Should You Back Brink?
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Deep Regrets Solo Playthrough
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@perlusion5946 4 күн бұрын
@shouldyoubackit Have you seen the current issue that Trition Noir / Brotherhood of Venice has? They are waiting to ship the games to the EU until the shipping costs are like 50% lower (pre-pandemic prices afaik) It’s absolutely not cool from them to withold the pledges because they didn’t accomodate for price rises imo
@mike9139 14 күн бұрын
@ErgoProdigy 15 күн бұрын
I've backed hundreds of Kickstarter projects, and Steamforged Games stands out as one of the most reliable creators in the industry. They consistently provide rulebooks in advance and have a proven track record of delivering polished, high-quality products. Compared to backing a first-time developer or an independent creator, choosing Steamforged is a safer bet. If a Kickstarter project is delivered within six months of the target date, they're right on track
@KatsDBR 15 күн бұрын
Great job on offering your feedback on this game. You are now my go-to back or not to back content creator. I do hope you expand to other content types but as you are a smaller channel, I understand that might be hard. Either way keep up the great work and love your transparency!
@KatsDBR 15 күн бұрын
I know this is late feedback but I think you did a phenomenal job giving your opinions on this game and why you personally recommend to back it. Subscribing and wish you the best at growing your channel! PS. Especially love that you were talking at a good speed. So many times I feel content creators talk way too fast or don't get to the point fast enough. Great flow overall 💕
@kiralred_30k 24 күн бұрын
Hi Sam mate, as we sit on the cusp of Maladum fulfilment how are you feeling about it? Did you get to play the final demo version at UKGE earlier this year? I'm still excited for Maladum despite it being setback a little.
@shouldyoubackit 24 күн бұрын
Funny I didn’t play it at the expo this year because I was like ‘ah I’ve tried it and it’s coming soon.’ Honestly still excited for it and looking forward to getting stuck in. I don’t mind the setbacks on this one, I think it went way better than they thought and that’s had a knock on effect, but looking forward to it!
@carrickrichards2457 25 күн бұрын
Did not back any of these but seen many Tainted Grail being resold. That then hit retail (in some places for £20). I did back a couple of others and nearly all quickly landed in retail at a significant discount (only expansions seemed in limited supply). My Ion (Pax) and Phalanx games get played alot.
@LifeByMatango 29 күн бұрын
Thanks for the solo playthrough - nice done. I'm a backer and I think the feeling of the game is great.
@damiankomimasa3609 Ай бұрын
Thank you for your honest opinion. I backed this because of interesting mix of thing s to do in game and beautifull sea setting, hope, it would be good:)
@ItWasSaucerShaped Ай бұрын
i honestly don't think anyone would have cared about this practice at all except that a specific creator made sure to make a big fuss about it, which prompted his audience to do the same and said creator has a significant financial interest in opposing Launch Boom. an interest they in no way disclosed then they have the gall to claim that it is Launch Boom that is being manipulative and dishonest while they pretend to be consumer advocates when in actuality they are competitors of Launch Boom
@maxwallace9491 Ай бұрын
I might be misremembering, but I did do the dollar pledge for their follow up game because we enjoyed Botany so much. I thought it said it was refundable if you decide not to back. It is possible that I misinterpreted it, my email confirmation doesn't mention it.
@iansutton7416 Ай бұрын
very fair analysis - even with a company with a track record (notably AR), the 'tip of the iceberg' presented gives concerns about how much is still to be developed, and how long that might take. With a new creator (or as @deathnavy has discovered, one who had a previously failed attempt), that risk is multiplied significantly. If the game felt truly special in concept, then perhaps I might take such a risk. There are very few instances of that, and this is not one of them. If someone else does feel it that special, then I wish them and the project creators good luck and a mutually positive journey together.
@Gamebent1 Ай бұрын
Alex at Boardgameco works for Gamefound, and his bias has been shown towards CMON, so I don't trust what he says about any campaign on Gamefound. Having said that, I agree with the unnecessary "bloated" feel of the game. I also noticed that the scenarios are insanely long, well over 3 hours each.
@deathnavy Ай бұрын
With a bit of research I discovered that forgotten tales studios was actually KoA studios but they renamed after a failed kickstarter a couple years ago called kingdoms of akandia. They since changed their name and made Sirens from the feedback given in that campaign. Seeing how much has raised i’m sure we will get a product, however the lack of information for the scenarios worries me. I’m backing at core with a potential upgrade to gameplay tier, but that’s as far as I’m going. The game has great theme and gameplay from what I’ve seen.
@kanalune Ай бұрын
The art and theme drew me in, but the actual gameplay fell flat for me from what I’ve seen. And pretty pricey too.
@CoxJul Ай бұрын
Watched Playing Solo's playthroughs and the setting/narrative/gameplay was a very clunky combination. Pretty miniatures but... been there, wasted money on that before. Your call on the scope is spot on.
@franckboyer3794 Ай бұрын
I know that is not the topic of this video, but what do you think about the $1 pledge in KS campaigns? What are their pros (I guess it allows people to take almost no risk at all before the PM opens) and cons (if all backers do that, then the KS will fail...)? Thanks! :)
@Deadlinkz Ай бұрын
Great game, waiting for a new video
@GamerPhysics Ай бұрын
Thanks so much for putting this out, clear and honest information especially for backers in the UK. I totally understand the amber rating for he risk assessment I've been in the group of backers waiting on a campaign to ship and seeing the company doing campaign after campaign asking for more from us; but IV always delivers. Usually by the time the campaign starts they are well into talks with Panda about production and have received samples back which means a much shortened timeline compared to other crowdfunded games, and as you said, they've done this before and are even warning in this campaign that fulfillment is running up against Lunar New Year as a potential delay. I am by no means unbiased (I mod their discord server, where the team is quite active). Thanks again for the analysis!
@shouldyoubackit Ай бұрын
And this is the thing, even if a company has some campaigns open, if they’re proving solid preparation and planning it definitely helps to add confidence as a backer but unfortunately it’s just one of those things where even the best planned campaign could be hit with something out of the blue. From what I’ve heard from backers even here in the comments they’re a solid bunch which was the vibe I was getting anyways and I genuinely do love the work they put out
@shouldyoubackit Ай бұрын
Hey everyone! Just wanted to share this comment from BoardGameGeek which I think is helpful to hear and equally has insights I didn’t have in the video: Moonrakers is deckbuilding and Brink is worker placement. You don't need one to enjoy the other, and as someone who's played all the IV games I think Brink might be my favorite. Want to add that they have consistently delivered early on past KS projects. One of the two games on boats right now I think is running a little behind or one is running ahead and since both are now arriving at the same time IV just refunded shipping charges to people who backed both because they are just going to ship them together. This seems like a lot of work for them to have to go and do this but is super cool that they think of the customers first. There one of the only companies I still back on crowdfunding because they don't go silent and they go above and beyond.
@user-ik2ps1fu5e Ай бұрын
Thumb down for false thumbnail.
@thejfreak93 Ай бұрын
I would say they are a pretty sure bet as far as delivery is concerned. I mean, as sure of a bet as any Kickstarter can be at least. It's between this and Deep Regret for me, and I think I want the push your luck of Deep Regret just a hair more.
@marcogagetti3380 Ай бұрын
@Lordborg909 Ай бұрын
When I heard someone describe it as "Catan in space", and I really thought about my group, its a hard pass for me
@shouldyoubackit Ай бұрын
I can see the parallel due to the hex tiles but with the council and voting mechanics it seems like there might be a bit more to it (though to be fair Catan came to my mind too when I initially saw it)
@Lordborg909 Ай бұрын
@@shouldyoubackit just the fact my group cant behave itself when it comes to negotiation, so any game with this as the main mechanic is probably a no for us haha
@shouldyoubackit Ай бұрын
I feel that pain 😂
@mc-designhacker Ай бұрын
This channel is criminally underrated, especially when there are kickstarter-related channels out there with multitudes more that aren't half as good. The transparency and authenticity is something that is so crucial for a "should I buy this?" type decision, and the fact that many of the videos released answer that question with "No, I don't think you should." gives SYBI heaps of credibility.
@shouldyoubackit Ай бұрын
That means a lot thank you
@tettixgames Ай бұрын
Agreed. More eyes on Samuel's incredibly well researched and presented assessments!!
@johannesbreuer1291 Ай бұрын
Thx for the review! Super helpful as always 😊
@garkham Ай бұрын
I really loved IV for Moonrakers but as a solo player, I won't back this one. 😔
@shouldyoubackit Ай бұрын
Have you taken a look at Moonrollers?
@lmedved5000 Ай бұрын
For me, personally, IV peaked early mechanics wise with Moonrakers. Every other game is kind of bland and not worth the ridiculous prices they charge. Also, a note on the "set in Moonraker's universe". It's kind of a nothing statement to me. I enjoy Moonrakers and have the titan edition but..... what universe? There's no lore unless you specifically read the comic book they included with the Titan Edition kickstarter (which was.... fine?) or you played the Luminar game mode for Moonrakers which also was just.... fine. It's like they think they've created this amazing narrative world bristling with interesting stories but it's really just cards with somewhat interesting art and weird names. That's kind of it. The marketing for this game also is so unbelievably up its own ass and the way the studio carries themselves has been a massive massive turnoff for me. Incredibly high prices for the product they deliver and kind of boring mechanics surrounded by "glitzy" art (which in the case of Fractured Sky was also just bad IMO). That said, just my opinion! A lot of other channels are singing the praises of this game and the studio so maybe there's something I'm not seeing. Good coverage, thanks for the video!
@corbinowens2437 Ай бұрын
Do you do these videos before or after the Kickstarter is finished?
@shouldyoubackit Ай бұрын
Before the Kickstarter is finished.
@corbinowens2437 Ай бұрын
@@shouldyoubackit okay, wasn’t sure how you had so much info on them before they’re released. But it’s great info nonetheless!
@eledv4521 Ай бұрын
Thanks for showing the solo mode! After watching 2 solo playthroughs (yours and slickerdrips'), it's growing on me, at first I was a bit puzzled cause it's very different than the competitive mode. It'd be nice to watch a part 2!
@shouldyoubackit Ай бұрын
Looks like I’ll have to get editing a part 2 :)
@eledv4521 Ай бұрын
@@shouldyoubackit Yes, please!!
@nope7832 Ай бұрын
Consumers are confused by crowdfunding because this ad is disguised as a review. This was paid for and made to look good on the kickstarter's main page.
@shouldyoubackit Ай бұрын
So for clarity I haven’t been paid a dime otherwise as per advertising law here in the U.K. I would be obliged to disclose it. I met Judson at U.K. Games Expo this year where he was showcasing the game, I wasn’t able to get a demo but we spoke and I said I was following the campaign as I’d been served some pre-launch ads and it looked interesting. We spoke via email after the expo and he wanted to send out a copy so I could see what the game was like in order to give me thoughts, so he sent out a prototype of the game (that he had been using to demo). I’ve had the prototype for two weeks and this morning I’m posting it to another reviewer. Again, I’ve not been paid a dime. I’ve marked a paid collaboration on this video because I’ve been sent a prototype (which I am now sending on). I’m incredibly transparent about this kind of thing, I think it’s very dangerous to assume money has transferred hands just because I recommended the game. If you watch this channel you’ll know that not every game I mention gets recommended. Aside from that if you’ve any questions I’m about whether I’ve been compensated or not I’m more than happy to answer.
@ThePhiloctopus Ай бұрын
@@shouldyoubackit Right, but event though you haven't been paid, you still received preferential treatment by getting the game early, you have some positive relationship with the designer, and there is a (however small you believe) social pressure on you to provide a positive review in exchange. All that might amount to effectively nothing, but we don't know that. Consider a person who has met the designer and received an advance copy in good faith, versus a person who went out and bought the game with their own mony after release. You will agree, these situations are not the same. FWIW I also backed this game. I like the artwork and there seems to be a nice and accessible push your luck element. I hope I'm not disappointed next March!
@shouldyoubackit Ай бұрын
Hey there! So a couple of things, I make sure that anyone who asks me to cover their campaign or who offer to send a game for review recognise and agree that I am not obliged to say anything positive about their game. As such there are some games that haven’t been on the channel because they didn’t want to continue the conversation further. There are other campaigns here on the channel (and some videos I’ve got recorded) where I say I wouldn’t recommend backing the game. Again for clarity I am backer #35 for Deep Regrets, I was sent a prototype which I have now sent back. I get the argument for ‘you’ve received something therefore your opinion is tainted’ but I think it puts very little faith in the normal humanity of us as creators and the integrity we’re trying hard to build. I know it’s been modelled poorly in the past but for me and this channel I’m doing everything possible to be open and transparent, I declare it verbally in this video too and all I can do is ask you to judge me on my actions as opposed to what other creators have done on the past. All I’ll say is hold me to account in that if you ever see me with a game and I haven’t declared it, shout it out. I’ll likely do a video and unpack this further but either way i appreciate you sharing your thoughts
@OriginalGingaNinja Ай бұрын
Not sure where you get the idea consumers are confused by crowdfunding? Seems like a very sweeping statement. Also very odd that your accusing someone of trying to be underhanded and declaring this is a paid add. Can't help but feel you have some kind of grudge with the designer / publisher or this channel. I've watched a few vids on this game and there's nothing in this video that stands out as being different to anything said anywhere else. I'd personally agree with 'safe' project comment based on their previous campaigns. Alex Radcliffe also covered this in his most recent to back or not with a similar opinion. I'm not sure someone being lent a game for 2 weeks counts as payment. Also if your assumption is that anyone has been sent a game for review is biased then I'd advise not to watch any crowdfunding reviews - how would anyone ever be able to review it without being sent it? I would say you need to make your own decisions if a game is for you, everyone's tastes different so just because a reviewer likes it doesn't mean you will and vice versa.
@nimblegoat Ай бұрын
@@ThePhiloctopus You sound very sanctimonious and with righteous anger on behalf of a few. Most of us understand what this video is about , we have our big boy nappies on , and can look after ourselves . You add nothing of value and no additional info we can not see for ourselves. You seem put out that Other People than your esteem self get an early review copy. Wow when did this start to happen , like always. What is the alternative? that would appease you , no previews . Just info on the kickstarter , gamefound page . Being able to play in a digital version? Like I said you just sound annoyed just because , you get annoyed easy . We know how to look after ourselves and do due diligence . The Channel here did some , looking at track record, saying his players concern. Personably looks a good quick game, light, doesn't drag a bit of fun, Do I need it , no . Do I have other light games already yes .- does it have a cool social element in the market like an auction or bidding no . So my take good game for someone without such a game , still could be fun if you need a solo game as well . Also i think the cool fish would be great with younger kids, they could create their own games with the different fish even if std paper clips and magnet fishing lines ( probably best sleeved )
@hockeyislife7686 Ай бұрын
I’m confused like how do you have it? Why do I have to wait like a full year
@nope7832 Ай бұрын
because he was paid to say this
@shouldyoubackit Ай бұрын
So for clarity I haven’t been paid a dime otherwise as per advertising law here in the U.K. I would be obliged to disclose it. I met Judson at U.K. Games Expo this year where he was showcasing the game, I wasn’t able to get a demo but we spoke and I said I was following the campaign as I’d been served some pre-launch ads and it looked interesting. We spoke via email after the expo and he wanted to send out a copy so I could see what the game was like in order to give me thoughts, so he sent out a prototype of the game (that he had been using to demo). I’ve had the prototype for two weeks and this morning I’m posting it to another reviewer. Again, I’ve not been paid a dime. I’ve marked a paid collaboration on this video because I’ve been sent a prototype (which I am now sending on). I’m incredibly transparent about this kind of thing, I think it’s very dangerous to assume money has transferred hands just because I recommended the game. If you watch this channel you’ll know that not every game I mention gets recommended. Aside from that if you’ve any questions I’m about whether I’ve been compensated or not I’m more than happy to answer.
@iciiciban Ай бұрын
​@@nope7832Bruhh you are everywhere. Whats your problem? If you dont like the game don't get it
@AquaticAbomination Ай бұрын
​@@nope7832 All the flavours in the world- and you chose salty for no reason
@nope7832 Ай бұрын
@@AquaticAbomination chips
@uiopgamer4647 Ай бұрын
@optiplanetomatosoup Ай бұрын
I'd love to see a part two!
@educationRnR1 3 ай бұрын
And a year on I have just heard of this game. A year on V-Commando only seems to be available on eBay for quite a high cost so, whilst your assessment was valid and probably correct at the time, i imagine now that may have changed. I have just backed a late pledge for the 'all-in' package which i am looking forward to. Thank you for this video, and others, on this item 👍
@shouldyoubackit 3 ай бұрын
Let me know what you think of it when it arrives!
@johannesbreuer1291 3 ай бұрын
Sounds like fun! Thx for the review 😊
@iansutton7416 3 ай бұрын
Any thoughts / insight into the creators? New / new to crowdfunding?
@shouldyoubackit 3 ай бұрын
New to crowdfunding but the benefit is that the game, unless they add some new things, is done and just needs to be printed which is a big help in figuring out risk. I believe they have some premium add ons but it seems they’ve done their homework and pre-planning
@iansutton7416 3 ай бұрын
@@shouldyoubackit thanks!
@BoxedMeeples 3 ай бұрын
Really pleased this plays as well as we hoped
@megec 3 ай бұрын
Glad to see these videos pop up on my front page again. Always enjoy your advice.
@shouldyoubackit 3 ай бұрын
Thanks so much!
@colinettle4394 4 ай бұрын
$195 dollars for collection edition to the uk work out at £155 including shipping and vat 😢😮.
@MorganFleurDeLys 4 ай бұрын
This issue in the community is 100% new to me. Having said that, I'm going to take LaunchBoom's side on this one. They're not doing anything wrong. I just fundamentally disagree with the premise, arguments, and conclusions being made against this method of customer acquisition. It's fine in this situation because up until this point, LaunchBoom and their partners are doing things the correct way. Also, and respectfully, I'm going to disagree with your revisionist history definition of the word "clickbait". Clickbait is about deception, always has been.
@shouldyoubackit 4 ай бұрын
Haha I appreciate the cheeky banter about my clickbait definition, I should clarify that that’s not my personal concoction and is instead the technical definition of clickbait and equally well documented (ie in ‘The KZbin Formula’ by Derrel Eeves) however it ties in with what you’ve said about Launchboom and their approach to the preorder. The technical term of clickbait can lead to it being ethically used, unfortunately though we’ve seen a gargantuan tsunami of it being misused leading to mistrust around it and so the negative representation of the practice is now more prevalent and known that the ethical if that makes sense. But always appreciate the conversation 😄
@pm71241 4 ай бұрын
Not sure where the immoral part comes in here? Unless you classify most people buying games on kickstarter as having an addiction which is exploited (which is maybe not entirely unfounded), then the answer is rather simple: Don't buy games you don't need.
@KaitlynWitman 4 ай бұрын
Hey there! I am so grateful for this video, and that this practice is being discussed. I am the CEO at Rainfactory and I actually have a strong opinion on the $1 reservation concept and also have data analysis on analyzing the "vip vs non-vip" email lists of clients who came to me after having a poor experience with Launchboom. Please let me know how best to follow up, I want to get the word out that there's a better way out there than this ❤
@hagarthelucky 4 ай бұрын
Thank you for that considerate and calm thinkpiece. For many reasons, I have personnally stopped backing games (mostly), so I don't have a strong opinion as to the "good" or "bad" of this trend. But I would like to offer that there is something more to asking for a dollar instead of simply asking for your email or even asking to follow or subscribe to a pre-campaign for a specific bonus if I then back it. Because we are now talking about non-refundable real money, the technique introduces a version the sunk cost fallacy. I don't "waste" my email by giving it to the pre-campaign, but that 1$ will feel "wasted" unless I back the project.
@shouldyoubackit 4 ай бұрын
This is a very quick reaction response to your comment and so not a fully response by any means as you raise a good point (and also thank you for the kind words) but in every board game example I looked at (aside from Geeknson) the preorder money was 100% refundable. Although as I’ve said in another comment, it’s hard to know how willing people would be to go to the bother of going through the process to have it refunded.
@hagarthelucky 4 ай бұрын
@@shouldyoubackit Thank you for taking the time to look into this. I'm sorry I made a hasty assumption, and the money being refundable should lessen the feeling of potential loss for not backing in the end.
@Luke_L 4 ай бұрын
I appreciate your take on this issue. However, I’m still with Chris George on this marketing tactic. He showed how what launch boom said in their video (directed to disgruntled backers and content creators) differed to what they had on their web page (directed to potential customers). The difference was telling. And it makes sense. They’re a marketing company. It’s their job to make something look as great as possible while hiding anything that might not look so good. I don’t want my crowdfunding dollars to fill a marketing company’s coffers. I will vote with my dollar and stay away from projects that work with such companies.
@shouldyoubackit 4 ай бұрын
Totally valid, I know RoomandBoard took a good portion of their video going through the article that you’re alluding to and while I could’ve dove into it I wanted to try and keep as close to the main topic as possible but I totally hear you
@joeferreti9442 4 ай бұрын
Honestly, extremely high prices and increased delivery times alone is harming board game crowdfunding. The payment of money for the right to follow a not yet started project and maybe get some extra is ridiculous and just the cherry on top.
@shouldyoubackit 4 ай бұрын
The amount of campaigns I can feesably back has dropped massively due to VAT and shipping. At this point I try to wait until retail which sucks because I would love to support more campaigns
@successfulgeek 4 ай бұрын
I have no issue with a $1 tripwire offer to get people to buy. I think it is a very powerful tool in the marketing toolbag. The big issue though is with it around crowdfunding. If someone like Stonemaier did a $1 pre-pre-order for a game I would be fine with it. Crowdfunding isn't a pre-order though. All the risk is on the backers with crowdfunding. Crowdfunding is an interest free loan to create something. So I won't back anything that has a $1 pre-order bonus. I know I am just one person but because of the fundamental difference between a true pre-order and crowdfunding, the $1 pre-order for a campaign is truly predatory.
@shouldyoubackit 4 ай бұрын
Oh absolutely, if it was used as a piece of conventional marketing in the typical retail space it’d be a completely different matter but it seems out of place in the board game crowdfunding space. As others have said in the comments, it’s like crowdfunding the crowdfund
@jerdes2081 4 ай бұрын
People that preorder games on kickstarter already victims of FOMO and they mental health not in a good place. We don't need more aggressive marketing tactics for this poor fellows.
@shouldyoubackit 4 ай бұрын
Im not sure if this is what you meant but I wouldn’t classify everyone who backs something on crowdfunding as having an issue with their mental health
@peterriecks9126 4 ай бұрын
Comparing email collection turnover to $1 turnover is skewed data because they are completely different examples of emotional attachment. People giving email addresses understand that the delete button is easy to use. If they see more information and realize the game isnt for them, it's no big deal. A 10% turnover or lower is not surprising. When a person is asked for money, that's a whole different level of interest. If they are willing to put in their financial info, they already know that they are absolutely interested and that there is a high likelihood that they are going to back the game. I'm surprised that the turnover rate for this commitment is not higher than 50%. The data isn't skewed so much as it compares apples to oranges. For marketing companies to represent the turnover percentages as comparable is disingenuous at best. The marketing companies are using these figures to market themselves and the game companies that buy in are showing these bogus comparisons because that is what sold them in the first place. This is classic post-purchase rationalization. It doesn't look good that, when i pointed this out in the comments of Mark's video, my comment was deleted. It's his channel and he has every right to curate the comments however he sees fit but, by ignoring my point, it shows that discussion was not the main interest of his video. It also shows that he read my point and maybe, just maybe, there's not a good rebuttal to pointing out that the comparison is flawed.
@shouldyoubackit 4 ай бұрын
But then by extension should we not compare free gifts to email campaigns because there is also a different degree of emotional attachment there too? (I totally hear your point though, I’m just being difficult 😄)
@peterriecks9126 4 ай бұрын
I get that an incentive to be involved early is certainly beneficial to the creators, but any financial transaction before the campaign is just problematic. The whole purpose of crowdfunding sites is to provide a secure place to invest in ideas. If it becomes normalized to spend money on a different site before the campaign starts, it becomes easier for backers to get scammed. It's not the dollar that I'm concerned about. It's all of the financial information. If some first-time creator scams a few hundred people out of their credit card data, they would not have as much to lose as a company like Kickstarter would if they did the same thing. What's to stop anyone from just charging a dollar? If it becomes normalized enough, the creators could just charge the full price for a deluxe edition and just use Kickstarter to back the base editions (essentially making KS nothing more than a preorder site) unless the backers want to pay even higher prices. We already have base games, KS exclusives, and pre-campaign exclusives. It really is ridiculous. By using the $1 system, it tells everyone that you think this is a good idea. Clearly, I don't. I don't have a good solution. I just know that this is a bad direction for the community.