@sastuntgirl 12 сағат бұрын
I wholeheartedly agree with everything except the need for stronger government. Governments being too powerful and overreaching has gotten the world to where we find ourselves today and more government would certainly only exacerbate the problem (in place of our morals and community structures falling more to religious leaders/communities or even localized governments instead of national). I’m in South Africa (but am fascinated with how things are done around the world). Here they have just made the legally required school starting age a year younger (5 instead of 6) and dictate curriculum across socioeconomic / religion / culture etc without taking individual or community needs into account. Our government is pretty ineffective at implementation but they still wield way more legal power than should ever have been granted to them (controlling private schools, homeschoolers, etc.). We would do well to return to accountability on a local community level in some form or the other
@SonofSamClemens 15 сағат бұрын
Shocking ... Babies need mothers and fathers who care for them instead of chase promotions so they can afford golf carts, dinner at trendy restaurants, and closets the size of bedrooms.
@bk8082 21 сағат бұрын
Spot on.
@AngelaLewis-y4v 23 сағат бұрын
Sipes Green
@Lololoxoxoxo Күн бұрын
I was blessed to have a financial possibility to be next to my daughter for 6 years before she started school. In the first month after birth I took an intensive course “ brain development in the kids based on attachment theory “ from Gordon Neufeld Institute and later on “theory of frustration”. I was all the time criticized for not sending my daughter to kindergarten, I have been told that she will not be able to socialized . Guess what) She become social butterfly in her first grade , having friends from different grades with zero reattachment to the peers and keeping her individuality in the group. She is now in her 3 grade and all that professor Neufeld told me I will see in my daughter I see. But we were lucky to have this opportunity to be together and travel 12 countries for first 6 years, most people I know they don’t have it and for us social financial structure should be changed .
@pritulkhan1395 Күн бұрын
2:22 : "Yes, I did say mothers". I love this. No more woke terms like "Birthing Persons" or "Womb carriers". Respect to all mothers out there!
@thevegansons1713 Күн бұрын
My son is almost 8 and has aleays been with me. He is homeschooled. He has so many friends and a great homeschool community. He's getting so confident in himself!
@АзизТургунов-ъ8ц Күн бұрын
@kierlak Күн бұрын
Very powerful speech. Sadly Big Pharma doesn't care. Governments around the world don't really care either. Psychiatry has been focusing on diagnosis, meds and symptoms management (also influenced by the Big Pharma). This woman should be in the government. In my view the root cause of this mental health crisis is: capitalism.
@GreenSaxon Күн бұрын
This the guy endorsing Trump and Farage and Badenoch and Truss and stirring up hate in the UK right? How's that work?
@praj2389 Күн бұрын
I kept my child in daycare when he was 14 months old, I could do it only for 4 days, I cried my heart out every day and couldn't sleep at night. My heart broke not only for my child but also for other children at that daycare.. We could clearly see our child distressed, scared, and helpless. I was lucky to have a work from home option. We also managed our expectations career wise. Daycares are horrible..US needs maternity leaves.
@nhung-huynguyen7839 Күн бұрын
Just because this generation wants to eliminate the elderly out of children bonding, and children engage more time to devices than with society, family lack of “unconditional love” 🕊️🥚🕊️
@setisuafa-os9tv 2 күн бұрын
Thank you Erica. Thank you ARC. Saving our family is our worlds common priority. Keeping a childs attachment to mum and family in the first 3 years is a fundamental growth stage for all children. Only the first stage. Second and third stages needed too.
@galewhite9723 2 күн бұрын
Unfortunately, most politicians are in it for their own purpose, power!
@nicholasdocter4975 2 күн бұрын
I found a particular comment very interesting. Namely, that promoting a mindset of perfectionism and comparison is toxic. Having completing a college education and professional school, the organization continually pitted students of very different and diverse backgrounds against each other academically, going so far to keep a class ranking list. I agree that this is not a logical or responsible approach to education or any way to produce healthy, happy professionals (who may go on to become society's leaders).
@theopenmindtherapist 2 күн бұрын
The problem we have is that a small number of people have decided to rally the global consciousness around these 'climate change' issues SO AS to introduce these alarmist and restrictive policies. Evidenced in Club of Rome document in early 50's which described exactly how they would do it. No amount of reasoning and evidence will change their course. So it's up to us....however the hell we do that.
@joshisanalias 2 күн бұрын
Can this be 6 hours long next time?
@BraveOne7 2 күн бұрын
I’ve been saying this for a long time that the world is anti-children. Children are dehumanized, devalued, brutally killed in abortions, abused, treated less than adults, deprived of attention, and ignored or not prioritized. I’ve seen it’s so much and it’s so sad. I’m a stay at home mother of two and I wouldn’t have it any other way! God bless children and parents! ❤
@lindsaytwort8655 2 күн бұрын
Look at how many people are joining THE PETERSON ACADEMY? All in search of a proper education again.
@lindsaytwort8655 2 күн бұрын
The Pendulum has got to swing. Some new leaders must be appointed who will throw out all the woke and bring back traditional education.
@lindsaytwort8655 2 күн бұрын
I will never recover from the ban issued to Professor Jordan after he had been invited to speak. Well how short sighted was that and how that back fired. The whole world are in awe at what Jordan has to say!
@lindsaytwort8655 2 күн бұрын
It seems they are only there to make money these days! They are not really interested in educating anymore. It is absolutely shocking these days how uninformed people have become and how the pursuit of truth and free speech have gone down the drain.
@youtubeschool4880 2 күн бұрын
I left my job ! Proudly! Kudos to me !!!!!!! Finally i realised that this time will not come back,,,,, motherhood is the ultimate CROWN for me , Thank you God for choosing me to serve my little wonderful soul❤
@greengroupofthedioceseofon6480 3 күн бұрын
Not as fact based or up to date as one would have hoped for. And ultimately still misleading in a way that does not at all help the younger generations to generate hope for a better future or formulate actions towards such a hopeful future.
@assyriannahrin 3 күн бұрын
Moslems till this very second they brag and are very proud about their history, history of concouring the lands of others Yet are number one who COMPLAINS about western imperialism and how that was the reason their behind, totally ignoring their backwards believes and values and the fact their societies ALWAYS produce fascist politicians ‼️‼️‼️
@assyriannahrin 3 күн бұрын
He really HIT hard
@samanthaquant7411 3 күн бұрын
I need to say that conservative families like the Christians I grew up around have been advocating for this without the backing of “parenting experts” for decades. Turns out they were right…
@kitemanmusic 3 күн бұрын
We’re all doomed!! NOT!! Climate has always changed, and it always will. Temperature goes up and it goes down. Look up past records.
@zarjesve2 3 күн бұрын
6:36 "Developed world" = People who committed atrocities, genocide and mass plunder of the "undeveloped world".... Bravo!
@onetripwonders 3 күн бұрын
I agree with what she’s saying but unfortunately life and children are very expensive and require 2 parents to work for an expensive daycare. My dream would be to spend all day everyday with my kid but I can’t. Plus, I feel he’s becoming more independent as a result. He’s happy and thriving so that’s not bad at age 2.5.
@wahedatahmeen5117 3 күн бұрын
I come home after 4 pm and be with my child is that ok
@Pearlinthecountry 3 күн бұрын
This is in my opinion one of the BEST speeches I have heard from Jordan Peterson and I am a fan of his work. I have saved this to my favorites and I am going to watch it as many times as I can before it gets taken down.
@Abhi-ex6uo 4 күн бұрын
This video says nothing about raising resilient children. The title is misleading.
@goforthpatrick 4 күн бұрын
great topic. insightful comments. Makoto's comments about beauty and sacrifice were lovely. But, the video itself comes across as disjointed - i think it's because every time someone spoke it was in a new edit. there was no showing of conversational interaction or overlap. It lacks segueing too. chop, chop, chop. the conversation sounds unnatural, almost superficial. still worth the watch though, due to the content.
@SofaWrld2 4 күн бұрын
The sin of acedia (sin of the sloth/sin of a busy body/the incapacity to pay attention) may play a big part of the problem of intolerance in institutions, and may point to a solution at the individual level, esp when it comes to cultivating wisdom
@SofaWrld2 4 күн бұрын
"What you think is the most important thing... is not" -ah I see what you did there, God is not a thing "At least keep your eyes high and at least always look higher, and don't let your sight or perception stop at the good you care about today"
@SofaWrld2 5 күн бұрын
5:50 I found Winston's remark about the beauty of a sunset vs the beauty of David interesting -"[David] told me smth the horizon couldn't do.. told me what was right and how to move forword". It made me think: Perhaps beauty in nature more so cultivates wisdom, and beauty in David more so cultivates knowledge (I learned this from Vervaeke.. wisdom overcomes foolishness, knowledge overcomes ignorance) I think nature may be more beautiful than David (or other forms of art) to cultivate wisdom
@kathleendavey-w5e 5 күн бұрын
Whats with the aggressive clenched fists... hes full of s*it.. when you can read body language.
@kathleendavey-w5e 5 күн бұрын
Thumbs down for this man... inversion at its best... hes in on it with the biggies.... Soros man
@katmax7451 5 күн бұрын
If you take God out of the equation and give the devil a platform who is one truth/lies,lies,lies. You have no beauty with you at all. Beauty does not rest within the devil. Satan is hatred personified, committing violence, murders, promoting the sexualisation of children in any way possible. peodophelia is his weapon.pornography, demeans woman. drug and alcohol abuse breaks people and families. . Confusion over who Gods children really are is a mathematical genius on the devils part and unnecessary abortions are preventing God’s spirit children from coming down to receive a body. A gift from God who loves all of his children equally. Power, greed, blasphemy still exists. Satan has no care for any of Gods children, only himself. He chose his own misery and wants the same misery for everyone else. This is the opposite of beauty. The devil takes away our freedoms physically and spiritually. Attacking the human family and our right for freedom to choose beauty. The institution of the family is under attack every day. Through deception, lies and debotchery he wants to rob us of our freedom, even over our own bodily appetites. He has no soul and wants all of Gods children to be lost in darkness, where there is no beauty at all. You may be in his control right now, feeling nothing but misery. If you are following his tactics and he is controlling your bodily appetite’s. It sounds scary and it is. All of this is what Satan wants for people. We can define it as pure evil. Nothing of beauty comes from any of these things. However Christ can redeem us from the ugliness. You can repent, repent repent. Christ is the antidote. Beauty first Ashes (Isaiah) . Christ is good and kind. Christ is full of truth and light. It’s easy to spot the beauty created from within Him and projected out. We create our own beauty. Those who are on the Lords side and fighting in the spiritual battle for humanity which is raging in the hearts of men twenty four hours a day. Our inherent need for beauty is within us. We are children of God. That truth is the pan ultimate beautiful truth any of us can know. God in the business of saving our hearts and minds. The beauty of the celestial can becom a part of us. He beckons for anyone enslaved to any of the above to Come unto Him. It is not to late to change. Remember you are ‘one’ sheep the good shepherds is looking for you. The ONE who is lost. 😞 The cross should not be the focus but the stone rolling away from the tomb is a thing of eternal beauty. ❤
@katmax7451 5 күн бұрын
I love the language of the cosmos. Look at David Butler for more beauty on this.
@aaroncrothers3603 5 күн бұрын
A lot of BS… 1. Women stop divorcing once you have your kid (50+ %) 2. Men stop acting like pussies. It’s an epidemic. 3. Don’t raise your kid in or around a major city. The culture is woke and warped.
@KbB-kz9qp 5 күн бұрын
Weather generally runs in cycles, and as humans get older, they notice the weather extremes more than they did when they were young.
@joaodecarvalho7012 5 күн бұрын
“What is a human?” We’ve never had to ask that question, but now we really have to answer it.
@SofaWrld2 5 күн бұрын
The part where Makoto talks about looking for really bad art makes me think of Wittgenstein recommending ppl read really bad philosophy.. I think there is so much that is revealed when you are exposed to the two extremes
@SofaWrld2 5 күн бұрын
I had to giggle a bit when i read "beauty is whatever" quoted at the beginning of the vid :p
@despairknot 5 күн бұрын
She makes me want to go back to school again.
@JanKowalski-vj9py 6 күн бұрын
Eco-nazi 2.0 are no longer discussing CO2 levels and climate change as this met with significant resistance. They switched now to idea of reducing power supply to the people. The extremists claim that nowdays there's equivalent of 600 servants in machines for each person in Europe and there a need to free those "slaves" end the "slavery". How to do it the fastest way? Cut energy supply so all those machines helping the people will be useless. What Mr Lomborg is saying is on head-on colision course with most extreme "deindustrialisators" that would likely see the return of manual labor, complete destruction of individual mobility and almost all wellfare aboundance of energy brought. Limited energy is behind all this "worms as a food" and all other food related repressions (i.e. no meat in diet) as cutting power supply means also to cut food supply. Well under comunist rule in my country was a period of food rationing. I had a coupon that allowed me to purchase 2kg of sugar and 2kg of meat per month there were also coupons for shoes and other material goods. Perhaps only clothes were not limited but still they were difficult to obtain. The green neocommunists are marching backwards into the same madness. Not for political reasons but for the sake of their climatic religion and godess Gaia. Mr Lombord defends the most imporant element of the entire story - energy supply because he correctly indentifies that this is keeps the world alive. Failing in protecting energy supply means that world population will be reduced to maybe 500 milions and world will return to misery of late Roman Empire. With majority being slaves working to support small almighty elite.
@TyKay-vd9fo 6 күн бұрын
A Reconquista is necessary to deal with this issue.
@WesternPatriot-v8m 6 күн бұрын
Jordan Peterson needs to address all these innocent children being put in daycares stripped away from their mothers bc life is unaffordable for many in the west as taxpayers cater to immigrants that don’t integrate.