June wrap up and July TBR
28 күн бұрын
May wrap up + June TBR
Ай бұрын
More beginner sci fi recs
2 ай бұрын
Political fantasy recommendations
@BookishVicky 4 сағат бұрын
I loved 'Stoner' and also 'Augustus' by the same author. 'Flowers for Algernon' broke me (in a good way) and it's a book I keep coming back to years later. 'The Sparrow' by Mary Doria Russell handled first contact with aliens in a way I hadn't read before and also gave me a lot of food for thought.
@v3rmilli0nair3 10 сағат бұрын
"On the Beach by Nevil Shute (1957) had this effect on me haha 😂😂 I still haven't found a book that can top the emotional impact that book had on me by the end 😭😭
@bookswithzara 7 сағат бұрын
Offttt, I was going to ask you why but I think I'll go into it with zero expectations. I actually purchased this on ebook last year, and I'm assuming that was thanks to you! I will try and get to this in the next few months.
@ZOMGfantasy 11 сағат бұрын
Awesome video Zara! I really appreciate the honesty about how some of these books impacted you. Of these, I've only read Stoner, but I fully concur with you on it. It really was a great reminder of how a normal life can also be a great life.
@bookswithzara 7 сағат бұрын
Thanks! Good to hear you enjoyed Stoner... I still think it's so underrated! Are there any other books that have made you speechless?
@ZOMGfantasy 2 сағат бұрын
@@bookswithzara The one I can think of is Night by Elie Wiesel. That one left an impact 🫤
@BooksWithBenghisKahn 13 сағат бұрын
Awesome vid! I want to read all of these, though I did read one in the Death of Ivan Ilyich, which also took my breath away
@bookswithzara 7 сағат бұрын
Ahhh so good, right? Such a small yet mighty read.
@billybilodeau1991 20 сағат бұрын
The Company, what you said remains me of something I learned as a kid because I moved around quite often. That is your problems are a function of you, not necessarily your environment. I’m always running into ppl that think it’s where they live is the root of there issues, when clearly it’s just them.
@bookswithzara 7 сағат бұрын
1000000000%. Couldn't put it better myself.
@Thecatladybooknook_PennyD Күн бұрын
My made me pause book(s) was Cormac McCarthy's duo of The Passenger/Stella Maris, The Road...ok, most of McCarthy's books lol but those two plus The Crossing, Outer Dark, The Sunset Limited, The Stonemason, and Crime & Punishment. A little Anna Karenina too 😅
@bookswithzara 6 сағат бұрын
Noooo my comment was cancelled. Alas, agreed on McCarthy. The Road is one I still think about. I will likely pick up The Passenger next. Crime and Punishment needs no explanation haha.Unfortunately I filmed this video before I read it, but I guess I now have an excuse to do a part 2. Anna Karenina! It's so bloody long haha.
@Thecatladybooknook_PennyD 5 сағат бұрын
@@bookswithzara Stupid YT!!! You definitely need to read Stella Maris very very soon after The Passenger. It feels like the whole story comes full circle at that point (and it's pretty short and gives context to things that happen in TP).
@Thecatladybooknook_PennyD Күн бұрын
Great list!! I have several of these on my WTR or own them or added them because of you.
@bookswithzara 7 сағат бұрын
Offft, no pressure hahaha. I have a feeling you'll like most of these tbh.
@OnlyTheBestFantasyNovels Күн бұрын
That's a great list. I don't think I've read anything that's made me think quite as much as Discworld has. Pratchett just touches on so many various things over the course of those books . . . you can (and I will) re-read them multiple times over the years and they'll still be impactful.
@bookswithzara 7 сағат бұрын
Pratchett is a classic for sure. I've not read a ton of his books (yet) but Guards Guards is a book I still think about.
@Liilliithh 5 күн бұрын
I honestly don't understand the hate. Is Yarros the best author ever? No, she is not, she doesn't make top 100, she's not even close. However, did i enjoy it? YES!! I went through both books in 3 days, i loled several times with the dragons, i cried when XXXX died!! Would i nominate it for a Hugo award? NEVER, but i don't regret reading it, i enjoyed it a lot. Not everything needs to be Patrick Rothfuss' prose level.
@bookswithzara 5 күн бұрын
@@Liilliithh I’m glad you enjoyed it. I’ve never said every book needs to be Patrick Rothfuss level. Nor do I even believe that. The book has inconsistencies and the reading experience was janky which made for an unpleasant read, for me. It has to make sense and not feel like a disjointed mess. If you’re happy to gloss over that, then great! Edit: typo.
@Kevin-zz9du 6 күн бұрын
Quadrillogy guys, not quartet. A quartet is specific to music lol.
@bookswithzara 6 күн бұрын
@@Kevin-zz9du the Oxford dictionary says it can also mean ‘a set of four people or things’. They even give the example of books. Link here: www.oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com/definition/english/quartet I’ll stick with quartet.
@user-fr8gh2nw9t 7 күн бұрын
Usually you hear 1984 under scifi but i thought it was kind of boring and unrealistic. It was of its time i think. Dune would definitely qualify.
@bookswithzara 6 күн бұрын
Haven’t read it! And I’ve stayed away from it for the reasons you gave. I wanted to give some less obvious recs in this video. Part 2 will probably be more popular ones like Dune and Red Rising.
@mariareadsssf 7 күн бұрын
Thank you for the guide. I only read "Prosper's Demon" ( in my mind I call him Prospero for some reason) at the beggining of my Fantasy journey and while I enjoyed it, I forgot it. I will re-read it after I explore the other ones you recommended.
@bookswithzara 7 күн бұрын
@@mariareadsssf did you ever read The Tempest? One of the characters is called Prospero 😂 sounds good, hope you find some more memorable ones!
@Shelf_Improvement 7 күн бұрын
One revolution series I'd recommend is Fireborne. It's YA but doesn't read young, and explores the themes of the Russian revolution with dragons. 😂Will definitely add Kavithri to my tbr.
@bookswithzara 7 күн бұрын
I’ve had this on my list for quite some time and have never got round to it. Thank you for reminding me though as I really should get to it haha. Is it a duology or a trilogy?
@Shelf_Improvement 6 күн бұрын
@@bookswithzarait's a trilogy
@Shelf_Improvement 7 күн бұрын
What did you think of Red Rising, if you read it? I read the first two but kind of lost interest.
@bookswithzara 7 күн бұрын
Yes, I did but I didn’t enjoy it, especially the latter half of the series. I actually dnf’d book 5. Was so boring and the characters are so bland! You made the right decision to stop when you did.
@liviajelliot 8 күн бұрын
I definitely need to read Mistborn given that I'm a Stormlight fan, but I never have the time for it. First Law has just so many themes, but as you said, the exploration about classes and their perception of the same society was great. I haven't seen that book from Polasnky; not only the cover is terrific but it has some quite interesting themes right there! I love these compilations, honestly! Would you keep doing them? I think it's perfect for mood readers!
@bookswithzara 8 күн бұрын
I think you’ll like it. I wouldn’t bother with era two though as it’s bad imo. I will definitely keep doing them! I’m glad you like them :) if there’s any ever specific topics you’d like covered, don’t hesitate to message me.
@billybilodeau1991 8 күн бұрын
Yeah, I thought Mistborn the first age was a good trilogy. Second, not so much. Other than “Night Watch”, “Interesting Times” is another Discworld book that involves a revolutionary themes. Though not as good as Night Watch. Night watch quote: “But here’s some advice, boy. Don’t put your trust in revolutions. They always come around again. That’s why they’re called revolutions. People die, and nothing changes.”
@bookswithzara 8 күн бұрын
Second age of Mistborn was poor! Love that quote. I will add Night Watch to my never ending list of Pritchett books I need to read. I’m excited to read Small Gods with you in August!
@billybilodeau1991 7 күн бұрын
@@bookswithzara Oh that's the problem there are only so many Pratchett books out there :/ Yup getting anxious about it. Never done a buddy read before. I'm curious to see what you think of "Small Gods".
@bookswithzara 7 күн бұрын
@@billybilodeau1991 no need to be anxious! We can be very chill about it.
@billybilodeau1991 7 күн бұрын
@@bookswithzara hope you're feeling better
@Thecatladybooknook_PennyD 8 күн бұрын
@SilverShadow17 8 күн бұрын
Zara with another great video! ❤❤❤
@bookswithzara 8 күн бұрын
@@SilverShadow17 thank you so much!
@jcmberne 9 күн бұрын
Savage Legion (I think released in the UK under a different but similar name) by Matt Wallace absolutely fits this theme and is quite good.
@bookswithzara 8 күн бұрын
@@jcmberne ohh thanks Joe! I will check it out.
@esmayrosalyne 9 күн бұрын
Please don't ever apologize for such indulgent gushes, I absolutely love it! I honestly can't recall the last time (if ever) that a book has stirred so much passion and emotion in me, so I am either reading the wrong books or not reading deeply and intentionally enough lol. This story sounds incredible, I am definitely going to have to check it out. Anthropology and religion are two topics that interest me to no end, so this should be pure candy for my brain. Thanks for sharing!!
@bookswithzara 8 күн бұрын
Haha thanks Esmay. You get me. I hope you love it, and do let me know when you get to it!
@user-fr8gh2nw9t 9 күн бұрын
Finished the trilogy. Feels like a dark souls lord of the rings mashup . Tone and language is like blood meridian
@bookswithzara 8 күн бұрын
This is why I need to read Blood Meridian. Are you going to pick up Aspect Emperor soon or take a break?
@user-fr8gh2nw9t 7 күн бұрын
I do plan on starting it. I'm reading " a knight of the seven kingdoms" at the moment so maybe after that. The writing is just up there with JRR Tolkien, GRRM and Jack Vance (Lyonesse) for me. Absolutely underrated because of how dark it is.
@Kris-bp4td 9 күн бұрын
I appreciate your opinions but two separate Japanese historical societies, both based in Japan, reviewed this book and found it to be highly accurate in regards to setting and culture of 1600's Japan. I'm sure their papers are still able to be found online. They stated that they found very few errors, and the ones they did find were minor. In fact, the majority of the main criticisms the book has gotten from people in the west (not all, but most) have been proven to be invalid. (Not speaking of narrative here but the culture and setting of the time period as represented in the book.) This is the same situation that happened with the film Apocalypto by Mel Gibson. He wrote a film that took place in the Mayan civilization in the early 1500's. Everyone in the world began attacking him for historical inaccuracies until the Mayan's themselves wrote a paper explaining how extremely accurate his film was.
@bookswithzara 9 күн бұрын
@@Kris-bp4td as I said in the video, I did speak to my Japanese friends and I’m going by what they thought. Thanks.
@esmayrosalyne 10 күн бұрын
This was sooo helpful, I have been at a loss for where to start! Purple & Black sounds like the most appealing place for me to dip my toes in, but I also can't deny that I am morbidly curious about The Company now hahaha. Thanks for sharing!!
@bookswithzara 10 күн бұрын
@@esmayrosalyne you can’t go wrong with either tbh haha. Purple and Black is super quick though, so if you’re ever in need of something short yet impactful, then I’d suggest having that on tap!
@esmayrosalyne 9 күн бұрын
@@bookswithzara Love a good bingeable read!!
@paigeme886 11 күн бұрын
thank you so much! I cant find the ebook of purple and black anywhere? Thank you!
@bookswithzara 11 күн бұрын
@@paigeme886 you can buy the Academic Exercises ebook which contains P&B here: subterraneanpress.com/academic-exercises-ebook/
@paigeme886 11 күн бұрын
@@bookswithzara thank you so incredibly much!
@Thecatladybooknook_PennyD 11 күн бұрын
I added this to my list when i saw your Goodreads rating.😂 Also..... I'm starting Emma M. Lion tomorrow (Sat, 20th)🎉🎉
@bookswithzara 11 күн бұрын
Omg!!!! Please keep me posted!
@paulwilliams6913 11 күн бұрын
I’ve been wanting to read more Endo, since I love Silence. A few years back I listened to a podcast that featured Van Gessel (translator for The Samurai). Apparently he was friends with Endo and that’s how he came to translate a lot of Endo’s books, but not Silence, which had been translated previously. As I recall, Gessel said there’s a major translation error in the climax where a harsher word is used in such a way that he feels it skews the meaning of the scene. Something to watch out for, in case you take issue with the climax in Silence. (It may not be an issue at all, but thought I’d mention it ahead of time.)
@bookswithzara 11 күн бұрын
That’s so interesting. What podcast was that? I’ll definitely keep that in mind. Thanks!
@thatsci-firogue 11 күн бұрын
Fantastic review, Zara. You've sold me. I'm not a religious or spiritual person (though I was raised Catholic) but i still find religion fascinating.
@bookswithzara 11 күн бұрын
Thanks Rogue - I think you will thoroughly enjoy this one!
@rafm3068 11 күн бұрын
What an interesting setting and concept!! A Japanese character traveling to New Spain (Mexico) and other regions in 1613!! During the time of Spanish colonialism in Latin America. I am purchasing this book! Thanks for the recommendation!!
@bookswithzara 11 күн бұрын
You’re welcome! I think you’ll like it quite a bit.
@robertocatrone715 12 күн бұрын
Have you read, Twenty Years After by Alexandre Dumas? If not and you love The Three Musketeers, Twenty Years After will grab your heart. Enjoy Carpe Diem
@bookswithzara 10 күн бұрын
@@robertocatrone715 I have! I did enjoy it a lot. I need to read the others ones too. Have you?
@jlodomauthor 12 күн бұрын
I was a little hesitant to watch the video because I like to go into books like this cold and blind, so I watched far enough to know I DEFINITELY want to read this. His book Silence is the one I am starting as soon as I'm done with my current read, and now this one is on the list too.
@bookswithzara 11 күн бұрын
Glad to hear you’re going to pick it up! I’m really eager to read Silence too. I’m really curious as to how the two books compare.
@joshyaks 12 күн бұрын
As someone who was very deep in religious systems for much of my life, I think you give religion much too easy a pass here. When important aspects of a religion include the subservience of women and the abhorrence of homosexuality (to name a couple of many highly problematic and harmful teachings), it's clear that it's not simply a matter of humans twisting good practices for their own evil designs - rather, the very core is rotten.
@bookswithzara 12 күн бұрын
@@joshyaks My discussion around religion is really restricted to the limits of this book, which doesn’t include exploration around the role of women or homosexuality etc. That would require hours and hours of discussion, not 30 minutes. Of course religion has bad aspects, I have seen those myself. And yes, some of that is to do with scripture/teachings. We’re aligned there, that’s for sure. I could have emphasised that more perhaps. It requires a much more nuanced conversation, factoring in a lot of different elements, that were definitely not in the scope of this video/review. I should have made that clear.
@samcostello2861 12 күн бұрын
Fabulous review! Congrats on 2K subscribers!
@bookswithzara 12 күн бұрын
@@samcostello2861 thanks Sam!
@SarahJ70 12 күн бұрын
I LOVED Shusaku Endo’s Silence and I’m currently reading The Samurai. The exploration of faith and religion is so fascinating. But damn, Silence was very very dark. Can’t wait to read the rest of the Samurai.
@bookswithzara 12 күн бұрын
@@SarahJ70 yesssssss! I’m going to read Silence soon I think. I really hope you love this one too. Keep me posted please!
@OnlyTheBestFantasyNovels 12 күн бұрын
Oh cool, congrats on 2K! I like that you open saying you're going to gush for 5 to 10 mins . . . and the video's a half hour long 😂😂😂😂 I already added this to my TBR when you mentioned it in a previous video, but holy crap this sounds incredibly interesting. Definitely sounds like it goes more into the history and social/religious consequences than Shogun does - that was more of a political thriller anyway.
@bookswithzara 12 күн бұрын
@@OnlyTheBestFantasyNovels thanks! Yeah I know hahahaha. It was 40 minutes long but I ended up cutting a bit out as I thought that was tooooo long. Based on what you’ve commented before, I think you’d enjoy this one!
@OnlyTheBestFantasyNovels 12 күн бұрын
@@bookswithzara I'm definitely looking forward to it even more after this, I'm just wary of jumping straight in after I finished reading Shogun so recently - want to approach this when it'll feel a little more fresh.
@bookswithzara 12 күн бұрын
@@OnlyTheBestFantasyNovels yeah I think that’s a good shout tbh!
@andyszudek 12 күн бұрын
great stuff! - i haven't read any of these yet, but i'm glad they're out there waiting for me. just demolished the engineer trilogy, and after a quick "other authors" break am already on the scavengers. that mixture of technical detail and wry wit is unique :0
@bookswithzara 11 күн бұрын
Completely agree with your last sentence! You’ve got so much more to tap into, which is one of the best things about Parker. So many high quality books!
@thatsci-firogue 13 күн бұрын
Zara, congrats on 2k! Very well deserved 🥳
@bookswithzara 12 күн бұрын
Thanks so much, Rogue 💙
@thatsci-firogue 10 күн бұрын
@@bookswithzara It's an awesome community you've built here, Zara. Be proud of yourself. You're one of my favourite KZbinrs ❤
@bookswithzara 10 күн бұрын
@@thatsci-firogue no joke this actually made me quite emotional. It’s an absolute honour to have you be a part of this journey, Rogue 💙 Your username is always one I keep an eye out for whenever I release a video.
@thatsci-firogue 7 күн бұрын
@@bookswithzara You're welcome, and thank you so much! That means a lot. You're too kind ❤
@jeroenadmiraal8714 13 күн бұрын
I recently read the short story collection Under My Skin by KJ Parker. It had some Saloninus stories and Prosper's Demon and a bunch of other stuff. It was totally amazing.
@bookswithzara 12 күн бұрын
Yes! It’s a fantastic collection.
@liviajelliot 14 күн бұрын
Oh, the audiobook for non-fiction has worked very ocassionally for me... like only thrice (as far as I recall) and in the three cases I ended up purchasing the physical/ebook and rereading it there! Ebooks I think are uncomfortable, for some reason, the medium is less immersive for me; it's like I need the pages! Special editions, I never was too much into it; there weren't many in my home country, and after relocating so much, I try not to get bulky things. I have Dune's special editions and I'll keep ogling Folio's BoTNS because shipping to Aus is outrageous. I agree on hyped books, sometimes they don't really work for me, and I think it's mostly because what hypes a book is generally not what I (subjectively!) prefer to read. It was a great analysis and discussion, Zara, thanks for sharing it!
@bookswithzara 6 сағат бұрын
Sorry Livia, I don't know how I didn't see this comment. Sensible not to get too many bulky things! I used to find ebooks uncomfortable too. But now I especially like them for bulky books. Same for me on hyped books not being what I typically read, so it's not surprise they mostly don't work! Thanks Livia.
@blacknbluecollarreader 15 күн бұрын
The Company sounds right up my dark alley. This was a perfect video for me today because I was looking up KJ Parker this weekend trying to figure out where to start. lol. Before this video I was leaning toward The Folding Knife but I The Company sounds amazing. Awesome video Zara.
@bookswithzara 14 күн бұрын
@@blacknbluecollarreader yeah you will love The Company, I just know it!
@joshyaks 15 күн бұрын
When you first put KJ Parker on my map a year or so ago I went to GoodReads to skim through a bunch of the reviews of his books, and ultimately decided to put Savages on the TBR. But after not being able to find it anywhere, I then added The Folding Knife as well, and just the other day also added Purple and Black after seeing you talk about it. And now I'll also add The Company, and hopefully will be able to find one of these books somewhere!
@bookswithzara 14 күн бұрын
@@joshyaks I would definitely not recommend Savages for the first or even second book of his to read. It’s good but I don’t think it showcases his talent that well. Purple and Black is on SubPress (kindle version) in the US so should be easier to get than the other two.
@joshyaks 14 күн бұрын
@@bookswithzara Oh, good to know. Thanks, Zara!
@binglamb2176 15 күн бұрын
Stop giving me reading angst!😂 K J Parker sounds like an author I would really enjoy but there are so many others as well. What to do, what to do?
@bookswithzara 14 күн бұрын
@@binglamb2176 hahaha what to do? Read Parker!!