@biotoxic6301 Сағат бұрын
I got mine and loved it... I didn't get the piece of Vive Headset. Sadness. Pre ordered it from December.
@Hijimarokatsu 2 сағат бұрын
The undetonated nuke in fallout 3 has the vault tech logo on it. It’s been speculation that vault tech dropped the bombs in order to guarantee themselves test subjects for a long time
@curtisreynolds8028 3 сағат бұрын
I know what you are
@Zoomin69 5 сағат бұрын
@FirestoneX 7 сағат бұрын
I can't wait to play this in 5 years or so once the community mods all the kinks out of it.
@Rusticcornhole 7 сағат бұрын
Dinnerbell is good but it's not good enough considering how difficult the quest to get it is
@randomguyblank1616 11 сағат бұрын
You know what pisses me off about Ulysses? Not the character himself, his whole long winded speech thing I gave a pass as english probably isn't his first language. No almost everyone in the fallout community dumbed down his character to "Bear Bull Bear Bull". Why does this piss me off? Because it proves that Emil Pagliarulo was correct, the guy that said "you can spend so much time writing wonderful stories and then have to watch as players tear out the pages to make paper airplanes instead of reading them." I've come to realize, thanks to the general response to Lonesome Road, that he's right and I hate the fact he is right.
@WarpigGaming. 12 сағат бұрын
1, no they had a plan to doesn’t mean they did …..2, was it them or ( shadow people at the top of the room that she looks at ) probably the enclave as ep1 the tv says the president has gone missing
@hornstein12 12 сағат бұрын
Well acturally they didnt confirm that vault-tec etc. did it. They just confirmed that they planned to do it. Atleast thats what i remember. And China and US should both have plans for this aswell so....
@YeetSpace 13 сағат бұрын
I kind of want to think that it's more that they just fucked up at the very last second and unironically got themselves killed. Like they were this God King absolute power and then whoopsie doodle you dropped the neutron bomb on your toes
@queefcheif9306 15 сағат бұрын
always loved vr since they carried on what the wii started with motion controls
@machacador9000 16 сағат бұрын
"don't think about it too much", yeah, that' applies to the premise of all fallout, to be honest
@felicianomiko5659 16 сағат бұрын
The Superduper Mart sequence is just pure Fallout gold. It’s a clear call back to Fallout 3 but with a new and completely believable scenario inside. That’s how you reference a game in a show/movie adaptation. 10 out of 10.
@xionne7849 17 сағат бұрын
why the hors name is roach it is not supossed to be ablette ?
@lostbutfreesoul 17 сағат бұрын
The largest concern about the tv show is one has to play the games for any of it all to make sense. If one goes by just that scene, all sorts of questions arise as to the end plan of Vault-tec. But if you go by the game and the show, you know the experiments had a goal of their own, that data was being fed back to command for a reason. The show just expands on this, as it wasn't just Vault Tec creating experiments but a collection of U.S. Companies. Debatable exactly what the end goal really is, but there was a point to the experiments themselves.
@realpurpletobi 17 сағат бұрын
People need go get the series right. It is NEVER stated or showed ANYWHERE that Vault-Tec actually dropped the first bomb, it is suggested that Vault-Tec at least considered doing it.
@SoulshadeVr101 17 сағат бұрын
I might be wrong but i think the original vault tech CEOs idea was to end the world so they would be able to eventually colinize and make there own nation basically but they didn't anticipate anyone surviving the b*mbs so people like the NCR and other factions really hindered there plan. They basically thought everything would be a blank slate they could make in there own images but people actually survived the Fallout.
@MNTNHMESMO 19 сағат бұрын
The world was going to destroy itself anyway. Vault tec just wanted to make sure they would be the first and only ones to survive, in order to control the ashes.
@lan_real 21 сағат бұрын
the best rifle is the anti materiel, this guy has no idea what hes talking about
@dianeking2223 21 сағат бұрын
Vault tech said they could launch the nukes, its not proven they did.
@stormycat7188 21 сағат бұрын
its a 9 out of 10 because... okay do i really have to say it we cant play the fuckin thing a first time again :(
@rellicproduction 22 сағат бұрын
And they never say they started it, they just suggest that they will, there is no confirmation that they launch or forced the first launch, most likely they engineered the situation of no peace, but it's not 100%
@BrettCaton 22 сағат бұрын
Vault-tec were nowhere near ready. Modders looked at this early on and decided that it all makes sense if and only if Vault-tec had indeed relocated their families to secret mods that were to have lines of communication to oversee the vaults. Didn't happen because the war kicked off a long time before vault tec wanted it to happen. China launched a pre-emptive strike. Now there is tv lore and the game lore, and they are mutually exclusive. If people enjoy the tv show, great, but they are never going to understand the computer games unless bethesda patches in rewrites that alter the consoles, and I don't know what they will do with the npcs who are still alive, one of whom did the first strike.
@superfluous_staring_8126 23 сағат бұрын
The original devs of Fallout 1 & 2 had it in mind that the vault experiments were put in place by the precursors to the enclave to collect data that could be useful for creating and structuring society on a generation ship in the event of mutually assured destruction. They did this because they believed that the Earth would become uninhabitable if the bombs dropped. Tim Cain, one of the co-creators of Fallout, has a video on his youtube channel explaining it. It's an interesting watch.
@UristMcKerman 23 сағат бұрын
I know, I'm late to the party, but enemy can knock you off horse when you run out of horse stamina and they hit you
@ba28272827 Күн бұрын
Its heavily implied, that they started the war. But we dont see it happen.
@donstone2884 Күн бұрын
they wanted to uproot humanity's conflictual nature through experiments (I guess locking a man alone in a vault with puppets was also part of the plan) and repopulate the earth with whatever was left after kinda makes sense
@Senyin Күн бұрын
It wasn't about money, it was about reshaping the world into nothing but obedient & controllable people that would be loyal only to Vault Tec. They would release people from the vaults to rebuild America and Vault Tec would be in charge. But because Vault Tec sold off so many of their vaults to West Tek & others for experimentation, this plan got completely washed out. Sure you had vaults like 33 which were sticking to the plan just fine, but most vaults went crazy. Plus, it never would have worked anyways. Vault Tec believed they were going to kill off everyone on the surface, wipe it clean... but they didn't. Plenty of people survived, despite it all, and had their own forms of society. No matter what Vault Tec did, it was doomed to fail. Time. Time is the Apex predator. Time is the ultimate weapon. Vault Tec failed to realize that Time was never on their side. They tried to freeze time, long enough for the world to be suitable for their plan, but the world moved on without them.
@darkskull9238 Күн бұрын
Who else was excited about the goat Robert Edwin house
@flaminghotcheerios3899 Күн бұрын
they put shows in the game because the first game did it, it's not that deep bro
@Jfreek5050 Күн бұрын
Bro. A raider character with a puppet that is basically a upper torso of a skeleton? Thats Wild Wasteland perfection.
@mwolfe1486 Күн бұрын
You get an anti-materiel rifle and you can shoot further than their detection range. They literally can't agro on you if they're far enough
@randomperson5742 Күн бұрын
You had ads?
@raycerx87 Күн бұрын
Yeah, I was cross about this episode, but the movie treatment was the same back in the day. Vault-Tec dropping the bombs does work overall.
@5RndsFFE Күн бұрын
It was always hinted at that Vaultec started the exchange, China lost the Anchorage campaign, they had Power armoured units on their main lane with very little to stop them. It seemed that Vaultecs grand experiment wouldn’t ever come to fruition without a little intervention.
@jaylengarren5137 Күн бұрын
It wasnt about the money, it was about having full control of what remained of humanity
@oldscorp Күн бұрын
They didn't plan to nuke the world to make more money. They did it to take out any and all challenges to their power. They would emerge from the vaults as gods and masters of the only human population remaining, that has been groomed and conditioned by them for centuries. The experiments were to determine which system would help them the most in becoming gods of the new world and having the perfect population and culture. The most useful and most cooperative stock of humans would have been chosen to repopulate and serve them.
@JaredWalsh Күн бұрын
Why wouldn’t the Ghouls daughter have made it to a vault if her mom was the one planning to drop the bomb?
@joshm7335 Күн бұрын
I think more and more the writers didn't think things through very far. If I ever watch it, it'll be the same reason I watched the Ghostbusters remake. Just to see how bad this dumpster fire is.
@Astraeus.. Күн бұрын
Well there's the rub, right. Something that the show (and games) don't really show a lot of are the genuine, non-experiment type vaults. And I don't mean the control-vaults that were there to establish baseline, I mean the vaults that would have housed all the ultra-wealthy, the people in control, the suits at Vault-Tec, etc... Because surely there are several of those still out there somewhere. And yes, I realize one of the tri-vaults has a bunch of people in cryo, I don't mean those either. See part of the thing that you pick up on throughout the games is the way the vaults you enter have a LOT of logs, a lot of recordings of what's going on and those records seem to keep up right until everything goes completely off the rails or everybody is dead. Many of the "final" logs are ones that would have been made very shortly before most of the people in the vault had died/mutated/etc... All that leads me to suspect that this information is being transmitted somewhere. It would only make sense for there to be some kind of information feed from the experiments back to core vaults that housed Vault-Tec's primary staff, as well as vaults for the people from that conglomeration of companies that were working together to do all this in the first place. The way this can all really pay off is if in one of the future games we actually do end up discovering this is the case and our character then goes on a hunt to track down and wipe out the inhabitants of all those vaults that were toying with peoples lives and who basically ended the world just for funsies.
@ACertainReviewer Күн бұрын
I just thought they wanted to make thier own world with the pieces that are leftover.
@unusualtune8328 Күн бұрын
They probably predicted caps would be the new currency
@phlojem285 Күн бұрын
I'm pretty sure that Vault Tec PLANNED to drop the bombs, but they never got to
@liquidhazetv8756 Күн бұрын
Oh look, it's still nigh impossible to launch fallout 3 through steam two years later
@timekillerstudios4930 Күн бұрын
Its not fully confirmed if it was them who dropped the bombs. Just that they could be one of the suspects
@riccardoimbrescia Күн бұрын
You can actually walk away with all the gold bars AND trap Elijah inside the vault. The meta narrative opposite of "letting it go", ironically 🙈... both for the player and Elijah
@FlashKillerX Күн бұрын
I got lucky and found the alien blaster on my first playthrough. It’s fantastic
@cantfindme2438 Күн бұрын
Why vault tec continued the experiments is that they had connections with the enclave. Why they would want that is for the data
@novadestry Күн бұрын
there was never an answer to who started the war, the us or chinese, but there were always fingers pointed at vault tech, so it actually isnt lore breaking at all
@absolutezerochill2700 8 сағат бұрын
No, no. It was always China. Tim Cain and Avellone said so. The damn President in fo2 said so even though it kinda makes the US look bad. He's even salty about it. And he has no reason to lie about it, nor any reason to not know who did it. Vault Tec isn't even confirmed to do it, just that they considered it.
@brotherdoom2406 Күн бұрын
I feel the idea to be a tad too contrived but what’s done is done. Can’t wait for Amazon steaming slop season 2
@singlespace Күн бұрын
I thought they clearly explained why conduct the experiments and why potentially ending the world made commercial sense. The experiments were to find ways to make a better society after the collapse of civilization by each corporation's particular ideology, or really just whatever insane ideas the executives had, while the motivation of ending the world was to not only assure their current profits, but to assure that they would be the only ones left standing afterwards. With only Vault-tec, Big MT, Robco, etc. left, they'd be free to shape and exclusively profit from what comes next without government or other corporate intervention. It's also not clear that they actually pulled the trigger. They made it pretty clear that they wanted it to happen and were positioning for it, but whether they actually needed to intervene was never shown.