В июне 2023 г. подобное было у моего 17-летнего кота в результате болезни почек. Эти приступы я ему вылечил французской Кепрой.
@user-bibilulu7 ай бұрын
Я использую Google Translate. Спасибо за ваш комментарий! Ваш кот проживет долгую жизнь. Я вижу, что ты хорошо о нем заботишься. Надеюсь, ваш кот и дальше будет здоров. Спасибо за информацию!Я представлю лекарство на японском языке. てんかん治療薬としてレベチラセタム(商品名イーケプラ)を使用しているそうです。
@@ОлегШкварников Сочувствую вашей утрате... Я уверен, что ваш кот прожил долгую и счастливую жизнь, потому что вы его вырастили. Желаю вашей кошке всего наилучшего.
@MiriamMiriam-og8gt9 ай бұрын
It's really scary. A few days ago, my cat was exposed to a similar situation. I didn't know it. He suffers from it. I think he fell from a place and was spinning around and bumping into the walls. He couldn't look up, but the situation was longer
@user-bibilulu8 ай бұрын
Thank you for your comment. I can't speak English, so I'm using a translator. Your cat must have had a hard time too. It's painful that all you can do is watch it happen. Below is a translated version of the contents of the summary column. I'm glad if you can use it as a reference. ↓ ○About dealing with epileptic seizures During a seizure, touching is prohibited to avoid irritation. Holding or holding the child is contraindicated as it may worsen epilepsy or cause bone fractures. Try to avoid things you might hit. Make sure to create a safe environment in advance so you don't leave too many things behind. I took this photo to show it to the vet, but normally the lights would be turned off to avoid light stimulation. During a seizure, the patient may not be able to understand what you say to him or her, so create a quiet environment to avoid stimulation. My teeth are itchy, but I have no choice but to wait for the attack to subside... The veterinarian advised that it would be better to cover the cage with cardboard to prevent it from getting caught. ○About antiepileptic drugs I take 1/4 of a 30mg Phenobar tablet every Monday, Wednesday, Friday morning and night, and my seizures are under control. Initially, I started taking 1/2 of a pill every morning and evening, and there was a time when I was losing my energy due to the large amount I was taking. I had a mild attack when I gradually reduced it from 3 times a week to 2 times a week, so I am currently back to 3 times a week.
@MiriamMiriam-og8gt8 ай бұрын
@@user-bibilulu Thank you very much for the advice. It really helped me
Котик очень красивый. Ну жалко его. Неужели нельзя его вылечить. Он мучается очень. 😔🙏
@user-bibilulu2 ай бұрын
Спасибо за ваш комментарий! Я использую Google Translate. Хотя исследования в области лечения кошачьей эпилепсии продолжаются, в настоящее время полностью вылечить кошачью эпилепсию сложно. К счастью, моя кошка в настоящее время здорова, и у нее нет судорог благодаря лекарствам, которые она принимает.
@CarolynAitken-yp2rq4 ай бұрын
My cat has seizures too, about once every 4 to 6 weeks they started 2 years ago it’s very distressing to watch! The doctor put him on medication but it didn’t agree with him, but I was watching a video on on KZbin about a woman who had learnt how to control them by massaging the back of the neck just before the onset of a seizure and apparently it works it can shorten the seizure or even stop it altogether and even lessen the frequency of the seizures. I haven’t tried it yet because I’ve only learnt about this recently, but I’m certainly going to give it a go I hope it helps someone else.
@user-bibilulu4 ай бұрын
I am using Google Translate. Thank you for the useful information! There is such a method! I am going to use it as an example. I'm sorry that the medicine didn't suit your cat...I think it would be a good idea to try other medicines or visit another hospital. Since the frequency of epileptic seizures is not high, it seems that the current measures are sufficient! I think your cat is happy because you are gathering information and taking action on your cat. I wish your cat good health.
@user-bibilulu5 ай бұрын
Thank you for your comment. I am using Google Translate. You're having an epileptic seizure. It's not something people should joke about. I think it must be difficult and scary. I respect you for gaining knowledge, dealing with it, and living your life hard. I sincerely wish you good health.
@danieleeloizagober67793 ай бұрын
Instead of taking him imediatly to the vet🤦🏻♀️
@user-bibilulu3 ай бұрын
Thank you for your comment! I'm using Google Translate. If your cat is calm, you should take him to the vet right away. I think it's a good idea to take a video of your cat having an epileptic seizure and show it to your vet!
Спасибо за ваш комментарий! Я использую Google Translate. Родиться с болезнью - это больно. Мне тоже грустно. Я сделаю все возможное, чтобы Лулу была здорова.
Почему не поставят укол от припадка? Спутать с бешенством можно
@user-bibilulu4 ай бұрын
Я использую гугл переводчик. Это укол как временное лекарство? На тот момент я не обращалась к ветеринару и не была к этому готова. В настоящее время моей кошке удается избежать приступов, принимая профилактические лекарства. Если у вашей кошки частые судороги, я слышал, что есть назальные спреи и свечи, поэтому решил их приготовить. У меня как у любителя сложилось впечатление, что уколы страшны, потому что могут нанести большой вред... Бывают ли простые уколы ручкой?
è giapponese! Grazie per il tuo commento! Utilizzerò Google Translate per trascrivere la sezione di riepilogo e i commenti aggiuntivi. Scusate se la frase è sbagliata 💦
@user-bibilulu4 ай бұрын
Colonna di riepilogo Ho scattato questa foto per mostrarla al veterinario. Agosto 2022 ○ Informazioni sulla gestione delle crisi epilettiche Durante una crisi, è vietato toccare per evitare irritazioni. Tenere o tenere in braccio il bambino è controindicato poiché potrebbe peggiorare l'epilessia o causare fratture ossee. Cerca di evitare cose che potrebbero colpirti. Assicurati di creare in anticipo un ambiente sicuro in modo da non lasciare troppe cose dietro. Ho scattato questa foto per mostrarla al veterinario, ma normalmente le luci sarebbero spente per evitare la stimolazione luminosa. Durante una crisi, il paziente potrebbe non essere in grado di capire ciò che gli dici, quindi crea un ambiente tranquillo per evitare stimoli. Mi prudono i denti, ma non ho altra scelta che aspettare che l'attacco passi... Il veterinario ha consigliato di coprire la gabbia con del cartone per evitare che rimanga impigliato.
@user-bibilulu4 ай бұрын
Aggiunta alla sezione commenti Durante una crisi epilettica, sono vietate azioni come toccare per evitare irritazioni. Ciò potrebbe causare deterioramento o frattura. Normalmente, tutto quello che potevo fare era oscurare la stanza e aspettare che si calmasse, ma questa volta ho scattato una foto per poterla vedere da un veterinario. Per i dettagli consultare la sezione panoramica. Se riscontri sintomi simili, non vediamo l'ora di scambiare opinioni e porre domande. Ci scusiamo con coloro che si sono offesi poiché nel video non c'era tale spiegazione.
@vyacheslavigorevich81885 ай бұрын
Паглюферал. Нам помогает. Как жалко котка
@user-bibilulu4 ай бұрын
Спасибо за ваш комментарий! Я использую гугл переводчик. Это название препарата? Я искал, но не нашел... Может быть, в Японии этого нет...
@vyacheslavigorevich81884 ай бұрын
@@user-bibilulu Да. Это препарат мы покупаем в России. У нас были очень сильные приступы. Посетили множество врачей. И нам посоветовали Pagluferalum 1. Мы спасли нашу кошку. Приступы совсем прекратились. Принимаем пол таблетки каждые 12 часов. Ужачи вам. Постараюсь теперь на английском насколько я знаю. )) we have the same problem with our Cat. Wery strong epileptic. We have visit many doctors and finally found solution as i state above name of the tablets. Pagluferalium 1. May be you can found same components but under another name. Hope in Japan you may found. Hope it can help you. In russia this tablets not very easy to found. But i search in few drug stores and found. Good luck 🤞🤝
I am using Google Translate. Thank you for your comment! I think so too. It's frustrating because touching the cat during an epileptic seizure can put the cat in danger. Now, by giving my cat medication to suppress epilepsy, he is able to live a healthy life!