Lofi Falco Dittos to study to /vs Mang0
Repeating Falco's gameplan
Looking vs Noticing
2 ай бұрын
Misconceptions on punish game
SSBM Lesson
2 ай бұрын
@carbon13 4 күн бұрын
20:18 I find myself doing dash -> shorthop -> shine -> waveland (a triangle jump I guess, like a slow JC shine) in situations similar to this in my Fox/FD combo route, in the percent range where grounded shine no longer hits, but the timing on uptilt would be tight.
@its_just_ink 7 күн бұрын
dude yone doesnt need more range that character has 3 fucking gap closers please give me the @ of whoever said that shit
@jojoschili5257 15 күн бұрын
do more of those pleaase it's helping my adhd so much when i study
@MaticMatic 23 күн бұрын
i usually wake up to autoplay retrospective vids, but i woke up to this this morning
@asdffdsa1976 24 күн бұрын
Hey man these educational videos are great, stoked to watch more of them. I'm getting back in to melee after ~10 years and was wondering which spacie you think would be a more beneficial lens to learn the game through.
@nuggeteater69 20 күн бұрын
whichever one you have more fun with you should play. You can always switch later
@veginstable 24 күн бұрын
Vs missed tech, what about waveland crouch techchase?
@Mukisamali 24 күн бұрын
Trigger warning: Daft Goat
@DavidLee-hv3mq 24 күн бұрын
Sorry if i missed it in the video, or there is an obvious reason im not aware of that you arent doing it but i did still want to ask. For the waveland on punish tree, you said you didnt like it for when they dont tech. Is there any reason why you wouldnt crouch on reaction and tech chase from there. Cc get up attack and grab everything else. Again, sorry if im missing something obvious.
@JohnBenoit46290 25 күн бұрын
The world needs sosososo many more of these sessions(with anyone) pleaaaaase
@khalilbryant6317 25 күн бұрын
What about edge canceled bair into instant bair to cover tech to one side?
@KJHSSBM 25 күн бұрын
Hmm maybe
@lakessbm 26 күн бұрын
@snared_ 27 күн бұрын
would any of these .slp files be sharable? I'd love to frame-by-frame some of these interactions with hitboxes/ecb enabled. to learn. The first couple of games maybe?
@derekbenko3180 27 күн бұрын
Love these long vod videos, makes studying high level players playing a matchup super easy
@AyJayBeEm 27 күн бұрын
5:56 holy shit cracked mang0 stock :^)
@negativessbm 28 күн бұрын
best video idea i have ever seen 🐐
@dazrin_ 29 күн бұрын
really liked this vid - very practical and applicable :) thanks kalindi!
@glennmorren2892 Ай бұрын
For the first part with contesting fox on the ledge that managed to recover/dodge the edgeguard I tend to 'accept the loss' and move either to ledgedash grab range and bait him out Or go for a side platform on the inside so shielddrop/shieldpush-off bair/shine is available As iirc the double jump waveland on side plat from the ledge is not fully invincible so inner side of a platform seemed nice to me This way one can still keep pressure, but more so in the corner than on/around the ledge Granted 'moving up the spacing' from 'around ledge' to 'around centerstage side of a platform' does give more mixups and considerations for both players as I'm giving the fox time and space But rather do that and defend there, than to try and shine oos or smth around the ledge
@FalcoMaster. Ай бұрын
Thanks Goat 🙏
@alecschwartz5242 Ай бұрын
which top tiers do you think you could keep applying pressure to at the ledge? i feel like i have to treat shiek the same as fox but idk if im approaching the pressure incorrectly
@ckwolf_real Ай бұрын
You said something in the very beginning of the video that really stuck with me: "What's good?" And that really made me think. What is good? Everyone talks about good melee, but what makes melee good? What does playing good mean? Is it just good when I win? This started out as a joke but now I'm really spiraling about why I play this game. Anyway - loving the content! Good stuff!
@bigschn0se541 Ай бұрын
You good?
@ckwolf_real Ай бұрын
@@bigschn0se541 😭
@khalilbryant6317 Ай бұрын
How does the gathering info thing at the beginning of the match work if the fox is powershielding the laser? Do you focus on what they do right after the powershield?
@KJHSSBM Ай бұрын
Yeah of course. There’s laser patterns that deal with powershield from full screen really well but them attempting to always powershield is good info you can use to potentially trick them with high lasers, late lasers etc
@spacejambluray2591 Ай бұрын
At higher percents you can fair into nair sometimes dtilt. Mid% I try jab jc shine or grab off the fair but sometimes they can tech (I may just be bad/option is bad) uair and utilt are prob better most of the time tho
@KJHSSBM Ай бұрын
Those could be good
@theRealFakez Ай бұрын
9:00 is probably my worse auto pilot moment. I shoot the laser and don't differentiate between take laser or shield and will just throw out a random aerial. This got me thinking alot more about the different options
@Aoi_Tori_ Ай бұрын
Trying to be aware of reaction points and threat ranges more so this is super sick
@Noobieedu Ай бұрын
also gotta watch for giant punch to cover dash back!
@ncsloficentral Ай бұрын
donkey kong
@itsbmeGaming Ай бұрын
I think this situation many players are facing against these good DKs is like in Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo when playing against good Zangief players. Zangief is very low tier, but he's very strong so if he can get into your range he's going to hurt you. There's a player named MegamanX who is considered the best Zangief in the world and there's even vods of Justin Wong playing against him, either barely winning or outright getting destroyed and Justin Wong was using top tiers like Sagat. DK reminds me of that. He has a lot of weaknesses and horrible matchups but if you don't take him seriously he can mess you up due to this combo ability and power.
@yousefelafrangi2658 Ай бұрын
F-throw near ledge after a nair in the corner has gotten me a lot of success vs Ringler. I tend to grab ledge after and use a rising invincible back air to cover his recovery. Sets are won against DK when I am edge guarding properly. Not covered here was also SDI on up airs to escape combos. Not dying against a grab is always my objective against DK lol.
@Bclem101 Ай бұрын
Against dk I do up throw up smash if they challenge with a move on di away and if I read I jump I chase it with double jump up air. I think up throw is okay you just got to make a read to get a combo.
@KJHSSBM Ай бұрын
Hmm I like that
@alexanderlane7863 Ай бұрын
DK main here, sorey for your losses. Glad to see youre taking him a bit more seriously
@Ev-xi5xp Ай бұрын
Audio sounds great! Good mix.
@saintvong Ай бұрын
If DK gets a grab on fox at 0% > cargo uthrow > uair, I always SDI down the uair, and sometimes it makes me cross up DKs landing from the uair or I buffer spot dodge shine to reversal their regrab attempt
@kncvideos748 Ай бұрын
This is what kinso was doing vs bing
@phoenixssbm Ай бұрын
similarly do not let him pummel you, any % towards up air knockdown is bad
@rocket117 Ай бұрын
nice, watching asap
@potofpoison Ай бұрын
it’s so very beautiful. all of it.
@soloconnell34 Ай бұрын
Man I can not get over how much you SOUND like druggedfox. It’s crazy. I love both of you guys
@KJHSSBM Ай бұрын
I do take druggedfox lessons and talk to him a lot LMAO
@mkultravictim3917 Ай бұрын
We’re so back
@halssbm Ай бұрын
I'd love to hear more about your thoughts on using laser vs fox specifically. I was listening to the most recent Spacie Jam and found it interesting how you and Mango were talking about lasering as a way to stall for time and think, but that it was bad because the game moves too fast. Meanwhile Ficton is of the philosophy that lasers are the most optimal way to slow fox down and protect yourself and lasers every chance he gets. It seems like all the top Falco players do not agree on the best way to use it in this matchup. Would love to hear you talk about the different approaches to using laser when comparing to players like Mango, yourself, Fiction, BBB, or Ginger?
@hadesbeleren4424 Ай бұрын
Bro schedule your time it's a banger I'm struggling a lot with time management for school and I've been trying to schedule and even if doesn't always work it's still a lot better than before because it makes me realize I can't do everything and that I can stop without feeling bad if I've done everything
@YungMidLord909 Ай бұрын
Ive had times where i’ll tell myself i wanna win more but i realized over the years that that as a goal is too vague. So i’ve been working on making a lil checklist of micro goals for the fortnight. I think having something like that is a great exercise in general. Kinda like building muscle at the gym just throwing yourself at the weights; its not optimal without some sort of a plan.
@sandpoundist Ай бұрын
“I don’t know why I feel in such a rush.” Your thoughts about your goals and reflecting on the desire for elevation that existed before you even started playing and how that distracts us made me feel seen. I’m a lesser player than you but every stock I get with shield stop usmash is a salute to your contributions. I could go on about all the things I have learned just from watching your videos. I’ll always respect your humility and smash philosophy.
@DarkenedVibe Ай бұрын
I'm definitely interested in you voicing your thoughts as well as more lessons. Any chance you publish some of your twitch vods as well? Saw you did a Q&A the other day but I missed it.
@ckwolf_real Ай бұрын
The lack of direction that you talk about in the beginning of the video is very familiar to me. When I was in grad school grinding for weeks straight, sometimes I would get in a similar place. I think it was my body would tell me I need to take a break in ways I didn't realize. When I was in decision paralysis or subconsciously trying to distract myself, if I did something else and gave myself a mental break, I would always be better off when I came back to it. And with that comes learning to forgive myself, because beating myself up for not improving all the time is not productive. On top of that, a sage piece of advice a therapist once gave me was to chase the dopamine. Chasing what was fun was huge for my self-improvement.
@LilypadOW Ай бұрын
hey man could you please turn the game audio down a bit? pretty hard to listen to imo tyty
@explo3377 Ай бұрын
Agreed, great video as always though!
@explo3377 Ай бұрын
Agreed, great video as always though!
@nuggeteater69 Ай бұрын
wasnt ready for a therapy session with kjh but here we are
@user-uo9yb2qx8z Ай бұрын
is there anyways you could playlist of all your videos to play in the background?
@KJHSSBM Ай бұрын
LOL I got u
@NickG-sx6wb Ай бұрын
I was in awe for five minutes well done Kalindi
@dareka727 Ай бұрын
you're crucial in saving this community.
@VikMKW Ай бұрын
I always saw getting mad at getting reversaled as an entitled mentality; as if your edge guard was meant to go in your favor and was unfairly taken away. Which highlights a logical fallacy. I've always seen edge guards to be earned, teetering on a fine line between having advantage vs over extending, which is a risk we must admit to taking and not give up responsibility for our decision making. Love your philosophical discussions. Introspection is certainly one of the puzzle pieces to progress in life :)
@qlinc 2 ай бұрын
tbh i'd watch more of your videos if you put your mic closer to your mouth. just use a headset man
@KJHSSBM 2 ай бұрын
There’s nicer ways to say this lol
@qlinc 2 ай бұрын
@@KJHSSBM yeah my bad. I'm just always excited about your video topics and then get frustrated and sad after a few minutes when it's too much strain to understand you
@towenaar7422 2 ай бұрын
this is one of the most eye opening melee videos I've ever seen and ties into other learning concepts I've been exploring through mediums outside of melee. the analogy itself is great and immediately usuable, but beyond that, creating a framework for how to process and understand situations via analogy, testing and analysis is awesome. creating analogies that are easy to visualize because of your life experience also naturally increases memory retention. so if you're doing things this way, it's more likely you will be able to recall these concepts on the fly or be able to "trigger" them by thinking about the analogy. like if you're noticing you're not reacting during your fullhop you just tell yourself quickly "swat the fly" and you already have this understanding conceptually of what to do, instead of needing to actually "think" and consider things in a game where you don't have time to think. and you can kinda do it freeflow like you demonstrated and just try different things as you think of them before logging your findings thank you for this fr