You Are Infinite Being Clothed in Human Experience

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Rupert Spira

Rupert Spira

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@zenmasterjay1 9 ай бұрын
"People grow old and die because they see other people grow old and die." -Hindu proverb
@Aed-Adlan 9 ай бұрын
For this God thing, gamble your very life and existence... God ... Or die trying.
@Kyoz 8 ай бұрын
All the people misunderstood the quote. To understand it, stop thinking from your human perspective and imagine a collective conscience. A place. Yes, a place, not a thing, a place where all knowledge of known things can be accessed by your conscience. Because you have access to all knowledge, you see that some people choose to live and die. And you make the assumption that you should do the same. You assume you have to plan a death. You watched someone plan their ideal life and death, then disappeared to go live it. But you do not know why they did what they did. Maybe they want to live and have fun, then die so they can return to the collective and plan a new one. But who says you can't just live and have fun, then close your eyes and open them again to be back in the collective. Gods are born in much the same way animals are, with imprinting being key to their identities. -phobos
@ddlynndesigns 8 ай бұрын
blind people grow old do you explain the proverb?
@Ekam-Sat 8 ай бұрын
Brothers. Sisters. I think the Spanda Karika contains some wisdom. Perhaps there is no death in the strict sense. There is only Ludus Amoris for Love. Jesus had it right. He went full circle. It is why I am happy I never abandoned my Catholic upbringings. Doesn't mean other religions are wrong. It is just that we are different in life for Love.
@mindfulkayaker7737 9 ай бұрын
If I understand Rupert I would say that snails, bats, dogs and human beings are like the sense organs used by consciousness to experiment this dream that appears inside of it and we call the world.
@calvinrakotobe5583 8 ай бұрын
Exactly. Different mind configurations through which consciousness perceives itself as the world; so different body-mind's configuration means different worlds that appear, but at the end, only one reality.
@jesalmistry 8 ай бұрын
Yes, this is exactly what Rupert said in a previos video
@Ekam-Sat 8 ай бұрын
I wish Rupert could stick to the simple straightforward teachings of Jesus in that 1) It is not good to be alone 2) The meaning of Life is Love.
@reptilexcq2 8 ай бұрын
The difference between human and dogs is that human has the ability to rationalize about things in which the dog cannot. This is because men were not form and follow the design that God had planned and intended in the beginning. Men were supposed to form in the pattern of love (which is what the animals today represent), but partake in eating the tree of knowledge and therefore separated from love and become wisdom (or wise) instead. Men still retain the love but it is separated and this separation is what make us human giving us the ability to rationalize, to choose good or evil. All animals cannot separated its love from wisdom and thus no ability to rationalize because it follows the pattern of creation. Its love and wisdom remain one and the same, thus they all act out of instinct. Snails only represent a feeling of crawling that one may experience for example, of irritation. Bats and all birds represent the content of a person's mind. God is a person in function and it is the greatest, its communities in function is the greater person and we, the human is the least greatest person. Each depends on another to form the greatest.
@junaetovi1132 9 ай бұрын
He explains everything so elegantly. Listening to Rupert Spira is so relaxing.
@James-ll3jb 9 ай бұрын
Regrettably he's full of crap😢
@BlondeManNoName 9 ай бұрын
_“God sleeps in the rock, dreams in the plant, stirs in the animal, and awakens in man.”_ ~ *Ibn Arabi*
@devanshudesperado 9 ай бұрын
@mindfulkayaker7737 9 ай бұрын
@zovalentine7305 8 ай бұрын
The sun and the moon are watching over you even if you can't see them
@zovalentine7305 8 ай бұрын
The Creator is Within
@zekaa1 8 ай бұрын
To the moderators of the video, stop cutting the video. This is a consciousness expressing, so let us see that whole process of it, not the cutted part of it like on other youtube channels where people have attentions span of gold fish
@ronishchaudhary 8 ай бұрын
The closing eyes and imagining being a newborn felt like what Jesus referred to as being born again 🤯
@ferdinandocoluccelli9574 8 ай бұрын
not exactly. "to be reborn in spirit" has a different meaning, that you that cites Jesus words should know better than me.
@OrichalcumHammer 7 ай бұрын
Dumb nonsense. Jesus was hate spreader, cursing Fig tree and claiming end times.
@larrymuana2260 8 ай бұрын
Wow, after hearing this, I felt like I just reached a higher level of enlightenment, a higher level of consciousness. Thank you Mr Spira.
@Bobsbigbuoy 9 ай бұрын
Rupert… trees are most definitely conscious… they are veeeerrrry sloooooow and fantastic beings!
@ZpointG 8 ай бұрын
You missed his point. If you were listening, you would have heard him say that *_even humans or God are not conscious._* He's saying that the only thing that's conscious is The Very Consciousness itself. So, in fact, NOTHING OWNS CONSCIOUSNESS, it's the reverse... CONSCIOUSNESS OWNS EVERYTHING...
@lifecloud2 7 ай бұрын
AH! It's nice to find someone else who feels the slow expression of trees.
@OrichalcumHammer 7 ай бұрын
The problem is the meaning of the word 'Conscious'. The western definition associates mind = consciousness.
@RestAsAwareness 9 ай бұрын
Only awareness exists. Within Awareness emerges manifestations of Awareness, that can be called human being, mind, ego, cat, etc. They are just concepts, and don't exist in and of themselves. And a concept cannot be aware. That's the way I see it.
@goych 9 ай бұрын
Yes I like this, I do not know what I am, I am exploring what it is to be a human being
@MD37428 8 ай бұрын
I often use newborns to explain our true nature and with your description here it blew it wide open for me, thank you sincerely
@davidalbro2009 9 ай бұрын
After all these decades I'm surprised Rupert hasn't adopted the regular usage of the difference between awareness and consciousness. Here, as he almost always does, he uses consciousness to mean awareness. But when we reserve the term consciousness as the awareness of the activity of the mind, including the ego, it free words like unconsciousness into our vernacular. It also deepens understanding of the universal nature of awareness. When he uses consciousness the way he does here, he does not mean consciousness in the sense of it being the opposite of unconscious. The way he uses consciousness here, there can never be unconsciousness. Yet the term unconscious is very useful when talking about dreaming or dreamless sleep. One is aware of dreaming and deep sleep but one is unconscious at one level during dreaming and unconscious entirely during deep sleep. Awareness is universal. Consciousness comes and goes as the activity of mind changes or disappears. Consciousness requires mind. Mind is an energetic organ that is able to manipulate sensory data and concepts. Everything is aware, but only creatures are conscious. A rock is aware, but it is not conscious. A human can be conscious, but not always. A human, like anything else is aware. Everything that is made of awareness is aware just as anything made of water is water. Anything made of consciousness is conscious.
@melvinmeju5970 9 ай бұрын
Rupert does not distinguish between awareness and consciousness, nor should he - why complicate things? There is no need to make a distinction because you are only ever aware of awareness, you are only ever conscious of consciousness. There is nothing to the mind other than the knowing of it. There is no activity of mind, there is activity of consciousness which appears as mind. Using his screen and movie analogy, when you watch a movie you are always watching a screen. Even if you think you are watching a movie, you're actually watching a screen. In the same way, if you are aware of mind, you are really still just aware of awareness. There is nothing to thoughts, sensations and perceptions other than the knowing of them, the awareness of them.
@davidalbro2009 9 ай бұрын
@@melvinmeju5970 It is highly useful to distinguish between the two. When one is trying to understand awareness they first come to understand awareness as recognition of what is. But then they quickly understood that awareness seems to come and go. When we are asleep or dreaming we aren't aware. But when you use the word consciousness you understand that consciousness comes and goes but awareness cannot come and go. This understanding is fundamental to spiritual understanding. To minimize the importance of the distinction between terms consciousness and awareness is to minimize the difference between form and being.
@awakenotwoke7949 9 ай бұрын
@@melvinmeju5970 One is aware of being conscious.
@121withtom3 9 ай бұрын
I found this comment very helpful, and I feel rupert would agree with you here . Thank you for your time to write this 🙏🏻
@121withtom3 9 ай бұрын
​@davidalbro2009 I would say that when we are dreaming we are still awareness only for that moment forgetting itself . When in deep sleep we are not forgetting.
@herculanogaspar7809 9 ай бұрын
This is so explendid ! and revelating of the light there you are Rupert . Humanity have made life so dark....
@rockymohan7 9 ай бұрын
As one sees one’s ego different from himself or herself, he or she is becoming “I am”, the consciousness. That’s a simple explanation!
@Ron-rk6iz 9 ай бұрын
This conclusion solves all the problems in the all these happy people listening to Rupert. We are Human beings on route to finding the truth, we have a body and other materials to discover who we are.
@jefftemplin778 9 ай бұрын
I love Rupert, and often watch his videos like this, but I think he misspoke here. I think his point is spot on, but when he said that a newborn has no sensations, that is, of course, not true. In fact, a newborn has shocking new sensations (taste, smell, sight, breathing and breath for example) that it did not have in the womb. What both share in common is pure “beingness” because neither the fetus or newborn have thoughts, much less words to express them. A newborn baby experiences a flood of sensations it had not known. Again, I agree with his overall point, and I am grateful for the wisdom that Rupert shares. 🙏🏼
@goych 9 ай бұрын
Yes and also I wonder what all this focusing on just the space is all about, the sensations the thoughts they are surely what makes up my humanness
@anthonyg7181 9 ай бұрын
​@@goychi think he was referring to the fact that they are not yet cognitively conscious or intellectually aware of those feelings and sensations. That would be my guess.
@goych 9 ай бұрын
@@anthonyg7181ah ok yes, that works, become conscious of that stuff!
@anthonyg7181 8 ай бұрын
@@lucyhartman1501 if the divine itself were to take human form and speak in fallible language try to tell us the nature of things would it even be able to? Would we even think it to be true? All are mere attempts. The Tirthankaras of Jainism were the closest to what we're so far from understanding. Ahimsa
@jefftemplin778 8 ай бұрын
@@lucyhartman1501 Hmmmm. Must be human. 🤨 lol
@melvinmeju5970 9 ай бұрын
Finally, first - now I am enlightened 🤣
@jamesgreenldn 9 ай бұрын
I bow down to kiss your feet like Mooji 😂
@kelvinbel8910 9 ай бұрын
What does it feel like?
@Thealienspacepod 9 ай бұрын
Congratulations ! and who claims that ?
@kundaliniairport 9 ай бұрын
​@@kelvinbel8910 Everything feels 'normal' but highly alert & alive, with a blank mind and walking as if hovering 2inches above the ground.
@melvinmeju5970 9 ай бұрын
@@jamesgreenldn thank you, thank you 😂
@ultracalicokittycat 9 ай бұрын
when Rupert said to imagine being a newborn, and that we wouldn't experience bodily sensations in that state, he must've meant that a baby of course wouldn't know the distinction "bodily"; it would just experience sensations....
@trentkestin9849 9 ай бұрын
I rly like this mental exercise. A baby would have no identity or ego. It just is before any conditioning comes into play.
@Misslotusification 9 ай бұрын
Perhaps the most commonly used contemporary notion of a conscious mental state is captured by Thomas Nagel's famous “what it is like” sense (Nagel 1974): "When I am in a conscious mental state, there is something it is like for me to be in that state from the subjective or first-person point of view."
@dantechersi6056 8 ай бұрын
he dont undastand what is real he need back to new born childe this is the point in zen we say what im only dont know
@elogiud 9 ай бұрын
I am surprised that Rupert does not believe that a Tree does not have the experience of being a Tree; everything; all things; are made out of Consciousness, therefore the Tree is made of Consciousness. Just because the Tree cannot communicate to us it's experience of itself does in no way prove that it is not experiencing Itself....
@NinaKrebbers 9 ай бұрын
Tree is a name and form made from the belief in separation. Separation is made-up. It doesn’t exist. There is no “tree” as it is perceived. There’s just what IS, and it’s whole. It’s nothingness being everything. Not a thing. No-thing ever comes into existence. Just THIS …undefined indescribable
@elogiud 8 ай бұрын
@@NinaKrebbers I will agree that a Tree is a name that is/was given to a Form which in Reality has no existence, however, then you must concede that we too are also just a name that is given to a Form, which has no no existence; Rupert has assigned Consciousness to a Human form and has disavowed Consiousness for the form of the plant; I say, everything is made out of Consciousness! I am still suprised at his statement.
@doriesse824 8 ай бұрын
@@elogiud I'm trying to continue to figure this out. Sometimes it seems clear, other times not so much. How do you see Rupert assigning Consciousness to a Human form? I've only ever heard him say there are no humans, there is only Consciousness. Sort of like his famous statement that Objects don't have Consciousness; it's Consciousness that has Objects.
@fcz32 8 ай бұрын
@@NinaKrebbersI also cannot understand whether Rupert indeed thinks humans are different in any significant way from trees or other life forms in terms of consciousness or experience. Surely he cannot mean that consciousness only exists when “I am” can be spoken with human language? If our memories of being human don’t count as whatever he defines “experience” as then what does he call those memories? A dream? Whatever it’s called, I don’t see how we could know that a tree isn’t also feeling the memories or thoughts of however a tree senses the world. In other words, if I live the very strong illusion that I’m a human, then surely it’s possible that a tree lives its own illusion.
@elogiud 8 ай бұрын
@@doriesse824 , hi, yes, at about the timeline; 3;33, he speaks of the new born having the experience of I AM; which refers to as the Awareness of Being, however, he does not ascribe the Awareness of Being to being a Tree, and I question; how does he know if the tree is not Aware of it's own I AM?
@WanderingCentrist 8 ай бұрын
At the exact moment I heard you say the words "newborn infant," I spotted the words "birth doula" on the map I was looking at. :)
@user-kz5cw2gj3w 8 ай бұрын
Right. But that doesn't change the fact that we get sick, suffer and die...if he is implying that his infinite being proposal somehow transcends our finite human perceptions.
@malabuha 9 ай бұрын
It's all semantics here. We could argue and say the same things here😅 it's illogical to separate consciousness from all else. In the end, even cells in a green leaf have a way to know how to breathe and live, when it's day or night. Even an iron rod will turn to rust one day, and yeah, much like all else, to dust. And that dust will settle down and give life to something new, to life. Consciousness is it. It's not part of, it is everything
@0OROORO0 9 ай бұрын
Nisargadatta Maharaj was using the term "awareness" to refer to the Infinte, Absoltue, and Ultimate Truth. At the same time, Nisargadatta had used the term "consciousness" to refer to the finite, relative, and temporary consciousness. It seems that the head and beginning of the consciousness is the attentiveness! In fact, all these enlightenment thoughts are only conceptual pointers coming from the Absolute. These ideas are just temporary and illusive, which are not the Truth. Once again, all what the enlightened beings talk about are relative concepts referring to the Absolute. Meaning that, we as Truth are using finite indicators to explain our True Nature! The best thing about such enlightenment talks is: To Know The Transient Illusion That Vanishes In The World of oblivion.
@5thdimension625 8 ай бұрын
I wish he had longer broadcasts as I could listen to him before bed every night. He’s very calming
@mikey6214 9 ай бұрын
Consciousness is achieved when something experiences something. Until then only the potential for something to be experienced exists. Everything exists relative to something else existing to experience it.
@ZpointG 8 ай бұрын
Consciousness is not something that anything "achieves". Consciousness exists irrespective of any objects of consciousness...
@mikey6214 8 ай бұрын
@@ZpointG I should have said “awareness is achieved”
@ZpointG 8 ай бұрын
@@mikey6214 No. You should have said PERCEPTION is achieved. Perception is not awareness consciousness...
@vanessa4u4evr 9 ай бұрын
Yeah. We're still just scratching the surface of all of this.
@Ekam-Sat 9 ай бұрын
I respect Rupert Spira's opinion, but I don't align with the title "You are pure being, not a human being." This negative perspective (a recurrent theme in Mr. Sprira's teachings) differs significantly from views in Christianity, Tantra, or even Suddhadvaita Vedanta, a pure non-dualist philosophy of Sanatana Dharma. In the latter, it is believed that the almighty Krishna, who is non-dual, manifests himself as everything-all souls, the world, everything-to experience love himself. This is quite similar in the pure understanding of (Mystic) Christianity. In other words, life is about celebration, not negation. So two different understandings. Personally; I'll stick to the original teachings of Jesus which focus on Love. But again, I highly respect Mr. Spira. It is just that I hold a different view that is not based on negation. So by all means; please choose whatever resonates with you. That's most important. Blessings.
@doriesse824 8 ай бұрын
@@lucyhartman1501 Dare I say this, but sometimes it feels like indoctrination?
@Ekam-Sat 8 ай бұрын
Either way. Blessings to you all. Wishing you a happy and healthy New Year. In appreciation.
@0OROORO0 8 ай бұрын
"Everything is Temporarily-Manifested Truth" "Truth is An Absolute Verb Without Subject and Without Object" ORO
@RMFALCON 9 ай бұрын
Christ rises from within ❤
@Ekam-Sat 9 ай бұрын
I like that.
@Aed-Adlan 9 ай бұрын
La illaha ila Allah, la illaha ila Allah, la illaha ila Allah... There is no christ. There is no jesus. There is no son of God or trinity. And, especially, jesus is NOT God (Exhalted is God). Even due he was highly God-Realized. Let jesus go, let God in. A human calling another human named jesus for God... Bro... *slaps you with my Glorious Quran*
@Ekam-Sat 9 ай бұрын
Love you brother. Just remember. Words are many but Word is One. @@Aed-Adlan
@Aed-Adlan 9 ай бұрын
@@Ekam-Sat love you too cutiepie ♡♡ But I dont like the usage One. Two, not one. God and man. Two is Absolute. Thls God-Relationship is Absolute and it will totally and utterly destroy the non-dual lie... It already has... My Father is Greater than I.
@Ekam-Sat 8 ай бұрын
Respect my brother. Appreciate your opinion. Wishing you happy Holidays. ❤@@Aed-Adlan
@tedgrant2 8 ай бұрын
I am so relaxed, I think I dozed off for a minute.
@robertm.-certifieddaytrade4939 9 ай бұрын
Something is conscious if it is aware of the separation between itself and it’s environment! In the midst of everything that surrounds me, I can distinguish ME, therefore I AM...
@kundaliniairport 9 ай бұрын
You haven't understood it, bro. There is no separation in pure being, pure consciousness.. you are IT, perceiving yourself as distinct apart, means there's still duality but when seeing, seen & seer melt, becoming one all separation vanishes. Cheers & best wishes on the path.
@ferdinandocoluccelli9574 8 ай бұрын
... great! thanks, Rupert! 😊🙏
@Flower-v8w 9 ай бұрын
I love the classic phrase, we are all spiritual beings having a physical experience. Very simple, elegant, and succinct, no need to complicate anything. And the phrase applies to everyone and everything. No need for human hubris. Humans are the only stupid life on earth. What other species has even the desire, let alone the temerity, to plunder, savage, and destroy this beautiful planet? SMH. I would say, only humans are unconscious, as well as stupid.
@DuongTran-mh7ci 22 күн бұрын
You are a being having a human experience. A cat is also a being having a cats experience, which we dont know, just like we dony know another human experience, human consciousness is unique to each.
@HIIIBEAR 8 ай бұрын
All we know is how it feels like to be reality
@lifecloud2 9 ай бұрын
Being is aware of itself in the animals, plants, and molecules of existence. But a bat is not aware of itself as "bat" ... only as awareness itself. To me, the bat "says" in this since, "I exist." But the bat doesn't say "I exist as something." And really it doesn't need more than this.
@lifecloud2 7 ай бұрын
If I speak of existence without self-realization of this, then I am theorizing or repeating something someone said without grokking it. Doesn't mean that's not valuable, but, to me, it's best to experience what you're attempting to express. To me, a bat ... and all animals really ... operates on a response to urges. The bat is urged to hang upside down. It doesn't question this, it simply responds. It's the human who comes along with his/her thoughts and wonders why.@@LifesInsight
@babadooky 8 ай бұрын
When EYE read this title all i COULD think was, I AM.
@2strong2cool 9 ай бұрын
This guy speaks truth when he gets going and puts down the I'm a wise old owl I speak slowly and wisely garb
@bradpryer 8 ай бұрын
@hemispheres500 9 ай бұрын
Thank you as always Rupert brother for the insights. I am a little perplexed about what you describe as it seems to talk about the experience that King Lear is having. The I am or the sense that we are here in some capacity. Is where the real experience is had. John Smith knows nothing but the role of King Lear. It is not King Lear who is mistaking itself. That role is fictional, but it is all that John Smith knows. The focus should be on John and why he thinks he is King Lear. The body mind mechanism is the key. A big clue is the fact that no one knows how we control the body because we don't. We just don't want to admit it. So we agree that we are all doing something that we don't know how to do? 🤷‍♂️❤️🙏RW
@lifecloud2 7 ай бұрын
Consciousness IS conscious. Conscious in all living things ... including molecules. All things that offer the "spark" of life are conscious. (All my opinion of course) Awareness is part of that. A tree, for example, is aware of its existences even though it is unconcerned about it. 😊 A tree's consciousness is not the same as that expressed in human beings or any animal really. The Earth itself is consciousness.
@rkowlagi 9 ай бұрын
Marvelous ❤
@nitki2 9 ай бұрын
First you should define what human is, then you can say if you are or not.
@tatianapassosterapeuta 6 ай бұрын
@unibassmusic 8 ай бұрын
My respect to Rupert Spira but the Table is also an emanation of consciousness but the degree of the consciousness that is expressed is less than of a tree.
@doriesse824 8 ай бұрын
That's how I see it, too, thank you.
@williamcapaln8438 9 ай бұрын
ok so "I am" is one for every body else , so I am you I am every body ?
@youssefalaoui4286 9 ай бұрын
Good question 🤔
@nitki2 9 ай бұрын
I am diffrent you as you are diffrent me, we are part of everything like everything is a part of us.
@jesalmistry 8 ай бұрын
So Human doesn’t know Human but Consciousness knows Human? I’m so confused
@levlevin182 9 ай бұрын
Gurdjief's reference to experience he called, the law of catching up. I gather he meant, an evolution of be coming aware. You could say, what goes around comes around. Just being in love. Or as, George said, love every moment. Just be Iam.
@zenturtle_1 9 ай бұрын
I am from India, my Guruji told me during my studies of astrology that advaita philosophy is very old, when even language was not developed advaita was found among rishis. Advaita is very very old concept and after that human mind has evolved so much. Science has progressed so much, we have now very clear understanding about consciousness. Read science or psychiatry journals. Thinking on the way of advaita is like going backwards in the age of stones and gestures. Advaita was only beginning of the spiritual quest nothing else. Nothing mysterious about it. I hope it helps. From India with love.
@domini1331 9 ай бұрын
The observation of an ant identifying another ant as its own family, implies that the ant is conscious of itself, just as humans do.
@user-jo2zb7pt4n 9 ай бұрын
Νot at all-the ants communicate through sensors and they trust other ants not by being consious but by sending off an approved signal...
@domini1331 9 ай бұрын
Humans also communicate with different kinds of sensers. Our consciousness is also linked with our ability to communicate.
@iamruslan-zf7up4zz3o 9 ай бұрын
🔥🔥🔥 🙏💞🙏
@Krod4321 8 ай бұрын
The experience I am comes from language. No language no self awareness. Awareness is nothing special!
@anar747m 9 ай бұрын
What's the matter? What's the core difference between being and human being? At the end of the day we're doing same thing. There's only one force that triggered everything and kept everything cycling 🤔
@kenjones102 9 ай бұрын
Crows are self-reflective.
@jarcau_vegan 9 ай бұрын
Sentience, the ability of experiencing existence in a subjective way. All sentient beings have fundamental or basic interests, preferences, desires. A sentient being values his or her life, has value in himself or herself. This intrinsic value means that all sentient beings are morally relevant. Respecting other sentient beings means, at the very least, to stop considering them our property, our slaves; to stop using them as our commodities, our resources. Respecting conscious beings, regardless of species, means going vegan 🍀
@lelu5490 9 ай бұрын
Then, if we as human beings have expirience "I Am", not human being (i agree btw), what is "human" part then?
@ddlynndesigns 8 ай бұрын
What is conscious is the ultimate?
@healthawarenessprosperity4428 9 ай бұрын
There’s no observer, there’s only what’s observed. There’s no witness, there’s only witnessing. It’s formless, no-thing to reference.
@1daniella 9 ай бұрын
Be > Do
@1daniella 9 ай бұрын
Human < Being
@jokerpsy3253 8 ай бұрын
yeah.. we are just beings.. then society put label in us "human"
@devanshudesperado 9 ай бұрын
So what happens when a body dies? Does consciouness leave it, but how can consciouness move within itself? Where will i the being go after i leave this human body? Is it not that i may be born again, if so, then how about leaving the cycles of birth and death after the understanding of non duality?
@doriesse824 8 ай бұрын
@LifesInsight I don't know if you've heard of Santos Bonacci, but he teaches there is more on the higher levels after the plane of Consciousness. He says it is "spiritual suicide" to stop at just being Awareness. We can move higher and be separate again, and have activities in higher realms.
@josiahmontilla4101 9 ай бұрын
@zohrehsalimian2536 9 ай бұрын
Namaste, I am as you are saying, I am here and Now. One question is always arising here, why Consciousness is living so much of mess with the contrast on this planet!!!??? through human family!? Do we have to consider it is consciousness living all strangs stories and disasyers!!!??? What us the purpose of living this life, after all Consciousness do nit need us. With Recognition and Gratitude.
@youssefalaoui4286 9 ай бұрын
The point of this teaching is to tell you that you are in fact NOT living this life. You are 100% consciousness and nothing else. You are simply mistaken your identity.
@doriesse824 8 ай бұрын
@@youssefalaoui4286 There is or was a free online Course in Consciousness from the University of Virginia in the U.S. One of the lessons says "You are not living, you are being lived". I guess it is a tug-of-war with the ego that arises somehow?
@ninamariaDS 8 ай бұрын
So a bat, a dog has experience of a being. Just like humans do
@kundaliniairport 9 ай бұрын
You can not attain what you are by any practice. Only by being what you can not, not be, there is neither me nor realization, nor the universe, there's only that what you are, but only by not knowing what you are & what you are not, not by realising yourself. From the not-knowing, I know that what I am doesn’t need to know, doesn’t need, to be or not to be, to be. That's the absolute Being who doesn't need to be, to be.. and that what needs to be, is false. Very simple! That what needs to be, is the false being and that what neither is nor is not, rhat you can call your (true) nature. This paradox is not working for the mind. So, one can only be it, but not understand it. You cannot be it by knowing nor by not knowing but you are in knowing & in not knowing that. ... [Fuuuuuuu****k] So there's only knowing & not knowing, there's only knower & not knower, because you are, but not because the knower knows or doesn't know..
@StevenLeMieux 8 ай бұрын
Fuuuuuuck is right what a paradox
@ravikakkanatt5277 9 ай бұрын
What you are saying it said 5000 years back in india jest read Vedas
@titussteenhuisen8864 9 ай бұрын
There is reincarnation an infant can be aware of some of its past lives. Cutting out reincarnation is wrong it is the basis of life to my insight.
@robinhood6954 9 ай бұрын
A fat lot of good knowing that is when you're banged up in a prison or if your children have been abducted!
@doriesse824 8 ай бұрын
Yes, it's very cold comfort indeed! I said a long, long time ago it's usually the people who are not experiencing such bad suffering who teach this.
@Coreismld 9 ай бұрын
I am nothing watching
@johnb8854 9 ай бұрын
*Do you realize that "NOTHING" is "SOMETHING" or we could NOT refer to it ??? It is a PARADOX !*
@Coreismld 9 ай бұрын
@@johnb8854 exactly.... and it's also refreshing knowing it.
@tygerlillee 8 ай бұрын
Maybe, maybe not.
@James-ll3jb 9 ай бұрын
Uh huh....😅
@alfreddifeo9642 9 ай бұрын
@pilargarcia6724 9 ай бұрын
@davidrandell2224 9 ай бұрын
“Nothing at all is justified by being “: Read “The Unique and Its Property “; Max Stirner,1844/2017 Landstreicher translation. Leave the brain dead ‘philosophers’ out of it: Nagel ad nauseum. The “creative nothing “ is as good as it gets.
@my3rs307 9 ай бұрын
I am the universe thinking it's a human being
@i.222 9 ай бұрын
God is not conscious? Really? Dear Spira, the One is observing you and how you are leading or misleading the souls you are responsible for. Don't do the same mistake as Joe. Learn from his fall.
@MrTurboCat21 9 ай бұрын
You're just being ridiculous now🤪 How would you know what trees experience? Everyone claims to know God also. You don't! Stop rambling on in uncertainty. Guessing as you go along, isn't the mark of a spiritual guru😜
@MrTurboCat21 9 ай бұрын
@@youssefalaoui4286 no I didn't completely misunderstand. You just repeated what he said🤪. That was my point. Eg. How the hell would he know if trees are conscious or not. Because he isn't a tree😜. A tree is a living thing, and we are also very much like walking talking trees. Eg. Many branches with fluid passing through them. Just because we don't understand other things, doesn't mean we can come to some conclusion about what it must be like for other things. Because we don't really know. Just like ppl don't really know about God, even though many ppl claim to. Otherwise what's the effing problem, if ppl know so much😜. It is known that trees are very conscious, by those near death experience ppl, who have experienced the other side. Who claim that trees are full of wisdom, and can communicate telepathically. The world is full of wackos that claim they know what trees can feel and experience etc. They don't. They just think they know. Just like those females who think they see fairies in the woods and can communicate with them. It cannot be proven or disproven. But it can make for an interesting topic of conversation. A lot of ppl have time to waste on that nonsense. Which hasn't improved their lives btw. Only marginal at best.
@MrTurboCat21 9 ай бұрын
@@youssefalaoui4286 He is not a friggin tree! That's all I need to know. I read your pitiful response yes. If you truly think I'm incapable of reading and understanding, then why waste your time. Unless you believe I have a valid point. Eg. Only a tree can know a tree. Humans cannot! Everything is consciousness, and we are in consciousness. Rupert even claimed that as fact in another lecture. So he has contradicted himself. And no, the lord is not good. That is also another delusional idea😜
@maha-madpedo-gayphukumber1533 9 ай бұрын
Then if only consiousness is real and one without second and if there is nothing but consiousness then what matter is made of? What matter of tree,dog,cat,human, laptop,iron bar, tabel made of is too made of soul or consiousness? There is no duality?
@pentackle166 9 ай бұрын
Matter is what consciousness looks like from the point of view of the senses. How the world appears is a result of our mind presenting us an image. Our minds are able to detect a very narrow spectrum, like a certain frequency. Matter is how that frequency looks like. If you add an extra sense, you would be detecting whatever that sense allows you to be aware of, but it does not mean that what it is showing you is absolutely real, only that it is real relative to the senses, which again detect a tiny fraction of a spectrum which is ultimately infinite.
@kelvinbel8910 9 ай бұрын
Perhaps consciousness is in this body form to "know" itself unlike maybe a rock formation or electricity. Wait a minute that would mean it's in a state of wanting. I am
@axetroll 9 ай бұрын
​@@pentackle166hi! When you say mind is it a unlocalized finite entity of the experience? I'm always thinking about the brain in this image.
@Katfrith222 9 ай бұрын
The body is in consciousness not consciousness is in the body🙏🏻
@pentackle166 9 ай бұрын
@@axetroll No i would not call it an entity but rather more of a process or activity of consciousness itself. Mind is the activity of consciousness, made of consciousness, yet it itself is not conscious, hence not an entity
@josiahmontilla4101 9 ай бұрын
Rupert spira the great AWAKENER 😮🫥🤯❤️‍🔥
@irmabronder 8 ай бұрын
@shalomk9708 9 ай бұрын
Exploring the Existence of Being
Rupert Spira
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Everything Is Just a Dream in the Mind of Consciousness
Rupert Spira
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I Am Stillness, I Am Peaceful, I Am Empty
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Exploring Synchronicities
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Living the Non-Dual Understanding
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Being Reborn as Being
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Are There Stages of Realization? - Rupert Spira
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There is No Choice in Eternity
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Love Is the Absence of the Person | Rupert Spira
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Can Animals Become Enlightened?
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The Foundation of World Peace: Rupert Spira
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Being Aware of Being Aware in the Midst of Experience
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