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@SoloTravelBlog 31 минут бұрын
Lovin it, congrats on the 1st sale 🎉
@DaRUde117 32 минут бұрын
Hey Dave, looks like you didn't reply to my comment in the previous video which is a shame but I understand. Not sure if critics are going to be respected going forward but all the best out there.
@AndrewSchoolsU 7 сағат бұрын
I'm a Senior Fullstack / DevOps / Mobile engineer. If you guys need any help with anything, pls feel free to reach out to me. I've been looking for a cool project to work on with other people.
@DaveTrippin 7 сағат бұрын
Hey Andrew. That's awesome man thanks so much for offering. I'm in the weeds with some seo stuff. If I can't sort it I may just have to hit ya up haha. Cheers.
@lordkronos5470 11 сағат бұрын
A decade ago , Dave inspired me to get out of my comfort zone and teach in Japan. Recently moved to Tokyo to learn programming go to a coding bootcamp. And now, he continues to inspire.
@DaveTrippin 11 сағат бұрын
Likewise man. You keep following your dreams and I'll follow mine. We'll inspire each other.
@Fistero Күн бұрын
congrats! have you retained your japanese language skills?
@DaveTrippin 22 сағат бұрын
You know what, actually a surprising amount since I've been back which has been a lot of fun.
@animenad Күн бұрын
Hi dave does coding bootcamp helped you to grow because I m in marketing want to go into bootcamp for coding because it pays more don't know what's your experience it will help a lot
@DaveTrippin 11 сағат бұрын
I'd say a bootcamp is an awesome method, to a the very least, know if you're into taking it further. Also it grants you insight into which element most interests you. Maybe you discover you hate backend development but excel at frontend, or whatever. In any event you'll come out with a much clearer idea of what next step you may like to take.
@JohnnyTwoFingers Күн бұрын
I have no idea what this is but good job making it happen! 👍
@DaveTrippin Күн бұрын
Haha cheers man. Thanks for dropping by.
@GanstaHippo 2 күн бұрын
Excited to try it! Woooooo - doe a user have to buy embers to try the service or is there like demo embers? :) Some of the hover states need to be double checked ^_^
@DaveTrippin Күн бұрын
You can see what the embers create in the community. And if you could be specific about the hover state that'd be awesome. I'd have a look.
@GanstaHippo Күн бұрын
@@DaveTrippinto try it yourself as a user you have to spend 14$ as a trial to get embers?
@DaveTrippin Күн бұрын
There is no trial. You can either buy embers and make your own art, or, you can access the art that others are making using embers, in the community section. Whenever someone creates a handout using embers they've purchased, a copy of that creation goes to the community section. This way as more users purchase embers and make art, the larger the free community section becomes. Also you mentioned something about a hover state looking odd? If you'd care to share what that was specifically I'll have a look at it. 👍
@alice-wd2vo 2 күн бұрын
Im currently staying for 1 month away from home beacuse of Erasmus. I earned this opportunity but now that I am away from home I feel like I cant enjoy it. I have 2 weeks left till I come back home and everyday goes by so slowly. Im so self conscious about time and it makes it go by so slowwww...I feel sorry for myself because I really wanted to enjoy this new experience but I cant seem to be able to do it. I am not alone there are other people here with me but they aren't the people I love and as an introvert I dont feel comfortable with them and I'm not that interested to bond with them... I just hope these 2 weeks will go by quickly and painless..
@auditat 2 күн бұрын
We are happy for you!
@DaveTrippin 2 күн бұрын
Cheers man. Appreciate it. Let's see how she goes. Next step, see if anyone likes using it 🤟💥😜
@diablo3schizle 2 күн бұрын
I wonder how difficult it would be to give players the option to buy the custom cards in a physical form. This would be really epic but I have not thought of the many challenges that this may bring. Finding a company that makes high quality cards or purchasing a machine yourself where you can facilitate this need. I love the idear of FANTASAI, keep up the good work!
@TerranceReynolds 2 күн бұрын
Happy for you, Dave! Great work 🙌🏽🎉
@DaveTrippin 2 күн бұрын
Cheers man. Appreciate it.
@TkyoSam 2 күн бұрын
Can I make sexy pictures? Ya know. For my DnD campaign. Totally….
@DaveTrippin 2 күн бұрын
Here's the link guys - www.fantasai.app/
@kingoros 2 күн бұрын
Love the journey my friend
@cncfan 2 күн бұрын
Put the link in the bio
@dkdification 3 күн бұрын
Hey Dave, I think I was maybe sitting a couple seats away from you on a flight from Boston to Narita earlier this week. I also have a web app using the OpenAI api. Would love to hear more about your project if you have time for a quick cup of coffee while you’re here in Kyoto.
@heatherfling7820 3 күн бұрын
Best wishes from Colorado USA 🇺🇸
@DaRUde117 3 күн бұрын
Hey dave, its been a while but great to see your back in Japan! Im not sure if this comment will be seen by you or hidden or will make be blacklisted from further videos but now that you've actually released the project you've been working on and i had a brief look at it (sorry if i overlooked some stuff) and i'll be honest....it's not it, for now. After hearing your anecdote at the end of the video about not being able to draw and being envious of your siblings, it makes more sense now. I get the envy and passion that you too want to create amazing art pieces, but you do know that Dalle has been trained on millions of art pieces unethically obtained without the actual artist's consent right? Im sure your aware of the ongoing war between artists and AI generation tools and how its basically taking away the livelihoods of traditional artists who have created their works after years and years of practice. I took a screenshot of the pictures you had on your website like the handouts and maps and asked gpt to recreate it as close as possible and it did very similar images. I also prompted it to create a few example maps and character cards for me and it did that too no problem. So, what exactly does your service offer thats completely different and revolutionary than that of the account that i have with OpenAI? Are you guys offering ethically sourced images to train your data set on? Because as it stands, your competing with many other carbon copies of image generation services that offer pretty much the same thing. Why should I give you more money than what I do to OpenAI for a gpt plus account which lets me generate as many pictures as I want (after waiting for the 3 hours once i reach the limit)? I dont see any fine tuning options available or live editing that will allow me to fix obvious errors in the generations. I would really like this to be an open and honest conversation between us....I've been a fan of your photography and cinematography and how you captured life around you in Japan in a really scenic way. However I feel these days AI is a buzzword thats being thrown around just to sound hip and cool without actually understanding the implications it has on gathering data unethically, and i wonder if you're aware of it all.
@TkyoSam 3 күн бұрын
Dav is in Japan. Dav has started his own company. Dav has not become the alpha, but the omega. We must never forget what the world has given us. Or what it can take away. We’ve been given Omega Dav Troopin’ and now we must protect and strengthen him as much as possible. Spray hard, spray fierce, spray Troopin🎉
@CaimAstraea 2 күн бұрын
100% , love this , imagine having this back in the day when I used to play D&D. The DM back then used to put so much work into preparing the sessions.
@RypienGT 3 күн бұрын
Good Luck brother 👍
@pantsumonster 3 күн бұрын
I’ve finally got my Japan trip booked. Would’ve been cool to teach there but covid happened so I never got to accept a job offer. It was a random video of yours years ago which even put the idea in my head, I’d never considered it prior to then. Interesting timing that as this chapter in my life ends, you’re finishing up something of yours today. Best of luck. :3
@randomguy-rm1wf 7 күн бұрын
Its fucked up
@randomguy-rm1wf 7 күн бұрын
They should do woman trsin only more or like idk its like this scociety ehcih makes things clmplicet dthat dont people dont speak out much and its quite diffuclt to change it
@randomguy-rm1wf 7 күн бұрын
I feel sorry for those girls but i dont get why they dont go for help even if the society is not like this but yeha still s fucked up scoiety who make girls feels so protecless
@francesyeager1874 7 күн бұрын
My Japanese friend told me not to apply to Interac. They DO NOT care about you. She even heard some cases of suicide and ppl couldn’t quit bc they couldn’t get paid enough to pay for flights to their home country.
@TheGrindBoardGame 12 күн бұрын
this is related to the birthrate
@G-y_m 13 күн бұрын
Add on a weak yen, it's great for those getting paid in usd
@GanstaHippo 14 күн бұрын
Was that the latest lady/ ? Who joined you in Thailand? What happened there/? Your life is exciting
@GanstaHippo 14 күн бұрын
Aren’t you in the middle of a new product launch that isn’t even fully done yet? Is it wise to split focus and build for that google thing ? Will you return to Thailand after Canada”? Or stay there ? Where is your home base/? Thailand or Japan or caneda
@DaveTrippin 13 күн бұрын
Good question. We are nearing release of our website fully to the public so our main engineer will move on to maintenance mode. This in turn means that he's free to work on other things. It follows we thought it would be a cool use of his time to do this side project. It may sound complex but its actually less involved than you might think. We are basically swapping an AI into our work. Its complicated but not more than a few days work.
@Elbobo19472008 14 күн бұрын
Have you ever seen Wake in Fright? Pretty amazing movie that was fairly recently rediscovered.
@DaveTrippin 13 күн бұрын
I've not! Thank you for the suggestion. I'll look it up.
@RypienGT 14 күн бұрын
Destiny has a new season tomorrow. The Final Shape, it sorta wraps up the story. Big finale. I stopped playing a couple of years ago, but am considering finishing what I started all those years ago. Really good trailer if you search it up. Bungie might finish with a bang.. You played recently?
@DaveTrippin 14 күн бұрын
I've not played recently but I do love destiny. Played countless hrs of that.
@RypienGT 14 күн бұрын
@@DaveTrippin The Final Shape trailer is pretty epic. It might tempt you back
@cncfan 14 күн бұрын
Is there a reason you didn’t become a permanent resident in Japan after you lived there for around a decade?
@DaveTrippin 14 күн бұрын
Adventure called me elsewhere.
@TkyoSam 14 күн бұрын
God I love these talking videos. Could listen to you for hours you sexy man you <3 #SprayTroopin #SamRami #TheWayoftheTroopurai
@TkyoSam 14 күн бұрын
I came, I sprayed, I Trooped. Can't wait to see you Dav <3
@DaveTrippin 13 күн бұрын
Cheers man. It'll be good to hang out.
@MightyTreeFrog 15 күн бұрын
hey Dave, ai scientist in llms here again. i had a general thought on your website that im sure youve thought of but just in case thought id mention: one of the biggest predictors in whether llm wrapper companies (meaning the product/service is built on top of a llm like chatgpt with some functionality added on top) are succesful or whether they are destroyed when the next iteration of chatgpt/llms comes out is how thin the wrapper is i.e. copmanies that used prompt engineering or fine tuning in older versions of gpt to help with creative writing or drafting emails had an edge on the version of chatgpt they were built on at the time, but the next release of chatgpt eclipsed that fine tuned version immediately. so these thin wrapper companies (wrapper being thin means there isnt much added to the base llm which does virtually all the work) failed to differentiate themselves by providing a value add beyond the natural competence of the llm. why pay for a product that helps you draft emails if you could just use chatgpt, which also does anything else you ask it? in your case i cant give specific advice because all i can see is the landing page, but its worth mentioning: the llm (like gpt4o) that creates the art or item text or whatever via api within your product can also be accessed via gpt4o directly by anyone for a specific request (e.g. "generate an image of a magic druid heart for a dnd game with 3 lines of lore etc" - SO - the real value that your product will add is how cohesively it brings the entire experience all together - NOT just being slightly better at image/text generation for your use case. the thicker your wrapper, the more differentiated you are from the base llm your service runs off. happy to respond if you wanted to ask any specific questions. as an aside, i just came back from 2.5 weeks in japan and one of the last things i did was walk around the fushimi inari shrine in kyoto you just mentioned - very cool!
@hawaiigirl3415 15 күн бұрын
Hey! You seem extremely excited about your prospects with the competition and the future possibilities of your project that you are currently working on. I am sad to hear that your return to Japan will only be for a visit but I am also glad to hear that spending a good chunk of time back home (especially during the summer). I went to school in the northwest so I totally agree that summer is an absolutely beautiful time of the year- the weather is cool and not too hot and the sun is out till late in the evening. I wish you well and good luck on your future endeavors and I hope you’ll continue to post vlogs in what you’re up to.
@Gimmeabreakman 15 күн бұрын
Long time no see. Great positive energy. Yes! NATURE!
@DaveTrippin 15 күн бұрын
Haha cheers, man. Thanks for dropping by!
@cooliipie 15 күн бұрын
You didn't qualify for permanent residency after all those years in Japan? 😮
@DaveTrippin 15 күн бұрын
Oh no I could have. I simply chose a different path 😜 I'm visiting Japan for now. Who knows what, the future will bring.
@abrahamlinkin2414 15 күн бұрын
Though I doubt it's the case, if you don't know who Alex Hormozi is, he has a lot of great stuff on marketing and other stuff in business that could be very useful for you launching your product.
@DaveTrippin 15 күн бұрын
This is news to me. I'll look him up. Thank you.
@JavierHernandez-pc3gu 15 күн бұрын
Love it! “What else are you going to do? Life is boring if you don’t do stuff” 7:02
@Rynopb 15 күн бұрын
Dave your roots are laid in Japan. I hope you go back. I am. Its hard to stay away once you lay down your roots somewhere.
@sirpaddlesworthiii5933 15 күн бұрын
Could be a scam be careful
@DaveTrippin 15 күн бұрын
The connection is on linked in. It's confiirmed.
@mrchuckles1552 15 күн бұрын
Best of luck with your endeavours. I'm an ex-pat myself who is currently visiting back in Canada as my Edmonton Oilers are making a run for the Stanley Cup!
@skipper4114 15 күн бұрын
Lets hope they can win at home tomorrow.
@pantsumonster 15 күн бұрын
They don’t have a goalie, if they somehow pull off a cup win I’d eat my hat.
@mrchuckles1552 15 күн бұрын
@@pantsumonster Be a man & post photos as you're eating your hat! 😂
@lee-nufc894 16 күн бұрын
Come back home mate :)
@StacyPersonallySpeaking 18 күн бұрын
1 month doesn't sound like enough time for all those plans! But go for it. OMG Dean has been with you from the beginning!!!
@StacyPersonallySpeaking 18 күн бұрын
I'm proud that you took the leap and went to Thailand! You will not have any regrets for not taking the opportunity provided to you!!! Love from JAMAICA. Yeah man!!!
@StacyPersonallySpeaking 18 күн бұрын
I love you Dave!!! 7 years in Japan and now I am back in my home country. You are such an inspiration because you share!!!
@GoldenSirius 18 күн бұрын
You're going to Japan but only for a month. Where are you going after that?
@DaveTrippin 18 күн бұрын
I'll return to Canada for a bit as my friend is getting married and I'd like to be there.
@ando1135 19 күн бұрын
welcome back :) I am living in Ibaraki :D, in Koga :) i was looking into that transition into the full time teaching, a friend at my school did that and shes teaching full time at our school...im not 100% sure how the process is yet though, would love to know more since you have friends in this prefecture.