@robynhope219 Ай бұрын
One thing that never gets mentioned is healthy diet...so important for health and longevity, especially when stressed
@inglestherightway Ай бұрын
the interviewer is so synchronized to the interviewee that when one says the word "positive" he does a "thumbs up", simultaneously. just beautiful to see! beautiful interview!
@gabmay6739 2 ай бұрын
yes there is a connection so that I take first the development of the adult back backwards and can see the stages where the adult and then I take with the adult the next step with him so he can take his personallity in more his own kind it is a total sucsessful thrrapy offer with this connection I am therapist in Freiburg many years and I met you there1992 with the theme praxis bezogenes realitaets Bezugstraining Alzheimer and Dememtia I hope I can take comnevtiom to your person
@petrasobolowski9832 3 ай бұрын
Gunther Schmidt ❤️🙏ich weiß nicht wie ich Ihnen danken kann ❤️🙏Sie sind super,herrlich,Ihnen zuhören zu können ❤️🙏Ich habe mich schon so oft wiederholt aufgegeben wollen und dann höre ich sie und werde wieder selbstwirksam,Kompetenzen sind wieder abrufbar 🙏🙏Was für ein Geschenk,danke Gunther 🙏❤️
@olivermatias2349 3 ай бұрын
<3./\.thank you:-*xxxxxx
@DarkMila 3 ай бұрын
Ich bin dankbar das mir es angeboten worden ist in der Reha
@Here4TheHeckOfIt 4 ай бұрын
Such an important topic because alot of our social problems are rooted in trauma. So it's just plain dumb to ignore it.
@khushi600M 4 ай бұрын
The first thing to do 3:38 Different methods 5:05
@tracysample6942 5 ай бұрын
My British mother was born during WWII. Talk about traumatized and she didn't even experience the Holocaust firsthand. That whole generation was terribly traumatized for one reason or another.
@nav689 5 ай бұрын
Wish my parents had heard of this guy when i got into a major accident as a kid. I wouldn't have been put on drugs to treat the resulting depression
@brendafaithful8267 5 ай бұрын
Well, I'm happy to know that my husband is not into drugs or alcohol and in fact, he's repulsed by it. He's been thru huge trauma but he's been a hard worker. Yoga- ask any Eastern Indian about that! The poses align yourself up with entities to cone into your body thru your spine. Hey man...I know it sounds nuts BUT this I heard from a friend who lived in India and she thought us from the Western world knew this but no, most people do not and most may not believe it. So, you don't need to chant anything... it's the poses that actually call upon the entities and they enter your body and into the spine. Gross... no thanks!! That's one Hard Pass!! So, what else would you recommend rather than Yoga?
@mdhbigdog 5 ай бұрын
When I was 6 years old, my absent father burst in the house, drunk, and beat up my mother. I slept on a cot in the living room, so I saw him beating her and saw her bleeding and crying. I wanted to get up and stop him, but I was paralyzed. I have hated myself my entire life for not protecting my mother. This helps me to understand that it was not my fault and that i was powerless to stop him. Thank you for this video.
@bookmouse2719 5 ай бұрын
It's a recording in the brain that plays when triggered so to speak.
@petrasobolowski9832 5 ай бұрын
Gunther und ich danke dir immer wieder vom Herzen ❤️habe es jetzt so oft geteilt,als Einladung und das die jenigen selbst entscheiden dürfen,ob sie es hören und deine anderen Videos ❤️🙏🙏Du bischt a Schatzischnuckel 😝🤣❤️❤️🙏
@vargahuber2679 6 ай бұрын
Yes, when I discoverd Yoga, I was able to calm myself, to regulate my emotions. It changed a lot in a positive way. 1980 -1982 I made yoga on my own, only with a book, after I saw Karen Zebroff on TV. It changed my life.
@robynhope219 6 ай бұрын
So sad..Sinead O’Connor died from natural causes due to early childhood traumas. She had many diagnosed physical and mental conditions, but not the right kind of help😥she was too young to die from natural causes.
@earthlycolorbrown6246 6 ай бұрын
#400yearsofslavery #posttraumaticslavesyndrome explained by #drjoydegruy #drfrancescresswelsing following #trailoftears #mentalhealthissues #africancolonization #africangenocide #blooddiamond #kingleopold #patricelumumba #warof1812 #tulsariots #trailoftears #rosewoodfloridariots #blackwallstreet #redlining #ablackmanwaslynchedyesterday #emmittill #tuskegeesyphilisexperiment #aubreyahmaud #LaVenaJohnson #vanessaguillen #thaeohu #tyrenichols #kindrachapman #samdubois #amadoudiallo #andresguardado #joshuablake #alianataylor #bothemshemjean #kenrickjohson #freddiegray #sandrabland so how do You suggest Americans Descendants of #thisisamerica overcome generational unsolicited unwelcome traumas begin to release it?
@scoobssmiles7431 6 ай бұрын
Thank you, ptsd taking over my life, dissasociation. Get bullied, talked about, watched, threatend, people don't want to talk to me, be friendly, isolate me at work. Tried everything, yoga might be the way. Thank you. 🙂
@robynhope219 6 ай бұрын
Mindfulness? I am too mindful!
@robertafierro5592 7 ай бұрын
I like to re watch some of these videos, to see if i still feel.the same way..
@robynhope219 7 ай бұрын
To tell you what severe parental abuse and neglect did to me: i have H.P.A.axis dysfunction, severe, chronic fatigue in my senior years. Allopathic medicine does not care for this. I have to pay big bucks to a functional M.D. and nutraceuticals cost me a small fortune. My fatigue is a nightmare😢
@lindafrantz7545 7 ай бұрын
Dr. van der Kolk is a truth teller.
@merlelavie 8 ай бұрын
Finally I understand why it's so stressful for me when I'm dysregulated and telling someone about my state and they react strongly to it - even if it's affirmative like "OMG that really SUCKS I'm so sorry for you". Like this I can't log onto them, be engaged and co-regulate. Thank God my boyfriend has such a warm and calm energy
@allaschuljakowski2626 8 ай бұрын
Einfach super !!! Vielen herzlichen Dank!!!
@B.B.... 8 ай бұрын
Ich frage mich, warum Hirschhausen als ADHSler Politik nicht durchschaut. Es ist nicht gewollt, dass Menschen rundum gesund und glücklich sind. Wir sind krank bessere Bürger 😉
@miew8204 9 ай бұрын
I'm 36 and had a life full of trauma. in Theory detoxing sounds great... in reality, there is so much stuff to detox, that it would take another 36 years to get it all out of my system. meanwhile, if i do feel slightly better and start interacting with the outside world again, the question is not if but when somebody will abuse me again or will try to force me into being their property. the moment i stand up for myself, i get bad mouthed, and nobody will ask me for my side of things, they just all accept it as the truth, because i have borderline. No one would think twice about that abusers will sniff you out once you have (unhealed) trauma. no-one is intrested in the fact that CPTSD is commonly diagnosed with some form of BPD...which expert are clear about that it is not BPD, it is reffererd to as BPD for a lack of understanding and a better term do label these problems. no-one ever said, jeez must be hard and frightning to interact with the world while having CPTSD.... everybody always says, you must have started the conflict because you have BPD... like that is the main thing, and the root of all evil. having an illness that altered your brain, and is eating you from the inside is not even on their radar... not even after explaining it to them over and over again. According to most, i only have myself to blame for being so broken by the PTSD, seeing i choose to be broken by it. if i would not want to feel this way, i would just simply stop thinking about it all the time. And seeing i do think about it all the time... My BPD must make me so desparate for attention and drama that i constantly cause it myself. if i ask them what it is i actually did wrong, the conversation falls very flat, bacause the acuser as the flying monkeys cannot name one thing... yeah i yelled around a few times because somebody ignored my "no i do not want that." too much..... the end summary follows very fast after that, and is, and will remain, " But you got borderline". Thank you world, i hate you too now, Atleast now it's mutual.
@williamdietrich1647 9 ай бұрын
Was Gunther Schmidt hier über Trauma sagt (ab Minute 19:00), ist definitiv falsch und für Trauma - Betroffene geradezu fatal. Das ist sehr irritierend, denn es ist seit Jahrzenten Konsens in der Traumaforschung, dass aus der Vergangenheit bestimmtes Erleben im Hier und Jetzt gerade der Kern von Trauma ist. Auch die Herleitung ist falsch, da Herr Schmidt hier eine lineare Kausalität voraussetzt. Genau die gibt es aber nicht. Das Wesen von Trauma scheint nicht ganz verstanden: Wie im Moment der Traumatisierung extrem fragmentierte, inkohärente Erinnerungen entstehen und nicht integriert im Nervensystem gespeichert werden - und wie (häufig unbewusste) Auslöser damit interagieren und zu allen möglichen Intrusionen führen können: Flashbacks, Körperempfindungen, Gefühle, Schmerzen etc. Eine Zuordnung von Auslöser zu Fragment ist fast unmöglich, gerade bei Komplextrauma. Deshalb wirkt es, als ob es keine Kausalität gibt. Aber die gibt es, sie ist eben nicht linear. Ein Flashback ist ganz sicher kein "Ausdruck des klugen Unbewussten für ein Bedürfnis in der Gegenwart". Jeder Betroffene, dem das vermittelt wird, tut mir leid. Es wäre ja toll, wenn es so einfach wäre! Es gibt bei lebenden Systemen kein Ursache Wirkungsprinzip? Wie entsteht dann eine Raucherlunge? Wie könnten wir überhaupt Wissen und Fähigkeiten erwerben, wenn das stimmen würde? Dass dieses Erleben aus der Vergangenheit die Gegenwart nicht bestimmen darf, das müssen Trauma-Betroffene sich schmerzhaft erarbeiten.
@chill-ivy 10 ай бұрын
I don't think I could truly heal without knowing this valuable information. Thank you.
@barbaraswinarski7038 10 ай бұрын
Man kann der Wind nicht aufhalten, aber ich kann die Segeln anders einsetzen
@nicole-secondaryemail-mort9617 11 ай бұрын
Best ever advertisment for yoga.
@robcroft5132 11 ай бұрын
💙 respect
@gasoranm.8449 Жыл бұрын
Sein Deutsch ist viel besser geworden. Es ist ja auch faszinierend was passiert wenn man ein neues Sprachzentrum aufhebaut hat .😊
@Chapps1941 Жыл бұрын
I laughed off the trauma. I liked Doug and Dinsdale Piranha Brothers MP skit because it reminded me of the trauma suffered at home. Birthdays were a particularly good time where l enjoyed being belted on the side of my head and my body followed behind like a gymnasts streamer. Easter was a time when l found the eggs on my head. They were very painful. They usually hurt a day or two later because that same head would be slammed into a wall. Sept 29 was always a good day because we never got bashed on that date. _Just kidding,_ we got bashed on that date as well.
@alexanderallf6691 Жыл бұрын
ADHSler und Autisten sind oft die besseren Menschen und ich als Betroffener ADSler kann mich voll in seinen Gedanken hineinversetzen bzw. auch beführworten. Mein Humor ist ungewohnlich für Neurotypische und ecke daher oft auch als Erwachsener noch hier und da an.
@anjaknatz7157 Жыл бұрын
Neuronale Resonanz - das erklärt auch sehr schön, warum bei einer Wirtshausschägerei plötzlich jeder mitprügeln will!
@pikepowers5287 Жыл бұрын
Yoga best Ptsd treatment and better than any medication ever studied. Take that, big pharma.
@OhSoSnake Жыл бұрын
Video could have been a 1 second clip of Bessel saying "Yoga"
@deetessmann2510 Жыл бұрын
I have spoken with survivors of the Dresden and Pforzheim bombings. The elderly dont like to talk about the horrors, and the young dont want to hear about them. So the lessons of history are lost in 2 generations.
@antoinesimeon728 Жыл бұрын
TLDW: Yoga is most effective for treating trauma over any other drug or therapy, due to the way it directs healthy attrntion the certain parts of the body. Not sure why the clip is titled the way it is when the info comes in only in the very last few seconds.
@robertafierro5592 Жыл бұрын
Thumbs up! Consider me a Subscriber and I'd like to thank you for speaking in the English Language..I'm so grateful.that I stumbled on to your Brilliant Channel. Please keep me posted with this very valuable CONTENT and life saving material!
@robertafierro5592 Жыл бұрын
It's no mystery that I developed Cancer of the Gut. This is a really GREAT glimpse into the mind of a Trauma Victim. For me, the Breathing is starting to work..that alone, took 4 years. I would fight it in my mind. I was so angry and hurt of that early family betrayal that became the norm, that I couldn't even take a DEEP.breath. That's how "Locked Down" I was..I have to remain mindful.that I'm damaged in ways no one can see, and I prefer to be ready to remind myself that my reaction might be a little excessive, so it's important NOT to react so quickly, because words cannot be taken back. I PREFER to think things over while I breathe properly, and say over and over, "This will Pass. It's only a feeling."
@robertafierro5592 Жыл бұрын
It takes a long, long time to "not react", for people like myself. I grew up in a household in which everyone was fighting. They were screaming, but no one was listening. I learned to duck my mother's angry slaps, if someone was going to be punished it was always me, who got it.
@robertafierro5592 Жыл бұрын
We are all.unique. we are all.the same.
@mariuslebert2222 Жыл бұрын
Die Polyvagaltheorie ist meiner Meinung nach einer der bahnbrechensten Erkenntnisse in der bisherigen Menschheitsgeschichte und die wichtigste Grundlage, wenn es um Traumata geht. Vielen Dank an Dr. Stephen Porges für diese wertvolle Arbeit. 🙏🍀
@nerudaad Жыл бұрын
Trauma gets discovered and forgotten again and again 2:28 Trauma sufferers (and society) want to forget 3:12 Difficulty of talking about trauma 3:40 Trauma changes the brain 4:18 Trauma lives in your body 5:15 Numbing your body 5:56 Western solution vs alternative therapy 6:33
@catherinebirch2399 Жыл бұрын
I've lived in homeless hostels in the past and these places are full of people who act out in ways that intimidate and infuriate other people. They are hard to live with and I had no sympathy with them. I would think that their bad behaviour was why they had no place to live because they kept gettingbthrown out of accommodation.
@marisagugliotti2103 Жыл бұрын
I ❤ that! Real honesty, thankyou!
@eternalriver7866 Жыл бұрын
Always wanted to try yoga but it has a bad rep in the Christian community. But when I realized god allowed the attacks on me he’s the abuser that gave the ptsd. Yoga it is.
@majazysset6011 Жыл бұрын
Dank! Was psychologisch hilft, ist zu prüfen ob kurzfristig und mit Symptomverschiebung ( Verhaltenstherapie) oder nachhaltige Hilfe
@shiftingperspective369 Жыл бұрын
things like Yoga and stuff they just calm down the Syndrom of Trauma but NOT the cause what sits in the nerve sytem
@haloitsme4103 Жыл бұрын
unglaublich interessant, danke!