@user-zn4sr1ll1c 5 сағат бұрын
I love his name and no not because of some translations 😂 He gives me Ging vibes, nomadic, KLAUSER, pursuing the things he wants that's right before the reach of his eyes
@kjh4496 Күн бұрын
The merger was the start for a decade of shit games. Sorry but it’s not an argument, the merger ruined the franchise because Sakguchi was no longer there to keep people in check.
@MBCWCWMTC Күн бұрын
do you think the next part will go into advent children timeline by the end to finish it all off?
@Nikolai508 2 күн бұрын
Did he post that video he said he was going to post about his travels? I could be blind, but I don't see it anywhere?
@kevindie 3 күн бұрын
*_Ten minutes of WRONG. 🤣_*
@groudonor12 4 күн бұрын
Let's just face the facts whatever the Westerners love, the easterners hate..
@peterricard7483 5 күн бұрын
I mean if you save properly. You never lose more than 15 min of play. For the most part. But yes I was a victim to the battle at Igros haha
@cooking60210 6 күн бұрын
16:50 lol
@jodaakbr7227 7 күн бұрын
beautiful video 😊 I watched it three times because I love your crazy theory 😂and I can't wait to see more rufus in the last game
@ChrisHighfill 7 күн бұрын
The thing with Reno is setting up for part 3 sting told Reno to keep his priorities straight he got in trouble but for what ?
@heretic124 8 күн бұрын
I don't buy it. There would need to be more foreshadowing if her mental state was being affected by Cloud's.
@heretic124 8 күн бұрын
I love this theory. Can't wait to be disappointed by how writers will actually explain all this (if they even will), just like with FFXV peasant theories vs. reality. But to FF7R's credit, the games are already amazing without a need for fantastical fan theories. Unlike FFXV's lackluster story conclusion. Though Ardyn is one of the best villains ever on paper. Not so much in execution.
@Nikolai508 8 күн бұрын
Yuffie and Barret's relationship is so cute. I'm glad they fleshed out Yuffie and as silly as she can be, made her more human and 'reasonable' in the remake.
@lowgman384 10 күн бұрын
Nice video Peasant, I agree that Tifa and Cloud are pretty much soul bonded over potentially multiple compilation installments, and I look forward to their character development in the future title. My theory of the mental flashes that several characters have over the course of these new games is this: I believe they happen whenever another entity is attempting to communicate with the afflicted character, but it involves a contact with the Lifestream or Mako to have happened to take place, and that primarily the entity is either themselves from another parallel branch of the Lifestream, or either Sephiroth, Aerith, or Jenova. Sephiroth and Areith have special relation to the Black and White whispers of the Lifestream being powerful characters throughout the compilation, so their other worldly dialogue is more keenly felt by Cloud and the others. Jenova however acts out an abridged version of this temporal mental Lifestream flash through her own extra terrestrial malaise. Tifa of course falls into the Lifestream in this game, but she has been exposed to Mako since childhood, and practically all of the modern ff7 world has at this point. In Remake Tifa finally witnesses Sephiroth while deep in the bowels of the Shinra building well exposed to open containers of failed Mako experiments, and so does the whole party, and there is an apparent mental flash here as well. Cloud and Sephiroth are Mako exposed through their experiments, and Nanaki as well, predisposing them to these mental flashes. Aerith feels Zach's touch from another parallel universe while her hand is in the Lifestream while journeying to the village of the Gi, and her future self seems to impart memories to Nanaki through touch while in the Shinra building during Remake, which also features the mental flash. While the original game featured these mental flash equivalents, I believe they were merely meant to express Clouds own fractured psyche. The new series of games seems to have further implications with their introduction of parallel world theory, and it seems to begin at the very opening of Remake when the reactor seems to hiccup and we hear Sephiroth's theme, the same theme that frightens Aerith in the alleyway after gazing into some exposed Mako holding her sacred Yellow Flowers. What keyed me into this theory of an other worldly dialogue is how the screen literally freezes like a paused film reel when Barret interrupts Cloud's story in the first chapter. We hear him have a quick aside about Jenova specifically with Cloud over the frozen screen, a screen focused on Sephiroth no less. I believe this is a clue as to what is happening with these film tear like flashes, that a dialogue is taking place elsewhere in time that the characters are only somewhat privy to, and that Jenova and Sephiroth are heavily involved from their interference with the Lifestream attempting to Remake the Lifestream in their image. Most of these flashes incorporate either a premonition from another parallel universe, if Sephiroth is to be believed, or a false memory being edited in from Sephiroth and/or Jenova like splicing a film, which is an apparent power Jenova has over the minds of others according to the Cetra. The most damaging apparent mental flash is happening to Cloud during his visit to the Edge of Creation, but Sephiroth is quick to intercept whatever dialogue Cloud was about to have, for good or evil we do not know. While in the Lifestream with Sephiroth, just before falling into the Sleeping Forrest, there are so many of these dialogues taking place that Cloud is overwhelmed by their screams, but Sephiroth seems to bask in them. Sephiroth has the most experience with these dialogues being a traveler of the Lifestream, something Jenova cannot claim to be, as she is alien to the Lifestream. These mental flashes are different to the white rainbow light that accompanies a branching world because the branching world would have no memory or premonition to bestow upon whoever bears witness to them. They are essentially a fresh Lifestream path whereas the film grain mental flashes are either retreading other Lifestreams or are utter fabrications. TL;DR The green film grainy mental flashes occur when someone from a parallel Lifestream is attempting to communicate, and the first chapter spells this out with Barret interrupting Cloud's story. Kudos and kupos to anyone who can bear fruit from these ramblings.
@AlanRamirezArguelles 10 күн бұрын
Jenova can make anyone see things. Rufus sees Gleen, then Sephiroth.
@Nikolai508 10 күн бұрын
I think when Barret said he didn't know what happened in Nibelheim 5 years ago, it's because there's a big difference between someone telling you a story and living it. he can't ever "know" what happened there because he was never there.
@PollyMcFuzzbutt 10 күн бұрын
What if it was in the Nibelheim water?
@Nikolai508 10 күн бұрын
The Two Legs, nothing to it song drove me mad, its so difficult. I managed to squeeze out an A and left it at that. I got stars in the previous songs, but got to this and was like "nah". The next song I also got a star on as it was easier than this one. I couldn't get star on the song you get for getting all the songs.
@felixchappell1366 10 күн бұрын
Happy Belated Birthday :)):) enjoy new zealand ;)
@nomadicgamer9466 10 күн бұрын
Playthroughs need streams like this every now and then. It's great fun to watch!
@ZomTheCom 10 күн бұрын
8:03 how the hell does gladio take 8k damage and still be alive
@couver73 11 күн бұрын
16:53 This moment had me dying! But it's an interesting thought! Would love for this to be more fleshed out soon.
@ShaunDawg77 11 күн бұрын
Tifa side rescue arc is her escape from Junon. Bigger and deeper expansion on that chapter please!
@cwh41187 11 күн бұрын
I honestly thought that you were going to go with the doctor from Mt. Corel, who saved Tifas life and during that time he used blood from a robbed. The infection in her blood during Aeriths death starts to trigger when she sees it happen.
@FinalFantasyPeasant 11 күн бұрын
woah now thats interesting. Dr Sheiran had ample robed patients and used ones blood for transfusion... bruh that didnt even cross my mind. I've often questioned why Marle is new to the story. Was she inserted just to place Marco in Tifa's care? Who is this generous landlady chick? What we know is she comes about because Tifa's healing process from Sephs slash is different. She gets flown by Shinra to Sheiran. Goes to Midgar, gets extorted by corrupt doctors and in the process meets Marle who was having a skin graft from a monster attack. Why all the change to how/who saved Tifa? Maybe some sneaky J cells got in somewhere.
@cwh41187 11 күн бұрын
@@FinalFantasyPeasant The blood transfusion I can definitely see happening but the doctor seems to nice UNLESS it truly was the only way to save her. As far as Marle goes, I think (in this head canno) her and Dr. Sheiran were "lovers" and he trusted that she would keep an eye out on Tifa. Why is it all changing? Something something Jenova
@haileeraestout5567 9 күн бұрын
@@FinalFantasyPeasant Look At Link From The Legend Of Zelda If You Look At Link He's Going Through The SAME THING As Cloud Due To Demise's Curse
@edeilertsen7292 5 күн бұрын
That would be all fine if the robe guys were there. But that means Sephiroth would have to be dead, he wasn't yet. She's on her way to Coral to that Doctor to save her life by a helicopter we now know. Those robe guys weren't there yet. They didn't start showing up until Cloud got his own room to sleep in. Next door to Tifa 5 years later? Remember Cloud was sleeping with Barret and Marlene in the bar basement. So Tifa getting Jenova cell shots is impossible at that time. To look into other timelines? Aerith is going to help Tifa when the time comes. Tifa doesn't know how to do that yet. She only saw her own timeline at Gongaga's reactor with help from the weapon. As for Marle? Is it possible she knew Dr. Sheriden and said she would help keep an eye out for the robe guy. Knowing Tifa had healed at her apartment, from the same Dr?
@AnnePowell-qy1yv 11 күн бұрын
With the Tifa flashes at the end. I wonder why she sees Aerith w/o blood but still lying down...? If she wasn't hurt/bloody, why would she be laying down in Clouds arms...
@FinalFantasyPeasant 11 күн бұрын
exactly its weird right? Thats why it gave me the impression that it was way more sinister and they were teasing Tifa to think it was Cloud that did it
@TRAILLER 11 күн бұрын
Well in the OG game, before spelunking in the northern crater, the team dissolve and Cloud and Tifa are left alone on a cliff near the mored Highwind, if you have 49> affinity with Tifa, when going back in the cabin of the aircraft her reaction to the others eavesdropping will be "... Were you listening?" then act bashful, ON the other hand with affinity 50< she ask "... Were you watching?" and act mortified and humiliated. So depending on your gameplay they either "slapped meats" on the eave of the fight against Safer∙Sephiroth or during the two years thereafter.
@Kean_Bean 10 күн бұрын
I heard that the scene was originally scripted as Cloud and Tifa sneaking out of the Highwinds chocobo stable but was considered too suggestive. Apparently in an dev interview somewhere.
@mark-ge2yl 11 күн бұрын
I didn't see the scene as Tifa seeing both timelines. I honestly thought they were just showing what Cloud saw vs what she was seeing.
@FinalFantasyPeasant 11 күн бұрын
that really could be it. Its just questionable because of the mental flashes in the trial that noone else experianced. Plus all the other Tifa specific grooming thats going on from Jenova and Seph
@4-kathryn 11 күн бұрын
Not a bad theory. Here's another aspect that might support it.. I have always been haunted by one moment during Chapter 14 in Rebirth. After Aerith and Cloud fall together, we have a POV from Cloud... during when Aerith wakes him up we hear an unknown female-like voice crying out, sounding in pain. It always catches me by surprise. Even in the Closed Caption word bubble its listed the voice as "???" not Aerith.. I wonder if that's Tifa being experimented on by Hojo in another realm? The only thing I disagree with is Tifa bond to Cloud throughout the ages... if you play the original game Cait Sith his final fortune telling reading points to Cloud and Aerith being an object. And his fortunes have consistently been correct, right? The story of the original FF7 is bittersweet because nobody thought Aerith would be killed off, the final fortune did not pan out due to Sephiroth's meddling.
@FinalFantasyPeasant 11 күн бұрын
I always read Cait Sith saying there stars are aligned as being Aerith & Cloud share a spiritual destiny. They both reach their transcended states together and because of the other.
@christiehamilton5785 7 күн бұрын
Agreed. Your relationship with Tifa is optional. They put the affinity system in there for a reason. I liked how Aerith was Rosa in 4 of the 6 Loveless plays.
@alchalant4663 11 күн бұрын
But the green flashes aren’t jenova. It’s lifestream/aerith super anime powers- we already saw this when aerith touched red in remake 1
@The3rownie 10 күн бұрын
Green flashes can indicate many things; Jenova cells, PTSD, lifestream perhaps, etc
@RyanOstrowski-eh6ft 11 күн бұрын
this tifa going to save cloud in part 3?
@ReviewFriends 11 күн бұрын
I didn't consider the larger story context of chapter 9, but it makes sense that Tifa has suspicions that Cloud might have killed Aerith. I hate to say it, but that honestly sounds depressing. Cloud being sad about losing Aerith and Tifa thinking he killed her. That is too much. I am guessing that they are going to go the milder route, which is Cloud and the party have conflicting memories about Aerirth dying. Cloud will think Aerith lived and everyone else will say she died.
@evgenip.7715 11 күн бұрын
She is too comfy with mako sweams without consequences. 🤔
@AstraFulminous 11 күн бұрын
Sephiroth needs a new roost. Can't jump on emo boy us, so time to jump in emo girl her.
@Gigamokin 11 күн бұрын
The fact that any of this nonsense is even possible to be considered as part of FF7's canon is baffling. Remake truly killed any semblance of cohesive storytelling.
@kjh4496 10 күн бұрын
Yup all these dumb theories that born of a badly convoluted narrative. And now they are all running acting like it’s always been there in FF7. Cant stand this fandom because they constantly lie.
@randinoms6149 11 күн бұрын
Old news Pez, Both Cloud and Tifa have Jenova cell from growing up outside of the Shinra plant where they are experimenting on genetics.
@FinalFantasyPeasant 11 күн бұрын
Well none of thats 'old news' per say. Yes nibelheim was the center of genetic and even pre-birth fetus experiments. But we have zero clue if either Tifa, Cloud, or who I often point to, Rufus, were ever affected by it. That's all still pure theory land
@kjh4496 10 күн бұрын
No they don’t. Why you people lie is hilarious 😂
@J___G_ 11 күн бұрын
My take on Tifa seeing different things was Aerith protecting Tifa mentally like she's helping Cloud through the same thing. Lots of points in the game where Aerith have conversations with each other that we don't fully see from players perspective. I would not be surprised if Tifa knows more than she leads on but can't say anything. There's that one scene in Gongaga where they nod at each other and Aerith mouths something as well, but no idea what she says to her. I think Tifa at the end was very quiet because she has to remain quiet in order for Aeriths plan to work and Aerith leans on Tifa knowing she's the key to saving Cloud.
@swordofomens5202 11 күн бұрын
A byproduct of Tifa's dip into the livestream?
@FinalFantasyPeasant 11 күн бұрын
Very possible. It leads the question though what does the lifestream dip actually do? Given her mako exposure? Corrupted her with tainted lifestream? Has Tifa become more spiritually enhanced so Jenova/Seph have a bigger doorway to manipulate her? Was the blood at Aeriths death that Tifa was seeing something sinister to make her question if Cloud did it? Why did kid Cloud show up at her trial and she had a mental flash unlike the others? Alot of questions come out of it XD
@swordofomens5202 11 күн бұрын
@@FinalFantasyPeasant certainly plenty of questions. Which was interesting to hear you discuss. To be honest, I hadn't even thought about it until seeing this upload. I definitely see this as something that will become more fleshed out in the future. 👍
@nathanstruble2177 11 күн бұрын
Nanaki very much DOES have S-Cells
@FinalFantasyPeasant 11 күн бұрын
Well I believe so. But whenever I say it I get a wave of 'debunkers' referencing the ultimania Omega that implies his experiments were 2 years before the J-cell experiments on Nibelheim survivors. So its either a retcon. A poor translators interpretation of the ultimania or something else
@nathanstruble2177 11 күн бұрын
We don't know HOW Tifa was healed after the Nibelheim Incident, perhaps the doctors that patched her up used Jenova Cells?
@FinalFantasyPeasant 11 күн бұрын
Hell yeah dude! Should have though of this. We do know the HOW has been changed, written about extensively in the new ultimanias and resulted in big changes like Tifa meeting Marle. New breadcrumb trail?
@brandonphoummany9668 11 күн бұрын
Red XIII (13)? Hmm... 1-12?
@jennahaze6835 11 күн бұрын
Of course Tifa has Jenova cells didnt Cloud and Tifa do the honky wonk together ? I think Cloud 's syrup has Jenova ingredients that Tifa loves 😂
@SillyCatSteven1234 11 күн бұрын
I think you might be onto something here. The thing is, it's been shown through Rufus at the end, that just by being around a Black Robe (ie, people injected with Janova cells), Jenova can influence someone through fear and doubt. The scene where Glenn changed to Sephy when Rufus shot him and it's revealed that Glenn is actually a Black Robe is probably what Tifa is experiencing where Jenova is acting through Cloud, using Tifa's fear and doubt. Furthermore, the whole sequence at the Temple of the Ancient where the Ancient is telling the story through holograms, also hints at this. when awakened, Jenova can influence people with dark desires, and through people's fear and doubt, which seems to be more powerful, the closer people are to Jenova's body. The Black Robes are essentially Jenova's body. What was once confined to one place, now have multiple copies that can run around everywhere thanks to Hojo...
@FinalFantasyPeasant 11 күн бұрын
Hell yeah! The fear and doubt. The memetic corruption. The soul/body manipulation through the mental are definitely in Jenova's wheelhouse of potential. I like to think there's ways beyond just shooting up J-cells for Jenova to begin taking over a host and the shadowblood queen was a huge example to us
@knleonhart 11 күн бұрын
Brother, don’t be spoiling stuff in your headlines. It’s a long game, some people have to take breaks while others have busy lives.
@LakersCP3 11 күн бұрын
I suggest muting until you've completed it. Its been out for a long while now anyways
@CAeuJohno123 11 күн бұрын
I really do hope part 3 will conclude the story of ff7. I agree with aerith finally being at peace and us getting a "good" ending I feel like the game will end with aerith reuniting with her mother, her true promised land. And I feel like it will be a true goodbye for us fans aswel. I think during cloud and tifas time in the lifestream, aerith and zack will show up to help cloud see the truth. Zack will finally accept his death and return to the lifestream after helping cloud find his strength, and tifa will learn the truth about aerith and who she really is. It will cut to aeriths true death scene and burial and aerith will agree to help the gang 1 final time before returning to the planet for good As for sephiroth, i hope he gets a good ending aswel. "7 seconds till the end" has to have a significant meaning to the ending. Time enough for "YOU" maybe sephiroth didn't have enough time to make a choice about killing rosen, maybe he could have stopped the killing altogether but made the wrong choice. Maybe cloud will be faced with a similar decision. Kill sephiroth and jenova wins, or help sephiroth defybfate and save the planet. Who knows. It would he nice for sephiroth to redeem himself in the eyes of the planet and find his promised land. Cloud will never forgive him, but aerith might...
@lovelywillow90 11 күн бұрын
It probably has no basis, but this discussion made me think about how the doctor that saved Tifa after the Nibelheim fire said it was because of Shinra helicopter that she got there soon enough. Its not a lot of time, but maybe they had enough time to give her Jinova cells. Especially cause she was someone wounded at Nibelheim.
@Kean_Bean 11 күн бұрын
I also assume that Rude was the pilot.
@kingdomgirl4life 11 күн бұрын
If you think of it cloud did actually had an episode in that doctors office because of sephiroth clones and we had to remember, he did take some samples from them. He could use the samples to try to save tifa without knowing the consequences when she got saved from Nibelheim incident also we have to remember the doctor did ask tifa to do a check up they did offer to take a blood sample from cloud and check how far Jinova cells / sephiroth is affecting him at the time plus I wouldn’t be surprised if the doctor has some connection of creating sephiroth
@kjh4496 10 күн бұрын
She doesn’t have the cells.
@RayEros 11 күн бұрын
Intresring. I would say she got jenova cells when they patched up her scar. We know shinra helped tifa when she was attacked by shinra ( sephiroth) remember? So at that time they could have injected her with jenova cells to help her heal. Think about it 🔥
@AruLily 11 күн бұрын
Tifa was left near one of those pods, that's the only thing i think of when exposure.
@Anukulous 11 күн бұрын
My response is only a theory, and so, please take it with a grain of salt. For a disclaimer, I have not played the revision of FF07, but i did play FF07 back when the PS1 was released back in 1996. I could be off on the date of the game release. 1. I believe 1996 FF07 and the current revision are two separate games, or to be more accurate, two separate time-lines. What segregated the two is the outcomes of both time-lines. 2. I theorized, from watching reviews about the FF07 revision, that Jenova will have a more active and bigger role to play. In 1996 FF07, even though you could say that Jenova was controlling Sephiroth, i felt that we didn’t really addressed her role in the story, her back story wasn’t fleshed out, and her role wasn’t significant in the overall conflict of the game. Now when I say “Jenova,” this word breaks into two characters: Jenova the cells and Jenova the entity as a whole. Jenova the entity, i felt in the 1996 game, Jenova the entity was never fully addressed or confronted. I strongly believe that the revision will address “Jenova the entity” more in the end-game. This would mean that they go into more depth about her origin, she has an actual end-game boss model, and it is really Jenova who summons meteor to invoke the life-stream. Now in this conversation, i am also implying that Jenova and Sepheroth will act upon their own personal goals until they both have a conflicting event with one-another. The outcome will help to paint Sepheroth in a better light versus his messiah-complex role in 1996 FF07. 3. I believe that hypothetical, Tifa, in this new time-line, is the new anti-hero, and she will eventually transform into Jenova. I think under the skin, she is Jenova. Jenova is hiding in Tifa like a parasitic virus, but Jenova is using Tifa like a mule. 4. I believe that Cloud is a substitute for Sepheroth. To make it simple, Cloud is cloud and Sepheroth alive, but the real Sepheroth is a figment of his imagination. And so the Fevs would change the game, and say that in this time-line, Sepheroth was not that bad. He was trying to save the planet from Jenova, and Tifa was the new anti-hero with Jenova sometimes driving behind the wheel. 5. So from FF15, we know that the devs of the game follow the 12 Zodiacs. Proof of this is in Ardyn Izumia (April 30th) and Sommus Lucis Caelum (the first king and the king knight of the knights of the round table summons-another Taurus). Both character are Taurus’s, guess what, Tifa is born on May 5th. If the Devs believe that Tifa is the light in Cloud’s world, Sepheroth is the polar opposite of Tifa, and we could come to the implicit conclusion that Sepheroth is a Taurus-based character. I suspect that it is the intention of the Devs to role-reverse the two. Tifa becomes the darkness in Cloud and Sepheroth becomes the light. Other people suspect that Jenova is actually the character from FF10, Yunalesca. Cloud is considered to be a Leo like Squall.
@intalek305 11 күн бұрын
Well this was a fun video all around, even if the theory was a bit.....speculative.....fun stuff.
@sh4d0wfl4re 11 күн бұрын
Oh! This is one of the highlight's from your birthday stream, I was pleasantly surprised to have caught it. This theory goes hard into how memories give shape to reality in FF
@sh4d0wfl4re 11 күн бұрын
also did you watch that yuffie-warping to save aerith video I mentioned yet? The peeps at 4-8 productions are crazed in their diving through FF7's glitches