good morning Nao and Hiroyuki!😊 so many cute shrines❤. i would have such hard time deciding which way to go at those splits. 😅 were those perhaps yuzu chips? still learning and can still only understand a little but ill keep trying. 😅 great motivating video to start my day 😊
@Heppoko-Climbing Жыл бұрын
My Name さん*\(^o^)/*NAO です。Thank you always for your comment ❣️じゃばらは柑橘系なので「ゆず」みたいな味です(^ ^)美味しかったです😄わたしは英語が苦手なので、日本語を勉強してらっしゃるMy Name さん素晴らしいです😀
@myname5099 Жыл бұрын
@@Heppoko-Climbingah. jabara. new fruit to know. thank you😊
@Faerie-Princess Жыл бұрын
@@Heppoko-Climbinghi hi NAO i switch account. Easier to catch your videos here❤
@Heppoko-Climbing Жыл бұрын
My Name さんからFaerie princess さんにアカウントを変更されたんですね😄了解です👍😄
taka さん😄こんばんは。なおです*\(^o^)/*ありがとうございます🙏繖ってわたしも最初なんて読むんやろう?って思ってました(笑)って言うかtaka さんスズメ蜂を10数匹潰したんですか(;゜0゜)一匹殺すと仲間が寄ってきて刺されると聞いたのでびっくりしました‼️大丈夫だったんですね(*≧∀≦*)あんな大きい蜂怖くて潰せないです(T_T)蜘蛛の巣って顔にかかるとイラっとしますよね(笑)共感です😁アブは沼島でわたしだけ31ヶ所噛まれて後が大変でした💦山に登ると無傷では帰れないのです(^◇^;)もしどこかでお会いできたら是非スズメ蜂の潰し方を教えてくださいね❣️
ah, I recognize ..."good morning" Othere words also sound like that. Do you ever use a "GPS" for locations or to follow different trails? It would be interesting if you could post GPS coordinates when you reach the tops of mountains so we could google them and go and look where you went. 🙂 Just a thought. The cement ground markers you are always touching, they are GPS coordinates for land marks and elevations. They use them everywhere. 🙂 Another nice video. Thanks so much.
@Heppoko-Climbing Жыл бұрын
John Smith さん😀NAO です。Thank you always for your comment *\(^o^)/*GPS座標がよく分からなくて(^◇^;)勉強しておきます(*≧∀≦*)どこに登ってるのか分かった方が楽しいですよね(^ ^)遠い国から観ていただいて嬉しいです❣️これからもよろしくお願い致します(^人^)
@JohnSmith-uy7sv Жыл бұрын
@@Heppoko-Climbing It was just an idea I had. I would love to see where you ended up at the top of each mountain. Do not worry about it. Your smart phone should show you GPS coordinates I think. I don't have a smart phone. Thanks for your return comments all the time. Japanese culture is so much different than America and in my state of Florida. 🙂 Take care Nao and Hero. Love each other. 🥰