Moral of the story: don't be too arrogant and stubborn.
@wangmilly11333 жыл бұрын
@catlube34473 жыл бұрын
Every time extreme sports accidents happen, Some Chinese worship Americans, who always say: They're independent, brave, is normal that Americans to live in the moment. Blablabla Most Americans: oh my God, I would rather stay at home than going to do this, they are insane.
有位叫Sean Holarcher 的油管主经过多年搜索终于找到了洞穴,和维奇最后一个视频的位置完全一致,只是M洞的入口现在塞满了单独的石块再也进不去了,那位播主离开后没多久就开始恶心呕吐大病一场, 有兴趣的可以看下,视频标题是 M Cave Found Covered Up 洞穴的状态跟维奇最后一个视频一样,明显能看到有个M形的入口,但是入口被一些分散的石块给堵了起来,这些石块颜色和洞穴的其他部分完全不一样,个人感觉洞穴内确实是某种研究设施或者也是有某种放射物质,Sean Holarcher跟维奇遇到了完全一样的状况,接近入口后全身不适在回程路上还不断呕吐