@theautistsguide 46 минут бұрын
Good on you for the self insight! What science knows about the true scope of neurodivergence among populations is in its infancy. My biggest problems are social communication and overwhelm caused by too much sensory stimulation. Auditory processing is one of my biggest problems; I wish I was wrong in some respects, but am greatly relieved to know that a pair of noise cancelling headphones and closing my eyes may just do the trick in stopping a meltdown! I use the "autist" handle, but in real life people see me as quirky, not abnormal, and labels have never really stuck to me. Neurodivergence is a spectrum, just like anything else. Thanks for all you do - I hope you keep it up because your content is great!
@lachlanhenry486 5 сағат бұрын
So basically you were a controller. That's okay.
@yoteonthetoobs 7 сағат бұрын
@lisasommerlad1337 7 сағат бұрын
Israel is not Netanyahu. Palestine is not Hamas. The war needs to stop forever.
@TheNeurocuriosityClub 4 сағат бұрын
I'm very tired of these false equivalencies. While you are technically correct in that these small parts don't represent the whole, that doesn't make them the same. Israel has a military. Palestine has freedom fighters. What's happening is not war, it's g3n0c!d3.
@carlosnogueramarin6564 11 сағат бұрын
Also obviously this is the best opportunity to have this done for a lot of us.
@carlosnogueramarin6564 11 сағат бұрын
Feel free to write it down, this is a lot of worki'm sure , it helps to have this already done by another person and it helps in experimental ways too
@BerriBerriLunchbox 12 сағат бұрын
Dang it's crazy people are mad that an autistic person is tryna explain that autism is a spectrum and just wants more people to question things openly to be helpful.
@crazyunclebob6901 14 сағат бұрын
Apparently you have forgotten that Hamas and the entire middle east has had the explicit intention of Genocide of Israel. Or are you in favor of this? Also, if you trust Al Jazeera to tell you the truth, you are really naive.
@KalinkaBrown-mi1hl 16 сағат бұрын
You are so good at making fanominal content. ,
@stephenieolson8535 22 сағат бұрын
Curious what researches would say about freeze and flop being dorsal or vagal. I know being frozen feels like you can’t move - but it’s nothing like actually being at rest. I would imagine it takes a lot of mental resources to override all of your instincts and keep you stuck there. At least that’s how it feels for me. And it’s just as exhausting, if not more.
@sherlawkombs 22 сағат бұрын
*F R E E P A L E S T I N E*
@celineduperier3036 Күн бұрын
Thank you for all your tips!! It feels like they could really help, and I’m gonna put them to test very soon!! ❤❤❤
@hungwilliam44 Күн бұрын
You are truly sick. Read Denial by Olmstead and Blaxill.
@bearandbluebirdvlogs Күн бұрын
Love your tracker. I had a student colour petals on a flower to show how they feel over a month. It really helped them realise that its not always bad, its a great idea for those who catastrophise. Love that you are recording other factors like alcohol too! Really good to see if these things are affecting us negatively! ✌️💗
@lisasommerlad1337 Күн бұрын
Where was this meltdown?
@mainlittlerock5422 Күн бұрын
Are you a doctor? Or, just full of crap?
@ponchie6643 Күн бұрын
I've just recently started wearing my socks inside out so that I can't feel the seam on my toes.
@saintessa Күн бұрын
I did that as a child and turned them inside out! Do you know if that was due to autism or adhd or is it impossible to tell?
@I_Am_SciCurious Күн бұрын
Deciding to suffer now is pretty profound. Admit you’re going to suffer. Stop beating yourself up because other people don’t have to suffer. They can just do things. It doesn’t mean we’re being weak or deciding to turn ourselves into victims. It’s going to be painful and it’s going to suck, but we’ll survive it. It’s going to be OK afterwards.
@tricialee3291 Күн бұрын
While I have no diagnosis (and know so little I wouldn't know how to get one), ADHD hacks really resonate with me. The body-doubling thing? I was only semi-aware that it was a thing. I often ask my partner to 'come help me' without any real idea of what it is I want him to do, other than exist in the same space. I nearly cried when this was revealed! I am convinced he is on the autism spectrum so it frustrates him that I ask him to 'come help' without telling him what with. He demands clarity! I am so happy I can tell him 'just exist with me!' and he can pick his own activity. If I don't have a plan, I have to pick one, and I panic and choose at random, and then he complains about the half-assed way I've gone about things... this will relieve so much friction for both of us! Thank you so much these videos. Inertia problem?! YUP. Time-'blindness' (I agree that it does need a new name, its not blindness its more like... time-insenitivity. Like, I can't feel time accurately, the way the skin on my knee that was damaged in a car accident doesn't feel touch properly. I know its being touched, but I'm not sure exactly where or if its soft or rough, just that 'something' starts then stops) I HAVE BEEN APOLOGISING FOR THIS ALL MY LIFE WHILE RESENTING EVERYONE WHO EVER POINTS IT OUT. To do lists? I have two - a long one (to remember the 500 things that always need doing) and then I triage out onto a small one for 'doable' - either time sensitive or quick to deal with, always a mixture. I delight in a completely crossed off list. Oh, and being stuck in a loop?! Yes! 😭 So yep, I do things the 'silly' way so I don't get stuck in a 'do this, then that, but need to do this to do that' priority loop. I just do what I have to so both get done. I count 'the long way' towards my step goal anyway. Its hard to get 10,000 steps in if you are stuck in a house all day... doing things the long way solves that problem! "Junebugging" - yup. So guilty its my whole personality. If there was a nature documentary about me I'd be compared to entire colony of ferrets on a sugar rush. EFT - that is going to be huge for me. Its true! I sometimes don't know why I'm stuck and can't 'make progress', because there's a 'big feeling' in my way. Most of the time I have to write the day off. No more lost days! And the final one? Yep, I celebrate every win, no matter how small. I find a cheer-squad helps, and its probably why I love animals so much - did you know dogs will hype for anything, they just like to be part of it? Cuddle-dance sessions, random treats, an extra cup of coffee, a colouring-in session, it doesn't matter what it is that brings me joy (heck, I'm a gardener, sometimes its just more work) but as a novelist, waiting til the end of a long-ass book to celebrate is dooming myself. Finishing a book is just the start of more work. Celebrating every 'ending' is like trying to come home and have a 'cured' party after the first session of therapy. Nope, long way to go buddy! Great first step though! A completed and published novel is so far into the whole process (and just the end of the easy part of being an indie author 😅) that if I wasn't celebrating all the little wins there'd be no win at all. I don't see it as coddling (as some do, it was a popular criticism in my tender years), it is a genuine part of my process. It has taken me so long to find ways to work with myself that I weep for my younger self... but only for a minute or two, then its time to make the best of what I have now! These videos are so helpful. They are reassuring, affirming and provide a wonderful launch-pad for me to explore options to get know myself and lead a productive and enriched life. Thank you! 💛❤💙💜
@katiebee2937 Күн бұрын
Hello. This might be abit off topic but recently I have been thinking a lot about energy and how I never have any. I have never been an energetic person and often need to nap in the day. The only time I feel like getting stuff done is in the morning after a full nights sleep. The amount of activities my NT friends cram into a day is unthinkable to me. I just wondered how common this is for ppl with autism. Like us. I have a good diet and sleep ok. Could it be autism low level burn out? Does anyone else feel like this? Thanks for reading x
@bearandbluebirdvlogs Күн бұрын
It's possible, but it also could be a physical health issue. I would visit a Dr if possible just to check as things like low iron can do this too. BUT it's also very possible it could be due to Autism, and could be supported with accommodations and strategies to make life more manageable 🫶🫶
@deathspawn54 2 күн бұрын
But what type do I haveeeeee argh I thought it was ADHD but none of the meds I tried are working
@newdiffrentbetter 2 күн бұрын
My intellectual is thinking...how do I understand my emotions 🤔💭...😂 help 🥹🫤
@lisasommerlad1337 2 күн бұрын
What is that background music supposed to be doing apart from dustracting the heck out of us? Music cannot ignored and why play somtething that needs to be ignored?
@Ethericrose 2 күн бұрын
I love the way you speak,it's clear and concise. I believe I have ADHD and have come to this conclusion over time. Unfortunately, I'm now in my 50s, and besides it being impossible to get a GP appointment in the UK, I truly do not believe I will be taken seriously enough to get a referral for a diagnosis.
@devoraeaseandflow 2 күн бұрын
What is the name of the medication/s to reduce the effect of meltdowns?
@TheNeurocuriosityClub 2 күн бұрын
So, I don't share the exact meds I'm on because meds affect everyone differently, but generally speaking, some mood stabilizers and some antipsychotics can sometimes be effective in reducing meltdowns!
@cyana5867 2 күн бұрын
You make so much sense!
@disiamtheillusion 2 күн бұрын
All these disorders are psychosomatic crutches women especially seem to rely on to form communties and friend circles where they then brag on whose kid is the most autistic and they vrag about how irreverent they behave because its ok cuz autism.
@lisasommerlad1337 2 күн бұрын
I have very little " easy for me to".
@airshipswashbuckler6420 2 күн бұрын
This exact thought has been kicking around my head and someone finally put it into words! Also leaving a party by eleven is three hours over time and I expect to be compensated for my time. 😉
@kindythevsfandcapcuteditor3999 2 күн бұрын
Please don’t self diagnose. Just because it’s a trend. Personally I think that you should get a proper diagnosis
@fintux 2 күн бұрын
I've said that AuDHD is sometimes like car whose brake and gas pedals are pushed the same time. The casual observer doesn't notice anything special going on, but it's really straining the engine and finding the balance is hard (kind of like the over/under stimulation). I often feel like I need to rest but I'm not able to as I want to use the free time to do something interesting etc. Also I just recently found out about the seven types of rest people need, and while my hobbies give me some kinds of rest, I should really focus more on making sure I get all kinds of rest I need.
@vanovasmith9586 3 күн бұрын
Or maybe talk to a doctor? Because these things can also be social anxiety. For instance, I don't go to parties because I don't have the social battery to keep up with a group of people. Or I go into hysterics, because my anxiety level goes through the roof. And yes, I do have a system to go to work, because I have to be nice and not uptight to be able to do my job. But no, I don't have autism.
@lil_doggo_of_doom 3 күн бұрын
I have that shirt too :000
@goldiloks08 3 күн бұрын
GDI. I really need to get tested. 🙄 (Note: frustration at medical community, not potential diagnosis.)
@sn5806 3 күн бұрын
The important part is that you have something wrong with you making you a victim and are therefore not responsible for your own life.
@goodi2shooz 3 күн бұрын
What's the push for everyone to be autistic all of a sudden
@melissahahn4779 3 күн бұрын
I don’t drink if I go out because I’ll start talking about how much I hate going out. 🤔
@koalamama2 2 күн бұрын
@Evirthewarrior 3 күн бұрын
This seems like wanting to be autistic so you can fit into a group and say "I am totally like you guys". Because you have social anxiety and are looking for something to cling to to help you with that.
@travishodge9769 3 күн бұрын
Im on the spectrum. Can i just say. Shut up. Youre making it harder for people genuinely on the spectrum. This is social anxiety.
@no-sp8xt 22 сағат бұрын
Dang, the chris-chan fandom is leaking A-logs again.
@youth.in.asia. 3 күн бұрын
Bro social anxiety isn't autism
@leekzonyt9591 3 күн бұрын
Lmfao. Why are we so attached to trying to attach a disability to ourselves. If someone doesn’t feel autistic and doesn’t want to associate with autism then let them be a strong grown individual who doesn’t need the crutch of that title.
@carlona5678 3 күн бұрын
It is not a crutch. It can be liberating to identify and put a word to your life experience. Autism is a spectrum and stereotypes are prevalent and can gate keep people from better understanding themselves and their unique experiences. She is simply challenging stereotypes to increase visibility and inclusivity.
@cc-terfay 3 күн бұрын
@@carlona5678it can be both. It can be both liberating and limiting. When autistic individuals already have struggles with black and white thinking, it can be easy to attach so strongly to the autism diagnosis that the person starts believing they can’t do things due to their autism. This has been my experience and it’s important that I don’t grasp to the label but instead focus on managing my symptoms
@carlona5678 2 күн бұрын
@@cc-terfay thank you for sharing your experience. I think what I mean to say is that it is not inherently a crutch, and the tone of the original comment felt dismissive of its utility. Labels and diagnosis are tools and can be used to help or hinder a person depending on how they’re used. I think that’s why this video is important because it challenges black and white thinking and reframes it to encompass a broader range of experiences that increases its accessibility. Thinking you’re “not autistic enough” to be autistic can also be limiting for folks who would benefit from accommodation.
@leekzonyt9591 Күн бұрын
@@carlona5678 this whole mindset is the main reason my younger brother has real trouble doing anything and wants to constantly talk about what’s wrong with him trying to self diagnose and make excuses for failure, we’re both ADHD and have been dealt nearly the same cards. I think this kind of fixation on imperfections and the need to label everything makes us weaker and I don’t care how people take that. If we didn’t have this option(s) to fall back on for “accommodation” we’d all be much stronger and further along in life, this is the sad truth. I don’t want anything but the best for every single person but at a certain point we have to take accountability and grind with the circumstances we were given. Fight. Fight. Fight. That’s what I believe in.
@desireebarajas5578 3 күн бұрын
@vestilad242 3 күн бұрын
Stoo calling me autistic
@thepricklypearsociety 3 күн бұрын
This is such a great switch up that makes me think about things differently ❤
@ElegantPug666 3 күн бұрын
That forehead is epic though
@christinelangin7209 3 күн бұрын
@auburrito5168 3 күн бұрын
Before diagnosis, I thought I was having panic attacks, which supposedly make an individual feel like they are dying. Realized after diagnosis that those panic attacks I thought were happening were more likely meltdowns. They are painful, and they feel like the world is crashing down on top of you. And they can be so exhausting because your whole body goes through it that I can't stay awake the rest of the day despite being a well-seasoned insomniac. I also want to say that I've had my AuDHD diagnosis for about a year and a half now and kept doubting because of the hyper/hypo stimulation. I thought I couldn't be autistic because I could deal with my socks for example, or really loud music, but then put me in front of the buzzing freezers at the grocery store and suddenly I can't handle it. Just wanted to say, your description of that narrow window makes a lot of sense and has me a lot less doubtful. Thank you for your explanation!
@TheNeurocuriosityClub 3 күн бұрын
I'm so glad my description could be helpful, and that you've recognized that your meltdowns are not in fact panic attacks. So helpful to know!!!
@dannybarrett1742 3 күн бұрын
I have traits that cover both - even in specific areas that are seemingly mutually exclusive. For instance, I'm very empathic... except when I'm not. I was diagnosed as being an HSP with high sensation seeking nearly a decade ago, and having that information certainly helped me, but it still didn't seem to cover it all. For instance, for me, I have to admit that much of my empathy is learned, and not natural (autistic masking?). However, when I hear of someone getting physically hurt, I often have an undeniable and uncontrollable neurological reaction that makes me react in a way that people would say is my empathy coming out spontaneously. After many years of telling myself that I'm a HSP, and not Autistic, I've recently come to the realisation that I probably am autistic, whether I like it or not. Thanks for addressing the elephant in the room. While a certain researcher has done a lot of good work that helps a lot of people, she earns a living from it, so whether she realises it or not, she has a vested interest in keeping HSP and ASD as separate conditions. Perhaps HSP is just mild ASD, while not having so much of the visual cue problems (or having masked by working it out so early that it isn't so noticeable - or maybe just noticing things that aren't really there, and as such, swinging the pendulum from one extreme of error to the other). On the other hand, perhaps HSP and ASD are related, but depending on which set of symptoms a person has, they're more to the HSP side, or more to the ASD side.
@RowanRiverstone 3 күн бұрын
21/21. I was diagnosed with ADHD well into adulthood, but I've often suspected I may also have autism. My head's a real fun ride.
@eldonjanzen9822 3 күн бұрын
I'm just the opposite of being disorganized; I'm (borderline obsessed) very organized because my temporary memory is very short and therefore memories doesn't make it into long term memory (especially trivia things) resulting in forgetting where I put stuff. So, I put things in logical categories (labeled box, clothes on hangers, underwear in draws, toothbrush in the bathroom ect..) If i drop things out of "place" i therefore I won't be able to find it or "I lost it."
@TheNeurocuriosityClub 3 күн бұрын
Yuuuuup, gotta love those compensatory behaviors!