Monster Hunter gets WILDER!
21 күн бұрын
The Monster Hunter Iceberg
5 ай бұрын
Monster Hunter is gettin' WILD!
@gumbarius Күн бұрын
Funny how the trio of gen3 got their own theme that they share too, I dunno if any other monster class has that to them
@colemanbrenner6555 Күн бұрын
And now with gen 6, we got Doshaguma!
@XaviusLemon Күн бұрын
And that's how I feel about the last time I was in the car park and I was in the car park and it was a bit of empires and the other ones I was saying about it and I don't know what to do with the other one I think I can do it and I can get it from the other one I think I can get it from the other one I don't know what to do you want to do it and I don't know what to do you want and you are going out to cure them to cure you all o
@gaius5901 Күн бұрын
I hated its status effect in MHGU but i definitely appreciate it as a great hunt and an overall great design
@fishjourney4750 2 күн бұрын
Why did you title this like it's 10 returning monster for monster hunter wilds.... Add a Gammoth Thumbnail and then it's all speculation. Ignoring this channel.
@cablefeed3738 2 күн бұрын
No matter what, I won't like monoblos because it looks like a Derpy dinosaur rather than a dope ass beast like Diablos
@Gloop-de-Gale 2 күн бұрын
Ok hear me out… akantor, ukanlos agnactor, glacial agnactor, Hellblade Glavenus, and an extra icy gamoth. The G rank of wilds would have ukanlos and akantor as final bosses and it would combine iceborne and sunbreak for a fire/ice ultimate 🤩
@serenity3157 2 күн бұрын
Seltas and Seltas Queen Najarala Duramboros Nerscylla Akan/Ukan Giginox Great Jaggi
@crimsonstride5457 2 күн бұрын
I know the whole lagi thing but it really bothers me that they have almudron ludroth and the other dudes that have skeletons sooooo close why can't they try to throw lagi over ludroth and do some new animations they even have diffrent sizes for the monsters and they clip in the ground they could do a thing were there's like a plane boundary that the hit box in question hovers above and do like a separate hit box with no clip and try to make it as seemles as possible if they did it on the 3ds of things where we have zamitrios and tetsucabra etc
@unamusedrowlett6303 5 күн бұрын
The reviving elder dragon theory is false. In lore, Hunters use every part of a monster they can and one monster can make you a full set of armor + 1 weapon(as evidenced in the Generations ultimate intro where hunters fight a Barioth and one hunter comes out of the smithy wearing the entire Barioth armour and a Greatsword). That naturally doesn't translate to the game where you may need to fight a monster 4-5 times to make one piece.
@thelazyfinnian 5 күн бұрын
I've heard that white/old fatalis is the original fatalis that destroys castle shcrade. Does that count as MH iceberg?
@joefigueroa8592 9 күн бұрын
My guy I’m not going to watch an iceberg of the franchise of you sitting in front of the camera. This would have been watchable if it was 90-100% b role with relevant clips, not edited-in pictures of monster art with you talking into the mic for 40 minutes
@zigayoutuber7256 9 күн бұрын
Wait blood bath have diferens theme
@robertcespedes1671 13 күн бұрын
I fucking loved this fight
@The_Big_Jay 13 күн бұрын
I feel like giant monsters like that could really revive the rampage mechanic, at least somewhat. I think it would be fun to try to stop a giant monster like that, only you get to decide what emplacement go where, and you get assistance from your friends in the village.
@matiasmunoz3256 15 күн бұрын
Its a beee 9:07 just like the guy from ted
@supra0_0nova 16 күн бұрын
The black rathalos could be a variant thats just the strongest they could be since in the monster hunter lore black dragons are stronger then elder dragons such as fatalous
@yurifanatic3147 14 күн бұрын
Unknown, (Ra Ro) what you referred as as a black rathalos is neither a rathalos, a rathian nor a variant of either, but instead is a close relatives of the raths, one without the sex dintinction of the raths itself. Other than that not much is known about them
@notme6753 17 күн бұрын
Aw man... Rampage was the shittiest experience in MH ever... Throughout the quest I was like "please end already!!!" Maybe it's more fun playing with friends but playing solo is so boring.
@jockpackage1770 18 күн бұрын
Lol of the many videos i've seen on this trailer, on 2 of you have pointed out that this thunder monster has only 2 legs so the magala thing is debunked. It looks similar to some old zinogre concept art, there was some where he was a flying wyvern for a bit. We don't see this guy fight on the ground so i'm kind of hoping he uses his wings more like a barioth. It's been too long since we got one of those monsters that have the tigrex wing arms and barioth is the only one that flies, out of the 4 of them. It's also been those 4 since MH3. Gigginox would also fit the more creepy monster motif they have going, perfectly.
@gavinmccune93 19 күн бұрын
I can't wait for bow's new moves!!! And LS!!! And CB!!! AND SA!!!!! *AND* *HH* !!!!!!!!!
@JeannieLove 19 күн бұрын
I'm really excited, I love both action and turn based, so that was never a concern for me. Now I have a reason to play Inquisition.
@gamerx4511 19 күн бұрын
8:17 You're the first person I've come across who shares this idea of having a specialized monster in each locale that thrives off of the weather.
@SB-dw3ly 19 күн бұрын
I like Doshaguma
@herusetiawan5399 20 күн бұрын
Golden Tempest and its Rasengan attack are such a delight. I had a nice dance with him using my Bladed Wagasa.
@SexxStar 20 күн бұрын
Your complaints are very weird did you not read the website?? They're going for cutscenes right into the action. Blended immersion. Y'all bitch over everything
@clueless4085 20 күн бұрын
Trenya GOATed
@DanielisAwesome52 20 күн бұрын
I don't think mounted combat's gonna be as big a deal as these trailers are implying. Just watching it only the long range weapons are gonna be able to do their usual combat. If the Seikrat's movement is anything like the Palamutes its gonna be super hard to stay near Monsters during a hunt. With the open-ness of the map there might be sections of you chasing the monster and taking potshots while mounted or trying to wrap around it and stop it running. I'm imagining some arenas are going to be wayy too small to even try, like the cave they fell into to. And If a Monster isn't actively running you're gonna end up dashing in on the Seikrat, getting one hit in or whiffing having to run a wide arc away from the monster to turn around or stop moving and turn around and its gonna cause too much trouble that getting off the mount and hunting on your feet will matter more. Maybe ranged weapons will use it, like Pierce bowguns, but if the previous metas have shown anything its that using the long range weapons up close and personal tends to be a stronger strategy (spread HBG, or even Bow is more in the monster face than you'd think)
@sansotandrea4063 20 күн бұрын
As someone who loves being surprised: these trailers are perfect for me personaly because they show very unusual stuff for MH and also they're not revealing everything like older trailers for older games did. Like Rise trailers were basically slide shows of the entire roster 😭 I want to discover the monsters IN THE GAME not in the trailers. I'm happy they're showing a little but not a lot
@judie6727 20 күн бұрын
I don't really mind the scripted parts, I feel like World was also pretty scripted since you had to go specific areas on the maps for you to start the encounter cutscene. Plus I think most story segments in games are scripted so honestly I don't see why you think it'll impact gameplay. So that just feels normal, I only hope they allow for multiple players to be together when doing the story rather than having to watch the cutscenes before being able to take others on the quest. As for the mounted combat I don't mind it cause it doesn't seem like it's.... complicated, I guess? They're showing it a lot in the trailers but other than the bowgun, it doesn't seem to be a real "new" style of combat, just basic shots while running, unless they show off some combo the melee weapons can do while on a mount, I don't think it's a new way of hunting like your thinking.
@givemyhatback 20 күн бұрын
I've got a bad feeling about this about how scripted this looks. Hopefully, it's just like World's beginning.
@Zephrese 20 күн бұрын
I think the scripted cutscenes are fine for the first hunt of a particular monster, I just hope that multiplayer doesn't end up like it did in World because of it. Also, I'm convinced that the cutscenes for falling into the quicksand/whirlpool and what comes after are spliced together. Otherwise it just feels weird for seemingly only one of the Leviathans to follow you down (you can see multiple creating the whirlpool), and for the NPC to bring up the fact that it's followed your scent... right after purposefully sending you down there. Could be wrong, though. lol
@GDKight 20 күн бұрын
Why is everyone saying 'Leviathans are back'? They weren't gone in the first place.
@judie6727 20 күн бұрын
Maybe it's the people who never played Rise/Sunbreak since no Leviathans were in World.
@adgkadgk 20 күн бұрын
I also don't like the scripted sections. I hope they are not too prominent troughout the game.
@benjaminmendy-cadol2706 20 күн бұрын
like re use the same chase in trailer evrytime you encounter balaharas ?
@matthewlugo2417 20 күн бұрын
Yea what I want is what the mh4u concept trailer showed, the monster chasing you around u just trying to run, jump, climb. Things break and crumble due to the monster moving around chasing you
@Godzillakuj94 20 күн бұрын
My copium is at maximum after seeing these guys share the Agnaktor swimming and digging animations with the way they drill into the ground.
@alonsotoon 20 күн бұрын
I would love if there were a couple of areas that had like, a tsunami weather effect or a heavy rain/flood weather effect. Perfect oportunity to bring back some swimmer monsters with those
@Guideon95 20 күн бұрын
For the mounted attacks, they seem very basic so far, so I doubt it will be important in the game. A rather weak hit from the great sword, and the same exact shot from the Heavy Bow Gun. So there is probably only 1-2 different attack, that aren't that effective. Most likely here to attract a monster's attention, and lead it somewhere else.
@tommo184 20 күн бұрын
Can’t wait till august for more!!
@Oficial_Mithin 20 күн бұрын
So yeah I was also a bit in the "oh this trailer was different from the last one and I not sure what to feel." Tho in retrospective it has turned around from that feeling to being excited again, personally I think they're mainly focusing on things that will catch the eye of the general crowd first before going all out for all MH fans, they need to be careful with what they show, it is a sequel to the biggest game Capcom has ever made, so my feeling is, they will show everything we are waiting, more combat on the ground, more of the weapons, less mounted stuff, less story, we will get all of it in due time, but now Seikret is the new toy, herds do be looking impressive, and story is a thing that sells for casuals audiences. So with all of that into perspective, I trust the team that they're doing what they can, I am still super excited, and we'll likely get more news soon Wilds is gonna be many new things, but one thing I can believe is that it will still be Monster Hunter Edit note: I guess I don't really mind if some parts of the story are like super scripted, I mean World put you in scenarios that always required you to be on a specific place to trigger the cutscene that will play out for the Monster to appear, and following the scoutflies to find elder dragon tracks, but what's after that is over? Just hunting all the monsters for the grind as much as the player wants, and I highly doubt stuff like that freedom of hunting what you want and grind are gone
@eeveewall4615 20 күн бұрын
imo since theres story its an assigned quest, and id rather those be more scripted tbh, lets capcom make the story experience better
@JeannieLove 23 күн бұрын
I haven't been this excited for a new Monster Hunter that wasn't Stories since Freedom Unite. I'm going back to Iceborne to Plat it, and because of the weapon switching, I'm gonna try to relearn how to play bow.
@KanjiSatoko 24 күн бұрын
palicos could speak in mhs and mhs2
@dr.spudies1555 25 күн бұрын
It's not terrible, I had fun farming for it's armor
@SexxStar 26 күн бұрын
Good video dude try to diversify from what other creators are doing
@TheGroingler 26 күн бұрын
He didn’t talk about baby pukei 😔
@maddo-hq9jr 23 күн бұрын
Because there is no baby pukei. There were adolescent Aptonoth in MHW. It's not a big deal. Doesn't mean there will be baby versions of big monsters. It's very unlikely at this point but I'd like to be proven wrong.
@mihairazvan5540 26 күн бұрын
Can't wait, 4 more days until next reveal of a new monster(probably the flagship)
@Direblade11 26 күн бұрын
I expected it to release late 2025, maybe it'll be earlier
@caravaneerkhed 26 күн бұрын
I really hope that we are not able to just go to camp and restock everything and change our gear, especially considering the new weapon switching.
@DaddySenpai35 27 күн бұрын
I don't know about other ppl but I was glad to see actual feminine female characters because they way things were swinging we had no idea if the DEI was gonna sneak into MHW so am just glad they look like normal females I know Ruyozo would strongly stand against the DEI nonsense but it's capcom so I had some doubts so am just glad the game is focused on the gameplay, story etc.
@PeakGinge 27 күн бұрын
“Normal females” is craaaaaaaazy. I dunno man, inclusivity and diversity in media is a good thing, don’t know why you would be so worried about it or find it threatening in any way.
@loayzc10 24 күн бұрын
It's the insidious and non-genuine way that it's pushed that's the issue, and if you're blind to that it's fine. But it says something when people like this guy think it's a breath of fresh air when you just have average looking women in media instead of the square jawed, androgynous, or fat ones slowly but surely taking total center stage, or the hyper sexual women, for that matter, that stand in juxtaposition. No need to try and shame him for saying "normal women" as if that's some sort of bad thing.
@alonsotoon 27 күн бұрын
Going back to this video after watching the new trailer for Wilds, with the chances of a Jhen Moran return just having skyrocketed!
@PeakGinge 27 күн бұрын
It’s only a matter of time now
@Draphia 27 күн бұрын
I'm callling it a paliraptor anyway lol
@PeakGinge 27 күн бұрын
That’s a good one, using that