These wonderful little girls are showing us that doing things “like USA” is destroying the earth! “Let’s build mansions for the few rich near lakes”! All nations should have already started building only Tower cities connected to maglev Trains worldwide, and there should be EQUAL wealth worldwide so that is possible! Bravo!
@stephsoltesz67313 күн бұрын
In November when COP 30 in Brazil takes place will be unlike anything experienced so far. Sadly, it will become totally clear that the inheritance being left won't be for the benefit of our future. Now with an psychotic Oligarch terrorist in charge of the world's largest nuclear military who is threatening individuals, organisations & nations en-masse, who knows what will unfold. Sorry for being a downer, but we have entered into irrational & unpredictable times.
@GeffreyKane2 күн бұрын
As a woman, I confess, I haven't been very proud of the women of recent generations. This next generation of women however, arguably the best generation ever!
@StevieWonders20202 күн бұрын
Let me just say what I would have done re the Lisbon Plenary that would not allow such the mature, articulate and experienced 16 year old Charley deliver her speech: I would have had their mother do it OR have Dakota read Charley's speech and make sure that the audience is made aware of the circumstances and why this needed to be done. I think it would have worked. Change the rules! No Tokenism! Magnificent young women we need more.