@norbertsos4894 3 минут бұрын
Cool video, it would be interesting if you could do a video maybe including the amplifiers and systems of de rader it self!
@puciohenzap891 Сағат бұрын
Probably all 160 IQ + guys designs 😅
@mathiasbage1725 2 сағат бұрын
I've seen an old swedish optoelectric tape reader that could read 3000 octets per second.
@stighenningjohansen 4 сағат бұрын
At the time it was operating, people listened to Radio Luxemburg on the AM band, then this started to fuck around, and was known as the woodpecker, And it was known that it emitted 32 bit digital signals and used the backreflection to calculate where a target was at..
@jozsefkovecses3461 5 сағат бұрын
Haszontalan baromság, amit feleslegesen építettek és rengeteg pénzt költöttek el rá.
@buriedbits6027 7 сағат бұрын
I don’t even know what to say. 😢
Сложить "пазл" и получится, что катастрофа на Чернобыльской АЭС это диверсия для выведения из строя объекта Дуга.
@rahulsolorider9440 14 сағат бұрын
Still neat and clean
@SRN42069 15 сағат бұрын
I'm so glad you are saving all these computers! They deserved to be preserved
@andrejrockshox 15 сағат бұрын
did USA have anything like Duga radar?
@treelineresearch3387 16 сағат бұрын
That must have been such a surreal and bittersweet experience for engineer George, seeing "his" finely made systems in a state of derelict abandonment. The lifecycle of facility scale tech is so short that the people that make it will probably outlive their creation by at least 2 or 3 fold, but the material is so valuable it's almost never abandoned in place and left to the elements for long. Wonder if Uncle Sam had anything to do with those pencil cores showing up in the batch of ferrites. Letting it go on for weeks is much more on the sabotage end of things and would get the perpetrator fired at most companies...in the USSR I'd imagine that "firing" could be a lot more literal.
@dieyo1735 19 сағат бұрын
Do you have information about how the RF system works in that facility? Regards
@ProfMaximillianArturo Күн бұрын
Like if you actually visited the site as a tourist (I was there in 2017) 👇
@treasureplanet9082 Күн бұрын
I still want to load up the antenna array for contest weekend on 20m. 😅
@chnppPripyat Күн бұрын
Прекрасна робота і матеріал. Як то кажуть, це вам не за бордюри взимку триматись, коли слизько під ногами :)
@ChernobylFamily Күн бұрын
@buriedbits6027 Күн бұрын
These older machines have really nice looking motherboards 13:19 I love that yellow board. It’s so cool looking.
@ChernobylFamily Күн бұрын
Glad you liked!
@buriedbits6027 Күн бұрын
I am out here in Poland. Man it would be so cool to go there and check out these machines you have. I guess it’s all in a museum?
@ChernobylFamily Күн бұрын
Feel free to come, we can bring you to a couple of museums with fantastic exhibits here in Kyiv. Ourselves, we do not keep tech, either we donate or sell it.
@buriedbits6027 Күн бұрын
Beautiful panel. Too bad so much of many of these machines were scrapped.
@ChernobylFamily Күн бұрын
Well, nearly all...
@theoriginalrecycler Күн бұрын
Ooh nice can’t wait, but have to go shopping, paused back later
@ChernobylFamily Күн бұрын
Thank you!
@wazza33racer Күн бұрын
Woody woodpecker.............mwahahamwahahmwahaha!
@ChernobylFamily Күн бұрын
@karlpron Күн бұрын
When I see computers like this I am always in awe. Nowadays some programmers have difficulty in grasping pointer to pointer concept, but there were people who not only did much more difficult operations on those computers, but envisioned and designed them.
@ChernobylFamily Күн бұрын
@@karlpron well said
@karlpron Күн бұрын
@@ChernobylFamily I would like to try to program machine like this even if in the emulator. Have you ever thought of making one? Maybe some open source project? I feel I'm not the only one who would gladly help. I know documentation is scarce and hard to get.
@ChernobylFamily Күн бұрын
@@karlpron thank you. We need to think about this, but see, there is very little what is possible to do. There exist some time diagrams of some operations, but that is probably all. Though, if we look from another angle: we have known architecture and specs of components, moduli used and a control panel, purpose of controls of which is mostly decoded. Theoretically, this might be sufficient to make a 'simulator inspired by', but we ourselves will not be able to do it, because after all we are historians, not programmers. What do you think? The question is, what we are going to process? It is so narrow-purpose thing that I personally do not see a practical use of this experiment apart from a moral satisfaction.
@sairlordmusic Күн бұрын
incredible work. we used to monitor the system and called it the Woodpecker, the noise it made interfered with communications, it crawled up and down the HF (2-30Mhz) shortwave bands. OTHR Over The Horizon Radar in its infancy and ionosounding for propagation calculations. A great credit to all who worked on it in the very early days of digital signal processing.With suitable antennas and transmitters/receivers all of this can be processed in a small desktop box or two Thank you so much for this project. Maybe Chernobils SKALA control systems were upset by high levels of RF EMI/ EMC from the antenna and kaputted Chernobyl well someone could have reversed the phase of the elements so it "pointed" at Chernobil a few km away??
@bobl78 Күн бұрын
It shows once more that Russia was far behind other countries.. in the 80´s these computers were nothing but old junk
@ChernobylFamily Күн бұрын
Yes. Still, given a part of what they are, they are pretty interesting.
@romanbohdanov6644 Күн бұрын
Sorry, but I had similar case with 80486DX2 PC motherboard by "Квазар-Мікро", but scrapped it in 2007 (because it was broken, not functioned)... Such two side riser card with ISA+PCI, so not so compartible with other motherboards as here. Very robust and hard device it was.
@ChernobylFamily Күн бұрын
WOW! Thank you for sharing!
@Jacktherookie_ Күн бұрын
Bell, we got a job to do
@louisseffer8747 Күн бұрын
Looks like an IBM 360 console.
@ChernobylFamily Күн бұрын
More like UNIVAC or that kind of stuff.
@jrbeeler4626 Күн бұрын
This reminds me of the Semi-Automated Ground Environment (SAGE) story. SAGE was a network of huge computers that coordinated the air defenses of the US, operating long after its vacuum tube computers were obsolete.
@ChernobylFamily Күн бұрын
Yes, I had the same associations.
@Michael_Hunt Күн бұрын
It's sad that they lied to people about the evacuation being temporary. Hopefully some saw through the lies and saved family heirlooms.
@railgap Күн бұрын
The rocket boys gave the radar boys incorrect data about plumes. The radar guys took it on faith and assumed it was true. It wasn't. They designed an entire gigantic radar system based on those false assumptions. IF ever there was a case for pushing someone out a window it was then.
@wktodd Күн бұрын
Clone of the Toshiba T1000 or T1200?
@ChernobylFamily Күн бұрын
Yes. I also mentioned that. But motherboard was redesigned to fit components available.
@orlin369 2 күн бұрын
I think after wiring it up to arduino, you can play tetris on it! ❤
@ChernobylFamily Күн бұрын
@orlin369 Күн бұрын
@@ChernobylFamily ULN2804A in combination with PCF8574 would be perfect match. Of course good power supply and lots of software. PCF8574 can be also used for the switches. Then you can put some game/contest between viewer and the best program or game will win a switch and lamp indicator. :D I realty like this display.
@SomeGuy_83 2 күн бұрын
A OTHR that required regular frequency changes depending on atmospheric conditions due to changes within the F layers. The interesting part is how the returned signal is processed.
@salonsospain 2 күн бұрын
@salonsospain 2 күн бұрын
@vintobytes 2 күн бұрын
I know I'm late, but you could make a control panel, like add some metal, add buttons and make it be a control panel. And after thats done, you could make a diy version of Joker or one of those robots since your robot build was REALLY accurate and amazing looking. Then control the robot using this
@NerdyNEET 2 күн бұрын
Эту машину не стали восстанавливать по простой причине - её элементная база за время разработки, эксплуатации в 1976-1989 годах, и простоя до 1998-го успела устареть несколько раз подряд. Компьютеры на индивидуальных транзисторах - писк моды средины 1950-х годов. После появились толстоплёночные и тонкоплёночные гибридные микросборки, после первые микросхемы с единичными И/ИЛИ элементами, после серия К155 со сложной логикой, после микропроцессоры вроде КР580ВМ80, КР1810ВМ86, КА1847ВМ286, и т.д. Каждое решение обходило предыдущее буквально на поколение. Тем временем, этот K340A с исторической точки зрения может и интересен, но с практической... Когда есть своё государство, и его нужно защищать здесь и сейчас от вполне реальных противников - то ни в какие ворота. По сути уже на начало 80-х эту машину можно было сдать на металлолом, заменив комнату со шкафами на компьютер размером с чемодан. Вообще, компьютеры немного теряют свой шарм - если почитать книжки о том как работают АЛУ, шины адреса/данных, декодер инструкций, и т.д. Понимаешь что оно не такое уж и волшебное - сейчас можно свои дизайны собрать на FPGA, экспериментировать, и т.д. Будь документация и код - то и этот K340A можно было бы набросать в проектик, и запустить. И даже использовать для обороны, по назначению. :)
@fastcross 2 күн бұрын
The powerful airflow serves to keep the inside of the disk clean. It also created a flow under the read / write heads. The heads had an aerodynamic shape. The airflow generated by the fan and that generated by the strong rotation of the disk, kept the heads raised a few microns from the surface of the disk. If the filter was dirty and the airflow was not sufficient the heads "landed" on the disk and you had to throw everything away. I have repaired many copies in the original version. Control data corporation. They were spectacular. We called them "washing machines".. hello from Italy🇮🇹.
@ChernobylFamily 2 күн бұрын
Thank you!)
@arunasaini8421 2 күн бұрын
@ChernobylFamily 2 күн бұрын
Sort of!
@Paclik 2 күн бұрын
The Soviet HAARP
@ChernobylFamily 2 күн бұрын
In some technical aspects, they are the same.
@ArifKamaruzaman 2 күн бұрын
imagine back then, they have today's technology. This video, is amazing. 👍👍👍
@ChernobylFamily 2 күн бұрын
Frankly, I'm glad they did not :)
@Geeky907 2 күн бұрын
I've always wondered about the electronics that attached to the duga array... If possible can you explain how the RF portions of the array worked? .. like what equipment existed between the array and the computer. - Thanks for the great video!
@ChernobylFamily 2 күн бұрын
Apart from empty racks nothing remained of those; though some information is available. We will summarize that in future episodes about Duga.
@webluke 2 күн бұрын
I've seen some videos looking at the antenna array, but it's cool to see some of the history of the computer that processed the signal data. I worked at a company that created a simulator of the reactor at Chornobyl, and the owner added a lot of information on the history of that project. It's too bad Chornobyl has caused so much fear of using modern nuclear power with fail-safe designs. We need nuclear power plants if we ever want to reduce the burning of hydrocarbon.
@derekchristenson5711 2 күн бұрын
What a strange, fascinating machine! Hopefully, some day you will find more complete documentation surviving somewhere public. Since you mentioned patents, I wonder if the patent filings would have any useful information on how such computers operated? Or, is that part already publicly available elsewhere? Sometimes, patent documents are sufficiently detailed to yield useful clues to the thinking behind the devices they patented. I've never had a reason to request such documentation myself, but I know that others have done so for research purposes. In any case, good luck with your research!
@ChernobylFamily 2 күн бұрын
One of our Patrons checked in the U.S. patent office, and actually found a lot of patents Yuditsky and Akushsky mentioned. They are public. See, it is generally possible to understand how this thing operated, the problem is, this machine is so narrow-specialized, that still, there is no practical outcome even if we imagine rebuilding it completely. It is valuable solely in historical scope. Unfortunately, many things we will never know as all that is in Moscow, in NIIDAR.
@derekchristenson5711 Күн бұрын
@@ChernobylFamily Ah, that makes sense. Good to know that someone checked to see what could be learned that way, though. 🙂 I look forward to more content on this unusual machine in the future!
@dand.5555 2 күн бұрын
But can it play Crysis?
@ChernobylFamily 2 күн бұрын
No, only Doom. Literally.
@mikedjames 2 күн бұрын
I can remember at Philips Semiconductors there was research into using Residue Number Systems for DSP.. It was dropped because it transforms multiplication into modulus addition of residues.. but made the operation of adding two numbers into a more complex operation than a multiplication in straight binary. That required to decode to binary, add and then re encode into RNS form.
@ChernobylFamily 2 күн бұрын
mmm are you sure problem was not in _division_ which indeed requires a conversion to binary? RSC appeared as a solution of making multiplication equally simple as adding.
@alonecoder600 6 сағат бұрын
​@@ChernobylFamilyI saw Yuditsky's book about residual classes. Division takes half of it. Without converting to binary. The convertion is easy though, by means of tables.
@TechneMoira 2 күн бұрын
Too bad I can't lay my hands on one of those rack cards with transistors... it would be nice to analyze one from close up, although I suspect very little actual information could be "distilled" from a single card .... but as you say, the war changed the situation. Let's hope for a positive outcome in the near future Slava Ukraini
@ChernobylFamily 2 күн бұрын
There is schematics for some of those cards, and given that they are one-layer two-side PCBs with only very huge elements it is very easy to see what they are doing. Mostly those are things like small amplifiers, very basic decoders, resistor assemblies, etc.
@Ghost_Swe 2 күн бұрын
Super interesting! So they felt it was ineffective, still they used it for a long time poluting hf-bands with the woodpecker interference all over the world. I remember we used to put out short fast "dit's" with a cw-keyer radioequipment on our local radio club with around 1.5 Kw output and a big yagi antenna pointed towards it, just to interfere back hahahaha
@ChernobylFamily 2 күн бұрын
Thank you for sharing!
@mattt198654321 2 күн бұрын
@mattt198654321 2 күн бұрын
@ChernobylFamily 2 күн бұрын
Thank you!
@MrAnon-q1o 2 күн бұрын
Great channel
@ChernobylFamily 2 күн бұрын
Thank you!