The Joy-Con War Is Over. We Lost.
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@mrhobs 16 секунд бұрын
I stopped at Best Buy 1 min into this video to buy TTYD… at least in part because a blue KZbin puppet might be sad if I didn’t. Don’t say I never did anything for you, Arlo.
@DarkJinjo94 51 секунд бұрын
Something I'm honestly kind of worried about is whether or not we'll see what I like to call a "Sonic 06 effect" in regards to this game and if we get a proper Paper Mario 3. Let me explain: although most people see Sonic 06 as "The game that tarnished the Sonic franchise" there does exist a vocal minority of Sonic fans who not only consider 06 to be good but also consider it their favorite game in the series. Once the series started "finding it's footing again" with games like Colors, Generations and even Mania, those same fans still prefer 06. Yes, there actually exist people who prefer 06 over Sonic Mania and even the classic Sonic games on the Genesis. They also consider the 2010's/Colors era as the true dark age of Sonic while games like Shadow the Hedgehog and Sonic 06 are "misunderstood" or "underrated" and games like Sonic Mania which have been hailed as taking the series back to it's roots do next to nothing for them. They're still waiting for another game like Sonic 06. I know that sounds crazy, but just go ahead and search "Sonic 06 is underrated" or "Sonic 06 is my fav game" into youtube and you'll see what I mean. My point is that Paper Mario went off the rails ever since Super Paper Mario in 07 and there's a whole generation of Paper Mario fans who probably prefer the direction that the series went after the first two games and will play this remake thinking "What's up with this combat? What are Star points? Why do I have to level up? What's with these weird characters? This isn't my Paper Mario!" And then the cycle continues of Nintendo not knowing who to please. I know that may seem like a very bleak reality but as a Sonic fan, it's a reality I live in constantly.
@rapidriver 3 минут бұрын
I went to gamestop and the guy behind the encounter was enthusiastic but made zero comments about how many people bought the game or how many copies they had left. Which is a relief since I was worried they'd be sold out. Umm. Anyway. Yay new game!
@Maybe1911_. 4 минут бұрын
I have to admit I laughed out loud when I saw the THIS IS IT Mario thumbnail 😂😂😂
@corey3452 6 минут бұрын
2:10 perfect editing “Frankly”
@VaporPC88 26 минут бұрын
Arlo: They called me Mad Man
@LordKrhiyos 37 минут бұрын
I’m confident. With all the sell outs in presale and from what h heard from the guy at GameStop yesterday; I’m thinking it’s gonna be a huge hit. My friends are also buying it this weekend
@joshwaterfield2483 44 минут бұрын
2 out of my 3 pairs of joycons drift. This is not an imaginary problem.
@TallonIV581 53 минут бұрын
These cons be joyless, if you catch my drift
@maskedfoxx7173 59 минут бұрын
To this day I still cannot fathom how I've never experienced even the slightest bit of Joycon drift. My first Switch was the Animal Crossing one and I played on it daily, several hours a day. And not just the chill gameplay of Animal Crossing, I have hundreds of hours on Project Diva Mega Mix, a very taxing rhythym game. Pokemon Unite had me button mashing like crazy. And those Joycons held steadfast in the face of my abuse, even nearly four years later they see nearly daily play and they're completely fine.
@DryFieri Сағат бұрын
This is the first paper mario game I’ve purchased since Super Paper Mario, so I’m doing my part!
@Syragar Сағат бұрын
Just about every Switch owner I've ever talked to about this has experienced drift (myself included). It's frustrating! I have to say... I'm not optimistic about Nintendo's future right now. As a long-time Nintendo fan who bought every system since the original NES (yes... I even have a Virtual Boy as well), I'd love to be wrong about this. We no longer have Iwata and Fils-Aimé running the show. The Switch... even though I loved it... seemed subpar in terms of quality, IMO. I just don't know if Nintendo has the same "heart" it did before. At this rate, I don't think I'll be buying their next console. I'll still keep up with your channel and see what's going on... but I feel Nintendo is slowly losing me as a long-time fan... and that makes me sad.
@Zaitoid Сағат бұрын
I want the game I just have to wait till next pay
@TheFabulousRBK Сағат бұрын
Hell, even my pro controller got drift.
@tylerpetersen6226 Сағат бұрын
A paper mario game without me having to break out the pitchfork and torches I am profoundly disappointed in nintendo...
@mr.thefrog5356 Сағат бұрын
Has Arlo ever done a video where he discusses his opinions on Super Paper Mario? From all the videos I've seen, he identifies Sticker Star as the primary culprit behind the series' mistakes, yet here he references a desire for a true "Paper Mario 3," which I have always considered SPM to be. If he hasn't made that video yet, I'd certainly be interested in seeing it.
@TheTraveler980 Сағат бұрын
Steam Deck: lol
@gman4061 Сағат бұрын
I really need to get my og joycobs repaired. I still have the my switch box but I can't find my damn receipt (payed cash so no visa statement ).
@gman4061 Сағат бұрын
I only play pokemon so the turn-based nature means I've been limping along with drift since Let's Go.
@partyjams Сағат бұрын
honestly a reasonable concern you have here. This isn't a cheap port. it's a game with a lot of money into it & a price tag to match. It's also in a time with minimal competition. On top of all that the switch user base has only grown. In other words, if this game can't out sell Origami King then it's not a good sign. If it can, at minimum we get remakes possible in the future
@toastbud6870 Сағат бұрын
What I would love is if they do joycons they should do what Sony did for there dualsense edge how you can swap the joysticks with a joystick module when it drifts
@M1Simulator Сағат бұрын
my very first console had joycon drift after playing smash bros, and im not a big angry rager. but i just think after alot of stick using after time something happens where it dislodges a bit or something breaks.
@soad11dude Сағат бұрын
A lot of people are echo chamber "yes men" in the comments here, so I'll deflate things with my opinion. Please know that I have your best interests in mind. The game should have been the same price as prime remastered. $80CAD (60USD) for a graphical touch up of a 20 year old game is insulting. Especially as a PC gamer, I have picked up fantastic old games for 5-10$ regularly. I have my original copy of TTYD for gamecube. So I have no reason to buy this. Had it been 40$ I would have considered it, but not at 80$. Another disappointing aspect of this.. nintendo has proven it will shut down emulators (yuzu) yet will use emulator code for their own benefit (3D collection). And we know they CAN port over gamecube games quite easily (pikmin 1+2 and sunshine) with the emulation layer, yet they don't. F zero, zelda wind waker/twilight princess. Double dash. Smash melee. Prime 2 echoes. Being so opposed to piracy yet not giving consumers a way to buy these games is unjustified and infuriating. And when they DO actually port one, we're expected to be happy about it and shovel out $80. The best way to fix this behavior? Stop giving them money. Simple. If they were struggling, this kind of behavior wouldn't happen. They would respect their player base and offer as much as they could at a competitive price. But as it is now? They don't have to. People can't resist throwing money at them.
@maxisenberg9093 Сағат бұрын
Nintendo will likely 2 one of two things, neither of which actually improves in OG sticks... 1) It's identical to the problematic old ones and they never acknowledge it 2) they finally introduce hall effect as an excuse to market a new feature while still not acknowledging that it improves the flaws of the old ones
@vlamrx Сағат бұрын
Waiting for a sale later on. Too many games in the backlog
@Banditt_Red Сағат бұрын
I got very lucky with my joy cons, still got the originals. Sucks that the lawsuits got dropped though
@llaarryy180 Сағат бұрын
The drift become ultra noticeable as soon as I use my joycons as a controller for different device like an android emulator device. 😢
@jckorn9148 2 сағат бұрын
The newly colored ABXY buttons I feel is the biggest indicator that it may very well be called the Super Switch. Fitting and the Steam Deck's success there's a massive hunger for a more powerful docking system.
@nicolasgoulet4091 2 сағат бұрын
79.99 feels like an insult to me 59.99 CAD at most to Buy what seems to be lazy reskin JUST GIB US PAPER MARIO 3 ARLO
@straightjak1t 2 сағат бұрын
I have 8 joy-cons with drift right now currently. Worst hardware failure rate I’ve ever experienced.
@rickdonaldson1063 2 сағат бұрын
Holy shit Arlo has gotten unbearable. All he does it stutter and repeat the same crap. Dude says nothing this entire video except. “Nintendo remade Thousand Year Door” 10000 different ways. Arlo is crap now just like the Raycon earbuds he sold out for.
@icysnow9459 2 сағат бұрын
3:20 I don't like sponsorship segments usually, but i would take that arlo stop as a greenascreen.
@smangelchi 2 сағат бұрын
I want them to do the original now.
@magic-conch 2 сағат бұрын
I waited to get a switch until the animal crossing edition (2020), and I've never had any drift issues in either joycon. My brother has dealt with drift, his switch and extra set of joycons are from the first few years of the console.
@ChrisStoneinator 2 сағат бұрын
The people replacing their joy-cons are the problem. These things ARE REALLY FUCKING EASY TO REPAIR with a £3 part off of eBay. People are just lazy and prefer to just fork over 20 times as much money for an entirely new set of controllers delivered next day by Amazon. It's learned helplessness and wilful ignorance that Nintendo are preying on. Every large corporation has started treating us like shit in the last 20 years, and part of that is they're more greedy because shareholders have their fingers in every pie... But the other part of that is we're all fast becoming fucking pathetic and they know we'll let them get away with anything.
@Nbrocious 2 сағат бұрын
I agree that this is weird and bad, but I think (1) on a whole, most people (like the whole of people who use the internet) are not smart enough to know that something with Mario in it isn't necessarily made by/endorsed by Nintendo. I think that assumption gives folks a bit too much credit, especially kids who don't know better and could get the "wrong" idea about Mario/Nintendo. And (2) I think Nintendo's "loss of goodwill" on this whole ordeal is just completely negligible compared to their entire ecosystem of players. This is inclusive of kids who are not much on the internet and parents who are not much on the internet. I hate it too, but I feel like Nintendo is smart enough to know when they need to protect their IP and how it's going to affect their bottom line. I'd be shocked if this was even a conversation at an investor's meeting.
@gwagner1380 2 сағат бұрын
I live in a mid size city outside of the US. We have like some US shops but most game retailers in my city are our own brand from my own country unlike Walmart and Costco for example. I was trying to buy me a physical copy and in all of them the game was sold, in fact a couple had reservations available so people could reserve their copy for next shipment (this almost never happens unless the game is really popular or from a big brand like Pokemon). So needless to say, I think is doing OK if not better than OK. I had to import my copy from Amazon international and is coming on Monday because here where I live the game is nowhere to be seen so if this trend happens world wide, this is a sure message from us to Nintendo that while we can like the changes other entries did, we love the original feel that Paper Mario on the 64 and Nintendo GameCube had!
@BrandOffMusic2 2 сағат бұрын
Bought it today at GameStop, they had a display stand and everything
@MushroomFrog444 2 сағат бұрын
I pre-ordered the game back in March. I walked into gamestop the SECOND they opened to pick it up! I hope it sells well and that people who never played the original pick it up and enjoy themselves.
@lukaskidd4621 2 сағат бұрын
No reviews on Amazon yet, lol. But, currently it is rather sold out at most stores.
@ObsessedwithZelda2 2 сағат бұрын
Would love to support this game but also I so heavily prefer the original art style. It just wouldn’t be worth it for me to buy just to play the GC one again
@NoxideActive 2 сағат бұрын
I prefer the original style too but I will say the switch version oozes with personality. New animations' for the cast and small new reactions from the world when Mario Hammers things. My biggest gripe is the terrible localization, and I'm not just talking about the 'Vivian' mess. Small things like Goombellas' tattles, in one case when I wanted to hear her tattle in Rougeport, the line: "Still, it's definitely too rough a place for a girl like me to walk alone!" was changed to... "Still, it's definitely too rough a place for a nonruffian to walk alone!". It feels off, when I first read it that I had to look up the old dialogue and I assumed correctly that is was changed. Like why get rid of "girl like me" from that line? such bad changes.
@mew_liath 2 сағат бұрын
i don't get what people have against origami king: it's been my first paper mario and i loved it. now playing the og for the n64 and i don't feel the same thrill
@Wiblum 3 сағат бұрын
I preordered this game, having never played it before, only going off of the hype, and two days later it has already proven itself to me as one of the greatest RPGs of all time.
@izzyhall3499 3 сағат бұрын
Don’t worry Arlo. I, random watcher of your channel, did buy Paper Mario and am enjoying it.
@Chidon0 3 сағат бұрын
joycon drift is fake
@jjlnguess7354 3 сағат бұрын
lol. The very first NES Zelda stuttered when too many NPCs were on screen in the open world areas. And it still does to this day even on NSO on the Switch, which is utterly ridiculous. I mean I agree with you that BOTW is awesome visually and sonically speaking, but it’s no surprise that BOTW stuttered. It’s Nintendo after all. lol.
@SimuLord 3 сағат бұрын
"I love it except for the combat" is seemingly the most common complaint about RPGs in general. Especially RPGs where their bread and butter is in their writing (looks squarely at Witcher 3).
@cedricyoo9955 3 сағат бұрын
I have the game, well digitally, pre ordered, ik 30 fps does feel laggy a little bit, just the full nostalgia of the old paper mario ttyd is just insanely good. I don't care if I play this 1000 times, it's just that too good of a game!!!! But preciate you giving content as you always do. BTW, it's better than having the game be a total different game.
@totallynormalclonewarsfan 3 сағат бұрын
The video that started it all, what a wild ride lol.
@HedgehogY2K 3 сағат бұрын
Xbox 360 analog sticks wear down so fast. It takes half a year for it to start wearing off. Disassemble your Xbox 360 controller, and lubricate it please! White Lithium grease is not enough to save it. Someone make an Xbox 360 HALL EFFECT controller.
@HedgehogY2K 3 сағат бұрын
Huh, my Switch Pro controller isn't showing any problems and I've been playing Mechassault on CXBXR for a month.