@sungvin Күн бұрын
He says that he puts twice the amount of minimum in filter manipulators to avoid situations where a train would be departing to restock a single stone wall, but he doesn’t put twice the amount? I don’t understand this moment
@LaurencePlays 21 сағат бұрын
I guess I wasn't clear enough - when there's no walls in stock, the signal is -100 because of the combinator. When the train comes to restock the station, it will unload until the signal reaches 100 walls, which means there'll be 200 in the chest (200 walls, -100 from the combinator = 100 on the signal). This is what I meant by having twice the minimum. "I'll set my numbers up so I have twice the minimum" meaning "I'll set the number on the filter inserter such that I get twice the minimum in the chest when it unloads". Does that help? 🙂
@sungvin 21 сағат бұрын
@@LaurencePlays Oh yes, thank you for taking the time to answer. I had given it some thought and figured it out after around 10 minutes, after which I forgot to edit my comment. Your answer is very clear at explaining it! It’s like an integer that goes both in a negative and a positive directions, so you should think from -100 to 100 all the way, giving 200 as a result. 👍 Great video!
@LaurencePlays 12 сағат бұрын
@@sungvin Exactly! Well, I'm glad I explained anyway - if you were confused, I expect other people were too, and perhaps they'll see this explanation!
@level2142 Күн бұрын
it took me 519 hours to win the game with SE+K2 (first playthrough). So far the most fun game I have ever played in my life, I dont feel it was too complex, still nowhere compared to like Pyanodon, but since I can complete the base game in like 4 hours, it was enough challenging. Ive been waiting now almost a year for factorio 2.0 or SE 0.7 to start a new game with it, and now 3 weeks later we have space age, im a little bit afraid to play SE+K2 with space age because I think it is going to ruin the game with these mods, probably most mods wont be compatable with space age. So i dont know what to do know because I want to play this game so much again, but space age is just too big update, and I feel like 0.7 SE is also somewhere close, maybe next year to play with.
@LaurencePlays 21 сағат бұрын
I agree - it's a great mod and feels a lot bigger and more varied than AngelBobs, and perhaps than Py too, although I've not played Py. I think the mods will all need to be updated for 2.0, but I expect most will keep their functionality. I agree though; I'm really looking forward to seeing what Earendel does in the next version of Space Exploration with the 2.0 engine changes. (incidentally, SE 0.7 is now going to be just the updates to make it work with Factorio 2.0, the big new version will be 0.8)
@NegatorUK 6 күн бұрын
Speaking (typing?) for myself, I'm glad you included The Foenestra puzzle in your vids as I would not have wanted to do what was effectively a "puzzle outside the game". The constant flipping between the game and the spreadsheets would have driven me nuts. Spoiling it improved my life tremendously ;-) so many thanks for that.
@LaurencePlays 6 күн бұрын
That's something we discuss later too - how it feels a bit disjointed from the rest of the mod because it felt like we very much solved it outside the game. In an episode to come, when I have more free time to make videos! 🙂
@NegatorUK 6 күн бұрын
@@LaurencePlays Don't forget to ask the lads about doing it with combinators ;-)
@LaurencePlays 6 күн бұрын
@@NegatorUK Hah, yes. Let's make a turing complete computer with combinators and then run Excel on it to solve the Foenestra puzzle! Why didn't we think of that 😀
@NegatorUK 6 күн бұрын
@@LaurencePlays Lol, well if that's the answer, then maybe not ;-) However in your playthrough I noticed there was a tellltale precursor puzzle (purbulator ?) that seemed to present part of the Foenestra puzzle upfront and that when this idea hit me. I will definitely put the purbulator into combinators next time I do SE (although I'm not sure when that will be) and after that see where it takes me. If it's into a brick wall then so be it..... I was half hoping that the trigonometric part of the puzzle could be simplified down into some sort of Set computation. Otherwise I think there was a Lua script combinator mod on the mod-portal a while back, maybe that still exists.
@LaurencePlays 6 күн бұрын
@@NegatorUK Yeah, there's perhaps some overlap between them in some of the concepts, however whilst I was able to solve the easier puzzles in my head, the harder ones (or rather, the ones that required a calculator), I did in a spreadsheet. I guess it would be possible to do them in a system of combinators though... That would be a fun challenge, although the combinators don't support non-integer Maths...
@Vlad_V_V 8 күн бұрын
Thank you very much. I didn’t find an answer in the Russian-speaking community, but I found it here. Everything is fast and clear.
@LaurencePlays 7 күн бұрын
Thanks! It felt like a bit of a gap in the information out there, so making a video about it seemed like the right thing to do 😀
@notsasa7007 8 күн бұрын
Your 0.6 retrospective made me feel like rewatching some of your first time playthrough since I don't remember mine well and it's crazy how simple smelting chains used to be. You don't even need oil for either vulcanite or cryonite!
@LaurencePlays 7 күн бұрын
My memories of 0.5 are a little hazy, but yes - it's definitely got a lot more intertwined since then, which I guess is probably a good thing? We want a challenge, after all! 😀
@user-rl6wr2ny7f 9 күн бұрын
I think a critical event of sorts for the biters would be good. Similar to the CMIs. So a biter event lasting 1-5 mins with biters that are buffed to hell and back. These events could vary in intensity depending on planet. I enjoyed SE. Now over the halfway mark with Seablock. Once I automated ships I brought back most off nauvi materials in a crushed or further processed state. I also did create a 'hub'. The exception being iridium. I was sending rockets full of ingots to the asteroid field for naq crushing and to nauvi for the material science and space cables after using circuits to fix my deadlocks. Normal resources like copper, iron and stone I ended up finding huge patches in a few asteroid belts. These I used in combination with automated ships to top up Norbit and Nauvi. It did feel like a pain trying to source the default resources on Nauvi. Having dedicated areas for different resources helped a lot. Just having to clear 1000s of tiles for a few million iron wasn't enough when there is a 30m patch calling for me in space. I really enjoyed watching your streams and your recaps. Would really like to see you cover the DLC.
@LaurencePlays 7 күн бұрын
That could be interesting (and horrifying!) - an event that triggers every spawned biter to run towards the centre of the factory at the same time! Thanks, I hate it. 😀 We did consider bringing raw materials back to a central processing area, but especially early on in the game the logistics cost felt too high - resources compress down so far when you process them that you can get away with a fraction of the rockets. I think I said it was something like 1/8 the rockets for iridium ingots vs crushed iridium? We had plenty of most of the mundane resources coming from core mining, although we did eventually need to tap a stone planet and an iron planet just to keep the ratios right. Space mining we never really did, apart from methane ice and naquium... I shall definitely be covering Space Age when it comes out! Watch this space (age)!
@ecogreen123 9 күн бұрын
all i can say is: of course there isn't enough throughput when you place multiple core miners on one planet, but understandable as it's not the peak strategy but just a decent one.
@LaurencePlays 9 күн бұрын
I think it could have worked with a single player... And in 0.5 it would have - that's when I had the idea.
@ecogreen123 9 күн бұрын
@@LaurencePlays which in fairness is my usual circumstance, and your working with like 3-4 other people? yea it's understandable that is would definitely not be too viable.
@Klown001 9 күн бұрын
@29:20 from what I've been able to research the "stargate " puzzle is also random each seed so your puzzle final answer is different than others final answer. you guys showing 'how' you figured it out is really a 'nice' how to figure it out and like you said "spoilers" before you explained what you guys did. I liked the series (found it about season 2 or 3) and can't wait to see you guys do SA together if you decide to do it.
@LaurencePlays 7 күн бұрын
That's my understanding as well. So yeah, you couldn't just plug our set of glyphs into your stargate and have it work, however watching my videos could give you some help into the method of working it out. So, it's not a pre-made solution, but it's a guide of the route to follow. I did try to be careful about spoiler warnings 🙂 I will definitely be playing SA when it comes out, that's very high on my list, but I intend to play it solo first - we're likely to do more multiplayer stuff in the future though.
@miendust 9 күн бұрын
What was your SPM that you aimed for?
@shark1820 9 күн бұрын
I second this question.
@LaurencePlays 9 күн бұрын
We didn't really... We had a vague target of about 15 early on, but later it was more of a "buff whatever is slowest and go from there", rather than a specific target. I think science production was all overbuilt, so the limiting factor was always resources.
@galactus414 10 күн бұрын
What are mod are you using for the energy trains?
@LaurencePlays 10 күн бұрын
That's the Space Trains mod. We also have a train trails mod installed, although we later removed it to try to save UPS!
@ConstanceDylan-f5d 13 күн бұрын
Martinez Betty Clark Betty Jackson Laura
@The-Ttk 15 күн бұрын
What if full a train is stuck behind an empty train? In theory , the empty trains won't move (since there is no drop station yet), and the full train can't move even if it's called by a pickup station. Does the mode deal with this scenario or is it just better to stick with (1 train => 1 depot) to avoid "weird" queues ?
@cptcarter1st 15 күн бұрын
Would love to have those ship/arco blueprints for my 3rd run at SE. Never thought of leaving a transporter on a ship to collect arcos... brilliant! Just started my level 1 space sciences again. Going big with everything. This time increasing everything, in space, 10x in size. I skip Nauvis orbit and set up directly at the outer asteroid belt (so much water ice out there and all other resources already there. I do launch full loads of single resources though, to it. It eats a lot of petrol, iron, copper and sand. Thanks for all the suggestions. I do implement a lot of them. Im almost at 5000 hrs. (i have no life) Double plz on those cpl of blueprints in this vid. (I do break-down your blueprints and reverse-learn from them. especially thee circuitry.)
@LaurencePlays 15 күн бұрын
Sounds like you've got a good plan going in here! I suspect if we'd tried to build any bigger, we'd've had such UPS problems, it would have become unplayable! There are lots of blueprints available on my Discord to channel supporters - that's KZbin members, Twitch subscribers and Ko-Fi donators, so they are out there! And I take requests for additional blueprints too. Outer asteroids is possible, I feel that the increase in logistics costs and power complexity probably outweighs the easy ice, but it's certainly an option!
@MrDivinity22 16 күн бұрын
I'd recommend putting local meteor defense into the arcoship, if you're planning to leave it in some asteroid field for extended periods of time. I had some unfortunate incidents with that sort of thing...
@LaurencePlays 15 күн бұрын
That's a very interesting point! I shall pass it on to the ship builders! Thank you.
@level2142 16 күн бұрын
I just transfer all exotic materials from all planets as core fragments straight to Nauvis with these arcolinks, so basicly have only 2 bases which is Nauvis and Nauvis Orbit, on other planets I only have core miners and power to run them. Since core miners never run out of materials, this system can run literally forever. Much easier to manage the logistic system since its just Nauvis and it's Orbit and was easy to upgrade everything to T9 modules and max tier buildings. Cant wait for 0.7 to start a new game, this 500-600 hours was my best run in factorio so far (SE+K2)
@shark1820 16 күн бұрын
How well does this support your output? I'm just at the stage of the game where I'm going to space comfortably and everything is tier 3'd. I'm debating whether to rush spaceships or to go more generalist to get all the nicer recipes and Space Elevator rn, and so my core mining setup could never support my entire production at this stage.
@benjitheengi4447 16 күн бұрын
0.7 is there an update for space exploration coming out? That said i hope to see se updated for factorio 2.0 to take advantage of all the quality of life stuff
@keyofdoornarutorscat 16 күн бұрын
@@benjitheengi4447yes, 0.7 is the next version of SE. it’s a huge one too
@LaurencePlays 15 күн бұрын
That's roughly what we're working towards (or rather, they're working towards) at the moment. Now that we have arcolinks, it's a bit more practical to have systems like that. However, switching all that over will be quite a big process, so they're doing the arcolinks first in order to retire the spaceships. We'll see how far they get, and how many planets are needed for core mining alone to be sufficient.
@LaurencePlays 15 күн бұрын
@@shark1820 Speaking for ourselves, we found that core mining wasn't really sufficient, however that was at least partly because we had 4 players, so we were advancing a lot more quickly. With fewer players, you might find that core mining works for you.
@ZebNiko 16 күн бұрын
Pleasantly surprised the series is continuing!
@LaurencePlays 16 күн бұрын
Yeah, the others have been continuing to work on the factory while I wasn't looking, so there's stuff to talk about. And they're doing new and interesting stuff as well! 😀
@cptcarter1st 15 күн бұрын
@@LaurencePlays Yeah! More SE vids. Maybe a series where you teach an average player to become an advanced player. Adding small tweaks and adjustments, where the average player may benefit. With a lot of "Oh yeah! I see that now. That is better." - kinda quotes in it. OR teach a struggling player to become an average player.
@LaurencePlays 15 күн бұрын
@@cptcarter1st Hah, maybe! I've got the complete beginner series with Jen at the moment, perhaps in time it'll turn into turning an intermediate player into an expert!
@sobhanmozaffari3448 17 күн бұрын
what you should have said about Purple chest was that they are great for disassembling builds and belts and chests that have alot of item on them, this prevents the construction bots from getting all busy carrying resources 1 by 1 from chests or belts and by putting the resources or emptying belts into purple chest you give this job to logistic bots that have bigger inventory and carrying capabilities.
@LaurencePlays 16 күн бұрын
That makes some sense, you could have an isolated deconstruction happen into yellow chests, then replace them with purples so the logibots would tidy up... Or the opposite way round, do the main transfer to green chests. It would require a certain amount more admin effort but I can definitely see it being more efficient. Good point!
@daszzo 21 күн бұрын
Awesome video, thanks, really helped me :D
@LaurencePlays 21 күн бұрын
You're welcome! Thanks for watching. The bots are so useful, you might as well get the most out of them.
@flinxsl 22 күн бұрын
Was there a reason you avoided using single item rockets everywhere? They are overpowered, like teleporters. In K2SE the experimental biomass recipe gives you unlimited oil if you burn just a little bit of nutrient gel, which provides rocket fuel. You can easily make a design to copy/paste in orbit and ground of each new planet that handles receiving supplies and generating rocket fuel.
@LaurencePlays 21 күн бұрын
I'd used them quite a bit in my 0.5 run and found the logistics of getting the rocket parts balanced a bit annoying - that said, I've since got better at Factorio and think it would be a lot less challenging now! The main reason was because that's the "obvious" way of doing things and we'd all done it before so it seemed more interesting to try something different. The same reason we didn't use LTN!
@xenoxaos1 22 күн бұрын
Any chance for a final save file to see how bad I need to upgrade my pc?
@LaurencePlays 22 күн бұрын
Yes - the save file has been made available to channel supporters (that's Twitch subscribers, KZbin members and Ko-Fi donators) through the supporter section of the Discord server. 🙂 There's a load of other stuff in there too including other saves, blueprints, audio versions of the streams etc. And I'll take requests for more bonus supporter content too!
@miendust 22 күн бұрын
The self contained one sounds like me... Not because I need them self contained, but because I like avoiding circuit networks as much as possible
@LaurencePlays 22 күн бұрын
Hah, interesting! I'm much more comfortable with circuit networks and the feedback they can add than I am with setting up an elaborate system like that, but that's what makes the game interesting; you can build to your strengths.
@Shamefulbird 23 күн бұрын
I like space exploration and k2 (but with productivity in space mod (with out fluid dupe))
@LaurencePlays 22 күн бұрын
Hmmm... Adding productivity in space feels like it's undoing a very deliberate decision, and then removes the incentive to do processing steps down on the ground. Not sure that sounds like a good one!
@Shamefulbird 22 күн бұрын
@@LaurencePlays i mean I want to do more stuff in space and why would it be more efficient to make stuff I. Space ? We got orbit for every planet but no one use it I do and I like doing station in space and bringing the material of the planet with space elevators
@Shamefulbird 22 күн бұрын
@@LaurencePlays and like dosh said you can have fun but it’s inefficient
@Shamefulbird 22 күн бұрын
I wanna have fun doing stuff in space that it (do naquitite processing in the asteroid field)
@Shamefulbird 22 күн бұрын
@@LaurencePlays from my point of vue the productivity was removed because of the duplication of data card and thermofluid
@moocowpong1 23 күн бұрын
Is Nullius on y'all's radar? It's in the same vein as Angelbob - particularly Angel's Petrochem, with lots of fluid chemistry and byproducts - but to my eye it has a much more coherent and thoughtful design, especially with regard to byproducts. Byproduct management feels like an intentional challenge with real solutions, instead of the absolute chaos of Angel's Petrochem and the samey-ness and landfill accumulation issues of Space Exploration. Definitely worth giving a look if you haven't!
@donalddorrito 23 күн бұрын
Would 100% watch a Nullius series
@LaurencePlays 22 күн бұрын
I've certainly heard of it, but I don't know much about it. At this point, Space Age is the next thing on my radar, but once I've played that I'll definitely be looking for something else to try (that isn't Pyanodons!), so Nullius might fit nicely!
@Brohl1337 24 күн бұрын
Feels like im watching this video every single time i come back to factorio lmao :D Wanted to like it, but already had
@LaurencePlays 24 күн бұрын
@@Brohl1337 I guess that's why it has so many views! Thank you for coming back 😁
@lakatosjuraj 24 күн бұрын
after SE series here i am starting on the K2SE series, and commenting tom make YT happy. In any case listening along as i work im jelaous because i need to work and cant play.
@LaurencePlays 24 күн бұрын
Commenting and engagement is good, thank you 😀 I'm very happy for you to watch them as a podcast - and if you want even more content, the stream vods are available on my channel as well!
@lakatosjuraj 25 күн бұрын
thanks for the Series, its been quite a journey and i enjoyed it quite a bit. I cannot imagine the amount of effort going into this series.. now im off to watch the K2SE series.
@LaurencePlays 25 күн бұрын
It was indeed a journey! I had a great time with it too, although it's vanishing into the depths of memory at this point. We spent 2 years on K2SE, which seems crazy at this point! Something like 200 videos (and 100 streams), so now I'm doing something a little calmer with a newbie run with one of my friends who's never played it before! She's having fun, I think...
@purrsistent9954 27 күн бұрын
Another easy win for the goat Purrsistent bell.
@LaurencePlays 26 күн бұрын
And by the time anyone actually got hurt, there wasn't time to do any medicking!
@TheWorldPeace 27 күн бұрын
Thank you, you solved so many problems with ltn
@LaurencePlays 27 күн бұрын
Thanks! Very happy to help!
@bwinton 27 күн бұрын
Hi! I'm Blake! 😄 (I've been watching for a while, but am not a supporter, but you had run out of supporters when you were naming people, so added me to the squad…)
@LaurencePlays 27 күн бұрын
Oh yes, of course! I'm very sorry - some time in the last year, I completely forgot! I definitely won't be redoing your character then, since he's a real person. I'll also make sure I remember you exist next time.
@CarlosRuiz1 28 күн бұрын
I want to avoid this happening @ 10:33. Great video, though! Thanks! Can I make a wishlist? :) Would like to see a comprehensive solution that takes into consideration: 1. The 23 second rocket flight times with either clocks, or less elegant solutions like using blue inserters to introduce lag in the construction process. 2. Loading a full rocket with precise stack counts by also taking into consideration the inserter capacities into the sum total. 3. Dealing with high priority items that result in partially filled rockets, by filling the remaining stack slots when this happens.
@LaurencePlays 28 күн бұрын
You could reduce the overflow by controlling the inserters directly, but you'd still get a bit from hand size. You could get round that by telling the stack inserter to stop when it's within 12 of being full, and have another inserter set to a stack size of 1 - this is what Foxxo did with the design I talk through in kzbin.info/www/bejne/eX3Nk6Z6bbl-mdk so you might want to check this one out, it covers a lot of the sort of points you mention!
@thesystemsucks 28 күн бұрын
great tutorial thank you
@LaurencePlays 28 күн бұрын
@nerdgarage Ай бұрын
If in doubt ... more machines, more belts, more arms, and MORE SPAGHETTI !!
@LaurencePlays Ай бұрын
Yeah, she's gradually learning that the way to satisfy high demand is more machines! I do have to remind her from time to time though 😀
@nerdgarage Ай бұрын
Nice to have Jen's audio and video synced finally. And who invited the 'guests' to the game ?
@LaurencePlays Ай бұрын
Yeah, the way I tried it in the first stream or two didn't really work! Seems to be much better now, so I'll keep doing it this way 🙂
@solice55 Ай бұрын
This is a very good primer on common useful things for the circuit network. I'm going to bookmark this and send it to a friend because you present it in a more clear and concise manner than I can.
@LaurencePlays Ай бұрын
Thanks! That's exactly what I was hoping to produce 🙂 I'm starting to think a more advanced sequel is needed, but I'm not sure what to include yet.
@neltisen Ай бұрын
I've just finished researching DSS2 and looking into arcospheres. I've got train based megabasr constructed in orbit and ground connected by space elevator (K2SE playthtough). So far every city block was specialised for 1 thing each. With arcospheres it looks like transporting them via trains and using a central block for balancing them is out of picture. Can't use big balancers in each card block cause each of them would need quite a few spheres to work properly. So my final idea was either making a megablock for all machines using arcospheres or using smaller recipes specificly for blocks they are used in. It would need less arcospheres, allow upbuilding each block seperately, allow to continue using cityblock setup I've been using so far, but have to find a recipe strings for each block. Tristan's way is exactly what I had in mind. Can you share his excel file? I have real hard time figuring out how recipes interact with each other
@LaurencePlays Ай бұрын
I see you've joined the Discord server - that's probably the best way to get a decent answer to this; it's a bit much for a KZbin comment! If you start a conversation in the Factorio channel, I'm sure people will join in!
@HubbardKirk Ай бұрын
Williams Eric Clark John Wilson Frank
@beez1717 Ай бұрын
I keep forgetting the copy and paste functionality! I'm going to have to make my next run based on this and feed everything to the robots through the network! That would make things way easier!
@LaurencePlays Ай бұрын
Copy/paste is one of the most amazing Factorio features! I've been playing Satisfactory recently on stream, and really REALLY missing copy/paste! Oh, and the circuit network 😀
@cxyntus Ай бұрын
Don't know if it's in the stream or just in the yt-video, but there are audio glitches @ 08:30, 23:50, 24:55, 43:18 and 1:48:54. The same glitches are in the previous video.
@LaurencePlays Ай бұрын
You're quite right! I don't know what's causing them, I'm afraid... I haven't noticed that one before. There's a known issue where the capture card suddenly starts delaying all sound by about 10 seconds, but that's not this... I'll see if I can work out what's causing it, but it sounds analogue, and there isn't anything analogue in the chain!
@nerdgarage Ай бұрын
factorissimo is the meatballs for your spaghetti
@LaurencePlays Ай бұрын
I've never used Factorissimo, but I do think it looks interesting. Maybe I'll randomly throw it into whatever modded run I do next!
@nerdgarage Ай бұрын
@@LaurencePlays Factorismo makes for some interesting challenges. Many consider factorissimo to be a cheat because of the 'bigger inside' concept, however there's multiple levels of research, construction cost, and limited means of getting things in and out of the buildings that, imo, keep it balanced. It's fun to play with and presents both interesting possibilities, and interesting challenges.
@LaurencePlays Ай бұрын
@@nerdgarage I agree - I think it looks interesting, I've just never got round to trying it! It feels sort of cheaty, but also like an organisational tool.
@richardhubbard2151 Ай бұрын
This was an excellent tutorial. Straight and to the point! THANKS!
@LaurencePlays Ай бұрын
Thank you! I feel like I should do a followup to this with some more complex circuitry, but I'm not sure what would be useful.
@marchayes6350 Ай бұрын
so i figure out what i was doing wrong. i had to switch accounts to buy the monthly perks. so how do i get the saves and blue prints?
@LaurencePlays Ай бұрын
@@marchayes6350 ah, nice one! I see you've joined the discord, if you're having any issues, message me on there!
@hayzersolar Ай бұрын
Question if I become a member do I get blue prints and saved games?
@LaurencePlays Ай бұрын
Yes - if you become a channel supporter (which means KZbin member, Twitch subscriber or Ko-Fi donator) then you get access to supporter bonus content through the Discord server, which includes blueprints for any of the tutorio videos (and a few others), savegames for the big series and the opportunity to join in supporter gaming sessions. I'm also always interested in ideas for other supporter content, so if you have any ideas, please let me know!
@hayzersolar Ай бұрын
@@LaurencePlays thanks subscribe now
@hayzersolar Ай бұрын
@@LaurencePlays well i have a youtube subscription i pay every month. but i cant buy your subscription it want a card i havent had in years. i change all the info but wouldnt let me join sorry done all i can
@LaurencePlays Ай бұрын
@@hayzersolar That's weird - I can't comment on how KZbin handles payments though, I'm afraid! The other possibility is to subscribe through ko-fi.com/laurenceplays and send me a message on there with your Discord username and I'll add it in manually. That's actually better for me too because Kofi takes a smaller percentage than KZbin.
@0Palay1 Ай бұрын
When i start my ship in space, the ion engine explode... why?
@LaurencePlays Ай бұрын
I've never had that happen, but I've been informed that it can happen if you've got the wrong type of floor under it - make sure you've only used spaceship floor and not scaffolding. Essentially, the engine isn't properly part of the ship!
@0Palay1 Ай бұрын
@@LaurencePlays omg i had not enough floor under the engines... ty so much
@LaurencePlays Ай бұрын
@@0Palay1 You have my brother to thank! I've never seen that problem, but when I posted on my Discord, he knew the answer.
@0Palay1 Ай бұрын
@@LaurencePlays best brother ever <3 i was searching online for so long and thought always theres something wrong with the pipesystem. couldnt fin anything. this problem (or this stupidity from me) seems really rare lol
@noahleveille366 Ай бұрын
Great tutorial dude!!! Managed to finally make it click for me, you know how to layout things in laymen’s terms very well, that’s the mark of an expert educator.
@dogwithswag Ай бұрын
You're an actual savior man. These high quality tutorials are hard to come by sometimes when it comes so smaller games like factorio, so many thanks.
@LaurencePlays Ай бұрын
Thank you! I'm always interested in ideas for more tutorios, so please let me know if you think there's anything else I should cover!
@Samuel-ux8im Ай бұрын
WTF, first tutorial I understood
@LaurencePlays Ай бұрын
Hah, thanks! I like to think I'm reasonably good at explaining things 😀
@cptcarter1st Ай бұрын
Firsties!!! Just starting to watch now.. Thanks in advance.
@cptcarter1st Ай бұрын
Thank you for that session. Was fun watching. Wow. Your base is looking great. With a great teacher too. My first base was crammed together. Thats my input from a player with 4500 hrs of play...... and no life! cant wait for your next episode.
@LaurencePlays Ай бұрын
@@cptcarter1st Thanks for the praise! Yeah, she's doing very well. I'm definitely not being completely hands off with her, as you can see, but trying to give vague hints but basically let her build however she wants. I don't want it to look like just any other base, I want something unusual and different!