"Men On Submission" Part 1
2 ай бұрын
RAPE | let’s discuss LiVE
8 ай бұрын
Paul. 😪
Жыл бұрын
Candace Owens is a bad faith actor
@tinabe717 35 минут бұрын
Life doesn’t start at conception. Not every embryo makes it whether it’s from IVF or naturally. If a fertilized egg never attaches no one will call that a miscarriage because it wasn’t going to become a baby.
@m9978 58 минут бұрын
I hope MzG615 don’t have any Black Woman friends. She would back stab a Black Woman. I’m glad I never knew her in the Military. She giving BMW. I bet if one of her Female Soldiers told her they were assaulted she most definitely said what did you do? Why were you out partying? She’s the type to leave you alone at the club when you came together. I have experienced this by Black Women in the Military. They always take up for the Black males. She doesn’t even know any of trumps policies. Sorry is what this is. The 13th,and 15th amendments will affect her if Trump can amend the 14th. She must have been in a MOS that didn’t require a good ASVAB score. It’s the slowness for me. The only thing she knows is that she loves menz.
@JarenLynch 3 сағат бұрын
Lmao you really just put up a graph of GDP growth. You left out the equally hilarious "the stock market is at record highs!!!". Hmmmm, what about GDP per capita...real wage growth....homeownership rate...rent increases...unemployment rate.... Here's a hint - Real median wages from 2020-2024 have declined over 7% (FRED). Do 👏the 👏 work 👏.
@ZeeTheGreat333 6 сағат бұрын
Lmao somebody should have gave you some sense cause you surely throwed off. 😂😂😂😂
@MonaMi8 8 сағат бұрын
That caller didn’t know (one of) the shadiest stories in the Bible….It was the story that made me look at the Bible sideways.
@nmhoskins 12 сағат бұрын
A person's OPINION is not truth!!
@nmhoskins 12 сағат бұрын
@anewx 15 сағат бұрын
Cynthia G is a liar!
@blaquespan5316 19 сағат бұрын
The level of love they have, for their children, depends on the level of love they have for the mother, if they do not like the mother, the most likely going to abandon their children
@blaquespan5316 19 сағат бұрын
So sad …
@ElementalWitchn 21 сағат бұрын
They're using science instead of Jesus 😂😂
@JarenLynch 21 сағат бұрын
Themis on that "DNC talking points" IV drip, circa 2015. A lot has changed, get with it.
@ThemisThoth 18 сағат бұрын
Wait. You’re still Republican ?😒
@JarenLynch 16 сағат бұрын
@@ThemisThoth Partisan politics 🤮
@shonab36 21 сағат бұрын
I have learned so much today! Thank you Themis!!
@636racer 22 сағат бұрын
2:04:26 themis about to release his inner kevin samuels on this woman 😂
@catmouse2882 22 сағат бұрын
DRUMPF advocates for violence all the time. Just vile, immoral convicted felon
@636racer 22 сағат бұрын
1:50:42 for someone who is rude & wont let the host run his show, & have very little knowledge on how IVF work she seems too ignorant to have a hard stance on this
@user-zz4wr2hm1y 22 сағат бұрын
The woman discussing IVF with no understanding of the process is why the average person should not have a say in the medical practices of the public. Every scenario she gave was utter nonsense. If you only create 1 embryo in most cases you will end up with no baby. There are markers that will clearly end in miscarriage so she wants a woman to be obligated to carry an embryo we know won't develop properly. This is where America fails it's citizens not understanding basic human biology then remixing it with religion means you should NOT be making decisions. Also many woman facing fertility issues have many miscarriages that require abortion/d&c. Those women should not have to fight you to create their family and have the medical care they need. Then to have the nerve to say we should do things "god's" way? Which god are you talking about? These are the illogical responses we are facing. One more time... Religion has NO place in government nor in medicine.
@636racer Күн бұрын
22:13 i cant see Harris beating Trump, i could be wrong, i just dont see battle ground states & independents swaying the vote in her favor, but hey the landscape may change in the next few months
@636racer Күн бұрын
3:42 facts!!!!!!
@larynOneka8080 Күн бұрын
I'm voting for Trump. The Democrats only care about illegals, Ukraine and Israel.
@lgibs666 Күн бұрын
Responding to the caller who spoke about conditions in NYC. Yes, there are issues with migrants in SOME neighborhoods - particularly those with existing populations that mirror where recent migrants are coming from. Look up the Right To Shelter Law to understand how they are getting housing. Look up NYC Human Resources Administration to understand what social services they (and others) may be eligible for. I can’t speak for all of NYC but there’s been an uptick in quality of life issues in my neighborhood. There are more street vendors selling everything, people setting up “restaurants” on sidewalks everywhere, and just more activity day and night. I would not use Cash Jordan’s channel as an authority on what’s happening throughout the city. He focuses on Manhattan, which is a whole different animal from the other four boroughs. I would like to see improvements but it’s going to take changes at the local elected officials level.
@Coco-nq3vg Күн бұрын
Themis you must be stopped 😂😂😂
@shuyuar Күн бұрын
Lastly: Cohabiting is a thing; you don't have to marry someone if you have a kid. Two ppl with their own incomes can care for that kid. HOWEVER, the dude should still be the bread winner even in this situation so the mother and the kid are not struggling and taking care of a man baby. 👨🏿🍼 if the couple needs to breakup, no divorce strings attached. 🤷🏾‍♀️ ✌️
@sudanwelch4496 Күн бұрын
"They're using science and not jesus" I love you Themis. I really admire your patience and your ability to reason with unthinking folks.
@ElementalWitchn 20 сағат бұрын
OMG I hollered!!! 😭🤣🤣🤣 Not Science V Jesus sandals 🤣
@shuyuar Күн бұрын
3:53:00 Bw definitely need to stop marriage obsessing..."bragging rights"?! REALLY? 😂 This is why he believes that all he has to do is marry a woman and that's it.🤦🏽‍♀️
@rellie_90 Күн бұрын
3:22:15 How was she in the military and not believe climate change is real when the U.S military has actively been preparing and anticipating climate change themselves. They’ve known about the climate issues for a while and been spending money to protect the U.S from “things” and I’ll leave it there. Chile…🙄
@m9978 3 сағат бұрын
Don’t believe all these so called ex military. I’m a Veteran big difference. I did years and been to Afghanistan as a Medic. Anyone who failed out of basic training can be ex military. As a Black Woman and my personal experience in the military. I would never vote for Trump. These BM and BMW are delusional. Criminals can go to jail for all I care. Religion needs to left out of politics. Look what happens in other countries. Many wars are fought, loss of human rights and humanity because people want to impose their religion and personal beliefs on others. If they so concerned about abortion and bc why don’t these people have 12 kids? Someone got an abortion or is using bc. I’m tired of the stupidity. These same broke people crying about they can’t afford food, bills and etc… make it make sense.
@keyakokopop Күн бұрын
⁠again, it’s the woman/girl’s choice which you are ok with taking away. I’m not going to put my child through something she doesn’t want to go through, especially when she was taken advantage of. But you’re ok with letting your child suffer through that along with the years of mental anguish from the harm done, that’s on you.
@Sabledoux Күн бұрын
Themis was on 🔥🔥🔥🔥this live.
@janinegodsdaughter9020 Күн бұрын
It’s so hypocritical to support abortion for those who have ‘CONSENSUAL SEX” and refuse to speak up for the growing life in the womb that can also feel pain starting at 23 weeks and some of the children are born alive from the failed abortion and then unalived after they are born but you all support abortion through most of the pregnancy as woman’s right when it’s just murder. Please Repent. **P.S. Some of the disrespectful comments that I read in the livestream is the reason that this country is in the BAD state it is in. Please Learn and practice how to agree to disagree respectfully**
@keyakokopop Күн бұрын
So I’m assuming you believe it’s so great outside of the US with the amount of young girls being sold as slaves, child brides, seggual mutilations, inability to access education, among other things that children, especially young girls are going through in so many countries. Interesting.
@keyakokopop Күн бұрын
Also, there are cases of men stealthing (taking the condom off during seggs w/o the women’s knowledge or consent), so the woman who is now a victim should have to bare the price of what that man did???!!! Come on!!!!
@rellie_90 Күн бұрын
What’s your address so we can send the babies to you? 📝
@janinegodsdaughter9020 Күн бұрын
@@keyakokopop Your assumption is wrong. What you described above are very evil things that no child or person should experience.
@janinegodsdaughter9020 Күн бұрын
@@rellie_90 Why do you all use this lame excuse for NOT wanting to take accountability for Your Choices and Actions? Grown folks having "Consensual s**" also have to handle the responsibility that comes with it. As in any situation, if grown folks are having relations that's on them. However, if grown folks are now trying to murder the "innocent third person" that was made based on their decisions to have s**, this is where the law steps in and say no, this growing life has rights. This is why I say PREVENTION of unwanted pregnances has to be key, because Abortion as birth control for "consensual adults" should NEVER be an option. P.S. I'm making rooms for the babies and You can send donations to my Children's Home project. #PREVENTIONotAbortion
@shuyuar Күн бұрын
Still getting through this video. I'm older, and I need time. 😂 Now... Didn't they (bm) sell their own ppl to the whites in the slave trade in the first place (especially in the West African nation of Benin)? 🤔 Mysandry my 🍑! Mysogny and self-hate and greed on THEIR (bm's) part. And yes, the transatlantic slave trade was antiblack PERIOD. Those slave owners had the same racist/hateful views regardless of the enslaved black person's gender. 🤷🏾‍♀️
@CheekyLovesCheeseCake. Күн бұрын
Her whole "we need better laws" talk is useless. We have laws in place for theft, drugs, SA, and just about anything under the sun yet people still commit crimes. Laws don't make people behave nor does it change ones criminal *intent* . We literally have jails and prisons all over the country because people readily break the law. Heck, we even already have *capital punishment* on the books and that *STILL* doesn't deter some people. Saying we need harsher laws to stop R-worders is insulting. That's like telling a DV victim to "just go get a restraining order" when we KNOW restraining orders do virtually nothing if the abuser decides to violate it. At 13 years old, I was alert and cognitively aware. I would NOT have wanted someone else making such a decision *for* me. The young girl in the scenario already lost her innocence, lost her trust, lost her sense of safety, lost her right to say no and NOW you want to strip her of her right to choose? I think TF not! The other flawed part of her arguement is that she is operating from a space of misogyny (she couldn't WAIT to accuse women of being "loose" and wanting absmortion for "inconvenience") and from the belief that everyone believes *her* God.
@rellie_90 Күн бұрын
Nobody wanted Biden in the last election. He in fact was well behind Bernie and Elizabeth, all of sudden he was thrusted to the forefront and the DNC basically said it’s him or nobody. Fine, we accepted that, begrudgingly and voted for him (at least I did) and now 4, FOUR months before the next election the liberals pretty much went on a tiki torch rally to get him to step down due to health. They knew this at least two years ago and should’ve said something then. Also let’s not act like there aren’t multiple people sitting in congress right now that aren’t half dead and glitching. THIS is why I don’t see it for conservatives NOR liberals, they’re all full of 💩 and are really trying to cover it in sugar. 😤
@giaholmed2626 Күн бұрын
We have created too many safe spaces for the ill-intentioned and the misinformed. You don’t get to vote away my daughter’s rights and be coddled. The baseline of conversation is being able to state your idea and support it with fact 🤦🏽‍♀️
@user-zz4wr2hm1y 18 сағат бұрын
@teal1010 Күн бұрын
Saying “I’m open to learn” sounds good, but if you make decisions without gathering information about the topic YOU ABSOLUTELY ARE NOT OPEN TO LEARN! You’re open to repeat, like a parrot and follow like sheep!
@karina-annen Күн бұрын
I'm voting blue, no matter who!💙
@janinegodsdaughter9020 Күн бұрын
PREVENTION RESOURCES to prevent violent crimes. Let's be apart of the solution. The name of the organization is: **Futures Without Violence.** I don't believe youtube will let me share the link.
@lovinglisa3205 Күн бұрын
Great Live Themis. Love hearing your point of view on politics. So here for it!
@NothingForYou283 Күн бұрын
I’m not voting for Kamala at all. I don’t care.
@trininy07 Күн бұрын
Black women remain loyal to the democratic party but black men are loyal to Trump. Major betrayal. Law and order and immigration will be a major focus of the republican party. The people who in high numbers are immigrating and committing crimes such as smash and grab, violence and s@x trafficking are in high numbers who? I think black men who are ridding for Trump have a law and order coming reality. Get ready black women when they are "targeted" and want you to fight for them. They betrayed you big time. Fight for them no more.
@catmouse2882 Күн бұрын
Bm have ALWAYS been disloyal and treasonous.
@teal1010 Күн бұрын
People that are voting for Trump think the same! As long as he does something that benefits them they won’t acknowledge the policies that will hurt them and others! That’s exactly how he gets their vote!
@mizzmolly7649 Күн бұрын
If Kamala were to debate Trump, she'd rip his @$$ up. But a debate is not going to determine the election.