@ChaineRubis 4 сағат бұрын
You can rally your cc on the mineral when your scv is building it :)
@Aldaris777 7 сағат бұрын
@Voidspacealpha 5 сағат бұрын
Thanks man. Appreciate you Stopping by, glad you enjoyed it
@EchtelionofGondor 13 сағат бұрын
Could you please put some music (even the ingame music would be fine) in your videos. I love watching them, but they can be really dry.
@Voidspacealpha 7 сағат бұрын
This is a great shout. I’ll start doing this. Thanks man
@cChrodinCc 13 сағат бұрын
much deserved win
@Voidspacealpha 7 сағат бұрын
Thank you dude
@Kryder401 15 сағат бұрын
Ollie, Good game, mate! That's the way you get some Protoss victories! He really should not have had any issues with his engagements with you since he knew what you were doing. In the future, try and not to sacrifice your harassing units like you do. For instance, at 7:10 you drop your first marines in and leave them there; by 7:24 they are all dead (medivac too) while doing very little damage. Your second drop was good killing lots of probes since he did not react at all, but you overstayed your welcome a bit and got a marine the tank killed. Instead, I'd suggest the first drop, just hit hard enough to distract, then pick up and run away, then immediately bring in your 2nd drop at the other base, go for some damage. While they are moving in that direction to defend, bring the 1st drop back to the other base and harass again. This right here, if you can get it down, will do some major economic damage, even if they run their probes away and you kill nothing; the lost mining time alone is worth the effort. But you gotta be quick. Anyways, good game and entertaining as always. Take care!
@Voidspacealpha 7 сағат бұрын
Thanks dude. You are absolutely right, I will try to keep my drops alive and do multi-pronged attacks in the future
@Kryder401 6 сағат бұрын
@Voidspacealpha hey, one other thing...don't get discouraged by any of our comments. We are Monday morning quarterbacks here (yes, I am quite American). We have the luxury of seeing everything outside of the moment...whilst playing, nothing goes to plan. You are doing great, learning and improving...and won this encounter! Again, congrats!
@Voidspacealpha 5 сағат бұрын
Oh totally dude. I take it all with a pinch of salt and a huge degree of gratitude. One of the amazing perks of this platform is that sometimes my games get a couple of thousand eyes on them, and that gets me loads of great feedback to grow. I’m incredibly greatful
@proape6052 17 сағат бұрын
The power of Marauders. Even with the Colossus, you probably could've just stimmed the whole army and rushed your opponent. In case you see a Colossus without a lot of Stalkers or other units, you can stim the Marauders and run them down. Colossus are extremely fragile for their price and there's the fact that if you're in a situation where you're at their front door, every Colossi matters. Protoss can reinforce quickly by warping in units but they have to make Colossi and Disruptors at Robos like Terran makes any unit. This leaves them vulnerable because Gateway units don't trade well into bio so if you still have a pretty big army they're in huge trouble. Same applies to Templar because it takes time to build up storm energy. As for the Reaper, good job being annoying with it. Early damage isn't the biggest deal in lower leagues but it can be bad mentally for your opponent. If you want to be extra cheeky, target the workers on the gas. It's very annoying having to put workers back onto gas and people can forget it which can easily throw off a build. In higher leagues your chances of doing any damage is extremely low. Adepts usually come out quick enough to counter the Reaper. You should use it to check the tech. Protoss players usually have 1 tech building starting by the time your reaper arrives. It's usually a Twilight which means blink stalkers but it could be a Robo or Stargate. A Stargate is pretty obvious but a Robo is not. Robos usually mean Warp Prism BS or a super safe build. If you see Robo first, I recommend just 1 Viking to chase off Prisms. Usually a Protoss makes Twilight for Blink then a Robo for Observer.
@Voidspacealpha 7 сағат бұрын
Okay solid points, cheers I’ll keep an eye out for these
@AShadow007 17 сағат бұрын
Lots of good feedback already. I'll just mention that you macro'd great. When you hit 200 supply, the toss was at 146 supply. That's a huge advantage. By the time your attack started, the toss was up to 190 supply. Timing is everything. Also, when you did move out, you had 4k in the bank. That's time to go to crazy with production buildings...12-15 barracks, 4 factories, 4 starports. Go BIG. Spend it. Then even if you lose that fight, you can max out again FAST. Instead, you are producing 3 marines, 2 marauders, 1 tank, and 1 viking....
@Voidspacealpha 7 сағат бұрын
Very good point on the production
@firestarter000001 17 сағат бұрын
That 2 prong was really good. If you had harrased only with one, it would be poor, the first one did little. But the second one did really good, becasue the first one draw the army, 17 probes in dia its game ending dmg. Also note that killing 2 stalkers might seem small, but each stalker is 125 minerals and 50 gas!!!
@AShadow007 17 сағат бұрын
Nice game. You did a great job of pulling their army into your tank line and letting the siege tanks do the work. Solid macro, some harass, and a well executed fight got you a clean win. Question I have is why you built 2 more Starports when the first one didn't even have an add-on? I would think more barracks or a 2nd factory would be more ideal.
@Voidspacealpha 7 сағат бұрын
So the reason for this, right or wrong, is when I’m up against toss, I want more of air. So I tend to think in my head, the first one can keep producing, then I can get a tech and a reactor. Tech for Raven, can see stealth. Reactor for vikings and medivacs. Then when they’re producing, I can get the add on on the first one I guess
@superflypheelign 17 сағат бұрын
Ollie, Scout. You don't see any gateways in his base, so you chose to kill probes rather than scout.
@Voidspacealpha 7 сағат бұрын
Very good point
@Voidspacealpha 7 сағат бұрын
I think mentally I thought if he’s doing something sneaky, I’m going to eat his economy
@erisdiscordia5429 17 сағат бұрын
Good game. You're making me want to reinstall.
@EchtelionofGondor 13 сағат бұрын
Why did you deinstall?
@erisdiscordia5429 12 сағат бұрын
@@EchtelionofGondor Oh man, it was years ago. I didn't have a particular reason, just you know, new games come out, things move on, you forget about the classics, then suddenly nostalgia reminds you of em.
@Voidspacealpha 7 сағат бұрын
Get it reinstalled, get on the discord, and keep me up to date with how you get on ❤️
@Voidspacealpha 7 сағат бұрын
Nostalgia do be like that
@Spectre11B 18 сағат бұрын
Right on! GG!
@Voidspacealpha 7 сағат бұрын
Thanks spectre. Love seeing you here most days ❤️
@drulad43 19 сағат бұрын
Perfect Game! Tip: "Aggressive Style vs Defensive Style" Aggressive Style is the Non-Stop Multi-Pronge Attack that Targets "ECONOMY Only " but Never a Full-Committed Push (Multi-BioDrops, LingBane, GateMen) While rushing More Economy Yourself from Behind (which is the main purpose) to get that Explosive Income and Production. HOWEVER it is very vulnerable due to having Less Army to Defend, so best know where Enemy's army at or put Spotters Around to detect Incomings (its more easier for Zerg-Creep and Protoss-Battery) and Be Ready to Transition to DEFENSIVE-STYLE. Its Best against Economically-Greedy and Turtle, but for turtle just DON'T SEND the drops in and focus on economy. On the other hand, Defensive Style is more laid-back and it is best ONLY if Opponent is the one whos very Aggressive (especially if his being in your face the whole time). The Idea is to be more Cost-Efficient which means DON'T LOSE WORKERS and Trade Well. HOWEVER you may get behind in Economy because his probably going too much Greed from behind. So keep that Economy "On Point" (Income and Production) and create a Timing-Push (go AGGRESSIVE), when You think he has Less Army than Yours after all that Harass Push Hard like a Bulldozer and Win. If Timing Pushes doesn't work, go TURTLE and Rush Tech and Upgrades and Prepare for Lategame, normally best vs Aggressive Zergs. But Still "Keep that ECONOMY on POINT" because its the biggest weakness. Thus Balancing from being AGGRESSIVE and DEFENSIVE is very Critical. Too much Aggressive means your Vulnerable and To much Defensive means your Behind 😊
@proape6052 16 сағат бұрын
By nature, Terran is the aggressive race. You can play with less bases (1-2 less bases mid-late game) because you can use Mules to boost your economy. Your spam bio units are very mineral focused and you have a lot of mobility with medivacs. This is a bit controversial but most people think Terran is by a narrow margin the weakest late game race.
@drulad43 16 сағат бұрын
@@proape6052 I think what makes Terran seems weak in the Lategame is its Glass Cannon Nature,. In an Wider and General Perspective, Zerg has its Larvae & Protoss has its Shields but Terran relies on CriticalDamage (Critical Mass Damage). With "Glass Cannon" + "Critical Damage", i guess thats why Positioning is Critical and if U cant use that Positioning making AGGRESSIVE DROPS the only option 😁
@Voidspacealpha 5 сағат бұрын
Okay, cool. You’ve given me a new way to think about that, thanks
@Voidspacealpha 5 сағат бұрын
Oh I’d agree because if I go into the late game I lose 😂
@CGDW2 21 сағат бұрын
13:20 That engagement wasn't great... He didn't respond to you, you could've waited with sending in your bio. By the time all your tanks were sieged half your bio was gone... but you noticed that yourself in the replay. It's good that you tried to drop while the fight is going but in this case you looked away just when it was becoming clear you weren't going to win that, and you missed the opportunity to retreat. If you'd escaped with 4 medivacs worth of bio there would've been a chance you could've held the counter (though unlikely). The only other thing I'd say is try adding in a couple of Ghosts. I know adding spellcasters to your army complicates things, but once you get used to it it's definitely worth the hassle. Emp is really strong (especially against Archons), and you're unlikely to encounter any Protoss who use feedback effectively until master league.
@MrJaguarskills 22 сағат бұрын
You needed air units I think the reason you did not know that was you never scanned the army to see what he built
@Voidspacealpha 7 сағат бұрын
Very good point
@EchtelionofGondor Күн бұрын
Some tips for your macro: 1. Build an orbital on your third, more mules more scans more good 2. Be less conservative with the reactor on the starport, building vikings and medivacs (and later on liberators) two at a time is really good 3. spam ccs, thats just gonna help with outproducing 4. Be less concerned about what everything is doing. It always looks like you`re trying to babysit everything, wich is bad.
@Voidspacealpha 7 сағат бұрын
I do try to babysit everything. It’s a really time intensive bad habit
@proape6052 Күн бұрын
The easiest change you could make would be the army comp. You only need 1 Reactor Barracks vs Protoss. Your army should be mostly Marauders. The MVP of that Protoss army were the Colossus. They can roast Marines very quickly but they do minimal damage vs Marauders. They're still deadly due to their range and splash but their DPS isn't the best and Marauders naturally space out your army more so their splash is further mitigated. Besides Templar which are not a direct combat unit, Protoss only has Archons, Sentries, and Zealots as non armored ground units and Marauders hurt vs armor. Even though they themselves are armored units, they out trade Immortals, especially with Stim and Medivacs. Protoss needs splash damage to counter swarmy Terran bio so they can use High Templars or Disruptors for Marauders. Disruptors will 1 shot all bio units so it all comes down to the micro but Templar do damage over time. Marauders are bigger so the Storm catches less units and their health gives you more time to move them out of the Storm. The only direct ground combat unit good against Marauders are Zealots which is why you still want 1 Reactor Barracks. Also, the Archons are really good vs Tanks. They're big so the splash damage is useless and Tanks don't do good damage vs them. The problem with Archons is that aside from Tanks or early rushes, they're pretty bad. Terran units are really fast and outrange Archons so you can kite them to death. Aside from that, Archons suggests that a Protoss has High Templars (Using DTs just for Archons is rare) and both High Templar and Archons are weak to Ghost EMP. Archons only have 10 HP outside of shields so Ghosts can instantly take away 100 from their 350 shield health. The big micro you want vs Protoss is to set up all siege units, mainly Widow Mines/Tanks early game and Liberators late game. Then you pull parts of your bio army backwards. This forces the basic units like Stalkers, Zealots, and Archons to move forward and it often outruns the splash damage or pulls them into the Liberators.
@Voidspacealpha 7 сағат бұрын
Hopefully you saw the latest episode where I made a ton of marauders
@Voidspacealpha 7 сағат бұрын
That’s because I read this and then didn’t respond 😂❤️👍 Thanks for the advice
@Spectre11B Күн бұрын
As a protoss main, the goal is to get to a tier 3 deathball. This works for most Diamond 2 and below. It is extremely difficult for Zerg and Terran to confront a deathball directly. The biggest advantage Terran has is in small numbers they have more firepower and they require a disproportionate amount of response to neutralize. It's really hard for Protoss to predict how much to send in response until it's too late. You were right in this video, you should have set up at a choke point, and sent in a portion into his main or natural. As for this game, Ghosts would have annihilated his Archons. Even consider making nukes, especially if he's turtling up.
@Voidspacealpha Күн бұрын
Very good point. I can make that change imidiately
@EchtelionofGondor Күн бұрын
As a protoss main myself i really recommend chargelot immortal to you, its unfunny how many terrans are incapable of countering that.
@Spectre11B Күн бұрын
@@EchtelionofGondor it is a good composition. I'd also add sentry.
@Voidspacealpha 7 сағат бұрын
Is that due to not having a good defensive line?
@Voidspacealpha 7 сағат бұрын
What does the sentry add?
@drulad43 Күн бұрын
TBH the Macro & the Scout was Near-Perfect the only thing Missing was the "RESPONSE" which was the point of having a scout in the 1st place 😂 Tip: "Terran is a Meat Grinder" A "Glass Cannon Meat Grinder" is the best way to describe any Terran army. It relies a lot on Critical Damage, thats why Setting up in Strategic Positions is very essential or even sometimes required. And The easy way of doing it (especially against any splash) is 1. Select an area for engagement 2. Spread Your Army in that Particular Area 3. Send a Squad as Bait to lure them in . 4. Let them come to your army and Grind his Army to Dust😊 5. If they don't, try to Surround them like Zerg 6. If still not DoomDrop to a base where his army is NOT then Your Army Spread Again in that new Area 😊
@Voidspacealpha Күн бұрын
These are good bits of advice. Cheers
@erikhaynes5506 Күн бұрын
I'm sure those stuck tank crews were forever grateful to that lone add-on blocking their path. Got to white flag it instead of being lasered to a crisp inside their tank incinerator.
@Voidspacealpha Күн бұрын
I really through I was past making dumb building placement mistakes. Oh well, guess I need to work on that too, which is fine. Every day is a learning day
@firestarter000001 Күн бұрын
Yeah with more then 4 colossus if you havent got lots of vikings or mass tanks, its very hard. To cheer you up i think i lost like 15 last games, its all red lol. And i dont think i even played that poorly... I was like 1/5 dia 2, now im at half dia 3 lol. Also archons have a weird dynamic with Terran, because they got 350 shields but only 10 health. If you build ghosts and emp them, they are useless. Without ghosts they are pretty powerfull, 350 shields is a lot of tanking.
@Voidspacealpha Күн бұрын
Okay so I’ve learnt I really need to build ghosts. Got it now. I WILL do this
@superflypheelign Күн бұрын
Ollie, Scout. Your scouting was not "okay". You have not progressed past the first SCV scout. Get spotters out by 5:00 game time. Scan the opponent's main at 5:30. Then use your drops as subsequent scouting, and not harassment only. Look at your sensor tower placement. At least 1/3 of it is covering "off map" where units cannot go. Place the sensor tower where it will be more useful - generally a few blocks in front of your planetary fortress. Add a second sensor tower to the east so you are covering all paths to your base. Your opponent sees just one sensor tower and knows to avoid it. Do not send your entire army to kill 1 stalker that is harassing you. In exchange for killing his 1 stalker, he has seen your entire army composition. Terran often build all command centers after the 3rd at home to be able to more easily protect it. Really bad macro killed you. If you GG with 9k resources, macro is your issue. Look at your resources at 12:00 game time. Now look at your production at the same time. You should be building an additional 2 or 3 CCs, 3 rax, and more depending on your build (factory, starport, ghost academy).
@OzTroy Күн бұрын
You’ve gotten this far because you usually outproduce the people you play against (you were ahead in supply for the first 10 minutes of this game again). Generally you make a lot, attack but then outproduce your opponent who eventually taps out because you have too much. However, You’re at a level where that is no longer going to be the case in many of your games. Your production is your strength but to keep progressing you need to focus on the other things. Like Building placement - Yours is generally terrible, you constantly get units trapped - not just this game but most of your games. Avoid cluttering the top of your main base ramp with buildings (this is your standard building placement) - it traps units and also gives you less surface area if you need to defend the ramp (you can’t have a defensive unit where the buildings are). Unless you are swapping building addons in the early game move production back from the ramp. Don’t place buildings unless you are aware of the consequences. When placing any building think about how it affects your units and how it affects the enemies units. Also, it hasn't happened to you in most of your games but you build things in locations that could be sieged -- in TvT think about placement near the edge of your base a tanks and some vision can knock out your buildings (this was not the case in this game but in other games you have played it is something I noticed.) Unit positions - your multiple drops are great but think about the following. - Always siege your tanks unless they are on the move. You fail to do this every game ( I know other have mentioned this). Make it a habit when you hear the sound that a tanks has been made go to it and make sure it sieges up. - Think about where your units are. You generally have your units in a clump in the open. This is bad against splash damage and you have lost games against zerg because your army is wiped from banelings. - think about what units the opponent has and where units should be - take advantage of the map and place units in chokes and harder to reach places. - use building placement to protect defense units. You do a good job of building placement to wall off some areas but a few buildings in font of sieged tanks, or buildings placed to distracts A move attacks is always good Scouting - When you play protoss always scout for the second pylon in the base if it’s there then generally you’re sweet - You left his main base too early. Your scouting is pretty good though and the more you play to more you will learn what to look for. Scouting is an all-game task and you did fairly well in this game. Awesome to see you build a sensor tower you should do this more often. You usually have the money for it. Game sense - - At about the 12-minute mark you were floating 2500 minerals and you dropped mules - why? This was just before you moved out. Better to use those mules as scans so you don’t walk into his army and get smashed. Before moving out scan - where is the army. - When you’re maxed that should trigger you to push upgrades and/or prepare a transition. - Set up a transition - this is a tricky thing to do but I’ve seen you do this in a few games before. In this game you had a basic army while the toss had higher tier units. Do a few token drops to keep them busy and lose the units so you can transition into things like upgraded liberators and battle cruises - he had no anti air and if you suddenly appeared with Yamato enabled 6 BC’s the colossus and immortals would be useless. This is hard to do and needs to be hidden though. Ghosts V toss are also good. Engagement’s - This is micro intensive and something you do well some of the time - this game was not one. You simply walked up to his superior army. Your tanks were slow to siege which you identified but even then, he had the perfect army to counter yours. Focus fire, unit positions, where you engage, should you engage his army or hit a run his bases? all things to think about. I'm nit picking here but moving forward you'll need to expand your approach
@JanGaarni Күн бұрын
"Unless you are swapping building addons in the early game move production back from the ramp." This!!! I was going to leave a comment just like this one. :) If you arn't planning on swapping addons with the Rax, build the factory literally anywhere else. :)
@charleysimmons427 Күн бұрын
couldn't have said it better hella good advice right here
@albertbergquist2113 Күн бұрын
Where's his 2nd pylon?
@Voidspacealpha 7 сағат бұрын
Yup, good call
@whateverppl1229 2 күн бұрын
1. if you had a full wall you could have just raised it as you saw the dts at 6:23 2. you used a mule after dts where in vision stopping you from being able to scan and in general saving 1-2 scans for this exact situation is ideal. 3. scouting to confirm if you need a raven, or if you need to save scans, figure out what their doing, etc. 4. can always open with a raven after the first medivac (or first, etc) 5. counter attacking in this situation with the medivac thats on the other side would help keep you in the game / buy you time, etc. 6. missile turrets can be used in this situation as well, but I wouldn't recommend more than 1-2 per mineral line. (and its not ideal)
@whateverppl1229 2 күн бұрын
oh and i forgot to mention, the drop you did was basically a poke and no threat or damage at all
@drulad43 2 күн бұрын
Awesome Game! That skill DTs used to Blink is called ShadowStride though it takes time to build U can definitely get MissileTurrets & SaveScans before it Finnishes Tip: There are only 2-Major Type of Builds to Respond in the Early Game specially cuz Terran Army is Flexible (Man w/ Guns) "1Base-Allin" 1. Bunker = pretty basic 2. Spam-Rax1 (@Reactor) = NonStop Marines 3. Spam-Factory (Cyclon vs Helion vs Tank) -Cyclone vs StarportUnits/Stargate -Helion vs BaneBust -Tanks vs AnyGround 4. "Rax2 vs Starport vs Ebay" -Rax2(Stim) vs AllGround -Starport(Vikings) vs HeavySky(BC/Skytoss) -Engibay(MissileTorrets ) vs Invisible & also SkyUnits "Heavy-Sky" •Muta = Marines+WidowMines+Thors •BC/SkyToss = Cyclones+Vikings+Thors+Marines Basically U can HARD-Counter any Early Weird stuff with just this in Your Mindset😊
@AShadow007 2 күн бұрын
Ollie, let's talk about Protoss openings. Protoss build orders are pylon (supply depot), gateway (barracks), cybernetics core. Without the cyber core, the gateway can only produce zealots...slow zealots. Most also expand right before or right after the cyber core. A complete cyber core and no expansion is a sign of 1 base aggression. After cyber core, Protoss can go 3 different ways on the tech tree: 1) Robo - Warp prisms, observers, immortals. 2)Stargate - Oracle and voidray. 3)Twilight Council - Gateway unit upgrades (charge zealots, blink stalkers, or glaive adepts). But this is also the way to DTs. Figuring out which one is very helpful to Terran so you know what to be concerned about. So when you went in with the reaper around 3 min into the game, the only buildings you saw are 2 gateways and a cyber core. To be fair, you didn't scout the whole base, but if you had realized that there was no other tech built, that's a big warning that something isn't right (no expansion, no tech....where is the money going)....PROXY. And honestly, you will run into proxy of all 3 tech paths above. The moment you know it's DT, you need to group your army to gather your DPS and scan. DTs die fast if they are exposed. Also turrets are cheap and build quickly. A Raven is great but more often than not you will have an engineering bay but not a tech lab star port. If you can reveal and kill the DTs, you are way ahead because they are expensive to get to and expensive to produce. Last on that drop you did, he had nothing to defend it. Definitely stick around until he mounts some kind of defense.
@thestoryteller9431 2 күн бұрын
So you knew the opponent has DTs but you kept dropping mules. That meant when they moved in your had no scans to detect them. Then only other thing is just to scout. You had a good drop in his base but you picked up your units and went home after three seconds. No reason for the opponent to deal with your harass if you gonna stop harassing immediately.
@Voidspacealpha 7 сағат бұрын
Mike. Stop being so right all the time, it makes me sad 😅💔
@proape6052 2 күн бұрын
DTs are all about scouting. If you know they're coming, it's not hard to have a Raven out quickly. The tech order is Gateway - Cybercore - Twilight Council & Robo - Dark Shrine. The Robo is necessary because a DT rush is almost always accompanied by a Warp Prism. This is why you shouldn't only rely on Missile Turrets and you need a Raven. You can and should wall off here too. If you see it, you can pull SCVs to repair but the main thing is that DT rushes often transition into Archons. Archons have short range so a wall off can hold them back. If you see a DT rush, the tech choice I recommend is to make 1 Raven into medivac ghost bio. Ghosts are so good vs Archons and in an emergency, if an EMP hits a DT they will be temporarily decloaked.
@dustinstanley629 3 күн бұрын
Just subscribed a couple of days ago and started watching this play though. I don’t know if anyone has informed you up to this point because I’m still at the beginning of the play though… you are the house of Julia NOT Junia. When looking at the characters screen the family tree in the middle is your faction. You need to secure their promotions, marry your generals so you can further your family prowess. For the politic screen showing your control over the senate you can pay to secure loyalty to the other houses to avoid secession. As for your field generals you want as many generals with your family name to be your primary forces gaining experience and gravitas where the generals of other houses you want to keep them in reserve with low tier/ low troop garrison army’s. You do this so if the general is part of the house that secession you can easily wipe them out. Also when viewing the tactical map there is a tab to see what family owns each region so if they are close to secession you can station your armies accordingly. I know this was a lot of information and again if this has already been addressed I do apologize lol.
@Voidspacealpha 3 күн бұрын
Yeah I did figure this out eventually, thanks man. Also, I fuck stuff up like that all the time (saying the wrong thing) or missing similar names
@Voidspacealpha 3 күн бұрын
Also welcome! Thanks so much for the subscribe, I hope you enjoy your stay here 👍❤️
@AShadow007 3 күн бұрын
Good game Ollie. Lots to look at and learn from this game. First, really good job with the reaper scout. When you scout/harass, I think the following should be the goals in mind and in this order: 1)Did macro continue at home? Cause if not, then you are hurting yourself more than your opponent. You macro'd 2)Did you gain info? Yes, there was an expansion then later a quick 3rd CC being built showing GREED. 3) Did you do any damage? Yes you slowed down the expand, killed some units, overall created some chaos. Next, I'm 95% sure you won the game at 11 minutes, then promptly gave up that win. You killed in that first fight (it would have been even better if your tanks were sieged when it started). In the replay you even point out that supply is 163 to 138. We also know he was ahead on SCVs by 10 or so, so the army supply was +35 in your favor. No way he can gather enough to kill that death ball. Instead of staying together and killing his expansions, you split your army and dropped his main. It allowed him to take the fight in two chunks and eventually win both. If you used that supply advantage to take out his 4th, then siege up in between his 3rd and natural, you kill his fresh bases and contain him on 2 bases while you are on 3 and can freely expand. Then it's just a matter of time. Instead you traded the army supply advantage out for what ended up being. a 10 SCV advantage in your favor with the drops killing lots of SCVs...but he has 4 bases and you have 3, so his SCVs are mining more efficiently AND they can rebuild quicker. In sum drops are great for scouting and harassment, but if you have the supply advantage, just keep the army together and overwhelm the smaller force. As the game went longer, it became harder to keep up. As you point out after that first fight, you needed more production and more bases for your SCVs. When you hit 3 base full eco, you need to build up to 8 rax, 2 factory, 2 starport (you did have 3 starports). Another related thought is that when you hit max supply, you can no longer spend on army or SCVs, so money starts stacking. Right before you move out with that army, you want to ADD production so it builds as you fight. Then, you have it available to re-max quickly after the fight. Again you won at 11 minutes in my opinion because you're opponent was too greedy with bases and production buildings, but that all greed paid off as the game went on and they could build more units than you much faster than you. Last your tank marine army is generally better but required more micro than his Thor based army. Thor's can A move and tanks cannot., You need to work on moving your marines forward to engage then quickly pulling back, drawing the enemy forces into your siege tank line. This back and forth dance is very common in marine tank armies. Also it's critical that tanks are sieged before the fight starts. Send a single marine ahead of your force so you don't get caught in a surprise battle. Even though you had less production and less efficient mining, you were in it all the way up until the BC transition. A few fights with some better positioning and micro might have allowed you to push back his expansions and keep his economy contained. In the end, his macro and expansions allowed him to keep trading army and eventually ran you out of money. Keeping up macro and micro in these late games can really tax your APM. GGs Ollie. You have shown tremendous improvement. I have no doubt you will continue to learn and be a diamond player soon.
@drulad43 3 күн бұрын
Awesome Game "GG Well Played" for both of You. TBH i dislike MassBC openner (cuz its too EZ win against it) but MassBC Transition is entirely different & awesome even if Your enemy is doing it. Tip: 1. All Buildings Maximum Efficiency @ 3Base or more Saturation: • 8-Rax (4Reactor,4Techlab) (@TvP: 3React,5TecLb) • 3-Factory (3TechLab) • 3-Starport (2React,1TecLab) Note: more mauraders for TvP thats why its 5Techlabs 2. At TvP & TvT, have 3Starports on the ready to transition to Mass Vikings incase of sudden Transition to MassBC & Skytoss 3. "Minute Engagement" Your getting close to diamond anyway, So Every-Minute, there must always be an engagement especially in the Midgame. HARASSING, SCOUTING, SCANNING, PUSHING, what ever it may be to keep Opponent "In-Check" and Not blindly letting him do something suspicious (Like Mass BC Transition), as long as You Keep that Macro in the Background Good as well. Doing all the engagement while Getting Bad Macro is also bad.😊
@superflypheelign 3 күн бұрын
Ollie, Scout. When you supply blocked at 23, you should cancel the marine that is queued but not building and drop your reactor instead. I recommend starting to add a sensor tower directly in front of your third.
@Voidspacealpha 3 күн бұрын
Two solid points. The sensor tower is good because when I’m vs one it always throws me off
@Spectre11B 3 күн бұрын
Crazy good game. You had all of the elements you needed to win. It just gets harder to focus on all of the things at once. That's what I struggle with myself. Getting good with your control groups will help, where you're not scrolling around looking for things to do. It's called a rotation, that you'll repeat throughout the game. It feels unnatural and clunky, but when you get good at it, your apm will shoot up by 50%. (at least it did for me). A lot of time is wasted staring at buildings and units, this helps reduce that. Sorry if you already know this. Just my two cents.
@Voidspacealpha 7 сағат бұрын
I did know this, but I needed reminding, because I am dumb. Thank you
@thestoryteller9431 3 күн бұрын
So. Several things about this game. 1. You aren't using your tanks. You are sorta just plopping them down and hoping your opponent walks into them. Look at that last fight when you were maxed out. You plopped your tanks down and then chased the battlecruisers completely out of tank range and then just kept fighting until all your infantry were gone, and only after losing all your army did you go "Huh better pull my tanks back." You are just A-moving your army around with no regard for terrain or ranges. You aren't leapfrogging them forward either you are unsieging them all at once and seiging them all at once. Look at that attack on the third. You had a good position but you needed to pushed forward. So without pulling back you unseiged them all as one, removing all fire support from your infantry, and then pushed them within spitting distance of the enemy before redeploying them. 2. "I'm maxed out, time to harass." No it's time for you to take your army which cannot get any bigger and go kill him. You sat around on a maxed out army for roughly seven to eight minutes, not expanding, not taking map control just sending out medivacs and liberators to annoy him. 3. I was screaming at my phone as you had control of his main, had a sizable army on top of his production with control of his ramp and upon seeing a single tank you decided to grasp defeat from the jaws of victory and run to the third losing everything. That was a game winning position. Even if he did manage to take out everything you had dropped he would have lost a significant portion of his army and production and you would have been able to swamp him in infantry. Just stim and shoot the tank. 4. Your opponent didn't outplay you here. Honestly you both had about the same micro skill. The issue was that your opponent built an army made for A-moving and you built an army built around the tank which... see point 1. The absolute biggest issue I'm seeing is you aren't thinking about the different parts of your army and how they work together and separately you are just thinking pure infantry mindset. You run around with your infantry and if your air and tanks can keep up great, if not they should have gotten to the party faster. 5. You still just building four units. If those four units aren't working you aren't adjusting your competition or tactics any you are just maxing out and slamming them directly into the face again.
@jan7256 3 күн бұрын
Was gonna write something similar but yeah. You need to learn to micro your infantry. Way too many moments were your tanks are just disconnected from every else. Terran is not that simple and Tanks and infantry MUST be micro'd. Also elaborating on his last point. You are WAY too scared or unfamiliar with anything that is not MMM + Tanks, Vikings and the occasional liberator (mostly for letting it die on the opponent mineral line).. I don't think you have ever done Banshees, Ravens or BCS. Obviously I'm not saying that you should play more cheesy or not use Marines (Marines are broken lol). But once again like many many other matches you've shown here. You are not adapting or thinking what units counter other units. You're just throwing the same over and over. IMO you should maybe make like a separate episode or a stream just testing units, there is custom maps for testing them! But certainly you need to study the game a little bit or maybe watch some top level play.
@luyties 4 күн бұрын
thank you for coming to youtube, i enjoyed your vod keep up
@Voidspacealpha 4 күн бұрын
Thanks man, that’s really cool to hear
@EchtelionofGondor 4 күн бұрын
Build a reaper. It annoys your oponnent, allows you to punish untight build orders, forces you to multitask, thusly making you better over time, it gives you scoutig, it fits nicely into essentially every build order and you might get some probe kills. Reapers work, build them.
@Voidspacealpha 4 күн бұрын
You know, you should really tune into tomorrow episode 😅
@EchtelionofGondor 4 күн бұрын
@@Voidspacealpha defintily will. Love nothing more than people going on ladder and keeping this games playiner count nice and healthy. Gl!
@Voidspacealpha 3 күн бұрын
Thanks dude. Really appreciate it
@thestoryteller9431 4 күн бұрын
So once again you did the thing where you decide you MUST drop directly on the mineral line and once again you decided to shift click this drop rather than make sure it was actually proper to go in, leading to you losing an entire medivac full of units for nothing. At the same time your lack of knowledge about the other races means you don't understand how dangerous their units can be or how to counter them. Problem is you weren't actually close at any point. After having an absolutely disastrous early game you decide to, again directly on the mineral line, drop off the vast majority of your army into the enemy base leaving you completely undefended at home. From the moment you drop you lose immediately around 50 supply as the protoss comes in. What's more is you spend an incredible amount of time slowly moving through his base not stimming and not preparing the high ground for his counter attack. You are slow to siege your tanks and you aren't sieging them in particularly good places. You keep plopping them down in front of your marines making them easy to pick off. Don't expand and then not defend the expand. If you wanted to doom drop (though 2 medivacs isn't exactly doom) stay on two base and all in. The issue you keep having is you want to do everything so there isn't a particular thing you are doing super well. Stick to your basics. Learn how to scout. Learn your unit counters. Learn to spread your tanks properly and sim city. You really need to go back to your basics because all of these losses I'm seeing are from you stumbling over your fundamentals. Keep up the good work.
@thestoryteller9431 4 күн бұрын
So I told you what you need to learn but didn't give you any actual information so let me fix that. 1. Against toss you need to scout again after the cyber core goes down because unlike terran the protoss tree splits and each one needs addressed differently. If you want to drop shift que so your Medivacs go into dead space around the natural or main and then manually move the drop in. This way you can also pull back if the drop isn't a good idea. Unless there is a specific target at max range, you want to array your tanks so that splash damage is effectively null, but not so far apart that the tanks can't support each other. You want the enemy to be constantly taking fire the more they push into your territory. If all your tanks are smashed together they will overkill more and be easier to take out. Building walls is fine, but against a zealot heavy army funnels are going to be more effective and mess with the AI more. Lastly. Oracles are a spell caster unit that can 2 shot all workers and marines. However they can only attack a long as they have mana/energy so you certainly need to run your SCVs away. Every second you make the oracle chase rather than be able to sit and shoot is precious energy being drained. The only other thing to add is that there is an entire half of the terran roster you really haven't touched. Widow mines in particular would be an easy enough unit to add which would help patch up a lot of the weaknesses in your composition. Keep up the good work.
@Voidspacealpha 4 күн бұрын
I feel like I mad a serious series of dumbs here 😅 sorry
@Voidspacealpha 4 күн бұрын
Okay, actually solid advice. Thanks Mike, I’ll do my best to use as much as I can, as quickly as my brain can handle
@drulad43 4 күн бұрын
Nice Game ... "Very Close"😊 "Your so Close that You Both went for a TimingPush at the same Time" 😂 Actually everything was very close as You pointed out in the end. From The Scv Scout missing some spots, The 1st-Drop didn't escaped, The SupplyBlock during that DoomDrop MoveOut (reinforcement could have atleast barely defend ).😅 Tip: "DoomDrop is a DoubleEdgedSword" If Enemy Addresses the DoomDrop then U can continue Macroing at Home w/ Nice Damage during that DoomDrop But He if Doesn't It becomes an All-in scenario where U are forced to win w/ BaseTrade (like what happened) U could have Focused more on All his Bldgs. Best to Use it as a final solution if You think Your Behind so much that You think you Can't CatchUp anymore 😊
@Voidspacealpha 4 күн бұрын
Yeah fair point. I think maybe I’ll try to avoid doom drops in the future
@misterjaffles 4 күн бұрын
When you get to this level, and I'm assuming your EU platinum which is probably a hair better than NA - your scouting really needs to be on point. In this matchup in particular you need to know what tech route the protoss is going to respond effectively. This means the timing of your scv is important, but also generally necessitates the use of the reaper. So having the mindset of wanting to harass the protoss is a positive thing, but it can also instantly put you in a losing position if your attacking into an opponent who can shut down your harass instantly while doing critical damage at home. So the issue here is you are basically blind to the enemies intentions. Harass can serve as a scout, but only if you keep the harassing units alive. This is difficult with bio/medivac especially in tvp. You really need to be able to babysit those units while macroing and defending at home. In this case the enemy opens cyber nexus, sg, warp gate, followed by a twilight straight into what appears to be charge behind 4 gateways before taking a 3rd nexus which is actually fairly aggressive. This means they are in a tremendous position to defend early aggression, but you can't know that because you have no scouting between your first scv and your more or less blind drop with marines. Generally speaking, protoss will opt to open cybercore first (before natural nexus) against terran because they can get an adept out faster to deal with the reaper, so that cyber first doesn't necessarily indicate aggression, but you will usually have a window with a reaper to find out what the first tech structure is from protoss. Protoss will be trying to spend their gas on either a twilight council, robo facility, or stargate, shortly after the conclusion of their cybercore. They will be able to afford a twilight council or robo facility earlier since they're less gas. Twilight council will indicate a more gateway sentric composition and likely aggression. Twilight also opens the potential for an early dark templar attack but also can mean a blink or chargelot timing. Robo first is considered the weakest opener for protoss in this matchup and should be capitalized with drops in general. Stargate first will typically either be an oracle opener or a phoenix opener. As in this game, the oracle was prioritized to kill scvs. The risk for the protoss in this opener is the lack of defense in the event of any proxy shenanigans from the terran, but I believe they ruled that potential out with their probe scouting. Phoenix openers are certainly on the table but less common in lower level as they are difficult to execute for the protoss player, requiring both persistent attention and flawless micro to do well against aggressive openers, and extremely unforgiving against hidden widow mines or 3 rax plays. Again, learn to scout the tech and leverage your subsequent actions to give you the best possible advantage. Don't blind drop into the enemy, and certainly don't load your army into medivacs when you have no idea where the enemy is. Cheers m8 and good luck
@Spectre11B 4 күн бұрын
1 gas expand you can expect an oracle around 5 minutes, 2 gas is about 4:00 assuming it's not a proxy. Just build one turret in your mineral line around 4:30, and you should be good.
@proape6052 4 күн бұрын
So you've encountered Stargate openers a few times now. They're really hard to play but they can be good. The problem with them is that Stargate units are expensive and Terran has a few ways of defeating their main strength: mobility. Terran can make cyclones and mines early. Mines are tricky but if you catch a Protoss of guard, they can kill Oracles and Phoenixes in 1 shot. (Oracles cost more than tanks). Cyclones have lock on so they can chase down Oracles if a Protoss isn't careful and will usually result in heavy damage. Usually you have to scout after the Cybercore is completed so you can see what tech the Protoss is making. You usually scout the Stargate here and you should respond by making Cyclones. I suggest no add ons or a tech lab to make Cyclones. Reactors are expensive and take long to build so your Cyclones will be late. Avoid the first drop here. Phoenixes are a possibility and they can shut you down hard. It's best to build up to 2-3 cyclones and push with your first Medivac. You can defend at home with rallied units or turrets. This attack hits before splash damage so the Protoss has to use batteries to defend. You can check for a third and easily shut it down with this attack but if the Protoss is on 2 bases, you have to play around the Shield Batteries. Battery Overcharge is a Nexus ability that makes the Battery heal way faster. In this case, pull back and wait for it to wear out then push while it's on cool down. You can trade well here and kill a few Stalkers or expensive Stargate units. I expect this attack to be cleaned up eventually but it can do a lot of damage. From here, you should've been making more barracks at home along with Stim+Shields and then a third expansion. It just becomes a normal game from here but you would usually have a small advantage. Also, a note for you is you should make more tech lab barracks and research stim and shields at the same time. You should do this in Protoss games because you need tech labs for marauders anyways.
@misterjaffles 5 күн бұрын
First depot was actually placed properly, don't control group scvs into gas, rally one to gas from cc and grab another off the mineral line after it's returned minerals. Your build order got heavily delayed during reaper harass. I wouldn't send reaper in so deep just get the scout and leave on outside of creep you might be able to pick off a tumor which is really valuable early, but getting buildings started ASAP is more value than getting a drone kill especially if you lose the reaper. If you throw away the reaper you can be vulnerable to a roach rush as you lose the ability to scout it. The general build order is rather dated and puts you behind if you don't do serious damage early on. Also if you're going to do a 211 it's recommended to priorize stim, continuous marine production, and factory reactor after starport so you can switch the starport onto the reactor and get out two medivavs to fully load for your first pressure. Tbh though 211 is too apm demanding until high diamond-masters. With decent scouting you may want to consider a 3 minute 3cc opening in this match up. Helion openers to contain creep spread are also easier to control than marine medivac openers. I do think you can get there if you really work on your macro and hitting sharp timing attacks. Remember that zerg has to choose between making drones or fighting units. If you sit back too long, they make 90 drones and become unbeatable. The challenge for terran is macroing decently while attacking, and the key to that is getting set up as quickly and efficiently as possible so you can produce without having to look at your base. This is why having a solid build order down perfect is more important than an early game skirmish. Get the macro rote and work on scouting any aggressive early game shenanigan but largely laying back and trying to deny creep. I need about 250 apm to play bio tvz personally, and I still forget a lot! Glhf
@Voidspacealpha 4 күн бұрын
thanks man, looking forward to my next TvZ to try this out.
@albertbergquist2113 5 күн бұрын
Yes, you died to that initial reaper, the defence was lacking.
@Voidspacealpha 5 күн бұрын
It really was. What was I playing at. Sorry
@albertbergquist2113 4 күн бұрын
Don't degrade yourself. You should have realized he was gonna try the reaper cliff after pushing him away from the front and moved your marines up. I guess this is why many build a reaper first. :⁠-⁠)
@Voidspacealpha 4 күн бұрын
I built one in the next game and I think I actually got good use out of it
@firestarter000001 5 күн бұрын
That went bad, but as as painfull as it feels, you can easily fail a number of missions in Xcom and be fine, specially the exalt and council (maybe beside the terror missions) . I played recently on impossible difficulty, and i failed 3 council missions, and i stabilized fine. Imho the the key aspect is to retain at least some of your experienced troops, even if you fail the mission. You had here your c-team, so bad, but not disaster. Your biggest loss adimtedly was Mad Dog :(, rest in peace hero, imho you were better off aborting then risking her. Btw take a look in officer training school at "new guy" upgrade, and consider buying it, it helps a lot if you need replacement troops.
@Voidspacealpha 5 күн бұрын
Oh I totally forgot about the officer training school. That’s so my bad. Duh!
@JanGaarni 5 күн бұрын
The Reaper harass wasn"t good for you, but the game really ended when you lost your full Medivac. 😢 Nice getting that Hellion. Not sure if a Cyclone would have been better, but one of the two is a good response rather than going straight for Tank. 😊 Some said something about how Reaper harass works ..... listen to them. 😊
@Voidspacealpha 5 күн бұрын
You know as I rank up (all be it slowly now) I’m seeing a lot more cyclones. Interesting. I’ll keep trying the reaper haras, I’ll get better at it eventually
@erikhaynes5506 5 күн бұрын
Yeah, that early game really messed you up. I'm not really convinced opening marines vs reaper actually works but I'm no expert.
@Voidspacealpha 5 күн бұрын
I don’t know either. It’s been my standard opener so far, but maybe I need to change
@Kryder401 5 күн бұрын
Ollie, Good evening. That is how you harass with a Reaper. A couple of points: 1. When the reaper backed off, they usually go for a secondary scout at a jump point (towards the top of your base this time, about 4:25 in game. You could have put a few units there to properly welcome him back to your base. Since he went around and scouted you and then slowed down your second base, you were pretty much done by the 5 minute mark. 2. You are going on too direct of a path with your medivac harass. Try hitting the corner, then go up to avoid any probing attack (that happened to blow your medivac out of the sky @ about 6:00). Good game, you stuck in there. But that Terran stuck it to you that time with some great harass.
@Voidspacealpha 5 күн бұрын
Totally. I wasted that medivac full of dudes, and I was on tilt from there. My bad
@Kryder401 5 күн бұрын
@Voidspacealpha can't say I would not have been on tilt for a while. That reaper harass was top notch. He set you so far back you really only could go for an all in right there to win.
@Voidspacealpha 5 күн бұрын
Yeah totally. It was a great Haras by the opponent
@drulad43 5 күн бұрын
Nice GAme ! Your Right about Sky Dominance being the only key to TvT,, its because of that Critical Tank Count But there is another way, DOOM DROPS! like what he did in You Main Base So the Idea is basically keeping Enemy from Pushing to You by Harassing/Threatening Enemy Bases While getting Your Own Viking Count High Enough. Sometimes Doom Drop can just win U the game😊
@Voidspacealpha 5 күн бұрын
I used to be alright at doom drops. I’ll resurrect them for sure
@Spectre11B 5 күн бұрын
Hey Ollie, good game. Yeah, protecting the svc building your expansion should be the priority. Also, every base should have a safety tank. It's just a good habit.