The Bible OPPOSES Racism! | Ask Me Anything
What's Up With Jimmy's Accent?
21 сағат бұрын
What Happens in After Death Communications?
What Are Deathbed Visions?
14 күн бұрын
Is the Pope Always Right?
14 күн бұрын
Is Christ Our Only Mediator?
21 күн бұрын
Why Do We Pray to Saints?
21 күн бұрын
What Did Mary Know About Jesus?
28 күн бұрын
Are There Levels in Heaven and Hell?
@millriverfarm 49 минут бұрын
Thanks JIMMY 😊
@ValsVersion 58 минут бұрын
It iw not relevant today. These young women getting their courage up to "veil" which is really a mantella, color coordinated with their bare arms shirts and skirts barely covering their fanny feeling so "religious" are missing the personal relationship with Jesus moment. It's not following rules. It is not head understanding. It is knowing Jesus and every day living baptismal vows more ie, more of Him and less of me. It is so frustrating as an older women that they are highjacking what it means to be a Catholic woman with their TikTok "Of course I', Catholic I wear a veil that I have no idea what it culturally and traditionally is called. Of course I am Catholic insert some other ancient legalism. Sadly with the worst catechesis. I wish they would get off the schism train.
@NontraditionalCatholic 3 сағат бұрын
What a handsome guy asking that question! I obviously have never met him in my life, of course. I am not biased. Of course. Why would you even suggest that I might be biased?
@caidenhodges9103 4 сағат бұрын
Nice video!
@caidenhodges9103 4 сағат бұрын
Nice video!
@andrewternet8370 4 сағат бұрын
Because of the angels.
@ggmorris71 5 сағат бұрын
Thanks to both demonstrating how to open, honest, transparent discussion. Wisdom gained.
@mollym6375 5 сағат бұрын
So helpful!
@PhilMorgan303 6 сағат бұрын
Fr Chad Ripperger of Denver Archdiocese is the Exorcist she should contact.
@anthonybolanos501 6 сағат бұрын
God bless you Jimmy🙏🏼
@Lochias333 7 сағат бұрын
This is about the only time I'll ever disagree with Jimmy: We absolutely do have a "guh" sound in our American English dialect, and we do also recognize in our manner of speech that an especially nasal-oriented "n" sound is specifically for words ending in G. (The "nnh" that comes from the letter N is already nasal.) We don't say "get me some "Aspiring" from the medicine cabinet, because "Aspirin" doesn't end in G. All that said, you do you!
@caseycardenas1668 10 сағат бұрын
Deacons in the Byzantine Catholic Church in America (Ruthenian) play such a vital role in the liturgy as well as in the Latin Church. I will say a Divine Liturgy without a Deacon feels vastly different than a Mass without a Deacon. In the East, Deacons have a larger litrugical responsibility. Interestingly, Latin Deacons have more they can perform outside of Liturgy/Mass such as presiding over a Marriage, which is not normally permitted in the Byzantine Tradition. There are numerous other particular differences as well. We need to pray for more priests and deacons throughout the church, we need to pray for all vocations for clerics and laity alike!
@kinghenry8615 12 сағат бұрын
Jesus and all of the new testament writers never quote from the Apocrypha, not even once.
@misnervios 12 сағат бұрын
I really appreciate Jimmy trying to answer age old questions.
@jorgemartinez123 12 сағат бұрын
Thanks, Jimmy!
@colleenplugoway9223 12 сағат бұрын
Many NDErs are not “saved” as you say and have had positive NDEs. The NDErs who are “saved” often have negative NDEs and that more often caused “fear of hell”
@robertdelisle7309 12 сағат бұрын
The Apostle Paul says the head covering is a sign of authority for the woman. Prior to this, he spoke of male head ship, and so the head covering is a symbol showing that the woman is under the authority of her husband.
@hippo2525 13 сағат бұрын
If these are the questions we're asking, then I think we have missed the mark.
@jeremiahrachelalexander819 13 сағат бұрын
In 2010 I was asked to lead a small Schola for a new TLM at our parish. I thought that one just wore a veil for that particular rite. I went to world youth day the next year and assumed everyone in Europe wore on when they went to church. The only ones who wore a veil were a small group of youth from California I was traveling with. I became more and more comfortable with it until 2012 a French monk chewed me out for wearing it because in France one doesn’t do such things. But every time I saw a woman wearing a veil I felt called to it and I just thought it was so elegant. I decided to start wearing a veil again in 2014 and I haven’t gone back. Once in a while I’ll forget it but it’s ok. It’s not a sin to not wear one. When I started wearing one again I was doing a lot of adoration/holy hours. The veil is my outward expression and personal devotion to Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. I cantor and I’m pretty active in my parish and I think because I’m so bold with my veil more and more women have started wearing one as well.
@kennethprather9633 14 сағат бұрын
Yes, single horned rhinoceros do exist.
@brendagula6290 14 сағат бұрын
The Bible doesnt teach there is purification after one dies because the blood of Jesus is enough to purify us from our sins!!!!! Bible is clear that the thief in the cross jesus tokd him he woukd be with him in paradise and didnt tell him hey you will need purification. Paul also says to be absent from this eartly body is to be present with the Lord. The reason why catholic says there needs to be ourifixation is because they believe you are justified by faith and works and not by faith alone.
@brendagula6290 14 сағат бұрын
I cant be Catholic or Orthodx because they have some doctrines that are unbiblical and are steeped in legalism which is really sad. Not saying Catholics or Orthodox are not saved. i think we have doctrines in which we can unite and agree. I cant be calvanist ornpentecostal either. Im a protestant non denominational and Im thankful for the protestant movement. My pastor, Jack Hibbs frim Calvary Chappel Chino Hills, teaches the whole counsel of God which is all of the Bible and not cherry picking like many denoninations and churches do me. I cannot be a Calvanist or pentecostal either. .
@MrDoyle07 14 сағат бұрын
I think somebody gave Dr Boyce a sedative, I can almost see his wheels spinning and his gears grinding via his rolling eyes. Getting cleansed of our last remnants of sinful thought is a work, faith alone does not do that. Anybody who is not entirely 100% pure knows this; and we do not achieve 100% pure here on our own no matter how hard we work on it but, we must do the work required to affect that cleansing because our desire must be there for our sincerity to be real and to be prepared for the final cleansing - ie “purgatory” - for this guy, there is no way around this. Sorry Protestants, the Catholics get this one. “Purgatory” is merely a word for a place where the thing we all know must take place in order to come into the presence of God; we can’t talk of and learn to understand a thing without attaching a description to the “thing” in question. I see much ado about nothing but a word in this purgatory argument some like to put forth. The non-Catholic who does not submit to the leadership of the Church as Christ put it in place is guilty of not following what they know because to be a Protestant one has to be aware of the significance of Christ putting in place a Church with leadership assigned by Him and succeeded according to the laws of Exodus regarding successors. There may be cases of stubbornness not ruling the decision to protest but they are rare. People don’t like authority but that is a condition of the flesh. We are going to be weighed by our level of obedience.
@robertmanella528 15 сағат бұрын
I don't read anything Paul wrote in the bible!! Paul is a beggar!! He ends his letters asking for money!! Where was his faith that God would provide for his needs!!!
@brendagula6290 15 сағат бұрын
My mom was a catholic and so i thought i was mom is no longer Catholic and neither am I. There are so many unbiblical doctrines in the catholic church that i just cannot be a Catholic. The Catholic church thinks they are the only true church and the orthodox feel the same way. To me, scripture, the Bible, is of utmost importance and when a denomination puts the church and its traditions, before Gods word, I just cannot go with that. We see how Jesus always quoted scrioture to prove his point. Gods word which dictates everything we need for faith and doctrine and transforms our hearts with the help of Holy Spirit of course. I could not be a Calvanist or pentecostal either. I am a protestant non denominational and love how my pastor preaches the whole counsel of God "the whole Bible" and my pastor is Jack Hibbs from Calvary Chappel Chino Hills ...i am so thankful for the protestant movement. The fact that the Catholic church and Orthodox church, forbid believers to read the Bible, thats a scary thought for me!!!! Orthodox and Catholics do not like Sola Scriptura because it really puts to question some of their doctrines which were made up by church tradition and not Biblical for instance veneration of Saints and Mary and make Mary equal or above God as some of their writings teach in poems or songs, etc Catholics believe in justification by faith plus works and they quote James when James is making it clear that we shouldnt have empty faith. Our faith will have the fruit that shows we are saved but our works don't save us, Works are the evidence that shows we are saved not that works save us because then it would contradict scripture where Paul specifically says that works do not save us so that no one can boast! Not saying Catholics and orthodox are not saved, but it saddens me that Catholic and Orthodox church are so steeped in legalism. I dont believe in purgatory as thats not Biblical. Orthodox say they dont believe in purgatory but say that after a believer dies, they dont go straight to Jesus presence, they have to go through a 40 day purification process. Have no idea where they get this as Bible and Paul teaches that absent from the body is to be present with the Lord. After having said all this, I still think that it is better we focus more on what unites us that what seperates us. We will do a better job in the universal church of God which universal means catholic but not Roman catholic denomination. The word Xatholic scripture just means universal which means there are many believers who are sealed by the Holy Spirit in the world and not sealed by a denomination or church!!!!
@FunkyKikuchiyo 16 сағат бұрын
At first I was surprised Jimmy answered the question about deacons without mentioning the Amazon synod, but now it seems very smart. He presented the same arguments, but kept it from being overly charged or introducing internal Church drama. He’s so good at keeping the temperature down on this stuff. I wish more of his peers followed his lead!
@feistyhuman3579 16 сағат бұрын
Subscribed. Liked and commenting, because I like to help you grow your Channel. Excellent thoughtful answer.
@ChungGuss 17 сағат бұрын
The most challenging thing for me is the lack of experiences that match the Catholic description of Purgatory for most of the last two millennia.
@libertasinveritas3198 16 сағат бұрын
There are enough experiences! There is a whole church in Italy dedicated to it. Highly recommend reading Hungry Souls: Supernatural Visits, Messages, and Warnings from Purgatory by van den Aardweg
@bman5257 11 сағат бұрын
For St. Thomas Aquinas and many Church Fathers purgatory was seen as a part of hell, the difference being that people passed out of it. Keep in mind one need not believe Purgatory is a physical location, but a state of a person’s soul. So depicting it as a location can be a symbolic visualization.
@bman5257 11 сағат бұрын
“On the contrary, Gregory says [The quotation is from St. Augustine (De Civ. Dei i, 8)]: "Even as in the same fire gold glistens and straw smokes, so in the same fire the sinner burns and the elect is cleansed." Therefore the fire of Purgatory is the same as the fire of hell: and hence they are in the same place.” ST III supp. Appendix II, 1. 2
@ChungGuss 11 сағат бұрын
@@libertasinveritas3198 I’m referring to NDE testimonies. None of them sound like Purgatory, unless we say the small number of hot and hellish ones are Purgatory.
@m.r.b.806 18 сағат бұрын
Did jimmy have an accident or something? I have listened for years and never noticed a slight southern accent/ ending word with “in’” instead of “ing”
@TimSpangler-rd6vs 18 сағат бұрын
swimming my laps at the YMCA about 6; years ago...I died. For TWENTY SEVEN minutes I was blue flat line DEAD. Woke up 3 days later in hospital
@DivineMisterAdVentures 19 сағат бұрын
Microwaves produce "hot spots" in food that "imoliate" that spot, while leaving the rest of the food untouched. Microwaves = Radar. I remember several of these incidents documented in magazines. But I've never seen an ANIMAL case. I also remember intentional animal mutilations, always farm/ranch animals - never seen a game animal mutilation case.
@WayneDrake-uk1gg 19 сағат бұрын
UGH! Another NDE video. Looks like I've gotta set y'all straight on what the afterlife is truly like. Here goes: Dying will be a disorienting experience. But at the same time, much will be familiar. You will relive events from your past in such a way that at times you won't be sure whether you're dreaming and ruminating over them, or actually living them. You probably won't really even know you're dead. There will be happy moments, but also very sad and guilt-ridden moments. But, as you become more and more purified, your "environment" will become more and more pleasant. You will exist in greater and greater love and harmony with those around you, pain and death will slowly fade away. Your environment will essentially become like the Garden of Eden, at which point you are metaphorically "face to face with Christ", and your reality will merge with more and more people into a new Restored Earth. So obvious this is right, right? OF COURSE IT'S NOT RIGHT! If the Blessed Mary ever Virgin and all the angels and saints happened to read this, you would hear thundering down from Heaven in the form of a massive face-palming over how wrong I've got it. If by some miracle there are any mathematicians in Heaven, they would tell you my understanding is so misguided that it's "not even wrong". I'm wrong, you're wrong, everybody's wrong. Even cousin Earl...who got revived by the paramedics after trying to live wire an AC unit on a tin roof in a wrong. Nobody knows what's on the other side, because nobody's actually been there. Just because somebody's heart stopped for a few minutes doesn't mean he caught God off guard
@killianmiller6107 17 сағат бұрын
It’s weird to claim “I’m wrong” as you argue your point that nobody knows what happens after death. I also find your explanation that afterlife is just the body reliving happy and sad experiences to be inadequate to explain certain instances where the dead person discovers something they had no way of knowing in life.
@WayneDrake-uk1gg 17 сағат бұрын
@@killianmiller6107 for one, I never said it was JUST reliving happy/sad experiences. I just said that's probably part of what happens. I also said we probably progress to an Eden-esque reality where we live forever in peace, love, and harmony. But, most importantly, I was quite emphatic that I'm almost certainly WRONG
@kennethstalley351 Күн бұрын
Is one really saved by following the Catholic Religión.?
@edyflak Күн бұрын
@thelonelysponge5029 23 сағат бұрын
By being a follower of Christ in the Catholic religion, yup.
@wms72 22 сағат бұрын
Protestant dogma is religious and scriptural relativism, repeating the sin of Eve: deciding for oneself what's right and wrong, true and false, good and evil. Protestants mistakenly assume Scripture is a comprehensive "do -it - yourself" manual for Christianity. The Bible NEVER says and Jesus NEVER said "ALL true instruction to lead to eternal life is to be found in Holy Scripture." Where does the Bible say this? What New Testament Bible did Peter preach from on the first Pentecost Sunday? The first Gospel, Matthew's, would not be written for 15 years, and the last book would not be written for almost 70 years. Yet St. Stephen and countless others were martyred for the Faith BEFORE the New Testament was written down. They believed, lived and died for the ORAL New Testament, also known as "Divine Tradition." DIVINE TRADITION IS THE ORAL WORD OF GOD JESUS TAUGHT HIS APOSTLES. IT'S NOT LESS THAN THE BIBLE. BOTH MAKE UP THE "DEPOSIT OF FAITH." PROTESTANTS THREW AWAY JESUS'S ORAL DIVINE TRADITION SO THEY *DO NOT HAVE THE FULL GOSPEL* Deuteronomy 4:2 says: "You shall not add to the word of God, ... nor take away from it. " Protestants didn't just throw away Divine oral Tradition but also threw 7 books out of their Bibles. Matthew 4:4 says, "Man does not live by bread alone but by *every word* that comes from the mouth of God." Protestants don't have EVERY WORD, only PART of the written Word, none of the Oral Word. Remember, we're NOT Jews. The Holy Spirit guides the Church hierarchy, not the rabbis. Jesus and His Apostles used and quoted the Septuagint Bible. Protestants use the rabbis' shorter Masoretic text that DID NOT EXIST until almost 100 years AFTER Jesus ascended into Heaven. Remember what Jesus said *TO HIS APOSTLES* in John 16:12,13: "I HAVE MANY MORE THINGS TO SAY TO YOU, BUT YOU CANNOT BEAR THEM NOW. BUT WHEN HE, THE SPIRIT OF TRUTH COMES, HE WILL GUIDE YOU INTO ALL TRUTH...." Truth NOT written in the Bible. The Catholic Church guards Jesus's oral teaching -- called, not tradition of men, but *Divine Tradition* -- which Jesus taught His Apostles, and which the Bible tells us to keep, in 2Thessalonians2:15, 1Corinthians11:2, 2Timothy1:13, 2Timothy2:2 and Titus1:9. Protestants threw away Jesus's oral teaching, violating: Deuteronomy 4:2, "You shall not add to the word.of God ... nor take away from it," Psalm 118:160 says, "The *SUM* of Thy Word is Truth" and Matthew 4:4 "Man does not live by bread alone but by *every word* that comes from the mouth of God. Oral Word of God (Divine Tradition) + Written Word of God (Holy Scripture) = Full Gospel Truth Holy DIVINE Traditions guarded by the Catholic Church are: the 7 Sacraments, especially the various rituals of Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, the correct interpretation of Scripture, especially teachings on Mary's sinlessness, on the intecession of the saints and on Purgatory, use of holy water, relics, blessings, and other sacramentals. These make up the Full Gospel. Only the Catholic Church HAS the Full Gospel of Jesus Christ. Jesus may say to protestants who DENY His oral Word of God, "Depart from Me. I never knew you."
@Alyss840 20 сағат бұрын
Catholics say it's them, Orthodox say it's them, Muslims say it's😂😂😂😂
@TimSpangler-rd6vs 18 сағат бұрын
@@thelonelysponge5029 Do ;you have eternal life...or just allegiance to folks in Rome?
@IosuamacaMhadaidh Күн бұрын
So what's God going to do about all the people who weren't buried but cremated due to financial difficulties? Also, do you think the fact cremation is much cheaper than burial is a satanic conspiracy, or just plain capitalism?
@annezadra7871 Күн бұрын
Jimmy, it’s just too much too soon! I can’t deal with the sudden southern accent. I’ll try to be understanding but to me it just destroys your stellar factual reputation.
@atrifle8364 23 сағат бұрын
There's nothing wrong with his accent. It's what he says that makes him intelligent. If the judgement of his intelligence is resting on his accent, then it's not a judgement of his intelligence. Also, it's more Midwest/Texas country than Southern.
@georgeryan3796 19 сағат бұрын
That's an incredibly rude thing to write.
@TimSpangler-rd6vs 18 сағат бұрын
@@georgeryan3796 Why?
@leoashura8086 18 сағат бұрын
A Southern accent is epic, what you on about man?
@Greenie-43x 14 сағат бұрын
Give it a week or two. You might adapt to it like I did.
@wmde Күн бұрын
i am renting a Pixar render farm to convert Happy Tree Friends into real Gore using AI
@seanmalone6487 Күн бұрын
*SPOILER ALERT* Wait... what?!? I find it hard to accept that such a man of faith as Jimmy Akin would prefer a boy having superpowers over a spiritual explanation. How could such a conclusion as the boy somehow telekinetically affecting his environment so severely through entirely ordinary adolescent emotions not be immediately dismissed as the desperate graspings of naturalists to explain obviously supernatural phenomena? Is this Akin wishfully blending reality with comic books? I completely understand Akin's aversion to "it's always demons" on account of the very real damage to our faith's image that kind of thinking has done, but Akin is really stretching here. Telekinesis?? In the real world? Really? If anything, it is well known in Christianity that people can open doors to demons and "give the devil a foothold." Instead of going with the naturalists, who are spiritually dead in their unbelief, Akin instead should have considered the possibility that the boy's emotions opened a door to the demonic, and since it was the boy's emotions that let them in they terrorized the house along those lines. I have utmost respect for Akin but I would like to know how telekinesis is at all compatible with the tradition and wisdom of the Church.
@revelation1215 Күн бұрын
We can trust the church to steer us to all truth. We do not need to go chasing after phenomena that may or may not be coming from the demonic in order to create doubt in our minds about God, the afterlife and things that may make us question what the church teaches. And then there are those like Theresa Caputo who claims to be a practicing Catholic and speaks to the dead. Never in her so called messages are we told to hold fast to the teachings of the church. Sorry Jimmy I think you are doing a disservice to the church by these pursuits.
@logofreetv Күн бұрын
I’m amazed how many people find this video convincing. It’s Jimmy that doesn’t understand. The need is to have peace with a perfect holy God with the work done entirely by Him, not with reference to a cyclical human system that ultimately has fear woven into it. And for the gallery in the comments, deflecting to how you can know you’re one of God’s elect is not confronting the comparison, it’s evasion. The issue James highlights is really simple - is your peace with God reliant on HIS work entirely, or with some level of fallible human work mixed in where you can never know for sure if it was perfect to meet God’s standards? It’s obvious what’s better.
@heidiaraneta1660 Күн бұрын
Roman Catholic Church against all denominations, but still Roman Catholic Church stays stronger as many protestants contradicts its the more that more people who are watching and listening to this site are becoming Catholics, i am from the Philippines and thanks Mr. Akin for your very cool conversation with White 😊 keep the faith alive,Mabuhay ang RRC!
@springerchop Күн бұрын
Is smoking a pipe a disordered attachment? Cigarettes were for me.
@adamnowak926 Күн бұрын
@ryansteve2893 Күн бұрын
This guy is a fed.
@thankfully1202 Күн бұрын
James spoke and wrote against plagiarism in their day. The women (Marion Davis and Fanny Bolton) who worked for Ellen had major problems with her not giving credit to the true author. The worst thing is that she says it comes from God and the is how people get stuck in that cult.
@thankfully1202 Күн бұрын
The "planet" vision was cooked up by James and Ellen to get Bates to believe in her visions and support the cause with his money, there is proof of these type things from the beginning and after James died, she no longer had "visions" in front of people
@thankfully1202 Күн бұрын
She got the "amalgamation" from the apocrypha
@thankfully1202 Күн бұрын
She said she was against phrenology but took her children to get it done and said the results were accurate.
@thankfully1202 Күн бұрын
How many prophecies can a person get wrong and still be held as legitimate?
@thankfully1202 Күн бұрын
The conference leaders came up with the conditional prophecy idea to cover of "worms" but it is not a conditional prophecy. She didn't tell those people to repent or.... the results were blamed on future SDAs.
@thankfully1202 Күн бұрын
Evidently you have not really even researched what happened on 911, you are just parroting what the gov. says happened, but the evidence is quite clear against that.