@rick_green 17 сағат бұрын
Godot 4 user here, 4 years later and this is my first tutorial for learning Godot. Thank you a lot!
@shivagrid 2 күн бұрын
Please tell me other software people say "E-NUMB" not "E-NOOM" like this guy!?!? I will be forever broken if I've been saying it wrong this whole time. Haha love this video, thanks so much for the detailed walkthrough this was so helpful, even on Godot 4!
@felipefacundes1 6 күн бұрын
Thank you very much, it worked on my cannon that shoots according to the player's position, with look_at(), Godot 4.2
@MrCowdisease69 8 күн бұрын
For anyone doing this in Godot 4, for me it worked pretty well using this code: func _process(delta): var dist_to_mouse = ((get_global_mouse_position() - center_of_screen) / 10) * -1 global_position = lerp(global_position, dist_to_mouse, delta) No need to clamp anything with this code, just adjust the "10" value to make it go a max distance that you're comfortable with, and divide or multiply by delta if you want it to go faster or slower.
@yufan 9 күн бұрын
instead of just add_child(bullet),you can add the child to the main scene instead and then set the transform.
@PlushPilla 9 күн бұрын
RichTextLabel makes things easier, so learn how to use that instead of creating a bunch of labels
@laynt00 11 күн бұрын
For those using Godot 4.4 on min 14:25 the connect function should look like this: weapon.weapon_out_of_ammo.connect(Callable(self, "handle_reload"))
@brianoneal4117 12 күн бұрын
Great tutorial! I'm trying to implement this into a 3d game throwing snowballs. I got it to work until the snowball spawns in the hand. I tried doing Vector3 instead of 2 and now every time I shoot, it spawns in a straight line not moving. Any tips?
@Jeff_Auger 12 күн бұрын
I didn't see anyone else showing this but the scroll container has a method that scrolls to show a control node automatically. add_child(child_node) await get_tree().process_frame # the method needs a frame to pass ensure_control_visible(child_node)
@rrRowboat7 13 күн бұрын
Make sure to add a light, not just a camera. I forgot this. I no joke wasted 3 hours analyzing and rewriting all the code because I forgot this
@rrRowboat7 13 күн бұрын
If you have trouble with line 7, and are using Godot 4.2.2, try this: Line 7 @export var grid_size : int = 10 Line 8 Line 9 func set_grid_size(value): Line 10 grid_size = clamp(value, 2, 20)
@NerdWithABeard8 17 күн бұрын
(Will change this comment if proven incorrect) In Godot 4, instead of: export (String) var item_name := "Item Name" export (int) var item_type := -1 You have to change it to this; @export var item_name : String = "Item Name" @export var item_type : Types.ItemTypes = -1 (If you're earlier in the video, he changes "int" to "Types.ItemTypes" shortly after. Big thanks to the other commenter for the item types info)
@PoppoYoppo 19 күн бұрын
Im using godot 4 for this tutorial and all the changes make this video really confusing. Im stuck on the bullet manager setup, I'm not sure how to set up the signals and connections with the new system
@Setanta93 21 күн бұрын
Bosca Ceoil is Irish btw :) Pronounced 'Bosca Kyawl' it means music box.
@laynt00 24 күн бұрын
For users using Godot 4.2.2: To solve the problem when connecting the signal the code shown will not work because the syntax has changed. You will have to use this line of code instead: player.player_fired_bullet.connect(Callable(bullet_manager, "handle_bullet_spawned")) So player is the node where you emit the signal, then add the signal and call the function in another node through Callable
@DarkMac 24 күн бұрын
So a bit late response on that. At 16:33 instead of return "You go %s" % second_word we can use the functionality of concatenating strings (which was touched upon in previous videos) and do: return "You go " + second_word Which in my own personal opinion is much more readable. Also possible to add more variables: return "You go " + second_word + some_other_string or even go complete bananas on it: return "You go " + second_word + " so now can go " + banana_action + "!" + " And so on..."😄 Edit: some minor typos.
@danielcluistra4484 25 күн бұрын
i hope one day someone will create godot in action which book do you think is best for a godot beginner with no experience in anything software and a dream? :)
@qmerk2661 28 күн бұрын
im having an issue in the section with the caret and the input be separate. now i have a white outline around the input area. how can i get rid of that? guessing it didnt used to do that in the version of this video. but it does it now. edit- nvm, i paused the vid to ask that, and should of kept watching lol. u mention it. i just couldnt see it in the video
@leynieraragon9417 Ай бұрын
yo @ 32:12 that was not the error I was getting >.>
@peterturn Ай бұрын
Could build a game just on this sub set of videos only.
@FTWSamFisher Ай бұрын
All 4 games where incredible, the FPS looked fun, the driving game looks chaotic, the ball game simple but rewarding, and the racing game goofy but fun. 10/10 video
@darkhunter777 Ай бұрын
what a + b result write to scene in Label ? Yoг know ?
@user-hb4ir1ov6w Ай бұрын
I had doubts about Navigation as well, so when I was looking for other methods, I found your video and thought, 'This is it!' (I didn't know about the Astar algorithm). I struggled to convert it for Godot 4.x, but thank you for the extremely valuable and informative video!
@SamuTheFrog Ай бұрын
what an amazing series man. Great work Also, i've been trying to understand exactly how signals/connections work in Godot, but no one quite explained it nor any documentation in such a way I actually understood for some reason. So, thanks for that.
@LordCogsley Ай бұрын
It isn’t showing the starting text at all for me
@williamgessler6461 Ай бұрын
Hey so I’m following this tutorial on godot 4 and I’m noticing the tile set editor doesn’t look anything like the one from this video. A few examples, no cell section, no collision or occluder sections, no edit button, no add new tile buttons. If anyone has any advice it would be appreciated, I’m having a hard time following the video due to these changes
@rashadfoux6927 Ай бұрын
This is classic and I was able to easily translate it not only to Godot 4, but to a multiplayer context
@rednaxela7875 Ай бұрын
Why would you have the buttons and title be children of containers? I'm new to Godot so there is probably a good reason for it that I'm missing
@iqronegoro1538 Ай бұрын
Enemy, geez
@VitMineGD Ай бұрын
How to make it that way, that when you tap enter while you're typing it basically saves the font and you are not typing in that Input anymore
@williamgessler6461 Ай бұрын
Before finishing the video I wanted to add a way for the player to die as I didn’t like seeing the negative numbers in my debug window 😂 I ended up having to adjust the match statement as well to not print endless “no weapon/player” messages. Else: Print(“no weapon/player) set_state(State.PATROL) To create the “game over” I added an if statement If health_stat.health <= 0: queue_free() print(“GAME OVER”) Thank you for the awesome tutorials! And I hope this helps someone.
@Juliaardbei Ай бұрын
I struggled with this concept for quite some time. This tutorial was super helpful, and I really like how you send the 'level_name' argument with the signal to create a signal that's unique and very dynamic. I wanted to have multiple interconnected levels with two 'exits', so I experimented with also sending a 'trigger_name' argument, based on which new level I'm trying to access. It took a lot of fiddling, but it worked! Now it's super easy to add a new level, and put in multiple buttons/area2Ds to go to the next level. Thanks so much for this tutorial, it really gave me a better understanding of how to simplify my code and make it as dynamic and versatile possible. Awesome!
@williamgessler6461 Ай бұрын
Noticed around 9:00 when trying to add setget to the end of my export line I got an error. I typed the set_health function and simply deleted the setget bit entirely and my code is running correctly still. Not sure if it’s a syntax thing or I’m gonna run into issues later. Hopefully this helps someone else!
@laynt00 23 күн бұрын
If you're using Godot 4 the setget its writen like this: @export var health: int = 100 : set = _set_state, get = _get_state func _set_state(new_health): health = new_health func _get_state(): return health
@williamgessler6461 Ай бұрын
Ran into an error when trying to run my game. The error says the provided callable is null Main looks like Func _ready Player.player_fired_bullet.connect(bullet_manager, “handle_bullet_spawned”) Im new to game making and these videos have been the best thing for learning how to use Godot.
@erniecooper Ай бұрын
Thanks for this series. I'm watching/writing it the second time. Small challenge converting it to Godot 4 but not bad. My end goal is to make a game similair to 'Vagrus the riven realms'. Its mostly text, clicking on maps, simple combat scenes.
@wangfashuai Ай бұрын
@july_fish Ай бұрын
halfway through the tutorial! thanks a lot
@benbutcher2608 Ай бұрын
Just incase anyone is using Godot 4 and newer text_entered is now called Text_submitted
@theempire8461 2 ай бұрын
@hopelives7469 2 ай бұрын
If you're a beginner and using Godot 4, this is where it ends.
@leynieraragon9417 Ай бұрын
just read the comments, they help out.
@hopelives7469 Ай бұрын
@@leynieraragon9417 It's a great series, I switched to earlier Godot I'm just not able to grasp where to put what to translate to Godot 4 but in time I'll pick it up :)
@hijumiyuki6738 2 ай бұрын
would you consider making a tutoriol on how to make a visual novol/dating sim from scratc
@gryzman 2 ай бұрын
good stuff. I wish these were open sourced so that we could all learn from it.
@MagicMaskedMonkey 2 ай бұрын
damn now i can make my onkey throw hands
@jaywalmoose9623 2 ай бұрын
17:48 Fairly sure it's pronounced like "Buska kyole" , and it's Irish for "Music box". The creator's surname sound pretty Irish, so it must be
@synder68 2 ай бұрын
Just finished this video. Thanks godot 4 really has changed a lot of things, but its still fun following along.
@hijumiyuki6738 2 ай бұрын
its signal_name.emit() in godot4 and not emit_signal
@jamajnasoares5702 2 ай бұрын
10:11 You edited the code OUT OF SCREEN. SCUM.
@ykyjohn 2 ай бұрын
I have a main scene inside it there is a level scene and under it there are sceneA and sceneB. What I want it to communicate sceneA wuth sceneB, to be more specific I want to access a node from sceneB from sceneA.Need to grab its reference that way I could have every other access down from that node. godot should just have a simpler way to do that, as we do inside a scene with nodes. found this video hard to understand, can't get the bigpicture right the way. Need to be clear what the main scene is, and what scripts are attached to which node. Iguess what you did was to have the main scene in the root node grab information from a scene and save it in a variable, then you just passa it on to another scene in the time it is created in the scene tree. As doing this way you do have its reference that way it is easy to do. In my case the scenes were added prior game launch, so it means there is no reference from those scenes. I think it is really dumb not to have a specific way to communicate between scenes as we do with nodes. It is such obvious features and the access would not break anything as it would be an specific access in a very specific moment. As it seem godot does not offer such a direct feature we must use more memory and do much mote work to do just a simple task.
@Dragon20C 2 ай бұрын
I am having an issue where when finding a path it returns an empty array with no warnings, I tested both the start and end points and astar provides values from them but no path is created, what could be the issue?
@Dragon20C 2 ай бұрын
okay I fixed it, it seems it was not calculating the points around, in the connect points function.
@roundninja 2 ай бұрын
I'm still having trouble with CommandProcessor.gd line 36 at 15:30, I'm trying to get it to work in Godot 4 with a packed string array but I keep getting errors.