Top Ten Favorite Ponies
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ANIMATION: The Folly of Celestia
Folly of Celestia Trailer
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MLP - The Necessity of Chivalry
Computer Warriors Review
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School Raze Review
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Where The Apple Lies ft. Keyframe
Slice of Base Life 3: Wish List
Rainbow Falls Review
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@OliviaEvergreenBond 7 сағат бұрын
but.. what if her celestia is a tyrant..
@eaglejones856 11 сағат бұрын
OK, I can confirm that going a few days without sleep is kind of the equivalency of being drunk but in my case it’s more the fact that I can’t think clearly not that I act all chaotic like muffin but still chaos muffin was just hilarious
@summerduncan3470 17 сағат бұрын
I’m pretty sure the amulet would’ve gone through the portal but OK
@user-cr3bi9mh2j Күн бұрын
26:09 hahahaha 😂
@ihaxus Күн бұрын
The whole thing about FiM is about racism and how they used friendship to bring all the creatures together. The new show would’ve better been off as in its own universe.
@iankelley37 Күн бұрын
Who was that at the end
@chuckboy864 2 күн бұрын
Clearly these teens are very good role models if they’re hating on people for their opinions and nothing more. The show is really good (though we all know that) and these people just can’t see it. I have a friend who’s most likely never going to be a brony but he respects the community and understands it. If they just watched the show with an open mind, things would be very different. Heck one of them became a brony so there
@yurihatzume9244 2 күн бұрын
Honestly I think both part is wrong,the parents should respect their daughter's privacy and the need for calmness,giving support is one thing,ignoring every other pony to do crazy things like that is another,while rainbow dash shouldn't drop the hammer either,she should talk calmly,adult-to-adult. I understand there's many people out there who would love to have supportive parents but balance exist for a reason. Trust me,the grass isn't greener on the other side.
@femoman 3 күн бұрын
It's an interesting trend I've noticed with these episodes: this is GM Berrow's first actual episode writing credit, after previously working on the storybooks, and along with other Berrow episodes, they tend to feel a bit more...kiddy. And I know that sounds weird talking about MLP, but it feels like she writes her episodes aiming for an even younger audience, with her plots tending to have more simplistic resolutions, and a tendency for more wacky silly humour. Kinda makes more sense when you find out that she was later promoted to the showrunner for G5
@joeprovo3627 3 күн бұрын
Wait, what's the difference between a Jet Ranger style parent and an Apache style parent?
@danielderamus-km2ls 4 күн бұрын
imagine making a whole analysis video only to not take five fucking seconds to look at the damn marks and see the obvious symbols in the middle representing the exact things you said weren't represented in the marks
@kiarabanetmi7660 4 күн бұрын
Love seeing this channel active again, even if I’m late to the party. I’d be fine with more Bluey content. I haven’t watched the show but my sister loves it and I may give it a shot
@RavenclawFtW3295 5 күн бұрын
I would've liked one Full Metla Jacket reference like this: Spitfire: What's your name, Bluebird? RD: Ma'am, Private Dash, ma'am! Spitfire: No! From now on, you're Private Taffy! Do you like that name!?
@karissarasmussen567 5 күн бұрын
Anyone else notice Discord looks like Legolas from Lord of the Rings? Question: Did Discord steal Legolas's look or did Legolas steal Discord's look? 🤔
@wigglewiggle230 5 күн бұрын
She's still right, Celestia risked the liberty and the life of many pony only to upgrade Twilight performance. Just imagine the disaster if Twilight had failed, even Celestia could not stop the enemy most of the time.
@PrakashPk-be7vk 5 күн бұрын
What happend to Evil twiligh from the last vidio we need part 2
@PrakashPk-be7vk 5 күн бұрын
What happend to bad twilight for the celestia episode please make part 2 😌
@PrakashPk-be7vk 5 күн бұрын
What happed to bad twilight from the celestia is evil episode? Make part 2 please
@PrakashPk-be7vk 5 күн бұрын
Poor twilight she had to rember all of that and see her selt as the worst pony ever who has her wing ripped off because she doesn't want to turn into a prinsess and have to use the alacorn templet 😢
@femoman 5 күн бұрын
Little thing I've noticed with that one filly who loved painting circles and got a cutie mark in haiku. Painting plain circles in a single brushstroke is called an Enso, and is a common practice in, and is sort of the unofficial symbol of, Zen Buddhism. And Haiku is often written by Zen Buddhists due to them sharing similar motifs and philosophies concerning the transient and impermanent nature the world. So between painting circles and composing haiku, it seems like this fillys special talent is in Zen
@karissarasmussen567 5 күн бұрын
Calling Twilight Bookhorse instead of her actual name is just hilarious 😂 Can we just call her Bookhorse from now on please? 😊
@BronyNumber4096 6 күн бұрын
Jalapeno Red Velvet? I _guess_ that could go together? _I'd_ try it!
@DamonCummings-yg7ds 6 күн бұрын
I was really really close to my grandpa, who I called popo most of my life he passed away in 2012 but there's one memory I have that I still hold onto I was about five it was Christmas my mom put half my gifts at his apartment we went and there he was in that old wooden chair in his old boots and glasses door open like it was whenever I visited he was dressed up as Santa and I said " hi popo " mom said its Santa and I said " no its popo he's in popos house and is wearing popos glasses " I miss him a lot , he was a police officer and was in the Navy during Vietnam to me him and my great grandpa were like real life superheros mini I'm glad there are kids who get to see their grandparents every day I'd give everything just to hug my popo one last time but when I hear them say they hate their grandparents who are trying to be supportive I get upset, sorry for the rambling I just love bluys message from grandpa
@femoman 7 күн бұрын
Fun fact about the Michelin Star System: if youre confused about why a tyre company rates restaurants, it was originally a ploy to drive up tyre sales by encouraging people to drive more. The original meanings of the stars were that 1 star means the restaurant is worth visiting if its en-route to wherever youre driving. 2 stars means it's worth taking a detour from your destination to go there, and 3 stars means it's worth driving specifically to go there.
@DonutsAndAmane 7 күн бұрын
Aeon and I would get along so well
@Green-Hybrid3017 7 күн бұрын
Damn, how far they fallen. Do not worry bronies, the helluaverse and indie animation community will carry on your work. Your Will lives on in us. Stand proud, you are strong. 😔
@Green-Hybrid3017 7 күн бұрын
Bluey is hella underrated and deserves more recognition in my opinion. Out of topic, my guy your mlp military squad in your universe trash. The royal guards in the mlp are already trash. Why not just use robots instead? I’ve see the robots in your tf2 series. Just use them instead. I can only imagine how hard it must be to train them. Overall love your vids bro keep up the good work. 👍
@eldergeek6077 9 күн бұрын
I recently saw "Ice Cream" and it was funny.
@avamarie4305 10 күн бұрын
This was so good and sad what happened to bad twilight?
@femoman 10 күн бұрын
I respectfully disagree that Gravity Falls did the DnD parody better. Mainly because, like so many other shows and cartoons that do an RPG episode, they felt it necessary to go completely over the top with how complex and convoluted the gameplay is, which is always a pet peeve of mine when it comes to RPGs in TV and movies. You don't need to exaggerate the complexity of gameplay of DnD to get a joke out of it, it's already got plenty of potential, as we see in this episode, which more or less plays it straight with how the game is played. No need for gags like dice-rolls that require specific prime numbers, or having to calculate skill checks with a protractor.
@katgamer1727 10 күн бұрын
8:45 Me too ari, me too. I sob like a baby at movies too. A good few examples were at the end of encanto and turning red and a lot of bluey episodes make me cry too. 😂
@femoman 10 күн бұрын
When you realise Sonatas whole schpiel about how awful it was to try and teach Celestia method acting... was completely pointless because they werent actually teaching her method acting at all, and 'Method Mares' was literally just the name of the acting troupe.
@SirAroace 10 күн бұрын
Sorry but everything past 23:00 is BS. Gray Twi is right, Celestia should have asked for consent; it is does not matter if twi had "potential" or if she was ok with it afterwards, violating someone's agency is never ok. Sometimes its a necessary evil in cases of punishment or saving someones life, but this was neither.
@SilverScribe85 11 күн бұрын
Not only do Dragon and The Shadowlands give me some D&D vibes but so does The Adventure
@ElidaInsteb 11 күн бұрын
I have winter wrap up stuck in my head for weeks at a time and therefore I hate it, but probably a good song, but now I’m annoyed
@DragonGloria 12 күн бұрын
"Let me show you the truth!" *goes to a ad* 😂
@timwoods2852 12 күн бұрын
Humbug is something fraudulent, made up, or fake. So Scrooge reporting with "Humbug" to every argument about Christians is him dusmising it as BS. The Ghost of Hartswarming Present, ie Pinkie, blatantly stating the meaning of Hartswarming kinda kills the holiday vibes for me. Take Christians which has a deep lore both religious and secular about family, hope, giving, light, and love. Then neuter all that with "be with your friends."
@femoman 12 күн бұрын
I theorise that the Sun and Moon are kinda like the ones in Lord of the Rings" theyre actually much smaller than the ones we have, and move around the planet rather than the other way round.
@jmbrazil5867 13 күн бұрын
nonononon pls
@kazunahatsune4810 13 күн бұрын
@unitythedragon2886 13 күн бұрын
No I wanted to see that too.
@WorldWalker128 13 күн бұрын
No, Twilight, calling a dragon dangerous is accurate. Even if they as a being choose to not be violent, they're still capable of being lethal. Period. Even Spike, a baby dragon, has the potential to be lethal in the right circumstances via him being a walking flamethrower. *One can be both dangerous and peaceful at the same time* . Look at passenger airplanes and a particular pair of skyscrapers, for example. Or an oncoming car and a toddler. Or a tall tree that is falling over and an unsuspecting hiker that is looking at a phone instead of paying attention to their surroundings. Or someone that has mastered multiple forms of martial arts. Come on Twilight, you're smarter than that, you don't need to twist someone's intention of a statement to win an argument. To Celestia not acting in regards to the dragon, that dragon was not a citizen of the nation, nor was it a refugee, nor was it invited, nor was it a tourist. Know what that makes it? An invader. Not an actively hostile one but an invader nonetheless, and an invader that was a very real threat just by frigging SLEEPING. Her removing it via teleporting it away (and its hoard) would have been entirely justified. She also could have just flown or teleported up there and ASKED it to leave after explaining the circumstances. She didn't. - To Tirek, if she'd executed him the first time he proved to be a threat he wouldn't have been a threat later. People that are truly power hungry (especially the ones that think they're special in some way and that everyone else is Beneath them) are highly unlikely to ever see a problem with their for the ones that caused them to get caught in the first place. Granted, that line of logic would have meant that she probably would have also executed Luna after her betrayal, which would have lead to Sombra defeating her. However, She also chose to try to fight Sombra and his entire kingdom alone in that alt-verse. That was just plain stupid on her part. She already would have known that ponies alone could do the raising and lowering of the sun and moon (via history), so she'd have a measure of how much power she has in comparison. Going against an ENTIRE KINGDOM (albeit compact) should have had a predictable result, which means it would have been avoidable. That L was entirely hers. *BUT* CELESTIA ISN'T PERFECT. Even with as long as she's lived she still makes mistakes. Sometimes several times. Sometimes it's just a casual 'oops!' and sometimes it has near-cataclysmic consequences! She's not God. She doesn't know everything. She can't see the future. That's something that's frequently forgotten by both characters in the show, and fans alike (ignoring the fanfics and animations where she can). She isn't infallible, and she's not all-powerful. Sometimes her judgement is off. Sometimes her decisions cause her to take an loss. Sometimes she fights an opponent and is defeated. All she can do is her best.
@ouchiegiverjr 13 күн бұрын
Wild to think how far this series has come.
@skyetredinnick3624 15 күн бұрын
@JasonTheOne111 16 күн бұрын
Whats the original?
@MidnightWildspirit 16 күн бұрын
I know how Ari Feels My Parents were bad too.
@zubirzakaria8061 16 күн бұрын
The old castle
@Xtraaa444 17 күн бұрын
No starlight X trixie or x sunburst or x twilight,,,, ALL OF THEM TOGETHER!!! FOURWAY POLYAMORY!!!!
@Snowy_Breeze 18 күн бұрын
Come back with ponies please.
@kylestubbs8867 19 күн бұрын
I just noticed something. Both of your favorite episodes were the ones where Bandit sang “99 Bottles of Thing on the Wall”.