. Mind you, I have been abstinent for 4 years, and don’t have any type of sexual activity in my life. When this spirit was assaulting me, I fought to get it off of me, to no avail. I was so hurt, more so that the Orishas I have been working with did not protect me. I just couldn’t, and still can’t understand why this spirit would do this to me. In the past, the paralysis always includes taunting, but no assault like what happened to me last week. I am just now getting back on track, but the trauma is still lingering. I am new to the Yoruba practices, and understand that it may not be their “job” to protect me, or to eliminate all harm. I just wonder if there have been others that this has happened to who could offer some suggestions. Thank you.
@1KristyLundy504 2 жыл бұрын
Your first order of work should have be to your ancestors, if not you may have opened yourself and become vulnerable to other spirits
@dr.higher-self9275 2 жыл бұрын
This happened to me last night, for the first time I connected with Oshun on sept 8th for her day. I haven't had SP in years, now it came back. Recently I had an awakening and learning more about IFA. The energy didn't feel good or bad but it freighted me. I expanded my spirit and said I have the power of Obatala and then I woke up heart racing. I am now afraid to sleep and it seems I can only sleep in day light. I plan to sleep in the living room today. I guess I was afraid it was negative even through it had no negative or positive vibe.
@averyspottswood9255 2 жыл бұрын
I used to get this when I was younger. I’m so grateful I haven’t experienced this in years.
@adamd8698 Ай бұрын
I used to have interesting experiences with sleep as a child, used to wake up and see treasures around me, or dream wake up and go back to sleep just out of curiosity how the dream will end, and in the dream i used to know it's a dream so i was fearless. My favorite dream was to fly. I was praying every night for that dream. However, last December, I think I had a sequence of 6 episodes with sleep paralysis and it was extremely scary. During sleep my dreams were so bad, i was unable to move and things were happening around me, before waking up i felt my body getting cold and goosebumps from head to toe, even the tiny hairs on my face were rising. Woke up with knoks at my door and got up, opened the door, guess what? Nothing at my door. At that moment, i thought i allowed something into my house. Of course, i got scared, but after a while, don't ask me how i slept again. The next episode is the same, bad dream, cold body goosebumps, all six were starting like that. Woke up, could not move, and when i lokeed at the ceiling, the chair where i was keeping my laptop was hanging from the ceiling. The other two were also scary, but i don't remember exactly what I should have written somewhere. But the 5th and 6th were extreme. In the 5th episode, i heard a bell, like the small ones that cats are wearing at their collar and a bite on my hand. When i looked, there was no sign of a bite. The bite felt like a small creatures bite with very sharp teeth, somewhere between a cat and a snake. The last one started with something scratching the wall where my head was directed and then something pulling my hair strongly, i was fighting with that thing, and it felt like a crochet doll. I managed to get up and run to the neighbors, screaming at the door that there was something in my house. We came with Holly water and stuff. I slept for two nights with the lights on, which made no sense because only the first episode happened when it was dark. The rest happened during light. In that period, i did not drink alcohol for about 4 months and was not talking even a painkiller. I was receiving an impossible amount of sincronicities. Love and light everyone 💜🙏🏾
@BeautyInYOU583 2 жыл бұрын
I had this from 5-27 and had to go to a exorcist to get rid of it. Never 👎 came back since.
@visualizeit6335 2 жыл бұрын
It started happening to me in my adult Life… I always thought it was related to stress… I’m usually in the middle of a nightmare and I get chills up and down my body. I usually start praying to god and I feel pressure release
@Massa_pequa 2 жыл бұрын
It happens to me I can't move, talk and held down. It's when a deceased loved one is around me. I have to spray myself with Florida Water before bed, I have had it all my life
@alexismejia1024 2 жыл бұрын
This happened very frequently as a kid-high school and even now as an adult. It hasn’t happened in a little over a year now, I can feel when it’s coming and I feel I have some control over it, as soon as I do sense I am going to be paralyzed I wiggle my toes and try to move my body so I don’t get stuck. Normally as it’s happening it’s just really dark and I can hear my thoughts/Self so clear. Lots of pressure is applied to my body and is such an uncomfortable feeling
@87iroc 2 жыл бұрын
Yesssss that exactly what I be feeling before I shake my body to get up
@jenaixthexscientist Жыл бұрын
I tell myself “go back to sleep” to get out of it but this describes my experience perfectly
@jessicacordero9180 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you💗 I LOVE your outfit. That hat 👌🏼
@waynefromwayne9532 2 жыл бұрын
I'm so glad you're talking about this topic. It used to happen to me when I was a kid but then it all of a sudden stopped. Then it started up again when I was going through a life change but it was a voice calling my name and I couldn't move. It started again about a year ago, I couldn't move and if I like someone is choking me. It happened about 2 weeks ago again my wife sent me your video.Thanks for the info 🙏
@malaikanogueracyrus5290 2 жыл бұрын
Hi Elemi!! This happened to me last night after I was trying to communicate telepathically to someone. I was in a hotel so maybe there was an entity there that was trying to dominate me but I was able to breakout of it before my body was fully paralyzed. This has only happened to me a few times . The last time it happened I was in Jamaica staying at the Pegasus hotel and I felt someone slap me in the face but it was not a living person and that’s how I got out of the paralysis. Thank you for your videos !! Love you ❤️❤️❤️
@jahxcy5210 2 жыл бұрын
I experienced a lot of sleep paralysis during major depressive episode. (I also think I had one yesterday but I ain’t sure ? ) I think it can be related to your mental state.
@jaibrightofficial 7 ай бұрын
Please speak more to sleep travelers and out of body experiences.
@mardi_mar18 2 жыл бұрын
ooooh, im diggin the outfit💗💗🔥. My experience is horrifying, i can feel it wrap around my body. At times i can feel myself being turned over. i pray to the virgen mary when it gets overwhelming
@siahlove9950 Жыл бұрын
Happens a few times a year . So scary ! Especially when you’re trying to wake up but can’t . Definitely a feeling of being stuck …
@stormchaser456 8 ай бұрын
Yep it feels like whole body is frozen but your mind is speaking to you like stay strong I wanna wake up
@darkraveninthesun1061 2 жыл бұрын
I needed to hear this. Because I have sleep paralysis and I know how to wake myself from it. And shout out to Hawaii and I’m sending prayers to that state and the issues they are battling. That’s y’all native land as it shouldn’t be changed for only rich people. I have had a few entities breathe on me when I was stuck in sleep stage but awake. I figured out how to wake up out of it and still stay asleep. Mine have always been a spiritual issue where I needed to learn something and I’ll stay or if it’s dangerous I’ll wake myself out of it. The dangerous part is the only time I can hear a growling or feeling someone breathing on me.
@NBee93 Жыл бұрын
Okay, loving this loook! You’re actually so gorgeous 😍 Im a new subscriber & i cant stop binge watching your videos. Anyway, i get sleep paralysis or stop breathing sometimes when im sleeping. Ive watched myself sleep before literally. I’ve learned to keep calm but when i was younger i would try to move. I dont fight it now and I mentally pray to wake up and move and then im okay . When i see ghost i tell them to leave. I used to be so scared of them before I became spiritual but now im not scared. God lives within me and i fear no one but him because hes the one who gives life only he can take away life . Love all your videos so much . Thank you
@musicbyzenobia673 5 ай бұрын
This happened to me in my home and once at a friend’s home. I thought I was being mounted. Not scary just a connection beyond the usual.
@jacquelinesmith6610 2 жыл бұрын
Whew! I’m so thankful that I no longer experience this sort of thing😅For years I was tormented by night terrors/ sleep paralysis and it was absolutely draining to my mind, body and spirit 😩. I purchased a book titled The Nightmare Encyclopedia by Jeff Belanger and took control of the situation 🤗
@crystalsmith1739 Жыл бұрын
This happened to me the other day. I felt a strong power within me. with force I kept reciting the Lord’s Prayer. Was able to break free I stood tall waiting for battle it was like I was ready for war to kick ass!! The day before I fixed a return to sender candle. So I feel it was part the negative things going on
@zeekee5995 2 жыл бұрын
I experienced it today during my nap, and then found this video. Funny how things like that work out! What triggered my event was that i dream I was blessing something in the name of my deities.
@bryttaniwilliams9214 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for this video! Please do the demo!
@chanteld7641 2 жыл бұрын
This use to happen to me when I was younger. My grandma use to say that, that means that a witch is riding your back. And it typically only happens when you sleep on your back. I was a kids when she told me that. It has happened once since I’ve been an adult that I can remember.
@chanteld7641 2 жыл бұрын
@queen7618 2 жыл бұрын
Yes, I was told to put a broom under bed, by my Aunt
@chulerialol 2 жыл бұрын
On my house we use a Bath of Anamu plant to remove the spirit or the entity that bothered ur sleep.
@Satori.Dharma 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for this video. Great information. I love all your videos! For me it never happens when I am sleeping on my side or propped up on a few pillows.
@Tracielovingmylifetarot 2 жыл бұрын
It happens often when ever I sleep laying flat on my back in a deep sleep so now I try to watch what I eat and lay on my side vs my back
@glittermami 2 жыл бұрын
I’ve been experiencing this lately, its has happened twice in the last two weeks. I’ve been traveling frequently in my dreams to different countries. My dreams have been super vivid and detailed. I’d like to say this is the reason for it. I do take the time to cleanse my space and my energetic field. Very interesting take on the topic. Thank you!
@Lonormystic888 2 жыл бұрын
I need to hear this😶
@shellabella2434 2 жыл бұрын
I have had through out my life since childhood. It used to be so scary but what helps me is prayer 🙏 I always asked Spirit to wake me and protect me and I usually woke instantly. I would hear scary voices or see scary things
@joycejackson3063 2 жыл бұрын
Thank You❤
@TheMadameLabrie 2 жыл бұрын
I have had sleep paralysis since I was a kid. When I have sleep paralysis I can hear voices from the world in between. I can also see people and they will be walking around just talking to themselves or I can hear conversations. I make sure to keep my eyes close because one time I actually looked at one of the spirits and they said, you can see me and I said no. Then they started calling over other spirits and I got overrun by voices that it made my ears hurt. Now I know how to wake myself immediately when a paralysis starts
@asimplemind7249 7 ай бұрын
I thought i was the only one with this problem
@blueriverbohemia 2 жыл бұрын
Yes this is an experience since my youth around 7 years old on many levels. It starts with having an intense dream that leads to being aware in the dream to slight consciousness at that point there is an inability to speak or move and often going in and out of the dream. It’s funny because I can remember every dream I’ve ever had like this. Your welcome he best Elemi for putting light and solutions with this experience😍⚡️✨💥☄️🌈💐
@unapologeticgoddess444 2 жыл бұрын
Img I cried when I saw this for over a year I have been asking so many practitioners so many creators to please do a video on this it’s imperative to my health to get someone of a spiritual mindset perspective thank you thank you thank you 1 billion times thank you A’se
@clarencek3925 2 жыл бұрын
It happens to me when my sleep pattern is off sometimes 🙄. As a teen it would happen alot and sometimes would feel something on me. I use to be afraid talking about it because people would think im crazy. What keeps me from getting sleep paralysis is going to sleep around same time and praying before bed. Also camphor under pillow helps
@thecodysnowofficial 2 жыл бұрын
😳... Ive only had it happen once. I woke up to the sound of a conversation in my bedroom. I realized it was my own voice speaking. I saw the sillouette of a person standing right next to my bed. As I 'came to' from sleeping I mentally recalled the converstion and the being was basically encouraging me to "try it! Its easy... its just like changing clothes!" And then out loud my own voice said enthusiastically "oh I know ive done it many times. I love to die!" . And upon hearing that my whole body felt like pins and my mind screamed INTRUDER and i kicked my legs hard and thrashed out of bed...... just the memory of that gives me full body goosebumps. I think it was an attempt to kick me out of my body.
@elleyonaspg9580 Жыл бұрын
This happened to me once over 20 yrs ago, so vivid and intense I still remember it. This happened at work on the night shift at a hospital. I had settled all the patients, it was about 11pm, I felt a bit sleepy and so I sat at the desk and laid my head on the desk. Almost immediately I dozed off. Next thing I am in a situation of deep sleep and also alertness. I feel the sinister presence of something/someone. In my mind, am saying to myself, I just fell asleep why can't I wake up. I am struggling to wake up and I can't. I can feel the presence pressing me down. I struggled in the sleep until I came awake with a jolt. On awakening there is an eerie feeling in the atmosphere. I quickly called another Nurse colleague from another unit to stay on the unit with me. I think there was an evil entity there that night. I have never experienced that again.
@kennyroman9589 Ай бұрын
Hi! Elemi? Many blessing be upon you! Ache! The first time I had sleep paralysis was in prison. In Elmira C.F. In my cell all alone! It was like two or three in the morning, and I heard a voice in my head say; "" Wake up!" And I did, but when I went to get up, nothing happened. I'm like this can't be happening to me. So I tried to scream and call the C.O. Corrections Officer, but nothing came out! Panic took over me at that moment, alone in a cell, and nobody could hear me scream, and can't move. Then another fear over took me! Is this the work of an evil spirit that going to attack me at any minute? In my head I cried out and called on god! A few minutes after it went away. But I didn't go to sleep till morning! It happen to me two times already. Scary sh_t!
@misslotuswisdom8545 2 жыл бұрын
Please do the demonstration video of how to cleanse a space
@calliejohnson512 2 жыл бұрын
I have had sleep paralysis ever since I was a child ,I am 55 and still have ,from a medical stand point my doctor told me that my oxygen levels drop too low at night ,even though the episodes have decreased since being put on oxygen, I still have episodes though not as many.
@ohenemaahapi9625 2 жыл бұрын
I experienced it when I was 18. It was spirits in my great grandmother house. I came home and went to bed. I felt fear and felt men was robbing the house. I called my great grandmother name but couldn’t talk. I kept waking up but couldn’t more or speak. When I was actually awake I couldn’t move. I had to slide off the bed. It took a minute for me to be about to move. I had to crawl out the room. It use to happen when I was a child. Usually in a dream when I’m drowning in the Nu or jumping high in the sky and keep bouncing high in the air and couldn’t stop bouncing off the ground to the air. It has been over 20 years now but I have come to understand it is spiritual
@magnateservices748 Жыл бұрын
Gratitude Godis 😃
@michele3290 2 жыл бұрын
Spirit was talking to me on my left, on my right was like I was watching a movie. I was doing a whole body check laying there, afraid to go to sleep. The right side in the movie was saying I was about to die. It was a lesson spirit told me on my left to not get angry at small things, correct your ways.
@CherrellMishelle Жыл бұрын
I had something talking in my ear too, however, I could not understand what was being said. It was so scaaaaary!
@lovewins54 2 жыл бұрын
I did this morning. Oddly this was the first video on my timeline here. I could here my son calling "mama" trying to wake me up... but I could not move. I knew what happening so I just waited it out. I never see any entities. I was not sure my was really there.. he said he was. Little perplexed. I appreciate your videos!!
@dr.higher-self9275 2 жыл бұрын
This happened to me last night, for the first time I connected with Oshun on sept 8th for her day. I haven't had SP in years, now it came back. Recently I had an awakening and learning more about IFA. The energy didn't feel good or bad but it freighted me. I expanded my spirit and said I have the power of Obatala and then I woke up heart racing. I am now afraid to sleep and it seems I can only sleep in day light. I plan to sleep in the living room today. I guess I was afraid it was negative even through it had no negative or positive vibe.
@kennethkenneth5755 8 ай бұрын
Hi Elemi, I recently subscribed and your channel is amazing and very helpful. I hope one day to visit your store in the USA as I'm in Europe. You added some more information and Enlighted me. Good Job!
@YeyeoBotanica 8 ай бұрын
Many thanks and blessings. Thanks for watching and subscribing. Ashe Ashe Ashe 👍🏽
@MontreBible 2 жыл бұрын
I stopped being scared. Mostly i was having OBEs ... a couple of times when i was younger it was something outside of myself. I can tell the difference. Once I stopped being scared and started making commands it stopped. With traveling I just allowed myself to float... If I tried to travel consciously usually I would be pulled back .
@rubylioness727 2 жыл бұрын
Elemi you are radiant! Wow you look so beautiful. 😊 And I love the new look on your videos!… I had sleep paralysis when I was a young child. It ALWAYS felt spiritual to me. I was terrified. I couldn’t scream I couldn’t move. It started when I would spend the night at my grandmother’s nursing home she owned. We would sleep in the bottom level in her office. It would happen to me and my cousin would wake up and see something near me and scream and that would break the paralysis for me and we’d both jump up and run to find my Nana.
@waydavis9486 2 жыл бұрын
Yes please show us how to cleanse with the chasing power please? Thank you
@taiyliahify 2 жыл бұрын
What is it when you are sleeping but you are aware you are sleeping BUT you can hear and see everything around you and hear yourself snoring...I've had it for years but mostly if I take a nap in the daytime, but not all the time, just sometimes
@crowned7331 2 жыл бұрын
Can you do a video demonstrating his to use chasing powder in the home
@elisha1089 2 жыл бұрын
Yes I would like to see a video on chasing powder and getting rid of spirits
@ceecee5162 Жыл бұрын
I have a spiritual attachment to me and I've been suffering. I've tried cleansing myself but it's not helping. Something happened in my home a few years back and I believe a portal was opened because I've experienced paranormal activity in my house and also some form of possession has taken place with not only me but my grandchildren as well. I don't know of anyone (genuine) to remove this. It's so much suffering.
@KweenRising 2 жыл бұрын
I started having sleep paralysis at the age of 14 after my aunt came and visited us from Jamaica. Didn’t know what it was but my mom would get into trance and do all kinda things to my room to keep me comfortable but they would still come, the only thing that helped me was calling out to God in my mind. I’ve been off and on my spiritual journey for years and this year I took it more serious and dedicated. Still having them but not so often, about two weeks ago while I was meditating it tried to happen again but the older I get the more intense it I can feel when it’s gunna happen my head feels strange and heavy and I get loud whooshing sounds in both ears I have to literally fight to get up..when it first started happening I wouldn’t see anything but would feel it heavy I was scared to open my eyes. Now with eyes closed I see an imagine of a dark figure no shape that grows in size😫 I haven’t even watched this video yet but I’m glad I found u I thought I was gunna need to go speak to a therapist because ppl think I’m crazy when i try to explain😫hopefully I can get some insight and things I can do to help me because it’s alarming
@ibac09 2 жыл бұрын
This happened to me it’s been a while since it happened but when it do happen I always pray and I call my mother or grand/ Great grandmothers and boom I’m back it use to be so crazy cuz I use to be scared to sleep they call it “ witch riding ya bike(Aka back) ….. I use to scream and nobody heard me! I learn to just pray and let it go
@francislouis6796 2 жыл бұрын
I didn’t even know that it was a real thing. But basically just the OTHER night (3 nights) ago, I was asleep/partially awake. I was sleeping on my stomach and it felt like something was crawling up the mattress and I couldn’t move. I had to struggle to breathe through my nose. Because my mouth wouldn’t open. My limbs felt like Lead. Luckily, It only lasted a few minutes. Also, I do have obstructive sleep apnea
@sunsetman321 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for doing a video on this topic! This has happened to me at least 3 times the last time was horrible a man placed his hand on my shoulder and whispered something I tried to wake up and had to yell out prayers and usually you can barely get your words out..the spirit or the devil himself tried to molest me 😬
@BayanoSunIzem 2 жыл бұрын
I experience sleep paralysis anytime I sleep on my back. I used to get messages from my dreams and now that I have to sleep on my stomach, I barely can dream anymore. I might try these remedies and see if it helps
@miabella394 2 жыл бұрын
I have been having this my whole live. When i had it i could not move or talk nothing. But i am very sensitive for energies and entities. And later on, i could walk true the house, while my body was still in bed. And when i walked true a house i could see everything dead and alive in that house.
@Arianaslifeasava 2 жыл бұрын
I have experienced this many times as a child and teenager. I would be in a deep sleep and could not wake up. I would yell for help in my sleep or scream out in my head. I could not open my eyes or move a single muscle. Not even a movement of a finger. I have always believed it was some form of a negative force. I am a very spiritual person. It has not happened in years.
@vanessaholley9241 2 жыл бұрын
This has been happening to me lately , it started when l was a child it stoped for a while and now it back. I'm sure i need help getting rid of it. Thank for this video.
@mzvirgo007 2 жыл бұрын
I suffered from sleep paralysis since a small child through my early -mid 30’s. I also have a very traumatic childhood/life. I wasn’t able to finally rid myself of it all together until I learned to physically stop it while it was happening. There is also a long line of generational traumas in my lineage
@Katasha333 2 жыл бұрын
I be knowing that I'm half asleep with eyes closed a little and go to the kitchen and get something to eat then go back to sleep but it's like I'm up and sleep at the same time wow
@taiyliahify 2 жыл бұрын
Do you have videos for spiritual baths and cleansing?
@jazmincastillo6881 2 жыл бұрын
My mother would experience that and once I got home from work and fell asleep she then would get out of that and it then would come to me .
@TakaraCraftz Жыл бұрын
Yes me as a child, up until 17 or so when I became pregnant with my first child. Never again sinve then.
@mamafox939 2 жыл бұрын
Great video. Something being telling me to do a bath and I kept forgetting then this happened to me it was so scary. I haven't had one in a long time. Am doing myself and the kids today.
@ericamache7277 2 жыл бұрын
I'm glad I've came across this video. I've been dealing with this all my life. Especially as a child and still till this day. But a couple months ago I had contact with the energy and it actually touched me. I was laying on my back in the middle of my bed. Unintentionally fell asleep. I felt a comfort as if it was my partner at the time holding me. The first couple secs I was feeling loved but once I realized my partner isn't here and what was happening I went into shock I couldn't open my eyes and of course I couldn't move. So when I finally got up I looked under the bed because I'm trying to figure out what was touching me 😭
@lakeziat74 2 жыл бұрын
I have that really bad. Now I just barely sleep. My grand baby has it as well 😳😞. How can I get in touch with you ma'am.?
@v.r7235 5 күн бұрын
I had a black shadow sit on my chest. I could not move but I wanted to. My sister does Reiki and she did some sort of therapy on me. It went away after that and she caught it.
@substance9525 8 ай бұрын
I’ve had sleep paralysis since I was a kid, I am now 27 and still have sleep paralysis. The interesting thing is I can feel it about to happen and I start hearing a sound that sounds like a horn of a train. Usually the horn sound is so loud that it spooks me and I’ll shake up out of it BUT!!! There has been two times in my life where I just went through it and let it happen and I would end up in this space where everything is white, one time I was in a white space with the horn sound and there was also colors flying past me. The second time I laid there a fell into sleep paralysis, I was in a space of all white and I actually shot fire from my hands.
@Katasha333 2 жыл бұрын
What about talking in your sleep?
@contessalulu9205 2 жыл бұрын
I have done this since I was 5 years old. How I control it by doing spiritual baths regularly plenty of water and remembering where I am mentally before Astro traveling
@teedaniels9630 2 жыл бұрын
I've had dreams so vividly to were I'm actually speaking out loud in my sleep. Also I've been held down numerous in my sleep.
@angiemitchell582 2 жыл бұрын
Please show and tell!!😉
@camillabrown188 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you ✨🙏🏿💖
@YoungTeeza1990 2 жыл бұрын
My ancestor got rid of mines. I got it when I moved into a new place. I heard my ancestor drag the spirit off of me. It was part of the reason I got into my ancestry and tribe
@mr.k5687 2 жыл бұрын
I have had it happen and heard a whisper. Then I saw what looking like a shadow figure. I "was" sleep but woke up and the whisper started...then was trying to move. I couldn't I was trying to speak I couldn't. I looked to the left and the figure jumped back.
@LadyCoyKoi 2 жыл бұрын
Your video arrived just on time with this one... Thank you. I keep thinking about that shadow man that jolted right at me while I was half way sleep and awake at the same time while living alone. My mom suggested I move back but I refused and a house flood occurred, losing 70% of my original stuff, including school work for a Medical Billing certification. 😱 That was 10 years ago. Though that was not the first encounter. However, it was the first time one was in the process of attacking me. Again, thank you so much for this one. I'm taking notes. I had always been interested in trying to control these shadows. They are extremely mischievous and yes they can kill too. There are worlds within worlds. Even some scientists don't disprove them due to our social system having a powerful Black hole at the center. 😱 Some people are more prone than others due to being sensitive to spirits and emotions.
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