Channel Goals for 2025
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One Day in the GCACW
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Op Sheets #1 - The TCS Chronicles
@zakdickerson4185 Күн бұрын
Thanks for all the great content! I’ve caught the WiF bug and am dying to play now. I don’t have anyone who is willing to play with me though so it’ll have to be solo. When you play WiF solo, do you have any process you use to randomize the powers’ actions? Or do you just play all sides equally?
@patrickols Күн бұрын
I just don’t have the room to play this game.
@richardchampion4826 Күн бұрын
Can't wait for your videos on this series of games, your BCS videos are the best!
@nordicmaelstrom4714 2 күн бұрын
Excellent idea for a series. I just bought into the series myself at the end of last year. I have Stonewall Jackson's Way and Here Come the Rebels from Avalon Hill and Thunder on the Mississippi. I had a blast with the game so far and will be playing a lot of it this year. I plan to try and find some of the pricey games in the series this year.
@jeroenkoopman3368 2 күн бұрын
Awesome news! Looking forward to seeing you play these fantastic games. My favorite gaming system.
@strelnikoff1632 2 күн бұрын
big fan of the series like you. Man! That is a project you've taken on. Look forward to monitoring the progress.
@Justegarde 2 күн бұрын
Maneuver Reserve sounds like what Fresh status in BCS is heavily king of abstracting
@douglas9521 2 күн бұрын
I was watching this and suddenly thought, "I recognise that colour scheme!" Have you got David Glantz's Stalingrad books on your shelf?
@thetabletopsedge 2 күн бұрын
Your eyes do not deceive you! I do indeed have Glantz's Stlaingrad series on my shelf. I also have his Barbarossa Derailed series (which are the light blue books immediately to the left of Stalingrad volume 1), along with several other of his works. In fact, I think that entire shelf is almost all Glantz books. There's a cool little story involving Glantz's Stalingrad trilogy and the upcoming BCS game "Inflection Point" that I'll relate when I do some video content on it.
@oddmartinsolem6717 2 күн бұрын
@tucsonbandit 2 күн бұрын
you play the best games of any channel
@steelepartridge6954 2 күн бұрын
Really excited for this one
@Socialdogma 3 күн бұрын
You are such a great teacher and educator of game systems. Thanks for your contribution to the hobby. I wish I could play and learn a new game with you.
@thetabletopsedge 2 күн бұрын
Thank you very much! I wanted to give a little something back to the hobby when I started this channel, and it's nice to see that it's happening. It makes want to redouble my efforts to turn out good content moving forward.
@juliancate7089 3 күн бұрын
Well, I made it through all 25 videos over the course of a couple of weeks. I realize you don't need my thoughts on the game, but I'd like to share them. Firstly, the thoroughness and excellence in presentation is evident throughout which made getting this far much more pleasant than it would otherwise have been, so thanks. As for the game itself, I found some elements that I liked and I thought were well done, but overall, I think the games flaws outweigh it's good aspects. This game repeatedly reminded me of Avalon Hill's "Third Reich". It's better than "Third Reich" in so many ways, but retains all of that game's basic flaws. The chief complaint is that each turn simply represents too much time. While the game allows multiple phases in a turn, given all the exaggerated obstacles and exceptional dice that must be rolled, it's virtually impossible to accomplish what the various powers did in an equal amount of time. By exaggerated obstacles, I mean weather, terrain, and movement points, all of which seem excessively limiting. Another flaw that, in my opinion breaks the game, is the combat resolution tables that seem designed to make offensive action indecisive and attritional. I was also dismayed as to why none of the Powers start the 36 scenario with their historical battle order. For example, Germany should start 1936 with 1 panzer corps, 10 infantry corps, 1 fighter unit, 3 bomber units, 1 air transport, the pre-war cruisers, 1 perhaps 2 DD flotillas (depending on how many ships are in a flotilla) and 2 or 3 sub flotillas. I'm not sure how it's possible for any of the Powers to actually build their historical OOBs within the historical time frame. Additionally, the Anschluss should add 3 infantry corps and 1 cavalry division to their strength immediately. I also found some aspects of the diplomatic action rules stilted, rigid, and for the lack of a better word, gamey. There are other minor points that I don't need to include, but all-in-all, I don't think I would enjoy playing this game. I enjoyed watching your play-through/tutorial. Thanks for the outstanding content.
@percyblok6014 3 күн бұрын
The channels magnum opus has been announced!
@przemekbozek 3 күн бұрын
That's a long campaign of campaigns 😀 Looking forward and good luck!
@GinaInCA 3 күн бұрын
Do you like and do you play any of the Blind Swords ACW system?
@iwanhughes2965 3 күн бұрын
Its going to be truly epic! Very much looking forward to it.
@Justegarde 3 күн бұрын
This is the exact idea I had hoped to do on my channel one day (chronological campaign play throughs). Good luck with the 212 turns of Atlanta is Ours 😂
@WARdROBEPlaysWWII 3 күн бұрын
This is one of my 3 main focus systems this year.
@WARdROBEPlaysWWII 3 күн бұрын
Oh boy, you’re taking this on? Awesome. You’ll do this great.
@thetabletopsedge 3 күн бұрын
@keithhenige316 3 күн бұрын
Your Last Blitzkrieg series was first rate. It was essential in helping me learn the BCS system. I’m certain your newest endeavor will be awesome. Thank you for these fabulous videos.
@thetabletopsedge 3 күн бұрын
Thank you for the kind words! Now the hard work begins...
@PatricksTacticsTutorials 3 күн бұрын
Thanks for the shoutout! Good luck on the series!
@thetabletopsedge 3 күн бұрын
@@PatricksTacticsTutorials Love your stuff!
@przemekbozek 2 күн бұрын
@@thetabletopsedge agreed, really helped me to learn GCACW
@adults_talking 3 күн бұрын
ya this sounds like more content ill be looking forward to!
@marknelms8694 3 күн бұрын
So looking forward to this. Loved your Last Blitzkrieg series and am sure I'll love this as well.
@kentnilsson465 3 күн бұрын
I have played GBACW, if you have played that, how do they compare? Is one having slightly "higher" formations(battalions vs Regiments or equivalent?) or are they about the same? And of course, why is GCACW better?
@thetabletopsedge 3 күн бұрын
I do play GBACW (and am eagerly awaiting both the By Swords & Bayonets and Three Days of Gettysburg releases). GCACW and GBACW are radically different systems (as you'll hopefully see when I get this project underway. GCACW has a scale of 1 he = 1 mile, 1 turn = 1 day, and units are mostly divisions and brigades (with a few regiments thrown in) composed of Strength Points equivalent to 500 men. The entirety of most GBACW games consist of a single turn (or less) of GCACW. For various reasons, I find the operational level of the ACW more compelling than the tactical level. GCACW zooms out and gives you the 10,000' view of the war. Maneuver is a huge part of the series. Large scale battles like Gettysburg or Antietam are pretty rare in GCACW games (as they were historically). The series is well suited for solitaire play due to its core mechanisms, and the pace of play (even face-to-face opposed play) is excellent. Most of the games in the series have a really nice selection of scenarios, ranging from the very small, very short (1 turn, even) to the larger campaign scenarios. To top it off, the rules for the system are really pretty simple. Stay tuned, and hopefully I can give you a good look at this series, how it works, and whether it would be something you would be interested in!
@kentnilsson465 2 күн бұрын
@@thetabletopsedge Yes, I have ordered the Gettysburg game as well:) Q: Could a Road to Gettysburg be a prelude to a Three days at Gettysburg game? Given what you just said?
@thetabletopsedge 2 күн бұрын
@@kentnilsson465 It would be tricky, because in Roads to Gettysburg, there's no guarantee that a battle will actually occur at Gettysburg. For all the people who say that Lee was stupid to continue the attack on Day 2 and Day 3 at Gettysburg, GCACW gives them the chance to do something else and see if it would have worked out any better. In fact, they don't even have to march to Gettysburg at all (although the game does provide some incentive to do so). I don't think you could use RTG as a scenario generator for 3DoG, but as a thematic mood setter it should work quite well.
@kentnilsson465 2 күн бұрын
@@thetabletopsedge I was thinking along the line of playing the road to Gettysburg, having the maybe battles in that game as it goes along and then if you end up at Gettysburg, you end up with what you end up with on turn one and I guess move the rest of the forces towards the battle from X direction at X time, if possible. Well, just a thought
@Shauneroo 3 күн бұрын
Very much looking forward to this series. Thanks for taking the time, and putting so much thought into what you do.
@robertdelaney4332 3 күн бұрын
I am looking forward to this. I have not played a game in this series. If you present this in the Last Blitzkreig format, I will be here until the end and probably buy games in the series. Your LB series is why own Arracourt and Brazen Chariots. Can't wait.
@Moty-s9x 4 күн бұрын
This is all game? Or you have more tutorials but i dont know what types of parts turns how to play
@mikaelhellstrom131 5 күн бұрын
What camera setup are you using, if I may ask?
@thetabletopsedge 5 күн бұрын
Believe it or not, it is just my iPhone with a small, cheap tripod I picked up on Amazon. I have a bluetooth lapel mic for the sound.
@mikaelhellstrom131 4 күн бұрын
@@thetabletopsedge Awesome! And inspiring! I might do something similar myself! Though I can't afford WIF Deluxe+the DoD3 update atm.
@juliancate7089 5 күн бұрын
I am thoroughly confused. Who did the Germans declare war on??? I don't understand.
@thetabletopsedge 5 күн бұрын
Germany technically declared war on, and invaded (and subsequently conquered) Denmark last turn. However, once the Political Phase is over, no more Political Options are resolved that turn. Declarations of war are considered "reaction" Political Options, meaning they can be done during the WiF portion of the game. This allows players to declare war on countries in any of the impulses of that turn, without giving away their plan ahead of time in the Political Phase (and allowing their opponents time to react before the actual fighting begins). If a DoW is made as a reaction (ie - during the turn, rather than in the Political Phase), it must still be paid for and resolved before the MP can select any other political option in future Political Phases. So what Germany is doing in this turn's political phase is resolving the DoW she made against Denmark last turn. You will see something similar occur on future turns, like when France and the CW declare war on Germany as a reaction to Germany declaring war on the Netherlands. The DoW occurs immediately during game play, but the political costs and effects are resolved in future Political Phases.
@juliancate7089 5 күн бұрын
@@thetabletopsedge Ok, thanks. For some reason, the turn where this took place is not available to me in the play list, so my play list shows episode 13 and then this episode which is 15. I'm sure it would have made sense if I had been able to see episode 14.
@thetabletopsedge 5 күн бұрын
@@juliancate7089 That makes sense. If you look closely at the 7:10 mark, you can see a German unit sitting in Copenhagen. It marched in there in the previous turn when Germany declared war on Denmark. Since Denmark has no ground units that start on map when war is declared (its force pool has only a single Res unit, which doesn't go on map until Denmark's first impulse of the war), the Germans can literally walk into Copenhagen, preventing any Danish units from being placed there, and at the end of the turn conquer Denmark.
@juliancate7089 6 күн бұрын
Why did the Nat. roll first in the air battle? Weren't the Nat.s the defenders in the air battle? Isn't defensive air support considered to be the defender in air battles?
@thetabletopsedge 5 күн бұрын
The Nationalists rolled first because they are the Inactive side. The Republicans are the Active side in the IMPULSE, and that's what determines who rolls first in Air to Air combat. The type of air mission flown has no effect on who rolls first. Just because one side has fighters and the other does not, does not mean they are the "attackers" and the bombers are the "defenders". In this particular situation, an argument could be made that the Nationalists are the attackers, as they are the ones trying to use the airspace above the battle offensively, while the Republican fighters are trying to defend the airspace. There is no "attacker" and "defender" when determining who rolls first only "active" and "inactive". Remember, the "attacker" and "defender" results on the Air to Air CRT refer to who is rolling the dice AT THAT MOMENT. Which means that if the Nationalists rolled an "AA" result, the Nationalist would choose which front aircraft the Republicans had to abort, while if the Republicans rolled an "AA", it means the Republicans would choose the aborted aircraft. If, however, the Nationalists rolled a "DA" result, the Republicans would choose which of their own eligible aircraft would be aborted, and likewise if the Republicans rolled a "DA" the Nationalists would choose. I hope this helps clarify things. Thanks for watching!
@juliancate7089 5 күн бұрын
@@thetabletopsedge "I see", said the blind man. Thanks for digging me out of that hole.
@steelepartridge6954 7 күн бұрын
Looking forward to the coming content!
@flyingbluelion 8 күн бұрын
Your World in Flames content is the best. Seriously. It is like being there with you in the Game Room. Thank You.
@thetabletopsedge 7 күн бұрын
Thank you! Glad you are enjoying it!
@341dom 9 күн бұрын
Glad your back. Looking forward to your videos
@davedangelo533 9 күн бұрын
I would love to see a detailed step by step playthrough of TCS like you did with BCS. It only needs a few turns of a smaller scenario that has a good mix of infantry and armor, that teaches the game AND most importantly the best tactics. One of the reasons I think TCS is lagging is that there has never been a tactical guide like OCS, and there is no content in English on youtube with a detailed playthrough.
@thetabletopsedge 7 күн бұрын
This is one reason why I want to get more TCS content on my channel. I really love the narrative that the games provide, and the best way to demonstrate that is with a detailed playthrough, which also would give me a chance to do a pseudo-tutorial (by giving explanations as I play) and talk about which tactics work and why. The trick will be finding the right game/scenario to best showcase all this. Something like GD'42 would definitely do it, but it is a very large TCS game. Bloody 110 or Objective Schmidt are very old (although still completely compatible with the current rules). Omaha and Black Wednesday are also huge games, but without the opportunities for maneuver for one side that other games offer. The small games like Semper Fi!, Ariete, Goose Green, and Bloody Ridge lack some key element of the system (ie - lack of armor, too short to demonstrate op sheet mechanics, etc.). I'm sure I'll settle on something. And there's nothing saying I can't do some content with one of the smaller games in a tutorial manner, while using one of the larger games to demonstrate the enormous potential of the system.
@davedangelo533 7 күн бұрын
@ I’m about to give Raging Storm a try because it appears to be similar to Canadian Crucible (Allies on defence with copious amounts of arty) but it’s larger and has more armor. What won me over with TCS is how it combines spotting into the combat system. One example is how AT guns are hard to spot vs vehicles. I recently read an account of Ariete division losing seven M13/41s in mere minutes to one British 6pdr they could not see. And they never saw it - it was dug in and well camouflaged. TCS can demonstrate this. This all lines up with my own experience in mech infantry. He who sees the other side first usually wins.
@denisdelarive7753 10 күн бұрын
Fantastic news, never gave up on this channel. Your goals are quite interesting, I believe that expertise is ment to be shared. Looking forward to learning more about games I don't have. Happy new year and may your snake be an inspiration. Thanks for all your content.
@jamescopping8999 10 күн бұрын
Great plans for 2025! I really enjoyed your wiF/Days of Decision combined series and very glad to hear that you are continuing with this. Best wishes for 2025.
@RvTWargames 11 күн бұрын
You're videos, particularly your playthrough-tutorials, are very high calibre. I'd love to see something similar to your excellent playthroughs of BCS Last Blitzkrieg. Obviously, I hear your video editing pains 🙄 ... and your game review pains! But thoughtful game reviews will be most welcome. And in addition to the secondary market, there is the shelves of shame of enthusiastically purchased games that never quite made it on to the gaming table. Will you review against a set criteria, perhaps adjusted by scale of the game: strategic, operational, tactical. Anyhow, good to know you're refocusing your efforts.
@thetabletopsedge 10 күн бұрын
Thank you for your support! I consider 4 criteria when reviewing games: Components, Game Play, Historical Accuracy/Theme, and Replayability. I rate the game in each area on a scale from 1-20, with Game Play being 1-40, then combine the scores into an overall grade on a 1-100 scale. Here's the video where I discuss my review format in greater detail:
@RvTWargames 10 күн бұрын
@thetabletopsedge, very elegant. I'll check out the video this evening
@MatthijsKrul-t9d 11 күн бұрын
So cool to hear from you again! I was a little afraid the channel might be dead. Your WiF playthrough and tutorials plus the recent series by The Bunker has led me to buy physical copies of WiF:CE and DoD3 myself (and to Berlin that was about $300!). I've been having a fantastic time soloing the game myself despite not really having the space for it,and have been posting AARs on Bluesky. I'd really love to see any playthrough content you can make, especially the grand strategic scale stuff I love ❤
@McCainenl 11 күн бұрын
Oh I meant to post that under this account but even so 😅
@thetabletopsedge 10 күн бұрын
@@McCainenl Glad you are enjoying the game! Wenn Sie in Berlin wohnen, seh bitte diese Website an: Sie hat eine Auflistung von WiF-spielern, die in der Nähe sein können.
@Justegarde 11 күн бұрын
Your 2025 goals list looks a lot like mine! I’m working my way through the Der Weltkrieg Caucasus front right now, looking forward to seeing content on the east front. Also more BAR is 👍🏻
@thetabletopsedge 10 күн бұрын
I really enjoyed your DW videos on Kut and Romania! I was hoping to play DW at the upcoming Winterfest, but have instead found myself in a game of GTS: Utah Beach. I'll be campaigning amongst the other players at WF for a 7-player DW Grand Campaign at next year's event. So we'll see what happens. I won't be waiting that long, though, in any event to play some DW. In addition to channel content, I'm planning on some smaller games locally this year.
@Moty-s9x 11 күн бұрын
Good luck bro❤
@iangb2000 11 күн бұрын
In the rules, zones of control are defined as being the occupied hex, plus - usually but not always - the adjacent hexes. Therefore I am not sure you are right in the video when saying that the notional unit ‘plus one’ applies if there is a unit adjacent to the invasion space, but not if the invasion space is occupied. Isn’t it plus one in both of these cases, since in both cases the invasion space is in the ZoC of a unit? This would make more sense to me than your interpretation.
@dancing3874 11 күн бұрын
Your BCS Last Blitzkrieg was the best wargame playthrough I've ever seen. It clearly took a huge amount of time and effort. It convinced me to try the system and eased me through the learning process.
@thetabletopsedge 10 күн бұрын
Excellent! That was exactly the goal I had for the series. So glad you found it helpful!
@michaeloberly6129 11 күн бұрын
Looking forward to anything that you do, no matter the frequency. Your videos are amazing, and you cover the games I’m interested in. That’s a great stack on your table. All the best to you in 2025.
@Shauneroo 12 күн бұрын
Great to see you back. I hope this year is free of problems for you. Very much hoping for some GOSS and BAR content (as I play both of those myself), but I always enjoy your playthroughs whatever the game. I love the detail you go into, and your Last Blitzkrieg playthrough is my favourite on KZbin. I bought Panzers Last Stand because of it and found BCS to be a fantastic system. All the best.
@thetabletopsedge 11 күн бұрын
Thank you very much! I'm really glad to hear you are enjoying PLS and the BCS. The upcoming "Inflection Point" should be another great addition to the series. The July battle in the Don bend is often overlooked, but it is an excellent situation to showcase the strengths of BCS, while also shedding more light on an interesting phase of the war in the East. The Chir river battles that are also included in the game will provide a nice comparison and contrast to the capabilities of both sides between the summer and winter of 1942.
@przemekbozek 12 күн бұрын
Good luck😁
@RobAshcroft1944 12 күн бұрын
Good to hear from you Doug. I’m currently doing a complete rerun of your Last Blitzkrieg series and it remains my favourite KZbin series and favourite game! I’ve recently started OCS and have really enjoyed Tunisia ll, Luzon and Reluctant Enemies so far, but BCS is still top! Would love to see you do some more BCS playthrough at some point. All the best
@thetabletopsedge 11 күн бұрын
Thanks for the kind words! LB has killed any other operational Bulge games for me. BCS is a wonderfully innovative system that combines a deeply engaging gaming experience with relatively simple mechanics (once you wrap your head around them). So glad to hear you are enjoying OCS. If you ever get up the courage to try some East Front OCS, Smolensk is an excellent game to start with. It's only a single map and gives both sides opportunities to attack and defend. I'm eagerly awaiting my copy of Forgotten Battles. While it's larger than Smolensk, it is still readily available, so I'm hoping it might make for a good introduction to East Front OCS for the uninitiated.
@RobAshcroft1944 7 күн бұрын
Thanks Doug. I have Smolensk and it will be my introduction to East Front OCS when I get there. Also have TTW and Crimea. And The Forgotten Battles on preorder. And more importantly, Inflection Point on preorder!
@thetabletopsedge 5 күн бұрын
@@RobAshcroft1944 Smolensk is an excellent introduction to Ostfront OCS. Not only will both sides have to attack and defend at various points in the game, but you'll also get an understanding of how Extenders work, and how best to use/protect them. I'm looking forward to IP's release. It should be a nice, reasonably sized BCS game that again, will see both sides attacking and defending. I will definitely be doing some content on it when its released.
@Dell999950 12 күн бұрын
I really like your WIF playthrough but any of those other games on the table would be great!
@gregorycampagna8138 12 күн бұрын
Really looking forward to DW Eastern Front and any GCACW content Thanks
@pynoz3855 12 күн бұрын
I’d really like to see a BAR playthrough, something similar to The Last Blitzkrieg series of videos. Great channel! Greetings from Italy.
@thetabletopsedge 11 күн бұрын
If you haven't seen them already, Justegarde's channel has posted some nice BAR content in the past month. They are more AAR's than playthroughs, but I found his videos informative and interesting. There are some BAR playthroughs on KZbin, but mostly of Lobositz (which I don't currently own), so I will probably do a playthrough of something like Prague.
@pynoz3855 11 күн бұрын
@ Thank you!
@Justegarde 11 күн бұрын
@@thetabletopsedgeThank you! Good luck with Prague. That game is huge! Would be a massive solo undertaking.
@thetabletopsedge 10 күн бұрын
@@Justegarde Go big or go home, they say! 😁 I'll make a final determination when I have time to dive deep into Prague. I don't think there's much in the of playthroughs of it out there, and I like to try to create content for games that aren't very well represented. Of course, there may well be a very good reason why there isn't much on Prague so far. However, Prague isn't as large as Last Blitzkrieg or WiF, so I'm game to give it try.