Destiny Debates Andrew Tate, Nick And Sneako!
Politics On Twitch Has Become INSANE...
@nikosogamias 19 сағат бұрын
i feel like if a black guy robbed destiny a couple times he would shout the hard R and that experience would make his aura glow from blue to red and now he is conservative.
@andymadrid5626 19 сағат бұрын
A generation is less than 20 years I thought?
@azur3496 19 сағат бұрын
destiny argues in bad faith😂
@abstractsymmetricity 19 сағат бұрын
Good editing.
@reddillon8425 19 сағат бұрын
lol "Hadiths are open for interpretation and scrutiny!" "How many muslims agree with that, would you say?" "oh, extreme minority. EXTREME." got it, he's not attacking the religion, he's just attacking the vast majority of muslims' perception of the religion this just in: KKK actually not racist cause one KKK guy has a black friend
@andymadrid5626 19 сағат бұрын
Cenk doesn't let Destiny talk.
@grantwerner7332 19 сағат бұрын
Nick kinda owned Destiny
@MegaEssj408 19 сағат бұрын
Who's here from 2024. F U
@PatrickGustafson 19 сағат бұрын
Well, Biden did stop sending arms to Israel today.
@ggzyt_livitup3898 19 сағат бұрын
Jesus nick is a crybaby wtf😂
@FreedomRover269 19 сағат бұрын
This is a conversation of three idiots with one sane man interjecting
@MikeyTrn-nv2xm 19 сағат бұрын
They both rather believe in Santa clause over Jesus Christ
@509drone2 19 сағат бұрын
But Destiny does have TDS?
@MikeyTrn-nv2xm 19 сағат бұрын
Just because he go to catholic school don’t make him Christian
@andymadrid5626 19 сағат бұрын
Cenk is losing me. I wish he was more open minded but he is definitely anti Israel. period. His impersonation of the "jewish voice" saying "dirty muslims" is very telling. People who imitate other people in a voice is just weird and obviously disparaging. I'm Catholic/Atheist and find his stance just lop sided. Never getting my vote. And obviously running for POTUS in the USA where a two party system is the status quo means he's anti American too, wow.
@cdubbau135 19 сағат бұрын
Im beginning to believe that most conservative and anti-establishment people's research all start with, "I heard..."
@bradders9743 19 сағат бұрын
What happened to Taftaj? She was so cool.
@andymadrid5626 19 сағат бұрын
Apparently, Hamas leadership isn't even in Gaza. Is this true ?
@MikeyTrn-nv2xm 19 сағат бұрын
There is no scriptures in the Bible refer to male and female as boyfriend and girlfriend but refer to as husband and wife even before they are married take example of Joseph and Mary
@nicolasbascunan4013 19 сағат бұрын
Lying in islam is valid, it's called Taquiyya (google it). "Aisha was 24 and Bin Laden a Jewish"
@TheFortunateWaywardSon 19 сағат бұрын
I thought the 20% claim was genz that self identified as part of lgbt
@RancorousSea 19 сағат бұрын
Bro swimming down the river with a knife in his teeth like fucking rambo looking for that phone. Those aquatic teen thugs drew first blood
@Wahrheitsliebe5193 19 сағат бұрын
Just so I can prove Destiny wrong, I now made a channel on which I will continuously upload videos on austrian, german and european politics with a laser focus on truth(/truthfull commentary).
@XSpamDragonX 20 сағат бұрын
Destiny's hyperinflation position is only applicable to the US. People here in Canada are definitely struggling, and no amount of raises for the same six-figure earners in Toronto will change anything.
@multacks 20 сағат бұрын
Serial Experiments Lain was very ahead of this time.
@Dezu123 20 сағат бұрын
Its basically me after liter of vodka spitting some random take on random topic idk shit about xd
@WitherSnow 20 сағат бұрын
I feel like Destiny is supposing a grand conspiracy that just isn't there. People feel that their lives are worse because their lives are worse. If a news media person reaffirms that feeling then it seems like it's not a media conspiracy telling them to think that way, It's them actually thinking and feeling and living it.
@Sl0ppyJ0s 20 сағат бұрын
US is an empire in decline. It’s what happens when you pander more to the minorities over the majority. Flying “undocumented” immigrants around the country and putting them up in hotels while a majority of your actual citizens can’t afford groceries is a good example of ideology over logic. Never ending War machine is what made the US the world super power so I’m not gonna shed any tears when it collapses.
@funguswungus2918 20 сағат бұрын
How is Sneako this much of a cuck?
@tashgodoffools 20 сағат бұрын
"Trust those who seek truth, But question those who claim to have found it"
@RunesandReapers 20 сағат бұрын
Were the palestinaijs in the partition plan yes..they were called jews donjews not count as palestinains now
@thucydides7849 20 сағат бұрын
24:19 “if we really believed in democracy”. Brotha, no one believes in democracy. No rational person wants to live in a country where the minority live under tyranny by the majority. Democracy was debunked nearly 3000 years ago. If you live in a commune of 8 people, sure, democracy works. If you scale it up, you’d necessarily have 100 million people dictating the lives of 90 million people. The socialist argument is just so un intuitive yet they make it out to be just plain common sense. Why the fuck should some fuckin shmuck who know nothing about anything have a say about what a billion dollar company is doing on the day to day? It’s literally no different than asking a slave who’s been chained to a wall his entire life to choose which astronauts are most qualified to go to Mars. Someone explain to me how this is different
@RunesandReapers 20 сағат бұрын
Palestine is a colonial term for a region, israel was the indigenous name for the region. Israel is the natuon state founded in regional palestine. Its identity is rooted in the national language, culture, ethics annd even peoples of the region. Hence why israel iis a country and palestine is not. There is no palestinaij language, palestinian culture, and palestinian history short of what we have from 1970a and on. And while.i get this might sounds rough truly its not. Consider the two main areas in Palestinian west Bank. Judea and samaria. Hebrew names, with hebrew history, and hebrew culture. The people who live there now are a mix of ppl, some are arabic, some are clearly more european, some levantine/semitic. So this area translates itno palestinain how exactly? What binds the palestinaij to bethlehem? A hebrew historical city with enoufh references in various sources tying it to judeans not arabs. Erasing jewish history from this land by name callijg wont create a palestinian unique identity.
@chopstixsix802 20 сағат бұрын
These guys have no clear what they’re talking about! Russia has up to a thousand volunteers signing up a week or month. Ukraine on the other hand, are seeing the male population trying to flee the country every day! Some are dying trying to swim across rivers! Yon see mobilization vans snatching up men off the streets as they fight not to go! They are then taking and forced to the frontlines! Kyiv is even trying to put pressure on Ukrainian nationals who flees the country, to come back! Russia is fighting to keep Ukraine from joining nato, de nazify Ukraine due to these Nazi militias having major influence in the Ukrainian government and are a issue in the way they conduct violent aggression against the ethnic/ pro Russian population in eastern Ukraine. Ukrainian does NOT want to fight! Russia has also announced that this is a “war” now! This isn’t a SMO anymore. He also just won the elections! Majority of Russia support this war. They understand that the west is out to break Russia up and apart! They understand nato aggression and that Ukraine is being used as cannon fodder down to the last Ukrainian! See this is the issue with the pro Ukraine people, they have no idea what they’re talking about half the time! Is like they don’t research or only research pro Ukraine people that are bias , lie or tell u what you want to hear. It’s ridiculous.
@tashgodoffools 20 сағат бұрын
Its almost like sensorship of the extremes of both the left and the right into echo chambers isn't a good thing and can drive some people to a completely insane version of reality that is miles from actual reality... like how a lot of people think thousands of unarmed black people are murdered by police every year when the number is usually less than 25...
@smellslikemeltingplastic 20 сағат бұрын
Listening to Destiny's hot take about rent and inflation is rough. Bro doesnt live in the real world anymore.
@Proud_Troll 20 сағат бұрын
This displays why I like Ben Shapiro's debate style more than Destiny's, although I believe that Destiny might be more open minded. Ben Shapiro never gets into a vicious shouting and insult match. In his serious debates he's always calm and focuses on the topic.
@tonypringles2285 20 сағат бұрын
the rise of islam IS scary. if you aren't a middle eastern man then you are basically a slave
@justified2065 20 сағат бұрын
Destiny sometimes can be really annoying but I can't deny that he puts a lot of thought on everything, he says many deep stuff I haven't heard anywhere before.
@alexthekiaguy 20 сағат бұрын
Im confused, are they saying that they want more government overreach so that freedom of speach applies to private companies or are they just bitching that private companies are allowed to run thier own companies the way they want.
@rorschach7623 20 сағат бұрын
These kids are like the nazi's
@Grock620 20 сағат бұрын
I dont think prices are up because I'm online too much. I think prices are up because prices are up.
@wytho3751 20 сағат бұрын
It is mathematically impossible for Destiny to be a man’s name
@GoT_17k 20 сағат бұрын
the military gave bonus points to minorities when testing for promotion
@SomeCallMeTato 20 сағат бұрын
33:29 googling it like a good pokemon catcher would, gotta catch em all! God this is such a bad joke
@HippoBoy999 20 сағат бұрын
That Salamain guy and the khalesee handle are the most insufferable human beings that spread lies on their platforms
@user-ss8rd8nq8p 20 сағат бұрын
I understand the embarrassment of Aisha age. Just accept it, it’s in your book.
@ekaterinastaneva9922 20 сағат бұрын
Man I don't know what inflation is in America but in the UK it is litherally CATASTROPHIC. Interest rates went from 2 to 5.8%, people are hit with 800 to thousand pounds a month more. Last month my train ticket went up 52% from £24 to £37. Nursery was £1600 at the beginning. It is £2100 today. Salaries have hardly moved. I used to be able to save 900-1000 pounds a month right before the pandemic with lower salary. Last month I have spend 200 pounds more then my salary. I am senior software developer for one of the big tech companies, my partner is senior marketing for the other big tech company, both names are well known. We have 1 baby. If we are tapping into savings to pay and bills, what about warehouse workers, nurses, teachers, garbage collectors. I don't know how people survive, it is a catastrophic situation.
@larryforbes6718 20 сағат бұрын
I've read rt wing online politics sites traffic is down 35% to 50%. Across the board. Some say it's from a throttling down of politics in general by FB and some other sites. Perhaps..but interesting that Moms for Liberty is FLOPPING and a St louis conservative A.M. radio host had a list of 13 woke school board candidates to vote against- they ALL WON. Maybe we are just past "peak internet"?? Also Trumpism and Trump v Biden is generating 20% less interest.
@Anonymous_Andy_ 20 сағат бұрын
Destiny and Andrew tate are very similar when it comes to economic perspectives, both brag about how they wipe their ass with 500$ bills