@johnnyjoseph1389 5 күн бұрын
I suspect in a world where your final true partner would mandatory be chosen by the soulmate machine nearly zero women would be willing to have that 6-month fling..... There would almost certainly also be some number of people who the soulmate machine would dictate "I know you thought you were super hetro but turns out gay, trust us you're going to love the D"... And vice versa.
@JuggaloJohn 7 күн бұрын
comment for the algo
@JuggaloJohn 7 күн бұрын
comment for the algo
@JuggaloJohn 7 күн бұрын
comment for the algo
@JuggaloJohn 7 күн бұрын
comment for the algo
@JuggaloJohn 7 күн бұрын
comment for the algo
@JuggaloJohn 7 күн бұрын
comment for the algo
@andrews4321 11 күн бұрын
If you hit the button, will you get the person that is today's ideal match or would you get the person that would be your ideal match in 10 years? Would that person still be your ideal match in 10 years if you paired up today?
@saintbinkley4988 20 күн бұрын
What a wonderful conversation this was! I’ve been married for 17 years and so much described here is true for me. I’ve been a long time supporter of Crowded Barrel (I still need to pick up my Royal Bastard on of these days) and I cannot believe the wonderful paths I have been lead down thanks to the Tribe, the Vault, and - now - Would You Touch It! Thank you, gentlemen!
@TheDiverBob 20 күн бұрын
Good convo…. But, Rex, aren’t you a business owner? You seem very against “corporations” in most of your conversations, but you are one (to an extent), no?
@FightStealDrink 18 күн бұрын
I'm against the moment a business has a legally binding and fiduciary duty to maximize profits for it's shareholders above all else. For example, most people point to health insurance companies as greedy and corrupt, but they are simply doing what they are legally obligated to do on behalf of their investors - maximize profit. Social media algorithms, pharmaceutical companies, our food industry, the list goes on. These corporations are not inherently bad, but when the law demands that they chase dollars above all other considerations, bad things always seem to happen.
@TheDiverBob 18 күн бұрын
@@FightStealDrink I hear you, but I do not believe that is an accurate representation of a corporation’s obligation. The obligation is to act in the best interest of the ownership, as it is with all companies. It just happens to be that millions of owners tend to have one common objective… the pursuit of profit. There are no corporate police that will step in and arrest a board for making a bad business decision (ie, losing money), but there is a court of public opinion that will fire the board and demand preferred action. But this is true for a company owned by millions or just one individual… the interest of the owner(s) is always served. It is an interesting development that younger Millennials and Gen Z appear to put a greater emphasis on the intent of a business rather than pure profit. If this holds as the generations age, you may yet see corporate value reflect corporate VALUES.
@wsomp4208 21 күн бұрын
I really want to know when you guys get monetized on KZbin, i feel like it will be soon
@ratamacue0320 21 күн бұрын
I kept waiting for Mark to ask: what's the failure rate?
@BallzMcCock 21 күн бұрын
good shit gents
@ahickey 21 күн бұрын
At least in some of these conversations Rex can think beyond himself, yet this time neither considered the point of view of the " soulmate ". The scenario was that they could have flings and whatnot prior to pressing the button, but what happens when you press the button and the " soulmate " was not ready to press it. Which one then sacrifices their autonomy to allow for the other to have the life they want? Does pushing the button eliminate the " soulmate " 's ability to continue living their life until they too want to press the button or does the " button pusher " just get an notification saying your soulmate is either ready or not ready???
@ratamacue0320 21 күн бұрын
You raise an interesting perspective, but you seem to have misunderstood the fundamental premise of the show. The button is for one decision maker to push, to make the decision once for all.
@ahickey 21 күн бұрын
@@ratamacue0320 I understand the premise quite well, but if you need the idea simplified for you I can make time. Button is pushed - the rest of the world now knows that a company has the best algorithm to provide them a " soulmate ". Everyone can still have dates and flings but at a certain point when they want to use the " service " they in essence push their own button to activate the algorithm because they are ready for their " soulmate ". My premise still holds as to the autonomy of the " soulmate ". If you feel my viewpoint is logically flawed, please give reason in your reply.
@ratamacue0320 21 күн бұрын
@@ahickey I don't think they conveyed the idea of individuals pushing their own button to activate the algorithm for them, as you put it. (I'd be interested if you could provide a timestamp for that if you find it, but I understand if you don't want to invest the time.) My understanding was that the corporation selects both the matches and the timing of the pairings. I agree it would have been interesting for them to have focused at least a bit more on the perspectives of unwilling/resentful matches.
@ahickey 21 күн бұрын
@@ratamacue0320 There is no direct time stamp I could point to as I see our understanding of the premise is different. With your view about the corporation having more control in the timing I can differ to your point as I would not foresee them having that much of an omniscient presence... but then again Amazon apparently can figure out that a teenager is pregnant before they even know. I took the premise to be that every person would choose when they wanted to be paired, as opposed to your view of the company doing it for them.
@ratamacue0320 21 күн бұрын
​@@ahickeyI feel like my interpretation is more in keeping with the spirit of the scenario, but without watching again, I can't say for sure whether one of us is right, or if it was left as a presumption for that listener. Thanks.
@mikewar5078 21 күн бұрын
This service used to just be called the church and the world sucked, but everybody was happy
@butchvail8909 21 күн бұрын
thanks again guys, great conversation
@Runge_was_here 21 күн бұрын
If it ment that humanity had never been able to lie and we evolved as a species with that as the case over time, then I push the button. If it ment we are exactly how we already are but we just can't lie going forward i would not as I think society collapses and the world destroys itself. 😂
@redstarmn9308 23 күн бұрын
I am actively at work.. watching this.🙂
@JonGardner 24 күн бұрын
Topic suggestion: pressing the button gives every person some extent knowledge of the future. The extent of foreknowledge probably affects whether or not one wants to press the button. Obviously foreknowledge of the person’s entire remaining lifespan would be absurdly over-powered, but perhaps ten to sixty seconds of foreknowledge might be more acceptable to press the button. Explore the parameters of pressing the button, not just the consequences of a single parameter or a very narrow set of parameters.
@charlesrense5199 25 күн бұрын
This question should be more of a tradeoff. For example: you can like big butts, but cannot lie, OR you can lie, but you don't like big butts.
@ahickey 25 күн бұрын
They come close to touching on what it would mean to not be able to lie but just miss the mark.... If you could not lie there would be no more actors, children would not have the ability to pretend, and there would be no stories.
@JonGardner 25 күн бұрын
100% agree. There is so much untapped potential in exploring and defining the parameters of pressing the button. You're absolutely right about the button abolishing fictions of all kinds, including actors, books, etc.
@aceundead4750 21 күн бұрын
Music would be vastly different if it existed.
@Runge_was_here 26 күн бұрын
I could easily be mistaken but here i go, lol... Rex's main point seems to be more about treating the symptom (Preventing AI from taking full control of our lives) instead of treating the issue ( The willingness of many to let it do so). Elementing AI wouldn't remove the main issue and as a result there will always be another great evil on the horizon capable of destroying life as we know it for the people who choose to allow it to do so. There has to be a balance between saving people from destroying themselves and still allowing the freedom of choice to do so. Love the content gentlemen. Most of the time I listen to you while working. 😂
@hunter88J Ай бұрын
Rex my guy. Let Andrew speak lol. You kept forcing the same point in him. He was trying to counter but your kept changing the subject to the same point
@hunter88J Ай бұрын
People said the same thing about the internet. Same agreement's and disagreements
@TheDiverBob Ай бұрын
Maybe it is my Gen X showing, but I am growing increasingly tired of hearing the argument that society needs to cater to people. When the Silent Generation was uncomfortable, they moved and tried something new. Boomers fought at home for rights and migrated to places more to their liking. I picked up sticks and moved abroad to better myself and came back. You make society, society does not make you. That go make a change is somehow being lost, and only those with the ability to do so will carry forward. We have 20 somethings shaking their bits online for five figures a month… young adults traveling and making a living by being on perpetual vacation. There are massive amounts of opportunity out there today… you have to just get at it.
@TheDavidHolderman Ай бұрын
To pull the curtain back even further. What becomes of the justice system in an AI world? Policing? Judging? Incarceration? Additionally, AI generated “truth”. How many humans will surrender to the deification of AI?
@childofbodom151 Ай бұрын
But humans are nothing but, "Codes and collected experiences and algorithm(s)." To think we are anything more is a delusion of grandeur
@damongraham1398 Ай бұрын
Empathy does not remove greed. The people who are focused on just one thing would just isolate themselves so they will not have to feel unwanted feelings. Personal flight would not change the freight industry. I like the idea of flight with wings that can come and go. Don't want to have to redesign chairs.
@JuggaloJohn Ай бұрын
That’s not body swapping Rex! Swap implies both get the other
@JuggaloJohn Ай бұрын
why is there no feed of this on other platforms? i enjoy your lovely faces as much as the next person, but just a straight audio feed would make it so much easier to listen at work.
@alpheusOne Ай бұрын
I think there is a very clear difference in building ai for profit vs for our benefit. Great convo!
@hammert0es Ай бұрын
Do you want Skynet? Because this is how we get Skynet.
@bananedc1 Ай бұрын
I'll be honest, this episode felt like you were locked into various iterations of the same argument for an hour
@hunter88J Ай бұрын
Andrew tried to move the subject on but Rex kept pointing out the same thing over and over
@OrdnanceTV Ай бұрын
God damn, Rex is so long-winded, if Heaton wasn't half drunk he'd have screamed at him to STFU three mins into his schpiel.
@dumpeeplarfunny Ай бұрын
Philosophical stuff like this is my area of expertise. I wish I could have been there.
@RoarkLaughed Ай бұрын
I love creature comforts, I think they are a net positive. I'm also the guy who runs 6-10 miles a day because it sucks. Not because I enjoy it, but because it fucking sucks. I work in cybersecurity, I don't scratch my living from the dirt. I do live WAY out in the country, though. I do hunt for a lot my food and have a large garden. I have faith in humanity. I was a pariah 15-20 years ago for being an anarchist. Today, people ask questions and often agree. I think that tech has gotten us here, I think that without tech, we end up with countries like North Korea or Turkmenistan. Love you both by the way. Keep up the great conversations.
@RoarkLaughed Ай бұрын
I fucking love these conversations. Please keep this going.
@BenSmith-qq7re Ай бұрын
Iv never heard anyone talk about that Amish community that wasn’t right hear. Great little place. Amazing pies. 😂
@ahickey Ай бұрын
Any chance to get Heaton to verify his point of view on all of these videos sober? I would like to know if it is the alcohol having him speak so obtusely or is it just him?
@RoarkLaughed Ай бұрын
I like the obtuse, give me all the obtuse, haha. This is one of those places where I think they actually believe what they say. You may not agree, and often I don't either...but you are hearing what they actually think. I think these kinds of conversations are important.
@aceundead4750 Ай бұрын
It's just him. Iv listened to him on podcasts about politics that have as casual a format as this show, and he's this casual with his manner of speech.
@ahickey Ай бұрын
@@aceundead4750 Good to know, thank you for the insight.
@ahickey Ай бұрын
@@RoarkLaughed I do not doubt that they believe what they say, but that was not the question. Another viewer replied that his view is consistent whether drinking or not ( which went towards answering my question ). I would say " important " is a bit strong of a word to characterize these conversations, but I do appreciate listening to them to glean a better understanding of the two speaking.
@auricmerciless7307 Ай бұрын
Colossus : The Forbin Project - you guys HAVE to watch it :)
@republicoftexas3261 Ай бұрын
At least there would be one less thing to fight about
@MrV4nd4l Ай бұрын
Since musk, twitter is less free and more Nazi cesspool :/
@Pyro7k Ай бұрын
Man, this conversation was WAY too short! I could've listened to you guys talk about this for another two hours or more. This is the type of stuff I talk about with my closest friends and I love hearing other deep thinkers, like y'all, get into it. Keep up the great work guys.
@hunter88J Ай бұрын
As a fan of Kyle Hill, a lot of superpowers are not great without additional powers. If you have super strength or the ability to fly, without some sort of durability enhancement you would probably become a statistic. Super strength is great. I could lift up the front end of my car but if my bones couldn't handle that extra weight they would just snap. Strength is not durability. If I could fly at let's say 100 mph, without protective gear or some sort of durability power you'd be dead. Maybe I'm overthinking it, maybe the powers that you get in this scenario also give you the finite things to be able to use said powers. But that's just me
@TheDavidHolderman Ай бұрын
Would Jesus press the button?
@aaronfarr6782 Ай бұрын
button would be smashed like the LIKE button!
@spindoctor12 Ай бұрын
Tables to small huh
@DrCZDeath Ай бұрын
So when I was younger I was the person who was always moderately happy. This was actually bad as I had no urge to pursue things or strive to improve myself. The "this is fine" meme is perfect representation of this feeling and state of mind I think. I'm not saying we focus to much on happiness as a society but I think the problem lies with we are wanting just the result only in all our problems and not wanting to deal with the path to get to that end. By skipping the process we are making new problems for ourselves that we would have realized and avoided had we not skipped the process.
@alexanderavery2376 Ай бұрын
Any chance you’ll put these out in an Audio Podcast version? I drive a lot and am more apt to listen to long form than watch.
@bgj2940 Ай бұрын
Can't have the sweet without the sour.