@CharliMorganMusic 8 күн бұрын
Didn't know you had another channel, but I'm into it.
@squintsyadams8463 Ай бұрын
War is a racket.
@sashad.7722 Ай бұрын
Russians are not only prohibited to say the word "war". If there is an exposion on their territory, they need to call it a "slam" ("hlopok" in Russian). Not allowed to say directly what happened🙈
@Grodoo Ай бұрын
one of the arguments by norwegian officials to calm us (the norwegians) down is that Russia and norway has not been at war for a 1000 years, and the russians even helped pushing out the germans from the northern terretories in the final stages of WW2, after which the just left norwegian terretory. I cant say that the situation today is the same as the past 1000 years though, so im not convinced by this argument.
@LaLaObeRoT Ай бұрын
I'm working in IT security in a European country. This is exactly what we see since 2014. Russia knows that public opinion is the soft white underbelly of Western societies. And tries to create as much division as possible in creating increasingly extreme opinion bubbles on social media. A lot of the division, we experience in our societies these days is a fabrication of Russian troll farms.
@frankshifreen Ай бұрын
@notme9816 Ай бұрын
Liked and subscribed.
@notme9816 Ай бұрын
What capabilyties would Russia gave If it wasn’t a corrupt cleptooligarchy?
@notme9816 Ай бұрын
I’m Norwegian and grew up under the Cold War; and yes, we GXers thougt about nuclear war A LOT.
@licrygh 2 ай бұрын
Dude really obsessed with russia instead of his own country lol
@OrataKopata 2 ай бұрын
Why do you all look like this...Je-sus! Go back to the little cartoons, boy.
@Spiritofeowyn 2 ай бұрын
I was a republican before Trump. Now third party. We need a moderate party as both parties have become extreme and don’t do much for people. Actual campaign finance reform. If nothing else red states need choices and no politician should be running unopposed. It’s really really hard for third parties to get in Office even state level. No opposition means no accountability to the governed. When I switched my party affiliation every year since my voter registration gets “lost” by the state and or I get listed as Republican in this red state. I have to fix it every election cycle. I haven’t moved.
@SavannahMandem 25 күн бұрын
That's simply not true. Both parties have not 'become extreme'. It's very clear that the Repubican party is the one that has lost the plot, not the Democrats.
@eanerickson8915 2 ай бұрын
It is simple. The news jews will tell you what is right.
@tlmny 2 ай бұрын
Basic bs. The "free press" is operating on literally fake intel and creating narratives from one side of the world, exposing viewers only one (wester) view of the world, whereas in the east people are exposed to both views, ours, and their own. FREE PRESS EXISTS ONLY WHEN THERE IS NO OFFENSIVE HYBRID (PROPAGADANA) WARFARE FROM THE OTHER SIDE. The world view created by the western press is directed by intel and the stories are based on western (fake) intel, which according to them (CIA directors) themselves is largely fake. _Our intel on soviets were so bad, that nobody could even tell where facts start and fiction ends_ - Richard Helms And btw. the claim that you get jail time for calling SMO war is an example of propaganda that the western press turned into a lie - it is not a law, its just a suggestion and the press in Russia calls it a war all the time.
@PaulJWarburg 2 ай бұрын
Sorry. Free press by definition means that people are regularly exposed to all views, or at least can be. It’s not possible to be adequately exposed to all views in countries like Russia where you can be jailed for disagreeing with the government. You may think you are exposed to all truth, but there is a level your government is not willing to let you go beyond.
@tlmny 2 ай бұрын
​@@PaulJWarburg Yeah, free to spread "opinions" installed in your head by the free to mislead press. No, you are not going to be jailed in Russia for disagreeing with the government, but for lying and spreading propaganda. That's false believe installed in your head by the by the press. You have no concept of reality. You believe in the fake reality that the 3-letter agencies have created by manipulating the useful idiots (journalists and diplomats). It's actually quite unbelievable that Russia is as free as it is, and still allow some of the western government (via NGOs) funded fake-Russian news outlets still to operate in Russia, though some have been banned too. Its no comparison, and western people have no clue...USA has had stricter (FARA) laws since WW2, they just don't apply it to Zionists...
@hungrymusicwolf 2 ай бұрын
The other reason why people are so divided on the Russian/Chinese narratives is that the west is very divided in general right now. There's groups that REALLY hate each other, and when one side takes one position the other one takes the other basically out of spite. That's basically the right/left wings now, but originally it was more of a vague set of groups about 12 years ago. They weren't always like this, but at this point it's just two large groups of people acting like kids throwing tantrums about the other kid they don't like. At some point the adults will have to stop whining about politics and start acting like adults and pull the kids apart and scold them and take control of politics again. Though step 1 of that is addressing the narratives that they have build up about each other.
@johnbaker9290 2 ай бұрын
Thanks Paul, So if the kremlin is not in an existential crisis then why is it weakening itself deliberately to drag out ultimate failure in Ukraine for as long as they can? And if it Was not in existential crisis before the war then why invade? why invade with Way too few battalions? why botch it beyond belief? They really do appear to be working for the CIA to dismantle humiliate and erase themselves at an ever increasing rate? They seem to want to exterminate all fighting age men in and around the federation as well as their few allies around the world. So to quell rebellions they double down on tyranny? Completely Daft... although The Hill is not much better.
@jamesgough1887 2 ай бұрын
Great video. With so much information these days, it's sometimes hard to see the simple facts.
@utoddl 2 ай бұрын
Like your comments. Interesting insights. But man, please, get yourself a tripod!
@dougimmel 2 ай бұрын
When I go into Ukraine again for the third time I fly into Gdansk, and then I fly down to RZSEZOW, POLAND, which several hotels keep people who belong to the NATO office. My charity then takes food, and medical supplies to mommies and babies and soldiers primarily by going into LVIV. Your comment about Kaliningrad was interesting as I stood on the beach in Gdansk and felt like I was looking directly into Kaliningrad though it was on the distance horizon to the Northeast. My father delivered horses to Poland at the end of World War II when he was 17. Those efforts were the beginnings of Heifer international.
@BardovBacchus 2 ай бұрын
If you think you have "free speech", try exercising it. Try defending the Palestinian people in Gaza, people in the USA hit you *economically* hot physically. *You* have more in common with the *people* in China, Russia, and Gaza, than you do with the oligarchs, whom you call leaders, in any country. Our blessed homeland vs their barbaric wastes, our glorious leaders vs their wicked despots, our noble populace vs their ignorant enslaved masses. It's all spin to control you
@darrellerrad3945 2 ай бұрын
Russia propaganda is blaming a Ukrainian sleeper agent, and US propaganda is blaming an Iranian sleeper agent😂
@MisterNoManaus 2 ай бұрын
Russian propaganda towards countries it cannot conquer, but which it considers unfriendly or enemy countries is: 1. Forming specific talking points with the aim of creating a political atmosphere that will ultimately be favorable to Russian goals, 2. Active support and financing of fringe (usually far-right, armed, fundamentalist) political movements, social and religious organizations in these countries, 3. Creating the context for social discontent, armed rebellions and revolutions that will weaken the target country from within and supporting the forces that can do it.
@Tirani2 2 ай бұрын
"When someone shows you who they are, believe them." Maya Angelou, paraphrased.
@cchutney348 2 ай бұрын
For me, easy. Is my prime minister a Russian agent? Yes. Cheers from long suffering Hungary.
@VibronicCow 2 ай бұрын
You are a patriot sir. Did you ever serve?
@frankrenda2519 2 ай бұрын
paul with logic like yours no wonder your country is going down the tubes .the way you can see you're on the right side of history is your record since ww2 tally up the wars the west has had compared to russia and china and its quite clear who is on the right side of history