Stop feeling lost.
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Non-Dual Consciousness Explained
life is meaningless
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Stop clinging to motivation
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@user-vk5ws3jl1l 2 күн бұрын
I'd like to add one of his best poems, I miss here: Do not look for me in human form/shape or person, my being is my holy book and library .
@user-vk5ws3jl1l 2 күн бұрын
What might a spiritual nomad be..?
@1492ARORaj 13 күн бұрын
My understanding at this point with my spiritual journey is that we’re the universe experiencing itself. There is no self, but that all is God. There is no death, only the idea of self dies. God is everything everywhere all at once. Love you all!
@dariazhempalukh 14 күн бұрын
It’s important to have at least some resource, otherwise you’ll want to take the resource from the past.
@mirian593 20 күн бұрын
This is so true! Thank you for sharing this .
@jameshayes729 20 күн бұрын
I'm not Christian ... But I like this guy's ideas 💡
@MikeD-tf7dk 22 күн бұрын
@Journeyman1983 Ай бұрын
@YuliaGrushevskaya-bi6he Ай бұрын
I love Rumi❤🎉 hé is soo deep
@aleonyohan6745 Ай бұрын
Is it okay to not believe. I always just use the scale of probability. 0 being completely not factual, 100 being absolutely factual. I'm sort of right on the fence with a Creator God. So I give it about a 50% probability. My question is if you believe in something. Are you 100% on the scale of probability? Or would say 75% on the scale of probability make you a believer? Always found it strange to believe in things we cannot possibly know. Why not just let the Mysterium Tremendum, be mysterious. It is fun to think about though.
@Theophanes-qw3fs Ай бұрын
THANK YOU, you are a BREATH of FREASH AIR! And I love our younger generation is STEPPING UP & IN SPIRITUAL KNOWLEDGE+ WISDOM. WELL DONE ! ❤
@Mazzie.H Ай бұрын
Thanks makes sense 🇦🇺🙂
@IAMFISH92 Ай бұрын
So glad I found your channel, brother. I found you through Marshall Davis. A few months ago I started having a realization of Oneness and spiritual awakening. This drew me out of the Eastern Orthodox Church. Can’t wait to view more of your stuff!
@rochellesavage7000 Ай бұрын
I came to all these realizations about the app this morning as I’m going through a new chapter of healing. I’m glad I came across your video. It is affirming my newfound understanding of how to benefit from the app as a growth tool. I’m observing my patterns and now I’m determined to evolve, exponentially. Thank you!
@kevinemerson4498 Ай бұрын
Where did he hear Jesus say, “the Spirit will lead you into all truth”? Oh, the Bible? How did he hear about the Bible? Oh, the Church? Is he trying to strong arm us to think a certain way (his way) to be right with God by quoting Doctrinal Truth from the Bible that he got from the Church?
@johnmcleod8961 2 ай бұрын
eastern path; western pathology...everything you've said resonates so deeply into my soul...well, we are one! liberating!...I've been living in southeast Mississippi for 65 yrs.. we have a lotta cow pastures around here with a lotta cow shit (and copious amounts of bullshit)...I've been trippin' on 'shrooms' since about 14 yo...course, I've dialed it back a little over the yrs...just don't really need them...interesting how a lotta wisdom can come outta bullshit...cogitate that.
@johnmcleod8961 2 ай бұрын
first off, Luke just beams with's like he really "sees"...I'm 65 yo, born, raised, and still live in southeast Mississippi, a bastion of fundamentalism...I could spiel endlessly here...after my active military service (Navy, 1977-1980 - Cold Warrior), I used my G.I. Bill to get a university education: B.S. in Psychology/minored in Philosophy; M.Ed. in Secondary Education/ Bro. Davis I began as a geology major at the University of South Alabama...changed my major, transferred and earned my degrees at the University of Southern Mississippi...let's just say I was raised in the country and was having unitive, mystical experiences at around age 10, 12 maybe...something I never forgot...but the subculture here is "fundie", so I had to go along to get along...however, I knew i was "sinning" in my walk, forever knowing I was still short of the mark...I taught public high school for 30 yrs., worked as a welder in summers to make ends meet...paid off a mortgage, vehicles, etc. - no debt...been married to the same woman for 43 I'm retired...i can relate to Bro. Davis on so many levels...I discovered him several years ago...just finished two of his books recently, in the process of reading the Sermon on the Mount...this man gets it, and he knows how to articulate it...course, I'm no "fundie"...don't know if I've ever been - not at heart...the non-dual experience has been my experience for most of my life...I really feel at home when I read and listen to Bro. Davis...the truth truly shall set you free.
@inesalves2437 2 ай бұрын
Thank You ❤
@missinformation4843 2 ай бұрын
'I saw Eternity the other night, Like a great ring of pure and endless light, All calm as it was bright.'
@missinformation4843 2 ай бұрын
'Ye are the Gods if ye did but realize it.' - Carlyle
@SonnyWane 2 ай бұрын
I know Jesus says that he is one with the father, but where is the notion that we are the father found in the Bible. Doesn't really seem like a legit perspective, given that if we were really all one, then why would there be need of salvation? Salvation insinuates intrinsically "otherness" of duality.
@bloomingrace 2 ай бұрын
Brilliant. Thank you.
@godmode3611 3 ай бұрын
What is the reasoning to arrive to panentheism?
@LukeBricker 2 ай бұрын
More of a realization than a reasoning.
@montanajace 3 ай бұрын
My goodness, this is exactly the podcast I needed to hear right now. Grew up in a structured religious community, fell away when the pieces weren't lining up, spent years living a materialist lifestyle, and now I'm coming back around to reconstruct a spiritual life that is true to me and inclusive of multiple sources. I'm so thankful to our Source for answering my first genuine prayer right before Covid, "wherever you are, lead me to you." And I want to keep walking that road, to wherever and whomever to leads. Thanks for the uplifting conversation. ❤
@bretta7057 3 ай бұрын
Watts showed up in one of my dreams too! I was on a Rocky outcrop and for some reason sure that the water around me would kill me if I touched it. Watts appeared, laughed, and said “…and so what?”
@bretta7057 3 ай бұрын
I liked what Bob said about “McMindfulness”…in “the community,” so many people are automatically down on the current pop fad, “corporate” version of mindfulness, and it’s cool and refreshing to hear an alternative take.
@ChaseManary 3 ай бұрын
There you go again finding that Golden Thread between New Age teachings and Jesus teachings! Awesome. Love that!
@belovedflinzzy6804 3 ай бұрын
The night is when we sleep we with jesus or the soul
@markbarrett4482 3 ай бұрын
This is a perfect example of a pooling of ignorance.
@Wimikk 3 ай бұрын
This is it. You’re the only other person I’ve ever seen say this. It’s been so clear to me for years.
@DJRobinette 3 ай бұрын
I agree and would need to add that there are varying concentrations of that creator force within all creation itself. All created parts come from varying degrees of that concentration. Astrophysists have discovered that all reality is filled with invisable mass hundreds of times denser than the galaxies. It literally causes torsion between stars and even galaxies. They call this dark matter because it can't be seen by our limited instruments, created by our limited senses, but I believe it is the soup, the essence of I AM from which all is created from. I AM is that foundational frequency of creating vibrating into solidification. Between 4000 and 8000 years ago that hyper density field flowed at right angles into and fully enveloped our solar system. That was also the beginning of what humanity and the Anannaki understood as the most high God's.. YHWHs... reign in the earth with Adam added to the earth's population ..Nod...6000 years ago. Abrahams claim to fame was that he could hear I AM and passed the tests to prove it, so his dna was jezreeled... sowed into all the population of the earth. All of which can now hear as he could.
@DJRobinette 3 ай бұрын
The very foundation of ALL, I believe and understand after blind eyes opening, cancers falling off, wheel chain bound people walking and running and words manifesting is sumed up in this. God, is Spirit God is love expressed in his bodily manifestation. Normally unseen by my limited senses. God loved his creation enough that he sent his essence of love into physical form to physically absorb all counter frequencies and vibrations from this physical reality to free all that will, by choice, release those vibrations to him and then personally choose to only do the higher vibrating behaviors as they ascend and raise the vibrational density of the earth to match the invisable mass that currently envelopes the earth. I believe YHWH has done this with all life forms in existence and worlds without end. We are their next to ascend into oneness. Yeshua, Je'sus is the pattern to show the full potential of current humanity fully awakened within the invisible mass saturating our galaxy for the past 6000 years.
@Power.AWAKENING.42 3 ай бұрын
This video resonated with me quite lot so that I even cried and had to stop many times to watch and rewatch many different parts that kept me thinking deeply about my trajectory of life. Thanks for your videos! You could even found a metaphysical church as in the USA there are many kinds of these churches that are not dogmatic but deeply spiritual and mystic. Just check Ernest Holmes, New Thought Movement, Unity Church, Seicho no Ie (this one from Japan is very common here in my country Brazil) etc
@Power.AWAKENING.42 3 ай бұрын
Thanks for the video, it really touched me and it is very profound.
@a13xdunlop 3 ай бұрын
To simplify, Pantheism - consciousness or god is “in” everything (dualism). Panentheism - God or consciousness “is” everything (non duality). In Panentheism there is no separation between you and god, there is no need for the term “god”, consciousness will suffice.
@dereksnider7148 4 ай бұрын
The Universe is some unbelievably massive that it’s really neither here nor there that God needs to be able to exist beyond it, especially if our definition of “Universe” simply means “Absolutely Everything”, including the potential for Multiverses, etc, that we are saying “Universe” in the full original definition. The difference between Theism and Pantheism is an important distinction, but the difference between Pantheism and Panentheism feels unnecessary. When the Bible says that God created the World, it is talking about our visible world… the Earth, the Sun, the Moon, the stars. According to science, all of this is well within the natural order of the Universe, and doesn’t necessitate forces beyond the mind blowing vastness of the visible Universe, which has bounds we could never dream of travelling to even travelling a billion times the speed of light for several decades. It’s a well and wonderful to say, “yes, God is infinite, and is not bound by the limits of the Universe”, but the Universe is already for practical purposes nearly infinite anyways. Do we truly need for God to be beyond the Universe, as if it were some puny thing? How is this just not some continuation of “my God is bigger than your God”?
@jessebrennan7130 4 ай бұрын
I'm still trying to wrap my head around non-duality. What does that mean can someone explain that to me? I've tried to look it up I never found any clear definition
@YBelieve369 4 ай бұрын
The One Path is Awareness of Truth
@user-vh6nw1ki6q 4 ай бұрын
Of course your computer will crash. Truth does that
5 ай бұрын
Thank you for this video, was super helpful. Could you share your perspective on what “just as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up” means?
@greenshirtiv4n211 5 ай бұрын
You should draw similarities between sol invictus and Jesus, the saints did
@sealinski 5 ай бұрын
I’m all for bridging LDS concepts with more universal understandings so that people don’t feel they need to burn all their bridges as they evolve
@S.G.W.Verbeek 5 ай бұрын
These video is taken a huge burden from my shoulders. I can finally rest my soul❤
@LukeBricker 5 ай бұрын
Love this! Grateful to be a help on the path, friend.
@S.G.W.Verbeek 5 ай бұрын
@antoniu9757 5 ай бұрын
Great presentation man! While reading the bible I kinda came to the same conclusions about god and its nature and our purpose on earth, especially while reading the gospel of John. Unfortunately, today I don't consider myself a christian anymore but I do believe in god and hold a panentheistic view about divinity.
@LukeBricker 5 ай бұрын
Thanks so much! "Christian' is just another door to the inner room. Cheers!
@markjohnson543 5 ай бұрын
Great interview. Super interesting. Luke asks great questions and Marshall is incredibly impressive.
@LukeBricker 5 ай бұрын
Thanks for the comment! It was a good convo. I love and appreciate Marshall so much
@chubbatheBOSS 5 ай бұрын
As a Hindu who was call to be baptized into a Lutheran church recently, who has studied A Course in Miracles (nondual teachings of Jesus), I still don’t understand what “Christ” is. In Hinduism/advaita Vedanta, we just have one word for our true One reality: Brahman. I am that. Maybe different words are used for this, but they’re all pointing to the same Oneness. Go within and know yourself to be God itself. It’s simple. But then in Christianity there is Christ and Jesus and Father God and Holy Spirit and Holy Ghosts and trinity and denominations and all sorts of levels and duality that it makes no sense to me. Nonduality should be simple. But these dualistic religions are so complicated and it hurts my head to try to figure it out. So I just go and sit in the church to feel the peaceful atmosphere and interact with the nice people. But their theology makes no sense to me so I’m not going to try to figure out Christianity anymore. I would like to be friends with all religions but not get stuck in their complicated theology because that is all the ego’s doing. Simplicity is God. Complication and division is ego. I need simplicity and the religious side does not provide that. I need to exist as simplicity in this complicated world.
@user-xp1dm5dy7v 5 ай бұрын
Ryan Ryan Ryan, how do I say this so you understand. when you press into God and start experiencing a working relationship with the creator, you will have personal testimonies where God has interacted with you in a life changing way. I had no idea that you are so disengaged with the father, oh well, good luck brother. Your Church is the first Church I've ever attended and served at that I haven't felt the Holy Sprit at all, good job bruh.
@Daniel-G-P 6 ай бұрын
Love this 🙏
@Journeyman1983 6 ай бұрын
Awesome awesome discussion. I've known Ben for maybe a year or more and he has helped me IMMENSELY on my intense return to God. He has such an amazing way with words in describing God and the struggle that leaves one breathless but also smiling. It's infectious for all the right reasons. But I must say, Luke, YOU SIR have that in spades as well but in a different way. Ben is like the poet who swoops in and sweeps us off our feet, and you are like the best friend sitting at the camp fire having a beer with us who not only breaks down the poetry, but also adds to it with astute and cogent vernacular. I'm blown away by this. Instant subscribe! Shoot, I'm going to send this entire discussion to my mother, a Christian who sees the flaws in the narrative and has always felt that there was something more fundamental. This is going to make her day/moth/year/life!
@LukeBricker 5 ай бұрын
Wow, thank you so much for this kind comment! I love your description of us and how we communicate and interact. We hope to record some more episodes soon! I hope your mother enjoys! Cheers, friend.