@revealedgnosis 30 минут бұрын
This was nonsense, especially towards the end. What we know is both Titus and Jesus are based on myths from the GRECO-Romans, why Titus elected to have his ministry follow other myths we can only guess at. What is true is that there has to be a dependency between texts. What is also probably true is that Titus wanted to create a messiah and at least embrionically in his time he did precisely that, We have archeology coins, and his family members were the first Christians. This is true. This is what we can know, then in the second century the gospels were created likely from Rome, Josephus is used heavily to create them. This is again fairly obvious, then until the time up to constantine it comes along neatly around the empire with only two real persecutions, one under Diacletian (?) and one under his brother who clearly hated him, Domitian, that's it. Otherwise Christians were not really bothered too much under Roman rule. Tacitus Nero persecution is also likely a forgery, ohh and the Testimonium flavianum most certainly is. You cannot meaningfully disentangle early Christianity from Roman rule. its impossible. From Jesus praising the Centurion, Going the extra mile, having Pilate wash his hands, Then forgiving the Romans for nailing him up, its all palpably arguable as Roman Propaganda. And specifically anti the jewish powers.
@ansfridaeyowulfsdottir8095 Сағат бұрын
00:35:16 *Oh No!* *I,,, CAN'T... STAND...* *MYTHVISION!* *OFF!* What a shame, you were doing so well without him. {:o:O:}
@ansfridaeyowulfsdottir8095 Сағат бұрын
I've never seen you talk so much before. If only you were this animated in your interviews. {:o:O:}
@Minimmalmythicist 2 сағат бұрын
"The Romans invented Christianity" thesis has one huge problem, namely that it´s so utterly improbable that you would have to have seriously good evidence that it happened and Valliant´s evidence is pretty weak and easily explained on other hypotheses. If you accept that Paul was just trying to create a more marketable Christianity, and saw converting the Roman population as key to its survival, then you have a much better explanation for his attitude to the Roman Empire at large. Things like similar symbols, similar iconography aren´t strong evidence, you can just explain that by mimesis. It also simply isn´t standard Roman practise to create a completely new religion post conquest. It´s more common that they try and incorporate local deities into the pantheon. I often read early Christianity as being cynical about politics rather than pro-Rome, i.e don´t bother challenging the earthly powers as you will be in heaven soon. For sure, that changed with people like Augustine and the "city of God".
@DrWrapperband 2 сағат бұрын
Christianity, written in Greek, developed in Roman Empire, then taken over by the Roman Empire!
@geraldmeehan8942 3 сағат бұрын
Thank you Derek and Jacob you guys are 2 of my favorite you tubers. Knowledge beyond your years (of course I'm 65)
@thomasrhodes5013 3 сағат бұрын
Jacob, if you can validate your thesis about John's Revelation being a contemporary impression based upon Nero's return from the dead, you will be able to establish a date of pre late 80's authorship. This is the foundation for my suggestion; there were three noted false Nero's. The last of these, as mentioned by Tacitus as a "literary aside' was in the the late 80's. This man, according to Tacitus, actually arrived in Italy and met a couple of Roman Senators who were sure it was Nero. Domitian was in decline and a mature Nero could have deposed him. During negotiations post a Parthian war, the Parthians sent a delegation to Rome. This delegation wasted no time praising Nero's General Corbulo and slighting Nero. I get the impression that this General was a combination of Erwin Rommel and Alexander with strict devotion to duty. The tactic worked as Nero ordered Corbulo to commit suicide hard nearby. This gesture must have given Parthia a great feeling of relief and, perhaps, gratitude. Their gratitude may have extended to a later protection. MY RECEIPTS: Tacitus is a primary source. He has brought this third Nero into history, but the link below provides further clarification. I will direct your attention to the final 2 paragraphs under the topic "After Nero". In this section the widely held belief that Nero would return from the dead is described as 'Nero Redivivus legend'. As Nero met his end TOTALLY by the year 89 the belief system could have informed John's writing....given he wrote Revelation prior to the year 89 C.E. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nero
@thomasrhodes5013 3 сағат бұрын
I will add a small detail about the Parthian relationship with Nero. Upon Nero's accepted demise Rome issued a ''Damnatio memoriae''. Despite this condemnation, Parthia sent its deepest condolences to Rome for the loss of the Emperor Nero.
@History-Valley 2 сағат бұрын
I'm not convinced that Revelation is that early, I think it was written in the AD 130s.
@thomasrhodes5013 Сағат бұрын
@@History-Valley In this case I am not concerned with grammar. Domitian would not have argued with Parthia for the release of Nero if he didn't feel a genuine threat. Nero would not have set foot in Italy if he didn't see a possibility to depose Domitian. These possibilities are born in the conduct of human affairs if not supported by extent sources. John's writing may have been informed by an end-of-times belief that focused upon Nero as the "Beast" returning from the dead. This belief system was prevalent in the near east until 89 C.E. when that idea was, "put to rest'. I really think you may have been on to something.
@markrichter2053 4 сағат бұрын
Thanks Jacob. 😅 You certainly do the hard work! Your dedication to seeking to test theories by the best evidence has real integrity.
@TheDanEdwards 4 сағат бұрын
Good discussion with Derek. The many paths we take during and after deconversion, to deprogram ourselves, not only should not be hidden but rather embraced. As for Roman Provenance, never an attractive position to me but I can sympathize with those who see several texts in the NT as having a heavy redactor with an eye towards what the Roman authorities may think.
@Minimmalmythicist 2 сағат бұрын
I often tend to see early Christianity as more cynical about politics more than anything
@veloboy 4 сағат бұрын
This was fun. Glad I got to listen live. Unfortunately, I had to step out and run some errands near the end, so I'll still have to listen to a bit at the start and a bit at the end.
@ItsSageof 5 сағат бұрын
Very informative: people never really look into things like this with skeptical glasses.
@user-ie2nh3xx5q 7 сағат бұрын
You jelious about young man jesus is your king .you like scrifice ismayel.misssaya tell the solàmans temple destroy stone out of stone now some area still remain in jeruselam .by sin genetic mutation happen in human.but today scietnist not allow to check how mitochondria come to human and how mitochondria tell brain human are naked .how aliens pass running by light .
@dboulos7 8 сағат бұрын
Great Q & A, thank you.
@sulongenjop7436 8 сағат бұрын
This is the main problem when we live 2000 yrs after Jesus and try to disprove him ever existed!!!
@sharonlee7111 9 сағат бұрын
Should try to call it what it originally is the hebrew scriptures not the old testament that is the phrase from christianity
@26beegee 9 сағат бұрын
Very plausible as that story makes a lot more sense than “God’s son rising from the dead.” 😱👻😱
@camilleespinas2898 9 сағат бұрын
And that was only in Paul’s hallucination.. Paul never even met Jesus.
@MrGreekBlade 10 сағат бұрын
if reading the gospels you come to the conclusion that the Roman elite wrote it, you must be completely blind to what is being said in there, like this girl who speaks and the theories are quite ridiculous for anyone who has even a little understanding of what they read in the gospels
@user-lr2sq5qx2r 11 сағат бұрын
I signed up for the course it is not even listed on the mvp-courses website yet? Is this because it's a very new course?
@Javier99999 11 сағат бұрын
interview starts at 12:54
@marymagnuson5191 12 сағат бұрын
When was Genesis written? Moses did not write it because Moses is fiction.
@ing-mariekoppel1637 12 сағат бұрын
The people around Isrsel at the time had flood stories so the Hebrews wanted one of their own.
@mikeys7536 12 сағат бұрын
Alexander the Great was born 350 years before Jesus supposedly conceived by lightning bolt the night before his mother consummated her marriage. His father allegedly was Zeus.
@TexasBlues-123 13 сағат бұрын
How do you know someone didn't plagiarze Mark and call Homer's work?
@knowone3529 13 сағат бұрын
Hebrewed up a story and everybody believed it anyways..
@koreyoneal2623 13 сағат бұрын
Just because one culture writes something down before another culture does doesn't prove that what they wrote down is older or correct
@FloridaClay 14 сағат бұрын
A fascinating subject and, at this point in time, there is probably no one I'd rather hear discuss it. Getting way off topic early on chasing viewers off-topic rabbits was disappointing. I just checked out.
@arthursmom 15 сағат бұрын
The best guests on this channel! Enjoyed this so much. Thanks Jacob
@History-Valley 13 сағат бұрын
Hey thanks! Since you're a member of the channel, you can access the History Valley Patreon/Members chat in the Discord server, if you're in the server already, tell me your Discord username so I can add you in.
@arthursmom 13 сағат бұрын
@@History-Valley it’s Citrus 😊 I’m already in and follow your chat.. great conversations
@History-Valley 13 сағат бұрын
@@arthursmom I see, you now have access.
@arthursmom 13 сағат бұрын
@@History-Valley Thanks !
@pdworld3421 15 сағат бұрын
Overall lots of information nicely presented
@pdworld3421 15 сағат бұрын
Seems like there are a couple of conclusions the speaker draws that are not neccesarily logical
@pdworld3421 15 сағат бұрын
That's why the Catholics have the most correct Bible
@Minimmalmythicist 16 сағат бұрын
12.50 indeed and why would the Akkadians want to emulate the myth of a small city state. If anything smaller weaker cultures tend to imitate the big empires
@GoyimAreNotSlaves 16 сағат бұрын
The situation in Gaza and Ukraine ironically reveals the truth that it was a warning Personally, I take the Islamic view that these mosquitoes wrote their own scriptures, and now they claim Messiah will arrive one day and they will have 2800 Slaves
@garylong4440 16 сағат бұрын
Archaeologist can trace all the bible stores from other cultures around the middle east
@jdaze1 16 сағат бұрын
The true gospel of the kingdom is that its here right now, neigh at hand for us to enter into. The kingdom comes without observation and is within you. "To WHOMEVER overcomes he will inherit ALL THINGS. I will be his God and he will be MY SON." Revelation 21:7.
@jdaze1 16 сағат бұрын
The 40 days in the desert was actually 40 years. The virgin birth was ALLEGORY.
@dujac88 17 сағат бұрын
sitz im leben
@CJFCarlsson 17 сағат бұрын
I can get served waffles cheaper and quicker elsewhere. Facts and concisely or I am off.
@tomtraylor4468 17 сағат бұрын
I don't think you can make a legitimate case that narrative Hebrew happened prior to the 8th century. For instance the is no Hebrew texts from any time connected to Moses or Joshua etc.
@mj38ua 17 сағат бұрын
In short Moses originally wrote Deuteronomy and that's all folks. Animal sacrifices and the levitical law were never included in the original text.
@crownhouse2466 17 сағат бұрын
Dr Josh always a pleasure!
@corrosionoc69 19 сағат бұрын
When we say an artist is inspired to paint...it isn't considered to perfectly perfect. Art is imperfectly perfect. I think divinely inspired works operste in the same way. The literature/bible is an art form...inspired by the divine, and is imperfectly perfect like the painting.
@snowrider4495 19 сағат бұрын
Before the buybull it was paganism where the Jews and Christians copied a lot of their stories from.
@bradatherton9369 19 сағат бұрын
Wonderful video, but i have to take a break every few minutes wishing i could find an "Ummm" filter. No 'Dr' worth their salt has that little mind-mouth control.
@danieleweiser9480 20 сағат бұрын
Some say that Johanne d’Arc was not burnt at the stake. There was a substitution. Johanne lived and married afterwards. We have some documents signed with her name. Same story….
@MendTheWorld 20 сағат бұрын
I'm thinking that if God would quit giving away Promised Lands, we'd all be a good deal better off.
@jamiegoodman2995 20 сағат бұрын
Textual criticism =Communism. Why don’t you take on the Ilead, or the quran, or book of moron. Furthermore, “Slavish cut and paste”…. Sounds a lot racialist against Zalensky and the Ukrainians.
@artemisnite 20 сағат бұрын
The title implied examples, Jacob opened by asking for examples but we spent thirty minutes on the two basic examples everyone already knows about. I'd really love a comprehensive list or at least a few more.
@artemisnite 21 сағат бұрын
I'm sorry, but birds in a flood story? Baby in a basket on the river found by royals? That IS plagiarism. But more importantly it's proof that the Bible is just mythology and any pretense that it is the actual word of the one true threemale patriarchal gawd whose "word" is infallible is blown apart by revelations like these. Learning of Sargon's origin story was the nail in the coffin for my childhood indoctrination and completed my deconversion.
@MendTheWorld 21 сағат бұрын
3:04 Is he referring to the Chronicles of Riddick (ft. Vin Diesel). Yes, I've studied them. 👍