Its great and gratifying to learn that Chinese practiced such fantastic and humane cradle to grave social welfare state system way back in the 13th century. You make me proud to be an oversea CHINAMAN once again. Thanks Bro🙂🙂🙂
@Frank.history3 жыл бұрын
You are welcome Bro !😃
@jims88283 жыл бұрын
Rome and Xin (Wang Mang) tried similar welfare systems, as most likely the State of Qi during the Warring States Period, 1000-1400 years earlier. Economic prosperity causes parents to have less children and hire educational services for the children. As the old saying goes, those who can, do; those who can not, teach. So within a few decades the educator profession is filled with "intellectuals" who have failed at finding more lucrative jobs (i.e. lower opportunity cost) but think they can do other people's jobs better . . . I.e. amateurs with big ego dreaming of replacing natural competitive market order with paternalistic Monopolies ("guan" / officials) controlled by themselves. Essentially earlier versions of Karl Marx. Whenever a country implement their policy recommendations, chaos and collapse are not far behind.
@@Frank.history Song indeed had a strong (and very expensive) military with significant technology (steel production volume accounted for more than half the world's,) although somewhat lacking in horse supply during Southern Song. However, due to Big Government policies, the bureaucratic factional infighting and run-away inflation made the military ineffective in battle (for the amount of resources invested). A situation rather similar to Roman Empire during the Crisis of the third Century.
大一统王朝中,秦元明清是一边,汉隋唐宋是另一边。 农奴serf (Webster dictionary: a member of a servile feudal class bound to the land ) 是指绑定在土地上的农民。 欧洲在中世纪是真的封建制,serf是绑定在封建领主的土地上。而中国的封建制在西周就结束了,秦以后是封而不建的中央集权制(汉晋初年尝试过真的封建,诸王有自己的军队,结果马上汉七王之乱、晋八王之乱搞不下去),农民是绑定在中央集权管理的户口制度上。秦元虽未给户口制度起名,但实际上就是搞的这一套,明朱重八正式将户口制度成文成典,满清帝国和俄清党国继承之,只有民国期间有几年废除了这个邪恶的制度。 汉隋唐宋和秦元明清不同,至少没有想方设法挖空心思地把农民绑定在土地上。(其实吕后在废除秦制上居功至伟) 赵宋的农民不是奴隶,而是有迁徙自由的商农。《清明上河图》描画的就是这些商农交易的市场热闹景象。(宋朝所谓的户籍,只是一种统计制度,而非进行人和土地绑定的户口制度) 暴秦法家信奉的《商君书》的主旨就是要杀死商业,禁止农民自由买卖自由走动。汉代吸取了秦的教训,没有在禁商禁旅上动坏脑筋,隋唐继承了汉的温和做法。到了赵宋,中国成了全球商业最发达的国家。主要原因就是欧洲同时期实行土地绑定的serf制度,而汉隋唐宋不搞这套,解放了生产力。等欧洲结束中世纪废除了serf制度,这时中国反而在蒙元带头下,元明清回归暴秦的土地绑定制度(户口制度),从此解放了生产力的欧洲远远把中国甩在了后面。现在的共产党俄清国,毛腊肉的本质上还是《商君书》杀死商业,禁止农民自由买卖自由走动的那一套。邓不赞成这一套,搞了改开才让经济发展起来。