Pastor Refutes Protester
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Pastor vs. Roman Catholic
Keep Arizona's Ban in Place | EAN
Facing Our Traditions | Highlight
@eltonjohnfan100 4 минут бұрын
Her life is pending. Find out where she lives.
@PositiveROI 13 минут бұрын
Remove qualified immunity. She doesn’t care since she does not pay
@Slipy300000 25 минут бұрын
Wow! This was amazing! After years of watching preachers on TBN when I was a young Mother and hearing this one man (I forget his name) say "You have to SOW THE SEED to reap the blessing". I never did "write out the check in faith" mainly because we were poor but I always wondered if that was why we were poor. It always bothered my Dad that my Grandpa in his later years would sit and watch ALL those guys all day long and would give money. He was not wealthy by any means and that money could have gone to help his family or a local Church. He was sick with alcoholism and gang green in his leg after fighting in WW2 and could not get out. That's one of the real people everyone can know of the millions(?) who gave. I am sure the preaching brought him joy and he was unaware of the fact that these people were false teachers. So, the shows were a blessing to him. "These things" are becoming unhidden. Luke 8:17. Thank God he is pouring out His Grace on us and preparing us for the harvest revivals before Jesus' return. (Romans 8:31 comes to mind as well) as God determines when is the right time for everything to be revealed. We can trust Him because He is for us. After being a part of the history of the times of the "Big Bible Belt Preachers", I am all the more thankful for the time I am living in now.
@yahislife 30 минут бұрын
The true gospel needs to include repentance from sin. The biblical definition of sin is the transgression of the law. Which laws? All the ones that apply to you!
@KaneolaMaui 43 минут бұрын
HEBREWS 6:16-20 Theirs TWO parts to JEHOVAH'S promise, in his arrangement he demonstrated with an UNchangeable GUARANTEE his forerunner JESUS CHRIST (2nd Part) ,his first creation PROVERBS 8:22-31, verse 31, JESUS says his earth , Jehovah's Earth , JESUS CHRIST says his father JEHOVAH made man and woman Matthew 19:4, Jesus Christ right hand position. Matthew 20:23 JESUS CHRIST says JEHOVAH decides in Heaven, Matthew 7:21-23 JESUS CHRIST says not everyone saying Lord Lord will be saved, only those " DOING THE WILL OF THE FATHER OF ME THE ONE IN HEAVEN"
@jeremydean6210 44 минут бұрын
Could people with their babies not stay for the entire congregation to try and listen past?…🤦‍♂️🙏🤷‍♂️
@ElisabethLynn 46 минут бұрын
Catholics have a different Gospel and add a lot of manipulation and fake rules and are absolutely a cult like Mormons and Amish
@felixneun 51 минут бұрын
The narrative of our save-the-day pastor does not work because his church is empty. Jehovas witness meetings are packed these days - simply cause they’re the only ones doing something true faith doesn’t need a lawyer, it’s no competition. Nitpicking the trinity, condemning Russell maybe a prerogative but on the larger picture the life style of people is the more pressing issue, not the theocratic world view of JW
@ElisabethLynn 54 минут бұрын
Was Reformcon only 1 year?
@SavedByTheBloodOfChrist551 Сағат бұрын
So many Scriptures that speak to our being in warfare, battle, etc. With the whole armor of God we are enabled to “fight the good fight of faith “. Amen and praise Jesus who always causes us to triumph.
@goodvibesaudio6491 Сағат бұрын
The man in white does not let the other speak, he wants to impose his ideas; This is very common when you don't have a solid foundation.
@markus5237 Сағат бұрын
Thank you for this message. Its an important one as you'll even see people in the comment section of this video who still believe in Hinn.
@Lacey_Butterflies Сағат бұрын
Praise God for standing up for these beautiful precious unborn angels sent from God, our heavenly Father! 🙌 The Lord has truly anointed you, brother. Your videos never cease to bless me, each and every time. ❤❤❤❤❤
@gary4415 Сағат бұрын
The complainer is King! Der.
@lindalafferty8039 Сағат бұрын
What about the 700 club and they invite Kenneth Copeland on?
@lindalafferty8039 Сағат бұрын
Just wondering if I should support the 700 club.
@dronecruisers Сағат бұрын
Christians arguing Christians this is why there are 45,000 denominations and none of them have taken a good enough look into Judiasim about 1 topic that is a requirement for Christianity to be remotely true. Satan must be the enemy. However, Satan has never been the enemy in Judaism. It makes no sense at all that Satan is now the enemy when Jesus showed up. It's really that simple.
@TR-qr9hs Сағат бұрын
Can you guys find catholic in the Bible? If not repent remember jesus words John 8:31-32kjv. Get baptized Acts2:38 only.
@TR-qr9hs Сағат бұрын
God is not trinity repent from worshipping strange gods that aren't in the bible.
@grod805 2 сағат бұрын
Just listened to your interview on the NY Times podcast. Kudos. I might disagree with you on the issues but loved your passion and conviction. So refreshing to find someone so authentic in 2024
@sugarX1 2 сағат бұрын
I wish my memory and recall of scripture was as amazing as this guy's! He definitely knows his stuff.
@bossmanham 2 сағат бұрын
There has actually been a movement in Mormonism over the past 30 years or so called neo-Mormonism that has tried to return it to a simpler and earlier form based on the Book of Mormon and not the even crazier stuff that Smith and Young taught later.
@lisahinson2911 2 сағат бұрын
Awsome sir! Ex member of the church of latter day deception
@raysantiago3750 2 сағат бұрын
The Catholic Church has water down the Gospel of Jesus Christ thur their way, not Jesus' way. Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life, NO ONE COMES TO THE FATHER EXCEPT THROUGH ME. (JESUS ONLY!)
@lauraschroeder8177 2 сағат бұрын
The modern movement of mystical experience is called: Spiritual Formation movement. Orgins are the occult. Do not be deceived. Do your research. A believer has EVERYTHING they need in Christ Jesus they do not need to do WORK; the listed "disciplines". We are IN CHRIST by the Holy Spirit and reading The Word of God. Flee from this apostate new age teaching. Nothing new under the sun. Apostle Paul was constantly addressing false doctrines in the churches.
@jayparcelewicz5261 2 сағат бұрын
Respect this guy for choosing to come debate.
@RoamFree1866 3 сағат бұрын
"Go deeply into debt. Make it absolutely horrible for yourself if you must". The importance of this cannot be overstated. While most people won't give a second thought to paying for a house or higher education for decades, doing it for the years when the minds of our children are most vulnerable is arguably the best reason of all. God bless!
@AdamRiley20 54 минут бұрын
Advising Christians to go into debt is horrible teaching.
@88BuckMeister 3 сағат бұрын
1- Where in scripture is the concept of Sola scriptura found? Since, you know...Sola scriptura and all 2- When you say Sola Scriptura, whiiiiccchhh scripture specifically are you referring to? Certainly not to include the 27 books of new testament canon that are only canonical because they were deemed to be θεόπνευστος by the very authority you use the concept to deny... that's called a circle of stupidity. "We wholly deny the authority of the Magestarium, because all we need is scripture." "Which scripture???..." "This one." "Why that one?" "Because it's divinely inspired!" "Says who???" "The Magistarium......" There was no canonical new testament scripture at the time of the apostles through the 3rd century. That's exactly why if you try to use 2 Tim 3:16 to prove sola scriptura, it proves too much, because there was no new testament when that was penned, which means if sola scriptura WAS the writer's intention, he was referring to the torah and the prophets, EXCLUDING THE NEW TESTAMENT which was canonized 300 years later. In addition to the 27 books of the new testament, there were many many MANY other gospels and epistles written. Who decided which ones were divinely inspired, not inspired, heretical, included and excluded? The very authority you deny! At the time of the apostles through the early church, the unity and tradition of the one true holy catholic apostolic church was all there was. Catholicism isnt a denomination. Everything othet than Orthodoxy and Catholicism is a denomination. 30,000 of y'all who are all reading the same scripture and cant agree on a damn thing! Read Paul's opinions on tradition and unity. He abhored the idea of "Christian denominations". Same dead-headed arguments. Thank God he saved me from Protestantism. For those of you reading this...Jeff Durbin is a great dude. He's highly intelligent, and a God fearing man. His heart is always in yhe right place. I think the same of James White, who I disagree about so much with, but my bookshelf is filled with his books!!! (Don't flush the opponents beliefs until you humble yourself to take the time to fully understand them). But these gentlemen are mistaken. Do not take my word for it. Just spend a month reading the early church fathers...Clement, Augustine, Ignatius, justin Martyr, Polycarp, Athanasius, Tertillian, then read the Didache, then move onto Thomas Aquinas. You'll see Christ did not leave a book, he left a church, that was intact for 1500 years until the Reformation (I hate calling it that, because while reformation has always been needed at times, the church always wound up handling it...The reformation was a revolt). In over 2000 years, NOT EVEN THE GATES OF HELL have prevailed against the Roman Catholic Church. On the other hand, in getting rid of one Pope, Luther made as many popes as there are heads (his own words). The reformation did nothing but sew division and split the unity of christ into a million factions. The Roman Catholic church is, always has been, and always will be the only one true holy apostolic church of Christ.
@Me-ic3li 3 сағат бұрын
I live in South Africa, and have lived around Africa, and the theology is so shallow in general. This stuff is a slow poison polluting the visible church.
@LoveMoala 3 сағат бұрын
It would be nice if he would allow these two young men to explain their beliefs instead of interrupting them every time he gets a chance to. These two young men show their patience with what he believes in and doesn’t try to convince him what they believe in but when every time they try to express their truths he interrupts them and doesn’t care to hear what they have to say.
@kevinklayer9364 3 сағат бұрын
Amen. From a Catholic who disagrees with much of protestantism, thank you. We bash each other over the heads with scripture to prove each other wrong, but we often don't apply the Word of God to our own lives.
@rikardotsamsiyu 3 сағат бұрын
_“Oh, no! My kids are going to learn evolution, the best-supported model of origins, and not creationism, a pseudoscientific myth!”_ 😂😆
@AdamRiley20 52 минут бұрын
Origins? The theory that says there was nothing but then something? Evolution doesn’t remotely teach origins, it describes processes. You’re being dishonest or you’re uninformed.
@rikardotsamsiyu 45 минут бұрын
@@AdamRiley20 are you 100% about all of that? Where is your proof?
@anamartinez-lq8yl 3 сағат бұрын
I pray that God fills me with Grace and works thru me to reache those around me, to repent and get set free by the truth. In Jesus name, Amen. Use me dear God, use me to deliver your good news.
@danr.7982 3 сағат бұрын
Ahh yes, running away from the people who need Christ the most is the answer and not empowering, educating your kids in Christianity so that they can refute the ways of the world. It's no wonder our country is in the state that it's currently in. SMH.
@anamartinez-lq8yl 3 сағат бұрын
Thank you for this, I have taken notes, my parents are deep into Jehovah’s witnesses I was saved in December and have been learning about Jesus myself, since when I did attend their meetings they never spoke of Jesus the way I am reading about him. I ask that you pray for all of those whose families have been lied to by the enemy and shackled to false believes because of ignorance and language barriers. That our Lord Jesus touches their hearts, minds and spirits, and shatters the lies and opens their eyes. I will deliver this message and I pray with all of my heart that my parents slowly but surely seek the truth for themselves and are set free by it. In the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen!
@rambosquirrel1208 3 сағат бұрын
Ion Layer ~$500/month .... that's tough.
@SeekingtheKingdom_ 3 сағат бұрын
The way Kwaku fights so hard to get the “gotcha” of God wanting and planning the holocaust to happen shows his disingenuous nature. He was so hung up on that one point that it truly revealed the hand he was holding.
@kenswoman42 4 сағат бұрын
What about when you go to church and they are talking eggs, IVF, and surrogates? I know my thoughts already, just want yours Jeff. If you’d be so kind. If you see this…
@josephdickerson3212 4 сағат бұрын
I don't understand the hard stance on the Elect that calvinist believe.
@LarryXLR 4 сағат бұрын
"Well, there are a bunch of groups of people that Jesus didn't talk about" “Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them." - Matthew 5:17 So Jesus agreed that the laws of the Old Testament are in fact, the true laws of the Living God.
@PresSees 4 сағат бұрын
Women cops bad odea to have women cops
@PeruvianWall 3 сағат бұрын
Let's not bring misogyny into it. Some bogus male cop wouldve done he exact same thing. Dont divide people further. Do better
@PresSees Сағат бұрын
@@PeruvianWall It's biologically true men are made for certain positions. Women are made for other certain positions. Men don't make good women. Women don't make good men being an officer of the law. A soldier, a dad all those things are for a man, not a woman.
@Yela927 4 сағат бұрын
Baptist have no assurance of salvation until they die apparently
@johnnycatR58 4 сағат бұрын
South Park was right about Mormons. DUM DUM DUM DUM DUM
@Yela927 4 сағат бұрын
Peter said baptism saves. Do baptist believe Peter???
@helenakinsman9494 4 сағат бұрын
I agree totally. You are betraying your children if you allow them to be indoctrinated by these deeply evil people
@themoose4534 5 сағат бұрын
Abortion Hulk Hogan isn't as cool as regular Hulk Hogan
@babyboi3 5 сағат бұрын
The Bible names describes its people accurately. What kills me with other races is, once they find out that another race is not who they claimed to be they will say it doesn’t matter vs looking into it. Noah had 3 sons, Ham and Shem were dark, Japheth was white. Ham’s descendants if you look them up are the Egyptians (Africans), Shem (Hebrews). Jesus, a Hebrew, was hidden amongst the dark Egyptians, if he didn’t look similar to them than how could he be hid amongst them.
@babyboi3 5 сағат бұрын
Synagogue of 👿
@Michael-nx3dy 5 сағат бұрын
Did the Romans kill Jesus because they didnt like his teachings. Let me know
@curtbressler3127 5 сағат бұрын
"somebody complained about your legal activity and I'm going to threaten you until you stop behaving lawfully. No, I don't care if you sue me because I'll never be held accountable and the citizens will pay for my abuse of the law." - says every cop
@davidbroughton6979 5 сағат бұрын
Louisiana’s government just passed the law that the 10 Commandments will be back in the classroom and must be displayed before 2025❤️✝️❤️