The Truth About LOST - Part 2 of 2
The Truth About LOST - Part 1 of 2
Why You Should Watch LOST
2 жыл бұрын
Fight for the Light - LOST EXPLAINED
@mtzt3105 11 сағат бұрын
I've always liked to think that the Man in Black needed to leave the Island after killing the candidates and destroying It cuz It'd be always trying to getting him back. We know that the candidates' will is like the Island's cuz of the connection between them and the Source, so, for example, Jack could create a rule that'd prevent the Monster from leaving or that'd get him back, it was a matter of time. So he needed them all dead to exterminate the rules and needed the Island destroyed cuz It'd probably be bringing new candidates that could do the same thing
@hungrynebs 16 сағат бұрын
24:30 technically wasn’t the first group the MIB was with growing up the original “others”? I swear I remember Mother referring to them as “the others” maybe it’s just semantics and connecting things based on nothing
@LOSTEXPLAINED108 13 сағат бұрын
The Roman castaways? Mother didn’t officially designate them as “The Others” but they certainly were other people to her and the two boys. It’s a relative term, as Ben points out. What I mean by “The Others” in the video is the group our Losties learn about and come into conflict with. The group who worship Jacob and follow his rules, as led by Eloise, Widmore, Ben and Locke. And the inception point for that group began with Richard; Jacob’s first intermediary whom he was willing to use as a conduit for instructions. This group officially starts in 1867 when Richard is recruited.
@gingersaurus01 18 сағат бұрын
i’ve been a fan since season 5 aired but only in the last couple years found the fandom and was genuinely so surprised by the amount of hate she got! she’s not my favourite character but the hate ppl have for her is so unfounded and so rooted in misogyny whether they realise or not 🥲 she’s such an interesting character and Lilly plays her so well, thank you for the deep dive !!
@lashed34 Күн бұрын
Absolutely love this show and thank you for all your videos that have only enhanced what was a truly magical watching experience of the series. I have a big question though - if man in black wasn't actually dead when Jack put the cork back in....would he have reverted back to his old self with smoke powers etc??? Is man in black still on the island?
@LOSTEXPLAINED108 13 сағат бұрын
Thank you! Yes, if the Man in Black had not been killed and was still on The Island when Jack put the cork back in and restarted the light then he would have reverted back to his smoke monster state.
@nacierkan Күн бұрын
Wow... what an edit! 👏👏👏
@motta_x Күн бұрын
What would your top 3 episodes be if you had to choose?
Ooooh that's such a tough one to answer. I have toyed with the idea of making a top ten list but I always struggle to rank them. I can give you some of my fav episodes in a non-ranked, alphabetical order: Ab Aeterno Across the Sea Cabin Fever The Candidate The Constant The End Flashes Before Your Eyes Follow the Leader Greatest Hits The Incident Lighthouse The Man Behind the Curtain The Other 48 Days The Shape of Things to Come Solitary The Variable Through the Looking Glass Walkabout To name a few!
@motta_x Күн бұрын
@@LOSTEXPLAINED108 Amazing list! I asked after watching Ab Aeterno - it is a masterpiece in every aspect. It almost feels like you are watching a movie.
@emilycarey7667 Күн бұрын
Darkness isn’t a separate force. It’s the absence of light.
I would agree with what you are saying in terms of practical physics, and in terms of what happens when someone like Sayid loses their inner light. A darkness grows in its place as his inner light dims. However, we also see that darkness takes on a physical manifestation in the form of the black smoke. But this is the result of what happened to MiB’s body/soul in the cave; the darkness within him being unchained and released. While it was a very specific set of circumstances that created the smoke monster, the dichotomy between inner light and inner darkness later comes to be embodied symbolically by the light and dark stones. Two opposing forces. So, in that sense, darkness is considered a separate force in LOST.
@bigbro6446 Күн бұрын
I really think the Dharma Initiative was the biggest let down of the show. I was really hoping for a secret society/cult type plot for the rest of the show. I enjoyed the time travel and magic stuff, but I think it could’ve been much better if it went elsewhere.
@section7764 2 күн бұрын
Libby Said she was a clinical psychologist, we don't know if that was actually true or not. We know only that she was under the care of clinical psychologists. She could have just been faking it. Then again we all know that half of all psych majors are just trying to figure out their own problems.
@LOSTEXPLAINED108 2 күн бұрын
LOL, yes that is very true!
@VanessaAlves-ul9nd 2 күн бұрын
I just finish whatch the entire show and I don't remember this mother scene WTF. Did i skip this episode?
@LOSTEXPLAINED108 2 күн бұрын
It’s from an episode called ‘Across the Sea’ that shows the origin of Jacob and The Man in Black; how they were born and raised and pitted against one another, culminating in the creation of the smoke monster. The episode comes one before the series finale.
@ragnar7106 2 күн бұрын
Imagine being stuck in limbo for millenia, solely to fulfill your purpose of aiding in causing a whispering sound to nudge a person into doing something...
@LOSTEXPLAINED108 2 күн бұрын
I think time is relative when you’re dead in LOST. In real world time you could be there across millennia but from the subjective POV of a whisper it could all bleed and blur together in a continuous moment, like a dream. There is no “now” when you’re dead.
@javsrock52 2 күн бұрын
Anyone flying sydney to LAX getting jitters they might crash on LOST island
@LOSTEXPLAINED108 2 күн бұрын
Any time I hit turbulence on a plane, I think of bearded Jack at the start of Through the Looking Glass.
@snarkmark2806 2 күн бұрын
Was Jesus a smoke monster? He died, and then his likeness was seen later,and you know, that boulder didn’t move itself.
@LOSTEXPLAINED108 2 күн бұрын
All celebrities across time have been smoke monsters.
@JustAndy2020 3 күн бұрын
I watched it all back in 2004-10; and again last Aug-Sep on Netflix. Generally, I absolutely love it, although some arcs and some characters are better than others. Ultimately, Lost has to go down as one of the most epic tv shows in history.
@mikedome9475 3 күн бұрын
Question. If Widmore and Eloise understood time travel to the point that whatever happens, happened and the future cannot be changed. Why did they feel the need to get involved and make things go the way they should? Wouldn't they have thought that things will work themselves out.
@LOSTEXPLAINED108 3 күн бұрын
There's a few components to this answer. The first one being that simply knowing the future isn't an excuse to sit back and do nothing. Eloise could choose to not raise her son to become a physicist and let him find his own way as a musician instead, hoping that fate will naturally do all of the work for her, but what if that isn't how it works? What if the future and the fate of the world depends on her choices to act upon the knowledge she already has? What if human choice dictates how fate unfolds? So, if Eloise doesn't raise Daniel to become the man that will time travel to 1977 and tell them all to use Jughead then will that lead to a catastrophic time paradox? Will the world end as a result of Daniel's absence? She cannot take that risk, so she spends her life making sure everything she does goes towards fulfilling her knowledge of the future (and the past). It's the irony of choice when you are trapped within a deterministic system. Whatever you choose is what you were supposed to choose. Whatever you do is what you were supposed to do. Because the outcomes are already predetermined. Had the story been that Eloise took the path of least resistance, ignored what she had seen and what she knew, and let Daniel be a musician then that would have been how it was supposed to be. And Daniel's path to The Island and time travelling would have been via a different chain of events and through some other series of "happenstances". But that isn't what happened. Eloise chose to assist The Island and fate in making sure that whatever happened in 1977 happens again. On the opposite end of this debate, you have Team Jack who believe that if they set off Jughead in 1977 it will prevent the hatch from being built, therefore changing the future. However -- this choice -- despite trying to work against fate is actually (ironically) fulfilling fate. Eloise learns this lesson after Jughead's detonation ensures that The Swan is constructed and completed. The Island *wants* this chain of events to happen and she cannot risk altering that chain through inaction. So, in short, Eloise does what she does because she cannot risk breaking the causality of the timeline. This comes in part from her experiences in 1977 as well as her general island zealotry and belief in a greater purpose and greater good.
@jportega9404 3 күн бұрын
Smokey definitely did it he can't risk if any of those Ajira passengers are candidates or will become candidates.
@DanteG023 3 күн бұрын
Wow your analysis is top notch. You're Very consistent at considering all angles when dissecting something. Amazing!
@brad1785 4 күн бұрын
The Constant is not only the best episode of LOST, but the best single episode of any TV show period.
@Vygprxs432 4 күн бұрын
Why do you think Ben in season two said “God doesn’t know how long we’ve been here, John. He can’t see this island any better than the rest of the world.”?
@LOSTEXPLAINED108 4 күн бұрын
On the one hand it is Ben saying that The Island is invisible to the outside world, and how everything and anything that happens on The Island stays on The Island. It isn’t for outsiders to know its secrets, including how long The Others have been there. But I also think it was Ben’s way of keeping the mystique of The Others alive by conflating himself and his people with something grander and mythological; that not even God has dominion over them here. It’s more Ben grandstanding and manipulation: “You couldn’t possibly imagine how old and important we are, John. Not even God knows our secrets.”
@YoHey13 4 күн бұрын
After I watched the series for the second time, I understood the man in black. Dude just wanted to leave and explore
@mikelivingston4903 4 күн бұрын
When Jack recorks the island and then uses physical touch to "start" it up again, he's not actually the protector tho. He passed that on to Hurley already before he went down. Maybe it doesn't matter? Maybe he still has the spark of a protector? Curious on your thoughts.
@LOSTEXPLAINED108 4 күн бұрын
Remember that Jack touches Hurley and says “Now you’re like me” as in: now we are both the same. It means that they both share the power of protector now.
@mikelivingston4903 4 күн бұрын
@@LOSTEXPLAINED108 yeah that's what I kinda figured. I just always assumed it was passed. Even Hurley (probably in his naivete) said "I'm giving it right back to ya!" But, yeah makes sense. I just never thought there could be more than one protector, cause then why wouldn't Jacob allow for more protectors? But then that goes into the destiny piece and so on and so forth 😂
@LOSTEXPLAINED108 4 күн бұрын
There is no specific rule that says there can be only one protector. That’s only a rule for whoever leads The Others. Jacob touched both Sun and Jin at the same time and treated them as one, so they could have ruled together.
@Name-ot3xw 4 күн бұрын
I'm still not buying that immortality is a curse even though reams of literature try to convince me otherwise. Smoke monster should have gone to therapy.
@LOSTEXPLAINED108 4 күн бұрын
To use an answer I have given elsewhere on this subject: I think it is very hard to imagine what living forever would actually be like. We are not talking 100 more years or even 1000. We are talking about living until the end of time itself. Beyond billions of years. An unfathomable enormity of time. It’s quite a ridiculous notion when you think of it like that. Not even a person who is totally terrified of death would want to face that kind of eternity of loneliness. Living for centuries could be amazing and a gift. But living forever would absolutely be a curse.
@Name-ot3xw 4 күн бұрын
@@LOSTEXPLAINED108 I dunno, I'm still thinking that it is pure cope for the fact that we're stuck walking around in these laughably manufactured meat suits.
@LOSTEXPLAINED108 4 күн бұрын
I wouldn’t mind living for a few hundred years so I have more time to experience things and more chances to get things right and grow, but I’d want there to be a cut off point. I’m not exactly looking forward to death but I don’t fear its inevitability.
@dr_m_93 4 күн бұрын
I know that I'm commenting on a year-old video, but I just wanted to say that I really love your channel. I love LOST, and this channel really keeps that interest alive. So, what you're saying is that the Island sits on a magical energy source that essentially 'powers' the universe itself. This source is located beneath the crust of the earth and emits strong electromagnetic radiation that radiates to certain places, including the Island? I don't understand completely what this all means. Is the Source electromagnetic, or does it emit electromagnetic radiation? And is this the only concentration of this energy in the universe? Are there spots like the Island on other planets? Or am I understanding this wrong, because it seems strange to me that this energy would be concentrated inside the Earth. Not trying to prove you wrong, just trying to understand.
@LOSTEXPLAINED108 4 күн бұрын
I’m still active on the channel and posting new content so it doesn’t matter how old a video is, if I see a question posted I shall try to answer it 🙂 Here is an answer I have provided elsewhere in another thread: The way I look at the light in LOST on a universe-scale is in one of two ways: The Source and its connected pockets of energy on Earth are essentially a microcosm of how the light functions across the universe. So, the light could be found in other galaxies where life exists. Imagine a Lamp Post-style map of the universe showing these energy pockets all over the infinite expanse of space. Ours might only be one access point of many. The Source is a fourth dimensional gateway to another plane of consciousness and we could argue that gateway might have access points on other planets too. Or you can think of the light beneath The Island as more like a rift that has opened up on our planet only, exposing a gateway to the other side. Kind of like what we see in Stranger Things. But it can only exist on Earth due to unique geological factors. Basically, the only reason that The Source can function in our world at all is because of the natural flow of water all over the landmass, with rivers feeding into the cave of light like bloodstreams. The Source is also referred to as “the heart of the island”, which is a very intentional reference to The Island being a living organism. And people frequently refer to it as having its own will: “The Island wants…”, “The Island needs…” etc. So, the way that I look at it is that the light pockets are the arteries and organs (for example, maybe The Swan site is the island’s kidneys, and The Orchid Site is its liver), while the river streams are the ventricles that create a circulatory system, and the island landmass is the main body itself. And they all function and work together as a whole. They cannot be separated. The light is where the actual “intelligence” or the will of The Island comes from, but it cannot do so without the other body parts, much like how our hearts and brains cannot function without skin, blood and bone. We wouldn’t say that our blood or bone has its own will per se, but we can say they are crucial parts of a living whole. And that’s how I view The Island. Therefore, it might be that The Source can only exist in this exposed state in our universe and in our reality because of these unique environmental factors.
@dr_m_93 4 күн бұрын
@@LOSTEXPLAINED108 WOW, thank you for such a detailed and comprehensive answer! So you're saying that the source is some kind of hivemind, then? Or is it a point where some 4th dimensional consciousness overlaps with our world, creating a rift that produces light and radiation?
@dr_m_93 4 күн бұрын
​​@@LOSTEXPLAINED108WOW,thank you for such a detailed and comprehensive answer! EDIT: And the Source is both the source of life AND existence? So you're saying that the source is like a hivemind?
@LOSTEXPLAINED108 4 күн бұрын
I don’t view The Source as a hivemind per se. It’s more like The Force from Star Wars; a powerful elemental energy that connects everything in the universe together and when living beings die they rejoin with it. You can view it in spiritual terms -- souls being absorbed back into a godlike creator -- or in purely scientific terms -- the brainwaves that we call consciousness are absorbed back into the cosmos because “we are all stardust”.
@dr_m_93 2 күн бұрын
​@@LOSTEXPLAINED108 Alright, let me see if I understand. The universe is powered by a type of energy that's been 'the Source'. There are concentrations of this energy all over the world and the universe, and together they power the universe, keeping reality together. Without this energy, the universe and all of reality would fall apart. Aside form powering existence itself, the Source also spawned conscious life on Earth, or at least powers it somehow. Now, since these concentrations of energy are essentially pillars, holding up the very fabric of reality. If you screw around with them (like the people did with the one beneath the Island), you screw around with the universe itself, interfacing with the very fabric of spacetime. But what I can't fully grasp is how the Source is conscious. Well, I get that you could interpret it as God, but is there a more scientific explanation? Another thing that I can't fully grasp is how and why this energy is on Earth specifically and how it is connected to those other energy pockets. Eloise Hawkins says the Island is located over a unique pocket of electromagnetic energy, but is that energy PRODUCED by the source, or is that energy the Source?
@benwilliams868 4 күн бұрын
Love this channel
@alitotti7392 4 күн бұрын
شكرا جزيلا لك على هذا الشرح . وسأستمر في مشاهدة كل مقاطعك . ابق ضائعا . Thank you very much for this explanation. I will continue to watch all of your videos. stay lost. 🌼
@LizzyGiggles 4 күн бұрын
The haters of the ending are the Jacks of the world. Takes some of us longer to let ourselves believe. For me, this show put all my inner questions and wonderings into such a brilliant format. I will never forget waking up an hour earlier than I needed to before school to binge as much as I could of the DVD’s me and my friends were sharing around and the way I sat and sobbed with a smile on my face at the ending. It perfectly showed the experience of finally letting yourself believe in something. After all of Jacks dismissing anything not based in science, he was healed by the realisation that we all matter. All of us.
@KrystianNTM 4 күн бұрын
Personally, I think the series will remain timeless and watchable for another two decades, although it's up to the new generation to judge that. I touched on older and new productions, but I can't compare any of them to Lost - is it the sentiment of those years or am I just a huge fan of this series? Waiting for the next episode and the conversations at school about what and how could happen was so wonderful that it gave me additional emotions. Each of the mentioned actors had to be this character and not another. The plot and the way it was presented was very appropriate. For me, the ending was contrived and the entire series did not deserve such an ending… To sum up, to this day I consider the LOST series to be my favorite and often recommended to those who have not had any contact with it. Right after it, after many years, I put the series Breaking Bad and its entire universe with Better Call Saul and El Camino - this is for analysis of my taste. Personally, I would like the story of Lost to come alive again and create something for long-time fans of this story, but I know that it will not be as hot as LOST at that time. I was counting on some interesting teasers for the 20th anniversary, but apart from a few materials, nothing else was created, so it probably won't happen again. We had to reheat the whole thing every few years, but believe me... it's not a microwave dish... every time it's a wonderful journey and one hell of an exciting adventure. I rarely comment, but in this case I allowed myself to vent so much that I wrote a slightly longer statement, which shows the power of the series or the island is calling me... ⛰️🛖🗿
@magnificcenTCG 4 күн бұрын
Everytime we see walt's apparition, it was almost like he was trying to warn people. Part of his powers appeared to be sensing danger with precognition, hence he always seemed to show up before something important or bad was going to happen. I think he was trying to save Shannon, but her fate on the island was likely to die. Apparently Walt's character was intended to be able to communicate with animals through telepathy, maybe that's why he has such a good relationship with Vincent. His warning to Locke to not open the hatch could of simply been him forseeing his father murder Ana lucia & Libby which we know was part of the reason michael could not move on from the island from the guilt. Also playing backgammon, walt predicted double 6s, or he wished for it and it happened. We know Walt has some sort of electromagnetic ability from the birds dying and the knife throw. My guess is the light on the island especially the energy emitted from the swan station magnified Walt's powers on the island which helped him bi-locate, and we already know the light on the island can teleport people to different locations. I actually thought that Walt telling locke he had 'work to do', sounded like something MIB would say, because MIB would need Locke to still be alive to be able to time travel back in time to plant the seed of him being special to Richard for the loophole plot. (sidenote: would the island even let locke shoot himself? Jack couldn't blow himself up with dynamite). since Walt was mostly written off the show a lot of these questions around him are never fully answered and we are just left with the notion that walt is "special" with no clear explanation for these early plot mysteries. In regards to Dave, the showrunners def stated an intentional connection between imaginary Dave and Hurley's issues with his dad. I thought it was pretty clear Hurley off island suffered from mental illness & depression, and the Dave hallucination was a result of that illness. But coming to the island Hurley was mostly healed. I believe the writer for the lost encyclopedia stated on island Dave was MIB, whom scanned Hurley at some point to take advantage of that imaginary person from Hurely's past to make him jump off the cliff, even trying to convince him he never left Santa Rosa, a very MIB type of thing to do. Most importantly, I'd like to point out the significance of the Red flowers used throughout the show. They always seem to appear when smokie/MIB are around. In 'cost of living' When 'Yemi' talks to Eko we see the red flowers very clearly as Eko is kneeling. A scene when smokie attacks our losties in the jungle we see the red flowers, when smokie is randomly ripping trees in the jungle we see red flowers. In "Dave' we see Dave lead Hurley through a patch of those red flowers before jumping off the cliff. In my opinion, a very clear relationship to MIB. Even though Damon L. had mentioned that on island Dave was more a figment of Hurley's imagination, the showrunners have said many contradictory things over the course of the show.
@ATMyles 4 күн бұрын
@DeadManVlog 5 күн бұрын
@McAwesomeT 5 күн бұрын
I found your channel on the 20th anniversary. I've been a fan since the original airing. I've seen this series several times and still learned a lot. Amazing work, thanks for sharing
@TheDarkSideOfIndustry 5 күн бұрын
@daviddrakeford9567 5 күн бұрын
Arst, got more play then Vincent the unknown variable.
@LOSTEXPLAINED108 5 күн бұрын
Vincent was too good to be in this silly montage.
@feindkontakt5956 5 күн бұрын
I think, all things aside, its safe to say that a man like Keamy, who is more maniac than professional, is not the right dude to be sent to a place like THIS. Widmore knew the Island. He knew what mysteries wait there and what weird shit can happen there. He should have also known that he can not send anyone and expect good results. So to the weird Island stuff on top, comes a crazy, egoistic money driven killer. That works like a catalyst. To me, its almost like it was predetermined that he takes the freighter in the uprise, if the slightest thing doesnt go as he imagined.
@LOSTEXPLAINED108 5 күн бұрын
Yes, sending a man like Keamy and his mercs to The Island was a bad call in every possible way. Widmore was trying to settle an old score with Ben by using the worst of the worst. And the consequences of employing the services of a man like Keamy are on Widmore. He had a responsibility towards fulfilling fate (by sending his son and the science team) yet used that as a dual opportunity for taking down his old rival. I don’t want to let him off the hook for his misdeeds or anything, I only seek to clarify and track his motivations.
@feindkontakt5956 5 күн бұрын
@@LOSTEXPLAINED108 I know, all good. I was just sharing my thoughts about Keamy.
@jacobtruslow8290 5 күн бұрын
This video doesn’t seem necessary at all, I realized it was the Others and not Walt the very first time I saw the scene where Michael and “Walt” communicate on the hatch computer. If you didn’t realize that wasn’t Walt, I’m just puzzled by your thought process
@LOSTEXPLAINED108 5 күн бұрын
It’s not for you to decide what is a necessary topic for discussion on this channel. Some people understand different plot elements from the show whilst misunderstanding or not thinking about others. I don’t make videos based on the presumption of what I think is obvious or not obvious to a viewer. There is a broad-church of subjects from the show that will interest different fans - some want to know all about DHARMA and the station-related mysteries while others felt satisfied by all of that and want to know more about Jacob and MiB mysteries. I cover everything. What is unnecessary for you might be a helpful clarification to someone else who never really thought too deeply about this part of the plot and just went with it. Furthermore, the “Walt talking to Michael on the computer” digression is only one part of this 30-minute video which covers several Swan-related events including the lockdown, Ben’s plan, and how much The Others knew about The Swan.
@mikedome9475 5 күн бұрын
Something my wife realized when watching Catch-22 (on her first viewing). There is another inaccuracy with Desmond's flashes' about Charlie's death. The actions of Desmond in that episode make us to believe he needs Charlie to be shot by the arrow in order for him to find "Penny". Since Desmond kept reiterating everything must be exactly like his flashes. So the entire episode we are thinking "will Desmond allow Charlie to be shot?". But if Desmond did actually let Charlie get shot, the team would of had to abandon their trek on finding "Penny" to try and rescue Charlie or simply bring his dead body back to camp. I don't think Hurley and Jin would allow Desmond to continue on and leave a dead Charlie behind. So if Charlie died by the arrow, they never would have found Naomi. Or even if they did, they wouldn't have had the resources to try and save both. Just another example of how Desmond's flashes show him things that aren't necessarily "telling an accurate future". I think this is a great addition to the complexity of his flashes. It shows how good of a character he is. That even in the face of possibly ruining the search for "Penny". Desmond still decided to go against his flashes and save Charlie.
@LOSTEXPLAINED108 5 күн бұрын
That's a great catch and an excellent point!
@LenaFerrari 5 күн бұрын
Hieroglyphs were used simultaneously with cuneiform for some time. If I'm not mistaken later Egypt. Cuneiform was more for daily use, and Hieroglyphs were more for decorative and ritualistic uses. So it could be the same people who wrote both. I don't why they would do the switch in the middle of a register, tho
@MTGnEWbie420 5 күн бұрын
a good prequel would be best would be about egiptians running to the island , maybe a pharaoh that had to run being overthrown by a brother and building a huge city on the island and fighting a new totally manifestation of the man in black . for example some lightings instead of smoke etc
@devinborges 5 күн бұрын
Don’t understand the cork. Why does removing it end the world, if there was a point in time that it was never there. What stopped the collapse of the island before the cork. Why doesn’t removing it let the light shine bright as it did before.
@devinborges 5 күн бұрын
Nevermind. I kept watching. Amazing videos. Thank you.
@mr_radikal007 5 күн бұрын
Not sure if this has been covered already as I've only just discovered your channel and have subscribed due to now rewatching through Lost again at 43. John Locks very specific SCAR on his right eye. It appears very deliberate and wondered if this is purely just a wound from the crash or something more deep meaning? I mean he became the MIB so wondered if this was written in to be a way of relating him to being bad? Thanks 😊
@swagsukeuchiha7599 5 күн бұрын
Would you say the characters that drove the story are Jack and John?
@rulas_6656 5 күн бұрын
Hi, one of my friends is watching Lost for the first time and he is theorizing about the ? written on the wall, do you know if by any chance somebody ever translated the whole wall?
@LOSTEXPLAINED108 5 күн бұрын
Yes indeed! You can find a detailed breakdown of the blast door map on Lostpedia here:
@rulas_6656 5 күн бұрын
@@LOSTEXPLAINED108 thank you so much!
@TheDarkSideOfIndustry 6 күн бұрын
So in a way the island is God. That's pretty cool. It also reminds me of the old Jewish belief that we always existed and that our souls came from heaven and when we die we go back to heaven. As a man of God myself I am actually terrified of the thought of an afterlife even if it's supposed to be a good and happy one
@TheDarkSideOfIndustry 6 күн бұрын
I just finished Lost and have just been binging your channel. Please carry on because they are great. I feel now I want to make my own Lost fan fic sequel
@TheDarkSideOfIndustry 6 күн бұрын
They should have got Willem Dafoe to play the Marshall lol
@TheDarkSideOfIndustry 6 күн бұрын
I just realised the man in black in theory could turn into a dinosaur like Hurley said 😂 as if he can only turn into dead things then he might be able to become a dinosaur
@swagsukeuchiha7599 6 күн бұрын
They went to the next stage of consciousness. It would make no sense for them to keep experiencing reincarnation. They most likely completed the alchemical process and have escaped the second death. So samsara would be punishment in my eyes.
@TheDarkSideOfIndustry 6 күн бұрын
I honestly thought John was gonna be some creepy pervert, because of the orange smile and how he loved talking and telling secrets to Walt. Thankfully that didn’t happen
@TheDarkSideOfIndustry 6 күн бұрын
I watched all of lost over the past 2 months and it feels like 10 years ago that I watched episode 1. This show really changes and develops
@the2theonly672 6 күн бұрын
How are so many of these actors getting DUIs