1 HOUR of Reddit Stories COMPILATION PART 9
@amydavies8746 47 минут бұрын
Run, you are young and you don't need this in your Life
@jaharamclean6599 2 сағат бұрын
@danielmontenegro8743 3 сағат бұрын
If the story start with 16 Years old...meh
@scaredpaul540 5 сағат бұрын
You are obviously not attracted to him so you rejected him, thats fine...but problem is you didnt reject him like adult, but like some entitled princess (which youre not)...so he took your advice to hearth and he "grow up" and found that he actually doesn't need toxic entitled girl in his life. But you realised you dont have your external validation anymore and thats what youre missing now. You want to go back for only one readon, youre missing attention and validation, leave him be, hes better without you...and grow up OP
@futureheartsherald 6 сағат бұрын
yikes 😬😬
@futureheartsherald 6 сағат бұрын
Damnnnnn.. 💔
@donaldwillis2267 6 сағат бұрын
Don't deal with liars, ever
@ladyweasellou3367 13 сағат бұрын
Not everyone can handle that level of stress. Yes, she chose to be a mom and probably was a good one before the disabled child but she didn't choose to be in that situation. She can't handle it. It's very sad and unfair to her husband and other children. ....but, it's much better that she has come forward and removed herself from the situation so that the entire family can eventually blossom in a positive way in the future because it's not going to happen with her in this state. It's good and it's the best choice honestly. Just so damn sad though.
@LinkofLegend09 14 сағат бұрын
@TLDRStoryteller 17 сағат бұрын
Which story was your favorite?
@jennyjanejacob 17 сағат бұрын
She needed that wake up call. What her husband did was awful.
@jennyjanejacob 17 сағат бұрын
Having an affair with your potential brother-in-law is messed up.
@jennyjanejacob 17 сағат бұрын
This relationship is done. He will do anything for you, including cheating.
@GRUUUUUVY 17 сағат бұрын
Yes, she lied. And yes, it should be a deal breaker. If she is willing to lie about this, she will lie about other things. If you had known, you may not have married her. She likely knew that, which is why she lied.
@abdulqudz89 18 сағат бұрын
it never dawned on her that if you treat someone badly, they'll have no problem making an honest person of you. guess she never counted her blessings.
@ParrotMan01276 19 сағат бұрын
Anyone who comes down on J for being hurt and moving on is the worst take. He moved on, just like she asked. Why would you be friends with someone who called you childish and was so cruel to you? Why would you stay friends with someone who only thinks of themselves. No, it doesn't matter if they're both 16. He took previous rejections just fine, but she went way too far and told him exactly what she thinks of him. She's not a friend, she doesn't like him, and now she doesn't get all of the free attention and validation that he was giving her. That's consequences. That's karma. J's reaction and actions are correct. He deserves someone so much better.
@jordanrapin538 20 сағат бұрын
Divorce she cheated on you
@TLDRStoryteller 20 сағат бұрын
▶️Full story: (continue)... I tried rejecting stuff they offered me and told them they should divide stuff between the two of us. But it never worked. So I'd accept it and share it with my sister. I told my sister I loved her every day and really tried to back her up and support her. I also talked to my parents about how bad it was they treated my sister the way they did but it never had an impact on them. Our parents never changed and it drove us apart. When my sister turned 19, she pulled away from me and then when I asked her why, she told me she hated me, she called me a selfish, spoiled little princess and said she didn't need my pity, (I sent her lots of gifts and she also mentioned me trying to get mom and dad to include her). She said her life would have been better if I had never existed. That her biggest regret was not being an only child. She made it clear that she blamed me for our parents favoritism more than them. That I took her chance to have parents who loved and wanted her. That our parents never called or reached out in any way one time after she went to college. Our relationship didn't end there. But it hurt to have her blame me like she did, to hate me for trying as much as I did. I can admit that I might have gone overboard at times trying to make up for mom and dad. But it was never out of pity. It was out of love. And I still love my sister but I don't see us ever being close again. We rarely see each other. She always made it clear she didn't really want me in her life but she never let me go completely. She got engaged two years ago, I found out from a third party. She had a bunch of bridesmaids chosen and was planning the wedding. I'm pretty certain I wasn't going to be invited. But then she and her best friend had a huge fight and the best friend dropped out of the wedding. She said some stuff that upset my sister and some of it made her reflect on our relationship and so she approached me a week ago and asked me to be her maid of honor. The way she asked me kind of felt like she was still and wanted me to prove myself. It felt like being asked with force. And while she admitted why she was asking, she refused to touch on the strain between us. So I said NO. She walked away from me and did not contact me for 5 days. Then she told me that I was just like our parents rejecting her by saying no to the ‘maid of honor’ role and she hopes I can live with that. So AITA for not accepting?
@RadicalMan69 19 сағат бұрын
Yeah kinda. You reached out and tried to show your sister the love your parents didn't but it was still hard for her to accept it. That child hood trauma stuff can have a lot longer and more devastating effect on people's live than most people realize. If you really wanted to fix the bond with your sister, you should have accepted the role and been part of an important day in Her life and helping bring you guys back together. Yes you are the a hole.
@captaingramcrackergrams5990 20 сағат бұрын
One line that stuck out to me was" seeing if I would fall for him over time" uh Lady, that's typically how dating works does she think it's like in movies and TV shows where you meet the person they ask you out on a date and you're both instantly in love with each other? Because that might work in Hollywood but in real life that's the opposite of how it usually goes 😂
@conormac6293 20 сағат бұрын
BTA, she took his feelings for granted and insulted him when he was opening up to her, but his whole reaction just seems extremely immature, its like hes going so outwardly out of his way to show her how he dosent care about her which just makes it look like he still cares but is bitter.
@Radowid_V_Srogi 21 сағат бұрын
Women ☕️
@canadianintheend 21 сағат бұрын
I would be too! I was a single parent and worked hard for a living. I never wanted my daughter to know that kind of life of being on welfare. I have two beautiful adult girls who also work hard for every thing they own.
@bakayaru001 21 сағат бұрын
Oh man, that's messed up. They betrayed your trust. I would go no contact on them.
@bakayaru001 21 сағат бұрын
His brother literally abandoned his children. Did he really expect a warm welcome from them. I wouldn't even talk to him if I were them.
@AnthonySforza 22 сағат бұрын
Soooo... single women keeping women single. Gonna throw that in with a file of other things I dont know... Like that night is dark and water is wet.
@TLDRStoryteller 22 сағат бұрын
▶️Full story: (continue)... I really missed my wife and it affected my mental health. My wife came back home on my birthday last Thursday, but I was out of town celebrating it with my sibling (31F). When my wife texted me asking me where I was, I told her I would come back on the weekend. I came back home on Sunday feeling extremely happy but my wife says she wished she could have celebrated my birthday with me because she had planned something special. I told her I definitely would from next year but this year, I needed to celebrate it with someone else for my mental health. Was I the AH? Edit: I think people are misunderstanding what I have asked. I did not ask if my wife was wrong in taking the trip. I asked if I was wrong to not celebrate my birthday with her. My wife did go on a solo trip, we were in constant contact and she had a blast there, she had a lot of fun. We FaceTimed each other every night. However, I did miss her badly, and I am thankful my sister got me out of my funk, but in the process, I sort of ghosted my wife. I sent only a couple of texts when she landed home and when she wished me happy birthday. And I barely responded to her texts the next few days and did not pick up any of her calls till I got back home on Sunday. But ever since I've come home, she has been feeling a bit down and I am feeling a bit guilty about it.
@narliehs1648 22 сағат бұрын
Ex FAFO. 🤷 OP shouldn't be ashamed for having emotions, though.
@codyjones8153 23 сағат бұрын
*Where's The Video With The Updates!*
@cohina8476 23 сағат бұрын
I mean, Jesse was breaking up with op’s bro at that time so it wasn’t cheating on her side and she kept her mouth shut because being one’s ap isn’t an achievement at all. Bf was cheating so why would he say anything to op? Brother was the one who intentionally kept it from his sister just for no reason.
@happynightmares4688 18 сағат бұрын
She literally knew he was in relationship. It's scum of the earth behaviour. Not as bad as cheating but enough to never talk to such lowlife. Same with the brother.
@JohnnyM4all 23 сағат бұрын
This girl destroyed the man self esteem and now regrets doing that after he picked his shattered version and rebuilt into a different persona? And now she wants him because he didn't want anything with her anymore? Take your own advice and move on.
@myself-cs5fr Күн бұрын
6 months after buying a car thought had one lady owner, you find out the dealership lied about it really being an ex-rental. Would you be mad?
@pilodrou4213 Күн бұрын
No. If you aren't ready to have a child involved with your life, you aren't ready. It's a very mature move to recognize that, and not put yourself out for someone else's sake. If more people thought like that we'd have alot less unwanted children.
@reconsoldier135 Күн бұрын
Those Boomer parents are morons and they need a dose of reality
@amydavies8746 Күн бұрын
Nta, why would you marry someone that you've never introduced to your child 🤯 that in its self is a giant red flag.
@quintangstun9232 Күн бұрын
There’s an anime with almost the same story as this post a guy keeps confessing to girls he tells him to fuck off and stop being a creep the moment he does suddenly she likes him and is jealous that he talks to other girls and not her.
@theblackbutterfly888 Күн бұрын
The Dreaming Boy Is A Realist.
@quintangstun9232 Күн бұрын
@@theblackbutterfly888 yep the anime is infuriating tbh
@pawel2669 Күн бұрын
Wait, so he doesn’t have a job and can’t take care of the kid?
@uroosakhan2514 Күн бұрын
NTA, the audacity to entitlement is 🙄🙄🙄
@forgedude Күн бұрын
OP needs to watch some Men Red Pill Contnet lol
@kradoste6268 Күн бұрын
The problem here is that if she lied hardcore like that and you didnt even feel it being a lie then my friend you have a professional lier on your hands 😅 and thats scary what else did or does she lie about, I wouldnt be able to sleep at night knowing that
@jennyjanejacob Күн бұрын
That is some weird request, unless they live in the same house, but still, she's an adult, she can make her own food.
@jennyjanejacob Күн бұрын
There's the solution, all they have to do is downsize. Not your problem anymore.
@KiraCornell-ic8bh Күн бұрын
@TLDRStoryteller Күн бұрын
▶️Full story: (continue)... I took a few days to think it over and realized that I’m just not ready for that kind of responsibility. It's not that I have anything against her or her son. It's just that I’m still figuring out my own life. I knew I had to be honest with her, so we met up for coffee. I told her, as gently as I could, that while I think she's amazing, I don’t think I’m ready to be involved with someone who has a child. I explained that it's more about where I am in my own life and less about her or her son. She seemed to understand, but I could tell she was hurt and disappointed. Later, our mutual friend told me that Sarah felt really judged and hurt by my decision. She said it was unfair to dismiss her just because she's a single mom and that I should have given it more of a chance. Now I’m feeling really conflicted. On one hand, I believe it’s better to be upfront about my feelings rather than leading her on. But on the other hand, I hate the idea that I might have made her feel bad about something she can’t control. So AITA for telling Sarah that I won’t date her because she’s a single mother?
@futureheartsherald Күн бұрын
1st help turns to 2nd help and so on. There's no ending once you do it. It doesn't fix the problem. She needs her husband's help, not youra.
@bakayaru001 Күн бұрын
Well, they are not really poor. They can sell off some of their stuff and still live well. They shouldn't bother you who is trying to better your own family. NTA
@byzantiphile7630 Күн бұрын
If you don't bring it up, it'll fester. What she did was wrong. Now, that should be in the context of the happy marriage that you have now, so don't let it blow that up, but you deserve to have that talk with her because she did lie and it was wrong.
@bakayaru001 Күн бұрын
LOL she can pack a lunch herself.
@TLDRStoryteller Күн бұрын
▶️Full story: (continue)... My sister has passed letters to me from them and has been trying for years to get me to agree to meet with them and build a relationship. They keep saying how much it hurts them that I want nothing to do with them. She passes this onto me and tells me how much it hurts her that I won't be a part of this with her because our connection as blood related siblings is huge and now we have more blood related family (her way of putting it). I told her there is no part of me that wants to meet them and nothing I want from them. She told me she knows I have to want answers and I said no, I already know the answers, they were young when they had us and didn't want to be parents at that time. She asked how I knew that and I told her I did listen to her after she met them for the first time. Now I'm getting married and my sister fought for them to be invited. She offered to pay for them to come and told me she would cover all the costs associated with their place on the guest list and I still said no. She called me crying after she had been at their house because they were so upset to be missing it. She said "our bio dad wants to walk you down the aisle" and I told her that's not going to happen and that them being upset wasn't a strong motivator for me. I also warned her that the place we're getting married at has security and we already added them to our package (my fiancé has a couple of family members we need to have monitored in case they get too drunk) and I can easily pass on info about our birth family to keep them out if she tries sneaking them in. My sister said I'm being unreasonable. My parents assured me they support me either way but want me to know I don't need to take my stance for their sake (we had this discussion before too) and they'd be fine with them coming. My sister said if mom and dad don't care I should want my whole family at my wedding and I told her they will be. I don't consider our birth family my family for real. Her reaction was even stronger when the invites were sent out and our birth family didn't get any. AITA?
@jasonrustmann7535 Күн бұрын
He was simping waaaay to hard in the beginning. Men, don't ever treat a woman to well, at least not one you're interested in. It might sound messed up, but you all know it's true.
@user-qc6cn8qy1d Күн бұрын
YTA because it takes so long to grow it out, second isn't it good that she's finding the right products that work on her hair?