Why I Hate Fear Based Prepping
Are Preppers All Crazy?
11 ай бұрын
@t.michaelsalter5700 4 күн бұрын
Great information. Excellent point at 4:29 and 6:35 - get training!! Can't stress this enough. Anything beyond basic bandaids and OTC meds (aspirin, cold remedies, etc, etc) can definitely benefit from additional training. It completely changes your viewpoint on your own skill level. Stock up on the basics (especially if you have kids) and get training to know how to effectively use the more advanced supplies and techniques. Lora, keep it up. You're making a difference. The information you present is great for folks new to being prepared and a good reminder for us who have "been around a while". Thanks!
@PrepHERedness 4 күн бұрын
Yes on the training! I agree it makes all the difference. I have been looking at taking another wilderness outdoor medicine course…it’s been a while! And thank you for the encouragement & support! Sure do appreciate all of your insights.
@Utah_Mike 4 күн бұрын
Excellent info I seem to have needed many 1st aid supplies throughout my life. I had livestock for many year and learned that the feed store veteran supplies was good place to load up on 1st aid bandages/ointments.
@PrepHERedness 4 күн бұрын
That’s a great suggestion. Medical supply stores also have some of the things I recommend for reasonable prices. Shopping around is the best bet. Thanks for watch Mike as always. Appreciate your support.
@PrepHERedness 4 күн бұрын
Get your FREE Medical Supply Checklist Here - prepherednesss.myflodesk.com/medicalsupplies
@Utah_Mike 28 күн бұрын
3+ months supply is critical to have on hand.
@PrepHERedness 28 күн бұрын
Agree completely.
@TaylorBarlowe 2 ай бұрын
This is really great advice. Building our own 72-hour kit, this is helpful. You should check out OZIO MEDICAL- we just ordered their "Basic Emergency Medical Kit" and it gives us a little peace of mind in case we don't have access to healthcare in an emergency!
@MikeSanders-u3u 2 ай бұрын
Thanks for bringing this to us. I've been thinking about this very subject for the last couple weeks. A sign I should get busy with building my medical preps!
@PrepHERedness 2 ай бұрын
Thanks for watching Mike! Next video we will cover medical supplies and on the third video we will talk about some options for prescriptions. 😁
@az55544 2 ай бұрын
5:12 you don't know why you carry 2? EDC is about minimalism and having a tool for a situation. 2 pens?
@PrepHERedness 2 ай бұрын
Hey there. Appreciate you watching. I think everyone has a different view of EDC and what makes them feel good. Thanks for adding your thoughts.
@t.michaelsalter5700 2 ай бұрын
As someone who "is" moderately medically trained compared to the average (current Wilderness First Aid instructor, former EMT) this is great advice. Stock your preparedness pantry with some good OTC meds and supplies. Store what your family actually uses, plus the items that you may not need today but may in the future (like the stomach remedies). As others have pointed out, keep a close watch on expiration dates. The items "may" still be usable when expired, but do you want to take that chance in an emergency? Learn what you can about herbal medicinals as well. Sometimes this can be an effective substitute. Get books on these topics and/or get some in-person training. Sometimes you can find classes through county agriculture services or your state’s land grant college as well as some adult education programs. Go to your local library and see what books you can find (you may be surprised). Also, I would advocate (again) for anyone watching these videos to get some first aid training. You can find basic (4 hour) first aid classes almost anywhere and often for free. Check with the national purveyors (American Red Cross, National Safety Council, etc) and contact your county's "Office of Emergency Management" (may be a different name in your area) for recommendations for first aid classes. You’ll feel more prepared when you know what to do if something happens.
@PrepHERedness 2 ай бұрын
Thanks for the thoughts! Absolutely love the idea of adding herbal remedies. Like you I have some medical training, but I know I need to keep brushing up on my skills. Thank you for adding great thoughts and help to this community!
@josneaka4866 2 ай бұрын
I'm guilty of "borrowing" from my emergency meds a little too much. 😅 I have an area for medicine at home and first aid kits, but not everyone puts things back where they belong. I know exactly where the emergency stuff is, so it's (too) easy to grab from there.
@PrepHERedness 2 ай бұрын
I SO get that! We try and keep a supply of “emergency” med in a separate place. As we use up our “on deck” meds we pull from the emergency stash and then restock. BUT it doesn’t always work. I’m going to start using the Amazon subscription method!
@acerrubrum5749 2 ай бұрын
Please check your expiration dates on what you already have. My Neosporian was 2016 that migrated to the back of the randon drawer 😢 My Polysporian was 2026 🎉 If possible, try to keep things in one place storage in the house. Saves you also from double buying. Check the other first aid kits twice a year. As always, excellent video
@PrepHERedness 2 ай бұрын
Yes, yes, yes on expiration dates!!! Great add. Rotation with medical supplies is as important (or maybe more important) than food rotation! Thanks for watching.
@josneaka4866 3 ай бұрын
So much good sense in this video! The first point, about knowing what you're prepping for, is so important! Every emergency will have its own special requirements, and we need to address what our actual needs would be if that emergency came up.
@PrepHERedness 3 ай бұрын
Absolutely. I know when I started I sort of felt like I needed to get all the stuff. Then I realized I wasn’t sure what I was preparing for! 🤣
@josneaka4866 3 ай бұрын
Totally agree with you! Unfortunately, fearmongering is an attention grabber in just about any avenue, and prepper YT channels aren't immune to that kind of thinking. I prefer channels that focus on being prepared, and common sense instead of the doom-and-gloom, death-and-destruction type channels that are too dramatic to take seriously. So.. I'm glad I found this channel! Subbed!!
@PrepHERedness 3 ай бұрын
Thanks so much for the encouragement! Glad you are part of this community.
@healwithterri 3 ай бұрын
I agree! I have struggled with how much to prepare. In the Bible there were droughts and famine for years! I can’t imagine preparing for years of food but I can do something to control what I can :-). Thanks for the reminder. Do not fear.
@PrepHERedness 3 ай бұрын
Yes! I think when we are confident in our faith, it changes the dynamic. Like you said, control what you can control. I think we are supposed to do what we can to take care of ourselves and families.
@sirsmilealot5458 3 ай бұрын
Fear based prepping will be common if cackles is installed in November. It will be necessary.
@PrepHERedness 3 ай бұрын
I guess I figure prepping is good planning regardless of the administration. And I am still not a fan of the fear based rhetoric. Good news is there are plenty of other channels that will leverage the political landscape this fall.
@gidave 3 ай бұрын
This planet is temporary. We're just passing thru. Prepare for the next life. It may save your soul.
@PrepHERedness 3 ай бұрын
I like to prepare for both 😁. Confident in my faith and my planning! Thanks for watching.
@briangain9836 3 ай бұрын
Extra stuff is good .. ☮️💕
@PrepHERedness 3 ай бұрын
Agree. Supplies = good. Fear = not so good! Thanks for watching!
@timbrady396 3 ай бұрын
I agree
@kurthall1562 3 ай бұрын
Agreed... Most seasoned preppers are a level headed bunch. Fearmongers give us a bad reputation. A KZbin example..."Why FEMA's food crisis warnings will keep you up at night" Another, "Stockpile before the end of September". That kinda talk is senseless and can start a stampede. We can't drink feelings and we can't eat emotions!
@PrepHERedness 3 ай бұрын
Couldn’t agree more. But the fear gets clicks! I find myself trying to balance my titles and thumbnails with helpful content and advice. It’s easy to do what works! Thanks for chiming in.
@sammitorn5326 3 ай бұрын
Fear sells and gets clicks. Most channels recycle the same content over and over year after year and it really does get old.
@PrepHERedness 3 ай бұрын
Agree on the fear and the clicks!
@kimberc4664 3 ай бұрын
My go to is coloring books.I use a head lamp with the red light on. Its especially fun because I don't worry about what color the colored pencil is that I'm using...makes for an interesting outcome when the lights are back on.
@PrepHERedness 3 ай бұрын
Okay, this is an awesome idea. As someone who always agonizes over the colors, this sounds incredibly liberating! Plan on trying this during the next power outage.
@ericrobinson9340 Ай бұрын
haha sounds great!
@bradlafferty 3 ай бұрын
Outstanding! This is one of the top reasons I subscribe to your channel. A rational perspective on keeping one’s home as a place of supply and comfort. Thank you.
@PrepHERedness 3 ай бұрын
Wow, thank you! I appreciate that feedback and support.
@t.michaelsalter5700 3 ай бұрын
Sound wisdom - "prepared, not scared". Unfortunately, creating fear about "the other" sells. Whether that "other" is a political/social class, social collapse, a nuclear (or EMP) attack, or that uncontrollable event/group. And it seems that many of the online prepper folks have something to sell that is "needed" to help control that fear. But, since I never had the money or the inclination to prep for those kinds of things, I spent my available time and money preparing for what I thought was most likely. In my area, that's winter snow storms (aka blizzards) or a summer drought. My only special prep is lots of firewood to fuel the 2 wood stoves during the winter storms. Beyond that, my stuff is pretty normal (food, water, shelter, medical, cash), plus backup lighting systems that don't require outside electricity (short term battery lights and long term oil lamps). I was always less concerned about those "fear items" because I never had the money for those things I didn't think were likely.
@PrepHERedness 3 ай бұрын
I completely agree on preparing for the most likely scenario! It sounds like you are in the perfect spot with where you are right now. I am continuing to learn and grow without all the crazy.
@streamsofincomebydrdave 3 ай бұрын
"Prepared not scared" Well said! But if zombies do pop in I will be ready.
@PrepHERedness 3 ай бұрын
Haha! Me too my friend 🤣
@deanoktoday9155 3 ай бұрын
All true but some people have their heads very much in la la land so maybe its whats needed to get them thinking and acting. Thanks
@PrepHERedness 3 ай бұрын
That’s a fair point. Fear can be a good motivator to start taking action, just think it can be harmful long-term. Thanks for tuning in.
@acerrubrum5749 3 ай бұрын
Not just fear, they mix in words and scenarios that evoke, anger, outrage, at the " other".
@PrepHERedness 3 ай бұрын
Absolutely true! It is such a negative spiral in my mind.
@Utah_Mike 3 ай бұрын
I’m a long term prepper. Started about 37 years ago prepping for retirement, I will retire in the next two years very comfortably. I prepped an education account for my daughter, she will complete her schooling with enough $ that her future children education should be covered. I do also prep for water, food, medical & for power outages, but not for zombies. All this on blue collar wages & learning to live below my means. Unfortunately fear sells.
@PrepHERedness 3 ай бұрын
Love your approach Mike and congrats on all the planning you have done to be successful and take care of your family. And not ready for zombies, what are you thinking??? 🤣🤣🤣. Sorry, couldn’t resist!
@t.michaelsalter5700 3 ай бұрын
Great content! Your advice is solid and will help anyone who is willing to be open-minded about prepping. Fear can sap the will and prevent even taking the first step. Each "beginner" must determine what are the most likely scenarios for their personal situation that must be handled. For my life, the two most likely things I need to be prepared to handle are significant snowfalls during the northern USA winter and a long-term power outage any time. I started with those 2 critical items and other situational preps have followed over the years. Of course, the number one item for anyone is first aid starting with self-aid and then looking to help others. After that, learn how to deal with the next most likely scenarios and move on from there, s-l-o-w-l-y. Study, research, and learn first; then consider if, where, and how to spend money. Keep on keeping on!
@PrepHERedness 3 ай бұрын
Love that you mentioned first aid! I think sometimes it’s easy to overlook the idea of being somewhat self-sufficient (within reason) from a medical perspective. As always, you have a great practical approach to your prepping, which I LOVE! Thank you.
@t.michaelsalter5700 3 ай бұрын
@@PrepHERedness Thank you for your kind words. First aid has been a focus since my Cub Scout days, longer ago than I want to admit. It has just always seemed like the logical primary building block for additional useful skills. And there are a number of ways to get trained, often for free. For example, if someone works outside the home, volunteer to be on the "safety team" at the job. You'll learn lots about OSHA compliance in the workplace and will likely receive all kinds of first aid training, usually for free and on the clock. "Winner, winner!"
@PrepHERedness 3 ай бұрын
Free training is the best training! My husband and I got some basic first aid “and buddy care” training in the military. But my favorite course was an outdoor wilderness course I took, which focused on providing first aid with minimal supplies. But it has been a while too! Might need to brush up on those skills.
@t.michaelsalter5700 3 ай бұрын
@@PrepHERedness Wilderness First Aid is a great course. It teaches good first aid skills and the substitution of improvised equipment. Unfortunately I have never found one for free. Usually several hundred dollars for a 16 hour course. But I always ask folks who cringe at the cost, "What is your life, and the lives of your loved ones, worth?" Obviously it is less critical if one lives in an urban environment with good hospitals and ambulance services close at hand. But a basic first aid and CPR class can often be found for free, or under $100 and it's a great useful skill to learn.
@Utah_Mike 3 ай бұрын
So many want to prep only for SHTF. Many need to prep for life, live below your means, education accounts, funding retirement. Then slowly build a pantry of 90 days, & store some water. Add a way to help control heat/cooling should grid go down. You will need a way to heat/cook the food in your pantry. But, Zombies sound much funner to some? Fear sells!
@PrepHERedness 3 ай бұрын
I know! I think all the doomsday scenarios keep people from taking practical steps. You’ll love my rant next week on fear and why it doesn’t work for our community! Thanks for always contributing!
@acerrubrum5749 3 ай бұрын
Think warm/cool, dry, clean, comfortable, and good food. Don't try to replicate every convenience and the affluent standard of living of "normal". Think 1920 not 2030. Again, an excellent video.❤
@PrepHERedness 3 ай бұрын
Yes to all those things! It is crazy how much we think we “need.” Figure adapting now is better than panicking later! And as always, thanks for watching and sharing the journey with me.
@patriot4095 4 ай бұрын
I think the only use for a bug out bag is if your house caught fire in a shtf situation. I’d definitely wish I had a bug out bag then. Otherwise no
@Rpol_404 4 ай бұрын
I had to laugh when you said you hate bug out bags, but pretty much built the same thing. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoyed the video and agreed with the content. You’re absolutely spot on when you started that it is up to you what you put in it, and make sure you can carry it.
@PrepHERedness 4 ай бұрын
I know, but the big huge ones are the ones I hate 😬 My husband and I built ones the first month we were prepping with one of the “essential lists” and Ii think they weighed 75lbs each…we both laughed when we realized how ridiculous the idea was that we were going to carry them anywhere. I appreciate you watching.
@pandamonium369 4 ай бұрын
I hate getting Home bags and your face. You are absolutely uneducated on this topic. Don't act like you know what you're talking . Bugout bag is the only thing that matters.
@JustInCases72 4 ай бұрын
Don’t think people these days would be able to survival in the woods with there bob. Bob should be be a bag that gets you to your bob location. Hopefully you have a location you can go. I tell people to have a get home bag at there office, work and or car. Probably for 24 hours waking home.
@PrepHERedness 4 ай бұрын
Absolutely agree! The whole “lone survivor” model is not realistic for most of us.
@krymsonshenk6050 4 ай бұрын
Thanks for the ideas
@PrepHERedness 4 ай бұрын
Glad you like them!
@katstew45 4 ай бұрын
Would you be willing to do a video on your daily EDC purse/backpack/bag? It's more difficult to find women EDC videos and I love your balance of prepared, but practical. This is a great video and im really enjoying your channel. Thank you!
@PrepHERedness 4 ай бұрын
@katstew45 4 ай бұрын
​@@PrepHERedness, thank you!!
@Rachel-h3n 4 ай бұрын
The sheewee is great, takes pract6to get used to using with pants on...but very handy. A portable bidget and a washcloth (such as kitchen cloth set aside for purpose or a cut up old cotton tshirt) can replace the toilet paper.
@PrepHERedness 4 ай бұрын
It does take practice!!! And I love the portable bidet suggestion. Thanks for the ideas.
@Rachel-h3n 4 ай бұрын
Consider putting some luekotape around your lighter. Tyvek (the kind used by conservation organisations) or polycro are good for making lightweight, waterproof tarps/ponchos, dry sacks etc. A cloth or coffee filters to pre filter sediment out of puddles or river water is handy. Cnoc are good for replacing those pouches for gravity filters using the Sawyer mini. Those other pouches are not dependable and they are annoying to fill with river water etc. Some great ideas on your video:)
@PrepHERedness 4 ай бұрын
Thanks for the extra tips. I love learning new ideas to improve my kits. Thanks for watching and helping me learn some more.
@snapdragon2441 4 ай бұрын
People are missing the point. A BOB is not to go out into the woods to camp on your own. It’s an emergency bag that holds items necessary to survive for a short amount of time until you can get somewhere safe or receive external help. It would also include items to enable you to restart your life quicker, ie I’d to prove who you are or insurance documents. I am currently building a car/get home bag. In case of not being able to get home. Car breakdown, bad weather etc
@PrepHERedness 4 ай бұрын
I think each person describes it slightly differently. When I first got into prepping all the descriptions were for the “escape in the woods option.” I have other bags and bins for the scenario you are describing. I think we all have a different approach. But absolutely think your approach is smart as well!
@enriquediaz7547 4 ай бұрын
I have added my stuff into a rolling bag. Actually, an eBags convertible bag with backpack or wheels option.
@PrepHERedness 4 ай бұрын
A great idea for better mobility!
@cruiser122s.d.8 4 ай бұрын
Great video and cool gear!!! I think your setup is awesome!!! I do think every bag is different and should be made for that individual. My bag is a bugout bag & get home bag. I have a whole system setup. I have a survival/emergency necklace, pocket survival kit, a survival keychain, an emergency/survival fanny pack, and an emergency fishing vest. Everything is waterproof, and some things are emp proof, as well. I distribute the weight and have things more accessible so that in bad situations, weather, etc., I don't have to dig through my backpack if I don't have to then. Now, because I have elderly and/or disabled family members, I have an off-road cart to help carry extras & heavier items. In the cart, I also have lightweight, foldable, cooler chairs, extra water, etc. Btw my bugout/get home bag isn't for surviving in the wilderness for an extended amount of time, but I still can survive out there if I had to. Also having urban & wilderness survival training and having all kinds of skills is important, too.
@PrepHERedness 4 ай бұрын
Yes to all of this!!! Love that you have layers of bags for different situations. Like you this bag is not designed for long-term emergency survival. And I also love that you have incorporated skills training into your thinking.
@throwdownhard1 4 ай бұрын
Just want to point out something about your first aid. Why are you using this bag? Emergencies, civil unrest, EMP? So, I personally would have a little bit bigger first aid kit. In those situations, help may not come, and possibly not soon enough. Feet care and mass bleeding kit. Again, you are your first responder? Just a thought. Again, love your content.
@PrepHERedness 4 ай бұрын
Hey! Great question. I have a more significant medical kit for all of those concerns. This bag is really designed to get me from point A back to home (in most situations). It is not for a larger scale disaster. I have those supplies at home. This is for a localized emergency/weather event etc. Not sure if that makes sense. The medical supplies at home are much more extensive!
@bradlafferty 4 ай бұрын
Morale items for a longer hike is a good idea. In cold weather I’m sure you’d have extra warmth items such as clothing and such. Good vid, as usual. Very professional. Thanks.
@PrepHERedness 4 ай бұрын
I should have mentioned the cold weather gear (another video!) I keep stashes in my car at all times. I would assume those to my pack as required.
@autumngreenleaf3390 4 ай бұрын
Thanks. The wrench is called a silcot key. Available at hardware stores, in case anyone needs to know.
@PrepHERedness 4 ай бұрын
Thank you for the add! I couldn’t remember exactly where we got them. I appreciate the help.
@randymoyer7871 4 ай бұрын
@DianeBachelder-nd9kk 4 ай бұрын
Great video!
@PrepHERedness 4 ай бұрын
Glad you enjoyed it!
@SurvivalSavvvy 4 ай бұрын
Like you said to many water filters. I have seen life straws break when people fall and the Saywer mini does nothing but plug up. Thousands of people hike the Appalachian Trail every year where you pack light and walk 2,190+ miles. Which takes 5 to 7 months depending how fast you walk. These people will tell you the mini is complete garbage. I suggest you follow some of these people on KZbin and see what they carry. You have people who carry 10lbs to 30lbs packs and that is without food and water. That is how you always weigh your pack. Now at the same time having prepared your pack is completely useless unless you get out from that desk and test it out and learn how to use items. So get rid of all those water filters and get a full-size sawyer. I myself use a first need purifier which cost more and is a bit heavier. Big different between a filter and a purifier. That MSR stove is not super popular in the backpack community because its to heavy. They all use a small 1 burner screw on to the propane bottle. Many are now using cold soaking where they take no stove and let it sit with the water in it. Then eat it 2 hours or so later. Any how go get a roll of Leukotape P tape used for blisters and a whole lot more. Any how I wish I was 3 hours from my bunker but we can wish. I am min 5 days walking home which means I need to be light and move quick. I run and actual 2 pound tent by dan durston so I can sleep without bugs on me. Any how get out and test that so called bag in this heat and lets see how you do LOL
@PrepHERedness 4 ай бұрын
Hey there. Thanks for your thoughts. My point was exactly not to have to live out of this bag or hike for days like you do on the AT. This bag is designed to get me home from my office. But I do practice hiking with it and absolutely agree with your recommendation to do that. Thanks for stopping by.
@brixalpha 4 ай бұрын
I was about to write the same thing! Especially in a suburban environment you are surrounded by resources. Whether the situation is man made conflict or natural disaster, being light and nimble is very important until you can get to a safe location and reasses the situation. And I love luekotape, I carry some wrapped around an old hotel key card. My son was complaining about his feet and was starting to blister on a trip, a little luekotape and he felt better and we avoided him getting a blister on his foot. Duct tape will work in a pinch but I'll take luekotape all day over duct tape on the body. My take on BOBs is they are great in theory but not practical in practice. Knowledge and information is more valuable. I joined a CERT team years ago and was given a lot of great insight into the emergency response by local services and information on likely scenarios and challenges that responders face when it comes to dealing with those challenges. Allowed me to have information that most folks in general don't have access to not to mention the training you can gain as a civilian with first responders.
@PrepHERedness 4 ай бұрын
@@brixalpha thanks for your thoughts and adds! I have looked into CERT stuff, but haven't joined yet...I think it's time. Appreciate you joining in the conversation.
@throwdownhard1 4 ай бұрын
All bags are a personal thing. BOB'S have a real use. They for in an extreme situation where you have to leave you home in a hurry. Ie: home invasion. Love your ideas!
@PrepHERedness 4 ай бұрын
I agree on the personal preference for sure. I have slightly different packing preferences for the get out stuff. More on that soon. Thanks for your thoughts!
@t.michaelsalter5700 4 ай бұрын
I have bug out bags ready to go for the collapse of civilization. Har-Dee-Har-Har!! That's just a joke. I "do" have bug out bags packed but in the case of a relocation due to natural disaster (wildfire, epic storm, prolonged power outage, etc), not the end of the world as we know it. Think about what happened in New Orleans in 2005 with Hurricane Katrina and the folks who were ordered to shelter in the Superdome (which is just too large to be truly effective). If I have to move out for a brief period, I want to have food, water, rough use clothing, "family security gear", something to create a sleeping area and shelter, meds & medical supplies (I have the necessary training), and personal hygiene items. More like a camping trip than what is described in "prepper novels". None of this equipment is stored in a backpack, but in labeled small-ish totes that can be quickly loaded into my vehicle or trailer and could be transferred to a pack if really needed. As much as possible, the items I have prepared are multi-use (like a single wall steel water bottle in case I need to purify water by boiling). If there is a true emergency, I plan to shelter in place as long as possible rather than a bug out scenario.
@barbaram4487 4 ай бұрын
I have packed a get home bag and keep it in my Jeep. I set it up for 3 days worth of travel. I can go further depending on the water situation. Water would be my biggest concern.
@PrepHERedness 4 ай бұрын
Love it! I keep this bag in my car as well. Great minds and all of that’s Water is always a challenge!!!
@Stephen-mw8ze 4 ай бұрын
Ironically, most of the items you listed are in most of the typical "get home" bags.
@PrepHERedness 4 ай бұрын
Many of them are. But I have seen lists with much more extensive load outs and recommendations. Everything from tents, to sleeping bags, to cooking ware, & fishing poles. I consider this the bare minimum.
@Utah_Mike 4 ай бұрын
61 years of life & I have evacuated a total of one time (Calif fire), and had plenty of time to load a vehicle & leave. I cannot come up with a situation where I would grab a bag & head out on foot. I do have a very well stocked vehicle that I could be in and departing in a moments notice.
@PrepHERedness 4 ай бұрын
I hear ya, and I don’t necessarily disagree with you. I keep this in my car for vehicle emergencies, weather related issues, etc. This bag is designed to get me home not to evacuate. I think it also comes under the over-prepared…or better safe than sorry motto! 😁
@Rachel-h3n 4 ай бұрын
I live in Australia. I know of multiple times friends, and myself have found having a 72 hour bag and a plan helpful.