Theirs technology is beyond what is your knowledge. Direct energy weapon and theirs time of planning you should be careful
@BoBo-yy9di4 ай бұрын
@Brian_Archaeoastronomy20204 ай бұрын
@chanceli4 ай бұрын
@tintin14234 ай бұрын
回顧一切,當邪惡暗黑集團能夠在牠們掌控之下…… 一切一切,只是在牠們的可防可控之下實現而已……
@HAPPYCATC94 ай бұрын
@alanchan48404 ай бұрын
@oolamlam85814 ай бұрын
@snowmanckh4 ай бұрын
@AT-gi8pi4 ай бұрын
@Brian_Archaeoastronomy20204 ай бұрын
@uovvou4 ай бұрын
@kelvinleung66904 ай бұрын
@stevenlau18374 ай бұрын
@ringowong99764 ай бұрын
@tserachel17654 ай бұрын
@hangleung87144 ай бұрын
@SilverWong-yo5iu4 ай бұрын
2024? 2024???
@laicrystal71604 ай бұрын
@1005_chocolate4 ай бұрын
@stevenlau18374 ай бұрын
@eysleysl4 ай бұрын
@cindycheung50674 ай бұрын
@SilverWong-yo5iu4 ай бұрын
2024 呢?講下近期啦!
@Brian_Archaeoastronomy20204 ай бұрын
@mhlai9994 ай бұрын
應從數學題及希伯來文中每個英文字母代表的數值计算。根據英文wisdom 的希伯來文總和數值為73,在英文聖經提示為人的數目count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man 即暗示以beast是一個群體的開會人數、而開出的提示為666即6+6+6=18,18和開會的人數是有何關連?這和73有何連係?試想想除了異瑞是敵基督,無神論是否又是敵基督?完全否定神存在亦是一種信仰! 為何共濟會不斷以三角形做主幹?這和上題及巴黎澳運的最後晚餐有又何關連?其實根據當年耶穌和十二門徒在最後晚餐所用的餐桌跟本不是長方形,當時他們所坐的餐桌是三角形餐桌,而餐桌上的猶大就代表魔鬼的化身。所以73代入三角形的计算總和為即(n+(n+1))/2=73x74/2=2701,2701是敵基督的開會人數的總和,而18代表該敵基督的組織開會期數,其實敵基督已经出現! 試想想在啟示錄的第13章16及17節所说有印记在手和額頭是代表什麼?這與交易有何關係?其實代表該組織或國家以手提電話數碼付款及面容辯識去進交易! Revelation 13:16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: Revelation 13:17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Revelation 13:18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six 其實題目亦分開了兩段去認證,啟示第一章11節寫上神是首也是終,因希伯來文的第一個字母是A即Alpha而最末的字母為O即Omega Revelation 1:11 Saying, I am Alpha and Omega, the first and the last. 而在英文版的聖經上第一句是 Genesis 1:1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. 而以上的希伯來文的字母數值總和也是2701!
@mingleung26514 ай бұрын
@mhlai9994 ай бұрын
@@mingleung2651羅馬的字母都有其代表數值,666是用king James Bible 的英文數學題目,666是代表某國家的第十八屆大會6+6+6=18的開會人數,而wisdom=開會人數= w+i+s+d+o+m=73 以三角型數值展示由1+2+3+4+.....73=2701 即第十八屆開會人數是2701人 是一個開會人數
@mhlai9994 ай бұрын
666的密碼是某組織或國開會的期數即第十八屆開會 Wisdom 智慧代表該次開會人數為2701人 看英文及希伯來聖經就知是數學題 在這裏有智慧:凡有聰明的,可以算計獸的數目;因為這是人的數目,它的數目是六百六十六。 Here is wisdom 要计算希伯來文wisdom 的數值如下 是 73 Wisdom = Yud As we saw last time: 2701 = 37×73 You may have noticed that each of these numbers has digit sum exactly 10 (3+7=10,7+3=10,2+7+0+1=10). What is that all about? The opening word of the Torah is "Beresheit" (in the beginning). This word is rendered "with wisdom" (Targum Yerushalmi, Zohar)[1]. For the world was created with divine wisdom. The opening letter, Beit points to the 2nd of the 10 mystical "Sefirot" (divine lights) - the Sefira of Wisdom. Likewise, the letter of G-d's Name which corresponds to "wisdom" is "Yud" (Tikunei Zohar 6b). "Yud" has a gematria of 10. הוהיMalchut (kingship)Tiferet (splendor)Binah (understanding)Chachma (wisdom)56510 Notice, the first verse has 28 letters, a triangle number (1+2+3+4+5+6+7=28) with Yud of G-d's Name as the central letter (see picture on right, notice also the inner triangle has 10 letters). "Wisdom" (called Chochma) in Hebrew, has 3 Gematrias which all point to Yud=10. Observe the following perfection. Standard Gematria חכמה/wisdom =73אבגדהוזחטיכלמנסעפצקרשת1234567891020304050607080901002003004008+20+40+5=73 Center Point37 is the exact center point of 73 1--------------------73^ 37 (i.e. for 73 dots side by side, the middle dot is the 37th) Let us now look at the "Ordinal Gematria" which refers to the order number in the Hebrew Alphabet. Ordinal Gematria חכמה/wisdom =37אבגדהוזחטיכלמנסעפצקרשת123456789101112131415161718192021228+11+13+5=37 Center Point19 is the exact center point of 37 1--------------------37^ 19 Gematria Ketana (small Gematria) חכמה/wisdom =19אבגדהוזחטיכלמנסעפצקרשת12345678912345678912348+2+4+5=19 Center Point10 is the exact center point of 19 1--------------------19^ 10 Thus, we have a perfect alignment of the 3 Gematrias of Chochma = Wisdom towards "Yud" = 10 (and the 10 points to 1, i.e. the One G-d[2]). 73=Wisdom(Standard Gematria)37=Wisdom(Ordinal Gematria and center point of 73)19=Wisdom(Small Gematria and center point of 37)10=Yud and center point of 19 The Gematria of the first verse is 2701 = 37×73 Observe how all these numbers have digit sum = 10 exactly:73=7+3=1037=3+7=1019=1+9=10 Likewise all the subgroups of 2701 have digit sum = 10 exactly:2701Sum of Thousands=2+701=703=7+0+3=102701Sum of Hundreds=27+01=28=2+8=102701Sum of Digits=2+7+1+0=10 All pointing to the Yud = 10 = Wisdom! The sum of thousands - 703 is an extremely important number as we will see. It is the base of the triangle of 28 letters (see above): ואת הארץ = 703 = 37×19 (the two lower gematrias of wisdom). 703 is also a unique number in that it is the only number with digit sum=10 and whose sum of thousands always reduces to itself when raised to any power. For example:7032=494,209 494+209=7037033=347,428,927 347+428+927=1702 (1+702=703) 7034=244,242,535,681 244+242+535+681=1702 (1+702=703) So too for all powers. It always reduces back to 703. In that sense it is the one and only number which points continuously to 10 = wisdom for all powers. (the only other numbers which reduce like this are 297 and 999 but these do not have digit sum of 10. These latter numbers relate to the upper part of the triangle as we will see) The geometric properties of 2701/703 are also absolutely astounding as we will see, be'H. For example: 2701 is the 73rd triangle number and the 37th hexagonal number. 703 is the 37th triangle number and the 19th hexagonal number. Both 73 and 37 are star of David (hexagram) numbers. Thus 2701 is one of the extremely rare "star of star" numbers and a unique and special one as we'll see. >> Next: Divine Symmetries Footnotes [1] "Beresheit" hints to "b'Reisheit", i.e. the world was created with that which is called "Reisheit", namely "wisdom", as written: "the beginning of wisdom.. (Reisheit Chochma)" (Proverbs 9:10) return to text [2] The various gematrias represent different stages of creation. Notice how the Small Gematria of Wisdom reduces to 10 and then to 1, namely:19=Wisdom(Small Gematria)10=Wisdom(Small Gematria reduced), i.e. 1+9=101=Wisdom(Small Gematria reduced reduced), i.e. 1+0=1Thus, the gematrias of "wisdom" all point to 10 and then reduce to the digital root of 1, the point of creation (heard from Oren Evron) return to text Rating: 9.5 / 10 Total Votes: 20 Your Rating: 12345678910
@mhlai9994 ай бұрын
@@mingleung2651666的密碼 在這裏有智慧:凡有聰明的,可以算計獸的數目;因為這是人的數目,它的數目是六百六十六。 Here is wisdom 要计算希伯來文wisdom 的數值如下 是 73 Wisdom = Yud As we saw last time: 2701 = 37×73 You may have noticed that each of these numbers has digit sum exactly 10 (3+7=10,7+3=10,2+7+0+1=10). What is that all about? The opening word of the Torah is "Beresheit" (in the beginning). This word is rendered "with wisdom" (Targum Yerushalmi, Zohar)[1]. For the world was created with divine wisdom. The opening letter, Beit points to the 2nd of the 10 mystical "Sefirot" (divine lights) - the Sefira of Wisdom. Likewise, the letter of G-d's Name which corresponds to "wisdom" is "Yud" (Tikunei Zohar 6b). "Yud" has a gematria of 10. הוהיMalchut (kingship)Tiferet (splendor)Binah (understanding)Chachma (wisdom)56510 Notice, the first verse has 28 letters, a triangle number (1+2+3+4+5+6+7=28) with Yud of G-d's Name as the central letter (see picture on right, notice also the inner triangle has 10 letters). "Wisdom" (called Chochma) in Hebrew, has 3 Gematrias which all point to Yud=10. Observe the following perfection. Standard Gematria חכמה/wisdom =73אבגדהוזחטיכלמנסעפצקרשת1234567891020304050607080901002003004008+20+40+5=73 Center Point37 is the exact center point of 73 1--------------------73^ 37 (i.e. for 73 dots side by side, the middle dot is the 37th) Let us now look at the "Ordinal Gematria" which refers to the order number in the Hebrew Alphabet. Ordinal Gematria חכמה/wisdom =37אבגדהוזחטיכלמנסעפצקרשת123456789101112131415161718192021228+11+13+5=37 Center Point19 is the exact center point of 37 1--------------------37^ 19 Gematria Ketana (small Gematria) חכמה/wisdom =19אבגדהוזחטיכלמנסעפצקרשת12345678912345678912348+2+4+5=19 Center Point10 is the exact center point of 19 1--------------------19^ 10 Thus, we have a perfect alignment of the 3 Gematrias of Chochma = Wisdom towards "Yud" = 10 (and the 10 points to 1, i.e. the One G-d[2]). 73=Wisdom(Standard Gematria)37=Wisdom(Ordinal Gematria and center point of 73)19=Wisdom(Small Gematria and center point of 37)10=Yud and center point of 19 The Gematria of the first verse is 2701 = 37×73 Observe how all these numbers have digit sum = 10 exactly:73=7+3=1037=3+7=1019=1+9=10 Likewise all the subgroups of 2701 have digit sum = 10 exactly:2701Sum of Thousands=2+701=703=7+0+3=102701Sum of Hundreds=27+01=28=2+8=102701Sum of Digits=2+7+1+0=10 All pointing to the Yud = 10 = Wisdom! The sum of thousands - 703 is an extremely important number as we will see. It is the base of the triangle of 28 letters (see above): ואת הארץ = 703 = 37×19 (the two lower gematrias of wisdom). 703 is also a unique number in that it is the only number with digit sum=10 and whose sum of thousands always reduces to itself when raised to any power. For example:7032=494,209 494+209=7037033=347,428,927 347+428+927=1702 (1+702=703) 7034=244,242,535,681 244+242+535+681=1702 (1+702=703) So too for all powers. It always reduces back to 703. In that sense it is the one and only number which points continuously to 10 = wisdom for all powers. (the only other numbers which reduce like this are 297 and 999 but these do not have digit sum of 10. These latter numbers relate to the upper part of the triangle as we will see) The geometric properties of 2701/703 are also absolutely astounding as we will see, be'H. For example: 2701 is the 73rd triangle number and the 37th hexagonal number. 703 is the 37th triangle number and the 19th hexagonal number. Both 73 and 37 are star of David (hexagram) numbers. Thus 2701 is one of the extremely rare "star of star" numbers and a unique and special one as we'll see. >> Next: Divine Symmetries Footnotes [1] "Beresheit" hints to "b'Reisheit", i.e. the world was created with that which is called "Reisheit", namely "wisdom", as written: "the beginning of wisdom.. (Reisheit Chochma)" (Proverbs 9:10) return to text [2] The various gematrias represent different stages of creation. Notice how the Small Gematria of Wisdom reduces to 10 and then to 1, namely:19=Wisdom(Small Gematria)10=Wisdom(Small Gematria reduced), i.e. 1+9=101=Wisdom(Small Gematria reduced reduced), i.e. 1+0=1Thus, the gematrias of "wisdom" all point to 10 and then reduce to the digital root of 1, the point of creation (heard from Oren Evron) return to text Rating: 9.5 / 10 Total Votes: 20 Your Rating: 12345678910