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Fan-verse Klingon Patrol Flyby
@MAWSAFGJP-p5b 2 сағат бұрын
I want the Klingons to win, however. A single heavy battle cruiser against a Star Destroyer. (Do not forget how many tie fighters that thing holds.) At least the Klingons will die in glorious battle.
@W1ckedRcL 3 сағат бұрын
Star Destroyer absolutely wipes the Klingon ship without much effort. No question.
@David-jl1pk 3 сағат бұрын
Have to give the edge to the Klingons. They’re more maneuverable plus in the Trek universe deflector shields are at least partially resistant to lasers ( I wouldn’t want to face the Death Star super laser tho😎) and ion cannons wouldn’t be effective against their shields.
@princessofthecape2078 3 сағат бұрын
The simple fact of the matter is that we don't know enough to come to a real conclusion. Yes, characters in the Star Trek universe routinely mock lasers, but we don't really know what a Turbolaser is. It's a stronger version of the energy blast used by fighters, but because both weapons are based on in-universe power measurements, trying to qualify their strength in the real world is difficult. Additionally, turbolasers fire bolts - they are not directed beam weapons like a big laser pointer. They are clearly something different from what we are familiar with as real-life 'lasers.' Moreover, phasers are just modulated laser weapons - that's it. There's nothing particularly special about phasers - they are simply higher energy versions of traditional lasers that can erode shields. Finally, if anyone on the Star Destroyer is force sensitive or trained, the ISD wins by default. Just force choke out the Klingon bridge crew.
@NeroontheGoon 3 сағат бұрын
@davidedens6353 3 сағат бұрын
Answer is the Klingons IF THEY KEEP THE RANGE OPEN
@ironkcirb285 4 сағат бұрын
More glory too your house!
@JeanLucCaptain 4 сағат бұрын
That was SO FKING COOL! I don't care who wins because TODAY IS A GOOD DAY TO DIE!
@Raiden1179 4 сағат бұрын
Star Destroyer would be win.Many Turbolaser (no laser!), Ion canons for the shield and rockets, if shields are down. ;) And don´t forget, Star Destroyer have shields too :D
@mysticwolf2842 5 сағат бұрын
In this case, the star destroyer is greatly outmatched the Klingon is the better ship, and it has better sensors, better weapons , and much better shields. The star destroyer only has turbo lasers and basic weapons, little to no shields. Yeah, they have those tie fighters but those things when they see the level of firepower coming from the Klingons, they will turn tail and run, plus the Klingon has a much higher speed. The klingons would win this fight hands down.
@careycarson7629 5 сағат бұрын
Jerry Goldsmith's Klingon theme is playing in my head.
@gavinlinville9691 5 сағат бұрын
@UltraKryptonian 5 сағат бұрын
Klingons are warriors. So, I’m pretty sure they would win this battle. But, I would have expected the Imperial ship to launch its fighters against the X-wing fighters, then redirected them against the new threat.
@Armory_01 5 сағат бұрын
Screw the Klingons! The Empire can mass produce these bad boys by the hundred! And not to mention turbolaser batteries have both kinetic, thermal, and energy damage on their side, not to mention the TIE bombers, Interceptors, and other assorted point defense. The ISD is a brawler, meant for brutal, close-quarters combat, whilst the Super Cruiser is more of a ranged boi. The ISD has the advantage! It'll pummel that tiny ship into smithereens! FOR THE EMPIRE!
@briantrent1155 6 сағат бұрын
The klingons would be cloaked until ready to fire then go back to being cloaked. It would be interesting to see though. But for some reason im betting on the bird of prey. Even though im A Star Wars fan
@sparc77 6 сағат бұрын
It is just my opinion, but the more a society is focused on personal honor, the more they are likely, when facing a defeat, to take the enemy down with them. Should the star destroyer prove the better ship, the Klingons would more than likely ram it with their engines set to overload and thereby go to the afterlife in glory.
@Brian-pz3wh 6 сағат бұрын
Nice job, looks good, keep it up. On another note not really about this video, but still.... So many of these sci-fi ships are idiotically large, way beyond anything reasonable. A classic instance would be the giant thing that lands on earth in the Movie Independence Day: Resurgence. The writers have no actual grasp of physics in any capacity so they make things impossibly large. If that "mothership" ever actually entered the solar system it's gravitation would disrupt the entire solar system and who knows what would happen, perhaps planets ejected into the cosmos. So, yeah, it really is stupid because it breaks believability and that works opposite the attempts to create realism otherwise. When writing these stories they need to check in with someone with a working actual astrophysicist. They are spending hundreds of millions of dollars to make it realistic and then they do that idiotic shit....
@TEAM-BUB 6 сағат бұрын
Qapla'! ghob tlhInganpu'. wo' QIp!
@TEAM-BUB 6 сағат бұрын
tranlation - Success! The battle goes to the Klingons! The Human Empire SUCKS!
@tomascernak6112 6 сағат бұрын
SD would be smoked the moment its crew did not used brief window of opportunity K't'inga had its shields down. Although some of technology of SW is borderline magic (especially ships speeds), overall they are primitives compared to Star trek technology. Btw. those weapons on "Klingon Super Cruiser" were just real depiction of immense power of ST ships, which was not shown in shows and movies due limitations in VFX.
@eduardoquintana6507 9 сағат бұрын
Klingon warrior looks at the Star Destroyer, fires phasers and says : *QAPLA'* *Darth Vader* on board Star Destroyer chokes *ALL* Klingons to death and says: *I am altering this video. Pray I do not alter it any further...*
@trayolphia5756 9 сағат бұрын
Don’t know where the notion of trek standing any chance against imperial tech comes from. Be it alpha on screen sources, or technical manuals/blueprint books etc… A single turbo laser shot would utterly obliterate the shields of even a Galaxy class ship…the second shot immediately annihilating the ship itself The ONLY possible means the Klingons could win - CLOAKING - as unlike the rare Star Wars cloaks, Star Trek cloaks are not double blind… …cloak…manoeuvre to position themselves behind the bridge tower, then they have at least a fighting chance of knocking out a shield generator dome before the destroyer manages to bring any of its weapons to bear…Klingon ships are also admittedly a bit more manoeuvrable, thus can probably try to keep out of their weapons fields of fire - but to hide from enemg]y weapons is not the Klingon way. Not to mention…there’d be other fighters that can join the fight and are more manoeuvrable than the Klingon ship
@regentmad1037 9 сағат бұрын
frankly damned near any star trek ship could defeat a star destroyer. get inside the shields, take out the gens, beam a proton torpedo into the core. could prob take out a fleet XD. even the feringis would own the empire XD.
@uttula 9 сағат бұрын
Who would prevail? If they’re fighting, Klingons any day, blingfolded and their hands tied. If they’re racing, the Star Destroyer is in the horizon … or other end of the galaxy … before the Klingons even get their engines properly warmped up.
@DeMan59 9 сағат бұрын
From what I understand Star Wars crap ships use lazers and don’t have shields. No fight to be had.
@jimwatson2755 10 сағат бұрын
I would say, based on the power of Klingon weapons and shields, they would prevail
@Comicsluvr 10 сағат бұрын
1) Your production quality is MAD GOOD! 2) The Klingons would not have de-cloaked. 3) The Empire would have lost because they're an army of bureaucrats. The Klingons are WARRIORS!
@chrismaguire3667 14 сағат бұрын
Klingon win - upgraded D-7, more maneuverable, enhanced phasers and disruptors (?), quantum torps (??), better shields and, possibly, a cloaking device that doesn't need removing to fire through (as in ST:TUC), against 'turbo lasers and a wallowing scow like a Star Destroyer. Only way the SDs would win against one Super D-7(tm), would be en-masse. In my humble opinion, of course....
@TheFreakinX 15 сағат бұрын
Sigh.. there's always some trekkie in comments who doesn't understand Star Wars technology. Turbolasers don't shoot lasers. The ISD only takes damage because the captain is cocky and engages with no shields. They go up real fast, along with a full salvo that obliterates the Klingons.
@TheFreakinX 15 сағат бұрын
They're usually the same people who thinks Superman can beat Goku.
@photonicus 16 сағат бұрын
The distraction of tie-fighter squadrons is the only chance for the Imperials.. and I'm not sure it's enough of a chance.
@easyalpha1 16 сағат бұрын
That Klingon battle cruiser looks really fragile..😂😂😂 compaired to the imperial destroyer..
@darkguardian1314 17 сағат бұрын
Locking on us with lasers...😂 JJ has made a mess of both universes. Alex "Mandark" Kurtzman... You too...😂
@wargodsix 18 сағат бұрын
Who knows think star destroyer launch all fighters over wealm the klingons as the star destroyer has more cannons and looking at specs they are a plasma type laser they use gas to power the turbo lasers oh and don’t forget star destroyer has shields as much as I want klingons to win
@EricPoteat-w3q 19 сағат бұрын
Is that the command bridge with all the windows allowing a full view of the interior? Transporter room, beam an armed torpedo into the enemy bridge.
@Texansfan254Jeff 19 сағат бұрын
I would think the Klingon Battlecruiser would have better maneuverability compared to a Star Destroyer.
@christophlade7796 23 сағат бұрын
Nice, but why are the Star Destroyers Shields offline and the Turbo Lasers only on Training Modus?
@wadebaker8481 Күн бұрын
be' chenmoHtaHvIS joH'a', pagh bIH 'e' chISqu'taHvIS translate from English to Klingon
@BramSLI1 Күн бұрын
I'd watch that! Great work on this!
@GatchamanG4 Күн бұрын
Gonna be epic!!
@freezray1776 Күн бұрын
The Klingons are TOAST!!!
@mikefuston4494 Күн бұрын
the kligons weapons wont miss their target
@ablaze1989 Күн бұрын
the klingons would win that fight hands down.
@Bondek1996 Күн бұрын
Random idea, original Galactica v a Negh'var
@ericdunn7352 Күн бұрын
If the Klingon Battle Cruiser was attacking the Death Star, I think it would be cloaked while scanning for its weak point and then firing a photon torpedo straight down into the exhaust port.
@leeroberts1192 Күн бұрын
The klingons would win it very quickly. they'd just beam a few photons next to the main reactor of the star destroyer
@michaelkantner6420 Күн бұрын
This was a mind-blowing video!! I would LOVE to see you make a complete video about this encounter!! More please!
@eldergroan Күн бұрын
the Klingons would out-maneuver the star destroyer and handily be victorious
@steelpainter Күн бұрын
So . . . . this is all fanatasy. Neither of these spacecraft, as depicted in their respective ficitonal worlds, operate on anything remotely resembling actual physics. Their shapes, their weaponry, their propulsion, even the fact that they both make 'sounds' in the vacuum of space - are all way off realism. They are just loose fictions to serve stories. So there are no actual sets of numbers or metrics that relate to real science to base any kind of debate on which ship would 'win' a battle. However, a crossover encounter between Klingons and The Galactic Empire makes for an intruiging fictional conceit. Right now, I don't know who should 'win' - but I think the driving force in the story should be the arcs of the characters, whoever they are. In Star Wars, the Empire has supposedly overwhelming technological might, but has no honour, and is led by complacent and corrupt leaders. The Rebels are tiny in number with very small resources, but they beat the Empire through cunning, resiliience, honsty and at the very last minute one of them becoming a full Jedi. Given that the Empire controls most of an entire galaxy (millions of systems) with fleets of tens of thousands of ships, can build battle stations that can destroy whole planets and is led by malign force wielders who can sense near future events at a distance, I think a plausible start to the encounter would be that the much larger Star Destroyer might be depicted as being vastly more powerful than the smaller Klingon ship. However, Imperial officers are notorious for being poor tacticians, liars, procrastinators, needlesly cruel to their subordinates and always ready to stab each other in the back. Klingons are depicted as being utterly fierce warriors with a binding code of honour, a culture of heroic (if not insane) courage in the face of extreme risk, and are physically more resilient and stronger than humans. I still don't know the outcome - it might be triumphant, humourous, satire or tragic. But I think which ship wins might be based on what makes a better story.
@evalramman7502 Күн бұрын
@walker93863 Күн бұрын
Size doesn't mean anything, you guys have to remember that any starship can easily get into a 0.25c flight, and for ISD? they can't catch up with a plane with only basically sound speed
@captainpharaoh Күн бұрын
The Klingons would also win psychologically. The Empire is used to their opponents running away in fear. Klingons live for battle. A garrison of Klingon warriors charging toward stormtroopers would make the troopers run away.
@captainpharaoh Күн бұрын
Klingons easily. 1) They fire first, 2) Their tactical officers know how to shoot. 3) They don't fear any stinking star destroyer. The stormtroopers would s**t in their pants as soon as they saw Klingons charging toward them, eager to die in battle for the glory of the Klingon Empire.