The 4 Horses Revealed!!!
14 сағат бұрын
Sunrise Teaching at Mount Sinai
10 Plagues and the Egyptian gods
God's Holy Name is Yehovah
7 ай бұрын
The Red Sea of the Bible
8 ай бұрын
Basilica Cistern in Istanbul
@mshaffer-2629 2 сағат бұрын
Yeshua spoke Paleo Hebrew like Isaiah, a form of Egyptian! Back translate "Consider the Lilies" into Egyptian and discover the "s" and "sh" poetic form. ×8
@yolandosoquite3507 4 сағат бұрын
The last & final instructions to John, Peter and 2 others by the sea..was Follow Me...Where do you think Jesus was going?..Jesus was going towards India , South China Sea to establish The 7 Churches of Asia(Mathew 12:42) then to MaguinDanao now caled MinDanao or land of Dan(Far East) last stop over before Proceeding to The East( where Sun & moon Rises) or Eaden/Eden(Paradise of God .
@yolandosoquite3507 5 сағат бұрын
John together with Maria Mag-Dala( Woman given 2 Wings of a Great Eagle) stopped over in India before proceeding to the Island of Promise or Patmos in the Island called Maguindanao( Magu/Magi) in South China Sea(Mathew 12:42)..John wrote The Book of Revelations in the Island of Maguindanao just across The Dragon called China was looking at the Beast with 7 Heads & Ten Horns rising from The Sea(South China Sea.)..
@johngoswell7546 5 сағат бұрын
A good test is to look at Matt 28:1. In the Greek it is σαββάτων which is plural, but is translated as sabbath (singular) in most English versions because the translators did not understand that you could have two sabbaths in a row (the first day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread was a sabbath [Lev 23], followed by the Friday night/Saturday sabbath). If the Hebrew word for sabbath is singular, it would imply a translation from the Greek to Hebrew. Note that the mis-translation of the Greek has resulted in the belief that Jesus died on a Friday, not on Thursday and this throws out all the calculations as to when he died (25/4/31). Wonderful to see the work that you are doing.
@nickstrickland4751 6 сағат бұрын
If the Greek translation is used it will quote from the LXX, if it is in Aramaic it will use the Targum, and if in Hebrew it uses the Hebrew words, it is interesting to see that the Hreek actually uses the Aramaic word sabachtani, and shows the marker that the Greek translated primarily from the Aramaic, there are many Greek NT, transliterations from Aramaic, so Greek is two languages removed from the Hebrew, so primarily the New Testement was written in Hebrew primarily, and possibly Aramaic since some of the letters were written to those in exile, but it’s possible Paul may have written some of his letters in Greek, it’s easy to want to defend the position on primacy when it’s possible that different texts or letters to the exiled believers, which may be written in one one of these three languages. Just like the book of Daniel it was written in Hebrew then switched to Aramaic and then back to Hebrew, To the Jewish people Aramaic was the language of the exile, since we are in Exile it’s important to read the Aramaic and Hebrew, in fact the Cochin has many Aramaic words imbedded within it. Unfortunately the Cochin Matthew was most likely transcribed from the Shem Tov tradition but actually has many corruptions within it, from possibly Portuguese with some Spanish transliterations, and is different from Shem Tov, it definately got into the hands of a scribe that used some European words such as many of the names like Simon as Pedro lol, also at Yeshua’s crucifixion it says something like it being on a Friday lol, so Cochin Matthew does have a lot of corruptions, but nevertheless it is Hebrew but has seen its changes, whether or not it’s a translation from possibly a Catalan gospel is yet to be seen. I would say that Nehemia Gordon has a very pure Hebrew Matthew that was not in the collection of the Shem Tov collection. Also unfortunately another corruption is when Yeshua said the scribes sit in the seat of Moses there fore do what they say, but Nehemia version says do what he says as in do what Moses says, instead of they as in the Pharisees.
@steveabraham8847 7 сағат бұрын
When I asked ChatGPT to translate verse 10 into Biblical Hebrew, it gave me "And the Holy Spirit rested upon me, and I heard behind me a great voice." ChatGPT also said, "While the primary meaning is "the Holy Spirit rested upon me," it could also carry the nuance of being "immersed" or "soaked" in the presence of the Holy Spirit."
@harmony7631 8 сағат бұрын
Hallelu YA Yahuah Aluahim tsevaot IAM that IAM Yahusha hamashia IAM the way the true the Life before Abraham was IAM
- Yahuah (יהוה): In Paleo-Hebrew, it's written as: 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄 - Yahusha (יהושע): In Paleo-Hebrew, it's written as: 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤔𐤏 Please note that Paleo-Hebrew is an ancient script, and the font used to represent it might not be widely supported. Here's a breakdown of the Paleo-Hebrew letters: - 𐤉 (Yod) - 𐤄 (Hey) - 𐤅 (Vav) - 𐤔 (Shin) - 𐤏 (Ayin) Keep in mind that Paleo-Hebrew is an ancient script, and the representation might vary depending on the source.
Q. If God named his son Yahusha HaMashiach, why did man take it upon themselves to change it to Jesus Christ? And why would we call him other than what God named him? Is man correct or God? A. We see in historical documents that the name “Jesus” did not even come into existence until the 1600’s when the letter “J” was introduced into our English language. So the name “Jesus” is only around 400 years old! The Greek "Iesus" comes from the name Zeus, the ruling God in the Greek pantheon. "Jesus” is a transliteration of a Latin name only ONE letter off “Ioesus” pronounced hey-sus - which has no meaning in Hebrew, but in Latin it means “Hail Zeus”. If Yahusha’s name had been transliterated into our language, it would have been Joshua. If the name was treated properly using the compound naming convention YHVH intended it would be YAH(weh)(ye)SHA shortened to “Yahusha” using the short contracted form maintaining the meaning of the name and fulfilling prophecy that the Messiah “came in the NAME of YHVH”. If the name was handled properly in Greek by the uninspired pagan scribes, it would hold true to the “meaning” of the name as given by the Angel to Joseph and Mary; then “shua” or salvation would have been translated “soterion or soter” not “sous”. So we see a gross mis-handling of the Messiah’s name at best but when you look back in history we see a Hyalinization of the name with the intent to give glory to the pagan god Zeus. One simply would need to open up their Greek Lexicon to know the truth behind this; below is the entry from The NAS New Testament Greek Lexicon: Strong's Number: 4992: soterion, adjective. Meaning saving, bringing salvation he who embodies this salvation, or through whom God is about to achieve it the hope of (future) salvation The name in Latin of the Messiah therefore would have been something closer to Iesoter or Iesoterion if the intent of the meaning of the name was honored by the Greek and Roman pagan scribes and modern day translators. The name would never have been “Iesous” taking on the suffix of every other Greek name given to give glory to Zeus… “us”. The reason behind this abomination is clearly seen. The name “Jesus” has the exact same suffix as the name of the Roman Emperor who created it: Flavius Valerius Aurelius Constantinus Augustus. “Why” does every word in Constantine’s name end in “us”? It would only stand to reason that the all powerful Emperor would give a name to his new god in his own image with the suffix “us”. After all, Constantine believed himself to be re-incarnated Apollo (the son of Zeus). And he remade the Messiah in his own image then elevated that “image of the false messiah” in the name “Jesus” as god to be worshipped. This act of paganizing the messiah and worshipping an image of a man above YHVH is condemned by Paul in a letter to the church in Rome! Romans 1 21 Because that, when they knew YHVH, they glorified YHVH not as God (elevating Jesus/Trinity in their hearts as God), neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened (to believe a pagan lie). 22 Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools 23 and exchanged the glory of the immortal YHVH for images made to look like mortal man (the image of “Jesus”) and birds and animals and reptiles (signs of The Zodiac). 24 Therefore YHVH gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. 25 They exchanged the truth about YHVH for a lie (pagan Trinity), and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator-who is forever praised. Amen. When we simply take the first step and admit to ourselves the obvious, it becomes abundantly clear both “why” and “how” the name “Jesus” was easily accepted by a pagan population that worshiped Zeus, Hesus, Horus, Krishna, Julius Ceasar and the demi-god son Apollo the god of the sun. To the pagan Romans of their day, the name Iesous (Jesus Christ or JC) looked and sounded almost identical to their god-man Julius Ceasar or (JC). This is true today even in English (Julius / Jesus) even their initials remain the same an have nothing in common with Yahusha the Messiah. The English translation of Yahusha looks nothing and sounds nothing like “Jesus” it is “Joshua” or even truer still Yahusha. The obvious truth is the Messiah’s name was changed and he was given a name like every other Greek in honor of Zeus.
@paulfrantz7674 9 сағат бұрын
Perhaps Tillagen was a person.
@DavidForman-k7g 12 сағат бұрын
Brilliant! I study ancient Hebrew pictograms; I always felt this to be common sense self evidently true. Nobody believed me. This was brilliant!!
@suzannakoizumi8605 12 сағат бұрын
Thank you. ❤❤❤
@gregrice1354 13 сағат бұрын
WONDERFUL confirmation news for the continued, deeper study of Scripture, and its supporting heritage and facts! Thank you for crediting the Dr. Blizzard and citing the Freiburg (?) manuscript for comparison. I've subscribed. God is doing some wonderful things in these latter days - and many this year, with so many signs and wonders in the heavens as well. It is an exciting time to be a believer and an apologist for the God of the Bible. Thank God for those scholars and scribes who created and preserved that Indian Cochin New Testament!!! This could be very helpful for clarifying confusion and conflicts over eschatological doctrines from John in Revelation. Does the Hebrew Revelation manuscript have any indication that the 22 chapter headings we have from King James, are actually to be attributed to the Hebrew language 22 character Aleph-Beit?
@ProjectTruthMinistries 9 сағат бұрын
@@gregrice1354 there are 22 chapters. They get off in a few spots. Some verses are found in the next chapter. Not clear when the chapters were added. There has always been page breaks even in the Torah. And we have page breaks and chapter headings.
@itsmykevee2489 14 сағат бұрын
it's neither, its uau. The Father is YaHUaH and His Son, the Messiah is YaHUsHa
@JRTIGER07 14 сағат бұрын
Of Course the Scripture were Written in Hebrew ...Moses was a Hebrew and the Torah was Translated in Greek 250 Years before Yeshua was Born *LXX The Septugient* Yeshua Spoke Hebrew, Aramaic, Greek and Maybe Latin or how else did he talked with the Roman Soldier who Son he Healed and How did Yeshua Speak to Pilate at his Trail 🤔...Did Pilate Speak Hebrew i think Not 🙋 Shalom enjoyed the Video thank you 🙏
@JRTIGER07 14 сағат бұрын
So does the Scriptures Written in Hebrew Change the English Version we have in the Bible today 🤔 Greek in the 1st Century would be like we have the English Language today . The Main Trading Language...
Q. If God named his son Yahusha HaMashiach, why did man take it upon themselves to change it to Jesus Christ? And why would we call him other than what God named him? Is man correct or God? A. We see in historical documents that the name “Jesus” did not even come into existence until the 1600’s when the letter “J” was introduced into our English language. So the name “Jesus” is only around 400 years old! The Greek "Iesus" comes from the name Zeus, the ruling God in the Greek pantheon. "Jesus” is a transliteration of a Latin name only ONE letter off “Ioesus” pronounced hey-sus - which has no meaning in Hebrew, but in Latin it means “Hail Zeus”. If Yahusha’s name had been transliterated into our language, it would have been Joshua. If the name was treated properly using the compound naming convention YHVH intended it would be YAH(weh)(ye)SHA shortened to “Yahusha” using the short contracted form maintaining the meaning of the name and fulfilling prophecy that the Messiah “came in the NAME of YHVH”. If the name was handled properly in Greek by the uninspired pagan scribes, it would hold true to the “meaning” of the name as given by the Angel to Joseph and Mary; then “shua” or salvation would have been translated “soterion or soter” not “sous”. So we see a gross mis-handling of the Messiah’s name at best but when you look back in history we see a Hyalinization of the name with the intent to give glory to the pagan god Zeus. One simply would need to open up their Greek Lexicon to know the truth behind this; below is the entry from The NAS New Testament Greek Lexicon: Strong's Number: 4992: soterion, adjective. Meaning saving, bringing salvation he who embodies this salvation, or through whom God is about to achieve it the hope of (future) salvation The name in Latin of the Messiah therefore would have been something closer to Iesoter or Iesoterion if the intent of the meaning of the name was honored by the Greek and Roman pagan scribes and modern day translators. The name would never have been “Iesous” taking on the suffix of every other Greek name given to give glory to Zeus… “us”. The reason behind this abomination is clearly seen. The name “Jesus” has the exact same suffix as the name of the Roman Emperor who created it: Flavius Valerius Aurelius Constantinus Augustus. “Why” does every word in Constantine’s name end in “us”? It would only stand to reason that the all powerful Emperor would give a name to his new god in his own image with the suffix “us”. After all, Constantine believed himself to be re-incarnated Apollo (the son of Zeus). And he remade the Messiah in his own image then elevated that “image of the false messiah” in the name “Jesus” as god to be worshipped. This act of paganizing the messiah and worshipping an image of a man above YHVH is condemned by Paul in a letter to the church in Rome! Romans 1 21 Because that, when they knew YHVH, they glorified YHVH not as God (elevating Jesus/Trinity in their hearts as God), neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened (to believe a pagan lie). 22 Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools 23 and exchanged the glory of the immortal YHVH for images made to look like mortal man (the image of “Jesus”) and birds and animals and reptiles (signs of The Zodiac). 24 Therefore YHVH gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. 25 They exchanged the truth about YHVH for a lie (pagan Trinity), and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator-who is forever praised. Amen. When we simply take the first step and admit to ourselves the obvious, it becomes abundantly clear both “why” and “how” the name “Jesus” was easily accepted by a pagan population that worshiped Zeus, Hesus, Horus, Krishna, Julius Ceasar and the demi-god son Apollo the god of the sun. To the pagan Romans of their day, the name Iesous (Jesus Christ or JC) looked and sounded almost identical to their god-man Julius Ceasar or (JC). This is true today even in English (Julius / Jesus) even their initials remain the same an have nothing in common with Yahusha the Messiah. The English translation of Yahusha looks nothing and sounds nothing like “Jesus” it is “Joshua” or even truer still Yahusha. The obvious truth is the Messiah’s name was changed and he was given a name like every other Greek in honor of Zeus.
@JRTIGER07 8 сағат бұрын
@@FOLLOWEROFYAHUSHA Hello 🙋 Two Scriptures come to mind *Ecclesiastes **12:12** & Romans 1:22* (N.I.V) 🙋 Right Jesus Name in Hebrew is *Yeshua* Or Yahushua or YehOshua (Joshua) In Greek it Would be *'Ιησοΰς / lēsoûs* (2424) In English it would be Spelt *Jesus* 🙋 Quite Simple isn't it 😂 *Acts 2:38 / **4:24* (N I V)
@@JRTIGER07 instead of finding yourself as wise, seek what is the truth. Yahusha will reaveal to you .
@JRTIGER07 7 сағат бұрын
@@FOLLOWEROFYAHUSHA *Isaiah 49:8* (N.I.V) (3444) Of Salvation // *ye.sū.'āh* ====================== *Translated Word* // of Salvation *Original Word* // (Sorry don't have Hebrew on my Phone) *Transliteration* // yeshûwâh *Pronounced* // yesh-oo'-aw *Definition* // deliverance, health , *SALVATION* , save, Saving, aid , *VICTORY* Bless you Bro 🙋
@voiceofreason162 14 сағат бұрын
Nazareth of Jesus's day did have a stone quarry, lots of stonework. But it would be blindsighting to say he didn’t handle other materials. Wood included.
@voiceofreason162 15 сағат бұрын
That really is a Hallelujah moment. It means what Jesus SAID was heard in Hebrew, recorded in Hebrew, and preserved in Hebrew, pre-Aramaic (40s), pre-Greek (40s), and CONCURS with the text in the Old Testament. That manuscript puts the date of first recordings IN AD 30. What infuriates me is Cambridge University SAT on this for as long as they did.
@suekeith 15 сағат бұрын
Thank you for your ministry, this is amazing!
@Dearlybeloved2024 16 сағат бұрын
This is so amazing but also humbling… I feel like everything I thought I knew has to be relearned as the text is so different in the Hebrew…
@lindafosdick9875 16 сағат бұрын
The 4 horses are associated with the sealed books. First, we need to understand what those 7 sealed books represent. The seventh book has not been opened yet, why is that? The 7 sealed books seem to represent the 7 thousand years the earth will stand as we know it. The horses however are associated with the first 4 thousand years. I am not saying that they will not appear again during the end times, as representing the first 4 thousand years. But I do feel that a lot of emphasis is given to associate them with just the end times. When they may or may not appear.
@aliyahu8800 17 сағат бұрын
Aramaic isn't Hebrew
@nouyeethao 18 сағат бұрын
Why the Catholic and christian always claim that the New Testament had been written by Greek. So they had changed many disciples ' name too.
@KaquolMeliReno 19 сағат бұрын
I believe that the Hebrew language is God’s language.
@JRTIGER07 13 сағат бұрын
So Adam was a Hebrew 🤔
@terrywaltman2520 20 сағат бұрын
ELI...means, HE said " my strength my strength ! Why have you Forsaken Me ! Not my God !
@voiceofreason162 14 сағат бұрын
koach: strength, power Transliteration: koach Definition: strength, power (of the person) Not Eli.
@That_one_introvert. 11 сағат бұрын
The Hebrew word "El" (אֵל) means "strength" or "power," when you combine "El" with the possessive suffix "-i," which means "my," you get "Eli" (אֵלִי), which can be understood as "my God" or "my strength/power." In this context, "Eli" is likely being used as a shortened form of the Hebrew name for God, "Eli" (אֵל), which means "my God" or "my strength/power". Yeshua is crying out to God.
@terrywaltman2520 20 сағат бұрын
The Messiah never called His Father GOD...even on the cross !
@JaniceFBaca_Translator 20 сағат бұрын
Have you read Psalms 22:1 when Yeshua is quoting from that verse?
@JRTIGER07 13 сағат бұрын
*Psalm 22:9-10* Another Prophecy Yeshua Fulfilled *Psalm 2:7 / Hebrews 1:5-14* (N.I.V)
@JRTIGER07 13 сағат бұрын
*Revelation 3:12* (N.I.V)
@fayvahsteffie3654 20 сағат бұрын
HalleluYah thank you
@6969smurfy 20 сағат бұрын
I'm confused, you claim the Hebrew language spoken, which is good! but you claim the "J" in HIS "Most High" praise Hallelujah? Praise YAH Halalu-YAH! Please adrees (edit) address this. Shalom Brithers and sisters.
@ProjectTruthMinistries 20 сағат бұрын
@@6969smurfy I didn’t claim that. The J is a late addition to the English. The cloud emoji was part of the software package that I use to edit. The J was originally a “I” sound so please don’t get caught up on that. If you want to read it as Hebrew then you should read all J’s as I sound. Which in my pronunciation you hear I say Yah.
@6969smurfy 20 сағат бұрын
​@@ProjectTruthMinistries thanks for the swift reply. I don't get caught up in names, I use titles. Replacing the J with YAHs names for HIS titles. That way HIS Titled Things are acknowledged. Thanks
@6969smurfy 20 сағат бұрын
​@@ProjectTruthMinistries YAH and HIS Titled Things *YAH, God refferance to Thy Father Most High! *YAHisrael, Israel "YAHs Peoples" Note Thy Family Structure, name given to Jacob, after wrestling with YAH. *YAHrusalyme, Jerusalem YAHs City *YAHshua, Messiah *YAH saves! *YAHqov, jacob YAH To Follow. *YAHsef, Joseph, YAH will Add YAHhuda, Judah YAH "praised" (noticed the past tense)? YAHdeah Jedediah, YAHs Friend. *Hal la lu YAH, Praise YAH! With hands up? Questionable yet? Needs more study on my.part, YAHona Jonah, yona YAHs Dove/ Pigeon. YAH Sent from above? Work ons Jessus, Joshua, Jonah, Jerubabel, Jedediah, Jehoshaphat, Judah, James, John, Jude, Jusiah, Judith, Jesse, Joel, Jethro, Joseph, Jabin, Julia, Joanna
@terrybaker1147 20 сағат бұрын
Could Tiligen be Gentiles?
@godsforeteller5382 20 сағат бұрын
A.I. Suggested this title! Truth Revealed. Discover the shocking story of creation. Learn it now! Jesus said, the Son of Man Sowed the good seed at the beginning of this world. Jesus, is the Son of Man! How did Jesus sow the good seed at the beginning of the world? When he walked this earth as Abel, the only begotten son of God born from God's own seed! Jesus said, two seeds populated this earth in Matthew 13:24. One seed provided by the Son of Man, the other from an enemy, the devil. Does anyone see a seed of Adam, mentioned by Jesus? No, you do not. Why not? Because Adam, is not the father of man, Adams seed was cut off in the flood. The two seeds that Jesus referred to can be found in Genesis 3:15. God, is speaking to the serpent, and refrring to a woman. The serpent is Lucifer, the devil. The woman is Eve. Eve, confirms she is the woman in Genesis 3:15 in Genesis 4. Eve, said: the Lord hath appointed me another seed instead of Abel, whom Cain slew. Eve, is the woman in Genesis 3:15. Now you know the characters, I can explain what is happening here. Jesus said, two seeds populated this earth, he should know. He was there at the time, only then, we knew Jesus, as Abel. God, is speaking to the serpent and referring to Eve, the woman in Genesis 3:15 "And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed, and her seed. It shall bruise thy head, and thou shall bruise his heel. The meaning of this little verse is enormous!!! The womans seed, is God's seed! The serpents seed is of Lucifer, the devil. These are the two seeds Jesus was speaking of in his parable, the Sower, and the seed. The definition of Abel, is: The son of Adam, or if you will, the Son of Man. Adam, raised Abel, but Abel, was not Adam's son. The seed of God, and the seed of the serpent were in Eve, before Adam lay with his wife. Eve, conceived, but it was not Adam's seed that took, but the serpents seed, and Cain, the devils son was born. The next seed that took was the seed of God, and Abel, was born. Abel, is the only begotten Son of God who was born from the seed of God HImself! When Cain, slew Abel, he created his own demise. It was not Abel to give Cain the deadly wound to his head, that would be Jesus Christ, Lord and Savior of this world. Genesis 3:15, is where God wrote the end from the beginning, His son overcoming the Serpents son with a heel to the head. In Revelation 13:2 the dragon, i.e. the devil, is giving his power, his seat, and great authority to the beast. There is only one time prophecied for this to take place. Genesis 4:6-8. God is speaking to Cain, the devils son. Sin that lieth at the door is the devil. God is telling Cain if he chooses to do well, then he shall be accepted, and if not, then he will do his daddy's desire, and sin, mand sometime in the future, Cain will rule over his daddy, the devil. This takes place in Revelation 13:2. The devil, is relinquishing his power to his son Cain. What was the devils desire? To steal Abel's inheritance. See Jesus parable of the wicked husbandman, Matthew 21:33-46. God, is the householder, Abel, is God's Son, the wicked husbandmen, are Cain, and his daddy, the devil. Abel, will be sent back to the earth, and reborn as Jesus Christ! Everytime Jesus, refers to the Son of Man, he is referring to himself. Abel, is who sowed the good seed at the beginning of this world. Seth, is the Son of Abel! This is why Jesus said: Call no man your father on earth, for one is your Father in heaven. Jesus was speaking to his own brethren, they who descended from God Himself. We, who walk this earth are either a child of God, a child of the devil,m or a combination of the two. That was knowledge I myself didn't like the hearing of. It's time to learn the truth! ABEL, THE ONLY BEGOTTEN SON OF GOD, WHO BECAME OUR LORD AND SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST!
@ProjectTruthMinistries 20 сағат бұрын
@@godsforeteller5382 everyone should be more careful with interacting with AI.
@callyourgeek 20 сағат бұрын
now please compare this verse in the cochin hebrew. Matthew 1:16 And Jacob begat Joseph the husband of Mary, of whom was born Jesus, who is called Christ. focus on the word "husband" if the hebrew is correct it should say father.
@That_one_introvert. 17 сағат бұрын
Matthew 1:16 Yaqob begot Yoseph the guardian of Maryam, her from whom was begotten Yeshua, who is called The Messiah. -Aramaic Bible in Plain English
@nickstrickland4751 6 сағат бұрын
The word for father in the Cochin is איש which means manor or guardian, but later down she is engaged to her באל Baal or husband in fact it was this Joseph making this one her husband where her father was the word Ish not Baal.
@guidetothebible 21 сағат бұрын
This is great. More people are discovering that the NT was originally in Hebrew and finding more evidence for this from within the text itself. Nehemiah Gordon was the first one I discovered this from. In the video below you can hear about how Nehemiah (and George Howard) found the 28 Hebrew NT manuscripts that Brian mentioned in the above video. The Hebrew Gospel of Matthew - Nehemia Gordon (Open Door Series 2) - NehemiasWall in you tube. (links can’t be posted here). These MS also help us to know that the Septuagint was being quoted from by later Greek writers of the NT as it was just the commonest language of the time. While the Dead Sea scrolls most closely match the Masoretic based Bibles.
@Bingbing611 21 сағат бұрын
I can see the light of the Lord in both of your faces! Beautiful.
@integrity7x70 22 сағат бұрын
Aramaic is slang. Combination of Assyrian and Babylonian. The Hebrews were in captivity. Yeshua is a noun. it's not a personal name. it means deliverer. The Hebrew name of The Son,the Messiah has always been Yahusha. Hebrew original. Yahushua ...joshua ... means I AM salvation. Yahuah is salvation is the true meaning of the name Yahusha. He came in his father's name.
@That_one_introvert. 20 сағат бұрын
I'm not sure where you obtained your information, but it is incorrect. In Aramaic, the name "Yeshua" (ܝܫܘܥ) is similar in meaning to the Hebrew name "Yehoshua" (יְהוֹשׁ֫וּעַ), which means "Yah is salvation."
@6969smurfy 20 сағат бұрын
Wasn't Aramaic like short hand or something . Heard it was an easier language to write out. Not sure if it's true or not?
@That_one_introvert. 20 сағат бұрын
@@6969smurfy Aramaic has different scripts, and the square script looks exactly like Hebrew.
@6969smurfy 18 сағат бұрын
@@That_one_introvert. scare script?
@That_one_introvert. 18 сағат бұрын
@@6969smurfy *Square.
@MrSilven 22 сағат бұрын
Is there a connection between Yeshua saying the first line of Psalm 22 aloud to the Jewish practice in the Kippur of saying the first line of the Psalms aloud and then there's a notation telling us to pray the rest in an undertone to ourselves? So that Yeshua could have recited the rest of the Psalm to himself?
@6969smurfy 20 сағат бұрын
I believe He sang it, I believe this was the way they were taught to memorize scriptures, ?
@TruthsohelpmeYah 22 сағат бұрын
HalleluYah. Yahuah is True and Tov.
@integrity7x70 22 сағат бұрын
Praise Yahuah ...he is salvation Yahusha is the name we call upon and the name the circus fathers have ripped out of the manuscripts... Hebrew to english ids key
@integrity7x70 22 сағат бұрын
The name is a gift to us
@integrity7x70 22 сағат бұрын
thank You Praise Yahuah
@integrity7x70 22 сағат бұрын
Hebrew to english will reveal the lies and strongholds the circus fathers have done to the people. Christianity is not of Yahuah
@integrity7x70 22 сағат бұрын
this is a gold mine for the chosen. You are the true Natsarim. The circus fathers of Christianity will reject this because their Roman-Greek latin uninspired translations hate the Hebrews. Yahusha is hebrew and spoke hebrew.
@twylie2590 22 сағат бұрын
I am still confused a bit because you are showing only the Aramaic "sabaktani" versions in the manuscripts. I always felt that the parallel Hebrew for that would have probably been "shachachtani", meaning "forgot about me". What is more, in the Freiburg Mark I see "Elo-HAI", my God, similar to Adonai, my Lord.
@OnlyVisitingU 23 сағат бұрын
Why do the scans of the text of the Epistle of James provided by Cambridge University (that I have seen) have Arabic numerals in the verse divisions?
@JaniceFBaca_Translator 20 сағат бұрын
Good question! The numerals were first used in the Codex Vigilanus or Codex Albeldensis in 976. Since we are looking at a copy of copies, these numerals were probably added later. How much later? That's unknown.
@OnlyVisitingU 4 сағат бұрын
@@JaniceFBaca_Translator Thank you for your reply - I should like to investigate this more and don't mean to be controversial. I visited the Synagogue in Cochin in the late 1970's when an official kindly took out the Torah scrolls for me to see - long before the current tourist restrictions were imposed. My family, though not Indian, have a long history in India. From memory I think the earliest verse divisions first appeared in the Geneva English NT of 1557. They are not in the 1526 Tyndale NT. I remember reading somewhere many years ago that it was Robert Estienne (Stephanus) who devised the verse divisions in the NT while on a journey between London and Paris in the 1550's. I don't know if the verse divisions were in Estienne's Greek NT printing of the 1550's - I haven't checked. However it would appear that the copyist of the Cochin NT had access to either the Greek or or English NTs in order to insert the verse numbers in Arabic numerals (unusual for a Hebrew manuscript) in the correct places. It looks to me that these were added at the time of copying and not added later as space is allowed in the text for these numerals. Baruch HaShem
@Dearlybeloved2024 23 сағат бұрын
Also in Rev 1:13-24 where it talks about his white garments (lavush)… and hair white as wool this description is also found in Daniel 7:9 I beheld till the thrones were cast down, and the Ancient of days did sit, whose garment (h3831 Labush) was white as snow, and the hair of his head like the pure wool: his throne was like the fiery flame, and his wheels as burning fire.
@thomasgildersleeve4723 23 сағат бұрын
quick question why are there English numbers in this first-century text?
@JaniceFBaca_Translator 20 сағат бұрын
Good question! The numerals are actually Arabic numerals and were first used in the Codex Vigilanus or Codex Albeldensis in 976. Since we are looking at a copy of copies, these numerals were probably added later. How much later? That's unknown.
@Dearlybeloved2024 23 сағат бұрын
Interesting also that in Rev 1:10 in the Hebrew it says a “great voice” or “qol gadol” which other than being used multiple times in the Hebrew Revelation as the voice coming from the Throne, is also only otherwise found in the OT (as far as I can see) in Deut 5:22 referencing when YHWH spoke from Mt Sinai out of the midst of the fire and thick darkness with a “great voice” or “qol gadol”….
@yashareltheilluminated187 23 сағат бұрын
Yahusha wasn't speaking second hand Hebrew. He was speaking paleo Hebrew, the original language. And he wasn't saying my God. He NEVER would of called his father GOD. When his father name is yahuah. So if they thought he was calling on aliyah, they need to check the original Hebrew, not the Jewish Hebrew to see what yahusha was really saying.
@SuperMichelleDJ 22 сағат бұрын
Stop lying
@integrity7x70 22 сағат бұрын
you are a Natsarim
@integrity7x70 22 сағат бұрын
The name has been stolen or hidden . Yahuah has taken his name off the lips of the people due to false idolatry. Jesus is the result of lawlessness .
@JaniceFBaca_Translator 19 сағат бұрын
Shalom, in Psalms 22:1, it actually does say, "my God, my God." When Yeshua quotes from Psalms 22:1, He is saying the same. Now, what I think you are trying to say is that He spoke the "protosemitic" language, which is nonsensical. He wouldn't have spoken a language that no one would comprehend since that language and of course, the Hebrew language has made grammatical shifts throughout the generations.
@tomteacher5885 15 сағат бұрын
You don't get it at all. He was pointing out that the crucifixion was the fulfillment of the prophecy of psalm 22, a prophecy written into Creation itself- תוֹלַ֣עַת- the crimson worm on the cross
@dustinhoffman8131 Күн бұрын
I would like to know the order of the terms Yom and Layil in this Cochin manuscript. We can clearly see in the Old Testament that the order laid out by YaHUaH is day and night, but in the New Testament the order appears to be reversed in many places.
@dustinhoffman8131 23 сағат бұрын
Also, and let me say thank you for all your efforts, how May we get copies of these photos of these manuscripts?
@obiajuluechedom1155 Күн бұрын
Awsome! Splendid! Outstanding! ❤ 🎉 😊
@johnworby5130 Күн бұрын
The "bow and crown of the rider on the white horse" of Rev 6:2 reflects the figure of Apollo, who was well known in Asia Minor, especially Smyrna and Thyatira (Ref G.K.Beale - The Book of Revelation commentary). Also Hindu, Buddhist and Sikh mythology foretells of a figure riding a white horse with a fiery sword. I an therefore inclined to see this as a false messiah.