@joelruiz3025 9 күн бұрын
38:30 can hear people laughing at him saying to gove SA victims "spiritual help" like not enough... and should have had something written to help elders report abuse
@richardanderson7091 16 күн бұрын
This cult is worse than Scientology I think and I didn't think that was possible
@richardanderson7091 16 күн бұрын
This cult is worse than Scientology I think and I didn't think that was possible
@richardanderson7091 16 күн бұрын
What a scumbag this guy is. This guy is sitting up there lying through his teeth the father is a pathological liar so we needed to investigate further even though the girl is telling the truth give me a break. There's a special place in hell for these false prophets
@richardanderson7091 16 күн бұрын
I recommend she disassociate herself with the Jehovah witness cult. To be quite truthful I'm very proud of all you women and men that leave this abusive cult if you ever get disfellowshipped you are not alone. If you read this message you can contact me if you need a friend to talk to.
@richardanderson7091 16 күн бұрын
I thought Scientology was really evil I had no idea the JW's were this bad
@richardanderson7091 16 күн бұрын
A bunch of old creepy white guys playing God
@wanttowakeup2024 26 күн бұрын
I can't believe this. So, basically, someone who decides to sexually abuses a child or anyone else for that matter, will first need to go out and find a witness for themselves so that they will be witnesses to the sexual act. Same thing with the individual being abused, they will need to bring a witness along with them before the attack happens. Basically, this is what Jackson is saying. There needs to be a witness for all incidences and occurances. This is pure crap thinking. It's like thinking, that a bank robber is off the hook, just because no one was around to see them robbing the bank. So, here too, no police are called, just because no one witnessed the child being abused and he was fine with this reasoning. I don't get it at all.
@Butterflyqueen62 Ай бұрын
He is using JW bible, which has been changed quite a few times.
@bkjones79 Ай бұрын
Disgusting slob
@12Knaves Ай бұрын
This lawyer is really fucking good.
@MyBizz-xb5hp 2 ай бұрын
I loathe this man!!. 😡😡And I loathe this organization!😡He (THEY)will never directly answer a question which is TYPICAL of all of them. “ I accept that child abuse is right throughout the community and it’s something that we’ve had to deal with as well” So basically what he’s saying is everyone else is doing it too. Like that alleviates accountability,responsibility! The answer is “YES” Jeffy we have a problem with child abuse!!! Remember what you preach “confess your sins”, “repent “Does any of that ring a bell??? And the problem is THAT YOU ARE NOT
@iamquadre 2 ай бұрын
There is definitely a spy network. Why did someone come to my uncles house, where I was staying at and said, "Are you so and so, I can study with you." I was a witness for 12 years. Leave me alone! I'm free.
@purplejay8115 2 ай бұрын
No spy network 😂 roger Rodger.
@12as860 2 ай бұрын
People like this lady have given ideas to organisation like WT to achieve their goals of manipulating people and for exploiting their hard earned money...this lady is behind the curtain ruining many peoples lives...she is well paid and she is still catholic...the truth that her employer is teaching didn't set her free...I hope she too will know the pain of all those ( poor innocent) suffered through this religion.
@Mr.D.Michael 2 ай бұрын
You had one job Jeff Jackson. One job.
@changecomesfromwithin7377 3 ай бұрын
The vibe i get from her is she's trying to do the right thing but that she knows she is doing the wrong thing Cognitive dissonance. 🙃
@Xoxo-mh9zr 3 ай бұрын
The "cowards " Jesus warned about..SMH
@ArtVentriss 3 ай бұрын
I think listeners and readers are getting the wrong drift on what Jackson is actually saying here about "being quite presumptuous". You need to listen carefully at what is being asked and what Jackson is saying in reply. The line of questioning by Angus Stewart was about the role of the 144000 and the governing body and when he asks Jackson (at 20.40 ) whether they (as the 144000) saw themselves as "Jehovah's spokespeople on earth" (implication being that is it exclusively them that Jehovah is using ?), Jackson's reply that "it would seem to be quite presumptuous to say that we (as the 144000) are the ONLY spokespersons that God is using" is saying that Jehovah could just as easily use other JWs that are not "of the anointed" to act as "his spokesperson" in being moved by holy spirit to provide comfort to others etc. Jackson is saying that WITHIN THE OVERALL JW ORGANISATION, the role of "Jehovah's spokesperson" may NOT be just with "the anointed" (aka 144000) but can also be done by the "other sheep" or from within the rank & file JWs. If you listen carefully , Jackson is NOT saying that in relation to OTHER religions, it would be presumptuous for the "slave class" to think that they are the ONLY ones God is using. No, Jackson is NOT comparing themselves to other religions, but he is saying that within the JW organisation, it may not just be the anointed being guided by Holy spirit. However, it seems that readers and listeners to this RC recording are misconstruing what Jackson is really saying ( ie taking it out of context) and eagerly pouncing and conflating something that wasn't actually said. Of course Jackson could quite easily be very explicit and said that "yes, we believe that in these last days, Jehovah is ONLY using the FDSC as his earthly spokespeople and this role is NOT given to ANYONE else". I guess though, the global JW leadership is worried , legally, about what they say lest it come back to bite them. This was the reason why the JW changed the definition of who actually constitutes the FDSC - the previous ( old light) was that ALL the anointed all over the planet were the FDSC, but it transpired during the many court cases taking place principally about child abuse cover ups, that as the FDSC ( as a class) were seen effectively as "leaders" of the WT organisation ( like directors) , and that ANYONE of them could be legally served with lawsuit papers on issues involving the WTBTS. So in order to mitigate the potential damage this could do as well as protecting their assets, the GB came out with the statement now, that the FDSC is actually just the GB and NOT the entire body of JWS claiming to be "of the anointed". Don't worry, the legal department at JW headquarters ain't just sitting around cross legged with their thumbs and fingers closed humming "praises to Jehovah" tunes.
@EricaSarah-q3h 4 ай бұрын
Wouldn’t involvement with another woman be a fornication and adultery rather than a loose conduct and lying. What the hell is he talking about??????????????????
@EricaSarah-q3h 4 ай бұрын
😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡 what the fuck! This guy is an absolute joke! How even the prosecutor endured this pos?!!!!!
@EricaSarah-q3h 4 ай бұрын
If it’s not a crime why do they disfellowship unrepentant ones?
@EricaSarah-q3h 4 ай бұрын
What the F…. I can’t believe if anyone can sincerely remain a JW after watching this !!!! Lying through his teeth . He tells what he was told to. It’s so obvious he is lying. Shame on you!
@EricaSarah-q3h 4 ай бұрын
Lie lie lie. Why are you lying man? Just tell the truth. You did work on every detail before appearing in the court. You were prepared. Of course the notes you still have them. Of course. Such liars.
@EricaSarah-q3h 4 ай бұрын
Is this guy already in the heavens or what? He cannot answer any question straight. Either he doesn’t know or it is not his field or he didn’t read it or wasn’t informed. That’s so ridiculous. I wish all witnesses could watch this just like they watch the convention videos. we will see if afterwards any normal human being will remain in this stupid org. ? Horrible liar horrible omg 🤯 if only some thickheaded JW could understand this
@EricaSarah-q3h 4 ай бұрын
Lie lie lie lie of course you do spy on people omg 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬
@EricaSarah-q3h 4 ай бұрын
This BCG woman is mumbling nothing. What is she even trying to infer. Nothing. Omg retelling a 4th grade history text 🤬🤬
@EricaSarah-q3h 4 ай бұрын
WTF outright lie. Ridiculous
@alonsogalindo1428 4 ай бұрын
Keep in mind this is the same government that has a 33% of SA in their OWN Australian Parliament 🙄 2) this hearing is an INQUIRY not a “criminal trial” into JW procedures and policies and how THROUGH this dialogue better laws, procedures and policies can be developed to protect not only the victims but also the elders INCASE of any “COUNTER DEFAMATION CLAIMS”. 3) the royal commission oversees MANY other organizations such as the Catholic Church, Mormon, Hillsong Pentecostals and non-religious organizations as well. 4) the 1,800 cases was from a span since 1950 which cast majority happen in the place of a HOME. Compare that to the whopping number of 340,000 SA cases from the Catholic Church since 1950 all PRIEST related and NOT COUNTING members! Who did they choose to represent the Catholic Church? Cardinal George Pell. Look him up. Hillsong founder also was in this commission Brian Houston.
@iamquadre 2 ай бұрын
He lied through his teeth about how the witnesses operate.
@alonsogalindo1428 4 ай бұрын
A lot of people come here criticizing JWs as if this is a “gotcha moment”. Mind you this panel and commission is an “INQUIRY” into policies in an organization. Jehovahs Witnesses were NOT the only ones on this royal commission. Other known cases are the Catholics of whom they put a known ped to represent them Cardinal George Pell, Hillsong Pentecostal church founder Brian Houston, Mormon etc., The 1,800 cases here are from a span since 1950. The Catholic Church has about 330,000!!!! All related to PRIESTS!!!
@Mercipher21 4 ай бұрын
I am a JW and had no idea that these were the processes that the Elders are instructed to follow and how flawed these processes are. I realize that this particular case was 9 years ago, so I intend on finding out if these processes have changed. This process as it stands, is completely unacceptable and I can't imagine that Jehovah would approve of this type of process.
@Mercipher21 4 ай бұрын
Why would you choose to live with the person that has done this to you? It would be interesting to know the circumstances that would have led up to this decision, after Bill had already done inappropriate things.
@Mercipher21 4 ай бұрын
My question regarding reporting sexual abuse would be, if the Mandated Reporting law overrides the scriptural principles that "complicate" the Elders being able to report sexual abuse, why do they need to wait for a law to be put in place before reporting becomes mandatory in the organization?
@letsgococo288 4 ай бұрын
Brain washing control and power at its best. This money making corporation needs to be shut down.
@letsgococo288 4 ай бұрын
So much arrogance in his voice. Fraud!
@georgebrown8312 4 ай бұрын
The Watchtower Society deserves all the world's reproach as well as God's fearful judgment for their wrongful practices, along with their false doctrines and willful resistance to the efforts of "worldly" governments to bring them to change their wrongful policies for the better.
@mamajan99 5 ай бұрын
Come on Geff, You spew rehearsed legalistic non-answers when trapped: "It's not my understanding" "Policies sometimes change" "Not what I have seen" "I misunderstood" "I can think of many cases where it wouldn't be" "We do not have a spiritual police force" "I think you have your facts a little bit wrong" "That's how you would like to put it" "You are jumping to a conclusion" "I know of people who have stuck with the organization their whole life" (Because they can't leave without being shunned) "Anything is possible." Like maybe you are wrong Geff and blood guilty. "Be kind and tenderhearted to one another, forgiving each other just as in Christ God forgave you. Galatians 6:1 "Is anyone weak among you? let him call for the elders of the church; and if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him." That Evil Slave has so much blood guilt. "Get out of her my people" says the Lord.
@andrearoberts4833 6 ай бұрын
Geoffrey jackson spiritually dead
@georgebrown8312 6 ай бұрын
How in God's creation can Geoffrey Jackson or the elders who were being questioned about the two-witness rule deny that accusations of sexual abuse were glossed over by the Watchtower Society and the Jehovah's Witnesses? I mean, come on, stop defending or excusing child molesters in your congregations, Jehovah's Witnesses.
@debraboula-tn6ge 6 ай бұрын
These videos have helped me so much to overcome my feelings of what I put my kids through
@debraboula-tn6ge 6 ай бұрын
my ex was an elder for many many years he stepped down at one time and had no idea why he would not tell us hmmmm
@debraboula-tn6ge 6 ай бұрын
there is absolutely no way that the circuit overseer”is friends with and knows “ A publisher in the congregation, they see them twice a year never spend social time with them maybe an hour if they go to their house for dinner which is very unlikely they always go to the elders houses for dinner. I was a JW for 40 years finally woke up. I’m so ashamed of what I put my children through who are not JW‘s anymore either
@WickedBrunette_xo 6 ай бұрын
My mom and aunt were CSAd in the 70s-80s. My mom got reinstated in May she was out for 20+yrs.. my aunt stayed devoted but has mental health issues. I have faded. I have not DAd or am DFd ( even tho I should be by the "life" I am living.) I left due to no action being taken to me being martially raped and abused due to my ex husband being a drunk.
@hauntedhalo2264 6 ай бұрын
Difficulty remembering? Mf!!!!! CPTSD is for life!!!
@amc3463 6 ай бұрын
Church of Satan ladies and gentlemen
@ashleycat11 7 ай бұрын
In Dinos Alis defence, didnt the victim say to him: "I need to to talk to you about things that are going on in my family. My father is being rude to me". Unless "being rude to me" is an Australian euphemism for "I'm being abused", rudeness would not be something an elder would get involved in. He might very well say "you need to talk to your father about this". Rudeness is such a non-issue for an elder, that its quite possible he would not remember that conversation. He wouldve had no clue about the seriousness of what she had to say based on how she approached him
@ashleycat11 7 ай бұрын
Why wasn't the victim's black eye reported as wrongdoing?
@ashleycat11 7 ай бұрын
I just noticed at the very end, that when answering questions about support/observers for the accuser/victim, Bro. Jackson said new info/letters (later than 2010) have come out that minors can have their parents there, and if desired, husband or wife can be there for the GUILTY party. But it looks like he's skirting the question about support for an adult accuser. Perhaps it will be clarified in the next segment.
@lanaipad6095 7 ай бұрын
Lie after lie after lie! What more could we expect from leaders of the “Truth”!
@nacho7782 7 ай бұрын
It's funny to see active JWs comment on such videos. They're disobeying the Governing Body by doing so.
@debraboula-tn6ge 6 ай бұрын
@empressel6951 4 күн бұрын
That pert
@Cormac1232 7 ай бұрын
The person asking questions is a lightweight. Put Angus up there and make this guy squirm.