@marymccoy1619 8 күн бұрын
My daughter is autistic and doesn’t talk so your video made me cry because I can see similarities between yall if that make’s sense… hugs
@artisticafflair408 10 күн бұрын
Id never of known you were deaf. You don't have the usual deaf speech that I hear.
@isabellebouchard5612 18 күн бұрын
Oh my god ….this is my childhood ….thanks so much 🙏🙏🙏
@rebirthofthecool5619 19 күн бұрын
I have a special ability, i can fly. But only when i go on holiday.
@rebirthofthecool5619 19 күн бұрын
Are you from Yorkshire? I'm the opposite with pepper, I could eat peppercorns and not be bothered. They loved me in Thailand when I asked for extra chillis, they thought it was funny. What I hate though is most sauces, like tomato and all the common ones. I don't want to even write their names they disgust me that much.
@antonioskarasulas7604 Ай бұрын
I've known for many years that I have OCD. I was doing. Turns out I'm actually autistic! And that very much better explains my life.
@markpaladiy5748 Ай бұрын
I'm an autistic male, but I'm fairly different from Rainman.
@markpaladiy5748 Ай бұрын
1. The general, 'masculine' cosmos and the special, 'feminine' Earth (Gen 1:1); 2. The Earth, as its own general subject, and its special kind of material wealth: its abiding maximal abundance of open liquid water (v. 2); 3. That water, in general, and its cycling (the water cycle, vs. 3-10); 4. The water cycle, in general, and its beneficiaries: biological life (vs. 11-12); 5. Biological life, in general, and its special category, animal biology (vs. 20-25); 6. Animals, in general, and its special category, humans (vs. 26-29); 7. The general human and the special...woman (Genesis 2:7-25) This pairing sequence is itself paired with the fact there are ONLY FIVE names that Genesis 1 reports that God gives to five things. And, these things seem to be the Earth's own prime three dynamic, feminine subsystems of its water cycle: 1. the thermally regulative day/night cycle ('day' and 'night', v. 5); 2. the thermally regulative atmosphere ('shamayim', v. 8; NOT 'ha-shamayim', for, the latter is general sky, like in Gen 2:4a); 3. the land/sea surface thermal exchange system ('earth' and 'seas', v. 10). If these three sets of things are what these verses are reporting, then it finds analogy in Adam's later naming Woman (Genesis 2:23) I think she, likewise, names him. Of course, the text does not say she did. But the text also does not say she had feet. And, of course, she had feet. These things are the Earth's own basic, feminine subsystems for handling the Sun's radiation for benefit of life on Earth. This is why Genesis 1 says that God saw that the light (v. 3) was good. For the 'light' is in the prior context of the Earth and its wealth of water. It is not (repeat, not) physical light unto itself that God called good. It is the relation which the light has for the potential for water-based life on Earth. For, tellingly, the Genesis 1 account does not report that God names gravity, or light, or even water. Only of day-and-night, as such, and the atmosphere, and of land and sea.
@susanfletcher921 Ай бұрын
Thank you, Dear one. My grandson at 3 1/2 his showing a lot of the signs and symptoms that you are describing. This is going to help all of us to help him along the way.
@thedullohanvids Ай бұрын
I have been researching autism because we think my daughter is autistic. Haven't been able to get her tested yet, but we are very sure. From the research I have done I learned that dyslexia is on the autism spectrum. I was diagnosed with dyslexia when I was in elementary school and nobody even mentioned autism. Now I watch a video like this and realize how I relate to so much of it. 36 years old and just learning I might be autistic. Side note I believe my daughter is hyperlexic, because she started kindergarten reading at a 3rd grade level. That makes me really happy because dyslexia Fing sucks. It wasn't till middle school that I was really able to read on my own, and it wasn't till my late 20's that I was able to read well. I still have to rely on spellcheck and text to speech apps more then I would like, but I manage and that is what really matters. I really didn't want to see her struggle like I did.
@Michael_H_Nielsen 2 ай бұрын
This was really insightful thank you. I am autistic and preparing myself for public speaking at schools for how to better understand and include autistic people in the fellowship and this video helps. thank you :)
@Michael_H_Nielsen 2 ай бұрын
Thank you for saying that other people do not really interest you. I feel the same and we need more people brave enough to say it :)
@PerryScanlon 3 ай бұрын
I like how you question society and the experts. 🙂
@ElaineDavies-ie3sw 3 ай бұрын
I met another autistic before and we clickedvon every level only they masked so much that they left me behind ...that hurt.
@ri_rie_ange 3 ай бұрын
Thank God you didn’t stick that needle in her eye
@ri_rie_ange 3 ай бұрын
To get rid of the bump in your hair. Holding spray and a blow dryer. Spray, hold down with brush or comb and blow dry. For anyone having this issue 😊
@ri_rie_ange 3 ай бұрын
My daughter only eats chicken nuggets and sweet potato fries with juice. She won’t drink any water
@yokayriscastillo4068 3 ай бұрын
Felt this so much
@christianyaerger1751 3 ай бұрын
I'm still on the fence of whether I have autism of OCD, and your comment on perspective is interesting. I feel a "need" or "compulsion" to do certain things, acts, stims, and it's not "pleasurable" as some would frame it as autism. However, there's also not a thought or narrative going through my mind, as you describe with OCD. I've come to realize the stims aren't "fun" so much as "help lower anxiety", help aim for a baseline.
@kaisfp 3 ай бұрын
About the eyeballs, I think if you don't look at just the eyeballs (for ex. Do those eyeballs look into your eyes often or not? Look often enough or too often? Look long enough or too long?) is helpful to read faces, but what is even more helpful if you look at the eyebrows (eyebrows are very important), also some smaller muscles around the eyeballs can be important too to detect fake smiles for ex., or for some emotions (like the almost-crying emotion) the chin is very telling, when people feel very hurt and get into a crying mood but they try to hide how they are feeling, they might be able to hide their tears for a few seconds, because tears come out always a little after people are in the crying mood, but they usually are not able to hide their crying-mood chin shape, when people cry, or even if ghey try to hide or stop their crying, they usually cannot hide their crying-mood-chin-shape, the chin muscles get a little tense when people start crying even if they successfully hide the crying at the beginning, their muscle-tense chin shape will give away their cry-mood emotion which you can read from the chin and the eyebrows. So my suggestion for you in the hope of helping you reading faces easier is to try to look at not just the eyeballs, but also especially the eyebrows and also the little muscles around the eyes. If you search for some kind of picture on Google that has many faces made by an actor for acting class or something, you can see the precise differences between the faces and all the little muscle differences for the different facial emotion expressions, I think that can be really helpful. There are people who if you (even unintentionally) hurt them by miscommunication issues that exist between autistic and non-autistic people, some of the neurotypical people keep a smiling mouth shape and they try to keep even a happy voce tone after you unintentionally hurt them, but their eyes (mainly the eyebrows) is VERY LIKELY changes, so their smile will statt to look fake at that point, but they keep amiling because that is a social rule(?) in their head to keep a happy vibe of the room (even if they got hurt, becauae they miaunderstood something you told them without offensive intention, but unfortunatelly theybtook it as offensive). (This was just a random example for demonstration, but this type of example is relatively common, although it doesn't have to be "crying-mood", it can be just "basic-hurt-mood".)
@RattyIsabela 3 ай бұрын
We’ve tried everything, but the holistic treatment plan suggested by Dr Oyalo finally showed results. The combination of a gluten-free diet and specific vitamins has improved my son’s communication and focus.
@amandafernandajulia 3 ай бұрын
Get the best remedy to improve your child’s autistic condition from doctor Oyalo as his herbs have helped my child improve in speech and social skill very well.
@amandafernandajulia 3 ай бұрын
Get the best remedy to improve your child’s autistic condition from doctor Oyalo as his herbs have helped my child improve in speech and social skill very well.
@amalittlekidwhodraws9628 3 ай бұрын
Who’s autistic but just decided to watch this to relate to someone or because they were bored?
@RattyIsabela 3 ай бұрын
We’ve tried everything, but the holistic treatment plan suggested by Dr Oyalo finally showed results. The combination of a gluten-free diet and specific vitamins has improved my son’s communication and focus
@JuniorJR52 4 ай бұрын
I am the very same way! Everything for me has to be just right or I go into a huge meltdown. I used to line up cars, I used to play by myself, and my favorite toy, was poker chips. Loud noises for me, is also a big issue. I have to wear headphone with music playing to stay calm. So yes, I too have autism.
@GabHeart-rk6qm 4 ай бұрын
Omg the bump on the head I could relate! Lol I had anxiety when my grandma would do my hair, because the bump would keep sticking up
@amandafernandajulia 4 ай бұрын
Dr Oyalo product has been a lifesaver for my two daughters. This was the needed treatment and herbs for them which has helped them recover from autism
@amandafernandajulia 4 ай бұрын
Get the best remedy to improve your child’s autistic condition from doctor Oyalo as his herbs have helped my child improve in speech and social skill very well.
@amandafernandajulia 4 ай бұрын
Get the best remedy to improve your child’s autistic condition from doctor Oyalo as his herbs have helped my child improve in speech and social skill very well.
@boondock2969 4 ай бұрын
Anyone else feel like a taser in a cup of water when they have the sensory overload?
@catherinecampbell3041 5 ай бұрын
What's the book called
@t.m.r.g.x677 5 ай бұрын
I'm gonna to get a test soon to see anything and everything I have cuz my mum thinks I have autism but I have read about lots of other things that I comply with to but I really don't want to have autism because I'm scared my friends will think I'm really weird. I also have really bad anxiety so that doesn't help either so I hope it goes well for me and I'm sure even If I do have autism and more it'll probably be ok right?! Anyways I really enjoyed watching your video!!
@robincharles7057 13 күн бұрын
You won't become a different person if diagnosed, you will still be the person your friends liked hanging out with before. :) I hope everything goes/went well. ❤
@JohnWeichel 6 ай бұрын
@kaylabuschur7562 6 ай бұрын
Wow my daugther had so much of these signs but she would destory everything at school but most of the time be calm at home. The talking to herself was something i thought was normal her imaginary friends i thought was also normal but her teachers said qhere it becomes not normal is when she perfers to be in a fantasy world 90% of the time over playing with others. Your story sounds like my 7yr old daugthers.
@boi905 6 ай бұрын
Don’t call it a tantrum. A tantrum is a negative behavior that is intentional to be manipulative to try to get what you want. A meltdown is involuntary.
@ElzbietaKloda-k7n 6 ай бұрын
I am 42 and have "conversation with my brain" since I can remember
@steveneardley7541 6 ай бұрын
I had already been totally withdrawn in grade school. I was so lonely that I forced myself to try to make friends. I didn't understand any of the social codes, but became a class clown, and that made some people like me. Most of my friends were classical musicians in orchestra. They were kinder than most. Having friends allowed me to learn a lot about how to relate to others. Yes I was bad at social cues, but I did learn, and I didn't really mask much. My best friend in high school was no doubt also autistic. We would do things like trying to talk backwards and then see how accurate we could make it sound. We both got into absurdism really heavily, and that was actually very beneficial--Beckett, Ionesco, etc. We had both seen the same play on TV--Play Without Words. It basically just had two yokels, each in a trashcan, periodically popping their heads out and yelling absurd things at each other. it was such a comment on non-communication. I have a friend whose son was having problems in high school, and I gave him a five-volume compendium of stories by Daniel Pinkwater. It was like a survival manual for high school, with a lot of Buddhist and Dadaist ideas in it. I'm not sure whether Pinkwater is autistic, but it wouldn't surprise me. One of his stories is Alan Mendelsohn, the Boy from Mars. I could definitely relate. My license plate for years was KLAATU, the name of the robot in The Day the Earth Stood Still.
@Hogzilla 7 ай бұрын
7:56 same lol
@leslieiannottacronin2176 7 ай бұрын
Don’t apologize. Your perspective is valuable
@JohnWeichel 7 ай бұрын
I have autism to
@MissBliss818 8 ай бұрын
Lol, when i was in the 3rd grade, i was in library and a student picked up a book. I noticed the book and remember thinking i didn’t like the book she picked up. Even though i didn’t know the girl (this was my 2nd day at this new school), and all i did was share my two cents with the girl and told her that the book she picked up is dumb. Lol. She tattled on me and i got in trouble for a "put down". All the kids thought i was the rude new girl, but by week two, i was no longer the rude kid, but i was the weird kid.
@Alexander-ball 5 ай бұрын
Looking back at it now can u see how u were wrong?
@LB-uo7xy 8 ай бұрын
Your mom had the patient of a saint. Seriously! And it always shocks me how not enough empathy autistic people have for the level of dedication and patience of their caretakers. Saying this as another person with autism whose mom was also a saint and also deserves her statue in the town square for the crazy amount she had to put up with. I KNOW I could never!😂
@MrKeeley01 8 ай бұрын
I do have patience of a saint but wouldn’t change a thing ❤. Love your comment x
@beverleyevans391 9 ай бұрын
My autistic daughter has up to 8 meltdowns a day - is this normal?
@lo34567 9 ай бұрын
Omg! My daughter talks to leaves, pinecones, rocks, etc. she’s almost 8. She likes to spin and talk to herself as well
@albert20001000 9 ай бұрын
Do girls with Autism go On Dates? How Do You eel About Boys? Thanks Hollie!
@jenniferferris44 9 ай бұрын
How you are treated and exposed to environment seems to be the direct cause of the difference in how the characteristics of autism presents in biological sex, and not so much of a difference based on hormones or other sexual or otherbiological differentce. Girks are pressured to be more social which will inherently mask some autistic behaviors and difficulty. Most if us who have been socialized as girls will tend to high nask and there are dangers in that such as kising your identity to the mask as well as severe burnouts which will lead to meltdowns and increased chances of siezure or stroke. People will make ablist demands when you burn out and will pressure you to instantly start masking again cuz if they don't know the real you under the mask then itll look to them as if u underwent a huge change and since dsm-5 doesnt list servere burnout as an issue ppl will oush you to handle stuff you could before even though ur wensory input will be well i couldnt imagine how much more sensitive theyd be, even the third burnout i had i wasnt orepared to handle that sensory overwhelm, cars 30-35 metres away were overwhelming. Being burntout is legit failure if your briain to continue processing so expect temporary menory and learned skill loss
@juancarloarce2335 9 ай бұрын
you are amazing person
@knrdvmmlbkkn 10 ай бұрын
From the description: Go watch my previous videos. How to prevent a meltdown- • How to prevent a MELTDOWN// AUTISTIC ... My autism diagnosis- • How to prevent a MELTDOWN// AUTISTIC ...
@wpontius4355 10 ай бұрын
Autism is complex, like explaining the taste of salt without using salty. Great video! BTW love your accent!