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@therealdeathbeast 8 сағат бұрын
In my opinion, piracy emerged from the growing need for game preservation and access. Some people just can't access certain games in their countries, or game companies simply stop selling those games for no reason most of the time. This with the new ideology of not owning your games that you PAID for simply makes piracy a more justified act. Again, you've probably heard it but I'll say it again: "If BUYING isn't OWNING, then PIRACY isn't STEALING".
@zami3934 8 сағат бұрын
my frontal lobe is burning watching this video. so many cuts and edits
@e-z-o-e 9 сағат бұрын
i hate denuvo so much man 😭
@e-z-o-e 9 сағат бұрын
it hinders performance and kills the vibe
@grandstarstudiosYT 9 сағат бұрын
if it wernt for "unofficially getting the games" then many of the giant games wouldnt be as big as people wouldnt be buying as many copies... also greed is one of the main cause.
@btuard 9 сағат бұрын
Making a video that has a segment exposing denuvo and the fact that a lot of devs are former crackers, while promoting a VPN that isn't transparent about if it really doesn't log your activity and whose parent company buys spots on websites, and is formerly known for packaging adware on software they distributed in the past is insane.
@Shredddddy 9 сағат бұрын
@LucaMuntz 9 сағат бұрын
That Ted Bundy part is meeeeental whaaat!!! And people don't know / are ignoring that!!!
@Fhazo 9 сағат бұрын
i dont really care about this issue, but why would you pirate a fromsoft game, give them the money they deserved nigga
@spoonky7243 9 сағат бұрын
empress isn't a woman, its an obese reddit mod who stares at his screen 16 hours a day. It's well known now that he turned out to be a middle aged eastern european with too much free time on his hands.
@InsertNameHere.1719 9 сағат бұрын
cha Boi stayed to the end! My thoughts on it is that at some point... in order for the game to be pirated, it had to be purchased. Also in order for it to be pirated on a larger scale it had to be purchased in a somewhat large amount. These companies make there Bones at the end of the day and dont even support their older games so i will meet both sides in the middle here and say once a games life cycle has ended and is no longer receiving any supports like games from older consoles that start with N and end in O or end in 1 i see no problem being able to revisit some nostalgia for free. These companies are soo f***ing greedy its pathetic. i will never understand it. Anyway Good shit brotha you've been killin it the past couple years. i would love to talk to you about this software im currently working on that will prevent cheating in specifically COD. It will be able to detect cheating software AND hardware that is under a false term. it will be done in about 14 months.
@zexlux9898 10 сағат бұрын
Fit Girl repack on top
@jack61915 11 сағат бұрын
Guys cp means cod points
@jopieg886 11 сағат бұрын
I feel like you have a great new editor
@LocknLegion 11 сағат бұрын
the editing is too good bro, make it like subtle
@tips1483 11 сағат бұрын
I have like a throwaway computer that's on a VPN, so they can't really touch me." Thats the mindset that everyone that gets caught has lmfao
@thespider7869 11 сағат бұрын
Empress can step on me any day of the week affter all she's done
@revenantgtag 11 сағат бұрын
@gargas3208 11 сағат бұрын
used to respect this guy but then i found out hes muslim, unsubbed
@KottNPCWARS-dp9kj 11 сағат бұрын
You should really make a video about roblox exploiting / cheating. Its a kids game, i know. But the desperation of getting cheats in roblox is insane, people go through a long survey to get 1 day key for an executor. Not only that, some cheaters have inappropiate animations that attach to players. And roblox is a kids game..
@the_leqend7390 11 сағат бұрын
For me, piracy is a life saver as i live in egypt, try buying an 80$ game when your salary is only 120$
@Sku-111 11 сағат бұрын
good video
@z1wv 11 сағат бұрын
Can you do a tutorial on how to set this up? 11:05
@QuandaviusChickenson 12 сағат бұрын
Physical disc games is cool
@andrewstewrt2141 12 сағат бұрын
As a long time pirate for 8 years now never a virus or slow game the only bad thing is speeds for downloads and no seeders
@wydjon 12 сағат бұрын
i got a terrible trojan from a premier pro plugin back in like 2021 😭
@BigRaga-hb4ig 12 сағат бұрын
Someone I know used to work at a company (wont specify) that specialized in protecting children online. Recently, they got fired because the AI that they had been training for nearly over a decade had become so good that it was outperforming the humans. It wasn't just the one person, the entire department got fired because of AI. Five years ago we would joke about how in 10 years AI would take everyone's jobs. It's not a joke anymore. This is real.
@Agent-89 12 сағат бұрын
I love Robin Hood
@ProjectZend 12 сағат бұрын
The edit is crazy
@phlix7436 12 сағат бұрын
Piracy is a great thing
@lony1723 13 сағат бұрын
here is a company i don't trust and here is a group of people i don't trust........ one cost money and the other doesn't
@iBoxBoy. 13 сағат бұрын
In my opinion piracy is bad especially for indie devs. But some of the big companies kinda deserve it ngl
@superfriendlykindperson 13 сағат бұрын
What was that intro? 😂
@devmck 13 сағат бұрын
thats a lotta editing lol
@Slimeonkbm 13 сағат бұрын
If the game is deleted then i think piracy should definately be allowed
@Slimeonkbm 13 сағат бұрын
wallahi bro is has the best retention graph in the world
@Rohrbert. 13 сағат бұрын
W video
@fileb 13 сағат бұрын
i pirated oneshot :3
@tosky761 14 сағат бұрын
i never was against piracy, my only problem with it is the risk of a trojan, i personally have pirated and emulated many games and am very interested in emulation, i have a huge folder full of ps3 ps2 and ps1 games and others and i think its all cool since the only way to get these games legit would cost literally thousands due to how rare they are. as for normal games, if a game is scummy or way too expensive or doesnt turn on when i buy it or whatever ill just pirate it, i have titanfall 2 and i cant turn it on and cant be bothered to fix it, tried uninstalling and it didnt work, so i cracked it and got a trojan on my pc, thanks ea. anyways i think piracy is cool and it has to exist and it hurts nobody except the user, game companies should chill on their anti piracy bullshit
@ReverseStark 14 сағат бұрын
Nahhh bro I just got a video game ad on this 💀💀
@iresineherb7 14 сағат бұрын
so..Insane hacker and a feminist? what a time to be alive lol
@scalifer 14 сағат бұрын
The editor is going crazyyyyyyy
@mosesoftheseas 14 сағат бұрын
i love pirating and gambling
@zakirrafi. 14 сағат бұрын
cringy ahh edits at the beginning of the vid
@HadiSOA 14 сағат бұрын
This video was amazing, you really went crazy with this bro
@joshhal8465 14 сағат бұрын
I'm just here for free games.
@sensodyneater 14 сағат бұрын
pirating Watch Dogs 2 as I watch this video
@Moewowre 14 сағат бұрын
Bro looks like young Sacha Baron Cohen
@Asad_Aep 14 сағат бұрын
Mashallah editing is very good. Inshallah I will also learn editing better than this one day. May Allah help us improve our skills. Please say Ameen :)
@mauuuuuuuu 14 сағат бұрын
@jama5424 14 сағат бұрын
Its a good thing, Its the internet, IT doesn't need restrictions that much, Every body is suppose to get what he wants that's the beauty of being apart of the internet, There are no restrictions, You can express your self, Play, Do basically what every you want, But these companies are limiting our freedom taking it away from us, The internet is supposed to be a virtual world and an escape portal from real life, And if these companies kept going that road we're going to pay taxes for literally owning a virtual vehicle and also insurance to