Radlands Update: In Memoriam
21 күн бұрын
UoR Update: Confession
21 күн бұрын
Radlands PSA: Living Document?
@m.coppens6234 8 сағат бұрын
Ah, this is the other camp with a forbidden "extra-step self-restore" junk, just like Incinerator. On BGG, the designer wrote the ruling for Incinerator was actually the ruling for another camp that had not yet been previewed: so I carefully conclude that these are the only 2 camps that the ruling applies to, but maybe I'm jumping to conclusions here. I'm interested to see what the community think of the ruling. Science lab can do it all, except for damaging a camp. Very versatile, just like the Scientist that so many people seem to like. I more and more think I might stop camp-drafting, to avoid auto-picks and auto-culls (in my last game, I already dealt 2 camps randomly to each player, and then draft 1 more camp out of 4 camp-cards). You say you yourself would almost always pick this camp: have you thought about (or experimented with) no camp-drafting, esp. when you play with the expansion?
@universityofradlands Сағат бұрын
First I'm going to apologize for the confusion by calling that an extra step during our incinerator conversation. I guess you didn't read my reply after that. So again, my apologies if I still haven't cleared up why this interaction is the way it is. I've never drafted camps before. I've always been pretty satisfied drawing six then picking three. The only variants I've played are with my brother. Sometimes we would pick one of our six to give the opponent then you still pick the other two, or just give one of your six randomly to the opponent and still pick two from the five that are left. I may have to try drafting at some point down the road once I've played the expansion a good amount.
@jldeorogarcia 8 сағат бұрын
Hello!! Maybe that camp that synergizes with this one allows you to see the top card?? I cannot wait to see more of these leaks!!
@universityofradlands Сағат бұрын
I can't wait either. Most of these are still a surprise to me when I see them because I've forgotten most of them 😂
@brianbetancourt4844 14 сағат бұрын
This seems fantastic. With Mulcher or Rescue team. Just a ton of synergies
@stefanopaolini6117 18 сағат бұрын
This seems kinda op
@universityofradlands 17 сағат бұрын
I think it's good. I don't remember it being overwhelming during playtesting. 2 water to spam it every turn doesn't leave a lot of resources to do much else. But we could be wrong when it releases to the masses for their games 😂 Thank you for watching and commenting. I really appreciate it 😊
@matthiasspiller-becker7207 19 сағат бұрын
Awesome upgrade imo. Really like it!
@universityofradlands 19 сағат бұрын
Me too. I think it's more fun than the original. Thank you for watching and also commenting. I really appreciate the support 😊
@matthiasspiller-becker7207 19 сағат бұрын
Dangerous camp if you are the start player with one water. I think it's rather thrilling to start the game like that. I'd probably be too afraid to use it regularly. On the other hand I like obelisk which is not giving much more and then gone for good. I like it more than the old version.
@universityofradlands 19 сағат бұрын
I like it a bit more as well. It still requires at least one restore to get it going but if you can keep it upright it's way less than the other cannon in the long run. This does invoke a little bit of obelisk vibes as well. If it survives then awesome, if not at least you got two cards from it. I appreciate you watching and commenting. Thank you 😊
@cjlister8508 Күн бұрын
As someone who also doesn't really like camps that self-damage, if day this is certainly an improvement
@universityofradlands 19 сағат бұрын
Agreed. Thanks for watching and commenting. I really appreciate it 😊
@rafiweiss3915 2 күн бұрын
Small note; you mention that Reactor wouldn't combo with Memorial if it only destroyed the opponent's people. But since it destroys itself, that should count for Memorial's condition, no?
@universityofradlands 2 күн бұрын
Good point, you are correct. So reactor combos all the way! Thank you for pointing that out. Appreciate the interaction (and correction 😅). Thank you ☺️
@rafiweiss3915 2 күн бұрын
@@universityofradlands Thank you for all the helpful videos! I probably shouldn't watch em because I want to be surprised when me or my opponent finds a cool combo, but I am impatient and just want more RADLANDS! :)
@universityofradlands 2 күн бұрын
There are a lot of cool combos that I can't go over since a lot of the new camps haven't been shown off yet. No worries. I'm also impatient so we are in the same boat there 🤣
@m.coppens6234 3 күн бұрын
You commented on the artwork on this card: I especially like the window above the entrance-door, and the reflection in all its glass squares. That's one hell of a nice touch, it really lifts the artwork to a higher level.
@cjlister8508 3 күн бұрын
MORE PUNSK! Im looking forward to how this expansion is trying to get more punks into play as I find I don't currently use them much.
@universityofradlands 3 күн бұрын
Agreed. It's awesome seeing areas underutilized in the original camps explored more in the expansion.
@rafiweiss3915 4 күн бұрын
If you combine Construction Yard and Juggernaut, can fire off Juggernaut double as fast by moving someone behind it with CY and then move it using its own movement ability?
@universityofradlands 4 күн бұрын
No, you can move people behind other people but not camps. Juggernaut has to move forward with its ability first before people can be played or moved behind it. Great question though.
@rafiweiss3915 3 күн бұрын
@@universityofradlands so say on a previous turn I moved Juggernaut so that it was in the second row and there’s a person behind it but no one in front of it (in row one). What about now? Can I move someone from another column behind the person in the Juggernaut’s original camp position to effectively bump JG up? Apologies you were getting at that with your answer but I just want to be sure of this particular scenario.
@rafiweiss3915 3 күн бұрын
@@universityofradlands I suppose you have answered it already, reading your reply again…
@rafiweiss3915 3 күн бұрын
The FAQ seems on CY might technically allow for this, though I can’t recall what JG faq is. CY FAQ: “This can be used on your people or enemies, even if they are protected. It can place them in any column that has space, and can push them in front or behind a person already in that column.”
@universityofradlands 3 күн бұрын
Juggernaut's ability is what is letting it move up. People would not be able to move it. People can slide other people up when played behind but not camps.
@rafiweiss3915 4 күн бұрын
Not sure I understood your suggested synergy with Construction Yard and Oasis. You can play people cheaply in front of oasis but is there truly a big benefit to spending one water to move them out of the way to pay one less water to play someone?
@universityofradlands 4 күн бұрын
I never said it was a good synergy 😅. Just throwing ideas out there. It is the same cost to move a person for one water and then play a one water person for free as it is just to pay for the person. Thanks for watching and commenting (and calling me out 🤣). I really appreciate it. ☺️
@coyotemoon722 4 күн бұрын
Yeah I'm not a fan of using the same art/name for a different card. It robs both cards of their identity. The old Construction Yard had a very unique ability. Now when we talk about these cards we have to qualify them with an "old" or "new" prefix. Not a huge deal but it just feels off to call that Construction Yard when we're all used to what Construction Yard does.
@universityofradlands 4 күн бұрын
I understand this sentiment. I think the reasoning for this is that it allowed the designer to throw in more camps (especially designs he found more interesting than the original design) for the expansion. With the restriction of having to fit everything in the original box this gives players more new camps to play with by removing some older ones and still having it fit. Thanks for watching and commenting. I appreciate it ☺️
@coyotemoon722 3 күн бұрын
@@universityofradlands That reasoning is flawed because the number of camps is the same if you "replace" them with cards with the same art or if you create new cards to replace them featuring different names and art. I really don't understand what the designer was thinking except maybe he really liked the art and wanted it to stick around.
@universityofradlands 3 күн бұрын
Sometimes what publishers ask for don't make sense. Maybe it would have been easier to say take out whatever ten camps you want or maybe it's easier to say these are the ten camps we recommend replacing and leaving it the same name and art makes it easier to know what to swap out. I'm sure Daniel would have loved to just add as much in as he could have. This let's him add more but still be in the restrictions the publisher had in place
@universityofradlands 4 күн бұрын
***Note that people cannot swap places. You are placing the person in an empty spot. You can use the normal playing people rules and move other people up if you want to place the moved person behind them for protection.***
@matthiasspiller-becker7207 5 күн бұрын
First time i truly understood omen clock *facepalm*. I've got the German Version. Sometimes I think the English is more clear.
@universityofradlands 4 күн бұрын
My mind was blown too when I realized that omen clock can move your opponents events as well. He was playing a game with my niece and she wanted to advance his event. Crazy stuff. I should probably do a video on it probably. Thank you for watching and commenting. Much appreciated ☺️
@matthiasspiller-becker7207 4 күн бұрын
@@universityofradlands Yes, exactly! I'm playing a lot of board games, not too high level but I enjoy games like Spirit Island and related stuff. But man, rarely had I have to re-read cards so often. It's all on there. But it needs to sink in. Loving the game maybe just for that a little more
@universityofradlands 4 күн бұрын
Loving this game as well. The expansion is only going to make me love it more 🥰 it's really good.
@cjlister8508 6 күн бұрын
Unique ability. I like how this expansion is adding new ideas like this.
@universityofradlands 6 күн бұрын
So many great ideas in Cult of Chrome. It really ups the replayability of the game, which is saying something because it already had pretty good replayability. Thank you for the comment. I really appreciate you watching and interacting ☺️
@cubictony 6 күн бұрын
Question: How will Holdout work here, will he still cost 0 water with a camp-less column?
@universityofradlands 6 күн бұрын
Great question and great observation. I didn't even think to mention this. Holdout would cost two water in a campless column. He is only 0 cost when played in front of destroyed camps. No destroyed camp so no discount. That is a small drawback for the ability of the card. Thanks for the question and watching. I really appreciate the interaction. ☺️
@cubictony 6 күн бұрын
@@universityofradlands So, technically, it would be economically wise to play him BEFORE I activate Mining Camp to get rid of the destroyed camp. Nice.
@universityofradlands 6 күн бұрын
Another fun interaction is that mining camp would remove your pillbox discounts. So not a good combo for your camps but a good way to disrupt the opponents pillbox.
@XtraKargo 6 күн бұрын
This was my first thought as well. Thanks for answering the question.😊
@matthiasspiller-becker7207 6 күн бұрын
Thanks for your very nice videos and dedication to the game! Wow: what a great camp! I'd even accept a 0 card draw value on such a card. Sniper or others in this position...oh boy!
@universityofradlands 6 күн бұрын
This is a fun way. I really enjoy the camps like this and juggernaut that stretch the premise and design space of the game. Thank you for watching and commenting as well. I really appreciate it 😊
@cubictony 7 күн бұрын
I felt that the art could be more "blood red" like Adrenaline Lab or Juggernaut because to me this card comes out as terrifying based on its ability. However, I respect the artists' choice and it's no big deal. Perhaps such color schemes are reserved for the more frightening camps to come.
@universityofradlands 7 күн бұрын
The art does seem more colorful in a way this go round. A bit more cartoonish? Part of that might be that the silhouettes seem to have more character to me as well. I agree some red in the background would have been a bit more menacing though. Thanks for commenting. Really appreciate your interactions with the videos ☺️
@cjlister8508 7 күн бұрын
Love the sound of this one. A tricky one to get as I find I rarely have 6 people, but when you do an instant camp destroy is very powerful.
@universityofradlands 7 күн бұрын
Your opponent should be working to destroy your people anyway. Definitely a tricky requirement to satisfy but a fun puzzle to solve. Thanks for watching and commenting ☺️
@davidcroghan170 7 күн бұрын
very cool card @TroyPeiffer nailed the math. With the water refund in the case the card gets turned into a punk seams pretty low risk. Cant believe we have over 30 more cards to find out about!
@universityofradlands 7 күн бұрын
Exciting stuff for sure. Lots of camps and combos to explore when this drops.
@TroyPeiffer 7 күн бұрын
This is a very interesting camp, one that provides some fun RNG. One correction, though, is that you said that there is slightly less than 1/3 chance of drawing an injure and having the lobotomy be unsuccessful. That would be true if you were pulling only one card from the deck. Given that we are pulling three cards, we have to do some math. In order for the lobotomy to be successful, we have to pull three non-injure junks. What are the chances of that? Well, in a vacuum, since there are twenty injure junks, the first card pulled has a 46/66 chance of not being an injure. Assuming that is not an injure junk, the next card has a 45/ 65 chance of not being an injure, and again assuming that card is not an injure, the third card has a 44/64 chance. We then have to multiply those probabilities to arrive at our probability of pulling three non-injure junks from the deck. So, 46/66 x 45/65 x 44/64 = 91,080/274,560, or 33.17% chance of pulling three non-injure junks. Therefore, the chances of a successful lobotomy (i.e., getting the restore of the person) are roughly 1 in 3. 2/3 of the time you will pull an injure junk.
@universityofradlands 7 күн бұрын
Thank you for the clarification. That's some good mathing right there. There will be two types of lobotomizer players: those who do the math and those who don't 🤣 Thanks for watching and commenting. I really appreciate all the interaction you provide to the channel. Thank you ☺️
@TroyPeiffer 7 күн бұрын
@@universityofradlands knowing the math on this camp is important because if you try to restore a 3 or 4 water person, 2/3 of the time you will lose that person. Pretty risky.
@universityofradlands 7 күн бұрын
Agreed. Probably not worth the risk for one of the named people. Everybody else is fair game.
@cubictony 7 күн бұрын
Great math, and this is assuming that the deck is still 66 cards thick, cards will be depleted as early as camp selection, and card abilities such as Interrogation and Scientist to consider. Radlands is starting to feel like a poker game.
@cjlister8508 8 күн бұрын
This one looks very interesting. There's nothing like this in the base game. A bit of a "risk/reward" situation.
@universityofradlands 8 күн бұрын
It does add tension/suspense in a good way. In playtesting the card was worded to flip one over at a time instead of three at once and that made it a real nail biter by the third card 🤣. Thanks for watching and commenting. I really appreciate it. ☺️
@cjlister8508 8 күн бұрын
@@universityofradlands ooh yeah I think I'd play it like that
@universityofradlands 8 күн бұрын
Just keep in mind three cards are always discarded. So even if the first card is an injure symbol two more still need to be discarded.
@cubictony 8 күн бұрын
I imagine a possible scenario where an opponent plans to activate Bounty Office but you got Lobotomizer and managed to punkify your person.
@universityofradlands 8 күн бұрын
That would be a great counter. I'm sure the bounty office player wouldn't be overly excited to see this across the table 😂. You'd be fighting on the inside hoping it whiffs or restores, neither is a good outcome for your strategy.
@happiness7474 8 күн бұрын
I like it
@universityofradlands 8 күн бұрын
It's a fun one for sure. Thanks Ms for watching and commenting. Much appreciated ☺️
@coyotemoon722 8 күн бұрын
This one looks fun and truly rad
@universityofradlands 8 күн бұрын
Cult of Chrome: bringing the rad back to Radlands. 😄
@cubictony 9 күн бұрын
Wait, 1:58 So persons destroyed by other camps will still let Laser Tower do damage? Based on the description, I thought Laser Tower will be the one destroying the persons? Update: I read it again, wording is quite weird, but I think I got it. I thought that Laser Camp will be the one to do the destroying. But it's more of "If you destroy two persons in this column, do damage." Is that right? So Laser Tower can't inflict damage? I hope you can demonstrate how this works in play, cuz this one is confusing me.
@universityofradlands 9 күн бұрын
This one is a tad confusing. You can always do the two damage. You don't have to destroy anybody to use it. So if the lane does not have a person in it then you get a damage for two water. If there is a person(s) in that lane then they are destroyed and then you get to deal the damage. So what I'm suggesting is if you have a person in front of laser tower and you know they are going to get destroyed from activating laser tower you might as well have another camp destroy them first and get more value from them than just being fodder for laser tower. Hope this helped to clear the card up a bit. Thanks for watching and commenting. Much appreciated. ☺️
@cubictony 9 күн бұрын
Okay, this card really tested my English comprehension. In conclusion, it's like Railgun mixed with a deadly "Magnus Karv". (I hope this somewhat makes sense to you) If there are no people in the column, well that's great, just deal damage just like Railgun. But if there are people, they will be discarded, and then deal damage like Railgun. Apologies for the repetition.
@universityofradlands 9 күн бұрын
Exactly! Keep in mind it only destroys the people on your side in front of laser tower. So if nobody is in front, great, two water damage! If people are there, well hopefully their sacrifice helps the greater good. 😄
@cjlister8508 9 күн бұрын
For two water AND destroying your people, this feels like it has too many downsides. Having two cards at the start is good but if I had this camp I doubt I'd use this ability.
@universityofradlands 9 күн бұрын
Agreed. That's why you get two cards for picking it. It's probably not an ability you will use often. But if it was the only camp that I drew from my six camps that dealt damage I would definitely consider it.
@scotstark6204 9 күн бұрын
I think you will have more opportunities than you think to use it. You can keep the lane open (early game) to use it. As your lanes fill up you could do a damage then play a card in front of it. Also you can play a card that the opponent really wants to kill but then they open up Laser Tower for you to use, so they will have a tougher choice. There are cards that let you sacrifice your people to gain abilities, or cards that let you return people to your hand which could open up the lane to do a damage.
@AdmSyfq 9 күн бұрын
This card and Incinerator are my favorite cards so far! +2 draw @ start for this one is really solid too! Thanks UoR!
@universityofradlands 9 күн бұрын
Thanks for watching and commenting. I really appreciate it ☺️
@m.coppens6234 9 күн бұрын
Your video at 2min5sec: I am aware of the v1.2 rules that a card cannot restore ITSELF. But that is not the same as your explanation that a card A (i.c. Incinerator) initiating/triggering a restore-action of another card B (i.c. Sniper), cannot be restored: only that other card B (i.c. Sniper) cannot be restored, which is not even relevant when junking card B. That is how I interpret the new rule and I did not even doubt my interpretation until I saw your video here, but I apparently I missed something. With your large Radlands experience and you direct contacts with the designer, I assume you must be correct, but I just don't know where your explanation comes from: is this somewhere in a new FAQ? a new ruling? To be honest, it seems perfectly in line with was ruled before that Sniper can restore Incinerator, so your explanation seems more convoluted and limiting and counter-intuitive and against the general feel of Radlands. Thanks in advance for any clarification, and obviously I REALLY like your videos!
@universityofradlands 9 күн бұрын
I'll see if I can expand this ruling further. If incinerator is damaged then you could junk a sniper from your hand to restore it. This would be considered just junking your sniper and in no relation to incinerator's ability. If you pay for incinerator to use its ability and discard two cards you may use their junk. If one of those junk abilities is a restore you can't target incinerator with it because incinerator is what activated the junk to begin with. Thus it would be a self restore (it takes an extra step to get there) and against the current rules of the game. I hope that difference makes sense. I wanted to bring this interaction up because someone asked Daniel about it on the cards Facebook post. Thanks for watching and commenting. I really appreciate it. ☺️ Don't hesitate to ask any other questions.
@m.coppens6234 9 күн бұрын
Ah, so the designer gave this extra ruling on Facebook. That's actually not a ruling, but a whole new rule, to be honest: self-restore for me strictly refers/referred to the card that actually has the restore-symbol printed upon it, not to any "upstream" triggering card. Given the importance that the designer attaches to simplicity, his ruling here really amazes me, you write yourself "it takes an extra step to get there", any extra step decreases simplicity... At present, I won't apply this ruling, I don't see the added value, and actually it takes away a combo-possibility: but there are still more previews to come, so maybe there are other new camps that justify the extra ruling. Thanks for having clarified!
@universityofradlands 7 күн бұрын
'Extra step' was probably a poor choice of words on my part for my reply to the initial comment. The junk is not an extra step but a part of the ability that you are paying for with incinerator. Pay the cost. Then discard two cards. Then use the junk abilities on those cards if you want. Do the damage. No steps, just following the card text. Since the camp is what initiated the junks to begin with and the camp is what triggered the restore (if that is one of the symbols you are choosing to use) you can't select the the camp to restore itself because of the no self restore ruling. I don't think it's a new rule or extra ruling. Hope this clears it up a bit
@XtraKargo 10 күн бұрын
One of a couple abilities that you can't junk is damage or destroy. This almost feels like getting a bonus junk effect as a damage. I think this camp is awesome!
@ryanmay6460 10 күн бұрын
So when you are utilizing this camp effect are you dealing the damage immediately after junking the cards? Or can you junk one card. Play another card, deal a damage with a character already out on the board. Then junk the second card and say well I junked two cards now I’ll deal a damage with the camp?
@universityofradlands 10 күн бұрын
Card abilities need to be finished before moving on to other things. When you pay for this card you have to discard two cards from your hand. Then use their junk symbols if you want. Then you deal the damage. All of that is done before you can pay and do other things on other cards. Great question. Thanks for watching and commenting. I really appreciate it 😊
@genmaverick117 10 күн бұрын
Great card. I see even more reasons why Bounty Office is 3 cost now.
@universityofradlands 10 күн бұрын
This also pairs really well with Ridgetop. Activate Ridgetop. Everything is unprotected. Then activate this. Discard to injure junks and use them to hit whatever people you want. Then use the damage from incinerator to hit a camp or another person. Good stuff. Thanks for watching! Really appreciate it 😊
@coyotemoon722 10 күн бұрын
Hey I'm glad you brought up the parenthetical text. On people cards, parenthetical text is ignored when they are damaged, correct? It's difficult to find the answer to this in the core rulebook.
@universityofradlands 10 күн бұрын
Correct. Just like abilities on people their traits also turn off when they are damaged. This is described on page 6 of the rulebook under card trait.
@coyotemoon722 10 күн бұрын
Your explanation for the reasons Command Post and Training Camp are getting adjusted/replaced are at odds with each other. You said the former is being adjusted because it's going to be too strong in the new punk-heavy meta, and you said Training Camp is going away because it was weak without a lot of punks in the previous meta. I think the reason Training Camp is leaving is because it is already pretty good and in a punk-heavy meta 2.0 could be overpowered. I am sad to see that one go, and would've preferred it dropped down to 0 cards. Worked amazingly with Arcade.
@universityofradlands 10 күн бұрын
Luckily you don't have to replace anything you don't want too. I'm just guessing why things are being replaced. During play testing I would discuss things with the designer but everything is his decision and reasoning so I know some thinking behind most of his decisions. But you are right, they are at odds for the reasoning I gave. Thanks for watching and commenting. I really appreciate it 😊
@coyotemoon722 10 күн бұрын
Feels like this should have been a 0 card camp. It's super strong
@universityofradlands 10 күн бұрын
When playtesting and debating costs for things it isn't just based on the power of the card but how often you might use the ability that needs to be taken into consideration as well. Cards that you will use a lot are more likely to be zero. Medium use is one, and not as often is probably two. Even though this is strong you probably aren't using it a lot during the game because of it's cost and you need to be somewhat set up to really take advantage of it. Thanks for commenting and watching. I really appreciate it. ☺️
@XtraKargo 10 күн бұрын
Oh my! Like a Catapult/Sniper cost. But typically worth it.
@universityofradlands 10 күн бұрын
Hitting what you want when you want is a great feeling that's for sure 😄 Thanks for watching and commenting. I really appreciate it ☺️
@FreeLancerdu29 11 күн бұрын
3:05 Yes ! I didn’t think about combining the camp with "injure" to hit a strong enemy character that your opponent over protects.
@universityofradlands 10 күн бұрын
Yup, nothing and no one is safe! 😁 Thanks for watching and commenting. Much appreciated ☺️
@cjlister8508 11 күн бұрын
Another great sounding card. I can see aome great use from that. I dont think ive ever played a game before that has had that event used either. Going to have to keep and eye out for that one next time I play.
@universityofradlands 10 күн бұрын
It's a fun one for sure. Which event have you not used? High ground or strafe? Thanks for watching and commenting. I really appreciate it 😊
@cjlister8508 10 күн бұрын
@@universityofradlands High ground. Don't recall ever drawing that one before. Though to be fair I haven't played a huge number of games.
@universityofradlands 10 күн бұрын
It's an interesting one. Has some good combos. Kind of okay if it just goes off by itself.
@darinherrick9224 11 күн бұрын
I’ll replace a rebalanced replacement. But any cards that are different name or art I’m keeping.
@cjlister8508 11 күн бұрын
Love the sound of this camp. Raiders is in my experience the most consistent way to cause damage, and theres not wnough card that affect the event queue so this is a great addition.
@universityofradlands 11 күн бұрын
Yeah it's a fun one. It gives you a great ability for something you were probably already going to do anyway.
@Isotope36 12 күн бұрын
It’s a great card. My question is, when you’re on the receiving end how do you counter it? I've struggled multiple games against this card and can’t manage to get rid of it. Ended up using radiation to clear the board.
@universityofradlands 11 күн бұрын
All of the named characters can be a bit of a temp slow down for the opponent when played. Hopefully they weren't able to do much else on their turn. You might have to do some injure junks if you don't have enough damage on the board to get to him. If he is protected you should only need three injure/damage to take out his ability. But these cards are meant to be finishers and should be played when your opponent isn't ready to handle it. When you have little to no damage on the board and no hand for junking there probably isn't much you are able to do unless you get a good top deck. It sounds like your opponents are picking the opportune time to play him to the field. Unless you really need to send a raid out with it's junk symbol it might be a good idea to hold onto a banish. They still get one turn to use him but minimal damage done that way. I know this wasn't super helpful but I hope it helped a bit. Luckily this game is easy enough to reset and go again if you have to throw in the towel 😄 Thank you for watching and commenting. I really appreciate it.
@Isotope36 5 күн бұрын
@@universityofradlands Thanks for the reply! which was indeed helpful. I guess getting a better feeling to the overall strategies that make up the game. Choosing camps, raiding, junking, knowing how long things take to set up, keeping options to clear named characters, digging for cards. And yes, games can be quick. I'm following along for cult of chrome, good work.
@universityofradlands 4 күн бұрын
That's the great thing about this game, the more you play the more strategies pop through. I'm still always surprised by interactions three years later 🤣
@kardovaisi4291 12 күн бұрын
Thanks for your wonderful channel, i live i. Iran and the Persian translation had some issues, i didn't know you can use the sniper to hurt any cards.
@universityofradlands 11 күн бұрын
Thank you for watching and commenting. I really appreciate it. Don't hesitate to ask any questions you might have.
@universityofradlands 12 күн бұрын
Hey Punks, wanted to give a heads up that there are a couple of short audio anomalies in a couple of parts of the video. No more than a few seconds each. Not sure what happened and I wanted to apologize and give a warning in advance. Thanks Ms for watching Stay thirsty punks!
@TroyPeiffer 12 күн бұрын
I am really enjoying these preview videos! Keep them coming!
@universityofradlands 12 күн бұрын
Thank you. ☺️ I appreciate you watching.
@ryanmay6460 12 күн бұрын
Three Water! That draft office must be thirsty
@universityofradlands 12 күн бұрын
Those new recruits need their fill!
@stefanopaolini6117 13 күн бұрын
It's not a combo with blood bank on its own, you need something else, otherwise you are just killing 2 people for 1 water...
@universityofradlands 13 күн бұрын
That's a good point. The first water from blood bank is used to pay for power plant (one person down) and then the second water can be used for whatever (second person destroyed). If it helps you reactivate mulgar stang then I'd say two bodies is probably with that 😉 Thanks for the discussion and watching. I really appreciate it.
@timonval3301 13 күн бұрын
this is like broken witch : Scud launcher, and other camps-card that can atack for 1 coint
@timonval3301 13 күн бұрын
why garage? you can only have 1 raid at the same time right?
@universityofradlands 13 күн бұрын
My friend, your Radlands experience is about to get much more interesting. The raiders symbol puts raiders into play AND advances them along the event track (as long as other events aren't in front of it). So power plant would help speed up your raiders if you used garage twice. I'll link my video for the raiders card which explains everything a bit more. kzbin.info/www/bejne/qYfKnWl8iZp_o6csi=hTnhlkQSbHFdFUut Thanks for commenting and watching. I really appreciate it. Don't hesitate to ask any other questions.
@XtraKargo 14 күн бұрын
One of my favorite aspects of the game was the card art. This one really popped as well. And based on the first three camps that have come out I can tell choosing just three is going to be much harder now. 😅
@universityofradlands 14 күн бұрын
The camp art so far has been really good. The art wasn't commissioned yet when playtesting (which makes sense, the cards weren't finished). I'm seeing them for the first time like everyone else and they look really good. And this is just the first three! Lots of exciting stuff still to come.