Why Meditate? ~ Shinzen Young
8 жыл бұрын
"Do Nothing" Meditation ~ Shinzen Young
@babablitz 6 күн бұрын
It is kind of good. One is not worried about things as much. Also sense of contentment. But it is clearly overstated most of the time
@babablitz 6 күн бұрын
It's an achievable thing. It's Not so hard.
@motilalnahata8352 7 күн бұрын
I have panic attack and tension last one year
@manny3031 11 күн бұрын
this technique is extremely psychedelic
@renko9067 15 күн бұрын
This is unbelievably helpful. I've been getting very agitated body sensations, like someone's walking over my grave, on over 50% of the vanishings. I knew it was OK, but despite having other teachers/pointers give me direction, I've not had anyone explain this so perfectly. I hope someone watching this channel can tell Shinzen thanks for me.
@juang4618 16 күн бұрын
Another big difference in the two techniques is the relevant importance of the mind's needing to know. In psychotherapy, the big push is all about understanding what happened and how that has an effect. In Buddhist vippasana practice, the need to know is considered a fundamental hindrance. The logic being that the identified mind is what creates the problem, so it's impossible to alleviate the problem with the instrument which is the source of the problem. Psychotherapy can be an important 1st step towards realization, but ultimately it is just a band aid when surgery is what is needed.
@ecoutetonetre729 22 күн бұрын
If you are asking that question, you are not there. Who’s asking?
@SophyBurgess-n9f 24 күн бұрын
Herman Light
@bhaktimaddalena-nakedlife 28 күн бұрын
What is the point of creating a new self if one meditatse to know the image-free Self?
@bhaktimaddalena-nakedlife 28 күн бұрын
In enlightenment you are super lucid, in dissociation you are not lucid at all. It is tricky for under many aspects they present the same "charateristics": everything is intense or you feel a complete detachment, the mind seems still (!), emotions are absent, there is no awareness of time and space, you can even be relaxed and apparently resilient. Yet, here is the very meanging of these aspects: everything is intense because you are in a "shock" and overwhelmed, you feel detachment for mind is completely disconnected from body and heart, mind seems still but is actually in freeze and incapable of its normal resources, emotions are absent because you are detached from life energies and heart, there is no time and space because you are in freeze, you can look resilient and at peace because you are dead like, it is a cold peace, a dead stillness not a vibrant one. It's a paralysis. If you meditate when you are like this, you will only do worse because you are completely disconnected, you remain spaced out, you are not receptive, you cannot even count on remembrance (for those like me who sometimes enter meditation with the delicious remembrance of God and devotion). You have to start simple: you need body perception and preferably an "Authority" that settles you. You can even do with an object, like it were there for you, looking at you, stilling you. You stay there for a while, see that gradually the freexed part of consciousness melts, a kind of warmth starts returning in the body. At that point you have enough of a margin of safety to be lucid and recognize that: the threat is not now, this is just a mechanism, have compassion (which you could not before because your senses and feelings were cut off). Usually deeper emotion will now start to emerge, usually a feeling of helplessness, grief... that is good, that is what the freeze was protecting and hiding. The heart slowly allows, the mind gets reassurance at feeling the heart.
@beyounglove6278 Ай бұрын
Drop the effort
@dakine4238 Ай бұрын
Mine have been occurring for two years now and I go into yoga postures or dance like states along with vocalizations and etc. I try to stay steal but it shakes me and I feel so much pent up energy.
@xnslrzn Ай бұрын
@mars4315 Ай бұрын
I want to tell all my Christian friends about this
@c7eye Ай бұрын
@SaulMarian-y6h Ай бұрын
@TheWrongCar84 Ай бұрын
This reminds me of dogs that "go crazy," running around, clawing at the ground, etc. after they've just gotten a bath, for instance. As if they releasing some trauma from the bath through these aggressive movements.
@shivadasa Ай бұрын
Shinzen Young is a charlatan. Fake. Not enlightened.
@michaelfinkelstein8380 Ай бұрын
A life of practice!
@Tasmanaut Ай бұрын
the existential terror of it all, when that perception arises. As you said, knowing what needs to be done, being unable to explain it, recognising that you can't physically produce such change in the world, learning to start with what you can effect on a very small level at first, it's disorienting. I'm still not sure about this doctrine of 'stages', to me that is just a perception arising moment to moment depending on the mental activity of the person at the time. It does feel that way but that is recognised feeling. I feel as though it is sometimes 'higher' or 'lower, at times, more or less clear, whilst there is a permanent recognition that remains as a background, as new 'selves' arise and disperse according to what what the body and and mind are doing at the time. I don't know about you but when I am calm, I can almost access these 'stages' at will, if that is even a thing or even possible to explain. There is not complete control over this though, depending upon the circumstance, though I have not really practiced any form of cultivation or followed any path other than direct inquiry. Perhaps this is the value of structured discipline that I have missed out on. The teachings and path laid out by the Buddha are the most systematic and logical that I have come across, though I don't believe they are necessary. If my understanding of the Lotus Sutra is correct, it's a sort of 'primordial' buddha principle that expounds the Dharma throughout all time, space and infinite directions, in all appearances, form, phenomena etc. It can be found in all teachings, paths, beings, things etc. This is truly beautiful and frightening at the same time, for me, as it implies an infinite mystery that cannot be known really, at all, at least not to a human mind. 'How can this be!?' is the feeling, really. Astonishment, and a recognition that an answer to that can never be found. I really do see why some call it 'God' but that is putting the mystery into the smallest conceptual box possible, isn't it really? Just astonishment, terrible beauty. Completely infinite freefall. I have not yet acclimatised over a 15 year period. Sometimes I wish that it were possible to do so, but unfortunately this brain has a form of autism that isn't possible to 'remove' beyond a certain point using any sort of practice. I suspect this isn't a scenario that other awakened beings hear much about, or perhaps think isn't impossible due to the nature of the medical condition. I can attest that is indeed possible, as a walking example, if you can believe that :) So that's how it is to me. Living with it is not always pleasant, often frustrating, sometimes frightening, and at least so far as I have experienced, subject to the conditioning of the body, some of which can't be worked on beyond a certain point.
@Tasmanaut Ай бұрын
What you said at the end of the video just triggered a tremendous insight :O when you said, that you don't know what you are saying as you are speaking sometimes, when giving your greatest teachings, it just happens, as a leaf falling from a tree, that you just have to 'occur'... Suddenly I see the value that Buddhist path, beyond a means to achieve enlightenment. In a certain sense, as described above, it isn't necessary at all, as all beings inherently have the capacity, all of 'this' is already 'enlightenment'. I'm sure that you understand this! However, the above description of a somewhat disoriented, chaotic at times, arising sense of self, moment to moment that occurs for me, IS due to not having followed the Buddhist path. My insight into the nature of 'reincarnation' has always been this, that it occurs moment to moment in this way. I now see the incredible construction that is the Buddhist path. The 'goal' is not enlightenment, as that is inherent, though the path can help a being to 'realise' this and 'awaken' from moment to moment the sense of self. The real value lies in cultivating a discipline of the organism so that WHEN the sense of self arises, each is a well-cultivated 'buddha-self' rather than varying degrees of 'greater' or 'lesser' as I experience at times. This particularly Dharma is indeed a many faceted jewel, this a completely new perspective that had not occurred to me. I saw the continued practice of meditation as pointless. In a sense it is, however, it has value in the way I described. It is exactly like lifting weights, or exercising, if you wish to maintain or build a degree of strength in the body. Not necessary, though you may become unhealthy, and not something that needs to be done to the point of excess, if your goal is not to become a body builder. Some degree of exercise is necessary for health, nothing more, it's simply advised. Just as health is the goal of exercise, mental health and stability is the goal of Buddhist practice, really. It's not really got anything to do with 'enlightenment', though that can occur, and probably does if one practices diligently. I am not likely to enter any formal Buddhist training, but this has helped me to see the need of remaining within my formless living meditation and not become complacent as I previously have. I cannot be among the beautiful roses, lotuses and lilies, I am of the wild flowers. However, I do now see why I may wish to adjust my actions to be more in accordance with this Dharma, so that the flowers that bloom may be more orderly and less erratic. I see now that it is an act of great compassion, really, to the future 'selves' that arise moment to moment. My actions have not been in accordance with this, I have lived an unhealthy lifestyle that has resulted in the 'enlightenment' of today being the suffering of tomorrow, at times. I have not been kind to my self. I suppose this is the realisation of the 8 fold path, something I hadn't previously seen value in. Wow! Seriously! This implies that an infinitude of 'beings' arise within the mind moment to moment, EACH possessing buddha-nature... When the sutras talk of these great gatherings of beings, and the Buddha expounding the Dharma throughout all time, in all directions to all beings etc, whether that is true in a literal sense as described in the scene, it is directly, immediately speaking of THIS that I am trying to describe. The level of wisdom to conceive of such a thing that is so immediately applicable in every moment... Frankly that is insane. Lotuses blossoming, infinite Buddhas within, on and on endlessly, Buddhas at every level, It's just Buddhas all the way down! So indeed, your greatest teachings do occur at times when you don't even know what you are saying. This insight came directly from your words. Impressive! You are indeed a 'cool dude that can do this cool stuff' :) I have not experience that before, a transmission like that. That is some Zen lightening brother! That is completely, completely bizarre, almost supernatural, how those words have aligned with my exact line of inquiry and action recently, as I've attempted to start doing 'the washing up'.
@Tasmanaut Ай бұрын
at least for me, it was a sudden experienced, followed by a gradual, then sudden, then gradual etc, continuously unfurling as lotus, with sudden peaks. Somehow, the initial moment is most important, but also with that, a recognition of it having been there all along, as though a background that is obscured. Sometimes this is experienced as a gradual letting go, sometimes sudden and violent, in which case, it's almost never relaxing but frightening and disorienting, but perhaps that is my conditioning and particular quirk of this body.
@ceeemm1901 Ай бұрын
So, umm, meditation takes away everyones arithmetic skill.....Dang I wish I hadn't wasted so much time learning it all..
@anthonytroia1 9 күн бұрын
Explains my cognitive decline 😔
@rossedwards7560 Ай бұрын
Big love Shinzen. Keep being eccentric please.
@ianmccall1789 Ай бұрын
Thank you Shinzen for everything you do. You are much appreciated and your work will outlive you 100-fold!
@IntuitArt-rb4br Ай бұрын
Indeed yes!
@ReinaDido Ай бұрын
Sorry, I understand partly from the context and by looking in google, but does anyone have a more or less precise idea of ​​what "sonicated" means?
@expandcontract Ай бұрын
@ReinaDido Ай бұрын
@@expandcontract Thank you very much!
@harshpal5848 Ай бұрын
Love❤ shinzen😊
@ReinaDido Ай бұрын
It's agonizing trying to understand what Shinzen is saying without subtitles (yet, I think) but I can't stop watching it.
@mriaramos 24 күн бұрын
Try headphones
@ReinaDido 23 күн бұрын
@@mriaramos I'm using headphones!
@geovaniraffaelli4508 14 күн бұрын
I think it's a problem on your end, I've no problem understanding him
@JeffWarrenMeditation Ай бұрын
My love!
@VictorShiryaev Ай бұрын
Thank you, Har-Prakash, for asking all of these questions, and for recording it! This is absolutely brilliant, and Shinzen shares a very inspiring vision, and some details about his bio that were not previously public! Also, thanks for the Part 2 with the memorabilia!
@angelazjamison Ай бұрын
This is truly wonderful. Thank you so much, Har-Prakash, and happy birthday Shinzen.
@GMarkCole Ай бұрын
Thanks for this
@jyoung5256 Ай бұрын
He’s back
@mayanktyagi03 Ай бұрын
So to overcome this void of ego death , Ego goes straight to everything is one pure oneness and for 99% it repeat old pattern of seek more knowledge. Knowledge is dead and we all know this those who are facing DP/DR knows what it is. The pointer that he gave to do positive self image from Void is seems only solution. If you are freaking out then you have to built your own anchor let your mind a flot first (classic dark night of soul) it will jump to void again and again. I have ADHD and i take medicine and for me it really changed my point of view of the void or my reaction to it. Peace to everyone . Void = Everything <3
@Bassywassy20 2 ай бұрын
It's fascinating. I've heard of those who are capable of being in a state of bliss at will. Then they've become addicted sitting in bliss all day thus not going out into society and virtually not making any progress for years. Even neglecting the body.
@FaithBridges-u1c 2 ай бұрын
Shinzen, I don't know how to thank you. Gassho.
@Bassywassy20 2 ай бұрын
I'm not there yet, yet can already relate to a high degree. I've also noticed some of my best moments, talks and successes in life were when 'I' wasn't at the steeringwheel, which makes it kind of paradoxical. I love his vibe, he's so normal in a way, but you can also tell he's not.
@JeanLucConnery 2 ай бұрын
Meandering seems to be the only point, or never getting to the point.
@renko9067 2 ай бұрын
Your videos are gold. Your forthright honesty in your pointing is wonderful. I haven't heard anyone speaking about vanishing. I began experiencing it about 10 months ago. A person would pass me going the other way and they would completely 'disappear.' Slowly I began noticing this when I would look away from an airplane, or a boat, or if a car passed by. Recently, I walked into a home of someone close to me who had passed away, and it was obvious to me that they had never been in there. The vanishing also began to include parts of my body. If I can't see my lower leg, for example, there may be no concept that it's there. These perceptive veneers are so thin, subtle, but when they begin to peel away the change is amazing. Thank you for this video. It clarified a lot for me 🙏
@webspecific 2 ай бұрын
I wonder if the terms father and mother have always been used in Buddhist teachings. Or is this post-Freud. A psychotherapist once said to me, the schizophrenic believes the left hand side of his/her body belongs to the father and the right hand side belongs to the mother, and the problem is that there is no center. Another strange idea from a prominent poet, the text set on the left hand margin is male, and the right hand margin is female. .... .... interesting but the terms "father" and "mother" and "male" and "female" are so fraught with cultural craziness how can they still be in use. You'll note I didn't use questions marks.
@amberocc907 2 ай бұрын
This was amazing. I found this video because I had a twinflame spontaneous awakening (meeting my coinsiousness in another body) and it kind of broke down my ego and I was told about the do-nothing meditation . I love this explanation ❤
@renko9067 2 ай бұрын
Your pointing is amazing. I realize not everybody connects with certain pointings at a given time, but after listening to this video, I went into the bathtub and focussed on my sensations and the mental image of my body and I belly laughed for quite some time. Amazing how space and time just become unknowable. I've been unbinding for a little while now, and this video and its instructions are just a joy.
@Bassywassy20 2 ай бұрын
He seems to have trouble wording what its for. Also calling it not meditating makes it feel like you do this for a side-experience or that its some non-basic practice. Id say the absolute opposite. We humans are so pro-active that learning to go on standby mode is probably THE most valuable thing to learn. We just cannot truly surrender, this meditation does that by stopping to fight anything you experience. It is the state we should always be in when not actively making choices or doing something. Also, he says that if you experience unpleasantness from it that it is ok to go do something else. I disagree. You can even overcome that by accepting the unpleasantness as another thing that is supposed to happen. Actually anything that happens is supposed to happen when you do this, and if you stop fighting the mind you'll reach relaxation eventually. Of course the time frame in which is thebproblem, but that is another problem of the mind. As a last note, this is the perfrct state of mind the subconscious or higher guidance gets the space to talk to us. Most of the time our minds are so pro-active (even when it comes to asking for guidance) that our higher mind can't get a word in. The higher mind tries to call a phone thats already calling i.e. it doesn't work. Allowing everything will allow a lot of nonsense, but also guidance to come forth depending on the amount of silence in that moment.
@BobK-k4n 2 ай бұрын
Wonderful. Gassho
@sinisaknezevic4022 2 ай бұрын
In which chapter of the book does it talk about kriyas?
@Tilda_87 2 ай бұрын
Beautiful. Thank you
@KigenEkeson 2 ай бұрын
Hi Shinzen, Was the explanation of the last three pictures something that my teacher told you? I never heard him say this in a teisho that I can recall. Really wonderful and helpful. Thanks for sharing!!
@Zonaskiosk1 2 ай бұрын
@dakine4238 2 ай бұрын
What about kundalini awakening and experiencing kriyas? Can this process be sped up? I didn't seek it.
@anybody606 3 ай бұрын
I think I've had 18000 traps so far.... keep it real, being a freshman for the rest of your life is the only way.
@ReinaDido 3 ай бұрын
The video is one hour old and the comments are ten years old. Mr Innuendo, if you have a club of intelligent people who listen to Satie and travel back in time, speak up now.
@AnhTuPhucDerrickHoangCanada 3 ай бұрын
waterr the breathe rather than cussing