Where I've Been
21 күн бұрын
The Secret FFXIV Gil Lottery
I love FFXIV but...
11 ай бұрын
How Long to Beat All of FFXIV?
Top 10 RAREST Titles in FFXIV
@RyanTattoo-fx2mb Күн бұрын
do not try Warlock/Bard they kind of suck
@VirtualDarKness Күн бұрын
hey, great video and cool to see someone referencing Xbox controls scheme! hope you'll be covering wilds
@jonny8688 Күн бұрын
Obviously you need the mod called "Relaxxed Miqo stance" for male miqo and he looks more normal with straighter back and relaxed hands. Dont be a tard.
@Mathieo_Xanneke 4 күн бұрын
i dont have to worry about getting a house cause i got one around the end of heavensward. The only thing i have to worry about is to enter it when i take ff14 breaks. Beyond that its a nice routine to teleport back home when im done for the day
@GroovySquatch 4 күн бұрын
Don't wait for your Fate to spawn. Switch to Blue Mages and complete them quickly. For light farming, phases if your on a have a high burst damage job, Turn 5 of the Binding Coil of Bahamut is in and out 30 seconds long. So even if it is less light then a dungeon its quicker to do.
@charless.3364 5 күн бұрын
I'm glad there's nothing to do rn too cause I got suspended for using cuss words when I told a bard band they were fuckin amazing, let's gooo 😂
@Gallon 7 күн бұрын
Just imagine getting in Que at 11am being able to log in at 8pm and then you get a notice saying there will be maintenance starting in 10 minutes. X.X
@Nehji_Hann 7 күн бұрын
There is a way to legally pay real money for gil, it's $25 for 500k gil. Buy a story or level skip and you get the Allagan currency that's meant to be sold to NPCs for a set amount of gil. I don't recommend it unless you're above middle class wages but you can totally do it
@mrsmokk4410 8 күн бұрын
Kaiyoko stepped down from posting Weekly Fashion Report, but there are other sites, that show you the result 🙂 just a little info for those who want to start with it 😊
@Buffscorpion 8 күн бұрын
I just don’t understand the upgrading weapons. Why would I upgrade a weapon when every upgrade is so much weaker? I don’t get it
@xMaugrex 9 күн бұрын
"If you're just starting out in ffxiv and are interested in housing, stop being interested in housing. You can't afford one and wont be able to."
@diligafifunouno641 9 күн бұрын
Cover stuff for newbs /nastatus removes your sprout, you can set your umbrella to auto deploy by right clicking it I learned these things today. I’m new.
@fullmoonplayer 9 күн бұрын
oh god. That time was horrible. It wasnt thaaat bad on EU servers, but still about 2 hours wait time. Most of the times, I got kicked out though. And I was so pissed
@iSaiiri 10 күн бұрын
I like that I don’t have a million things to do right now; when I jumped in, it was just before Endwalker released. I’ve still barely scraped the surface of the game. Having less now allows me time to engage with older content and get “caught up”, essentially.
@aimeerobidoux7635 10 күн бұрын
I have very limited time to play each week, so right now because I haven't finished the main questline I want to just focus on that (i'm at the very start of Endwalker), before doing side content. I went down the dailies/weeklies rabbit hole once before and it burnt me out because I had no time/energy left over for MSQ. But I still watch these videos because i want to know the best stuff to focus on once I can actually invest time in side content.
@nekolover17 11 күн бұрын
finally a breath of fresh air with your take... honestly its so toxic with how content creators go on about the game. If you dont want/have anything to do then just simply stop playing. People have this strange attraction to the game that once something isnt as great as before or they run out of things to do they grow bitter and hate it, it goes beyond just disliking a game and moving on. they genuinely seethe about it. Sadly thats what most the community has become now a days. Just bitter angry people.
@ArdathCasain 12 күн бұрын
I know this has nothing to do what you are talking about, but I'm distracted by the game running in the background. No idea what that is, anyone know?
@MrCarlWax 12 күн бұрын
I want you to understand the irony of you saying that it's good that the game lacks content because you dont feel the need to stay, but right after you explain how much content you still have you can do. Yes us that have played it for a long time have nothing to do to, that is the point Nobody is saying that the game lacks content overall, but it lacks content if you're caught up, which you haven't. FFXIV is lacking compared to most MMOs when it comes to content. Even gw2 is able to keep you more busy. Content on its own doesn't mean it all of a sudden turns into a job. Gw2 is proof of this. Ask anyone if they feel a must to stuck around in gw2. Yet it has a ton of things to do. SE has no excuse to not add more considering they got an insanely big increase in revenue in the past 4 years. They are just greedy and lazy.
@KindredEmotions 12 күн бұрын
I like the slow period because it’s when I do my ultimate prog. That being said, when I get into another game I really enjoy (Elden Ring, BG3, etc), I find myself groaning at having to login to FF14 for 3hrs a day to do current content. If they were dropping something significant every patch, that misery would never end. Downtime isn’t the end of the world.
@donimmortal7692 13 күн бұрын
I say they did something right for people who got a life outside FFXIV/MMO. Even my sub are down atm, I always looking forward to 7.2
@diadojikiko 13 күн бұрын
100% On the list as well. they were lazy and extremely safe. The classes are fun but that's about it for me on the expansion.
@zylan98 13 күн бұрын
im still lost looking for a grindy game to get lost in :v all these suggestions are nice but ive already played them. nothing seems to scratch the itch
@greencaptain2783 14 күн бұрын
Loosing your house and not being forced to sub can't work togheter. There is a lot of content to do old and newer what is super boring what old beast tribes, they are so bad and boring to do, 50000 super boring fates to get the new mount. Its not a f2p or b2p game its a sub game where people pay every month so they would want to play it. Problem with ff 14 is that they wait with adding few new things every few month with big patch, instead of doing more often smaller patches what will give something new to do.
@fallenangel2546 15 күн бұрын
Thanks bro
@mareczek00713 15 күн бұрын
I'm staying with Elezen chick - people overly dramatize about "giraffe, long neck, huehuehue" - just either take long hair falling around the neck or pick a glam with slightly upwards collar and the entire problem vanishes. Yes, some glams will call for hairstyle change but come on, Jandelaine is our friend and with how much gil players make even before competing 2.0 we can agree dude basically charges only for travel costs :) Plus it makes you feel at home both starting in Gridania and hitting Heavensward. If anything I feel like 7.0 update really served as a glowup for Femelezen and Femroes, with Femelezen feeling less girrafey and Femroe faces having a bit more human proportions.
@gnarkillgnarkill7725 15 күн бұрын
In the anomaly you can buy multiple modules. I got mine for about 70 Nans each. Or maybe it was 80. Speak with Iteration: Ares.
@Ravum 15 күн бұрын
It's a great game. Sometimes I lose sight of that, but it is.
@Nodnarb59 15 күн бұрын
The release schedule this expansion sucks. Catering to raiders since release was a mistake, its why sub count is dropping. They had the goal of making the Chaotic raid as a way to get more people interested in raiding, but then raid designer said oops got carried away and made it more savage like. If you want to satisfy both sides patch .xx should alternate between them, instead they have catered to the small percent that actually does hardcore content and left everyone else starved until 7.2, its a very dumb decision.
@SILVERONIN216 15 күн бұрын
yes its bad, what low IQ business minded person wants people to take breaks from an online product? You want to make more money to reinvest in the product and to do that you have to keep people invested by providing content on a consistent basis without long delays lol only Yoshi P and his simps are pro losses.
@TheFaitKO 15 күн бұрын
Been in this game since ARR released and the amount of websites and tutorials is so awesome. Thanks for this info.
@NameUnavailable-v3x 15 күн бұрын
I think having thousands of hours in a game, and then saying there is nothing to do, just shows the one with the problem is you. If a game gave me a 1000 hours, it already succeeded in satisfying me. No game is meant to entertain forever. I’m a super new player that has like 10 hours in only, and I can tell it will be worth investing my money and time in this for the next 2 years.
@Rabfour 16 күн бұрын
Welcome back!
@branick567 16 күн бұрын
Omg I love ur au ra ❤❤❤❤
@bnnuybnnuy 16 күн бұрын
a game i'd add to the list, while not the grindiest, is fantasy life i: the girl who steals time. the original on the ds is pretty grindy and you can easily clock 100+ hours on it! one of my favourite games ever
@Bubbins 16 күн бұрын
Gonna be honestly y'all. I've just been off the Destiny 2 train so long I forgot to even include it. But it does have two smaller expansions in Apollo and Behemoth. Also FFXIV is chugging along, but it doesn't have a major expansion this year.
@KippoKupo 16 күн бұрын
I pay a subscription. I want content. Simple as that. I pay to play the game, I pay for the expansions. I should get frequent updates to keep me hooked.
@nekolover17 11 күн бұрын
you paid what they advertised, and have been advertising. idk why you're expecting more than that. if someone told me to pay to get slapped why would i be surprised when i get hit? just stop paying for something you dont like 4head.
@Dreadeyeknight 16 күн бұрын
BL3 is way better if you just turn off the dialogue It's oddly actually kind of relaxing that way too
@shaneh6707 17 күн бұрын
For me I wish it didn't take nearly a year for them to release the post Dawntrail content they hyped up. Where's the relic? This would be perfect to give players something to do in these (what feels like) perpetual dead periods of zero content for non raiders. Where's the new Bozja? Where's the Island Sanctuary in space? Instead its an hours worth of MSQ, a single Hildibrand quest, a dungeon and a beast tribe. That's it? That's supposed to tide us over until what? April? June? I appreciate the sentiment of "don't treat the game like a job" but the whole "play something else" feels like such a cop out to avoid valid criticism of the snails pace content release schedule sometimes. Saying "Play something else" while deleting your house if you're gone too long is also wild (yes I know auto demo is perpetually off anymore, but that's not the point) "Oh go back and do-" I swear to god if I have to do ARR content I'm going to usher in a calamity. I'm so sick of the same 3 buttons lol I have a super cool kit at 100, I want to use it outside of expert roulettes or normal raids. It also feels like SE is taking money from XIV and not putting it back into the game and instead pissing it down the drain on NFT bullshit and games that flop out of the gate. Yet they're still releasing SINGLE CHARACTER ONLY outfits and mounts for 20$+ which is extremely scummy, especially when you remember that they USED to be account wide until they stopped doing that to milk more money out of alt addicts. I love FFXIV. I have 10k hours into this game over almost 5 years. I want to see it succeed but I'm frustrated with it. It can be better, way better. Edit to add: FFXIV is my first and only MMO.
@SemekiIzuio 17 күн бұрын
Idk I just look at the Challenge Log and Achievements tab and see all the content I can get through while handling life on the side. Im not touching DT considering its lack luster opinions and its only been a few months so naturally there is nothing in there. But anyway, are excited for MONSTER HUNTER WILDS!?!? Hell yeah! FFXIV can rot for all I care, its over.
@IEgOImkAwx 17 күн бұрын
FFXIV is not maintaining their older playerbase at the moment very well. Most of my casual FC does not login anymore since about a month of DT release, but we've all been playing for like 3-6+ years on and off. Eventually you reach a point where you've done things that you want to do, and don't care about... doing stuff like all the yellow quests? Etc. I think the healthiest way for an MMO to move forward is to consistently add content that makes the wider base of paying players to want to continue paying. Right now SE is not doing this. FFXIV's competition is honestly kind of blowing them out of the water at the moment in this respect, and it's really unfortunate. FFXIV's team needs to recalibrate their dev pipeline because this DT cadence is bad.
@Ripcraze 13 күн бұрын
Played since 1.0 here, Dawntrail made me finally quit, had some breaks before during each expansion, but this time I have no desire to return unless they completely change up the entire game next expansion.
@Rabfour 17 күн бұрын
Well said sir! 👏🏽
@InnocenceAVX 18 күн бұрын
You're wrong here because you simply don't pay a monthly sub just to get told to play something else after 1 week. Games that ask you for monthly payment need to reach a baseline of quality and quantity when it comes to content. XIV is not doing that. The main problem why people are burned out is that the "new" content is not new and simply the same formulaic stuff reskinned. The amount of reskinned assets in this game is insane.
@starofaetherius 18 күн бұрын
nice to see someone who actually shares my same opinion for once. the discourse, as usual, is getting super toxic over very little lol. this game was a breath of fresh air after i left destiny and ESO, some of yall dont realize how much *non hardcore* content there is in this game. its not as geared towards it as people think, i feel like.
@AM_Lurking 18 күн бұрын
I appreciate the breaks between content. It's given me time to work on leveling all my jobs, work on alts, as well as just catching up on content I otherwise never would have gotten to. I feel like FFXIV just has so much variety that it's hard to really be bored with the game, if anything, I hit an issue of decision paralysis.
@BlazeBuds 18 күн бұрын
The lack of content issue people use is a joke, there is so much to do in this game, so much old content and achievements already take months. My issue is the story is rubbish these days. SB was average, ShB was really good, since then its been average at best
@ecchidragon8038 18 күн бұрын
I've played for thousands of hours... And I _just_ started leveling Blue Mage. And I like the fact that I can relax and do side-content without feeling the need to rush to catch up with the MSQ too...
@treeby28 18 күн бұрын
My first MMO was WoW. It got to a point where the grind was real, if you weren't on every day trying to keep up, you would get left behind. It got to a point were I would jump on and I didn't know what to do. I have been playing FFXIV for over 4 years now. I am so in love with the story, the play style and the community. It is so nice to hear someone's opinion not be so angry about the content currently out. My friends and I are caught up on the story and the new quests but that allows us to work on some things we might not have been able to before. We are working on getting mounts from endwalker, trying the criterion dungeons and overall achievement hunting (some of those ARR crafting and gathering extremes are something else). There is soooo much to do in this game even when there isn't new content. And it is fun to try and play some other games in the meantime, especially when on maintenance our fc will play some Jackbox. But love that your commentary is very level headed. You're awesome!
@Aitherea 18 күн бұрын
I love seeing videos like this! I personally adore content lulls because they give me the opportunity to try other games. If not for that, I'd probably find it really difficult to step away from XIV. I have been playing for about 5 years now and I still havent even unlocked every job! I just play when I want to and dont when I dont. The community can be really exhausting with the negativity and criticism, so it's great to see a more down to earth perspective c:
@Bubbins 18 күн бұрын
Yeah! I've only been around since Endwalker so I haven't been through as many cycles but I never feel like I can't take a break
@MrCarlWax 11 күн бұрын
"I love seeing videos like this! I personally adore content lulls because they give me the opportunity to try other games. If not for that, I'd probably find it really difficult to step away from XIV." " I just play when I want to and dont when I dont. " Imagine needing the game to tell you to stop playing.
@Aitherea 11 күн бұрын
@@MrCarlWax " The community can be really exhausting with the negativity and criticism" - Imagine living up to that statement!
@MrCarlWax 10 күн бұрын
@@Aitherea It's exhausting having valid criticism over the direction of a game you love being dishonestly phrased as just "negativity and exhausting" and people coming into the conversation with silly comments like: "I like that the game lacks content because I lack self-control." Just to shut down the conversation. More content wouldn't harm you, but it would benefit people who want it. Unless you admit that you have 0 self-control? I mean what would you do if they removed all the "moisture" from your Au'Ra? You'd probably get quite upset, making a few videos about it. :)
@Aoi-mirror 18 күн бұрын
For those of us who enjoyed the game for friends and connections it's terrible. Our friends leave, then we come back at different times, and no friends, and now it's just a multiplayer game not an 'MMO'. Things are worse than they used to be. The stuff left in the game, is press X brain dead junk. Where is the battle content. Doesn't matter now even if there is. LOTS of people have left. Like 'everyone' I knew who wasn't ultimate. I only know one person who did savage who doesn't do ultimate.
@Zeastria 18 күн бұрын
I quit my FFXIV sub - mainly bc of lack of content, im not paying monthy sub to a game that gives me (maybe) 2hr of content every 8-10months.. as an casual player NONE OF THE content given was FOR ME!...it's only for hardcore players..