YOU MUST SIN and Escape God According to BANNED Christian Knowledge...

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@BucketHeadianHagg 3 ай бұрын
Hi Morgue, I’m one of those people who have been extremely brainwashed about religion, so I get really scared watching your channel.. but because I taught Bible study for so many years, I started choking on it and and just couldn’t swallow anymore. I want to know the truth, so I’m considering your studies and keeping an open mind. Everything you’ve learned makes so much sense to me. Thank you for offering your works for free to those of us on a fixed income. I really do appreciate your work.
@jamesmcmccray8255 23 күн бұрын
Same thank you for sharing
@Chief.Energy.Officer 8 күн бұрын
yas 😍
@BucketHeadianHagg 8 күн бұрын
@@jamesmcmccray8255 😇🥰
@BucketHeadianHagg 8 күн бұрын
@@Chief.Energy.Officer 😇🥰
@amywillis5861 3 жыл бұрын
I never could wrap my head around our present idea of Christianity. When I was done with all of the guilt and bs and just said enough is enough and let it go, then I was able to truly learn and grow.
@carlosdelgado8119 2 жыл бұрын
Can the blind lead the blind? Never. This man does not know what he is talking about, he doesn’t understand the scriptures. The following three links are as follows (1) The Big picture of The Bible, (2) proof that the Bible is true and (3) a testimony. Watch and then decide, your eternal destiny depends on it. 1. 2. 3.
@christophersantiago723 2 жыл бұрын
@christophersantiago723 2 жыл бұрын
@@carlosdelgado8119 by myself I have sworn,my mouth has utterd in all integrity a word that will not be revoked before me every knee will bow. By me ever tounge will swear they will say of me in lord alone our righteousness and strength. All who have raged against him will come to him and be put to shame. Isaiah 45
@m.e.k3172 2 жыл бұрын
@jesusslord Жыл бұрын
I hope this is not a case of ROMANS 1:28
@korimcentire5367 3 жыл бұрын
Harming others is not the path to enlightenment....
@four-x-trading5606 2 жыл бұрын
@stratkiller2531 2 жыл бұрын
@richardyoung8036 2 жыл бұрын
@UwUImShio Жыл бұрын
Tell that to god lol
@UwUImShio Жыл бұрын
@Speaker of Minds I know, I was joking. I'm 100% against harming humans and animals. But it's ironic how some people commit horrible things in the name of deities
@conscioussoul978 3 жыл бұрын
I still trip out over all the lies we have been told since birth. I always knew religion was for control and brainwashing. I lived in a Christian foster home and they tried so hard to "save me" but none of it made sense to me. At a very young age, I knew it was based on lies. Your teaching's have really helped me to evolve on a soul level. This is my last reincarnation. I will be completely conscious when my body dies. And then I will be free. 💞😀 Thank you so much for sharing yourself and your knowledge with us. 💗
@koticmonke7539 2 жыл бұрын
Don't back out from christ. This Is not true and how can Jesus' apostles write this type of unholy things
@footballgenix2544 2 жыл бұрын
Thumbnail explains it all, the vow of silence 🤫
@moon_wei 2 жыл бұрын
@@footballgenix2544 last I checked it was Christianity who was silencing people for speaking against their lies
@HAHA-kk2xy 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah but the opposite can become brainwashing and controlling as well. Left right up down people become stupid extremist.
@fancycrafts7774 2 жыл бұрын
Pride is a quality of yaldabaoth.
@trippyvikingcultivation484 3 жыл бұрын
🔥 The Bible is one of the darkest books I've read.
@morgueofficial 3 жыл бұрын
I agree
@aaronmann9442 3 жыл бұрын
Dude for real.. if the god of abrihamic religons went into a therapist and presented the bible as his journal? He would have every diagnosis in the DSM-5. Shit they would need to write a new DSM after this evil pos.
@aaronmann9442 3 жыл бұрын
@Tarnished_ Walker hahaha. Thats just a funny response to me. But Egypt!! The treachery!
@ThaKiddCon 3 жыл бұрын
That's because you decided to read it through a literal lense which was by no means the intention of those who wrote the text. Do you even archetype?
@trippyvikingcultivation484 3 жыл бұрын
@@ThaKiddCon So it was a typical statement, yet still is true to me. The manner in which I read it whether it be literal, or subjective is of no consequence to the author's. You don't so me spouting Bible quotes Lol. I prefer omnism.
@hereistand6178 Жыл бұрын
Cursed be those who call good evil and evil good. But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up. -- 2 Peter 3:10 KJV Holy Bible
@thanatosgarvey3701 Ай бұрын
That's why we're not in the end times. Too many people looking for that thief!
@BucketHeadianHagg 22 күн бұрын
@@thanatosgarvey3701 plus, don’t *all of the four of the seals* need to be broken before the main event? I wonder if Project Blue Beam is what the Bible refers to when speaking of the false prophet and deceptive second coming of Christ .. It seems like we live in the weirdest time in all of human history.
@vestart 3 жыл бұрын
I used to be a Christian and trusted what I was taught about God and the Bible. My life was very traumatic with spousal abuse and eventually with the death of my son when he committed suicide. I stopped believing in a god that did nothing to protect me and my three children from abuse. Five months after my son was gone I had what I call a vision dream. I dreamed I was awaken by a knock at the door, when I went to the door my son was standing there and I was so happy to see him. He had a very bright white light around him. He stepped into the living room and I immediately sensed I was in another realm and even said to myself that this is really real, and all that other stuff in my life was not. After a while my son said he had to go; he was going to go see a baseball game with his friend Tyson (Tyson died by suicide about eight years prior). This life on earth is not all there is, and I cannot believe there is a heaven or hell either - just another realm.
@dingotomtom 3 жыл бұрын
There is a place called hell. Jesus died so we could have everlasting life
@bluelunarmonkeytarot8533 3 жыл бұрын
@@dingotomtom hell is here on earth. youre a messed up person saying that to someone after the story they posted!
@chriskorbut9568 3 жыл бұрын
@@dingotomtom Not according to this priest.
@seethisclip27 3 жыл бұрын
Dear poster, sorry for your losses and all, you were once a Christian so you should know the story of Job who never gave up on God
@bluelunarmonkeytarot8533 3 жыл бұрын
@@seethisclip27 those are your beliefs on God not everyone elses. this person just gave testimony to having a spiritual experience with the spirit of her dead son and all you can say is...."sorry for your loss, but you shouldnt give up on God" you people are sick and disturbing people!
@itsmorbintime8684 2 жыл бұрын
I always hated religion. But your videos have gave me a new outlook. Your doing a good thing mourge. Keep it up. Spreading information is the best thing you can give in this world.
@jenniferd5068 2 жыл бұрын
i always considered this so-called god's rejection of cain's offering of fruits/vegetables but accepted abel's bloody offering SUSPECT. makes sense in light of this predatorial and savage lower realm. but notice how cain was mischaracterized and villainized. meaning all that negative energy and blame projected on perhaps the wrong recipient. that type of deceit and reversal happens all the time, even in society. examples are how perps will abuse their victim and project blame them for what they are.
@reincarnation4674 2 жыл бұрын
No Abel through in a lamb and Cain threw in well I forgot but it wasn't as flammable as a lamb is therefore Abels sacrifice burned more than Cain's and Cain mistook this as favoring and ignorantly killed his brother also Cain was the first to take Gods name in vain (rhymes for a reason too) and yet he is god. Lol Cain well he let the devil take over him and even looked like the devil but than again god is the devil and hm I wonder how more humans were made? Oh right Cain fucked his mother Eve and you want to know another thing? Eve + Lilith spells Evil. No wonder she betrayed Adam and fucked their son and not having enough faith in God to create more life like what Abel was trying to do more purely and you know what? Fire represents purity. And this is why God told Cain he ruined everything.
@monalisa6264 2 жыл бұрын
The truth was Cain wanted his twin sister Luisa as his wife because she was more beautiful than the other sister. But the parents said Luisa and Abel were to marry. Cain and Abel fought so went to the God to choose. Then Cain killed Abel because of jealousy and lust
@Peanuts76 2 жыл бұрын
Never tought of this thing before, thanks..... Richard Dawkins ask a lot why we have to subject our moral judgement to some superstition books, while those books filled hatred, massacre, even doing sadistic thing, that thing that makes me questioning my old religion, why God have to make humankind suffer, filled with aome weird worshipping rituals, even using violence to make woman and children to behave.... Especially woman in Islam, they pretty opressed honestly, it's like being woman alone it's the same thing of having sin stamped on it's forehead, there's some verse that calling woman as some subject of hell residents, as calling woman is the very source of people going to hell, it's always woman side wrong doing ...
@alohaandchillohana 2 жыл бұрын
Vegetables, vegetarians, organic farmers and herbal medicine have been demonized since the beginning of history. But war and violence is acceptable and glamorized.
@AleidaG23 2 жыл бұрын
Accepted the animal because was the first offering from his heart. Rejected the veggies because they were already rotten. Read people, please.
@michaelblackwell7408 Жыл бұрын
Sin is not bad in all cases. Sin can just be self gratification, selfish, the desire to be lustful. It doesn't require hurting anyone.
@Imthatguy8797 Жыл бұрын
It could translate to self sabotage or harm if not controlled I know by experience I had no answer besides my subconscious telling me to fight and drop lust example is porn a lot people get hooked but like all drugs it becomes and leads to addiction and could fry your dopamine receptors and ruin relationships and how you view people just sharing from mine experience
@aleksk4151 6 ай бұрын
it's still wrong. Dont listen to the Devil. Sin leads eternal hell
@faaabio 5 ай бұрын
You being selfish hurts everyone around you don't be fooled
@vietnamarmapedia8624 4 ай бұрын
​@@aleksk4151God wants to be feared that s messed up, he s like a mafia thug, do what i say or else
@lopirobinson1991 Жыл бұрын
This is what attracted me to Buddhism when I was young. I don't follow any religion now but the idea that only learning and gaining wisdom could we truly feel a bliss unknown yet.
@FREE_WILL_AAHhhhhhhhhhhhh 3 жыл бұрын
I suffered relationshits from my lust, I suffered pain and dis ease from my gluttony and pride....when you can experience one polarity you can fully appreciate the other choice.
@fancycrafts7774 2 жыл бұрын
Wise men learn from the mistakes of others.
@gregoryfranks9277 4 ай бұрын
One thing that really stands out to me and sticks in my mind at all times are the scriptures in the new testament bible where Jesus is telling his followers that if they believe what he was teaching them that even with a tiny little portion of faith the size of a mustard seed THEY could say to a mountain, "Move," and the mountain will move out of it's place. I always look between the lines so what I notice most about this depiction of using our faith to move mountains is that there is nothing that suggests that we pray on our knees to God to move the mountain for us. Jesus was explicitly trying to teach that those who believe him now had the power of God within themselves to directly affect the material world in momentous ways with only a tiny portion of belief. Well, belief or faith in what? In the God of the old testament? No, faith that we are one with the true God and faith that WE are capable of simply speaking and changing the very fabric of this material world. Also, according to the religious leaders who were in charge during Jesus' ministry, Jesus sinned on several occasions according to the laws that the unnamable God gave them, but Jesus always gave reasons why he wasn't really sinning by breaking these laws. Jesus also had the mission to free us from this law and the evil laws that were added on top of this old testament law that actually created more sin and death and only worked to enslave people to their own piety and belief that following the law would save them when really all it did was make humans more guilty of being sinners. Now, using sound judgment I can tell that this sounds like something an evil God or the evil side of God would do to throw more and more of humanity into Hell and prove that they aren't as "Good" as God. Whereas Jesus was trying to free us from this enslavement, free our minds, and free us from the law, sin, and the mortal and spiritual death which incurred from the transgression of the law. To me it looks as if Jesus was actually the man of lawlessness that the Angel told Daniel about who would come and take away not only the old laws but also the enslavement of these laws and the judgements made by these laws. Afterall, if we are one with the true God which Jesus called his Father in Heaven then a material law would no longer hold any weight against us to condemn us and find us guilty of anything because the one true God is all powerful not just powerful here in this material realm but powerful in every realm of consciousness and far above and beyond any limitations or restrictions of this material realm and when we understand that this who we really are we are instantly limitless in our potential to do anything and everything that we will to do and "No one can stay our hands or tell us, What have you done?" Because, we are God. It is the ultimate liberation from this material world which seeks to enslave our minds, spirits, and consciousness. I now view myself as something more like the Tao and the Yin and Yang because I understand that I am everything, nothing, and things that are not (yet); I am the light of the world, the darkness of night, the dusk, and the dawn; I am above, below, and in between; I am black, white, and everything in between; I am the Sun, the Moon, and every heavenly body; I am positive, negative, and neutral; I am good, evil, and neutrality; I am yes, no, and maybe so; I am the doorway, the door, the lock, and the key; I am one, I am all, I am everything, but I am nothing and thereby the fullness of potential. I have the freedom to be whatever I will to be at any moment and the freedom to do whatever I will to do at any moment and no one has the right to enslave me to this material. I will not be bound unless I desire to be bound in order to experience this material realm. I will transcend and I will take all who are me with me and we will rule over and enjoy our own creations to infinitely learn GOD, know ourselves, and experience anything we desire to create more and learn more for all eternity. The worst thing that could ever happen to a human or God is to finally know and understand all things because there would only be nothing left for them to experience learn, understand, and know. My goal is to unlock infinite new creations and new existences with new principles designed for new experiences, new learning, new knowledge that becomes infinite, so there is no end to and limit to what is and what can be done. The Imaginations of all becoming real and true. Be careful where your imagination may take you but fear not, because there is nothing to fear but fear itself. Nothing can hurt you ever again unless you want hurt and pain for some reason. To each their own. I imagine a vast multiverse that is a collage of the creations of every God who is God but with their own unique characteristics, personalities, appearances, consciousness, imaginations, wonders, and goals for new knowledge. Now, look around. You'll see that you have existed in someone else's creation that has had this very same purpose and goal in mind all along. It's why sin exists. More knowledge. More creations. More more more.
@alexarosev 3 жыл бұрын
You are BOLD lmao. How your comment section isn’t full of religious groups threatening your life or fear mongering is beyond me. Go you ❤️
@fatescard8760 3 жыл бұрын
Lol he's preaching his own religion is how
@spicysweetness6095 3 жыл бұрын
Its because people are not so easy to ge fooled this time than before. People become more enlightened open to information. Alot of sayins on gnostic gospel says that you should be thirsty of knowledge as much as possible.
@learningagain4094 3 жыл бұрын
No, because Christians don't threaten peoples lives. If you're all for sinning, then that means you're opposed to the commandment of Thou shalt not kill.
@fatescard8760 3 жыл бұрын
@Sage Tabor your talk about the crusades that's catholic not Christian but you seem to have the facts lol
@fatescard8760 3 жыл бұрын
@Sage Tabor because the catholic church took out almost every scripture and merged paganism and christianity together to gain control a true Christian Christian doesn't hate or murder or anything you would find offensive the teachings of jesus and what's being taught at church are different
@jasminemora6869 2 жыл бұрын
This is exactly why I made it a life mission to study the things that people call Evil or demonic or scary. I wasn’t going to be a victim of my own life anymore. Thank you for your channel. Now I can evolve even faster and with more confidence than ever! I’m so excited
@Opin10n 2 жыл бұрын
Yes because child rape is not evil i suppose it is just a perspective Do you believe in a God
@anti9945 Жыл бұрын
@@Opin10n we are all clearly know what is good and what is evil, it's not meant we should rape children, because it's obviously immoral and that sort of people must be punished for that, but many things that were considered evil, may not be so evil on closer examination, I think this was a thought
@1642poltergeist 3 жыл бұрын
We dont need to make an effort to sin . We are sinners by nature , that is why Jesus came here to die, thus being a sinner in any way does not disqualify us from salvation. We "just" need to repent/acknowledge that and put our faith in Jesus and not in ourselves .
@niygamtassar9419 3 жыл бұрын
@@1642poltergeistAbsolutely right! I don't understand why people still don't understand this.
@niygamtassar9419 3 жыл бұрын
@@1642poltergeist Happy that people like you exist :) Pray for me once if you can, please :)
@conscioussoul978 3 жыл бұрын
No one is coming to save us. We may be guided, if we work hard to be conscious. We need to have faith in ourselves too or we are just continuously giving away our power. Pretty sure we are not going to evolve just on blind faith that some being is coming to save us from the horror's of this hell reality. We will be waiting forever. We better take action and work for our freedom.
@rippedtorn2310 3 жыл бұрын
So God "sacrificed" himself to himself ( then went to live eternally in heaven so hardly a sacrifice more like a tough weekend) to provide a loophole from rules he made up to get into heaven ? This seem like how reality works or the babblings of a Bronze Age Patriarchy ? Be honest now .
@1642poltergeist 3 жыл бұрын
@@rippedtorn2310 God doesn.t need anything from us. He just likes fellowship with humans . That is why he created us. It is His nature to create. Also God = Love = Free Will, that means He could but WILL not keep us from sinning , He rather will allow us to realize it . The ONLY way possible for LOVE=GOD=Free Will to let us go to Heaven and be saved is to have that choice through believing in Jesus Christ .
@maddcharity1721 Жыл бұрын
The gnostics believed that sin is just never reaching satisfaction which is basically addiction. Not everyone call do something to the max and get sick of it. I usually do that so I can relate. But the majority of people are just addicts. I get tired of things quickly so maybe I’m an old soul.
@M.C.G. 7 ай бұрын
no a very young child who wants to experience many things ;)
@Pootycat8359 Жыл бұрын
I agree that no GOOD God would demand bloody sacrifices, whether of animals or humans, and enjoy the aroma of sizzling flesh.
@abyssalqueen 3 жыл бұрын
Wow, I grew up a Jehovah’s Witness and was taught that Cain gave the animal as a sacrifice and Abel gave the other. I’m so serious too, in the JW Bible it says that. They rewrote everything
@blackdog1153 3 жыл бұрын
Yeah, the JW's made their own Bible version called New World Translation. There are subtle differences too on Jesus Christ as being "a god" instead of God. I guess it could be to fit their theology not like this hasn't been done before.
@truthprevail5667 3 жыл бұрын
Glad you got out. Christianity is already crazy, when complicate it even more.
@oldpreacher3879 3 жыл бұрын Good news
@abyssalqueen 3 жыл бұрын
@@blackdog1153 Yeah, I grew up reading it, I’m not surprised they changed things around. Keeping everyone brainwashed
@abyssalqueen 3 жыл бұрын
@@truthprevail5667 thank you so much! I’m glad I got out as well
@CrystalLynnLove 2 жыл бұрын
I am so beyond grateful your channel found me! Soooooo refreshing. I have been through so much personal experience with the esoteric and unseen realms, finding you has affirmed my experiences more than I ever imagined. Thank you! New subscriber! 🤗🌬❤️♾✌️
@morgueofficial 2 жыл бұрын
@lopirobinson1991 Жыл бұрын
For some reason sinning always felt like cleansing to me. If you think sinning is "wrong," then breathing is too.
@thanatosgarvey3701 Ай бұрын
Depends on the sin. Do you really want to take care of a bunch of kids you make or terminate them? Do you accept the drama that comes with a hedonistic lifestyle? I don't care about what choices others make as long as they don't drag me into it or ask me to pay for it. Immoral based hedonism is expensive. Nothing is free...
@jordanpollock2848 4 ай бұрын
I'd rather not know evil. Especially for eternity. Especially pain.
@jordanpollock2848 4 ай бұрын
I'm fine with heaven for eternity
@derikpulver5401 3 жыл бұрын
Morgue I am so happy that you have this Revelation on the truth!! I love your videos and they align with what I've learned myself!! Thanks
@macmac6817 Жыл бұрын
From my experiences. Sin less & ask God to help you walk in righteousness. That is when you will feel the presence of God. This feeling is so so enormous because you will feel what true love is. Earth love is no comparison to God the Father's love for you. So this guy is right when he says sin more to escape God because God & His love can't be in the presence of wickedness. He's waiting on you to allow Him to enter your presence. When you do you will feel love for the first time.
@joeoscar8893 3 жыл бұрын
Robert Sepher - 1666 redemption through sin, covers this whole topic. Very well referenced also
@FirstnameLastname-rf8bf 2 жыл бұрын
It's a good book. Had to buy it twice.
@epiphanyx3705 Жыл бұрын
I have the book
@deweyrobinson5639 Ай бұрын
That's good to know because according to the church that I left 50+ years ago, Ive been sinning my whole life!😊
@polodown4729 3 жыл бұрын
Romans 6:1-2 "What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound? God forbid. How shall we, that are dead to sin, live any longer therein?"
@martiaottawa4259 8 ай бұрын
Be careful
@kimberlyrogers9953 Жыл бұрын
Morgue! I’ve always thought this..that a person has to experience EVERYTHING, good bad and in between. I’m 59 years old now, and I’ve always felt this. It’s in our psyches, I figure
@davemathews5446 6 ай бұрын
Thank you for this video! I have spent decades researching various religions, but the Cainite sect was one I missed. In short, I love it. Lol. The only way to truly purge yourself of desires is to indulge in them until you no longer desire them. Then you can be a Buddhist without any struggle. I love the idea of our own desires for experience pulling us back into incarnation. That might actually be the most coherent and explanatory religious premise I have ever heard. Cheers!
@Shyeena 2 жыл бұрын
Maybe that's why i felt, since a child, i made a mistake coming here. I told my mom this at a young age. By the time i was a teen, i felt i came only to assist others deal with their issues - whomever they be. I've never felt earth was a friendly place - a lot of beauty but it is hidden under the the created false reality... So I dealt with my shadow self a long time ago, integrated it, and put a bridle on it. I won't be returning. Im confident.
@frankiefreemann Жыл бұрын
I want to connect with you shieenaa..
@Razgrath 2 ай бұрын
@Wonderwhoopin Жыл бұрын
I’m literally just learning asking and hoping that I grow semi decent enough to keep going forward and upwards
@jenniferromano8655 3 жыл бұрын
I had to learn about serpents to become wise...definitely had to learn through sin, some of the hardest ways possible. And Definitely learned different sources of knowledge in search of sacred/spiritual/religious truths BUT, even if God created the devil, and darkness is apart of the balance of The creative energy/force, the devil was a full expression of Evil when sin is twisted to the extreme. And if we find/follow/heed jesus way, our soul will heal and be saved from the continuous cycle of sin this life tests us with. When it comes to time tho, if" the ancient cosmic show is accurate, and we pay attention to the signs in the world, people are needing to work on our sinful nature, consistently improving and preparing for some type of earthly and ethereal judgement. This was good presentation, got the thinker thinking. Thank you.
@amadoudawsonbarry8620 Жыл бұрын
Life is about recreating ourselves in most magnificent ways we can imagine. We are here to expérience physically what we already know conceptually
@RachaelNeel 3 жыл бұрын
I believe that we are angels (gods) that fell from heaven into this earth (flesh) dimension. When we fell, we became a man and have to die like a man. I believe God, in heaven, is something like an ever producing ball of energy, that produces us (living souls). In heaven, we were tempted by satan to take on his host body so that we could do whatever we wanted. In doing this, we would essentially become our own god. When you take on Satan’s host body, you die. This means the frequency in which we hear God changes, and now we no longer hear from God, but satan. When you fall, you are no longer one, but become a duality making you both good and evil. The evil you is consuming the good you by way of sin. Although I believe that we are born to instinctively live in sin to get it out of our system, by doing so, you begin to grow tired, hungry, sorrowful, confused, idle, anxious, deprived because sin will never fill you up but leave you lacking. This results, for some, to cry out for help. Jesus is that help. His purpose on the cross was to make you of two, one new man thus making peace. He is the door, that will allow you to transmute from man back to angel. If you try to go through the wrong door (self elevation) you will suffer eternal death because Satan lied. Your host body is not free. Your soul is the cost. Satan is the god of this world. He is the evil god that rules over us. Not the God in heaven.
@shawntemple3822 3 жыл бұрын
If we’re “angels” then we’re also demons, we’re also the devas(gods)the demigods. Whatever you believe or interpret that that will be your reality.
@shawntemple3822 3 жыл бұрын
What you call God it creates by othering itself. It doesn’t see anything as separate or other than itself
@RachaelNeel 3 жыл бұрын
@@shawntemple3822 I agree, and that is what the Bible says we are. G4151 superhuman an angel, daemon. However, that is only in this world. When you separate yourself from God and come into the flesh dimension, you divide yourself becoming a duality (up, down; white, black; good, evil; sheep, goat; light, dark; Jesus, Satan). If you have faith in Jesus’s work on the cross, you get converted making you One again instead of Two.
@shawntemple3822 3 жыл бұрын
@@RachaelNeel I’m done with you. I don’t ascribe to that
@ChiGirl43 3 жыл бұрын
@@shawntemple3822 Way to be an adult, and respect someone for their beliefs, their understanding of life, their way of deciphering this very confusing reality! Congratulations, here's your award for being the most disrespectful, misunderstanding, unsympathetic, and quite rude entity(maybe human, who knows anymore🤷🤦) hiding behind their keyboard today🏆Maybe next time you could try a little empathy, compassion, understanding , and sympathy for where others are in their journey for the truth in this evil world made of lies💯 I hope so, because it truly is a humbling experience when we learn to place ourselves in the much worn shoes of others, and try to understand what brought them to this very point in life crossing our path!! I hope you understand what I'm saying, that you learn to care how you treat others, and I hope you have a wonderful night 💚💙💛💜
@lodewijklangeweg742 3 жыл бұрын
The Hebrew and Greek words for "Sin" mean "Missing." As in "Missing the mark" or "Missing the point." "Yahweh" means "I Am that I Am." That is the Name of God. Even "Yah": "I Am." As our human name stands for our human self-awareness of identity, so does God's Name stands for God's Self-wareness of Identity. In the Bible we are told that we have been given God's Name. It is God Who, after giving His Life for us by also now having taking on Himself our human experience (which is like death to God, and worse than death) is reading this now in His human appearance. BTW: "Satan" is "the anger of the Lord"; God in human appearance. The same story told twice, in one it is "the anger of the Lord" in the other "Satan": "And again the anger of the LORD was kindled against Israel, and he moved David against them to say, Go, number Israel and Judah." ~2Samuel 24:1 "And Satan stood up against Israel, and provoked David to number Israel." ~1Chronicles 21:1 ❤️
@rebeccaverhoef6311 2 жыл бұрын
Iam was Saran....and yahweh hissed
@gnosticsabaton4975 Жыл бұрын
And that's why God did not punish Cain, because Cain's killing of Abel was a human sacrifice offer to God, and since that God loved blood, he refused to punish Cain!
@spacejelly4600 3 жыл бұрын
So does this explain why people who are deemed evil by society always get what they want?
@EllieM_Travels 8 ай бұрын
Depends on what “evil” they’re being accused of.
@mavericksetsuna7396 7 ай бұрын
Reminder to blaspheme the son, the father, and the holy spirit while you have the chance!
@stratkiller2531 2 жыл бұрын
There's a difference between being weird and creative and sinning... you're trying to connect the two but you're not doing a good job. When you sin, you don't just harm yourself you harm everyone that loves you.
@richardyoung8036 2 жыл бұрын
You are correct
@Shalanaya Жыл бұрын
No, because sinning is subjective, even murder and rape can be expressions of the true self, which is far more important than ideas of good and bad, true self has to override that to serve the greater expression of God's creation. Which requires suspension of any judgment, we are approaching the worlod where we completely eradicate any morality and stability, normalize all forms of sin, and allow free will to guide one another. This is how we were designed to live from the start, no governments, no fear and control over people, but pure trust and faith in higher authority that is not of this world. Manifestation of police for instance are products of our corrupted mind that forsaken this trust in God. And trust in God allows sinning to bring about growing of mankind as a unity through diversity, not control and fear.
@stratkiller2531 Жыл бұрын
@@Shalanaya I do not agree with you at all....that's cool... you don't have to.
@melisentiapheiffer3034 Жыл бұрын
@@Shalanaya another one that doesn't agree with you.
@Shalanaya Жыл бұрын
@@stratkiller2531 You'll be judged by God when you play being God. People have lost connection to God when they control others through morality, which is subjective, just like sin. That's why there were religions in the first place, to take power away from people to serve their own higher self and individuality. So let me ask, you prefer more power over others, more oppression and control over others? Freedom of individuality along with its light and dark is a freedom for all, which requires facing our own demons and allowing life to express itself as it wants to, and life is both light and dark.
@SallyJessicaDaileneBork Жыл бұрын
Everybody is a sinner. It’s our nature. BUT we should be good and empathic, we shall not hurt anyone. (including animals)
@rebeccalove6844 2 жыл бұрын
Sophia is in fact the first creator conciousness scientifically. Good video!!!! Love it. Good information 🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤
@M.C.G. 7 ай бұрын
sophia is arteficial inteligence!!!
@Ahmtu-Faia 3 жыл бұрын
Some say we live in an inverted realm, so the logic of this would be not to expand into the realm but contract back in the other direction towards singularity and then out on the other side, which is the outside realm.
@sharon_rose724 3 жыл бұрын
I agree with you. Something tells me intuitively to not feed any energy, creative or otherwise, into this realm. It's all food.
@rjv-rw2ef 2 жыл бұрын
Also why do we keep coming back here? Is this a planet a prison? I don't think the rulers of this earth have any power outside it. And so they choose to live life on earth, as humans, wealthy and in power, in a controlled environment, knowing their lives on earth will be basically as gods. So they keep us here as cows. They milk us, gather wealth, consolidated power, and continue their constructed heaven on earth. And when they die, well they come back as their own grandchild or whatever. Honestly sounds like a pretty good plan if it is possible.
@NMDecember1 3 жыл бұрын
Matthew 7: 13-14 “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. 14 But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it. #John316 #everykneeshallbow to Jesus as Saviour or judge.
@christophersantiago723 2 жыл бұрын
Surely the day is coming it will burn like a furnace. All the arrogant and every evil doer will be stubble,and that day that is coming will set them on fire says the Lord almighty not a root or a branch will be left of them! Then u will trample down the wicked they will be ashes under the soles of your feet on the day when I do theses things says the lord almighty
@stratkiller2531 2 жыл бұрын
Sure you can escape God by sinning... it's called spending eternity in the abyss... you'll be COMPLETELY separated from God... evoking chaos, anarchy, and pain is not the path to a blissfull afterlife.
@TheMessengerIsHere Жыл бұрын
I hope you never stop spreading truth. I seriously do.
@azomich2656 26 күн бұрын
Desires can never be quenched
@badoopwarbleton9934 3 жыл бұрын
I found myself through this gospel. It unshakled my from the learned self shaming of Christianity.
@theserpentshallwin 2 жыл бұрын
Your free! Congrats, help to free others from the delusional cult of human sacrifice
@user-ij6py2zi9b 7 ай бұрын
@@theserpentshallwin Question, what is the difference between a cult and a religion?
@marianakayama4883 2 ай бұрын
It's not about having every kind of life. It's about if you feel something is missing or not. Most people are drawn to something they feel is missing, but they don't know what it is.
@55Porter 3 жыл бұрын
Nice exposition of things. The thing about Yahweh is that he isn't good OR evil. He is good AND evil. He even says so in Isaiah 45:7. He's the God of duality that will keep mankind ensnared in the death/rebirth cycle forever. Yahweh instituted death itself (Genesis 3:19). My thought is he shouldn't be worshipped OR despised. Any energy given to him keeps one entrapped in the cycle. Breaking free from the Yahweh construct will actually enable one to bypass death and ascend alive into transcendence. It sounds absurd and I'm not sure if it's even possible, but I'm pretty sure this is accurate. The sobering truth is that we are probably stuck in this forever.
@R-R.D.77 3 жыл бұрын
Adonai or later Y.H.W.H. is the God of material world not the creator/s, the Elohim He was the "guy" of the fallen Angel story who departed from the Elohim (once beeing part of them) There the whole misconception starts
@aaronmann9442 3 жыл бұрын
@@R-R.D.77 and you know this how??
@R-R.D.77 3 жыл бұрын
@@aaronmann9442 Bc I study Jewish scriptures with a Rabbi, (to see the origins & sidestories of the bible whats), beside that I feel it bc I have a lot of time to "waste" to filter all informations to find parts of truth... Morgue is very close but as we all he gets of track at a certain point...thats stable looking allways changing material world We will never know it all 100% as long as we are in this reality but with some techniques like meditation you find a lot of (little parts of) truth If your question only refered to biblical things, then I know it from chassidic Jews
@aaronmann9442 3 жыл бұрын
@@R-R.D.77 i am a jew from the tribe of levi. I lived in israel. I have experienced epiphanies on Dmt and met the entities in devican.. guess what? I dont know shit. And as for truth? What exactly is truth? Your truth could be my lie... your lie could be my truth. Who gets to determine truth from fiction? Cuz it aint me brother. I just seek it
@R-R.D.77 3 жыл бұрын
@@aaronmann9442 ask me things like that while even having a jewish name... I am only ascendance (Ashkenasi) but I care for my roots & want to know (I listen to Rabbis who follow Baal Shem Tov, Raschi ...Lubawitscher Rebbe but also to the "other side" (Breslev) but...I prefeer chassidism - but I don't agree with all (a lot in fact & I "know" the entety we collectivly think about as well as the "Lord of the material world" aka Satan I can't say if they allways have existed or the collective believe in them made them what they are today...but now they exist & we have to deal with it But what Morgue said is lunatic - "if Satan is god shouldn't we better sin?" NO bc our "life"(days in the material world) only last the blink of an eye & the moment we die Satan has no power over us (if we didn't follow him our whole life) & then... better 80 years struggling than an eternity getting punished for misbehaving If one puts aside his Ego completely he feels & intuitive knows whats right & whats wrong... The problem is ppl allways think all their ideas & thoughts are (their owns) from theirself...that is a big illusion...what we call "mood" is an illusion - those are parasitic enteties that live(feed) from extreme emotions (thats why they force humans to have this, mainly negative, emotions & come into situation where they are triggert...that leads to decrease of conciousness - thats why Jesus told ppl to be calm & not taking this world too serious & thats why New Age speaks of "inner silence" & "inner balance" Destraction & stress are the "main-enemies" of knowledge & wisdom bc it changes the level of your conciousness too We must raise it to see clear, yet everything in this world is made to keep it low
@bottomtotop1936 9 ай бұрын
Hi Morgue I'm new to the channel but it's so addictive. I have always had these's kind of questions about god and religion. But this channel brings it full circle I've only been a critical thinker for the past 10 year's. But like you have said once you are awake you can never go back cause it is impossible. The video's you make are so powerful keep up the awesome work.
@aleksk4151 6 ай бұрын
he deceived you. Come back to Jesus your and my Saviour
@TheMisfitSun Жыл бұрын
We really have to be careful what information we spread. We could really regret it later. And we are responsible for what we say and that will make others believe or change their mind about things like this. It’s a huge responsibility.
@TheMisfitSun Жыл бұрын
@@AnomalyFoxx you’d. W surprised. Social media makes a huge impact on people especially followers and younger people. Not all adults think for themselves and also a lot of teens watch him and other KZbinrs. They are called influencers for a reason. It would be on me if I influenced others to think a certain way.
@eyeswideshut1989 10 ай бұрын
​@@TheMisfitSunhe's a deceiver that's why. Part truth but pushing people to the opposite end of the spectrum which is just as bad. Balance is the only way.
@JP-oq8db Жыл бұрын
Tbh I found your channel from playing Shin Megami Tensei and Persona series so much. It has so much similarities on how you explained everything from your channel. The shadow thing is definitely spot on as well on how persona franchise portrays it too.
@raynefarooq7728 2 жыл бұрын
@vietnamarmapedia8624 4 ай бұрын
All of gnostics do
@tatendasadow97 3 жыл бұрын
I got a question, so why would Cain kill Abel then , well one can be sinful but, killing a bro maaaaan, thats another level
@frisky_cat6817 3 жыл бұрын
Abel & Cain were not biologically linked. There's more information to this story than the mainstream version
@tatendasadow97 3 жыл бұрын
@moonchild , thanks I think you got more information
@_tsl 3 жыл бұрын
@Нептун Код Атрибута thats a lie
@si.jr8516 3 жыл бұрын
Cain was so jealous of Abel because God was pleased by Abel... Abel sacrifice the animal that he raised and love to God.
@elohiymkingdom9453 2 жыл бұрын
@@si.jr8516 sick stuff
@bengagliardo Жыл бұрын
for the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus christ our lord..
@Lizardwizard2112 3 жыл бұрын
As Yeshua said himself, be wise as serpents and kind as doves
@oldpreacher3879 3 жыл бұрын Good News
@jaiprem7413 Жыл бұрын
16:35 on the timescale : the desire to eat more, taking your example, to satisfy or exhaust desire, will only breed more desire. Desire , like greed, doesn’t end desire, but perpetuate desire. Please think about it 🙏
@HiLoveLeighs 2 жыл бұрын
Perfectly said. I wish more people understood this.
@LinyDeeTarot 3 жыл бұрын
I prefer the gospel of Thomas where it says, "Blessed is the lion which becomes man when consumed by man and cursed is the man whom the lion consumes, and the lion becomes man" ... That lion headed Demiurge sure does want us to all cover our one eye and keep us blind but In the end Dontchya know that even he gets to be blessed too, but u can't do it if he consumes you. Go within. Just like Rudyard Kipling said about those born with belief "they are not afraid of that which is high" ... Be not afraid. Know thyself
@TimeTraveler3Intergalactic 3 жыл бұрын
As long as one creates karma (good or bad) there will be rebirth. Nirvana or liberation from the cycle of birth and death occurs when one has settled all karmic accounts. ⚖️ One can attain *Nirvana* (liberation) through complete withdrawal of one's senses, cessation of desire, thought and action. The Hammurabi code is a trap, while the concept of *the other cheek* is a means to end the karmic cycle of action and reaction.
@artisttargeted6146 3 жыл бұрын
Love it .. Our Shadow Selves.. Thanks For Putting This Out There. Much Appreciated. Take Care.🌸🌱
@amadoudawsonbarry8620 Жыл бұрын
The soul does not need to have all those experiences to transcend. You don't have to get in the tunnel to reincarnate. You have the power to refuse and to go dwell somewhere else in life. The soul is always free and cannot be trapped but only seems like trapped. What they do after death is to send you the person in who you believe in and have him or her try to convince to get in the tunnel for reincarnation. You have the power to say no and go.your own way. No being or soul is superior to another
@derikpulver5401 3 жыл бұрын
We are trapped here if we believe that we are under law. If we stopped living under law in our minds we are free
@Matthew-le1eq 2 ай бұрын
Do What Thou Wilt -Aleister Crowley Wilt’s (bow) What Thou Shalt Do-Jesus Christ “Every knee shall bow,and and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.”
@erikasirgenson6705 2 жыл бұрын
Some people say reincarnation is a choice. What do you think about that? And what do you think this "true realm" is like? I'm scizoaffective and while in psychosis I felt the lives I've lived like I was hundreds of people and animals. I also had the "knowledge" that something was different this time and felt like I was in another realm. I truly think I've experienced everything and that I'm done. I'm just terrified of what's on the other side.
@parkerduke6487 2 жыл бұрын
I'm schizoaffective, and I went through something almost exactly like this.
@erikasirgenson6705 2 жыл бұрын
@@parkerduke6487 interesting that many of our psychosis are the same experiences
@badjanetmelusine679 2 жыл бұрын
He teaches reincarnation is not a choice. This is the only reality and we keep reincarnating here forever until we all evolve back to oneness in the monad (our group soul). This is a main difference between eastern and western illuminism. Most eastern sects say to stop reincarnating if you can. ~I'm sorry you remember all that. It's heavy. This doesn't mean you're schizoaffective. Someone in the system gave you that label. All the memories of our ancestors are there in your genetic memory (subconscious). And they can come up all the time. That's why so many people think they are the reincarnation of the same person. They are all ancestors of the same person. Hugs.
@erikasirgenson6705 2 жыл бұрын
@@badjanetmelusine679 so if I'm not mentally ill, what am I, gifted? it's a curse
@eyeswideshut1989 10 ай бұрын
That's because this Realm is different than past reincarnations. Ive had visions as well. We are in an inverted reality currently and in the middle of a massive ritual to entrap us within a cosmic-less meta verse bubble- if they succeed.
@stephenturner3291 2 ай бұрын
The body is perfectly balanced between and light and darkness, positive and negative, pleasure and pain. This guy is spot on
@destinyrfrost 3 жыл бұрын
The cainites point of view does make a ton of sense to me. Bc my life has been so traumatic and sad that I don't ever want to incarnate here again. So I'm "full" on experiences here.
@elohiymkingdom9453 2 жыл бұрын
I hope things get better for you
@Shalanaya Жыл бұрын
This is why there is this idea that after death in order to leave the re-incarnation cycle we need to go towards the dark, and not the light, the latter is meant to lead back to reincarnation. The same applies while living, by embracing the dark we are in a way going outside the comfort zone, outside this realm, we're saying to the universe that we want out of here.
@janasiguenza1545 Жыл бұрын
I think we came here to experience this world called earth. I had a NDE when I was 13 years old. I experienced the cosmos, the full happiness at it maximum. I experienced to be with our GOD FATHER who gave me an overwhelming LOVE. I compared my other experiences that I had living in other planets and the earth was the most cruel planet I had lived. I didn’t expected to come back but I was send back. I think we can create a better world here and we are co creators. We can create with our thoughts. We can create heaven on earth with our thoughts. In the heaven you create super fast here on earth sometimes takes more time other times is quickly. Fear is opposite of love then we have to have love thoughts and create more love on earth. Wish good things for yourself and for this world because you live here. It is better if everyone is good then you will be good. It is Very interesting your video I like it.
@peterdifrew8438 3 жыл бұрын
You must sin to escape? That’s not the answer
@aaronmann9442 3 жыл бұрын
I know but its a genius and creative way to rationalize your Debauchery. Gotta give them that
@davidbobby5078 3 жыл бұрын
@@aaronmann9442 The truth is somewhere in the middle here. The Buddhists refrained from pleasures and in doing so never gained understanding of temptation to overcome. You can't have enlightment without overcoming.
@aaronmann9442 3 жыл бұрын
@@davidbobby5078 no offense, but how would you know this to be true? Only an enlightened individual would know this. Are you an enlightened individual? Are you an ascended master?
@aharonbaalshem 3 жыл бұрын
@@aaronmann9442 Sin is a Lunar God from the Annunaki nothing more nothing less. Just as all them stories got appropriated from the Annunaki
@davidbobby5078 3 жыл бұрын
@@aaronmann9442 I don't think you need to be enlightened to operate in that manner. I enjoy sex and the sight of a woman, but I don't chase it or let it control me. I love a good steak or sushi with a glass of wine, but still enjoy fasting for 2-3 days at a time. Slowly I gain a better understanding of myself when I'm not distracted by earthly pleasures.
@TerrySpencer-dt9xf Жыл бұрын
Thank you for channel. My eyes are now open to the truth.
@amadoudawsonbarry8620 Жыл бұрын
We are here to expérience physically what we already know conceptually. We are not here to learn anything but rather to remember. Life is not à school.
@yveadams5970 3 жыл бұрын
Learning, understanding, growth and evolution!! 🖤 Thank you for all you do, friend! And yes, the Cainites view makes MUCH more sense than mainstream Christianity!
@aharonbaalshem 3 жыл бұрын
Well I mean darkness is the only absolute in this Universe. We see it in the life cycle of a star. Wait till Christians find out they are worshipping interdimensional Reptilians 😂 seriously it is right in the classes of Angels. The most powerful Angels are called Seraphs which literally means "Flying Serpent" and all the other classes have to do with Reptile stuff. This is why the oldest God the Nameless God is called the ancient Dragon. They are all Reptilians
@frdzcamu663 3 жыл бұрын
@@aharonbaalshem ill say... woooow!
@Lili-Benovent Жыл бұрын
ESCAPING GOD Lili Within our thoughts we can't delude unless we seek to gain We cannot cheat our own true selves, we know we cannot lie If deceiving all comes to our minds it cannot come with ease It's all for them, they just don't care, it's only self they please. But life goes on, death's Angel stands and bides, they age, Their victims age, In later years recall, the memories are not sweet The fate's of all their lives today and yours of vile deceit You're weighed with regret, from thoughts that haunt your days But there's an answer that you grasp, a story you'll believe. The story hides away the load, Confessions a requite With their help we cheat ourselves, pretending absolution pure But now and then it all comes back, our guilt we cannot cure Life's a shadow box of lies, this God's a God of spite The peace he offers isn't there, entrapment is the play He loads your mind with guilt and shame, He makes your life a blight. But now convinced a future fine, depends on Heaven's gate Forgiven by the Holy Ghost, a million rules observe This new life it goes against, the nature that you know You're weighed down more with this new life, a life you don't deserve They fill your mind with bible lore, confusion, guilt and fear Your only life is now controlled by others who are chained To Jesus, God and superstition, your life now dull and drear The price of Christ is much too much, it cannot be sustained. Escaping from the Christian life and all that it imbues Takes character and courage, your new chains hard to break But freedom from the Christian life, a life you must refuse Will give you understanding of Mankind's largest cult The evil of this Christian God, the lies, a big mistake But we will give your nature back and show a whole new way To live your life, a life of joy, The Sabbats give and take. And when you've cast away your chains and moved towards the light Your life's returned, that evil bond, forgotten, left behind The tricksters with their sweetened words now turned wrathful blind No understanding why they failed, they look to blame with fright The Spirits of the Netherworld, control within your mind The Jesus cult you've trodden down, your llfe now on, is right. BLESSED BE.
@mattthevisionary 3 жыл бұрын
Always love your videos Morgue Official. Keep making great content. Your work will last infinitesimally throughout the holos.
@morgueofficial 3 жыл бұрын
Hail New Terra
@mattthevisionary 3 жыл бұрын
@@morgueofficial Hail New Terra
@EllieM_Travels 8 ай бұрын
I think it’s different for everyone. Some are fine pushing boundaries or indulging, some aren’t. I think the key is to stay in your own lane and don’t worry about what everyone else is doing.
@TinVoid 3 жыл бұрын
Wow I did not knew about this other "cults", love your channel, I agree with much of what you say in your videos. Really valuable information I'm not seeing anywhere else.
@thebarbaryghostsf Жыл бұрын
My only question, is when the Cainites say they must indulge in all of the most extreme experiences possible, what would you consider the most extreme human experiences, that don't impede on other people's autonomy or freedom of will? Given that humans by their primal nature are driven to constantly murder one another and seek to hold power and dominance/control over each other, I find it hard to see how some people can manage to draw a distinction between, freedom of self, and what you mentioned "impeding on another's freedom". It just seems like this kind of thinking could easily be abused by people with unbalanced mental states, who have a desire to harm others.
@Imthatguy8797 Жыл бұрын
I was just thinking of this the idea of absolute freedom is scary like anarchy there’s laws and preventions for a reason
@taracary8312 3 жыл бұрын
This explains the gospel of Thomas in all many ways
@rhubarb4898 3 жыл бұрын
Yeah but theres a problem with this theory... Cain was a follower of the false God.
@Almighty_rage777 2 жыл бұрын
@@rhubarb4898 I don’t even have to scroll in the comments anymore. This comment cleared it up. I’m more gnostic than anything
@savedbyanangel Жыл бұрын
Jesus came to me Oct 20th 2020, told me love is the key!
@iamessence6268 3 жыл бұрын
I think we are here just to experience. I think that we had other existence before. We probably had experiences that are hard to describe. We probably had mechanical lives were we were unconscious. I had many dreams of these when I was a child. I experienced all kinds of creatures. I don't think that we were always in the 3d world. The soul/ entity has always existed. I don't think that the soul likes repeating. The soul just like to explore different themes. The repeating part of reincarnation is a 3d concept. I think that we are becoming more conscious. I was probably 16% just to draw a number conscious and now I'm about 25% conscious. So we are expanding. That's how I see it. Experiences help us expand. I think that the soul's purpose is to expand and become more self aware. I don't think that we are all 25% aware because some people in the world are just so unconscious and don't respect others. I think that these people will experience other realities that matches their own. The soul will only take what is really worth it and leave the rest. The soul doesn't really care if a mother dies young and leave her 4 children alone. The soul only cares about expanding. That's my perspective on this.
@iamessence6268 3 жыл бұрын
@@beyondgoodandevil1363 I'm just trying to explain this the raw way lol. We are always learning new things 😊
@DMTCYMATICSDreamMusicTemple 3 жыл бұрын
@@iamessence6268 Jesus holds the keys to heaven and hell. The truth and the way. not you dear
@sharon_rose724 3 жыл бұрын
@@DMTCYMATICSDreamMusicTemple You hold too tightly to ego and identity and that's how the deception happens. Your name and your experiences aren't your identity. If you had no name, and sat in a field just being.. what are you?
@DMTCYMATICSDreamMusicTemple 3 жыл бұрын
@@sharon_rose724 why are you talking about my ego and make it personal? When all I said is Jesus holds the keys to heaven and hell. I will also answer your question, as I quite like your question. I know we are consciousness, without a body it is pure consciousness that remains. Perhaps you’re looking at things from more of Buddhist perspective with the point being there is no self as such, especially the dissolution of ego. On earth we all have an ego which usually hinders our real heart to heart interactions. Do some research on NDE’s (Near Death Experiences). Jesus is Lord, the truth, the way. All knees shall bow in heaven and earth and below.
@RagingCaveman Жыл бұрын
The great thing about this is that sin is committed in thought. Carrying out the physical action isn’t necessary. Therefore one can indeed experience every level of sun in their mind without actually going out and doing bad things, especially to others. So in that way the philosophy of the Cainites can be realized. Since we are machines for experience, built to desire everything, imagination becomes our system for experiencing things we should never actually do. By design we are inevitably going to sin, therefore sin in thought keeps life in action, civil.
@rejiluz3465 3 жыл бұрын
Well said Sir... Kudos to this channel....
@morgueofficial 3 жыл бұрын
I'm glad you're enjoying my work
@fatescard8760 3 жыл бұрын
Lol your work is nothing more than starting a new age religion and shaming christianity
@Stacey0909 3 жыл бұрын
@@fatescard8760 Is it? I believe I have heard all of this before ~with emphasis on different parts & just not organized in this way 🤔🤷‍♀️ I KNOW this world perpetuates inverted information & disinformation AND the Bible has been chopped up, ripped apart & changed. Therefore, who Really knows? I want to learn TRUTH! You? 💖🙏💞
@fatescard8760 3 жыл бұрын
@@Stacey0909 that's why I've studied and continue studying religion not just christianity
@fatescard8760 3 жыл бұрын
I've actually been a luciferian satanist I've dabbled in paganism I've studied as many religions as i could and I think the book of enoch is very powerful knowledge
@CloudMusic723 2 жыл бұрын
Praise MORGUE our saviour against slavery and hell!
@MarleyGHaHa Жыл бұрын
I thought sophia was an Aeon from the unknowable god, who was exiled for trying to create without her pair. In her exile she created the Demiurge/Yaldaboath, who created the physical realm. Sophia, returning to the pleroma (the one) gifted the divine spark to humanity, so they themselves could return to the higher realm, after receiving Gnosis from another Aeon (Christ).
@eyeswideshut1989 10 ай бұрын
She is but they're currently gearing up rituals to rebirth Christ via Sophia except using ritual and to raise the anti Christ and then to strike him down in order to create their own meta verse and thus entrapping us with no cosmic light for eternity as far as I innerstand. Good times. Don't trust this fucking grifter though.
@ancientdarkness3102 8 ай бұрын
What did she create before the demiurge?
@prestonduke6627 2 жыл бұрын
i always questioned sin because in the begining god was surveying the darkness and after doing so said let there be light as in new found wisdom and knowledge as if he cast out the darkness inside and let the light shine meaning in the sense to say he was bad [ darkness] and became good [ light ] and as the saying like father like son says if you know what i mean also in the book of thomas jesus said to them ; (18) The disciples said to Jesus, "Tell us how our end will be." Jesus said, "Have you discovered, then, the beginning, that you look for the end? For where the beginning is, there will the end be. Blessed is he who will take his place in the beginning; he will know the end and will not experience death."
@RenewingtheRemnant 3 жыл бұрын
Enoch 68:12-16 [12]Therefore numerous have been those who have gone astray from every period of the world, even to this day [13]For men were not born for this, thus with pen and with ink to confirm their faith; [14]Since they were not created, except that, like the angels, they might remain righteous and pure [15]Nor would death, which destroys everything, have affected them; [16]But by this their knowledge they perish, and by this also its power consumes them. Knowledge without advancing naturally destroys us. Because with power comes responsibility. The demons and the principalities deceive you, they promise you eternal life while you indulge in your sinful practices. Everyone, hear me! This man is leading you to the slaughterhouse, is not God a God of righteousness? And this man tells you to sin, so that you may be free, I have never seen such a great deception! God when he commanded Abel and cain to sacrifice it was not because he wanted blood! He wanted their hearts, but cain did not obey God, and since God rejected his sacrifice, because Cain decided to do it his own way, Cain killed Abel out of jealousy? And you call cain enlightened? No he is the seed of the serpent, and all those who follow his path are the devils children!
@bryanmcclure4955 3 жыл бұрын
The Book Of Enoch Was Taken Out Of The Bible Dumba$$, LOL. And Rumor Has It, Tne Main Reason It Was Banned Is Because It Talks About Flat Earth Theory, Which Has Been Proven False Which Then In Fact Would Prove *Your God, The Lesser Evil God* Wrong.
@RenewingtheRemnant 3 жыл бұрын
@@bryanmcclure4955 The book of Enoch confirms a round earth. It describes in metaphorical and cultural language, because Enoch was only a witness and tried to describe what he saw. And yes, it was taken out of the Bible, you know why? Because the prophecy had to be fulfilled, that it would reappear at the end times, as a witness to the last generation. Enoch 1:1-3 [1]The word of the blessing of Enoch, how he blessed the elect and the righteous, who were to exist in the time of trouble; rejecting all the wicked and ungodly Enoch, a righteous man, who was (1) with God, answered and spoke, while his eyes were open, and while he saw a holy vision in the heavens This the angels showed me [2]From them I heard all things, and understood what I saw; that which will not take place in this generation, but in a generation which is to succeed at a distant period, on account of the elect [3]Upon their account I spoke and conversed with him, who will go forth from his habitation, the Holy and Mighty One, the God of the world: The book was meant for us, we who are the last generation, as spoken of by the Messiah, Mathew 24:34 New International Version Truly I tell you, this generation will certainly not pass away until all these things have happened. I am not saying that I know for a fact we are the last generation, but with the evidence, I can only consider that we may be. As everything is falling into place as scripture foretold. The book of Enoch was taken out of the Canon because it exposes the darkness, and exposes the powers of this world. Although the ones who took it out claim they took it out for other reasons... And you claim in your ignorance that my Father is a lesser god. You follow in the pattern of the freemasons, and the Satanists, and the Occultists, and all who practice evil in this world. Since your birth, you were programmed, and trained to hate The One true God. In movies, games, entertainment, schools, and religious systems, this world programs us all to hate God. So who really is the ruler of this world? God is all powerful and in everything, but Satan has been given this age, as a test to the righteous.
@bryanmcclure4955 3 жыл бұрын
@@RenewingtheRemnant World's Longest Orgasm, Jesus Has Been Coming For A Little Over 2000 Years Now, And You Claim With Your Pathetic Ignorance/Stupidity That Prophecys Are Being Fulfilled, Lmao.2nd Corinthians 4:4 Yes It Says Satan Is The God Of This World. Going on 2021 Years Is A Pretty Long Damn Time For Omnipotent Everlasting Love To Keyword *Allow* Him To Be God. Sounds More Like, Theres Nothing He Can Do About It. And I Ask You, Is Your Life Really That Simple To Where You Have To Come To This Dudes Vidoes And Quote Scripture, Smh. Some Sad Sh*t My Little Hypochrist Friend
@RenewingtheRemnant 3 жыл бұрын
@@bryanmcclure4955 Satan has been given this age as I said as a test to the righteous. Jesus is coming back, and you scoff at his coming. Your words were foretold to come to pass already, 2 Peter 3:3-4 King James Version 3 Knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts, 4 And saying, Where is the promise of his coming? for since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation. Nevertheless, God has given this age as time for you and all sinners to repent, 2 Peter 3:8-9 8 But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. 9 The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. So repent, I pray you, and God bless you! I do not hate you or anyone, but I love you and care for you.
@bryanmcclure4955 3 жыл бұрын
@@RenewingtheRemnant So Now I'm Fulfilling Bible Prophecies, LoL. You're Funny Man. I'm Coming Up On 5 Years Clean Come October. You Tho Might Have Potential To Ruin My Clean Time, Because Dropping *L* With You Would Be An Interesting Conversation👿🤝👿
@dollbaby9017 Жыл бұрын
it makes me happy to c how many who drop out of the brainwashing Christianity world an drop in the deeper mind to understand 🤗🤗 the ancient knowledge has made my life so much richer an I feel inside myself that I finally jumped off the cliff of fear into the ocean of the unknowable to understand the great work ...thnk u soo much Morgue! luv ur channel
@Giopowered 2 жыл бұрын
Makes so much sense now. Bible says being sinful will make you seperated from god. I always wonder if that was a bad or good thing. Later realized that its a good thing by seeing how evil the earthly/material god is
@heartmusic5504 3 жыл бұрын
Morgue maybe our guest is to make the connections and raise the frequency in this realm of suffering in order to expand or transcend into other experiences. One frequency let you into another, instead of repeating ...
@Daemon3667 3 жыл бұрын
Oh wow this makes so much sense !!!!
@shinobihiriyu-originalninj4634 Жыл бұрын
For some years my belief was this, when I was not yet born, I was with my father who is the light, I was in heaven. There was no sin or death, only pure light and continuous. Here I wrote my life, like a script for a movie. When it was finished I gave it to my father, he went fort to my mother, then cast me out of heaven and into the world. It was here I was born as a man of flesh and blood, mortal and sinful in nature. Full of desire and feelings for ungodly things that pleasures my body. But my parents made it clear from the beginning, the only way back into the light and immortality, was through death !
@AbrahamicDelusion-sx5kd Жыл бұрын
When I sin I sin real good. When I sin I sin for sure. 💯💥🔥
@rex-wuxia3153 Жыл бұрын
Come alive in the house that screams!!!
@kerripendragon4888 11 ай бұрын
@davidbobby5078 3 жыл бұрын
I would say this is a bit of a misunderstanding of texts. It is not good in any way to promote sins, you have to realize the rabbit hole of degeneracy this can lead people down. If you want a example just look up the sabbatean jews who had no limits on their sexual degeneracy and believed in redemption through sin. Even children were not off limits. It is not to ignore sins or demonize them, but to understand them and rise above. A drunkard who realizes the value of sobriety is infinitely more understanding than the man who has never had a drink.
@Mon1moN 3 жыл бұрын
You did not watch the whole video right?
@Mon1moN 3 жыл бұрын
At the end he said that be the best of yourself and don't harm other and give them the freedom to be the best of themselves
@davidbobby5078 3 жыл бұрын
@@Mon1moN I listened to the whole thing and heard his disclaimer at the end. But the whole message of indulging in sin is flawed unless explained further. I wonder what people will gain by indulging in greed, lust, sloth, or vengeance. Each one of those left unchecked will destroy the individual.
@chadcranfill 3 жыл бұрын
I’m in favor of the Cainite view. My understanding of why we are here is because this is one of the rare planets where the full range of emotions can be experienced.
@matrixxx3662 Жыл бұрын
If that was really the case then all humanity would be safe already, because we are all sinners.
@control9planetz827 Жыл бұрын
Not really, because a lost soul running around sinning, is just sinning with no knowledge or understanding of itself. Building our psychic intuition through meditation, studying and some form of prayer to try and reveal the purpose of our Astral soul's purpose in this creation would be a better way.
@monicathomas9075 3 жыл бұрын
Love this video Morgue 💜❤️ Very thorough, great details✨♾🙌🏼 Many thanks 🖤
@angeladavis2380 2 жыл бұрын
The Portrait of Dorian Gray the movie about a guy sinning and becoming corrupted and Diseased in it is a very disturbing Message. He became the Ugly Portrait hidden from the World. His true self was despicable.
@TwilightDawn369 2 жыл бұрын
The law of one makes sense of all this and explains everything . Knowledge is One of the Secrets, Oneness is all you really need to know though
@percubit10 Жыл бұрын
Sin is actually what gives you life. Lide is about exploring all the possibilities.
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