The Moments That Made Jordan Peterson Famous
@anthonycerami6698 7 минут бұрын
What is that bump on his head
@brianstickland3087 10 минут бұрын
I wish the guy in the red shirt would just shut up so we can listen to the the debate.
@leslielearnorth 12 минут бұрын
Dude you’ve got great videos without the clickbait titles do better!!
@paulsoldner9500 13 минут бұрын
Zizek literally is a white liberal lol.
@suhpc82 19 минут бұрын
I wonder if she's okay with Africa becoming less African. And Adil Ray can say anything he wants to win woke brownie points, but his sitcom is saying exactly what John Cleese is saying. Spark Hill looks more Pakistani than actual Pakistan.
@Nobby76 19 минут бұрын
Thats the bit i never understood. They keep saying british should pay reperations for (example) the african slaves, but it wasn't the british that enslaved them, It was other africans. Yes the brits bought those slaves and transported them back to england, but we didnt enslave them, their own people did.. Same as ancient china, it wasnt the brits who enslaved them, it was the ancient chinese who captured them and enslaved them. Almost ever nation in history at some point or other enslaved their own poeple and then sold them at slave markets. Yes we bought them, but we didnt enslave them. So if you want reperarions for your people being enslaved, then seek it from your decendants country of origin, because it was them that enslaved your ancestors not the brits..
@AdamSelvig 26 минут бұрын
it's so sickening that we gotta have this conversation
@opollo 28 минут бұрын
Social looks great, but falls into corruption everytime and then the country looks like Venezuela.
@ciuzdamm 37 минут бұрын
Democracy! Normal people are the majority!
@Rob337_aka_CancelProof 42 минут бұрын
4:50 in the Boomers self-serving bulshit doesn't help either as they determined to continue their high-level quality of life from retirement till death despite never benefit any of the generations that followed which all happened under their watch go figure
@sheribrougham4863 42 минут бұрын
Why are we having this conversation. There are boys and girls, and when we mature, there are men and women. It's extremely rare to find a true transgender person. The rest is teenage angst.
@user-xt7yz7qm9c 46 минут бұрын
The age at which they teach some of these children in an attempt to influence them pre-puberty is insane. How many of you have looked at a five year old and said hey there is a sexual being? If you have I'm sure you're on the list. That's what's criminal about this.
@user-xt7yz7qm9c 48 минут бұрын
We don't allow children to smoke. We don't allow children to drink. We don't allow children to vote. But if they want their sex change operation and hormones with tons of adverse side effects we're ok with that?
@edlozano503 49 минут бұрын
grooming is to push the young people to have gender dysphoria .....
@RealHufflepuff Сағат бұрын
I hate channels like this. Bro just show me the clip i dont need you to explain to me what i litrrally just watched
@FlowerGurl64 Сағат бұрын
We need more people like her !
You can’t argue for mutual respect and then in the same breath not respect another person’s reasons for not agreeing to go along with your idealogies and beliefs. You’re essentially defeating your own argument.
@PharSyde6ix Сағат бұрын
When she was talking about our education system, all I’ll say is, Yuri Bezmenov!
@alison7707 Сағат бұрын
Sweden or Norway, as well as the rest of Europe have Social Capitalism, they're not Socialist. Social Capitalism has free voting, freedom, choice of goods, free schooling and puts rules on Capitalism. The USA is Capitalism on steroids, with hardly any checks and balances. That's why people can't afford health care, housing, etc., can't afford education, have hardly employee rights, etc. Please get your facts straight.
@yongsukmccarthy8571 Сағат бұрын
She is a god send her to let those North Korean in China to have a voice! Thank you very much !
@asmith8092 Сағат бұрын
I think the American people who buy into socialism/marxism and whatever other "isms" believe that America's version of "Socialism" will be a much "better version" than all the other historical REAL versions of all these crazy iterations. People will follow rather then lead, then they want to MAKE others follow their ideology. I believe if people just follow the Biblical Ten Commandments they would know how to RESPECT themselves and RESPECT/TREAT ALL OTHER PEOPLE.
@doowoop5818 Сағат бұрын
This young lady is immensely beautiful and knows what she’s talking about
@goochem1908 2 сағат бұрын
Stfu sylvana je praat plakkerig wat een irritante stem heb jij zeg
@vinagerie427 2 сағат бұрын
Being exposed to the Truths: That almost everything told about "How to do Human Society", either doesn't "actually happen that way", or was missing from mention entirely because they weren't 'things' echelons were strengthened, & Good Life weakened. Nearly every parentally-trusted construct has been proven to be moral & ethical nightmares...many hitting historical levels of disgusting along with their nefariousness. Good Life is thwarted of such influences & experiences, and so, such things must crumble, & in an impactful way, so as to maintain honest remembrances of these Times, hopefully avoiding same/similar future 'poor choices'. WE, The People of Humanity, have been lied to, experimented on, used & abused, through centuries!...yet, WE continue acknowledging these few mentally challenged other-humans as authorities & powers over The Mass Majority, as if just hunky-dory, AOK, business as usual, with fine-by-me or what-am-I-supposed-to-do mindsets. Militaries may be strongest of the brain-washed, but it will be Heart that wins the Day...Humanity's Independence Day...and this one little woman has the courage of an army to prove that, too. Great share, M.M...Thank you. The rest of you Majority better de-brief & re-condition, sans the personal dis-eases...or Freedom's bell will ring no more. WE are History-in-the-making, Right NOW! Let's make it an Awesome chapter that Future is inspired by.
@hopeseeker97 2 сағат бұрын
Side note: Are you ok? My dad had parkisons and started shaking in his hands. Love your channel and its content - new subscriber
@JasonPruett 2 сағат бұрын
so most nations have a national debt? who are they in debt to ? is that a government or a privately owned bank ? ok now we are paying the interest on the debt not the principal so why are we paying on a debt that was made generations before we were born? how come we are on the hook for a debt we never created? what is slavery exactly? we are slaves but we are unaware of it. i just can't understand how we could be so stupid so gullible i'm sure i'm not that smart and there are very many people far more intelligent than me. so i must be wrong i just cant be right.
@beniaminlacatus3576 2 сағат бұрын
Who was woke? Who got speechless? Mate, are tou ok?
@1stSgtChurch-USMC-Ret 2 сағат бұрын
Yeonmi Park, what a great American she is! I love this young lady. She speaks the truth and from the heart. Semper Fi sister.
@TIKIWOLF 2 сағат бұрын
"Human Rights has been high-jacked". So true. Free Markets and Peopleare under attack by NWO Global Parasites.
@alexleonee 2 сағат бұрын
Wow interesting she said they couldn’t make an honest film about her story because everyone’s bought by China.
@larrymyers6327 2 сағат бұрын
I am glad real doctors with experience are speaking out about this crazyness.
@jeffm8423 2 сағат бұрын
Communist China never held to account for these atrocities against North Korean women.
@timgolby8556 2 сағат бұрын
Any right minded person could see what a complete and utter nonsense this was from day 1. Now look where we're at.
@meganjk 2 сағат бұрын
If you truly care about Yeonmi Park PLEASE get the word out that after she became a citizen the FBI has refused her protection. (Befode that South Korea protected her as she has MANY death threats on her from N. Korea and China) This is why her activity has all but stopped. (Your video is an old video) Our country has TOTALLY abandoned her and these threats are VERY real. (Look up what N. Korea has done worldwide to those they consider an enemy) PLEASE use your platforms to speak up about her!
@tommymiller3631 2 сағат бұрын
How about a link to the video you pulled the clip from.
@Getreal01 3 сағат бұрын
The left is Marxist socialist Our kids are being brain washed in collages. They don’t want you to own anything. They want you to be 100% relying on the government. So What part of open Borders Murder and crimes by illegals Very high food prices Very high gas prices Can’t afford your own home Interest rates through the roof 2 wars started under Biden 7 billion dollars lost in military equipment. Trillions of dollars in debt, Do you like ? I can go on! But what part do you like best?
@Life2018Z 3 сағат бұрын
@Getreal01 3 сағат бұрын
Need to send all the left to live in North Korea
@bennylava8717 3 сағат бұрын
reparaton today is mean taking money from non slaves to pay to people who are no longer slaves. This is what i call a scam or a con.
@michaelmarette4423 3 сағат бұрын
her words while absolutely true sadly fall on the deaf ears of this current generation in the united states..
@luxdevoid 3 сағат бұрын
I like that Florida is a country now 😊
@davidmckee533 3 сағат бұрын
billionaires wanted cheap labor so they convinced congress right, "free trade" . China could control the cost labor. If a Chinese worker wanted more money a union just jail him or shoot him. the drive for profit created here in the usa created the government in China.. Billionaires hate the American worker so they moved to China. China If you despise socialism so much why are you not talking about the 55 billion to Intel, 438 million to tesla . essentially why do i have to pay people to be rich. And why do i have to go to war to protect their wealth. why do i pay taxes to protect their patents. .lets really talk about a free for all capitalist society. I can copy what i want . make what i want. and sell it where ever i want . one sided bullshit is all you talked about . Have a real debate. she was hired by people like heritage foundation. this is just the beginning of the debate. can we do better sure, don't throw one liners around and expect real answers. by the way i know how to gut a cow can i put a sign up that says cheap heart surgery done here. ooh yea LLC limited liability can't sue me.
@Checklight66 3 сағат бұрын
While I agree capitalism is the better system, it's the capitalism of the past, the 1960's that we should strive for. When unions had power to represent the average worker, inequality was not such a problem and people had a chance to make capitalism work for them. The current system in America and other western countries is an oligarchy, young people can see no future in this system. I don't blame them. If you look back 100 years ago the situation was similar, thus the rise of communism back then for the same reason as now. Make capitalism fair, take away political donations and give the power back to the people and you will kill communism dead in it's tracks in the minds of younger people. A growing percentage of western populations are rapidly becoming serfs with no hope of owning a home or a chance to raise a family. A good move by the conservatives would be to champion only one persons wage should be taken into account when getting a loan to buy a residential home. This would allow one of the parents to be able to stay at home to raise there own kids and teach them the morals that are important to the parents, not the stranger who is currently bringing up their kids.
@canwestopthemadnessyet 3 сағат бұрын
John Cleese is blurred like he's a dick pick on FB? We haven't lost our way, we have lost our fucking minds!!!
@mattyjay8896 3 сағат бұрын
XX,XY the end....
@rashone2879 3 сағат бұрын
Nordic countries have been flooded with Islamists!
@michaelszczys8316 3 сағат бұрын
His description of black people sounds a lot like my white life. Didnt have any generations of accumulated wealth, didnt have any skills, at least not when i was very young, didnt go to any special schooling for the skills i have, any i do have i got on my own at the ' school of hard knocks '. He makes it sound like anybody thay doesnt ' inherit ' skills and abilities are just going to have to remain dumb as a rock.
@theresacroghan6 3 сағат бұрын
Well said
@davidmckee533 3 сағат бұрын
so would you call the US army ,navy , air force , Veterans administration a cancer on the system . this is obviously a rigged presentation. If you remember the American revolution. why? Runaway capitalism is not a good form of governemnt either . Harland Crowe , Lenard Leo should NOT run governemnt intrusions. the rule of law.