Tittytainment is a term that has multiple meanings, including a type of entertainment and a policy to maintain social stability: A form of entertainment that's designed to appeal to the masses and prevent people from thinking. The term was coined in 1995 by Zbigniew Brzezinski, a neo-liberal ideologue. The term compares the pacifying effect of watching TV to a child sucking on its mother's breast.
There are many ways for jobless youth to spend time. Go out exercise, visit places one hasn't been, learn a hobby, learn a low-tech trade such as caregiver to take care of old people visiting doctors, learn how to be a factory worker, be a truck driver, a coast guard, join the army, learn how to fly drones (potential military operator), and anything and everything. Wake up to the reality and work hard using physical labor and common sense. Chinese can do anything and everything but not a give up quitter or lazy boy.