Nature-friendly farming in Wales
Top Tips to be greener
2 жыл бұрын
River restoration at Nant y Gwryd
Adfer Afon - Nant y Gwryd
3 жыл бұрын
@gwenbutler9687 2 ай бұрын
stori dda a ddyn gyda cymraeg hyfryd hefyd!
@5dTraveller 5 ай бұрын
Time travel on KZbin! Great to meet the younger Mr Hughes 👍I've never been to this campsite but now I'll have to have a look next time I'm passing 😊
@simonandrews4355 6 ай бұрын
Its a mile long btw
@simonandrews4355 6 ай бұрын
My Mum was a Wren (Women's Royal Naval Service) stationed up at HMS Goldcrest the Fleet Air Arm airfield up behind this beach during WW2 1944 and it was a special place for her and it became so for us, her children, too. She brought us there a lot from 1965 - I was 8 carrying my share of beach gear - and it has been magical and very important to me since. I live about six hours drive north of it near Liverpool. It's always been special as a place of relaxation and grounding and thought and refuge and prayer and sheer enjoyment for me and for many years, at demanding times I have also visited it - both actually in reality or much more often I have 'walked' virtually along the surf edge in my imagination in memory listening to the surf and the seabirds in the sun and wind and spray which is often so very helpful. Mum died in her mid nineties a couple of years ago and when the time is right we will let some of her ashes join the tide and sands she so loved. It was always her 'place' and it is mine too. Its unchanging, always moving, restless power and restful timelessness sticks. Best to go when the tide is turned and has been going out an hour or two as there is no beach at high tide and there are places you would not want to be caught in as the rising tide approaches its last hour or so. Thank you very.much National Trust. 👍🏻
@simonandrews4355 6 ай бұрын
Lovely little video btw!
@janemorrison8145 Жыл бұрын
Amazing !
@TheJovialRenegade Жыл бұрын
Thomas Morgan was my 13th great grandfather, I hail from Texas.
@howareyou857 Жыл бұрын
This is totally lush. ❤
@janeartmason3928 Жыл бұрын
What a wonderful project ❤️
@rosemarygepp4410 Жыл бұрын
thanks for reminding me ......i like Cynan Jones' version of the story .....diolch
@sbdiaries Жыл бұрын
Such a beautiful 😍 castle with a gorgeous views over the Welsh landscape Close to the borders of England. A very informative tour around 👌. Wishing you a very good day Simon and Beth ❤❤❤
@nicholasjones7312 Жыл бұрын
I like that you place Chirk Castle in its historical and geographical context, virtually sitting on Offa’s Dyke. I have a theory, that the castle is located here, above the Ceiriog Valley, because that is where the Norman English were beaten in the Battle of Crogan. I think they are making a statement that “we were here with the Dyke and, despite the defeat over a hundred years earlier in the valley, we are back in control”. This is because the castle is slightly overlooked on the Welsh (western) side by higher ground, which I find curious (and you would have seen this from the roof. Incidentally, I had a role in the reroofing of several phases of the castle in the 1980’s and 1990’s).
@danielleclark4424 Жыл бұрын
Proud of you handsome hubby
@pennylane6185 2 жыл бұрын
I am captivated by the beautiful sound of your language. I can pick up a few words! Cymru and Cymraeg, mostly
@EnglezadelaAlaZ 2 жыл бұрын
Hello what is the difference between Draig and Ddraig ? Thank you ) xxx
@Blank-hh4qj 2 жыл бұрын
It’s a mutation. In the Welsh language letters mutate into other letters if certain words come before them. I am Welsh but only have a Welsh gcse so am not the best educated on the language but basically Y, which means ‘the’, causes letters to mutate (other words do this too). So when you say ‘ red dragon’ it would be draig goch, but if you said ‘the red dragon’ it would be y ddraig goch as d in particular mutates into dd.
@cherudge 2 жыл бұрын
Really interesting thank you
@joshual95 2 жыл бұрын
Wow! Fab video
@lucie2622 2 жыл бұрын
I remember going here a few times with my family a loved going into the treehouse with my cousins and it is really beautiful
@charlestownley6712 3 жыл бұрын
Content is fine but why are both texts only in Welsh. Bilingual is fine but why exclude well over 90% of NT viewers?
@jmcc7886 3 жыл бұрын
Excellent film and great to learn about the plans to develop this habitat for butterflies
@zaouchmohammed1999 3 жыл бұрын
Nid yw Crist yn dduw ac ni chafodd ei groeshoelio ac ni laddodd, a Muhammad Madkour yn yr efengyl o € € Yn eu plith mae'r hyn sydd ganddynt o wybodaeth heblaw dilyn gweithredoedd Iesu, a'r hyn a laddwyd ganddynt gyda sicrwydd * Yn hytrach, Duw wedi ei godi iddo, ac mae Duw wedi cryfhau gweithredoedd y doethion. Ac yn Mathew 4: 6 a Luc 4: 10-11: (Mae'n ysgrifenedig ei fod yn canmol ei angylion i chi, ac ar eu dwylo maen nhw'n eich cario chi. ) O ran eich cred bod Crist wedi ei groeshoelio, cred ffug yw hon, sydd wedi nodi annilysrwydd eich llyfr sanctaidd, yn Luc 4: 29-30 fod Duw wedi amddiffyn Crist, bod heddwch arno, a'i amddiffyn rhag y cynllwynio a'r twyll. o’r Iddewon, ac ni allent ei groeshoelio. Ioan: 8: 59 (Felly codon nhw gerrig i’w gerrig. O ran Iesu, fe guddiodd ac aeth allan o’r deml, gan basio trwyddynt, ac aeth fel hyn). A dywedodd Ioan 10:93: (A dyma hefyd yn ceisio ei ddal, a daeth allan o’u dwylo), ac yn Ioan 19:36 (Digwyddodd hyn i gyflawni’r hyn a grybwyllwyd yn y llyfr: na fydd asgwrn yn cael ei dorri ganddo)! ■ Dywedodd Duw Hollalluog Dywedodd Cymryd Duw, O Iesu, mab Mair, a ydych chi wedi dweud wrth bobl fod Atakdhuna a fy mam fel duwiau ar wahân i Allah wedi gogoneddu’r hyn sydd gen i i ddweud beth nad oes gen i hawl os dywedoch eich bod wedi ei ddysgu i ddysgu beth i mi fy hun, nid wyf yn gwybod beth ydych chi ynoch chi'ch hun Rydych chi'n ysgolhaig yr anweledig * Nid Duw yw Crist € € € € Gwybod y gall Crist, mab Mair, fod heddwch a bendithion arno, nid duw, ond yn hytrach bod dynol a negesydd hael. Anfonodd Duw ef i ddysgu ei grefydd a dyrchafu dywedodd ei gyfraith, yn union fel negeswyr eraill, Duw Hollalluog: Nid yw’r hyn y mae Crist, mab Mair, yn ddim ond negesydd wedi mynd ger ei fron ef yn apostolion Al-table: a dywedodd yr Hollalluog: hynny fel Iesu pan mae Duw yn debyg i Adda. ei greu o lwch, yna dywedodd wrtho, Byddwch * yn iawn oddi wrth eich Arglwydd, ni fyddwch o'r amheuon Surah Al-Imran mae'r Efengyl hon yn cytuno ar Luc pennod 24: 19, lle nododd: Iesu o Nasareth, a oedd yn broffwyd, yn gallu gweithredu a lleferydd. Felly mae Luc yn disgrifio Crist fel bod dynol, ac yn Efengyl Marc pennod 12: 29 o ddywediadau Crist, bydded heddwch arno: Y cyntaf o bob gorchymyn ... yr Arglwydd yw ein Duw ni. Onid yw'r gair: ein Duw ni'n nodi bod Crist, heddwch arno, yn perthyn i fodau dynol? ■ Muhammad Madkour yn yr Efengyl € Ei enw oedd (Framerino), a ddaeth o hyd i'r llythrennau (yr Ibrianus) lle soniodd am Efengyl Barnabas, ac mae'n ei ddyfynnu. A bydd hyn yn aros nes bydd Muhammad, Cennad Duw, yn dod a yn cywiro'r gwall hwn. Mae Efengyl Barnabas yn dweud ym Mhennod 22: Bydd hyn yn aros nes dyfodiad Muhammad, Cennad Duw, a ddatgelodd y twyll hwn i'r rhai sy'n credu yng nghyfraith Duw, a chofleidiodd Framrino Islam a gweithio i ledaenu'r efengyl hon yr ymladdodd yr eglwys rhwng Pobl. Ac mae Duw, gogoniant iddo, yn dweud y rhai sy'n dilyn y Proffwyd anllythrennog, y maen nhw'n eu cael yn ysgrifenedig gyda nhw yn y Torah a'r Efengyl, yn eu gorchymyn i wneud da ac yn eu gwahardd rhag drwg, yn caniatáu iddyn nhw wneud daioni ac yn eu gwahardd rhag drwg, ac yn rhoi eu mynnu arnyn nhw ac yn rhoi eu mynnu arnyn nhw a'r hualau oedd arnyn nhw.
@WyeExplorer 3 жыл бұрын
Fantastic work guys. I've been coming to the Beacons since I was a young lad. My father ran selection up there with the regiment to. He would speak of them fondly. All the best. Mark
@notspenny7698 3 жыл бұрын
I got sent here for school anyone else?
@emil_rainbow 3 жыл бұрын
Not a tree for miles!
@adventuresofskadi7277 3 жыл бұрын
Fun last name is Stackpole lol
@stack7746 3 жыл бұрын
Me too
@TEENEEWALES 4 жыл бұрын
Great story, do we know why the Dragon looks west on the Flag and not east?
@gwenbutler9687 2 ай бұрын
Because it prefers to see the irish neighbours and ignore the english ones this is a joke answer I don't know why
@thecoconut1kitchen 4 жыл бұрын
Dda Iawn, rydw I yn hoffi y stori yma. Wedi gwneud yn diddorol iawn gan u bardd Cynan hefyd!
@solitudeguard5688 4 жыл бұрын
How stunningly beautiful. I am going on holiday to St Ishmael in August and I will be visiting Marloes very often. I’m excited to see all the birds and wildlife.
@Hero88Gaming 4 жыл бұрын
Pervert Red Draon brought me here :D
@jackieroberts7895 2 жыл бұрын
What ????
@AJZulu 6 ай бұрын
facepalm. those that know, know.
@emil_rainbow 4 жыл бұрын
Not a tree in sight. Sheep wrecked.
@nightsnipeninja2038 3 жыл бұрын
true that lol
@Spaseebo 4 жыл бұрын
. Cymru Am Byth !
@juliesmith1881 5 жыл бұрын
Has anyone actually tried clicking on the CC Subtitles symbol under this video to get the Welsh words (supposedly) on the screen? It's outrageous!!! Perhaps some would think it's hilarious but as a Welsh learner it just made me mad. How can this happen on a National Trust video? Someone from NT very helpfully suggested clicking on the cog symbol to get other languages, including Welsh subtitles, but I can't find any other language options. UPDATE: It's not some crazy sabotage, just computer-generated subtitles, because the default computer thinks he is speaking English. And, yes, what the lovely kind guy at the National Trust suggested DOES work. You can get the subtitles in whatever language you want. First click on the CC symbol, and then on the cog symbol next to it, then you will see English already as the default, but go down to click on Autotranslate and when you click on that you get a whole list of languages so when I click on Welsh I can read the subtitles (still computer generated so not totally perfect but reasonably accurate) in Welsh! I am one happy bunny! Thank you National Trust :)
@spadeghostvampire7777 5 жыл бұрын
You know Excalibur is a metaphorical name meaning "skills of any fine sword". It would be cool though to see the origins and original owner of the sword in a observed documentary. I predict considering there are no remains of a body near the sword nor a head stone, maybe somebody left it there as a means of swearing pacifism over resolving situations with warfare. Or maybe they read into the Folklore and in the memory of the Lady of the Lake unable to find the original location made a sword just as beautiful as its surroundings as an offering and just left it there.
@Jma82-photo-travel-drone 5 жыл бұрын
Awesome images, new friend from London UK
@otismilo6174 5 жыл бұрын
Very cool place went a few days ago
@guzimAntonova 5 жыл бұрын
am stori.
@georgewells7332 5 жыл бұрын
1:59 is me i am that kid
@georgewells7332 5 жыл бұрын
i am in t i am that kid eating thisaid'nobg
@neilhartley5105 5 жыл бұрын
Great video of Cwm Idwal, thanks for filming.
@MrAaronvee 6 жыл бұрын
Why does your Council employ a 'science officer' who endorses a crackpot (perpetual motion, anti-gravity) climate-change denier and wants him to get a knighthood?
@bluesrocker91 6 жыл бұрын
Looking at the date this was published I'm guessing it's an April Fools joke...
@bluesrocker91 6 жыл бұрын
Looking at the date this was published I'm guessing it's an April Fools joke...
@BadgerBotherer1 6 жыл бұрын
A wonderful spot. Good that you are farming the land with wildlife in mind.
@MrJhs12 6 жыл бұрын
Do you get any discounts for being national trust member
@BadgerBotherer1 6 жыл бұрын
It's a beautiful place.
@shelaghmckenna2667 6 жыл бұрын
Remember that there were two dragons, and that in order to slander the opposition to English invasion, English versions of the Bible deliberately mistranslated ‘pyrros’ (meaning ‘fiery’) as ‘red’ in order to associate the Welsh dragon with Satan. It's an old trick, and only an idol worshipper would fall for it. George Hargreaves is a foreign imposter supporting oppression, and a fake Christian breaking the second commandment. Never surrender to evil.
@jonathanmosher72 6 жыл бұрын
Lol, 36 seconds in looking at that sword, you've got to be crazy...
@airbournesolutionsltd2190 6 жыл бұрын
Pleasure working with National Trust Wales.
@isobelackerman 6 жыл бұрын
Awesome 💚🤘
@iZogAdventure 6 жыл бұрын
Is this something that is organised by the National Trust? When is it happening? How can we get involved?
@NTCymru 6 жыл бұрын
Hi, you'll find more information here>
@Depp601 6 жыл бұрын
We found what looked like the Laundry Room outside the Castle, Follow the signs & you will find the dungeon (I disliked it down there, couldn't stay long & the steps are steep) As we came up the driveway, the first gates that we saw were utterly beautiful. Inside the castle we talked to a member of Staff about the Cabinet, & Pugin's Gothic style, Staff were so helpful & gave lots of information (Thank you Staff) The garden area was also beautiful, like the seat of Poppies carved out of a fallen tree. the statues, Sun Dial, while outside I found a small piece of rock that glittered in the sunlight, so brought it home with me, it still glitters & reminds me of the lovely day we had. We will visit again. :) :) :)