Is Rapid Weight Loss Appropriate?
Weight Gain is not a Bad Thing
Anorexia in a Larger Body
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How is Metabolism Measured?
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The Harm of Eating Low Carb
2 жыл бұрын
Should You Follow Low Calorie Diets?
Should you be Setting a Weight Goal?
Problems with the "Gut Health" Trend
Nutrition is not Black and White!
@ewaniscool5522 4 күн бұрын
Lies lies lies
@sarahteahan2329 6 күн бұрын
I always felt like I had an anorexic brain in a fat size body. I was told I was normal weight & there was nothing wrong with me & I just needed to stop looking for attention. This then started the battle with self harm. I hated my body so much & this was a way of punishing my body & nobody had to know about it. I was scared of people finding out because I was always told I was an attention seeker so I kept this secret & I was able to cope a little better 😢
@MacLeodTheFuzz 9 күн бұрын
How do you measure metabolic rate? I’m 99.99% sure i’m adapted cause i can’t lose my recent fat gain eating daily a 500 calories deficit. On the other hand when i try to eat more like my theorical maintenance for a few weeks i gain weight/fat. I feel trapped in this new fat body.
@michelebush2138 13 күн бұрын roomate has been in bed for over 100 days shes like 400lbs...she stinks and now our entire house is grose.
@amandasmith3306 14 күн бұрын
Thank you! I’m at the point in my recovery where fullness is excruciatingly painful. Thank you for your reassurance that this too shall pass as my body adapts 🙏🙏🙏
@lilmamagc 27 күн бұрын
me sitting here crying because i went from 136 to 151 in 2 years😢😢
@julietamiroslavazunigaprad1471 Ай бұрын
I feel sad I put myself through this to achieve a certain look and size
@JessMN1974 Ай бұрын
I really wish this was better known information
@jcwoodstl Ай бұрын
The expectations aren’t unrealistic, we just have a different idea of what is normal these days because the majority of people are fat
@TheMarymwangi Ай бұрын
Your content is very necessary to counter all the misinformation and advertising on social media. Why did you stop making videos?
@MaddieFishblob Ай бұрын
My mom is 5’9 and 150lbs eating 800-1.1k calories a day while doing weight training and cardio 10+ hrs a week. She says she can’t eat more b/c of menopause but I’m still confused and worried abt her ya know?
@Mango_moon1229 Ай бұрын
ive been eating below my bmr for 5 months. I know my metabolism is probably adapted. If I reverse diet back up to my new weights tdee will I gain weight?
@_just_dante_ Ай бұрын
How did they get 600 pounds ? It wasn’t by exercising
@KGG2 Ай бұрын
A chubby girl lecturing others on fitness
@LejartNutella Ай бұрын
Well she is a bit chubby but he is toned that is different
@theshed3641 Ай бұрын
No im sorry this is bs. Fat people are fat cause the eat too much and don’t exercise enough. No excuses. 50 years ago hardly anyone would as fat. Now everyone is nearly. Don’t delude yourselves to protect your feelings and take responsibility for
@STHHCalebBrewster 2 ай бұрын
@STHHCalebBrewster 2 ай бұрын
@sarahfrench2094 2 ай бұрын
Everybody’s body is different I’ve been eating 1200 or less calories a day to try to kickstart my weight loss and I feel healthy and have lots of energy whenever I try to follow “the perfect meal plan” I don’t lose weight or I gain it. So what may work for some doesn’t work for everyone you also have to include the fact that not everyone is going to be able to fit a workout in or have time to get 10,000 steps a day due to work or having a busy family life at home. If I eat the recommended 2000 calories a day I don’t lose weight and I just feel bloated and tired.
@danielcarvalho1453 2 ай бұрын
Most Americans are sedentary, not getting up and moving around
@cqbguy851 2 ай бұрын
You're an enabler
@Hannahtherobloxgurl 2 ай бұрын
I’m 8 my mom makes me diet:(
@M6ydickandballss 2 ай бұрын
Omggggggggggg that's horrible....... She cannot make you do that!!!!! If you are really overweight I can understand a SUGGESTION of a diet but never get caught up on a few pounds more cuz is much healthier than trying to shrink yourself. Trust me... Even if you want it is not worth it at all. Please try talking to a responsible nice adult that actually understands this matter
@TheCalucita 3 ай бұрын
Missing these videos 😢❤
@ΠέγκυΜπαρούνη 3 ай бұрын
stop petting the heads of fat people, refusing them the very needed step to healing: TAKING RESPONSIBILITY FOR THEIR HEALTH. you are killing people. I was one of them, a victim of people like you. thank God, i woke up, even now. I will always fight against this "movement" of accomodating addiction, illness and/or laziness. YOU ARE KILLING PEOPLE, LADY
@sheenaj3951 3 ай бұрын
Hi! I just had rmr testing. Unfortunately it did not give me the protein substrate. First let me say weight loss is NOT my goal. I also got a DXA and am 14.8% so I do not want/need to lose weight. That said, my predicted rmr is 1,276. However my rmr test said my actual rmr is only 1107 which seems way too low. I eat 2,000-2,200 calories though and maintain weight even with such a low rmr. I have also eat much more than this in the past. The person who tested me thought I ate a good amount and underfuleing is not why my rmr is lower than predicted. Do you think my rmr has downregulated due to underfueling and that eating more will raise rmr and improve my performance? Do you have any case studies with someone not wanting to lose weight?
@club411 3 ай бұрын
Over 3000 calories? What type of body type outside of a professional athlete would need that much?
@gfy69 3 ай бұрын
Ill make all the assumptions I want thanks.
@RogerRabbit-iv6ff 4 ай бұрын
Thats a lie.
@RogerRabbit-iv6ff 4 ай бұрын
This is bs.These dietitians want you fat and sick to depend on them.If you are healthy you dont need them,plus shes fat nit shaming just saying.
@ryansmithcellomusic 4 ай бұрын
When I got so sick that it freaked everyone out how skinny I was, I was still 10 pounds above the lowest “normal BMI”. 😳
@mattsvoid 4 ай бұрын
Is there a way i can get the metabolic testing and body composition done in Atlanta Georgia?
@mattsvoid 4 ай бұрын
Wow, you are a miracle worker!
@mattsvoid 4 ай бұрын
i wish i could come see you but i live in Atlanta 😢
@mattsvoid 4 ай бұрын
But yet r/Loseit and r/CICO will create more of these types of people yet they feel like they are doing absolutely nothing wrong. These people will pay for what they’ve done to so many people.
@mattsvoid 4 ай бұрын
r/CICO and r/LoseIt should be banned from Reddit. Those subreddits are creating hundreds of sick people per day possibly even thousands. “Just eat less bro its easy! Thats it!” Person: ok *eats 1000 calories* *Metabolic Adaptation*
@tyreekmurillo4524 4 ай бұрын
but i don’t like breakfast foods
@tyreekmurillo4524 4 ай бұрын
but i like dinner food better than breakfast food
@tyreekmurillo4524 4 ай бұрын
i hate my fatass genetics
@Katie-jk3ke 4 ай бұрын
What people don’t seem to get is that the disordered eating is likely causing the obesity in the long run because it ruins your metabolism Whenever you mention an obese person exercising and eating 2000 calories a day it’s motivation to lose weight healthily before I become like that so it is helping me maybe in a different way
@hannibalsheri1 5 ай бұрын
Wait !!!! I believe this is what’s happening to me!!! I’ve been to my doctor they did every test to man and said I’m completely healthy but I’m always bloating and suddenly became lactose intolerant
@SammyWahl 5 ай бұрын
What a wonderful case presentation! Thank you!
@derekjolly3680 5 ай бұрын
But the 1964 Hamwi formula is the most realistic one when you consider that the results from it are at the high mark for any of the formulas. Think about it related to myself. I'm at 5 ft 11 in. Hamwi comes out to 171 pounds. Others come out much lower down to 158. That's six over my average high school weight in 1981, 1982! Yeah maybe you have to have a sport or dedicated exercise time and be geared to that, but it's totally reasonable to achieve. People who claim it's not just aren't willing to put the work in or make some alterations in how much they eat. A guy at 195 at my height, and I've been that heavy before at my absolute heaviest, so I know how that is, would absolutely have to be very heavily muscled for that to be not clearly and obviously overweight. Overweight to the tune of 16 pounds from the top of the BMI range or normal. You really can't go around kidding yourselves about this!
@spiritsama51 5 ай бұрын
I bet the downvoters didn't even listen to the video.
@JacquelineLinford 5 ай бұрын
Got all that going on in my brain right now at my age of 62 😢
@accurate7553 6 ай бұрын
Mam please answer BMR of a adult man is ...? a) 4.01 b)41.2 c)42.4 d)39.2
@moodywrites 6 ай бұрын
During my eating disorder, there’s been times I genuinely thought I was eating less calories than I was, because I didn’t count bites of food or just trying something or grazing. I wouldn’t know why I didn’t lose weight. But when I did restrict, I had weight loss, although sometimes slow because of metabolic adaption.
@taqqwaaaa 6 ай бұрын
Hello, I wanted some advice on my current situation. I am in the midst of recovery and I’ve been trying to receive support for years but I have not been able to get any. I am trying to recover from a slowed-down metabolism. I have progressed in the mental aspect of recovering from an eating disorder. I’ll just be summarizing everything about my dieting history. I grew up overweight and at 13 I took up a carb diet, starting at 140 lbs. Within 2 months, I had lost 20 lbs. I gained most of it back. This was around the summer of 2019. Around December 2020, I was around 130-140 lbs and wanted to lose weight the healthy way. I reduced my portions and started exercising. I didn’t calorie count nor was I obsessive about results. I approximately ate 1200-1300 calories every day, with a cheat day where I ate 2000+ calories. I lost around 25 pounds in a few months. Around the summer of 2021, I started getting obsessive because I wanted to lose more weight. I was told that in order to lose weight, I must subtract 500 calories from my BMR. This put me around 800 calories. I ate around this much until the summer of 2022. I did multiple HIIT workouts at home, averaging around 60 minutes of pure HIIT every week. During this time I experienced very significant hair loss. I felt very weak and cold all of the time. I had a Biotin and Vitamin D deficiency, low blood sugar, and low blood pressure. I fainted multiple times and became unconscious. I felt extremely dizzy all of the time. I experienced severe congenital dysfunction. I could not comprehend anything in school. I skipped most of the school year due to fatigue. I experienced severe constipation too. My period cycles lasted 46 days and the bleeding was very light. I do have PCOS, but this was out of the ordinary. The cycles were becoming more prolonged with time. During this time I barely lost any weight. Initially, I might have lost 5 lbs around the summer of 2021. For those 1.5 years I stayed at 110 lbs. In July of 2022 I visited a doctor, desperately wanting to recover and she told me I was experiencing metabolic adaption. Right after that visit, I increased my calorie intake from 800 to 1500 because I thought it was still my maintenance. I ate at this intake for about five months believing it would help my metabolism. I gained 10 pounds. I thought my metabolism was back to normal and tried a slight cut, a large cut, weight lifting, walking a lot, intense cardio, and slightly low carb. Nothing worked. I did realize that I increased my maintenance from 800 to 1100 calories. I've been maintaining at 1100 calories since the spring of 2023, staying at 55 kg. I visited many doctors but they didn't know what to do, even consulted with an ED dietician. From the spring of 2023 to the winter of 2023 I tried to figure out what was happening to my body. Just recently, I tried reverse dieting, increasing my calories by 50 each month. I’ve been eating at around 1200 calories since December and gained 1 kg. It had always been a breeze for me to lose weight but now I'm so lost. I've recovered for the most part and will never go below my current calorie intake. I just want to get my metabolism to my estimated maintenance. I don't want to lose weight at this point. I want to know how much I need to be eating in recovery. I’ve heard that people with an ED need to eat 2500+ calories. But I have never gone below a BMI of 20.5. I’m not sure if this approach would fit me. For reference, I’m 56 kg and 5’2. I also have read that I need to go to my initial weight of 140 lbs.
@desireefinlayson4664 6 ай бұрын
wow! thanks for this video, i wish this information was taught more often!
@soniczforever5470 7 ай бұрын
Nope. I ate 500 for a year nearly i lost 4 stone and almost all body fat. I maintained on 600 for month then weight dropped. You cant maintain weight on this amount o wtongfullu thought i could with a slow thyroid. Dont do this.
@candi9671 5 ай бұрын
What did you eat to loose that weight?
@strawbraryliberry4604 7 ай бұрын
Yup I underate for years & now eating more. Quite bloated regularly lately & hopefully it stops as my metabolism gets used to eating more.