Resilience | Greg Lapin
14 күн бұрын
43 Days to Freedom | Jeff Frazier
MACV-SOG Veteran | Cliff Newman
IDF Soldier on the Israel-Hamas War
Prepping for WW3: Food Shortage
@michael7v6 6 сағат бұрын
Love Mike G!!!
@rebelpatriot_nc_9156 21 сағат бұрын
Man...this did not age well lol
@nathantharas8524 Күн бұрын
Make Washington great again 🫡
@sethdunlap9868 Күн бұрын
Glad to see Mike is finally out. Every man over thirty has dealt with the looney-toons nightmare a woman can drag him into. The simple fact that ALL of these solid men are still standing behind Mike can only tell you the truth behind Mike's situation. Each and every one would drop him fast if he was a shitbag. Hope he is well and mentally healthy.
@LonD-ji5xf Күн бұрын
That's y the gates been bust open
@LonD-ji5xf Күн бұрын
What happened 2 those green berets. Ease droppers I spy. The news traveled the whole world. Brought those Green Berets out from hiding n blind folds.
@jimmypark782 Күн бұрын
Good interview! Praying for Mike. Eyes up!
@scottankers6690 2 күн бұрын
@mariusloveless7880 3 күн бұрын
@Mike Force Podcast Christ Jesus wasn't rough, gruff, or tough. Jesus had RIGHTOUS Authority that allowed him to do all of what he did with confidence and zeal (See: John 16:15). You see a lot of guys think being "hard" , and being involved with guns and fighting makes them men or tough, but.... we know that is utter NONSENSE, because the Bible tells us ,even before Christ Jesus was born miraculously into the Earth, to AVOID such ways , "Do not envy the violent or choose any of their ways." - Proverbs 3:31. WE BOTH know that most men who put on the "I'm rugged" look and style are HIDING and compensating, ESPECIALLY the ones who make sure the internet knows they are tough and rough lol Jesus was BOLD because he had righteous authority through his Father, Jehovah (YHWH) (See: John 8:28-29). The TRUTH itself is more powerful than the tough guy persona, in fact I prefer to confront a "tough guy" in a situation because physicality is their world, so adept mental acuity basically neutralizes them. With tough guys you just never raise the aggression level, stand strong, you never fall for their taunts or enticements and they'll just be a raging fire set alone in a field with nothing to consume, then they will eventually fade out. "Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you." - James 4:7. If they are SO aggressive that they would physically harm you or others off pure emotions, then they are not men at all...they are dangerous boys with no real discipline. Jesus said and did all of what he did not with his own courage but with the courage given to him by his Father, knowing he was doing the will of THEE Living God. Masculinity according to the Bible looks like Moses, who was humble enough to admit that he was not a great speaker and to let Aaron speak for him for the good of his people, it looks like King David who WEPT and LAMNETED day after day, appealing to God because he KNEW as mighty as God made him, without the Lord Almighty he would be but chaff for the fire. Masculinity in the Bible looks like Job who despite being persecuted without cause, remained strong in faith, he lost his kids, his wife his entire life for no reason out of the blue and STILL he stayed faithful. Masculinity in the Bible mans [*1*] Love and put ALL of yourself into God Almighty with all of your heart , mind and soul (Matthew 22:37-39) [*2*] Responsibility!!!! << Every one of them, from Noah, to Abraham, to Moses, to Joshua, to Jacob (Israel) to Christ Jesus himself ALL had major responsibilities and did not turn from them, even as harrowing and DESTINED for death or punishment from the world as some of their assignments would become, they put faith in God Almighty and did their responsibility. [*3*] Live upright and follow Gods commands, and Gods commands extend beyond the base 10 Commandments, Jehovah God gives many commands in the Bible, but you have to read it and study it to see this. [*4*] Discipline, the chosen ones from the Bible had to discipline themselves or risk the wrath of God or risk God turning away from them, which would leave them vulnerable to the world. Discipline was essential for Men of God and the Bible has a multitude of examples of men disciplining themselves to Jehovah God and other men failing to do so. Discipline to reject the temptations of the world is important. [*5*] This is the one that is too hard and tough for supposed "rugged" guys like these guys in the video, and that is SACRIFICE, what is sacrifice truly? It's turning from the world. Modesty, humility, contriteness and keeping his commands, Glorify Jehovah the Father through Christ Jesus. Turning from the world and renewing yourself in Christ Jesus without the worldly influence or ambition which clouds the mind from focusing on and discerning Gods Will in our lives (Romans 12:2) is extremely important if you are trying to be a Christian Man. Nothing in the world brings glory to Christ, except to turn from the world. 1 John 2:15-17 "Do not love the world or the things in the world....". Christ did without, he only truly ever had his Father, because even some of his most trusted friends grievously betrayed him. Christ Jesus had a life full of tribulation and grief , the world hated him, we need to be true to Christ's command, Matthew 22:37-40, and to love God is to glorify him as we are urged by Paul the Apostle in Romans 15:6. The world hated the Father and it hated Christ. So to Glorify God through Christ is to turn from the world with contrite hearts. To me the Bible paints what I laid out above as being the picture of masculinity. Christian men are not weak or pushovers they are stalwart, humble, and slow to anger, they can turn others with just their demeanor and candor, they can command respect by simply being in their "frame" as Christians, no need to wage war or squabble with others. the Truth is the Truth and no one man outside of Christ can embody what a "Good Man" is....unless he does follow Christ, truly.
@DenisPrat-sl6qz 3 күн бұрын
Their are many people in America with Israel including myself 1000 perfect. I think most Americans stand with Israel , our media focuses on the wrong things. Israel should know we stand with them. We have a huge problem with the media spreading BS which leads to ignorance on college campuses.
@Area61BBQ 3 күн бұрын
i enjoyed this video thank you
@JL-xn3zy 3 күн бұрын
Wasn't a coincidence that Kyle and Mike met when they did. Mike is going to come out of his situation in a new and better condition than ever. All things are possible in Christ! Let's keep praying for Mike and his family. Ephesians 3 20 ✝️
@StephenZ827 3 күн бұрын
As to last words, Southern border is intercepting massive Chinese , military age males crossing into USA. Word is they fly out of China to Peru, or one of the South American countries, easy entry point. Then flown to Mexico City, bus ride to the border. Question becomes, why so many now, who's funding this, why so many " allow " to exit China, and what is the their intentions.
@jmazz85786 3 күн бұрын
This is the guy that flipped out on the fake black belt. I remember watching that years ago.
@wumaofiftycent-eq3bf 4 күн бұрын
1.00. 26 Now you know there are two genders...and men who " identify" as women can beat any women
@DEPUTYGETSOME 4 күн бұрын
Guess he doesn’t want to explain himself? Delete my comments for calling out the truth.
@jbombs7511 3 күн бұрын
U see his vid today? Hella weird
@BaloneySandwichWithKetchup 4 күн бұрын
designated javeler has to be the greatest thing i have ever heard. every squad needs this lol.
@pennymarti4404 4 күн бұрын
Really miss Mike
@natejackson4791 4 күн бұрын
Dang it, I was hoping for our friend Mike.
@jeanfoster5637 4 күн бұрын
100% support! Prayers for Mike and his family as well as the whole Fieldcraft Team! PRESS ON !
@danner209 5 күн бұрын
Thankful that you guys had this gentleman on the show. A lot has happened since this filming. This message is good for all of us men. As men, we are all under attack. Praying for you Mike Glover! Brothers, seek God through Messiah Jesus. We are waging spiritual warfare, this is not the time to let our guards down, our sons and daughters, wives, friends, communities, workplaces and our country needs us! For perspective, look at our enemies, they are not acting or allowing feminine men or demasculinization of their men, this is a physical example we can see with our eyes! But don’t be deceived brothers, the same is going on spiritually against us and our children. STAND UP AND FIGHT!!!! In the authority, love and respect of Jesus the Christ, Dan Northern California
@wesleykim1758 5 күн бұрын
I'm going to withhold judgement on what happened till the entire investigation is completed. Reading the police report this is a relatively complicated situation, and while I'd like to believe Mike is innocent, his (ex?)girlfriend is the one who sustained a physical injury. Both sides sound like they have something they're hiding or not wanting to say, that's enough for me to have doubts
@jacqueslecouer5715 6 күн бұрын
My Dad was A-1 Driver in 6th SOS Pleiku MACV/SOG 67/67 of the 24 pilots 50% attrition KIA/MIA/KIA body not recovered, He did 300 missions, many hot insertions and extractions over the line of SOG teams. He doesn't have a love me wall, and the past is the past, and wants nil to do w/the copious fan boy warrior worship in it's many iterations on YT.
@elrud5964 6 күн бұрын
I like this
@jimadkins4772 6 күн бұрын
Good video
@BarryBMC 7 күн бұрын
Christ is king ✝️
@misterclear9692 7 күн бұрын
Would love to hear some advice for someone like me, mid forties, out of shape, looking to turn it around and really wanting to get into it looking for starter advice for getting into Jiu-Jitsu
@Lazaruslove 7 күн бұрын
This is so interesting I could listen to them talk for a much longer period of time thank you 🙏🏽
@leeschlosser4069 7 күн бұрын
Glad I found this
@carlawilliams4171 7 күн бұрын
Ok. I've read just a bit, but y'all need to bring back Mike Glover.
@carlawilliams4171 7 күн бұрын
We support you, Mike. Praying for you. Come back soon, man
@danner209 7 күн бұрын
Praying for you and your family Mike. I pray for all of your protection and peace. May God bless you all. Field Craft Survival Team, you are all appreciated. Dan Northern California
@dennislongiii4523 7 күн бұрын
hopefully Mike comes back and I support and stand by him. protecting your children is #1.
@eddieroman4869 7 күн бұрын
Israel ARE the invader
@helloworldRR 8 күн бұрын
Chopper type Bell. Ruth Pain
@muriloninja 8 күн бұрын
26:58 This is a well known fact that DevGru blew the door with a massive charge which fucked up Delta guys in the hallway and it went to shit from there. More Navy side fuckups they will never own up to.
@nightfighterfour4468 9 күн бұрын
I had just been posted at the NKP Base Commanders quarters with my dog when all hell broke loose. I was weird that they would we attack just before dark. As I was hooking up my dog, the base commander jumped into his sedan with the huge diameter amber bubble, took a look at me and sped off. I the slammed a mag into my CAR-15 that fell out. I tried 5 more mags that had also been jimmied until my last one locked in while the sounds of a fire fight continued. Shortly after getting the last one loaded, it became quiet. Even the Security Police radio transmissions were nonexistent l which was strange, no chatter at all until I reported my ammo problem. It turned out that it was the 23rd TASS and SOG throwing a party like I've never heard since early May, 1972 when they deactivated MACV-SOG. I never did see the commander return to his double wide, I believe he did a little ass chewing and with the respect he had for these guys, he knew he couldn't beat them so he joined them, but quietly.
@davidliftsheavycircles 9 күн бұрын
Does the Bible say to beat your family you sad excuse for a man?
@clicktoclean3923 Күн бұрын
Innocent until proven guilty?
@JakeVyle 10 күн бұрын
My grandfather served in both Korea and MACV SOG (1st SGT retired MSG)
@anonymouse311 10 күн бұрын
I would say go to the strongest. America. Find your way there before it all begin. I dont live there but we seen how strong their army his. I firmly believe they will win. Other countries are too small and too naive. You cant even have guns where I live. It is forbidden for a civilian to hold.. How are we gonna protect our families.. To get one you need some aquitance with gangs.. not really recommended..
@ZTOfitness 10 күн бұрын
Social Media and the 24 hr news cycle makes everything seem apocalyptic. Stop being perpetually online.
@dr.tetraminflakes3187 10 күн бұрын
,Trump: Americans Who Died in War Are ‘Losers’ and ‘Suckers’
@vancefuller2120 10 күн бұрын
Do not support the court of public opinion. Wait until the facts come out, then make up your mind.
@DaRespect88 10 күн бұрын
He said oh daddy.. love Andy
@SharonBell-zd4ln 11 күн бұрын
Good content
@SharonBell-zd4ln 11 күн бұрын
Mike Glover is a good man who speaks the truth!
@michaelmikulski1123 11 күн бұрын
My wife and I homeschooling our kids through high school. We covered Latin, but used a Christian Worldview as the filter we ran everything through. I retired from the military, was the sole wage earner and in my off time, we hunted, fished, hiked, camped, taught my kids basic car maintenance, how to shoot, when to shoot. Looking at what government schools put out today, we thank God, we homeschooling our kids.
@joshuamayes3195 11 күн бұрын
Around 9:20 when Jeff talks about how they lock you in early, what exactly is he talking about as to the differences between then and now?
@hareth3911 11 күн бұрын
You get mental resilience from religion, philosophy, science.